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States Minutes 25th September 1990

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STATES MINUTES 2 5 t h September, 1990

 THE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 25th September, 1990 at 10.00 a.m. under   the Presidency of the Deputy Bailiff ,

V e rnon Amy Tomes Esquire

_ _ __________

All Members were present with the exception of -

S enator Anne Baal - out of the Island.

S enator John Stephen Rothwell - out of

 t he Island.

 F red Philip Webber Clarke, Connétable

o f St. Helier - ill.

 D avid John de la Haye, Deputy of St.

H elier - out of the Island.

 H endricus Adolphus Vandervliet, Deputy

o f St. Lawrence - out of the Island.

M ichael Adam Wavell, Deputy of St.

H elier - ill.

M ervyn Renouf Billot, Deputy of St.

S aviour - ill.

 G raeme Ernest Rabet, Deputy of St.

H elier - out of the Island.

_ _ _ _ _ _______

P r a y e rs  

_ _ _ _ _ _ _____

Subordinate legislation tabled

The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -

1 . Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) ( A m endment No. 2) (Jersey) Order 1 9 9 0. R & O 8097.

 2 .  Road Traffic (Saint Helier)

( A m endment No. 11) (Jersey) Order 1 9 9 0. R & O 8098.

 3 .  Road Traffic (Saint Martin)

( A m endment No. 2) (Jersey) Order 1 9 9 0. R & O 8099.

 4 .  Road Traffic (Saint Saviour)

( A m endment No. 8) (Jersey) Order 1 9 9 0. R & O 8100.

 5 .  Battle  of  Britain  Air  Display

( J er sey) Order  1990. R & O 8101.

 6 .  Water  (Temporary  Restrictions) ( N o . 2)  (Jersey)  Order  1990.

R & O 8102.

 7 .  Weights and Measures (Prescribed Q  u antities No. 3) (Jersey) Order

1 9 9 0. R & O 8103.

 8 .  Tourism (General Provisions)

( J er sey) Order 1990. R & O 8104.

 9 .  Health Insurance (Pharmaceutical

B e n efit) (General Provisions)

( A m endment No. 33) (Jersey) Order 1 9 9 0. R & O 8105.

Public Services Committee: resignation of member

THE STATES noted the resignation of Senator Richard Joseph Shenton from the Public Services Committee.

Legislation Committee: resignation of member

THE STATES noted the resignation of Senator Richard Joseph Shenton from the Legislation Committee.

Industrial Relations Committee: resignation of member

THE STATES noted the resignation of Senator Richard Joseph Shenton from the Industrial Relations Committee.

Resources Recovery Board report for 1989. R.C.20

The Public Services Committee by Act dated 20th June 1990, presented to the States a report on the operation of the services administered by the Board for 1989.

THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.

Welfare benefit: revised rates from 1st October 1990. R.C.21

The Finance and Economics Committee

by Act dated 17th September 1990, presented to the States a report setting out the

revised rates of welfare benefit from 1st October 1990.

THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.

Matters noted - land transactions

THE STATES noted Acts of the Finance

and Economics Committee dated 3rd and 17th September 1990, showing that in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved -

 ( a) as recommended by the Housing

C o m mittee, the granting to The

J e rs ey Electricity Company Limited

o f a lease of a site required for

a S  ub-Station at Le Verger, Parade

R o a d, St. Helier , for a period of

2 1 years, at an annual rent of #1

w  it h all payments commuted forward t o t he inception of the agreement,

a n d the grant to the Company of

s e rv itudes in perpetuity, free of

c h a rge, required for high tension

c a b les, with each side being

r e sp onsible for the payment of its

o w  n legal fees;

 ( b) as recommended by the Public

H  ea lth Committee, and in

a c c ordance with an Act of the

S t a tes dated 25th April 1989, the p u r chase from Miss Ann Marie

S a n deman of the property

H e adingly', La Route du Fort, St. H  el ier, for a consideration of

# 2 5 0,000, with each party being

r e sp onsible for the payment of its

o w  n legal fees, required for staff a c c ommodation;

 ( c) as recommended by the Public

H  ea lth Committee, the leasing from F . L e Sueur and Son Limited of

U  n it 2, Roseland Court, St.

A  u bin's Road, St. Helier, a one-

b e d roomed unfurnished flat, for a

p e r iod of six months commencing

2 0 t h July 1990, at a weekly rent

o f # 70, required to provide

e m e rgency accommodation for

n u r sing and medical staff;

 ( d) as recommended by the Public

H  ea lth Committee, the leasing from

M  a cpor Development Company Limited

o f F lat 6, 29 Midvale Road, St.

H  el ier, a one-bedroomed

u n f urnished flat, for a period of

t h re e years, commencing 15th

A  u gust 1990, at a weekly rent of

# 7 8 , with annual rent reviews

l in k ed to the Jersey Cost of

L i v ing Index, required to provide

e m e rgency accommodation for

n u r sing and medical staff;

 ( e) as recommended by the Public

H  ea lth Committee, the renewal of

t h e lease from Macpor Development C o m pany Limited of No. 1, 29

M  id vale Road, St. Helier, a one-

b e d roomed semi-basement

u n f urnished flat, for a period of

t h re e years, with effect from 1st

O  ct ober 1990, at a weekly rent of

# 1 0 0.80, with annual rent reviews

l in k ed to the Jersey Cost of

L i v ing Index, required for

e m e rgency accommodation for

    n u r sing and medical staff;

 ( f) as recommended by the Public

H  ea lth Committee, the renewal of

t h e lease from Captain Thomas

F r o ggatt and Mrs. Joycelene

M  a rgaret Froggatt, née Priestnall,

o f t he ground floor, furnished,

t w o -bedroomed flat forming part of W  h itehall, La Vallette, Mont

C a m brai, St. Lawrence, commencing 1 s t July 1990, subject to three

m  o nths' notice on either side, at a n a nnual rent of #7,834.12, with a n n ual rent reviews linked to the J e rs ey Cost of Living Index,

r e q uired to provide emergency

a c c ommodation for nursing and m  ed ical staff;

 ( g) as recommended by the Public

H  ea lth Committee, the leasing from t h e Churchwardens of All Saints'

D  is trict Church, of All Saints

V  ic arage, The Parade, St. Helier ,

a p a rt-furnished three-bedroomed

h o u se,  for a period of one year,

c o m mencing 28th August 1990, at a w  ee kly rent of #179, required to

p r o vide emergency accommodation f o r nursing and medical staff;

 ( h) as recommended by the Public

H  ea lth Committee, the leasing from J o h n Baxter Marett Investments

L i m ited of a part-furnished studio

f la t at 54, Marina Court, St.

H  el ier, for a period of one year

c o m mencing 1st September 1990, at a w  eekly rent of #65, required for

t h e provision of emergency

a c c ommodation for nursing and

m  ed ical staff;

 ( i) as recommended by the

E s t ablishment Committee, the

l e as ing from Mr. Ian Christopher

C a d by and Mrs. Bridget Claire

C a d by, née Youngson, of Wayside', P a t ier Road, St. Saviour , a part-

f u rn ished two-bedroomed house, for a p e riod of one year, commencing

1 s t September 1990, at a weekly

r e n t of #160, required for

o c c upation by an essential

e mployee appointed on a contract

b a s is;

 ( j) as recommended by the Agriculture a n d Fisheries Committee, the grant i n p erpetuity, free of charge, to

T h e Jersey Electricity Company

L i m ited, of a wayleave over Field

4 4 3 , St. Martin (being part of the

p r o perty La Grande Maison') to

e n a ble the company to lay an

e l ec tricity cable, with each side

b e in g responsible for the payment

o f i ts own legal fees;

 ( k) as recommended by the Public

S e r vices Committee, the cession,

f re e of charge, from Mr. Jacques

J e a n Le Mière and Mrs. Fay Valerie L e Mière, née Turpin, of two

s tr i ps of land measuring 141

s q u are feet and 92 square feet

r e sp ectively, and the cession,

f re e of charge, from Les Chenes

H  o ldings Limited of two strips of

l a nd , measuring 186 square feet

a n d 221 square feet respectively,

s it u ated at La Route des Gênets,

S t . Brelade, required for the

c o n struction of a footpath, with

t h e Committee being responsible

f o r the cost of accommodation

w  o rks and the payment of all legal

f e es .

( T h e Committee rescinded its Act

N  o . 3(c) of 17th April 1990, which w  as notified to the States on 24th

A  p ril 1990.)

Matter noted - financial transaction

THE STATES noted an Act of the

Finance and Economics Committee dated 3rd September 1990, showing that in pursuance of Rule 5 of the Public Finances (General) (Jersey) Rules 1967, as amended, the Committee had noted that the Harbours and Airport Committee had accepted the lowest of five tenders, namely that submitted by A.C. Mauger, in the sum of #91,670 in a contract period of 12 weeks for the construction of the extension between Gate Lounge 2 and Gate Lounge 3 in the Airport passenger pier.

Matters lodged

The following subjects were lodged au Greffe'' -

 1 .  Draft Companies (Jersey) Law 199 ( P .1 14/90): amendment. P.137/90. P r e sented by the Finance and

E c o nomics Committee.

 2 .  Mal Assis/Nicholson Park

r e d evelopment: Phase 1. P.138/90.

P r e sented by the Housing C o m mittee.

 3 .  Springfield, St. Helier , rezoning

o f l and. P.139/90.

P r e sented by the Island

D  ev elopment Committee.

 4 .  Field 1257, La Grande Route de St. J e a n, St. Helier: rezoning and

p u r chase of land. P.140/90.

P r e sented by the Island

D  ev elopment Committee.

 5 .  Draft Milk (Sale to Special

C l a sses) (Amendment No. 2)

( J er sey) Regulations, 199 .

P . 1 41/90.

P r e sented by the Social Security C o m mittee.

 6 .  Jersey Schizophrenia Fellowship: g r a nt. P.142/90.

P r e sented by the Public Health

C o m mittee.

The following subjects were lodged on 11th September 1990 -

1 . Draft Sea-Fisheries (Fishing Nets) ( A mendment No. 3) (Jersey)

R e g ulations 199 . P.126/90.

P r e sented by the Agriculture and

F i s heries Committee.

 2 .  Social Security: agreement with A  u stralia. P.127/90.

P r e sented by the Social Security C o m mittee.

 3 .  Draft Christmas Bonus (Jersey) Law 1 9 9 . P.128/90.

P r e sented by the Social Security

C o m mittee.

 4 .  Draft Licensing (Licence Fees) ( J er sey) Regulations 199 .

P . 1 29/90.

P r esented by the Tourism

C o m mittee.

 5 .  Draft Tourism (Amendment No. 5) ( J er sey) Law 1990 (Appointed Day) A  ct 1990. P.130/90.

P r e sented by the Tourism

C o m mittee.

 6 .  Gas Works site: rescission of

d e c ision to build multi-storey car

p a r k. P.131/90.

P r e sented by Senator T.J. Le Main.

 7 .  La Chasse House, St. Helier . P . 1 32/90.

P r e sented by the Education

C o m mittee.

8 . Draft Aerodromes (Administration) ( A m endment No. 3) (Jersey) Law

1 9 9 . P.133/90.

P r e sented by the Harbours and

A  ir port Committee.

 9 .  Voting rights of non-British

s u b jects. P.134/90.

P r e sented by Senator T.J. Le Main.

 1 0. Sex discrimination. P.135/90. P r e sented by Senator C. Stein.

 1 1. Defective products: compensation. P . 1 36/90.

P r e sented by Deputy S.M. Baudains

o f S t. Helier.

Draft Residential Care Homes

(Registration) (Jersey) Law 199 and amendment. P.98/89 and P.159/89. Withdrawn

THE STATES noted that in pursuance of Standing Order 17(6) the following subjects, which were lodged au Greffe'', had been withdrawn -

 1 .  Draft Residential Care Homes

( R e gistration) (Jersey) Law, 199 . P . 9 8/89.

L o d ged: 27th June 1989.

P u b lic Health Committee.

 2 .  Draft Residential Care Homes

( R e gistration) (Jersey) Law 199 : a m e ndment. P.159/89.

L o d ged: 12th December 1989.

C o n nétable of St. Helier.

St. Ouen's Bay sand extraction. P.112/90. Deferred

THE STATES acceded to the request of the President of the Island Development Committee that consideration of the proposition regarding sand extraction in

St. Ouen's Bay be deferred from the present Sitting to a later date.

Draft Housing (General Provisions) (Amendment No. 9) (Jersey) Regulations 199 and amendments. P.103/90. Deferred

THE STATES acceded to the request of

the Vice-President of the Housing Committee that consideration of the draft Housing (General Provisions) (Amendment No. 9) (Jersey) Regulations 199 (P.103/90 -

lodged on 31st July 1990) be deferred from the present Sitting to a later date.

Social Security: agreement with Australia. P.127/90

THE STATES acceded to the request of the President of the Social Security Committee that the proposition relating to a Social Security Agreement with Australia (lodged on 11th September 1990) be considered immediately prior to the proposition on States' Members' business interests (P.108/90) at the present


Arrangement of Public Business for the present Sitting

THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe should be considered at the present Sitting -

S ocial security: agreement

w ith Australia. P.127/90.

L odged: 11th September 1990. S ocial Security Committee.

S tates' Members' business i nterests. P.108/90.

L odged: 31st July, 1990.

S ocial Security Committee.

D raft Health and Safety at

W ork (Lifts) (Jersey) Regulations 1 99 . P.120/90.

L odged: 28th August 1990.

S ocial Security Committee.

F ield 146, St. Clement and part

g arden Okanagan: compulsory purchase. P .121/90.

L odged: 28th August 1990.

H ousing Committee.

D raft Customs and Excise

( General Provisions) (Amendment No. 2) ( Jersey) Law 199 . P.122/90.

L odged: 28th August 1990.

F inance and Economics

C ommittee.

D raft Public Finances

( Administration) (Amendment No. 5) ( Jersey) Law 199 . P.123/90.

L odged: 28th August 1990.

F inance and Economics

C ommittee.

D raft Licensing (Licence

F ees) (Jersey) Regulations 199 . P .129/90.

L odged: 11th September 1990. T ourism Committee.

D raft Tourism (Amendment

N o. 5) (Jersey) Law 1990 (Appointed D ay) Act 199 . P.130/90.

L odged: 11th September 1990.

T ourism Committee.

L a Chasse House, St. Helier . P .132/90.

L odged: 11th September 1990. E ducation Committee.

Arrangement of Public Business for next Sitting on 9th October 1990 -

THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe should be considered at the next Sitting on 9th October 1990 -

D raft Companies (Jersey) Law 199 . P .114/90.

L odged: 7th August 1990.

F inance and Economics

C ommittee.

D raft Companies (Jersey) Law 1 99 : amendment. P.137/90.

L odged: 25th September 1990. F inance and Economics

C ommittee.

D raft Trusts (Amendment

N o. 2) (Jersey) Law 199 . P.118/90. L odged: 14th August 1990.

F inance and Economics

C ommittee.

F ield 1007, St. John. P.109/90. L odged: 31st July 1990.

D eputy D.J. de la Haye of St. H elier.

L es Mielles Golf Course, St. O uen. P.124/90.

L odged: 28th August 1990. S enator J.S. Rothwell.

L a Caroline, La Grande Rue, St. M ary. P.125/90.

L odged: 28th August 1990.

S enator J.S. Rothwell.

G as Works site: rescission

o f decision to build multi-storey car p ark. P.131/90.

L odged: 11th September 1990.

S enator T.J. Le Main.

P ostal Headquarters. P.119/90. L odged: 14th August 1990.

C ommittee for

P ostal Administration.

D raft Milk (Sale to

S pecial Classes) (Amendment No. 2) ( Jersey) Regulations 199 . P.141/90. S ocial Security Committee.

J ersey Schizophrenia

F ellowship: grant. P.142/90. P ublic Health Committee.

Le Brun's Bakery - increase in price of bread. Question and answer

Senator Richard Joseph Shenton asked Senator Reginald Robert Jeune , President of the Policy and Resources Committee, the

following question -

  In view of the recent decision by Le  B run's Bakery to increase the price of  b read, will the President advise what  a ction his Committee is taking to

 i nvestigate the matter to see if the

 i ncrease is justified?''

The President of the Policy and Resources Committee replied as follows -

  Following the announcement of an

 i ncrease in the price of bread, I

 a sked the Economic Adviser if he would  i nvestigate the matter.

T he following price comparisons have b een made for the leading bread items a s at mid-September 1990 (i.e. prior

t o the recently announced price

i ncreases in Jersey and the United

K ingdom) -

  U  K U  K   Je r s e y G  u ernsey average

r a n g e

P r ic e in pence

W hite, sliced, standard 800g 67 62 5 0 4 4 - 6 5

W hite, sliced, economy 800g 60

W hite, unsliced 400g 45 45 42 3 9 - 4 6

W hite, unsliced 800g 67 62 65 5 9 - 7 0

 B rown, unsliced 800g  68  67  68 6 0 - 7 3

T he price rises recently

a nnounced by the Le Brun's Food Group a nd due to come into effect on Sunday, 2 3rd September 1990 will alter the

a bove prices as follows -

C u r r e n t p ri ce New pric e

P r ic e in pence

W hite, sliced, standard 800g 67 69 W hite, sliced, economy 800g 6 0 62 W hite, unsliced 400g 45 4 7

W hite, unsliced 800g 67 6 9

B rown, unsliced 800g 68 7 3  

T he price increase for a white

s liced standard loaf (800g) over the

1 2 month period ending 23rd September 1 990 is 9.5 per cent which is in line

w ith the currently prevailing rate of

i nflation measured by the Jersey

R etail Price s Index. The price

i ncreases since June 1990 will add

0 .03 per cent to the Retail Price s

I ndex. It is noted that Le Brun's have

i ntroduced an economy white, sliced

8 00 gram loaf which now retails at 62

p ence. It is understood that this loaf

i s similar in most respects to the

s tandard white, sliced loaf, but is

b aked with a different grade of flour

a nd has a shorter shelf life than the

s tandard loaf. The use of different

i ngredients and baking methods, and in p articular the move towards in-store

b aking which is increasingly popular

i n larger stores in the United

K ingdom, has a considerable bearing

u pon price and consequently raises a

q uestion mark over the validity of

c omparisons made between different

l oaves of bread in different parts of

t he United Kingdom and the Channel

I slands.

E nquiries have revealed that price

r ises of a similar scale are scheduled

t o have come into effect in the United

K ingdom from the week ending Saturday, 2 2nd September 1990 and that bakeries

i n Guernsey are considering price

i ncreases of the same scale.

I n a report prepared by the Economic A dviser's office in March 1988 in

r esponse to a similar question by

S enator Shenton about the price of

b read in Jersey, it was noted that

t here was a price differential between

r etail prices in Jersey and those in

the leading food multiple stores in

t he United Kingdom. This differential i s largely accounted for by the

e conomies of scale enjoyed by bakeries a nd distributors in the United Kingdom a nd is particularly notable for the

w hite, sliced (800g) loaf which is the m ost popular bread item. It is noted

b y the Economic Adviser's office that

t his price differential has remained

s table over time and, when account is

t aken of imminent price rises by the

m ain bread manufacturers in the United K ingdom, continues to be stable.

A s the figures quoted for the United K ingdom indicate, there is a

c onsiderable range of prices

p revailing in that country. Many

b akeries in smaller towns in rural

l ocations are charging prices for

b read not significantly different from t hose charged by Le Brun's.

O pportunities may exist for certain

b read products to be imported at a

l ower cost than it can be profitably

p roduced and sold by a local baker, b ut the experience of recent years

s uggests that there would be real

p roblems for Island residents if they w ere to be dependent on imports for t heir bread supplies.

T he cost of certain of the raw

m aterials used in the production of

b read have risen over the past year,

b ut these cost increases are

r elatively marginal when expressed as a proportion of the overall increase

i n bread manufacturer's costs. The

m ain increase in costs are accounted

f or by rising earnings for production

a nd distribution staff and the rising

c ost of other manufacturing inputs,

p articularly energy and packaging.

T hese increases appear to be affecting b akeries equally throughout the United K ingdom and the Channel Islands.

I n the light of the information

a vailable to the Economic Adviser's

o ffice, and I would remind Members t hat the States have no formal powers t o investigate prices charged by

t raders in the Island, there are no

o bvious grounds for believing that the r ecently announced increase in the

p rice of bread is unjustified. What is p erhaps unfortunate is that Le Brun's, i n the initial announcement of the

p rice increase, should have linked it

s o directly to the Gulf crisis. I am

s ure that if the company had given the i nformation to the media that was

s ubsequently forthcoming there would h ave been far more understanding of

t he case for the increase.

T he information given in this answer i s the result of the enquiries made in r ecent days. These inquiries are

c ontinuing and I shall be making

a nother report on this matter if

f urther relevant information is

o btained.''

S upplementary questions and answers

S enator R.J. Shenton - In view of

t he fact that the Economic Adviser

w ill be continuing with the enquiries,

w ould he mind very much if I

a ccompanied the Economic Adviser to Le B run's in answer to the public

i nvitation by Lord Matthews to come

a nd inspect the books? I have already

a sked two questions over the last few

y ears and this would more than satisfy

m yself and I would report back to the

P resident of Finance with the Economic A dviser if he feels that I am able to

d o so?''

P resident, Policy and Resources

C ommittee - If the Senator would

l ike to do that, I'm sure I and the

H ouse would be pleased if he did so.''

S enator B. Brooke - I wonder if I

m ight ask a rather naive question

p erhaps, to the President of the

P olicy and Resources Committee. In the l ight of the way this question was

f ramed, what action his Committee is

t aking to investigate the matter to

s ee if the increase is justified, if

t he increases were unjustified in the

l ight of the Policy and Resources

C ommittee President, has he in fact

a ny power to take any steps anyway and t herefore, although this is an

i nteresting exercise, I wonder what

s teps could be taken if unjust

i ncreases were prevalent?''

P resident, Policy and Resources

C ommittee - The answer is, as the

n ormal practice stands, the answer is

n o, but we would be pleased to give

m aximum publicity to that and I am

s ure that has some bearing and of

c ourse the States might have to then

d ecide what to do with something which i s, as far as bread is concerned, the

s taff of life.''

C onnétable of Grouville - Does the P resident not think it rather curious

t hat the comparison on the United

K ingdom figures between the white s liced standard 800 gram loaf and the u nsliced 800 gram loaf indicates that t he unsliced loaf is in fact charged

a t a higher cost?''

S enator Corrie Stein - I would like

t o ask that if the Economic Adviser is g oing to have a look and talk to Le

B run's why half a loaf is so much more e xpensive than half the price of a

w hole loaf?''

P resident, Policy and Resources

C ommittee - I'm sure that Senator

S henton and the Economic Adviser will i nvestigate these matters.''

Accommodation for Members in the States Building. Statement

The President of the Public Services Committee made a statement in the following terms -

  I would like to draw Members'

 a ttention to the arrangements which

 a re being made within this building.

 T he room on the right of the Members'  e ntrance on the ground floor,

 p reviously the Law Library, will

 s hortly be available to Members. It is

 a nticipated that it will be a

 c onvenient place to hold informal

 d iscussions, whether it be with

m embers of the public, the media or

 w ith Committee officers.

T he room will be laid out in a way

t hat is perceived by the House and the P ublic Services Committee as

a ppropriate for its purpose. All the

f urnishings are already in the

D epartment's possession, and none will b e fixtures; it will therefore be

p ossible to adapt it to Members'

n eeds.

T he Law Library is now situated in t he reference section of the old

P ublic Library, and the Committee w ishes to express its gratitude to the L aw Society for its co-operation in a ccomplishing the move.

A new Committee room has been created i n accommodation previously occupied b y the Viscount's Department. It is

a nticipated that a third Committee

r oom within this building will enable

s pace on the ninth floor of Cyril Le

M arquand House to be occupied by

d epartments already housed there who

a re seriously short of space.

I want to emphasise that the provision

o f the new facilities in this building

a re of a temporary nature and have no c onnexion with the planning proposals m ade by P.A. Consultants for the

e ventual refurbishment of the entire

b uilding and which were circulated to M embers earlier this year. The

c omments of States' Members and the

o ccupiers of the building to those

p roposals are currently being

c onsidered by P.A., and the Committee i ntends lodging a report and

p roposition to take this project to

t he next stage later this Session.''

Special Committee appointed to

examine the question of payment to States' Members. Statement

The President of the House Committee made a statement in the following terms -

  Although the composition of

 s ub committees of States' committees

 i s not a matter which necessarily

 r equires to come to the attention of

M embers the question of payment to

M embers is clearly of interest both to

 e xisting and potential States'

M embers and accordingly, I felt it

 a ppropriate that as President of the

 H ouse Committee I should keep Members

f ully informed.

F ollowing the adoption of

S enator Horsfall's amended proposition

o n 31st July 1990, the House Committee a t its next meeting appointed the

f ollowing persons to serve on its Sub-

C ommittee to look into the question of p ayment to States' Members -

D  ep uty T.A. Le Sueur

S e n ator J.A. Le Maistre

M  is s Iris Johnston

M  r s. Pamela Turner

A  d vocate William Bailhache

( In s titute of Directors)

M  r . Norman Le Brocq (Jersey T r a des Council)

M  r . Robin Hacquoil (Chamber

o f C ommerce)

The House Committee was anxious that t his Sub-Committee should meet as soon a s possible, but more importantly that

i t should meet at a date on which all

M embers would be available. The

e arliest such date has proved to be

2 6th September, and so the first

m eeting will be held tomorrow

a fternoon. We are anxious that this

s ub-committee should reach its

c onclusions as soon as possible, but

i t would be naive to expect a

w orthwhile and considered report to be a vailable prior to the forthcoming

e lections. Members may be reassured

t hat the House Committee is well aware

o f the need to bring these matters to

a satisfactory conclusion as soon as

p ossible, and intends to be able to

p resent a report before the end of

t his Session.''

Supplementary and additional votes of credit

THE STATES considered an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 10th September 1990, presenting Acts of the undermentioned Committees and, acceding to the requests contained therein, granted to

the said Committees supplementary (S) and additional (A) votes of credit out of the general reserve as follows -

  S A  

# #  

 Finance and Economics Committee

  Bailiff 's Chambers

0 301 Staff 1 6 ,8 00

0 302 Premises 3 0 0

0 303 Supplies and services 3 00 0 305 Establishment 1 ,5 0 0

 Crown Officers' Department

0 311 Staff 5 0 ,5 00

0 312 Premises 9 0 0

0 313 Supplies and services  4,400 0 315 Establishment 2 ,9 0 0

 Judicial Greffe

0 321 Staff 5 4 ,6 00

0 322 Premises 2 ,8 00

0 325 Establishment 1 5 , 6 00

 Viscount's Department

0 331 Staff 2 4 ,3 00

 Police Court

0 341 Staff 3 8 ,4 00

0 342 Premises 9 ,1 00

0 345 Establishment 4 0 0

 Probation Service

    0 351 Staff 1 5 ,6 00

0 352 Premises 4 0 0

0 353 Supplies and services 4 00 0 355 Establishment 1 ,2 0 0

C a rr i e d forward 240,400

S A  

# #  

Finance and Economics Committee (cont'd)

b ro u g h t forward 240,400

 Impôts Department

0 361 Staff 3 6 ,0 00

0 362 Premises 3 9 ,300

0 363 Supplies and services  2,800 0 364 Transport 5 , 500

0 365 Establishment 2 6 , 7 00

 Income Tax Department

0 371 Staff 7 5 ,9 00

0 372 Premises 3 ,0 00 0 373 Supplies and services 23,900 0 375 Establishment 8 ,9 0 0

 Official Analyst's Department

0 381 Staff 4 5 ,9 00

0 382 Premises 1 ,9 00

0 383 Supplies and services 6 00 0 385 Establishment 6 0 0

 States Greffe

0 391 Staff 1 9 ,0 00

0 392 Premises 1 ,8 00

0 393 Supplies and services  3,000 0 395 Establishment 2 ,5 0 0

0 396 States' publications and

b i n d in g 3 , 5 00

States Greffe - Print Section

0 401 Staff 6 , 7 0 0

0 402 Premises 3 0 0

0 403 Supplies and services 13,500 0 404 Transport 2 0 0

ca r r ie d forward 561,900

S A  

# #  

Finance and Economics Committee (cont'd)

b ro u g h t forward 561,900

 States Treasury

0 411 Staff 4 0 ,2 00

0 412 Premises 3 ,2 00

0 413 Supplies and services 2 00 0 415 Establishment 8 ,4 0 0 0 416 Computer Services -

O  p er a tions  2 2,400

0 417 Computer Services -

D  ev e l opment  1 ,000

 Economic Adviser's Department

0 421 Staff 1 3 ,3 00

0 422 Premises 1 ,5 00

0 423 Supplies and services  9,200 0 425 Establishment 4 ,0 0 0

0 428 Capital servicing 7 , 9 0 0

 Commercial Relations Department

0 431 Staff 4 4 ,2 00

0 432 Premises 1 ,8 00

0 433 Supplies and services 6 00

0 435 Establishment 5 ,4 0 0

0 501 Christmas bonus

p a y m  ents 5 7 ,000

 Non departmental expenditure

0 601 Cost of audit 1 1 , 5 00 0 603 Court and case costs,

f e e s a nd expenses 1 25,000

ca r r ie d forward 910,800 7,900

S A  

# #  

Finance and Economics Committee (cont'd)

b ro u g h t forward 910,800 7,900

0 605 Insurance 1 0,000

0 607 Joint Advisory Council  5 00 0 612 Assistance with overseas

t ra d e promotions 5 , 0 00

0 613 Public transport - refund

o f f u e l tax, etc. 8 0 0

0 640 Miscellaneous 3 2 , 0 00

0 643 Data protection 5 0 0  

0 648 Grant to Nemo Charitable

T r u s t   3 5 , 0 0 0

0 649 Grant for defective

c h i m n eys 7 0 ,0 0 0

 Establishment of H.E. The



0 701 Staff 2 1 ,3 00

0 702 Premises 7 ,8 00

0 703 Supplies and services 9 00

0 704 Transport 2 0 0

  0705 Establishment 4 0 0  

 Total request  #1,103,100 990,200 112,9 00

Defence Committee


1 018 Sundries 7 0 0

1 022 Honorary Police - radio

t e le p h one system 9 0 0  

ca r r ie d forward 1,600

S A  

# #  

 Defence Committee (cont'd) b ro u g h t forward 1,600

 Immigration and Nationality Office

    1 101 Staff 3 1 ,8 00

1 102 Premises 1 ,2 00

1 103 Supplies and services  2,700 1 105 Establishment 5 ,3 0 0

 Motor Traffic Office

1 121 Staff 2 3 ,5 00

1 129 Concessionary bus fares 15,700 1 130 School transport system

1 1 ,8 0 0


1 201 Staff 3 9 9 ,600

1 202 Premises 6 ,6 00

1 203 Supplies and services 26,300 1 204 Transport 1 4,000

1 205 Establishment 3 8 , 0 00

1 206 Dogs 3 0 0

1 211 Canteen 5 , 2 00

1 212 Crabbé maintenance 200

 Fire Service

1 301 Staff 1 6 1 ,100

1 302 Premises 3 ,6 00

1 303 Supplies and services  6,500 1 304 Transport 3 , 400

1 305 Establishment 5 , 3 0  


Total request  #763,700 751,900 11,80 0

  S A  

# #  

 Public Services Committee

1 900 Jersey Heritage Trust 10,000


2 001 Staff 4 9 ,8 00

2 002 Premises 2 0 0

2 003 Supplies and services  6,400

2 004 Transport 5 , 100

2 005 Establishment 3 0 , 0 00 2 006 Energy management 2,400 2 007 Water investigation -

c o n s u ltancy fees 5 , 0 00

 Car parks

2 031 Staff 1 5 ,8 00

2 032 Premises 1 5 ,100 2 034 Transport 4 , 400

Highways and public land - maintenance and minor improvements

2 051 Staff 2 1 ,8 00

2 053 Supplies and services 35,200

2 054 Transport 9 , 500

 Highways, public land, beaches


toilets - cleaning

2 061 Staff 3 9 ,0 00

2 063 Supplies and services 13,700 2 064 Transport 1 9,500

 Public buildings

2 082 Premises 5 0 ,400 2 084 Transport 1 ,4 00

ca r r ie d forward 334,700


# #  

 Public Services Committee (cont'd) b ro u g h t forward 334,700

 Public parks and gardens

2 091 Staff 5 8 ,9 00

2 092 Premises 5 ,3 00

2 093 Supplies and services 14,100 2 094 Transport 1 7,400

 Trading Standards

2 101 Staff 2 3 ,3 00

2 102 Premises 1 40,900

2 103 Supplies and services  1,900 2 104 Transport 5 0 0

2 105 Establishment 1 ,0 0 0

 Drainage and waste disposal

2 111 Waste treatment and

d i sp o s al 1 27,400

2 112 Refuse tips  12,700

2 114 Septic tank emptying  18,000

T o t a l request 7 5 6 ,100  Education Committee

Primary education - non-fee paying

2 501 Teaching staff 3 0 9 ,500 2 502 Non-teaching staff 3 8,400

Secondary education - non-fee paying 2 601 Teaching staff 2 96,000

2 602 Non-teaching staff 3 5,000 2 603 Premises 1 7 ,500

ca r r ie d forward 696,400

S A  

# #  

 Education Committee (cont'd) b ro u g h t forward 696,400

 Victoria College

2 611 Teaching staff 7 7 ,5 00

2 612 Non-teaching staff 1 8,000

 Jersey College for Girls

2 631 Teaching staff 7 2 ,3 00

2 632 Non-teaching staff 1 1,400

 Vocational and non-vocational education 2 701 Teaching staff 9 5 ,1 00

2 702 Non-teaching staff 2 4,800

2 703 Premises 5 ,0 00

2 708 Establishment 4 ,3 0 0

 Special education

2 801 Teaching staff 4 9 ,9 00

2 802 Non-teaching staff 1 3,300

2 806 Handicapped children  18,200

 Scholarships, grants and the cost


 advanced education

2 856 Grants to students 6 5,500 2 857 Annual payment to

D  ep a r tment for Education

a n d S  cience for Higher

E d u c a tion in the U.K.  315,200

 Sports and recreation

2 880 Costs of maintaining p l a y in g fields and

g r o u n ds 5 0 ,100

 Child welfare

2 912 Staff 6 6 ,9 0 0

ca r r ie d forward 1,583,900

S A  

# #  

 Education Committee (cont'd)

b ro u g h t forward 1,583,900

 Public libraries

3 002 Staff 2 2 ,6 00

3 070 Teachers' pension increases a n d p e nsions for

r e c o g nised

s e rv i c e 7 5 ,600

 Structural maintenance

3 096 General maintenance

a n d e m ergencies 2 9 0,200

 General educational services

3 102 H.M. Inspectorate 2 ,0 00 3 103 Insurance 6 , 500

3 104 Conference, course and

t ra v e l expenses 3 ,6 0 0

3 107 Housing and recruitment

o f s t af f 2 4 ,400

3 109 School milk  9 ,200


3 152 Staff 4 0 ,8 00

3 158 Establishment 2 8 , 0 00

 Advisory Services and Teachers' Centre 3 171 Staff 1 0 3 ,000

3 178 Establishment 1 6 , 0 00

 Youth Service

3 182 Staff 1 4 ,8 00

 La Chasse House

5 301 Staff 6 4 ,1 00

5 303 Supplies 2 ,0 0 0

T o t a l request 2 , 2 86,7 0 0

S A  

# #  

Public Health Committee

 Community Health Service

3 201 Staff 1 0 5 ,200

3 202 Premises 9 ,4 00

3 203 Supplies and services 16,300 3 204 Transport 1 , 000

3 205 Establishment 5 ,3 0 0

3 206 Incentive payment -

t ra i n e es Le Geyt Centre 15,400 3 207 Health and Social

S e r v ic es - miscellaneous 83,80



3 211 Jersey Family Nursing

S e r v ic e 7 9 ,400

3 212 Jersey Home Helps

S o c i e ty 8 8 ,000

3 213 Little Sisters of the Poor 1,3

0 0

3 214 Alcohol Advice Centre  2,200 3 216 Sundry grants 3 ,0 0 0

3 219A  Les Amis 7 0 ,000

 General and Acute Services

3 221 Staff 1 , 6 70,600

3 222 Premises 1 20,300

3 223 Supplies and services 265,700 3 224 Transport 1 ,600

3 225 Establishment 5 5 , 7 00

 Group administration

3 231 Staff 1 9 ,5 0 0

ca r r ie d forward 2,613,700

S A  

# #  

 Public Health Committee (cont'd) b ro u g h t forward 2,613,700

  St. Saviour 's Hospital

3 241 Staff 4 0 9 ,000

3 242 Premises 3 3 ,400

3 243 Supplies and services 59,500 3 244 Transport 8 0 0

  3245 Establishment 4 ,3 0 0

 Care of the elderly

3 251 Staff 3 0 2 ,200

3 252 Premises 3 3 ,900 3 253 Supplies and services 51,800 3 255 Establishment 2 ,9 0 0

 Ambulance Service and transport

3 261 Staff 6 0 ,9 00

3 262 Premises 1 ,3 00

3 263 Supplies and services  9,300 3 264 Transport 8 , 500

3 265 Establishment 2 ,2 0 0

 Laundry trading account

3 271 Staff 2 1 ,8 00

3 272 Premises 4 0 0

3 273 Supplies and services  1,200

3 275 Establishment   2 0 0

T o t a l request 3 , 6 17,3 0 0

S A  

# #  

Agriculture and Fisheries Committee

 Howard Davis Farm (including


4 101 Staff 7 2 ,5 00

4 102 Premises 1 2 ,200

4 103 Supplies and services 27,800    4 104 Transport 4 , 400

4 105 Establishment 1 3 , 6 00

4 106 Disposal of agricultural

a n d h o rticultural waste  700

4 109 Sea Fisheries 3 ,1 0 0


4 121 Staff 2 , 7 0 0

4 122 Premises 1 ,5 00

4 123 Supplies and services  3,400 4 124 Transport 9 0 0

 Subsidies and grants

4 131 Anti-blight and Colorado

b e e tl e   6 ,7 0 0

4 132 Aid to the dairy industry 299, 9 0 0

4 134 Lime subsidy 2 0 ,2 0 0

4 135 Subsidy on control of

p o t a to cyst eelworm 18,400

4 139 Financial assistance

f o r th e improvement of p r o d u cer/co-operative m  a rk e ting  1 00,000

4 140 Advertising, market r e se a r ch and financial

a s s is ta nce for approved s c h e m es to encourage

c o - o p eration among

p r o d u cers 1 0 ,400

ca r r ie d forward 598,400

S A  

# #  

Agriculture and Fisheries Committee (cont'd)

b ro u g h t forward 598,400

4 142 Agricultural loans

i n te r e st subsidy 3 6 0,000

4 143 Growers interest subsidy 163,6 0 0

4 148 La Collette fishing

f a c il it ies  6 8,900

4 149 Market development 4,300

 Artificial Insemination and Semen Bank  Scheme

4 151 Staff 1 , 8 0 0

4 152 Premises 8 0 0

4 153 Supplies and services  1,900

4 155 Establishment   1 0 0

T o t a l request 1 , 1 99,8 0 0

Tourism Committee


4 601 Staff 4 7 ,0 00

4 608 Capital servicing 1 4 ,000

 Advertising, publicity and promotional  expenses

4 614 Paris office 2 4 ,9 0 0

4 616 Advertising and

p u b l ic ity 4 9 ,400

T o t a l request 1 3 5 ,300

  S A  

# #  

 Etat Civil Committee

4 701 Staff 1 , 7 0 0

4 702 Premises 1 0 0

4 705 Establishment 2 0 0

T o t a l request 2 ,0 0 0  Social Security Committee

 Benefits of a non-contributory nature 4 812 Family allowances 3 1 ,000

 Services related to employment

4 821 Job centre 2,600

4 821A  Employment of the

d i sa b l ed 2 9 ,100

4 822 Safeguarding of workers 9,90 0

T o t a l request 7 2 , 600  Cottage Homes Committee

4 901 Staff 4 , 8 0 0

4 902 Premises 8 ,0 00

4 903 Supplies and services 1 00

T o t a l request 1 2 , 900  Establishment Committee

 States Personnel Department: Personnel  and Organisation Divisions

5 101 Staff 1 6 ,3 00

5 104 Transport 5 0 0

5 105 Establishment 7 ,0 0 0

5 106 Staff training schemes  10,200 5 107 Staff development and

t ra i n in g 2 5 ,700

ca r r ie d forward 59,700

S A  

# #  

 Establishment Committee (cont'd) b ro u g h t forward 59,700

 States Personnel Department:

 Computer Services Division

5 121 Staff 6 4 ,2 00

5 123 Supplies and services 53,000 5 125 Establishment 1 6 , 0 00 5 128 Capital servicing 1 4 ,600

 Pensions and pension fund contributions 5 111 Pensions and gratuities

p a y a b le under the Civil

S e r v ic e (Administration)

( J er s e y) Rules 1963 10,800

5 113 Pensions to retired public

s e rv i c e employees 4 8 ,000

T o t a l request 2 6 6 ,300

Island Development Committee


5 201 Staff 2 6 ,4 00

5 203 Supplies and services  5,700 5 204 Transport 7 0 0

5 205 Establishment 3 ,2 0 0

5 206 Preparation of surveys,

d e v e lo pment plans,

c o n s u ltation fees, etc. 100,00


5 209 Capital servicing 1 00,000


5 215 Les Mielles maintenance  4 , 1 0 0

T o ta l r equest 240,100

  S A  

# #

 Housing Committee


5 401 Staff 5 1 ,9 00

5 402 Premises 5 0 0

5 403 Supplies and services 12,300 5 405 Establishment 2 ,8 0 0

 States' houses

5 411 Staff 1 6 ,1 00

5 412 Maintenance of States'

d w  el l ings 9 2,900

5 415 Supplies and services 48,700 5 416 Maintenance of

C o m m unal areas 9 , 0 0 0

5 418 Capital servicing 8 5 ,600

T o tal request 3 1 9 ,800

Prison Board


5 501 Staff 1 0 3 ,300

5 502 Premises 1 3 ,500

5 503 Supplies and services 11,500

T o t a l request 1 2 8 ,300

 Fort Regent Development Committee

 Main complex

5 741 Staff 7 2 ,2 00

5 742 Premises 6 6 ,000

5 743 Supplies and services 26,600 5 745 Establishment 1 5 , 1 00

ca r r ie d forward 179,900

S A  

# #  

F ort Regent Development Committee (c ont'd)

b ro u g h t forward 179,900

 External amenities

5 751 Staff 7 , 4 0 0

5 752 Premises 2 8 ,600

5 753 Supplies and services  5,500

 Swimming pool

5 781 Staff 7 , 2 0 0

5 782 Premises 1 4 ,600

5 783 Supplies and services  2 ,80 0

T o t a l request 2 4 6 ,000

 Gambling Control Committee 5 801 Staff 3 , 0 00

 Legislation Committee

5 900 General expenses 1 , 000

 Occupation and Liberation Committee 6 708 Capital servicing

1 9 ,0 0 0

 Harbours and Airport Committee

1 608 Capital servicing  9 42,500

 States Telecommunications Board

4 500 Total expenditure  2 00,900

  S A  

# #

 Department of Postal Administration

6 100 Total expenditure 5 63,000 6 108 Capital servicing 1 9 ,000

T o t a l request 5 8 2 ,000

CAPITAL VOTES OF CREDIT Finance and Economics Committee

 Official Analyst's Department

C 0030  Purchase of spectro-

p h o t o meter and furnace 5 9 ,5 0 0

Defence Committee


C 0143  Extension to garage/

o f fi c e accommodation  34,600

C 0144  Provision of lift at H.Q. 10,0 0 0

C 0149  Reorganisation of

o f fi c e accommodation  9 ,700

 Fire Service

C 0138  Sea water pumping

s ta t io n and mains 3 5 ,000

T o t a l request 8 9 , 300  Public Services Committee

C 0376  Grant to the Jersey

H  er i ta ge Trust 2 0 0 ,000

C 0383  Replacement switchboard

- B e l lo zanne  

7 3 ,5 0 0

C 0384  Replacement switchboard

- C y r il Le Marquand

H  o u se   2 1 0 , 0 0 0  

Total request  #483,500 200,000 283,5 00

  S A  

# #  

 Education Committee

C 02534 Mont-a-L'Abbé School  36,500 C 0596  Highlands College

d e v e lo pment  78,500

C 0599  Horticulture and

A  g ri c ulture Training

C e n t r e 3 4 , 100

   La Chasse

C 2301  Upgrading of facilities 2 2 5 ,0 0 0

Total request  #374,100 149,100 225,0 00

Public Health Committee

C 0632   St. Saviour 's Hospital

u p g r a ding  1 50,000

C 2711  Upgrade lifts, General

H  o sp i tal 1 5 ,000

C 2725  General Hospital

d e v e lo pment Phase III

w  ar d upgrading 2 3 5 ,000 C 2726  General Hospital

d e v e lo pment fees -

P h a s e III  - completion

p h a s e s 4 5 , 000

C 2763  Cook-chill kitchen

a l te r a tions 100,000

T o t a l request 5 4 5 ,000

 Agriculture and Fisheries Committee

C 0721  Sheltered workshop for

t h e m  entally handicapped 7 5 ,0 0 0

  S A  

# #  

 Social Security Committee

C 2902  Sheltered workshop for

t h e m  entally handicapped 2 5 ,0 0 0

Island Development Committee

C 0904  Acquisition of land

- m  a jo r reserve 5 , 000,00


C 0920  St. Ouen's Bay 2 5 , 0 0 0

T o ta l r equest 5,025,000  Housing Committee

C 1103  Building, purchase and

r e h a b ilitation of

d w  el l ings  7 52,100

C 1107  Quennevais Park surface

w  at e r drainage 3 0 ,0 00

C 1114  Hillgrove House reception a l te r a tions 5 5 ,0 0  


Total request  #837,100 782,100 55,00 0

Fort Regent Development Committee

C 1234  Swimming pool roof

i m p r o vements   1 1 0 , 0 0 0

Harbours and Airport Committee

 C0240  Port of St. Helier

d e v e lo pment  94,900

 C0246  West of Albert

P i e r s urfacing 1 0 4 ,000

T o t a l request 1 9 8 ,900

The total requests granted for the September Supply Day amounted to #20,720,800. The deferred Supply items amounted to #1,955,000.

Jersey Schizophrenia Fellowship - grant: additional vote of credit. P.143/90

THE STATES deferred consideration of the request of the Public Health Committee for an additional vote of credit in the sum of #120,000 for a grant to the Jersey Schizophrenia Fellowship (3219B). The proposition relative thereto was lodged

au Greffe''.

Public Employees Contributory Retirement Scheme - 1990 amendme additional vote of credit P.144/90

THE STATES deferred consideration of the request of the Establishment Committee for an additional vote of credit in the sum of #1,210,000 for the 1990 amendments to the Public Employees Contributory Retirement Scheme (5117).

The proposition relative thereto was lodged au Greffe'' by Deputy Robin Ernest Richard Rumboll of St. Helier .

General Hospital development - phase

III ward upgrading. Supplementary vote of credit. P.145/90

THE STATES deferred consideration of the request of the Public Health Committee for a supplementary vote of credit in the sum of #250,000 for the General Hospital development Phase III - ward upgrading (C2725).

The proposition relative thereto was lodged au Greffe''.

General Hospital development - fees

phase III completion phases: supplementary vote of credit P.146/90

THE STATES deferred consideration of the request of the Public Health Committee for a supplementary vote of credit in the sum of #50,000 for the General Hospital development - fees phase III completion phases (C2726).

The proposition relative thereto was lodged au Greffe''.

Edinburgh Guest House - alterations: supplementary vote of credit. P.147/90

THE STATES deferred consideration of

the request of the Housing Committee for an additional vote of credit in the sum of #75,000 for alterations to Edinburgh Guest House (C1113).

The proposition relative thereto was lodged au Greffe''.

Post Office automated sorting equipment: supplementary vote of credit. P.148/90

THE STATES deferred consideration of the request of the Committee for Postal Administration for a supplementary vote of credit in the sum of #250,000 for automated sorting equipment at the Post Office (C1303).

The proposition relative thereto was lodged au Greffe'' by Deputy Thomas John du Feu of St. Peter .

St. Elmo Nurses Home, St. Helier

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Public Health Committee -

 ( a) approved the expenditure of

# 1 5 0,000 on the refurbishment of

S t . Elmo Nurses Home, and agreed

t o t he transfer of that amount

f ro m the Public Health Committee's c a p ital vote No. 2733, Main Nurses

H o me - window replacement, to fund t h e work;

 ( b) authorised the return in full, of

c a p ital vote No. C2704 (Main

N u rses Home - rewiring) and those f u n ds remaining within capital

v o t e No. C2733, to general

r e se rves;

 ( c) authorised the Treasurer of the S t a tes to take the necessary

a c ti on in the matter.

La Collette depots development:

transfer of funds

THE STATES, adopting a proposition

of the Public Services Committee, approved the transfer of #166,000 from the capital

vote of credit Public lavatories'' (Vote

No. C0337) to the capital vote of credit

La Collette development - depots'' (Vote No. C0366) to meet the additional costs incurred in creating extra office accommodation within the new depots for the Operations Division administration and the Housing Maintenance staff, as a result of

the amalgamation of the former Department of Public Building and Works and Resources Recovery Board.

Balleine Close, St. Clement

(formerly The Halt): approval of drawings. P.149/90

THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of the Housing Committee regarding the redevelopment of Balleine Close, St. Clement (formerly known as The Halt).

On the proposition of Senator Corrie Stein the proposition was lodged au Greffe''.

Plat Douet School extension: approval of drawings

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Education Committee -

 ( a) approved Drawings Nos. 2426/45 and 2 4 2 6/46 showing the construction

o f a new classroom at Plat Douet

S c h ool;

 ( b) authorised the Greffier of the

S t a tes to sign the said Drawings

o n behalf of the States.

Howard Davis Farm, Trinity : transfer

of administration of machinery store and associated store

THE STATES, adopting a proposition

of the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee, approved the transfer of the administration of the existing machinery store and associated block-built store at the Howard Davis Farm, Trinity from that Committee to the Social Security Committee.

Ceramic lined chimneys: replacement of defective ICL flues

THE STATES, adopting a proposition

of the Finance and Economics Committee, agreed to rescind paragraph 2(b) of their Act dated 21st August 1990, relating to ceramic lined chimneys (P.113/90) and to substitute therefor the following paragraph -

(b)  to make, on application, a

lo a n of up to a maximum of

# 2 ,0 0 0 at a rate of four per

ce n t a year, repayable over a

p er i o d of ten years, to any

su c h h ouseholder who replaces th e d ef ective chimney with

ei t h er a Selkirk ceramic

ch i m  n ey or with an

al t er n a tive installation

w h i ch has been approved by

th e Is l and Development

C o m m  ittee;''.

Royal Court (Remuneration of Commissioners) (No. 2) (Jersey) Act 1990

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 10A of the Royal Court (Jersey) Law 1948, as amended, and after consultation with the Bailiff , made an Act entitled the Royal Court (Remuneration of Commissioners) (No. 2) (Jersey) Act 1990.

Court of Appeal (Remuneration of Ordinary Judges) (No. 2) (Jersey) Act 1990

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article

6 of the Court of Appeal (Jersey) Law, 1961, as amended, made an Act entitled the Court of Appeal (Remuneration of Ordinary Judges) (No. 2) (Jersey) Act 1990.

Social Security: agreement with Australia. P.127/90

THE STATES, adopting a proposition

of the Social Security Committee, requested

the Bailiff to inform the Secretary of

State that it is the wish of the Assembly

that the Agreement on Social Security between the Government of Australia and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland should apply

to Jersey.

States' Members' business interests. P.108/90

THE STATES commenced consideration

of a proposition of Senator Richard Joseph Shenton regarding States' Members' business interests. Paragraph (a) was adopted.

Members present voted as follows - P o u r' ' (33)


 S henton, Jeune , Binnington, Horsfall,  E llis, Le Main, Brooke, Le Maistre,

 S tein.

Connétable s

 S t. Peter, St. Clement, St. Mary, St.  O uen, St. Brelade , Trinity , St.

M artin, Grouville .


 L e Gallais(S), Roche(S), R.

R umboll(H), Beadle(B), Blampied(H), S t. John, Baudains(C), Buesnel(H), C. R umboll(H), St. Ouen , Jordan(B), St. M ary, Bailhache (H), Baudains(H),

 G rouville, Clarke-Halifax(S).

C o n t re'' (10) Senator

 C arter.

Connétable s

 S t. John, St. Lawrence.


M orel(S), Trinity , Norman(C),

 S t. Peter, St. Martin, Le Sueur(H),  H uelin(B).

After discussion paragraph (b) was withdrawn by Senator Shenton. Paragraph (c) was relettered (b) and adopted, the words

and (b)'' having been deleted.

THE STATES agreed -

 ( a) to provide a Register in which

S t a tes' Members would be required t o e nter their business interests;

a n d

 ( b) to request the House Committee to t a ke the necessary action for

p a r agraph (a) to be implemented.

Health and Safety at Work (Lifts) (Jersey) Regulations 1990. P.120/90

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article

9 of the Health and Safety at Work (Jersey) Law 1989, made Regulations entitled the Health and Safety at Work (Lifts) (Jersey) Regulations 1990.

Field 146, St. Clement and part

garden Okanagan: compulsory purchase. P.121/90

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Housing Committee -

 ( a) agreed that the Committee be

e m p owered to acquire Field 146 and p a r t of the garden of Okanagan, La

R u e du Hocq, St. Clement, by

c o m pulsory purchase on behalf of

t h e public of the Island in

a c c ordance with the provisions of

t h e Compulsory Purchase of Land

( P r ocedure) (Jersey) Law 1961;

 ( b) authorised the payment or

d i sc harge of the expenses to be

i n cu rred in connexion with the

a c q uisition of the said land and

o f a ll legal expenses from the

I s la nd Development Committee's c a p ital vote of credit

A cquisition of land - major

r e se rve (Vote No. C0904)'';

 ( c) authorised the Attorney General a n d the Greffier of the States to

p a s s, on behalf of the public, any c o n tracts which may be found

n e c essary in connexion with the s a id land and any interest

t h er ein.

Customs and Excise (General

Provisions) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1990. P.122/90

THE STATES, subject to the sanction

of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Customs and Excise (General Provisions) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1990.

Public Finances (Administration) (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 1990. P.123/90

THE STATES, subject to the sanction

of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Public Finances (Administration) (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 1990.

Licensing (Licence Fees) (Jersey) Regulations 1990. P.129.90

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 11 of the Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Licensing (Licence Fees) (Jersey) Regulations 1990.

Tourism (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 1990 (Appointed Day) Act 1990. P.130/90

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article

2 of the Tourism (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 1990, made an Act entitled the Tourism (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 1990 (Appointed Day) Act 1990.

La Chasse House, St. Helier . P.132/90

THE STATES, adopting a proposition

of the Education Committee, approved, in principle, the creation of a day nursery and three family units within La Chasse House, St. Helier and the upgrading of the existing residential accommodation. THE STATES rose at 4.45 p.m.

R . S . G R A Y D eputy Greffier of the States.