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States Minutes 24th April 1990

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STATES MINUTES 2 4 t h A pril, 1990 P r ic e : # 2 .0 0

 THE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 24th April, 1990 at 9.30 a.m. under

 t he Presidency of the Bailiff ,

S i r Peter Crill, C.B.E.

_ _ _ _ _ _______

All Members were present with the exception of -

S enator John Stephen Rothwell - out of t he Island.

S nowdon George Robins, Connétable of S t. Saviour - ill.

 R ichard Winter Le Sauteur, Connétable

o f Grouville - absent.

T erence Augustine Le Sueur, Deputy of S t. Helier - out of the Island.

H enry George Coutanche, Deputy of St. L awrence - ill.

_ _ _ _ _ _______

P r a y e rs  

_ _ _ _ _ _______

Deputy J. Roche of St. Saviour - welcome

The Bailiff , on behalf of Members of

the States, welcomed Deputy Jack Roche of St. Saviour on his return to the States

after his recent operation.

Subordinate legislation tabled

The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -

 1 .  Decimal Currency (Calling in of F i v e Pence Coins) (Jersey) Order 1 9 9 0. R & O 8047.

2 .  Collective Investment Funds

( R e cognized Funds) (General

P r o visions) (Amendment No. 4)

( J er sey) Order 1990. R & O 8048.

 3 .  Italian Food Fair (Jersey) Order 1 9 9 0. R & O 8049.

 4 .  Jersey Fair (Jersey) Order 1990. R & O 8050.

 5 .  Road Traffic (Public Parking

P l a ces) (Amendment No. 15)

( J er sey) Order 1990. R & O 8051.

Agricultural Statistics for 1989

The Agriculture and Fisheries Committee by Act dated 5th April, 1990, presented to the States a report on the Agricultural Statistics for 1989.

THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.

Annual report and accounts of the States for 1989

The Finance and Economics Committee by Act dated 2nd April, 1990, and in pursuance of Article 21(3) of the Public Finances (Administration) (Jersey) Law 1967, as amended, presented to the States the Annual report and accounts of the States for the financial year ended 31st December, 1989.

THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.

States' Members: payment (P.132/89) - report. P.52/90

The House Committee by Act dated

21st March, 1990, presented to the States a report on the payment of States' Members as proposed in P.132/89.

THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.

Industrial Relations Advisory Service: report for 1989. R.C.11

The Industrial Relations Committee

by Act dated 6th April, 1990, presented to the States a report of the Industrial Relations Advisory Service for 1989.

THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.

Jersey Women's Refuge: report and accounts for 1989. R.C.12

The Defence Committee by Act dated 12th April, 1990, presented to the States the report and accounts of the Jersey Women's Refuge for 1989.

THE STATES ordered that the said report and accounts be printed and distributed.

Welfare benefits: revised rates from 1st May, 1990. R.C.13

The Finance and Economics Committee by Act dated 17th April, 1990, presented to the States the rates of welfare benefit for dependent relatives under the age of 15 years effective from 1st May, 1990.

Matters noted - land transactions

THE STATES noted Acts of the Finance

and Economics Committee dated 2nd and 17th April, 1990, showing that in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved -

 ( a) as recommended by the

E d u cation Committee, the granting t o M r. Michel Bernard Serge

T h é bault, and Mrs. Jean Ann

T h é bault, née Boizard, of

R o c quemont, Mont Cantel, St.

H  el ier, of a contract servitude,

i n perpetuity, for a nominal sum

o f # 10 plus the payment of all

l e ga l fees;

 ( b) as recommended by the

H  o using Committee, the granting to T h e Jersey Electricity Company L i m ited of a contract servitude,

i n p erpetuity, for high tension

c a b les at Field 77, Gorey, with

e a c h party being responsible for

t h e payment of its own legal fees;

 ( c) as recommended by the

H  o using Committee the granting to M  r . Robin Charles Hacquoil of a

s e rv itude to enable him to connect h i s property Military House, to

t h e main drainage system across

t h e site of St. Peter 's Arsenal

h o u sing estate pumping station,

f o r a nominal consideration of #10 a n d the payment of all legal fees;

 ( d) as recommended by the Public

S e r vices Committee, the purchase f ro m Mrs. Ivy Mary Querée, née

S a u vey, of 740 square feet of land a t F ield 926, Rue de la Trape, St. O  u en, required for road

i m p rovement purposes, for a

c o n sideration of #740, with the

C o m mittee being responsible for a c c ommodation works including a c c ess to the field, and the

p a y ment of all legal fees;

 ( e) as recommended by the

H o using Committee, and with the s u p port of the Island Development C o m mittee, the purchase from Mr. G eo rge Ellis of Nos. 25-27, St.

J a m es Street, St. Helier, required

f o r housing purposes, for a

c o n sideration of #150,000 with

e a c h side being responsible for

t h e payment of its own legal fees;

 ( f) as recommended by the

E s t ablishment Committee, the

l e as ing from Miss Josephine

D  o rothy Hamon of a fully furnished

o n e -bedroomed flat at Newlands, La

H  au le Hill, St. Brelade , for a

p e r iod of two years, commencing

3 1 s t March, 1990, at an annual

r e n t of #6,760, required for

o c c upation by an essential

e m p loyee appointed on a five year

c o n tract;

( g) as recommended by the

E s t ablishment Committee, the

l e as ing from Mrs. Monica

B i l lot Cotillard, née Le Quesne,

o f a two-bedroomed unfurnished

f la t known as The Flat,

L ' H ermitage Farm, Les Varines, St. S a v iour, for a period of three

y e a rs commencing 23rd April, 1990, a t a n annual rent of #5,200,

i n cr eased by the Jersey Cost of

L i v ing Index between March 1988

a n d March 1990, required for

o c c upation by an essential

e m p loyee appointed on a three year c o n tract;

 ( h) as recommended by the Public

H  ea lth Committee, the leasing from C a p tain William Alex Anderton of a f u rn ished studio flat at 44,

M  a rina Court, Esplanade, St.

H  el ier, for a period of one year

c o m mencing 30th March, 1990, at an a n n ual rent of #3,364 (including

s e rv ice charge) with the option to

r e n ew for two further years with

t h e annual rent reviews in line

w  it h the Jersey cost of living

i n d ex, required for occupation by

s ta f f employed by the Committee;

 ( i) as recommended by the Public

H  ea lth Committee, the leasing from

A  d vocate Robert George Day and

M  r s. June Day, née Le Sueur, of

L e s Hirondelles, 4 Rue de l'Est,

S t . Helier, a four bedroomed

b u n galow, for a period of two

y e a rs commencing 23rd March, 1990, a t a n annual rent of #9,000, with

a r e nt review at the end of the

f ir s t year of the lease, required

f o r occupation by staff employed

b y the Committee;

 ( j) as recommended by the Public

H  ea lth Committee, the leasing from M  r . Donald Ernest Brook Duckworth a n d Mrs. Siobain Nicolette

D  u ckworth, née Wade, of the

p r o perty 5 Clos de la Baule,

G  ro uville, an unfurnished three

b e d roomed property, for a period

o f f ive years, commencing 1st

A  p ril, 1990, at an annual rent of

# 9 , 624 with  annual rent reviews

i n l ine with the Jersey Cost of

L i v ing Index, required for

o c c upation by staff employed by t h e Committee;

 ( k) as recommended by the Public

H  ea lth Committee, the leasing from M  r s. Joan Annie Perrée, née Swift,

o f F lat 3, 73 Rouge Bouillon, St.

H  el ier, a two-bedroomed furnished f la t , for a period of one year

c o m mencing 1st April, 1990, at an a n n ual rent of #4,940, required

f o r occupation by staff employed

b y the Committee;

 ( l) as recommended by the Public

S e r vices Committee, the granting t o J ersey Cable Limited of a

w  ay leave, free of charge, to lay

d u c ts to carry a cable to Elysée

E s t ate across Grands Vaux surface w ater culvert, subject to the

c o m pany being responsible for the c o s t of reinstatement works and

t h e payment of all legal fees;

 ( m) as recommended by the Public

S e r vices Committee, the purchase

f ro m Mr. Giles Arnold Trollope,

M  r . Nicholas Clifford Trollope,

M  r s. Anna Theresa Maidon, née

T r o llope, Mrs. Pamela Taylor , née

T r u mp, Mrs. Deliah Marian Baker,

n é e Taylor and Miss Audrey Gruchy T a y lor of 1,550 square feet of

l a nd situated at La Route des

G  en ets, St. Brelade , required for

a f o otpath, for a consideration of

# 1 , 550, plus an ex-gratia sum of

# 5 5 8 in view of the delay in

s e tt ling the matter, and the

p a y ment of legal fees;

( T h e legal fees are #325)

 ( n) as recommended by the Public

S e r vices Committee, the cession,

f re e of charge, from Les Chenes

H  o ldings Limited of 640 square

f e et of land situated at La Route

d e s Genets, St. Brelade , required

f o r a footpath, with the Committee b e in g responsible for the cost of

a c c ommodation works and the

p a y ment of all legal fees;

( T h e cost of accommodation works i s e stimated at #41,500 including t h e cost of constructing a

r e p lacement granite wall)

 ( o) as recommended by the

I s la nd Development Committee, the l e as e to Mr. Vernon Stuart Pallot

o f 3 .30 vergées of land forming

p a r t of Field 724, Le Pré de la

R e i ne, Grouville , for a period of

t h re e years commencing 25th

D  ec ember, 1989, at an annual rent

o f # 121.87, together with the

r ig h t of access over additional

l a nd free of charge;

( T h e rate is #32.50 a vergée and

t h e extent of usable grazing land

h a s been reduced)

 ( p) as recommended by the

H  o using Committee, with the

s u p port of the Island Development C o m mittee, the purchase from Mr. S e a n Richard Peters and Mrs. Anne P e t ers, née Flambard, of 2a, St.

C l e ment's Road, St. Clement , for a c o n sideration of #100,000, with

e a c h side being responsible for

t h e payment of their legal fees;

 ( q) as recommended by the

H  o using Committee, the granting to T h e Jersey Electricity Company

L i m ited of a right of access over

L e Squez Estate to reach Field 18,

   S t. Clement, and the sub-station

a n d section pillar thereon, with

e a c h side being responsible for

t h e payment of its own legal fees;

 ( r) as recommended by the

H  o using Committee, the granting of a w  ayleave to The Jersey

E l e ctricity Company Limited to lay c a b les through Le Squez Estate to

s e rv e Field 18, St. Clement, for a

p e r iod of 99 years at 10p a year

p a y able in one sum in advance,

w  it h each side being responsible

f o r their own legal fees;

 ( s) as recommended by the Harbours a n d Airport Committee, the leasing t o S ervisair Limited of Freight

B a y s 4 and 5 (Lettings B115 and

B 1 1 6), Jersey Airport, measuring

2 , 8 80 square feet, from 1st April,

1 9 9 0 to 31st December, 1991, at an a n n ual rent of #8,640.

( T h is represents a rate of #3 a

s q u are foot).

Matter noted - financial transaction

THE STATES noted an Act of the

Finance and Economics Committee dated 17th April, 1990, showing that in pursuance of Rule 5 of the Public Finances (General) (Jersey) Rules 1967, as amended, the Committee had noted that the Defence Committee had accepted the lowest of five tenders, namely that submitted by A.C. Mauger and Son (Sunwin) Limited in the sum of #458,393 in a contract period of 38

weeks for the construction of a garage extension and offices with lift at Police Headquarters, Rouge Bouillon, St. Helier .

Matters lodged

The following subjects were lodged au Greffe'' -

 1 .  Draft Shell-Fish (Underwater

F i s hing) (Amendment) (Jersey) R e g ulations 199 . P.51/90.

P r e sented by the Agriculture and F i s heries Committee.

 2 .  Draft Emergency Powers and P l a nning (Jersey) Law 199 .

P . 5 3/90.

P r e sented by the Defence

C o m mittee.

 3 .  Field 77, Gorey: approval of D  ra wings. P.54/90.

P r e sented by the Housing

C o m mittee.

 4 .  Les Vaux Trust Housing

A  ss ociation: grant of loan.

P . 5 5/90.

P r e sented by the Finance and E c o nomics Committee.

 5 .  Maintenance payments: legislation. P . 5 6/90.

P r e sented by Deputy Shirley

M  a rgaret Baudains of St. Helier .  6 .  Swimming pool at Les Quennevais. P . 5 7/90.

P r e sented by the Education

C o m mittee.

The following subjects were lodged on 10th April, 1990 -

 1 .  Draft  Westaway  Trust (Amendment N  o . 3) (Jersey)  Law

1 9 9 . P.47/90.

P r e sented by the Education

C o m mittee.

 2 .  Draft Police Court (Miscellaneous P r o visions) (Amendment No. 4)

( J er sey) Law 199 . P.48/90.

P r e sented by the Legislation

C o m mittee.

 3 .  Kent  Lodge,  21  Clarendon  Road, S t. Helier:  compulsory

p u rc hase.  P.49/50.

P r e sented by the Housing

C o m mittee.

 4 .  Draft Pilotage (General

P r o visions) (Amendment) (Jersey) R e g ulations 199 . P.50/90.

P r e sented by the Harbours and

A  ir port Committee.

Arrangement of Public Business at this Sitting

THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe should be considered at the present Sitting -

D raft Police Court (Miscellaneous

P rovisions) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) L aw 199 . P.48/90.

L odged: 10th April, 1990.

L egislation Committee.

D raft Pilotage

( General Provisions) (Amendment) ( Jersey) Regulations 199 . P.50/90 L odged: 10th April, 1990.

H arbours and

A irport Committee.

Arrangement of Public Business for next Sitting on 8th May, 1990

THE STATES, having decided to sit in the morning only on 8th May, 1990, confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe should be considered at that Sitting -

D raft Westaway Trust (Amendment No. 3) ( Jersey) Law 199 . P.47/90.

L odged: 10th April, 1990.

E ducation Committee.

D raft Shell-Fish (Underwater F ishing) (Amendment) (Jersey) R egulations 199 . P.51/90.

A griculture and

F isheries Committee.

D raft Emergency Powers

a nd Planning (Jersey) Law 199 . P .53/90.

D efence Committee.

F ield 77, Gorey: approval of D rawings. P.54/90.

H ousing Committee.

and that the draft Emergency Powers and Planning (Jersey) Law 199  be taken into consideration as the first of those items.

Date of Sitting changed from 22nd May to 29th May, 1990

THE STATES, after discussion,

decided to sit on 29th May instead of 22nd May when the Lieutenant Governor Designate was due to arrive in the Island.

Waterfront planning project. Question and answer

Deputy Cynthia Miriam Rumboll of St. Helier asked the Connétable of St. John, President of the Island Development Committee, the following question -

  In a statement to the House on 7th

 F ebruary, 1988, the President of the

 I sland Development Committee referred  t o the estimated time allowed for each

of the three distinct phases of the W aterfront planning project as

f ollows -

( a) preparation of brief - three m o nths

 ( b) selection of consultant - three m  o nths

( c) preparation of plan - six months.

O n Tuesday, 23rd January, 1989 the

S tates adopted Proposition 151 which n oted the planning brief for the St.

H elier waterfront area. As three

m onths have now elapsed, and stage (b) s hould be nearing completion, would

t he President inform the House of the

p rogress of the selection procedure,

a nd when he expects to announce the

n ame of the chosen consultants?''

The President of the Island Development Committee replied as follows -

  Before advising the House of the

 p rogress which the Island Development  C ommittee has made in selecting a

 c onsultant for the St. Helier

 w aterfront area, I would like to

 c orrect what appears to be a typing

 e rror in Deputy Rumboll's question.

 T he statement I made to the House was

o n 7th February, 1989 and not 7th

 F ebruary, 1988 and the States adopted  P rojet 151 on 23rd January, 1990, not

 2 3rd January, 1989.

B efore the debate took place officers

o f the Committee undertook preparatory w ork for the insertion of

a dvertisements in the international

a rchitectural press. On 6th December,

1 989, a letter was sent to the

A rchitectural Association headquarters

o f 15 countries covering western

E urope, Scandinavia, the British

I sles, Ireland, Spain and Portugal.

O nce the States had approved Projet

1 51 it was intended to place

a dvertisements in the architectural

p ress of these countries. Only five

a ssociations replied to the letter. By

e arly January it was clear that this

a pproach was not going to bring about

t he desired result; that is, of

a dvertising the consultancy

o pportunity as widely and as soon as p ossible.

I t was decided to overcome these

d ifficulties by the appointment of an

a dvertising consultant who would have a ccess to various publishing agencies. O n 19th January, 1990, a meeting took p lace between one of my officers and a r epresentative of Walker s Advertising A ssociates Limited to determine if

t hey were able to act on the

C ommittee's behalf. It was explained b y them that, before any advertisement c ould be placed, the publishing

a gencies would have to be contacted. A lso a copy date for such

a rchitectural magazines could in some c ases be between six to eight weeks

p rior to publication.

O n 24th January, 1990, the day after

t he States adopted Projet 151 Walker s A dvertising Associates were appointed. T hey acted as quickly as possible and

s ubmitted a list of architectural

p ublications on 2nd March, 1990,

t ogether with a list of their copy

t imes prior to publication.

I nstructions to place advertisements

i n the seven most appropriate journals w ere issued on 8th March, 1990. The

f irst advertisement will appear in

A pril and the remainder during May.

T he start of this phase of the

p rogramme has been delayed by three m onths as a direct result of the

i nitial problems associated with the

f irst attempts to contact the various

j ournals.

T he new programme is as follows - M a y 1990

A  d vertise for expressions of i n te rest and contact those

p ractices who have already d e c lared an interest.

J u n e/early July 1990

S e l ect long list of about 12

p r a ctices who will be asked to p r o vide examples of their work.

J u ly /August 1990

S e l ect short list of about three

p r a ctices who will be asked to

d e m onstrate their approach to the s tu d y.

A  u gust 1990

I n te rview short listed practices,

s e le ct consultant and make formal a n n ouncement.

I t is hoped that all those involved

w ill be able to conform to this

t imetable in order that formal

c ommencement of the study can take p lace in September 1990.

I cannot conclude my reply to the

D eputy's question without commenting

o n the article which appeared in the

J ersey Evening Post on Thursday, 19th A pril, 1990. The article stated that

t hree months after the debate no

p rogress had been made. In addition it w as suggested that the fact that

a dvertisements were now to be placed

i n May was as a direct result of the

q uestion. Little could be further from

t he truth! The advertising programme

h ad been well established long before

t he question was asked. This has been

c learly shown by the events which I

h ave outlined. This information would h ave been freely made available to

D eputy Rumboll by either myself or one

o f my officers, if she had only asked

m e.''

S upplementary questions and answers

D eputy C. Rumboll - I accept that

t he President of the Island

D evelopment Committee had started work

o n this project by January 1990.

H owever, I question and I ask the

P resident how it comes that it can

t ake his officers three months, or two

m onths at any rate, to find a

s election of journals into which this

a dvertisement ought to go when I was

a ble to find out the same information

w ithin seven minutes and two telephone c alls and I ask the President the

q uestion as to whether he feels that

t he impetus in his department is what

i t should be and whether his

d epartment is taking the wishes of the S tates as seriously as they ought to

b e?''

P resident, Island Development Commi t tee - I answer Deputy Rumboll's

q uestion in the form that we are not

s o lucky in my department as to have

m embers of the quality of Deputy

R umboll who know all the ways to

a chieve things. Our officers have

w orked extremely hard and if Deputy

R umboll would like to come to the

P lanning Office, I had hoped to have

i t here, I could show her a file which

i s that thick of work that has been

u ndertaken with relation to this and I

a m satisfied that my officers have

d one an acceptable job. The fact that

D eputy Rumboll was able to do this

m uch quicker shows the quality that

s he has.''

D eputy C. Rumboll - Could the

P resident let the House know whether

t he short list and the selection from

t he short list is an Island

D evelopment Committee decision or

w hether they are taking in any advice

f rom people like Mr. William Whitfield w ho were on the original Waterfront

A dvisory Group?''

P resident, Island Development Commi t tee - Mr. William Whitfield is our

c onsultant and he will be advising my

C ommittee at all times?''

S enator B. Brooke - I wonder whether h is officers got on to the

A rchitectural Association

h eadquarters in London, the secretary

o f which is the Jerseyman, Mr. Edouard L e Maistre, and whether he was able to a ssist in any way, that would interest

m e?''

P resident,  Island

D evelopment Committee - I would h ave to have notice to give an

a ccurate answer.''

Sodomy legislation. Statement

The President of the Legislation

Committee made a statement in the following terms -

  A delegation, comprising the

 B ailiff, myself, Senator Jeune , the

 A ttorney General and the Greffier, met

 a t our request the Rt. Hon. John

 P atten, Minister of State at the Home

 O ffice on Thursday 19th April, to

 d iscuss the implications for Jersey of

 t he judgment of the European Court of

 H uman Rights that a law which makes

 h omosexual practices in private

 b etween two consenting adults illegal,

 w as in breach of the European

 C onvention on Human Rights.  Very full  a nd frank discussions took place from

 w hich it has become clear that the

 C onvention contains no provisions

 w hich permit of any departure from

 t hat judgment.

T he Minister explained that that

j udgment was binding on Her Majesty's G overnment in the United Kingdom as a s ignatory to the Convention and that

H er Majesty's Government had already t aken steps to bring the law in

N orthern Ireland into line with that

i n the rest of the United Kingdom

w hich was in conformity with the

j udgment.

T he Minister reminded the delegation

t hat the Convention had been extended

t o Jersey at the request of the

i nsular authorities and it was the

r esponsibility of Her Majesty's

G overnment to fulfill its

i nternational obligations by ensuring

t hat Jersey law was not in breach of

t he Convention. He said that the

c ustomary law in Jersey regarding

s odomy was in breach of the Convention a nd that it was therefore imperative

t hat the law was changed and he hoped

t hat the Island would legislate

a ccordingly. He made it clear that, if

t he Island did not, then in order to

f ulfill its international obligations,

t he United Kingdom reluctantly would h ave no option but to legislate itself

i n this matter.

T he Minister assured the delegation

t hat Her Majesty's Government were w holly sympathetic to the Island's

c onstitutional position which was not i n question. He explained that the

I sland was in an identical position to t he United Kingdom in that Her

M ajesty's Government had on several

o ccasions amended United Kingdom l egislation to comply with European C ourt rulings.

T he Legislation Committee has given

v ery careful consideration to the

v iews expressed by the Minister of

S tate. The position is now very clear.

T he customary law of the Island

r elating to sodomy is in breach of the

C onvention. The Committee has been

a ssured that there is no way short of

l egislation which can remedy that

b reach. Therefore, in order to ensure

t hat effect is given to an

i nternational obligation contracted on

b ehalf of the Island, the Island's law

h as to be changed. The Royal

C ommission on the Relationships

b etween the United Kingdom and the

C hannel Islands, which reported in

1 973, stated that so long as the

U nited Kingdom remains responsible for t he international relations of the

I sland it must have powers in the last

r esort to secure compliance in the

I sland with international agreements'.

T hat statement was accepted by the

S tates and is incontrovertible.

T he Committee believes very firmly

t hat it is vitally important that the

I sland should be recognised in the

i nternational community as a territory w hich is prepared and responsible

e nough to meet its international

o bligations even if this does arouse

s ome public indignation at the time. T he Committee will, therefore, be

i ntroducing within the next few weeks a Bill designed to decriminalise the

a ct of sodomy in private between

c onsenting male adults.

M ay I conclude by emphasising that

t here is no constitutional crisis and

n ever has been over this matter. The

C ommittee required to be satisfied, as

t he States would expect, that the

I sland's law was in breach of an

i nternational obligation. It is now so

s atisfied. That breach must therefore

b e remedied. It can only be remedied

b y legislation which can be enacted

e ither by the States or by the United

K ingdom. The Committee has no doubt t hat the States will wish to enact the

a ppropriate legislation.''

Supplementary and Additional Votes of Credit

THE STATES considered an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 17th April, 1990, presenting Acts of the undermentioned Committees and, acceding to the requests contained therein, granted to

the said Committees supplementary (S) and additional (A) votes of credit out of the general reserve as follows -

  S A  

# #  

 Finance and Economics Committee

C rown Officers Department 0 311 Staff 4 , 9 0 0

P robation Service

0 356 Maintenance of persons i n h o s tels, hospitals and

s p e c ia l schools 6 0 , 000

S tates' Greffe - Printing Section 0 402 Premises 7 ,0 00

C ommercial Relations Department 0 431 Staff 2 , 4 0 0

0 432 Premises 2 ,1 00

N on-departmental expenditure

0 647 Grant to Jersey Lifeboat

A  p p ea l 2 8 4 , 0 0 0

Total request  #360,400 76,400 284,00 0

S A  

# #  

Defence Committee

P olice

1 201 Staff 1 2 8 ,400

1 202 Premises  1 , 300

1 203 Supplies and services 26,400 1 205 Establishment 1 1 , 7 00

F ire Service

1 302 Premises 5 ,7 00

M otor Traffic Office

1 129 JMT pensioners' grant 19,200

T o ta l r equest 192,700  Public Services Committee

C oast protection

2 021 Staff 6 0 ,0 00

2 023 Supplies and services  640,000

T o ta l r equest 700,000  Education Committee

P rimary education non-fee

p aying

  2502 Non-teaching staff 1 5,000 3 040 Grants to private schools 127, 0 0 0

T o ta l r equest 142,000

  S A  

# #  

 Public Health Committee

C ommunity Health Services 3 201 Staff 4 , 6 0 0

G rants

3 219A  Les Amis 5 0 ,0 0 0 G eneral and Acute Services 3 221 Staff 2 3 7 ,700

3 222 Premises 3 00,000

S t. Saviour's Hospital

3 241 Staff 1 3 6 ,900

C are of the Elderly

3 251 Staff 1 1 7 ,400

A mbulance Service and Transport 3 261 Staff 3 9 ,4 0 0

Total request  #886,000 836,000 50,00 0

Agriculture and Fisheries Committee

H oward Davis Farm

4 101 Staff 3 7 ,9 00

S ubsidies and Grants

4 140 Advertising, market r e se a r ch, and

f in a n c ial

a s s is ta nce for the

i m p r o vement of

p r o d u cer/co-operative m  a rk e ting 7 4 ,700

T o ta l r equest 112,600

S A  

# #  

 Cottage Homes Committee 4 901 Staff 1 , 1 00

 Establishment Committee

S tates Personnel Department P ersonnel and Organisation D ivisions

5 106 States' training scheme 40,100 5 107 Staff development and

t ra i n in g 2 4 ,500

5 115 Performance review and

a p p r a isal 1 3 0 ,0 0 0

5 116 Voluntary severance

p a y m  ents 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 Total request  #394,600 64,600 330,00 0

Housing Committee

P rivate sector rent rebate

sc heme

5 421 Staff 4 8 ,0 00

5 425 Establishment 3 ,0 0 0 5 427 Private sector rent

r e b a te   2 ,6 00,000

T o ta l r equest 2,651,000

 Fort Regent Development Committee

M ain complex

5742 Premises 2 00,000

S A  

# #  



C 0155  Police Headquarters b u i ld i ng 1 0 5 ,0 0 0

Public Services Committee

C 0452  Sewer extensions 3 1 0,000 C 0453  Surface water drainage  40,000 C 0473  Solid waste treatment  305,000

T o ta l r equest 655,000  Education Committee

C 0506  Teachers/caretakers

a c c o m modation 1 6 1 ,000 C 2524  Teachers/caretakers

a c c o m modation 6 9 , 0 00 C 2527  Primary school

i m p r o vements -

S t . M  artin 2 ,000

C 2528  Primary school

i m p r o vements -

P l a t D ouet 8 ,000

C 2532  Furniture for mid-day

s u p e rv ision 1 0 0 ,0 00

Total request  #340,000 240,000 100,0 00

S A  

# #  

Public Health Committee

C 2765  Maternity hospital

d e v e lo pment 9 5 0 ,0 00

C 2712  The Limes development 86,000 C 2725  General Hospital Phase

I II  - w ard upgrading 579,000

C 2732 Ambulance Station -

r a d io system 2 0 ,0 0 0

 Total request  #1,635,000 685,000 950,0 00

Agriculture and Fisheries Committee

C 0714 Glasshouse Howard D av i s Farm 9 ,000

T he total requests granted for the A pril Supply Day amounted to

# 8,384,400.

Airport freight terminal building: lease of accommodation

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Harbours and Airport Committee -

 ( a) referred to their Act of 28th

J a n uary, 1987 and annulled the l e as e to Servisair Limited of

o f fi ce and cargo warehouse

a c c ommodation in the Airport f re i ght terminal building;

 ( b) approved the lease to Channel

E x press (Air Services) Limited of

o f fi ce and cargo warehouse

a c c ommodation in the Airport

f re i ght terminal building for a p e r iod of three years, effective f ro m 1st April, 1990, at an

i n it ial annual rent of #19,335 w  it h a rent review each year

l in k ed to the Jersey cost of

l iv i ng index;

 ( c) authorised the Greffier of the S t a tes to sign the necessary

a g r eement with the company;

 ( d) authorised the Treasurer of the S t a tes to receive the rent as it

b e c omes due.

Field 15, Mont à la Brune, St. Brelade : transfer of administration

THE STATES, adopting a proposition

of the Harbours and Airport Committee, agreed to transfer the administration of Field 15, Mont à la Brune, St. Brelade ,

from the Harbours and Airport Committee to the Public Services Committee.

Day care centre, Gorey Village. P.38/90

THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of the Public Health Committee -

 ( a) approved in principle the building

o f a day care centre for elderly

p e o ple on Field 77, Le Chemin des M  a ltières, Gorey, as outlined in

t h e Public Health Committee's

r e p ort dated 21st February, 1990;

 ( b) agreed to transfer #650,000 from t h e Housing Committee capital

b u i lding vote (C.1103) to the

P u b lic Health Committee.

Maternity Hospital premises: conversion. P.39/90

THE STATES, adopting a Proposition

of the Public Health Committee, approved in principle the conversion of the former maternity hospital to clinic and office accommodation for the Public Health Department, the Family Nursing Services, the Jersey Home Helps Society and Jersey

Hospice Care, as outlined in the Public Health Committee's report dated 21st February, 1990.

Incinerator for hospital waste and animal carcasses. P.40/90

THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of the Public Services Committee -

 ( a) referred to their Act of 6th June, 1 9 8 9, approving in principle the a c q uisition of equipment and the u n d ertaking of improvements to p l an t performance in the area of s o li d waste treatment;

 ( b) approved, subject to the granting

o f t he necessary vote of credit in

t h e sum of #305,000 at the April

S u p ply Day, the construction of an

i n ci nerator capable of handling

h o s pital waste, pet carcasses and

w  as te meat products and which

w  o uld conform to United Kingdom

a nd European Economic Community p r a ctices regarding pollution.

States' capital programme for 1991. P.41/90

THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of the Policy and Resources Committee -

 ( a) agreed that the States' capital p r o gramme for 1991 should

c o m prise -

B u i lding work # 1 8 ,510,000 C i v il engineering # 14,250,000

L a n d, equipment and services #32,8 5 5 , 000

# 6 5 ,6 1 5 , 0 0 0    

 ( b) agreed the recommended list of c a p ital projects for 1991 as set

o u t in the report, dated March 1 9 9 0, of the Policy and Resources C o m mittee.

Act with regard to provision of

minimum income for elected Members of the States. P.42/90

THE STATES resolved as follows -

1 . In the Act dated 28th April

 1 981, with regard to the provision of

 a minimum income for elected Members

o f the States, as amended, after

 p aragraph 2 there shall be inserted

t he following new paragraph -

2 A . The amounts of total

i n co me (excluding payments

r e ce ived under paragraph 1 of this A  ct ) set forth in paragraph 2 of

t h is Act shall be increased on the

f ir s t day of January in every year

c o m mencing with the year 1989 by t h e percentage figure halfway

b e tw een the percentage rise in the J e rs ey Cost of Living Index and

t h e percentage rise in the Jersey

W  a ges Index during the twelve

m  o nths ending June of the

p r e ceding year.''.

2 . This Act shall be deemed to

 h ave come into force on the first day

o f January 1989.

Green zone: agricultural storage buildings. P.44/90

THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of the Island Development Committee, authorised that Committee to grant development permission for agricultural storage buildings on two separate sites located in the green zone at -

F ields 233 and 234, Beaulieu, La Verte Charrière, Val de la Mare, St. Peter

( Drawing No. 252/1 refers);

F ield 1108, Les Houges, La Rue d es Hougues, St. Ouen (Drawing N o. 253/1 refers).

Fort Regent ten pin bowling centre: lease. P.45/90

THE STATES, adopting a Proposition

of the Fort Regent Development Committee, authorised -

 ( a) the Committee to grant to Fort

R e g ent Megabowl (Jersey) Limited A  ll ied a lease for a period of 21

y e a rs at a commencing guaranteed r e n t of #30,000 a year or a share

o f g ross turnover based on 7.5 per

c e n t of the first #million and 10

p e r cent of any amount in excess

t h er eof, whichever is the greater,

s u b ject to the guaranteed rent

b e in g increased every three years

i n a ccordance with the Jersey cost

o f l iving index;

 ( b) the Committee to finalise all

o t h er details of the lease in

c o n junction with the Finance and E c o nomics Committee;

 ( c) the Attorney General and the

G  re ffier of the States to pass the n e c essary contracts in the matter i n d ue course.

Police Court (Miscellaneous

Provisions) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 1990. P.48/90

THE STATES, subject to the sanction

of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Police Court (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 1990.

Pilotage (General Provisions) (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 1990. P.50/90

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article

2 of the Pilotage (Jersey) Law 1988, made Regulations entitled the Pilotage (General Provisions) (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 1990.

THE STATES rose at 6 p.m.

E . J .M  . P O  T T E R G  re f fi er of the States.