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STATES MINUTES 3 0 t h January, 1990 P r ic e : # 1 .5 0
THE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 30th January, 1990 at 10.15 a.m. under t he Presidency of the Bailiff ,
S i r Peter Crill, C.B.E.
_ _ _ _ _ _______
All Members were present with the exception of -
S enator Reginald Robert Jeune - out of
t he Island.
L eonard René Hamel, Connétable of St. C lement - ill.
F rancis Hedley Morel , Deputy of St.
S aviour - out of the Island.
M aurice Clement Buesnel, Deputy of St. H elier - ill.
D erek Ryder Maltwood, Deputy of St.
M ary - out of the Island.
_ _ _ _ _ _______
P r a y e rs
_ _ _ _ _ _______
Commonwealth Games: congratulations to the Mallet family
The Bailiff said -
Members will have learnt with great p ride and immense pleasure of the
o utstanding success of the Mallet
f amily at the Commonwealth Games. Y esterday I sent a message of
c ongratulations to them, but I know
t hat, at this first Sitting of the
S tates since their achievements, you
w ould all wish to endorse what I said, a nd to enroll formally in the Minutes
o f the States our warmest
c ongratulations.''
The States unanimously concurred with acclamation.
Subordinate legislation tabled
The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -
1 . Court of Appeal (Civil)
( A m endment) (Jersey) Rules, 1990. R & O 8021.
2 . Court of Appeal (Criminal) ( R e ference of Points of Law) ( J er sey) Rules 1990. R & O 8 0 2 2.
Matters noted - land transactions
THE STATES noted an Act of the
Finance and Economics Committee dated 22nd January, 1990, showing that in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved -
( a) as recommended by the
H o using Committee the sale to Mr. D en is James Marett and Mrs.
D o rothy Anne Marett, née Phillips,
o f 5 61 square feet of land on
J a rd in de la Fontaine, St.
S a v iour, for a consideration of
# 5 6 1 with each side being
r e sp onsible for its own legal
f e es ;
( b) as recommended by the
H o using Committee the grant of
r ig h ts to Mr. Denis James Marett
a n d Mrs. Dorothy Anne Marett, née P h i llips, over a strip of land
m ea suring 12 feet wide on Jardin
d e l a Fontaine, St. Saviour ,
r e q uired for a vehicular access
a n d the granting of servitudes,
f o r a consideration of #1,000,
w it h each side being responsible
f o r its own legal fees;
( c) as recommended by the
H o using Committee the purchase
f ro m The Regent Hotel Holdings, of a l l rights in the party wall
r u n ning north and south between
N o rman's Timber Yard and 20/24
P i e r Road, St. Helier for a
c o n sideration of #10, with each
s id e being responsible for its own l e ga l fees;
( d) as recommended by the
H o using Committee the sale to The R e g ent Hotel Holdings of all
r ig h ts in the party wall running
t o t he east and the west between
B a s du Mont Flats, Le Clos du Fort a n d 20/24 Pier Road, St. Helier ,
f o r a consideration of #10 for
e a c h transaction, with each side
b e in g responsible for its own
l e ga l fees;
( e) as recommended by the
H o using Committee the granting to T h e Jersey Electricity Company
L i m ited, free of charge, of
s e rv itudes required for high
t e ns ion cables at 12 to 20 Dorset
S t re et, St. Helier, with each side
b e in g responsible for its own
l e ga l fees;
( f) as recommended by the
H o using Committee the sale to the P a r ish of St. Peter of the roads
a n d landscaped areas on La Grande P i è ce, St. Peter , as outlined in
D ra wing No. 2257/806, for a
n o m inal consideration of #1, with
e a c h side being responsible for
i ts o wn legal fees;
( g) as recommended by the
H o using Committee the granting to t h e Jersey Electricity Company
L i m ited of any wayleaves required f o r high tension cables, to
c o n nect the property Velsheda
C o t tage, High Street, St. Aubin,
S t . Brelade, owned by Miss Jane
A le xandra Cousins across its land a t L e Jardin du Crocquet, for the
c o n sideration of #500 with Miss
C o u sins being responsible for the
p a y ment of all legal fees;
( T h e Committee rescinded its Act N o . 3(d) of 18th September, 1989, w h ich was notified to the States
o n 26th September, 1989)
( h) as recommended by the H o using Committee the granting of a w ayleave to Miss Jane Alexandra C o u sins to lay a water pipe across
i ts l and at Le Jardin du Crocquet
t o s ervice her property, Velsheda C o t tage, High Street, St. Aubin,
S t . Brelade, for the consideration
o f # 500, with Miss Cousins being
r e sp onsible for the payment of all
l e ga l fees;
( T h e Committee rescinded its Act N o . 3(e) of 18th September, 1989, w h ich was notified to the States
o n 26th September, 1989)
( i) as recommended by the
H o using Committee, with the
s u p port of the Island Development
C o m mittee, the purchase from North J e rs ey Construction Limited, of
f iv e newly constructed one-bedroom f la t s at the site of Pierson
C o t tage, Springfield Lane, St.
H el ier, for a sum of #400,000,
w it h each side being responsible
f o r the payment of its own legal
f e es ;
( j) as recommended by the Public
H ea lth Committee the renewal of t h e lease to Mr. Barry Clement
R o n del of Field 1547 Westmount, S t . Helier, for a period of one
y e a r from 1st January 1990 at a
r e n t of #60 a year;
( k) as recommended by the Public
H ea lth Committee the lease to Mr. D er rick Gordon Le Cornu of Fields 3 4 and 37, Grouville , for a period
o f n ine years commencing 25th
D ec ember 1989, at a rent of #1,760 a y e ar, with three yearly rent
r e v iews;
( l) as recommended by the Public
H ea lth Committee, the lease from R . A . Porée Limited of a one-
b e d roomed flat at 29, Midvale
R o a d, St. Helier , for a period of
t w o years from 1st January, 1990, a t a rent of #90 a week, with a
c o s t of living rise at the end of
t h e first year and annual reviews t h er eafter, required for
o c c upation by hospital staff;
( m) as recommended by the Harbours a n d Airport Committee the granting t o T he Jersey Electricity Company L i m ited of a contract wayleave in
p e r petuity to allow the company to l a y services to connect the
w ea ther radar tower at La Moye on t h e payment of a nominal sum of
# 1 0 with each party being
r e sp onsible for its own legal
f e es ;
( n) as recommended by the
E s t ablishment Committee, the
l e as ing from Mrs. Olivia Cumming B u t ler, née Harris , of Flat 2,
E l li ston House, The Bulwarks, St. A u bin, for a further period of one
y e a r, with effect from 1st
D ec ember, 1989, at an annual rent
o f # 7,750, required for occupation
b y an essential employee appointed
o n a contract basis.
Matters noted - financial transactions
THE STATES noted Acts of the
Finance and Economics Committee dated 2nd October and 11th December, 1989 and 22nd January,1990 showing that in pursuance of Rule 5 of the Public Finances (General) (Jersey) Rules, 1967, as amended, the Committee had noted that -
( a) the Housing Committee had accepted t h e lowest of four tenders, namely
t h at submitted by Ritchie's
E q u ipment Limited in the sum of
# 6 2 3,441 in a contract period of
2 6 weeks for the stabilisation of
t h e rock face at Clos du Fort, St.
H el ier;
( b) the Housing Committee had accepted t h e lowest of six tenders, namely
t h at submitted by R.J. Wilkinson
L i m ited in the sum of #205,279 in
a c o ntract period of 26 weeks for
t h e conversion of No. 17 Trinity
R o a d, St. Helier to provide 3 one-
b e d roomed and 1 bedsitter units of
a c c ommodation;
( c) the Housing Committee had accepted t h e lowest of six tenders, namely
t h at submitted by Trio
C o nstruction Limited in the sum of
# 1 , 340,032 in a contract period of
5 2 weeks for the development of 14
t w o -bedroomed (4 person) flats and
8 tw o-bedroomed (3 person) flats
a t L e Clos de Felard, St.
L a w rence;
( d) the Public Health Committee had a c c epted the lowest of five
t e nd ers, namely that submitted by D .C . Allen Limited in the sum of
# 2 2 4,469.54 in a contract period
o f 5 2 weeks for the extension of
t h e Ambulance Station, Rouge
B o u illon, St. Helier;
( e) the Harbours and Airport Committee h a d accepted the lowest of three
t e nd ers, namely that submitted by
B . & C. Contractors Limited in the
s u m of #88,895.47 in a contract
p e r iod from 2nd January to 7th
A p ril, 1990 for the extension to
G at e Lounge 14 in the Airport
P a s senger Pier.
Matters lodged
The following subjects were lodged au Greffe'' -
1 . Draft Health and Safety at Work ( In q uiries Procedure) (Jersey)
R e g ulations 199 . P.12/90.
P r e sented by the Social Security C o m mittee. The States decided to t a ke this subject into
c o n sideration on 13th February,
1 9 9 0.
2 . Queen's Road/Rouge Bouillon
j u n ction: roundabout. P.13/90.
P r e sented by the Island
D ev elopment Committee. The States d e c ided to take this subject into
c o n sideration on 27th February,
1 9 9 0.
3 . Field 232, St. John: rezoning for
r e si dential development. P.14/90.
P r e sented by the Island
D ev elopment Committee. The States d e c ided to take this subject into
c o n sideration on 13th February,
1 9 9 0.
4 . Draft Public Finances
( A d ministration) (Amendment No. 5) ( J er sey) Law, 199 . P.15/90.
P r e sented by the Finance and
E c o nomics Committee. The States
d e c ided to take this subject into
c o n sideration on 27th February,
1 9 9 0.
5 . Dental benefit and services:
i n tr oduction. P.16/90.
P r e sented by the Social Security C o m mittee.
Government House: petition regarding restoration. P.17/90
Deputy Henry George Coutanche of
St. Lawrence presented to the States on behalf of Marcus Binney and others a
petition regarding the restoration and modernisation of Government House (P.8/90).
Island Development Committee: Island Plan and development of sites. Questions and answers
Deputy Henri Léon Dubras
of St. Martin asked the Connétable of St. John, President of the Island Development Committee, the following questions -
Q uestion 1
Acknowledging that the Island
D evelopment Committee has to work w ithin the constraints determined by
t he Island Plan and the presumptions
e xpressed therein, would the President n ot agree that there are a number of
s ites within the broadly defined
A gricultural Priority Zone, many of
w hich are in existing hamlets, which
c ould well be considered for
r easonable development?''
The President of the Island Development
replied as follows -
The main constraints of the Island
P lan which affect development in the
r ural areas are the land use and
b uilding restriction zones and the
p olicies which limit new drainage
i nstallations. The restriction zone
r eferred to in the question - the
A gricultural Priority Zone - covers
a reas of existing development as well
a s open farmland. In the case of
u ndeveloped sites within groups of
b uildings - hamlets is a good
d escription - the Committee refers to
I sland Plan Policies CO6, CO7 and CO8.
T here is a general presumption against d evelopment which is non
a gricultural'. Farm buildings and new h omes for those who farm are often
a pproved and, where there is mains
d rainage, the Committee already uses i ts discretion in assessing the merits
o f non-agricultural development
p roposals, particularly where they are f or genuine infilling in an existing
g roup of buildings.
M y Committee is also sympathetic to t he conversion of buildings which are w orthy of retention to residential
u se, although the conversion or
r eplacement of old storage sheds is
n ot usually acceptable.
A ll new housing should, if possible,
h ave mains water supply and sewage
d isposal. The maps in Chapter 8 of
V olume 1 of the Island Plan show those a reas of the Island which are served.
P olicy SE 4 is worth quoting -
P e rmission will not normally be
g i v en for a new development which r e li es on septic tanks and
s o a kaways or private sewage
t re a tment plants.'
T he Committee reviewed this policy
l ast year and resolved to continue
a dministering it firmly after
r eceiving advice from the Medical
O fficer of Health, Resources Recovery B oard and Jersey New Waterworks
C ompany Limited.''
S upplementary questions and answers
S enator B. Brooke - In the answer in
t he case of undeveloped sites within
g roups of buildings, hamlets a good
d escription, the Committee refers to
I sland Plan Policy CO6, CO7 and CO8, a s we have not got these to hand is
h is following explanation a summary of C O6, CO7 and CO8?''
P resident, Island Development C ommittee - It is.''
S enator T.J. Le Main - In view of h aving received a letter from his
d epartment on the question of Policy S E 4 will the President give me an
a ssurance that they will relook at
t his policy in view of my letter to
t he department?''
P resident, Island Development
C ommittee - The Senator's letter
c ame after my Committee gave very
s erious consideration to the
i ntroduction of private sewage
t reatment plants, but before it
d ecided to maintain its policy it had
l ong discussions with the Public
H ealth Committee, and in particular
t he Medical Officer of Health, the
R esources Recovery Board and the
J ersey New Waterworks Company Limited a nd it was quite obvious from the
a dvice that we were getting from those
v ery concerned bodies that this form
o f sewage treatment is not acceptable
t o the Island and wishing to at all
t imes protect the health of the
p opulation of this Island the
C ommittee remains firmly against the
i ntroduction of dwellings without
a dequate public sewage.''
D eputy R.E.R. Rumboll - If it could
b e shown to the Committee and indeed t o the House that tight sewerage
t reatment plant were not a health
h azard and that they could be
c ontrolled, would the Committee then
p erhaps reconsider the policy or
i ndeed would the Committee accept that m aybe a proposition could be brought
t o the House to amend the policy to a llow such developments, because after a ll it is, and I wonder if the
P resident would not agree, in terms of p lanning the residential use of Island
p roperties there is a major resource
w ithin these areas which unfortunately a re not capable of being connected to
t he public sewerage system for some
t ime, but nevertheless would greatly
a ssist the provision of housing units
w ithin established hamlet areas, and I w onder, therefore, would the President a ccept that if it can be shown that
f rom a health point of view which is
t he aspect the President emphasised a m oment ago, if it can be shown that
t here is no health hazard in
e stablishing an integrated tight
s ewerage system, then that the policy m ight be relaxed somewhat in the
f uture?''
P resident, Island Development
C ommittee - I think Deputy Rumboll's q uestion will be partly answered in
t he next question and answer, but I
w ould again assure him that everything h as been considered and basically the
e fforts of my Committee is to find
l and and to find sites for Category A
h ousing for those in need and most of
t he applications that come before the
C ommittee for the relaxation of our
S E 4 policies are to do with the
d evelopment of beautiful old granite
b uildings which are either let or sold
a t very high prices. It does nothing
a t all for the Category A housing that
i s so badly needed on this Island.
Then we go on to the other part of his q uestion which was the subject of
t ight tanks. Tight tanks are fine if
t hey can be assured that they will not
l eak but concrete has got a habit of
c racking and leaking and then of
c ourse there is always the fear that
t ight tanks will fill and overflow and
t herefore pollute the soil still
f urther, and it will need great
p rofessional advice for my Committee t o alter its stance on that subject.''
S enator J.S. Rothwell - Apart from t his question of health grounds raised b y Deputy Rumboll, which is an
i mportant one of course, would the
P resident agree that the very strict
i mposition of this part of the
p lanning law will very, very seriously i nhibit the creation of solving of the h ousing problems, especially as one c onsiders that vast areas of this
I sland are not served by main
d rains?''
P resident, Island Development
C ommittee - We come back again to t he provision of housing. Our serious h ousing problem is not in the Category B sector, the expensive house is not a p roblem. What is a housing problem to t he Island of Jersey is the provision
o f houses for first-time buyers and
y oung couples who want to set up in
t heir own homes to start off their
l ife. That is the important thing
a bout the future of finding housing.''
S enator Le Main - Is it not correct,
c an't the President inform this House
t hat there are many sites which would
s uit Category A housing and would he n ot agree that one of the objections
h as been that the tanker system at the
R esources Recovery Board is
o verburdened and overladen and they
c an't cope. Would he consider, the
P resident of the Island Development
C ommittee, that subject to the
R esources Recovery Board's agreeing
t hat a proper tight system with
p erhaps private contractors being able
t o help the burden that the Resources
R ecovery Board have got and discharge i nto the system, would they not
c onsider the Island Development
C ommittee, if the permission were
g ranted on health and safety grounds
b y the Resources Recovery Board? The
o ther point, would the President not
a gree that there is sewage already
g oing out into the roads from large
a reas which could be resolved with a
s ystem like this?''
P resident, Island Development
C ommittee - If the Senator is
c orrect and I doubt his wild
s tatement, if he is correct we would
o nly be compounding the situation by a llowing development where there are n ot main sewerage facilities. We have a t all times, as I said in my first
a nswer to Deputy Dubras, we have at a ll times taken professional advice
a nd that professional advice comes out s trongly against any relaxation in our p olicies. I cannot say more, and if
t he Senator wishes to ask me some
f urther questions, perhaps next week, w ell then I will be delighted to
a nswer them.''
S enator P.F. Horsfall - In the
s econd paragraph of the answer the
P resident gives hope for genuine
i nfilling of an existing group of
b uildings. In the following paragraph h e also gives hope for the sympathetic c onversion of buildings which are
w orthy of retention to residential
u se. There is a third category of
b uilding and I know some exist like
t his, whereby it is in residential use
b ut it is not possible to modernise,
t he building is decaying and falling
d own, so that would be in fact a
r eplacement of a residentially used
b uilding which is not mentioned in the r eply, would the President assure me
t hat these are also given sympathetic c onsideration, or as the impression
o btained is do they just simply have
t o decay until they fall down?''
P resident, Island Development
C ommittee - We give every application due consideration and we
a re always working with the wish and
t he hope that any development can take p lace subject to the policies of the
I sland Plan and the Island Planning
L aw.''
D eputy P.J. Le Masurier - Would the P resident of the Island Development
C ommittee agree that if more Category B houses were made available occupants a nd owners of Category A houses who, a s they get older and their finances
i mprove, would step up the ladder thus
r eleasing more Category A houses for
f irst-time buyers?''
P resident, Island Development
C ommittee - I cannot answer that
q uestion fully because I have no facts
b efore me, but people who move up from
C ategory A housing into these
c onverted buildings that Deputy Le M asurier is talking about
u nfortunately the house that they
v acate, their Category A housing, or
t heir first-time buyer house that they v acate is not sold at Category A
p rices which would enable a young
c ouple to buy it. Those houses are
s old at its maximum price that
d esperate people will pay. But
b asically they are Category A housing a nd it does nothing at all for the
p roblem of housing shortage.''
Deputy Dubras Q uestion 2
Appreciating the problems which can b e anticipated from the creation of
p recedents, but having regard to the
c onsiderable housing shortage, would t he President undertake that his
C ommittee will aim, seeking if
n ecessary the support of the House, to e stablish a flexibility in its
d ecision making which appears not to e xist at present?''
President, Island Development Committee
The Deputy will appreciate that my
C ommittee is particularly aware of,
a nd concerned for, the serious
s hortage of housing for young first-
t ime buyers. However, I would point
o ut that the contribution to the
I sland's Category A housing problem m ade by the construction of individual h ouses in countryside locations is
e xtremely small. By their very nature s uch houses have a market value far in e xcess of the Category A limit, and
a pplications for such development are r arely made by persons that would
o therwise be dependent on the States'
L oan sector.
I would draw the Deputy 's attention to t he pepper-potting' effect that this
t ype of development has had over the y ears and would advise him of my
C ommittee's concern that the
u rbanisation of the countryside is
t otally contrary to the Island's
p lanning objectives. In my view, this
t ype of development, cumulatively, has d one more to spoil Jersey's
c ountryside than allowing single
f ields to be developed on the edge of
t he built-up areas for Category A
h ousing.
I f I may return to the Deputy 's choice
o f the word hamlet in question 1. May I point out that groups of buildings
h ave a tendency to become hamlets and h amlets become small villages and
t hese have a habit of becoming large
v illages with the result that over the
y ears the countryside becomes
u rbanised. If we are to protect the
c ountryside for future generations we
h ave to be very firm in applying our
p olicies consistently.
T he Committee will continue to apply t he Island Plan policies with
f lexibility and discretion but not at
t he expense of putting the health of
t he islanders at risk or spoiling the
a ppearance of the countryside.''
S upplementary question and answer
D eputy H.A. Vandervliet - I agree
w ith practically everything the
P resident has said but there is one
t hing which I would like a little more
f lexibility than it is at present.
T here are occasions when people apply t o extend to build a flat onto their
e xisting house to house a young couple w ho would be on our housing list and I a dmit that there are not hundreds of
t hem but there are a few and could I
a sk the President to reconsider the
p osition and see if he can't exercise
a little more flexibility when people
a re trying to house their children?''
P resident, Island Development
C ommittee - I am happy to so do and I would have thought that that
q uestion that was put forward by
D eputy Vandervliet was generated from a certain residence at St. Brelade. My
C ommittee went to see that site on two
o ccasions and in no way, I accept that
t he President of Housing wished to
h ouse this young couple but in no way i n planning terms could my Committee h ave supported that application but we w ere supportive of the wish of the
P resident of Housing to find
a ccommodation for that young couple a nd we went on two occasions to try to a ssist, but it came out loud and clear
t hat it would have been a wrong
d ecision of my Committee to allow that d evelopment.''
Les Quennevais community swimming pool. Question and answer
Deputy Graham Huelin of St.
Brelade asked Deputy John Le Gallais of St. Saviour , Vice-President of the Policy and Resources Committee the following question -
In view of the decision of the
S tates on 30th May 1989 authorising
t he preparation of detailed proposals
f or a community swimming pool at Les Q uennevais, will the President confirm t hat the States will be given an
o pportunity of considering the
i mplications of the project and
d eciding thereon?''
The Vice-President of the Policy and Resources Committee replied as follows -
The answer is yes.
I must make it clear that the Policy
a nd Resources Committee has not taken a decision with regard to priorities
o f capital expenditure for 1991.
T he States on 24th January 1989,
a pproved the terms of reference of the P olicy and Resources Committee and a greed that one of the
r esponsibilities of that Committee
w ould be to ensure the overall co-
o rdination of strategic policies and
o bjectives and to recommend to the
S tates relative priorities in the use
o f money and/or manpower resources.
T he Committee invited Presidents to a m eeting on 10th January 1990, when c onsideration commenced on the
p riorities of capital expenditure for
1 991. The requests for that year
t otalled over #108 million and it was
e xplained to the Presidents that there
w as a need to omit a significant
n umber of projects from the 1991
c apital programme in order to limit
t he pressure on the economy arising
f rom the level of building and civil
e ngineering work. Unless the capital
p rogramme for 1991 is adjusted, it
w ill not be possible to meet the
o bjectives agreed by the States during
t he debate on the Committee's report
a nd proposition Population control -
f uture strategy' on 5th December 1989. F ollowing discussions with the
P residents some reductions were agreed s ubject, of course, to States'
a pproval. A further meeting is to be
h eld with Presidents next month to
c onsider further the relative
p riorities of the individual capital
r equests. The Policy and Resources
C ommittee will then present to the
S tates its recommendations for
p riorities for the capital programme
f or 1991 and the States will make the
f inal decision.''
Airport: renewal of lease of accommodation
THE STATES adopting a Proposition
of the Harbours and Airport Committee -
( a) approved the renewal of the lease
t o B ritish Midland Airways Limited
o f L ettings B9, B90A, B, C, D,
B 1 7 2, B173, B174, B175 and B173A a t t he Airport for a period of
t h re e years from 1st April, 1990,
a t a n annual rent of #49,614.80,
w it h a rent review on 1st April of
e a c h year of the lease, linked to
t h e Jersey Cost of Living Index;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the
S t a tes to sign the necessary
a g r eement with the Company; and
( c) authorised the Treasurer of the S t a tes to receive the payments as t h ey become due.
Port of St. Helier : lease of
accommodation at Elizabeth Harbour terminal building
THE STATES, adopting a
Proposition of the Harbours and Airport Committee -
( a) approved the lease to British
C h a nnel Island Ferries of Lettings
E 1 , E2, E3, E4, E5, E6 and E7 in
t h e Elizabeth Harbour terminal
b u i lding for a period of nine
y e a rs, commencing 1st November,
1 9 8 9, at an annual rent of
# 1 6 ,260, based on an area of 1,626
s q u are feet at #10.00 per square
f o o t; the rent to be increased
a n n ually on 1st November each year i n l ine with the Jersey Cost of
L i v ing Index increase over the
p r e vious twelve month period
e n d ing the quarter September;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the
S t a tes to sign the necessary
a g r eement with the Company; and
( c) authorised the Treasurer of the S t a tes to receive the payments as t h ey become due.
Victoria Cottage Homes: extensions and renovation of Block J'
THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of the Cottage Homes Committee -
( a) approved Drawings Nos. 2822/14B, 2 8 2 2/31, 2822/32, 2822/33 and
2 8 2 2/34 showing extensions to and
t h e renovation of Block J',
V i ctoria Cottage Homes, St.
S a v iour;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the
S t a tes to sign the said Drawings
o n behalf of the States.
Court of Appeal (Remuneration of Ordinary Judges) (Jersey) Act 1990
THE STATES, in pursuance of
Article 6 of the Court of Appeal (Jersey) Law 1961, as amended, made an Act entitled the Court of Appeal (Remuneration of Ordinary Judges) (Jersey) Act 1990.
Court of Appeal (Remuneration of Commissioners) (Jersey) Act 1990
THE STATES, in pursuance of
Article 10A of the Royal Court (Jersey) Law 1948, as amended, made an Act entitled the Court of Appeal (Remuneration of Commissioners) (Jersey) Act 1990.
Greville Bathe Fund: appointment of Trustee
THE STATES, adopting a Proposition
of the Finance and Economics Committee, approved the appointment of Jurat Charles Leonard Gruchy as a Trustee for the purpose of administering the income of the Greville Bathe Fund in place of the late Jurat Peter Gorton Baker.
Public Employees Contributory
Retirement Scheme: Committee of Management
THE STATES, adopting a Proposition
of the Establishment Committee, approved, in accordance with Regulation 3(2) of the Public Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (General) (Jersey) Regulations, 1989, the appointment of the Committee of Management, for the period ending 31st December, 1991, as follows -
S enator Corrie Stein
D eputy T.J. Jordan
C hief Executive Officer, States' P ersonnel Department
S enator R.R. Jeune , O.B.E., S enator P.F. Horsfall
T reasurer of the States
M r. Barrie Tucker
M r. J.H. Lees
r epresenting the Jersey Civil Service
M r. M.B. Kavanagh
M r. M. McNulty
r epresenting those members whose
c onditions of service are regulated by t he Manual Workers' Joint Council
M r. F.A. Greene
r epresenting the Category A/Members ( i.e. a member of the Uniformed
S ervices or an Air Traffic Control
O fficer)
Mr. M.D. Orbell
r epresenting retired members.
Regulation of Undertakings and Development (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Regulations 1990. P.3/90
THE STATES, in pursuance of
Article 2 of the Regulation of Undertakings and Development (Jersey) Law 1973, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Regulation of Undertakings and Development (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Regulations 1990.
Milk (Sale to Special Classes) (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 1990. P.4/90
THE STATES, by virtue and in
exercise of the powers conferred upon them by the Order in Council of the fourteenth day of April, 1884, made Regulations entitled the Milk (Sale to Special Classes) (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 1990.
Le Squez School: housing accommodation. P.5/90
THE STATES, adopting a Proposition
of the Education Committee, agreed to amend their Act of 25th June, 1986 and approved
in principle the construction of two residential properties at Le Squez School instead of one each at Le Rocquier and Grainville Schools.
St. Ouen's Bay sand extraction. P.6/90
THE STATES commenced consideration of a Proposition of the Island Development Committee regarding sand extraction at St. Ouen 's Bay. After discussion the President of the Committee agreed to take back the Proposition for further consideration.
The Connétable of St. Ouen and the Connétable of St. Brelade, having declared an interest in the matter, withdrew from the Chamber prior to the debate.
Second Report: States Sittings and planning of Public Business. P.7/90
THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of the House Committee, agreed -
( 1) that, from 1st February until 30th J u n e, 1990 -
( a ) the States should, as far as p r a c ti cable, sit for a full
d a y o n alternate Tuesdays, b e g i n ning on Tuesday, 13th F e b r u ary;
( b ) the sittings of the States
s h o u ld normally be from
9 . 3 0 a .m. to 12.45 p.m. and f ro m 2 .30 p.m. to
a p p r o ximately 5.30 p.m.;
( 2) to suspend Standing Order
N o s. 4 (1) and 4 (4) from 1st
F e b ruary until 30th June, 1990 to g i v e effect to the foregoing
d e c isions;
( 3) that the Greffier of the States s h o uld be requested, in
c o n sultation with the Bailiff , P r e sidents and other Members c o n cerned, to plan the public b u s iness of the States on the
l in e s described in the House
C o m mittee's report dated 9th J a n uary, 1990.
Government House: rescission of States Acts and designation as site of special interest. P.8/90
THE STATES commenced consideration
of a Proposition of the Island Development Committee regarding Government House. After discussion, the Committee withdrew paragraphs (b) and (c) and the States,
adopting paragraph (a), rescinded their
Acts of 13th December, 1988 and 20th June, 1989 regarding the construction of a new house, and the scale of accommodation
thereof, for His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor.
Members present voted for paragraph (a) as follows -
P o u r' ' (37)
S henton, Binnington, Horsfall, Ellis, B aal, Rothwell, Le Main, Brooke, Le M aistre, Carter, Stein.
Connétable s
S t. John, St. Peter , St. Lawrence, St. O uen, St. Brelade , Trinity , St.
M artin.
d e la Haye(H), Trinity , R. Rumboll(H),
B eadle(B), Wavell(H), Blampied(H),
N orman(C), St. John, St. Peter, St.
M artin, Baudains(C), C. Rumboll(H), Le S ueur(H), Coutanche(L), Huelin(B),
J ordan(B), Bailhache (H), Rabet(H),
B audains(H).
C o n t re'' (8)
Connétable s
S t. Helier, St. Mary.
L e Gallais(S), Roche(S),
V andervliet(L), Billot(S), St. Ouen, G rouville.
THE STATES rose at 5.20 p.m.
E . J .M . P O T T E R G re f fier of the States.