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STATES MINUTES 31s t J ul y, 1990 P r ice : # 2.00
THE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 31st July, 1990 at 9.30 a.m. under
t he Presidency of the Bailiff ,
S i r P eter Crill, C.B.E.
___ _______ __
His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, Air Marshal Sir John Sutton, K.C.B.,
w as pr esent.
___ _______ __
All Members were present with the exception of -
S enator Betty Brooke - out of the
I sland.
E dgar John Becquet, Deputy of
T rinity - out of the Island.
M ervyn Renouf Billot, Deputy of St. S aviour - out of the Island.
P atricia Ann Bailhache , Deputy of St. H elier - out of the Island.
___ _______ __
P r aye rs
___ _______ __
Tribute to the late Jurat C.S.
Dupré, former Member of the House
The Bailiff paid tribute to the late
Jurat Clarence Sheppard Dupré, a former Senator and Deputy of St. Helier .
THE STATES observed one minute's silence as a mark of respect.
H.M. Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother - 90th birthday
The Bailiff informed the House that
the following message would be sent to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother on her 90th birthday -
W e Her Majesty's loyal States of
J ersey today assembled, on behalf of
t he People of this Bailiwick and our
o wn behalf, beg leave to express to
Y our Majesty our congratulations and w armest good wishes on the occasion of Y our Majesty's ninetieth birthday.
Y our tireless service and devotion to
d uty is an inspiration to us all, and
w e pray that continued good health
w ill be enjoyed by Your Majesty, and
t hat you will be able once again to
h onour us with your presence and to
s ee the deep affection in which you
c ontinue to be held by the States and
P eople of Jersey.''
Subordinate legislation tabled
The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -
1 . Court of Appeal (Transcripts)
( Je r sey) Rules 1990. R & O 8078.
2 . Battle of Flowers (Jersey) Order 1990. R & O 8079.
Contingencies vote of credit - Education Committee
THE STATES noted an Act of the
Finance and Economics Committee dated 9th July 1990, informing the House that it had made available to the Education Committee the sum of #168,500 from the Contingencies vote of credit to carry out essential work
on the retaining walls in Highlands Lane,
St. Saviour .
Telecommunications Board report for 1989
The Telecommunications Board by Act dated 25th May 1990, presented to the States a report for the year 1989.
THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.
States of Jersey Fire Service report 1989
The Defence Committee by Act dated 5th July 1990, presented to the States a report on the administration of the States of Jersey Fire Service for the year 1989.
THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.
States of Jersey Police Force report for 1989
The Defence Committee by Act dated
5th July 1990, presented to the States a report on the States of Jersey Police Force for 1989.
THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.
Advisory Council for Sport, Leisure and Recreation: report for 1989. R.C.15
The Education Committee by Act
dated 27th June 1990, presented to the States a report on the activities of the Advisory Council for Sport, Leisure and Recreation for the year 1989.
THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.
Oakfield Industries Limited: report and accounts for 1989. R.C.16
The Social Security Committee by Act dated 26th April 1990, presented to the States the report and accounts of Oakfield Industries Limited for the year ended 31st December 1989.
THE STATES ordered that the report and accounts be printed and distributed.
Probation Service report for 1989. R.C.17
The Prison Board by Act dated 9th
July 1990, presented to the States the report of the Probation Service for 1989.
THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.
Regulation of Undertakings and Development Law: quarterly manpower returns. R.C.18
The Finance and Economics Committee
by Act dated 23rd July 1990, presented to
the States a report covering the quarterly manpower returns provided under Article 2A of the Regulation of Undertakings and Development (Jersey) Law 1973, as amended, for the quarter ended 31st March 1990.
THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.
Matters noted - land transactions
THE STATES noted Acts of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 25th June, 9th July and 23rd July 1990, showing that, in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved -
( a) as recommended by the
H o us ing Committee, the grant to Mr N i gel Royston Stansfield and Mrs.
F i on a Carol Stansfield, née Yeadon of 5 9, Garden Lane, St. Helier , of
a s e rvitude in perpetuity for a
pede strian right of way to the
r ea r of their property along an
exi s ting footpath which currently
s er ves two Housing Committee
pr op erties, for the sum of £500
w i t h all legal costs to be met by
Mr and M rs Stansfield;
( b) as recommended by the
H o us ing Committee, with the
s uppo rt of the Island Development C om mittee, the purchase from Mrs A n ne M argaret Reid, née Le
C out eur, of 11 and 13A Lempriere S t reet , St. Helier for the sum of
£ 138,7 50 with the Committee being
r es pons ible for the payment of all
l egal costs;
( c) as recommended by the Public
S er vices Committee, the renewal of t he l ease to Miss Janice Barnicoat
of t he Old Powder Magazine, Belval C ove, S t. Catherine, for a period
of n ine years from 25th December
1989 a t an annual rent of £100;
( d) as recommended by the Public H e al th Committee, and in
acc ordance with an Act of the
S t a tes dated 25th April 1989, the pur chase from Mr. John Victor
Whi te and Mrs. Marguerite Claire Whi te, née Hopton, of the property H o m elea Guest House, 17 Pomona R oad, S t. Helier, required to
acc ommodate seven members of
s taf f, for a consideration of
#210,0 00, with each side being
r es pons ible for the payment of its l egal fees;
( e) as recommended by the
I sl and Development Committee, the gr a nt of a contract lease with the
J er s ey Electricity Company
L i m ited, for a site measuring 20
s qua re metres for a period of 21
year s at a rent of £1 a year for a
s ub -station building at La
C ol lette and the provision of
s er vi tudes for the laying of high
t ens ion cables;
( f) as recommended by the Harbours and A irport Committee, the grant of a servitude to the Jersey
E l e ctricity Company Limited, free of c harge, to connect the weather r ad ar tower at La Moye to the
m ai ns electricity scheme;
( g) as recommended by the Harbours and A irport Committee, the renewal of a lease of land (1 vergée 16
per ch) on Mont à la Brune (Letting L 20 ) to Mr. Leonard Edward John
Moon for a period of three years
com mencing 24th June 1990, at a
r en t of £49.19 per annum (£35.14
per vergée);
( h) as recommended by the Harbours and A irport Committee, the renewal of a lease of land on the southern
bounda ries of the Airport
( L et tings L33A, L38, L40 and L56) m eas uring 13 vergées and 10 perch t o M r. Leonard Edward John Moon f or a pe riod of three years
com mencing 24th June 1990 at a
r en t of £570.41 a year (£43.05 a
ver gée);
( i) as recommended by the Harbours and A irport Committee, the lease t o S t. Helier Yacht Club of
s tor age accommodation in Hunt's s tor e (Letting S6) for a period of t hr ee years from 1st April 1990,
at an i nitial rent of £2,966.40 ( £ 3. 20 a square foot) with annual r en t reviews based on the Jersey C os t of Living Index;
( j) as recommended by the Harbours and A irport Committee, the lease t o M r. Graham Ian Watts of the
F i shi ng Tackle Shop at St.
C at herine's Breakwater for a
per iod of three years from 1st
J une 1990 at an annual rent of
£ 800 (£5 a square foot), with
annua l cost of living increases;
( k) as recommended by the Harbours
and A irport Committee, the lease
of land occupied by the Hungry Man K i os k at Rozel to Mr. John
B r ew ster for a three year period
com mencing 1st May 1990 at an
annua l rent of £354 (£1.50 a
s qua re foot), subject to annual
cos t of living increases;
( l) as recommended by the Public
S er vices Committee, the lease to
Mi s s Carolyn Mary Tanner of
appr oximately 9.5 vergées of land s out h of Field 691, St. Brelade ,
f or a pe riod of three years
com mencing 24th June 1990, at an annua l rent of #190;
( m) as recommended by the
H o us ing Committee, the grant to T he J ersey Electricity Company
L i m ited of servitudes in
per petuity, free of charge,
r eq uired for high tension cables
at F ield 817, St. Lawrence , with
eac h side being responsible for
t he paym ent of its own legal fees;
( n) as recommended by the
E s t ablishment Committee, the
l eas e from Mr. Donald William
P oi gnand of the property The Mews, C l os des Tours, La Ruette du Coin
V a r in, St. Peter , a two-bedroomed
f ul l y furnished flat, for the
per iod 15th July 1990, to 14th
J anu ary 1992, at a fixed weekly
r en t of #165 for the duration of
t he l ease, required for occupation
by an essential employee recruited
f rom the United Kingdom;
( o) as recommended by the Finance and E conomics Committee, the
l eas e from Mr. Nigel George
G i l lard of the property Le Pot
d' O r, Rue de Moulin, St. Peter 's V a l ley, a two-bedroomed part-
f ur ni shed flat, for a period of
t hr ee years, commencing 1st July, 1990, a t an annual rent of #5,200, w i t h annual rent reviews based on t he J ersey Cost of Living Index,
r eq uired for occupation by an
es sent ial employee appointed on a cont ract basis.
Matters lodged
The following subjects were lodged au Greffe'' -
1 . Draft Housing (General
P r ovi sions) (Amendment No. 9) ( Je r sey) Regulations 1990.
P .103/ 90.
P r es ented by the Housing
C om mittee.
2 . Third report: States'
S i tt ings and planning of public
bus iness. P.104/90.
P r es ented by the House Committee.
3 . Telephone switchboard at
C yr il Le Marquand House:
r ep lacement. P.105/90.
P r es ented by the Public Services C om mittee.
4 . Crèche for teachers'
chi l dren: transfer of funds. P .106/ 90.
P r es ented by the Education C om mittee.
5 . Policy and Resources
C om mittee: future structure. P .107/ 90.
P r es ented by the Policy and R es ources Committee.
6 . States Members business
i nt er ests. P.108/90.
P r es ented by Senator R.J. Shenton.
7 . Field 1007, St. John .
P .109/ 90.
P r es ented by Deputy D.J. de la H a ye of St. Helier .
8 . Draft Agricultural
Mar keting (Amendment No. 5) ( Je r sey) Law 199 . P.110/90.
P r es ented by the Agriculture and F i sher ies Committee.
9 . Draft Maincrop Potato Marketing
S chem e (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) A c t 199 . P.111/90.
P r es ented by the Agriculture and
F i sher ies Committee.
T he following subjects were lodged on 3 rd July 1990 -
1 . Ecology Fund:
es tabl ishment. P.91/90.
L odged : 3rd July 1990.
P r es ented by the Finance and E conom ics Committee.
2 . Draft Banking Business
( Je r sey) Law 199 . P.92/90.
L odged : 3rd July 1990.
P r es ented by the Finance and E conom ics Committee.
3 . Draft Public Employees
( C ont ributory Retirement Scheme)
( N ew Members) (Amendment) (Jersey) R egul ations 199 . P.93/90
L odged : 3rd July 1990.
P r es ented by the Establishment
C om mittee.
4 . Draft Weights and
Mea sures (Prescribed Quantities N o . 3 ) (Jersey) Order 199 .
P .94/ 90.
L odged : 3rd July 1990.
P r es ented by the Public Services C om mittee.
T he following subjects were lodged on 1 7th July 1990 -
1 . Draft Health Insurance
( M edi cal Benefit) (Amendment N o . 36 ) (Jersey) Regulations
199 .P .95/90.
P r es ented by the Social Security C om mittee.
2 . Draft Family Allowances
( A m endment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 199 . P .96/90.
P r es ented by the Social Security C om mittee.
3 . Orchid Court: housing
deve lopment. P.97/90.
P r es ented by the Housing C om mittee.
4 . New North Quay: warehouse acc ommodation. P.98/90.
P r es ented by the Harbours and A i r port Committee.
5 . Fields 14, 14A and 18 La
R ue de Maupertuis, St. Clement : hous ing development. P.99/90.
P r es ented by the Housing
C om mittee.
6 . Draft Banking Business
( Je r sey) Law 199 (P.92/90): am endm ent. P.100/90.
P r es ented by the Finance and E conom ics Committee.
7 . Draft Agricultural
Mar keting (Amendment No. 4)
( Je r sey) Law 199 . P.101/90.
P r es ented by the Agriculture and F i sher ies Committee.
8 . States Members
r em uneration: Special Sub-
com mittee (P.90/90) - amendment. P .102/ 90.
P r es ented by Senator J.S.
R ot hwell.
Standing Order No. 39: Policy and Resources Committee. P.67/90. Withdrawn
THE STATES noted that Deputy Maurice Clement Buesnel of St. Helier had withdrawn his proposition relating to the inclusion
of the Policy and Resources Committee in the list of Standing Committees (lodged on 22nd May 1990), that Committee having lodged a similar but more comprehensive proposition at this Sitting (P.107/90).
St. Ouen 's Bay sand extraction. P.6/90. Withdrawn
THE STATES noted that the President
of the Island Development Committee had withdrawn the proposition relating to sand extraction at St. Ouen 's Bay (lodged on 16th January 1990), the Committee having presented a revised proposition (P.112/90).
New North Quay: lease of
accommodation to Commodore Shipping Jersey Limited. P.36/90. Withdrawn.
THE STATES noted that the President
of the Harbours and Airport Committee had withdrawn the proposition relating to the lease of accommodation on the New North Quay (lodged on 13th March 1990), the Committee having lodged a revised proposition on 17th July 1990 (P.98/90).
Arrangement of Public Business for next Sitting on 21st August 1990
THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe should be considered at the next sitting on 21st August 1990 -
L icensing (Jersey) Law 1974: r eview. P.60/90.
L odged: 8th May 1990.
T ourism Committee.
L icensing (Jersey) Law 1974: r eview - amendment.
E ducation Committee.
E cology Fund: establishment. P .91/90.
L odged: 3rd July 1990.
F inance and Economics
C ommittee.
D raft Housing (General
P rovisions) (Amendment No. 9) (Jersey) R egulations 199 . P.103/90.
L odged: 31st July 1990.
H ousing Committee.
T hird report: States Sittings
a nd planning of public business. P .104/90.
L odged; 31st July 1990.
H ouse Committee.
T elephone switchboard at Cyril
L e Marquand House: replacement. P .105/90.
P ublic Services Committee. C rèche for teachers' children: t ransfer of funds. P.106/90. E ducation Committee.
P olicy and Resources Committee: f uture strategy. P.107/90.
P olicy and Resources Committee.
D raft Agricultural Marketing
( Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 199 . P .110/90.
A griculture and Fisheries
C ommittee.
D raft Maincrop Potato Marketing
S cheme (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Act 1 99 . P.111/90.
A griculture and Fisheries
C ommittee.
Income tax. Questions and answers
Deputy Maurice Clement Buesnel of
St. Helier asked Senator Reginald Robert Jeune , President of the Finance and Economics Committee, the following questions -
Will the President inform the H ouse -
Q uestion 1
T he total amount of income tax owed by w age and salary earners as at 31st
D ecember 1989?''
The President of the Finance and Economics Committee replied as follows -
Out of the total tax of #39.4
m illion unpaid at 31st December 1989 t he tax owed by salary and wage
e arners was #18.9 million. The
e quivalent figure at 31st December
1 988 was #20.8 million.''
Deputy Buesnel Q uestion 2
How many people were actioned for i ncome tax arrears in 1989?''
President, Finance and Economics Committee
The Comptroller has about 35,000
i ndividuals on his books, of which
s ome 19,500 pay tax. The number of
i ndividuals actioned for income tax
a rrears in 1989 was 1,580. Therefore, a bout eight per cent of taxpaying
i ndividuals were sent a summons last
y ear. About one-half of all cases are
w ithdrawn before reaching Court;
e ither the tax is paid or the debtor
a grees with the Comptroller a schedule
o f payments to settle the tax due.''
Deputy Buesnel Q uestion 3
What are the separate amounts owed b y wage and salary earners for the
y ears 1986, 1987 and 1988?''
President, Finance and Economics Committee
The total owed by salary and wage e arners at 31st December 1989,
# 18.9 million, is broken down into
y ears of assessment as follows -
1 985 and earlier #1.6m
1 986 #1.4m 1 987 #2.9m 1 988 #13.0 m
T he 1988 demands were, of course, only s ent out in September 1989. Most of
t he balances making up the old
a rrears, i.e. 1987 and older, are
b eing reduced by instalments paid via
w age arrests or voluntary
a rrangements.''
Deputy Buesnel Q uestion 4
How many people have been actioned s o far in 1990 for non-payment of
i ncome tax?''
President, Finance and Economics Committee
Following the bulk issue of
a ssessments in September the greater i ncidence of legal action takes place
i n the first six months of the year.
T he number of individuals actioned so
f ar in 1990 is 1,220.''
S upplementary question and answer
D eputy M.C. Buesnel - Does the
P resident feel that in this day and
a ge the present method of income tax
c ollection is satisfactory considering
t hat this year we have had to put back
r equests for urgent jobs to be done,
a nd I am thinking in particular in
t hat the Resources Recovery Board at B ellozanne which was #5.4 million, the a mount of income tax could pay for
t hat quite easily.''
P resident, Finance and Economics
C ommittee - I am quite certain that
w e have the best possible means of
c ollecting income tax, the Department
i s fully computerised and now is very
m uch speedier in collecting income
t ax. I know that the Deputy is very
k een on P.A.Y.E. and others maybe, but
t his is a matter that has been debated
s everal times by this House, and of
c ourse the Deputy I know may bring
a nother proposal in the future. There
a re many reasons why many Members have v oted against P.A.Y.E. and I'm not
g oing to address them all now but if
t he Deputy wishes to bring a proposal
t o that effect, he is of course
e ntitled to do so. As far as the money
i s concerned the Deputy will be aware
t hat the only criteria is not cash but
m anpower and the Policy and Resources
C ommittee's order of priorities has
b een debated and approved by this
H ouse and affects not only the control
o f the money supply but also the
c ontrol of the manpower supply, which
i s equally important, and that is why
w e are spacing out the various
p rojects.''
Relationship of the Island to the OECD. Statement
The President of the Policy and
Resources Committee made a statement in the following terms -
I should like to inform the House of
t he successful conclusion of
d iscussions that have been taking
p lace with H.M. Government on the need t o clarify the relationship between
t he Island and the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development ( OECD).
U pon ratification of the OECD
C onvention in 1961, the United
K ingdom, unlike certain of its OECD
p artners, did not specify what
t erritorial application should be
g iven to the Convention. In recent
y ears, some uncertainty has developed
o ver the Convention's scope in respect
o f the Island and other of the United
K ingdom's dependent territories and
C rown dependencies. H.M. Government h as decided to clarify the situation,
a nd has formally transmitted a
d eclaration to the Government of
F rance, the depository state of the
O ECD Convention, to the effect that
t he British Government confirms that
t he Convention applies to the Channel
I slands, the Isle of Man, Gibraltar
a nd Bermuda.
H .M. Government has also confirmed t hat future decisions and
r ecommendations adopted by the
O rganisation under Article 5 of the
C onvention shall extend to the territories specified in the
d eclaration unless the contrary is
s pecifically indicated in a particular
c ase. Furthermore, the obligations to w hich the United Kingdom has
s ubscribed under past decisions and
r ecommendations will also apply to the s pecified territories under the same
c onditions as currently applied to the U nited Kingdom.
I ncreasingly it has been found that
t he Island has been at a
d isadvantage - particularly in respect
o f its international finance centre
a ctivities - through the lack of
c larity in the relationship of the
I sland to the OECD. That lack of
c larity contrasted with the position
i n respect of the predecessor of the
O ECD, the Organisation for European
E conomic Co-Operation (OEEC) founded i n 1947, where there was no
u ncertainty surrounding the Islands'
i nvolvement.
F or Members' information the OECD is a n organisation with 24 members, made u p of the major countries of Western
E urope, including Luxembourg and
S witzerland, the U.S.A., Canada,
J apan, Australia and New Zealand.
T he stated aims of the OECD are to p romote policies designed -
( a) to achieve the highest sustainable
econ omic growth and employment and a r i sing standard of living in
m em ber countries, while
m ai ntaining financial stability,
and t hus to contribute to the
deve lopment of the world economy;
( b) to contribute to sound economic expa nsion in member as well as
non -member countries in the
pr oc ess of economic development; and
( c) to contribute to the expansion of w o r ld trade on a multi-lateral,
non -discriminatory basis in
acc ordance with international
obl igations.
T he aim of the OECD is to reconcile
t he policies of its members; to render
t hem consistent and compatible and
w here possible mutually reinforcing. This does not necessarily mean all
m embers doing the same thing. It can
o ften mean some doing one thing and s ome another. The OECD has very few m andatory powers. It has no carrots
a nd no sticks. It has to achieve its
r esults by persuasion; by convincing
i ts member governments to adapt their p erceptions of their own self
i nterest. The emphasis is very much on t he word co-operation', and it is
r ight that the Islands should share in
t he securing of the aims of the
C onvention as for our part we have
a lways believed to be the case.
I should like to take this opportunity
o f expressing my appreciation of the
a ssistance that has been obtained from
t he Home Office, the Foreign and
C ommonwealth Office and the United K ingdom delegation to the Organisation f or Economic Co-Operation and
D evelopment in removing any
u ncertainty surrounding the Island's
r elationship to the OECD.''
St. Ouen 's Bay sand extraction. P.112/90
THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of the Island Development Committee regarding sand extraction in St. Ouen 's Bay. After discussion, and on the proposition of Senator John Stephen Rothwell, the proposition was lodged au Greffe''.
THE STATES decided to take this subject into consideration on 21st August 1990.
Seaton Place, St. Helier : lease of flats at No. 29
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Public Health Committee -
( a) approved the lease by the Public H e al th Committee from Raleigh
H o us e Limited, on a three year
i nt er nal repairing lease, for
t hr ee one-bedroom and one three- bedr oom flats at No. 29 Seaton
P l a ce, St. Helier , at an initial
r en t of #18,000 a year, the rent
t o b e reviewed annually in line
w i t h the Jersey Cost of Living
I nde x;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the S t a tes to sign the necessary
l eas e.
Airport: extension to gate lounges 2 and 3 - approval of drawings
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Harbours and Airport Committee -
( a) approved Drawings 2895/6/7 showing an e xtension infill to gate
l ou nges 2 and 3 in the Airport
pas senger pier;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the
S t a tes to sign the said Drawings on be half of the States.
Greffier of the States Designate: appointment
THE STATES, adopting a proposition
of the Establishment Committee, gave their consent, in accordance with the provisions of Article 2(5) of the Department of the Judiciary and the Legislature (Jersey) Law 1965, to the appointment of Mr. Ronald Stanley Gray, at present Deputy Greffier of the States, to the office of Greffier of
the States with effect from 1st January 1991 until 30th June 1992.
Jersey Heritage Trust: Deputy Chairman
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Public Services Committee -
1 . referred to their Act of 25th
N o vem ber 1980 appointing the
J er s ey Heritage Trust and agreed
t o a mend paragraph (1) thereof by i ns er ting after the words an
i nd ependent Chairman'' the words and a n independent deputy
C hai rman'' and by substituting for t he w ords Finance and Economics C om mittee'' the words Public
S er vices Committee'';
2 . appointed Mr. Kenneth William S yvr et as deputy Chairman.
Ceramic lined chimneys. P.113/90
THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of the Finance and Economics Committee regarding certain ceramic lined chimneys. After discussion, and on the proposition of Deputy Shirley Margaret Baudains of St. Helier , the proposition was lodged au Greffe''.
THE STATES decided to take this subject into consideration on 21st August 1990.
Policing of Parks (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Regulations 1990. P.72/90
THE STATES, in exercise of the
powers conferred upon them by the Order in Council of the twenty-sixth day of December 1851, Article 49 of the Road Traffic
(Jersey) Law 1956, as amended, and the Policing of Roads, Parks, Sea Beaches (Application of Fines) (Jersey) Law 1957,
as amended, made Regulations entitled the Policing of Parks (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Regulations 1990.
Belle Vue Pleasure Park and Fields
91 and 91A, St. Brelade : rezoning. P.83/90 THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Island Development Committee -
( a) agreed to rezone about 29 vergées of l and incorporating Belle Vue
P l e asure Park and adjoining Fields 91 an d 91A, St. Brelade , as shown on D rawing No. 12/260/1, for
C at egory A housing development;
( b) agreed, in the event of a proven need , to the allocation by the
I sl and Development Committee of a suitable portion of any land
des cribed in paragraph (a), where appr opriate, for small scale
com munity facilities, including
acc ommodation and specialised
f ac i lities to meet the
r eq uirements of pre-school and
pr im ary school children and
el der ly and handicapped people;
( c) authorised the Island Development C om mittee to negotiate with the
ow ner s for the purchase of all of
t he l and in the ownership of
L es quende Limited, as shown on
D r aw ing No. 12/260/2, at a fair
and p roper price to be agreed with t he F inance and Economics
C om mittee;
( d) agreed that, in the event of it
not being possible to reach
agr eement on a fair and proper
pur chase price, the Island
D e vel opment Committee should be em pow ered, in exercise of the
pow er conferred by Article 14 of
t he I sland Planning (Jersey) Law
1964, t o acquire the land by
com pulsory purchase on behalf of t he publ ic in accordance with the
pr ov isions of the Compulsory
P ur chase of Land (Procedure)
( Je r sey) Law 1961, as amended;
( e) authorised the payment or
di schar ge of the expenses to be
i nc ur red in connexion with the
acqu isition of the said land and
al l i nterest therein and of the
paym ent of all legal expenses from t he I sland Development Committee Maj or Reserve vote C0904;
( f) authorised the Island Development C om mittee, if appropriate, to
t rans fer the land described in par agraph (a), when acquired, to t he adm inistration of States'
C om mittees as might be
appr opriate;
( g) authorised the Attorney General and t he Greffier of the States to
pas s, on behalf of the public, any cont racts which might be found nece ssary to pass in connexion
w i t h the said properties and
i nt er ests therein.
Collective Investment Funds (No. 1) (Jersey) Regulations 1990. P.89/90
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 23 of the Collective Investment Funds (Jersey) Law 1988, made Regulations entitled the Collective Investment Funds (No. 1) (Jersey) Regulations 1990.
Banking Business (Jersey) Law 1990. P.92/90 and P.100/90
THE STATES commenced consideration of a Bill to make new provision to regulate banking and other categories of deposit- taking business, to penalize fraudulent inducements to take deposits, to regulate the use of banking names and descriptions, and generally to provide for purposes connected therewith and incidental thereto. The Preamble and Articles 1 to 31 were adopted.
Article 32 was adopted, the States having accepted an amendment of the Finance and Economics Committee that after paragraph
- there should be inserted the following paragraph -
- A registered person not
i ncorporated in the Island who has
b een required by the Committee under A rticle 10 to appoint an auditor of
i ts business operation in the Island
s hall not replace that auditor before
g iving notice to the Committee of his i ntended replacement.''
and that the existing paragraphs (2), (3) and (4) should be renumbered (3), (4) and (5).
Articles 33 to 51 were adopted.
The States, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Banking Business (Jersey) Law 1990.
States Members remuneration: Special Sub-committee. P.90/90 and P.102/90
THE STATES commenced consideration
of a proposition of Senator Pierre François Horsfall, having accepted an amendment that after the words sub-committee'' there
should be deleted the words of non- Members of the States,'' and having adopted an amendment of Senator John Stephen Rothwell that after the word generally''
there should be inserted the words (but
not salary)'', adopted the proposition as amended and requested the House Committee to form a sub-committee to include a representative from the Trades Council, the Institute of Directors and the Chamber of Commerce, together with two other non- States Members selected by the House Committee, to examine the question of the Members' income support scheme, Members' expense allowance and the payment of an honorarium to Members generally and to make recommendations thereon to the House Committee for subsequent report to the
Members present voted for the amendment as follows -
P our ' ' (23)
J eune, Binnington, Ellis, Baal, R othwell, Le Maistre.
Connétable s
S t. John, St. Peter , St. Clement , St. M ary, St. Ouen , St. Saviour , St.
B relade, Trinity , St. Martin .
d e la Haye(H), Morel (S), Le
G allais(S), R. Rumboll(H), St. John , S t. Peter, Baudains(C), St. Ouen .
C ont re'' (22)
S henton, Horsfall, Carter, Stein.
Connétable s
S t. Lawrence, Grouville .
R oche(S), Vandervliet(L), Wavell(H),
B lampied(H), Norman(C), St. Martin ,
B uesnel(H), Le Sueur (H), Coutanche(L), H uelin(B), Jordan(B), St. Mary ,
R abet(H), Baudains(H), Grouville ,
C larke-Halifax(S).
Members presented voted for the Proposition, as amended, as follows -
P our ' ' (38)
S henton, Jeune , Binnington, Horsfall, E llis, Baal, Rothwell, Le Maistre,
S tein.
Connétable s
S t. John, St. Peter , St. Clement , St. L awrence, St. Mary , St. Ouen , St. S aviour, St. Brelade , Trinity , St.
M artin, Grouville .
M orel(S), Le Gallais(S), Roche(S),
V andervliet(L), R. Rumboll(H),
W avell(H), Blampied(H), St. John , St. M artin, Baudains(C), Buesnel(H),
C outanche(L), Huelin(B), Jordan(B), S t. Mary, Rabet(H), Baudains(H),
C larke-Halifax(S).
C ont re'' (5)
C arter
d e la Haye(H), Norman(C), St. Peter , L e Sueur(H).
Deputy Alan Payn Bree of Grouville abstained from voting.
Public Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (New Members) (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 1990. P.93/90
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article
2 of the Public Employees (Retirement) (Jersey) Law 1967, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Public Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (New Members) (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 1990.
Draft Weights and Measures (Prescribed Quantities No. 3) (Jersey) Order 1990. P.94/90
THE STATES, in pursuance of Articles
20 and 38 of the Weights and Measures (Jersey) Law 1967, as amended, approved the draft Weights and Measures (Prescribed Quantities No. 3) (Jersey) Order 1990.
Health Insurance (Medical Benefit) (Amendment No. 36) (Jersey) Regulations 1990. P.95/90
THE STATES, in pursuance of Articles 18 and 46 of the Health Insurance (Jersey) Law 1967, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Health Insurance (Medical Benefit) (Amendment No. 36) (Jersey) Regulations 1990.
Draft Family Allowances (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 199 . P.96/90
THE STATES commenced consideration
of the draft Family Allowances (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 199 (lodged on 17th July 1990) and, after discussion, deferred further consideration to 21st August 1990.
Orchid Court, St. Helier : housing development. P.97/90
THE STATES adopting a proposition of the Housing Committee -
( a) approved Drawings Nos. 2850,
2850/ 121-125, 2850/132-136,
2850/ 138-139, 2850/141-143,
2850/ 145-146, 2850/148, 2850/152- 154, 28 50/156, 2850/159, for the
deve lopment of Orchid Court to
pr ov ide 33 two-bedroom units of
acc ommodation;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the
S t a tes to sign the said Drawings on be half of the States.
New North Quay, Port of St. Helier : warehouse accommodation. P.98/90
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Harbours and Airport Committee - ( a) approved the lease to Commodore
S hi pping Jersey Limited of
w a r ehouse accommodation on the New N o r th Quay, for a period of three
year s effective from 1st August
1990 u ntil 31st July 1993, at an
i ni t ial annual rent of #80,000
w i t h a rent review each year
l inked to the Jersey cost of
l ivi ng index;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the
S t a tes to sign the necessary
agr eement with the company; and
( c) authorised the Treasurer of the S t a tes to receive the payments as t he y bec ome due.
Fields 14, 14a and 18, La Rue du Maupertuis, St. Clement : housing development. P.99/90
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Housing Committee -
( a) approved the acquisition from
H e nf rin Limited of Field 14a, part of t he northern section of Field
14, an d the northern section of
F i e ld 18, La Rue de Maupertuis,
S t . C lement, for a consideration
of # 618,199;
( b) approved Drawings Nos. 1578 1 to 13 s howing the construction of 60
t w o -bedroom flats on the site of
F i e lds 14, 14a and 18, La Rue de
Mau pertuis, St. Clement ;
( c) authorised the Greffier of the
S t a tes to sign the said Drawings on be half of the States;
( d) authorised the Finance and
E conom ics Committee to make
avai lable bridging finance under
A r t icle 7(1)(e) of the Public
F i na nces (Administration) (Jersey) L aw 1967, as amended;
( e) approved a fixed price contract
w i t h La Pouclée Farm Developments L i m ited, for the construction of
t he s aid flats, in the sum of
#4,099 ,010;
( f) approved the payment of #52,000 f or w ater and electricity service char ges;
( g) approved the payment of #471,386 i n p rofessional fees for the
deve lopment;
( h) authorised the Attorney General and t he Greffier of the States to
pas s the necessary contracts.
Draft Agricultural Marketing (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 199 . P.101/90
THE STATES acceded to the request of
the President of the Agriculture and
Fisheries Committee that consideration of
the draft Agricultural Marketing (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 199 (lodged on 17th July 1990) be deferred to 21st August 1990.
THE STATES rose at 5.20 p.m.
E .J .M. P O T T E R G r e f fi er of the States.