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States Minutes 12th March 1991

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STATES MINUTES 12t h Mar ch 1991

THE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 12th March 1991 at 9.30 a.m. under

the Presidency of the Deputy Bailiff ,

V e rnon Amy Tomes, Esquire.

___ _______ __

All Members were present with the exception of -

S enator Richard Joseph Shenton - out

o f the Island.

J ohn Pepin Le Sueur , Connétable of St. J ohn - out of the Island.

R obin Ernest Richard Rumboll, Deputy

o f St. Helier - out of the Island.

___ _______ __

P r aye rs

___ _______ __

Subordinate legislation tabled

The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -

1 . Inquests (Fees) (Jersey) Rules 1991. R & O 8176.

2 . Road and Sand Racing (Jersey) O r der 1991. R & O 8177.

Social Security report and statement of accounts 1989/90

The Social Security Committee by Act dated 17th January 1991, presented to the States its report and statement of accounts for the year ended 30th September 1990.

THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.

Public Lotteries: report for 1990. R.C.10

The Gambling Control Committee by

Act dated 8th March 1991, presented to the States a report on Public Lotteries promoted and conducted during 1990.

THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.

States' Members remuneration. R.C.11

The House Committee by Act dated 6th March 1991, presented to the States a Sub-committee report on the question of States Members' remuneration.

THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.

Jersey Judicial and Legal Services Review Committee: final report. R.C.12

The Bailiff presented to the States

the final report of the Jersey Judicial and Legal Services Review Committee.

THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.

Matters noted - land transactions

THE STATES noted an Act of the

Finance and Economics Committee dated 4th March 1991, showing that in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved -

( a) as recommended by the Education C om mittee and subject to the

appr oval of the States of a report

and p roposition to make a loan to

t he J ersey Indoor Bowling

A s s ociation, to the lease to the

J er s ey Indoor Bowling Association of a n area of land at Grainville

P l a ying Fields for a period of 99

year s at an annual rent of #100

f or t he first five years, at which

t im e the rent would be reviewed,

and t hereafter rent reviews every

t hr ee years in line with the

J er s ey Cost of Living Index,

s ubj ect to the conditions that the

l eas e might not be assigned for

pur poses other than bowling,

w i t hout the agreement of the S t a tes, and that non-payment of any l oan to be made to the

A s s ociation by the States would m ean t he reversion of the building t o t he States;

( b) as recommended by the Housing

C om mittee, with the support of the I sl and Development Committee the pur chase from Mr. Kenneth Charles H o r n of Vernon Lodge, 29 Val

P l a isant, St. Helier , for a

cons ideration of #140,000, with

eac h side being responsible for

t he paym ent of its own legal fees;


( c) as recommended by the Housing

C om mittee, with the support of the I sl and Development Committee, the pur chase from Mr. George Le Bas

P al lot of Alton Lodge, 31 Val

P l a isant, St. Helier , for a

cons ideration of #70,000, with

eac h side being responsible for

t he paym ent of its own legal fees;

( d) as recommended by the Public

H e al th Committee, and in

acc ordance with an Act of the

S t a tes, dated 25th April 1989, the pur chase from the National

Wes tminster Bank Limited of The H o l lies, 11 Trinity Road, St.

H e l ier, for a consideration of

#200,0 00, with each side being

r es pons ible for its own legal

f ee s ;

( e) as recommended by the Public

H e al th Committee, the lease from A r r ondon Holdings of 14 Byron

R oad, S t. Helier, for a period of

one y ear at an annual rent of

#10,00 0;

( f) as recommended by the Harbours and A i r port Committee, the lease to

F al les Motor Works (Airport)

L i m ited of an area of 1,000 square

yar ds of land situated off the

Q u enne vais Road, St. Brelade , for

a pe riod of three years commencing

1s t J anuary 1991, at an annual

r en t of #8,000;

( g) as recommended by the Harbours and A i r port Committee, the lease to

S ea E xpress Channel Island Limited

of o ffice accommodation on the

A l ber t Quay measuring 400 square f ee t , (Letting No. A20) for a

per iod of three years from 1st

J anu ary 1991 at an annual rent of #2,800 , with annual increases in

l ine w ith the Jersey Cost of

L i vi ng Index;

( h) as recommended by the Harbours and A i r port Committee, the lease to

H u el in Renouf Air Freight Limited

of 2 56½ square feet of office

acc ommodation on the first floor

of t he Airport Freight Terminal

( L et ting No. B131) for a period of

t hr ee years from 1st January 1991

at an an nual rent of #1,795.50

w i t h annual increases in line with

t he J ersey Cost of Living Index;

( i) as recommended by the Harbours and A i r port Committee, the lease to

Mr . D avid John Vibert of 3.10.00

ver gées of land on the northern

bounda ry of Jersey Airfield

( L et ting Nos. L11 and L15) for a

per iod of one year from 25th

D e cem ber 1990 at an annual rent of

#162.5 0;

( j) as recommended by the Harbours and A i r port Committee, the lease to

Mr . G raham Phillip Holley of

3.10.00  vergées of land on the

nor th side of Mont à la Brune, St.

P et er (Letting No. L68) for a

per iod of three years from 1st

J anu ary 1991 at an annual rent of

#162.5 0;

( k) as recommended by the Harbours and A i r port Committee, the lease to

Mr . D avid John Huelin of 4 vergées

of l and on the northern end of Rue

des Landes, St. Peter (Letting No.

L 70 ) for a period of three years

f rom 1st January 1991 at an annual

r en t of #200;

( l) as recommended by the Harbours and A i r port Committee, the lease to

Mr . S tanley John Huelin of 4.20.00

ver gées of land in a field to the

w e s t of the Airport Playing

F i e lds, St. Brelade (Letting No.

L 41 ) for a period of three years

f rom 25th December 1990 at an

annua l rent of #225;

( m) as recommended by the Harbours and A i r port Committee, the lease to

Mr . A lbert John Le Pennec of areas

of l and in Fields Nos. 108 and 207

on t he northern boundary of the

A i r field, St. Peter (Letting

N o s . L7 and L8), measuring 30

per ches and 35 perches

r es pec tively, for a period of one

year from 25th December 1990 at an

annua l rent of #81.25;

( n) as recommended by the Public

S er vices Committee, the purchase

f rom Mr. David Allan Miller of 440 s qua re feet of land required for

t he ext ension of the footpath at

L a M aison de la Haye, Route

O r ang e, St. Brelade for a

cons ideration of #10, with the

C om mittee being responsible for

t he paym ent of all legal fees and

t he cos t of the accommodation

w o r ks involved;

( o) as recommended by the Public

S er vices Committee, the lease from t he P arish of St. Saviour of 1,895

s qua re feet of land on the south-

w e s t side of the junction of Rue à

l a D ame and Grands Vaux required f or t he construction of Pumping

S t a tion No. 2 to serve the

H i ghf ield Vineries Foul Drainage

S chem e for a period of 99 years at an a nnual rent of #1 with all

paym ents commuted forward to the i nc ept ion of the agreement.

Matters lodged

The following subjects were lodged au Greffe'' -

1 . 23 Kensington Place, St.

H e l ier: lease. P.29/91.

P r es ented by the Public Health C om mittee.

2 . Territorial Army Centre, La

C ol lette: purchase and sale of

l and. P .30/91.

P r es ented by the Public Services C ommittee.

3 . Jersey Indoor Bowling Association: l oa n. P .31/91.

P r es ented by the Education

C om mittee.

4 . Ecology Fund: establishment. P .32/ 91.

P r es ented by the Finance and E conom ics Committee.

5 . Maison Le Vesconte: loan to Parish of S t. John. P.33/91.

P r es ented by the Finance and

E conom ics Committee.

6 . Social Security Convention with N o r way. P.34/91.

P r es ented by the Social Security C om mittee.

7 . Medical Treatment Protocol with N o r way. P.35/91.

P r es ented by the Public Health

C om mittee.

8 . Draft Attendance Allowances

( A m endment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 199 . P .36/91.

P r es ented by the Social Security C om mittee.

9 . Draft Social Security (Amendment N o . 7 ) (Jersey) Law 199 . P.37/91. P r es ented by the Social Security

C om mittee.

1 0. Draft Invalid Care and Disability A l l owances (Amendment No. 3)

( Je r sey) Law 199 . P.38/91.

P r es ented by the Social Security

C om mittee.

1 1. Draft Christmas Bonus (Amendment) ( Je r sey) Law 199 . P.39/91.

P r es ented by the Social Security

C om mittee.

1 2. Draft Family Allowances (Jersey) R egul ations 199 . P.40/91.

P r es ented by the Social Security

C om mittee.

1 3. 33-36 De Quetteville Court, St. H e l ier: improvements. P.41/91. P r es ented by the Housing

C om mittee.

Ecology Fund: establishment. P.91/90. Withdrawn

THE STATES noted that the President

of the Finance and Economics Committee had withdrawn the proposition relating to the establishment of an Ecology Fund (lodged on 3rd July 1990) having lodged a revised proposition at the present Sitting.

Gas Works site: rescission of

decision to build multi-storey car park. P.131/90. Withdrawn

THE STATES noted that Senator Terence John Le Main had withdrawn his proposition relating to the rescission of the States Act of 10th November 1987, approving the building of a new multi- storey car park at the Gas Works. (Lodged on 11th September 1990).

Draft Regulation of Undertakings and Development (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Regulations 199 . P.20/91. Deferred

THE STATES acceded to the request of

the President of the Finance and Economics Committee that the draft Regulation of Undertakings and Development (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Regulations 199 (lodged on 19th February 1991) be deferred from the present Sitting to a later date.

Arrangement of Public Business for next Sitting on 26th March 1991.

THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe be considered at the next Sitting on 26th March 1991 -

P rojet de Loi (199 ) sur la

c opropriété des immeubles bâtis. P .8/91.

L odged: 29th January 1991.

L egislation Committee.

2 3 Kensington Place, St. H elier: lease. P.29/91.

L odged: 12th March 1991. P ublic Health Committee.

J ersey Indoor Bowling

A ssociation: loan. P.31/91. L odged: 12th March 1991. E ducation Committee.

E cology Fund: establishment. P .32/91.

L odged: 12th March 1991.

F inance and Economics

C om mittee.

M aison Le Vesconte: loan to P arish of St. John . P.33/91.

L odged: 12th March 1991.

F inance and Economics

C om mittee.

S ocial Security Convention with N orway. P.34/91.

L odged: 12th March 1991.

S ocial Security Committee.

M edical Treatment Protocol with N orway. P.35/91.

L odged: 12th March 1991.

P ublic Health Committee.

D raft Attendance

A llowances (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) L aw 199 . P.36/91.

L odged: 12th March 1991.

S ocial Security Committee.

D raft Social Security

( Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Law 199 . P .37/91.

L odged: 12th March 1991.

S ocial Security Committee.

D raft Invalid Care

a nd Disability Allowances (Amendment N o. 3) (Jersey) Law 199 . P.38/91.

L odged: 12th March 1991.

S ocial Security Committee.

D raft Christmas

B onus (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 199 . P .39/91.

L odged: 12th March 1991.

S ocial Security Committee.

D raft Family Allowances

( Jersey) Regulations 199 . P.40/91. L odged: 12th March 1991.

S ocial Security

C ommittee.

3 3-36 De Quetteville Court, St. H elier: improvements. P.41/91. L odged: 12th March 1991.

H ousing Committee.

Video Recordings (Jersey) Law 1990 (Appointed Day) Act 1991

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 15 of the Video Recordings (Jersey) Law 1990, made an Act entitled the Video Recordings (Jersey) Law 1990 (Appointed Day) Act 1991.

St. Lawrence School: extension

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Education Committee -

( a) approved Drawing No. 2588/23

s how ing the construction of a new nur sery unit at St. Lawrence

S chool ;

( b) authorised the Greffier of the

S t a tes to sign the said Drawing on beha lf of the States.

Police Headquarters, Rouge Bouillon, St. Helier : improvements

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Defence Committee -

( a) approved Drawings Nos. 512/01, / 03 , /04 and /05, showing remedial w o r k and the construction of a

m ezza nine floor in the east wing

of P olice Headquarters, Rouge

B oui llon;

( b) authorised the Greffier of the

S t a tes to sign the said Drawings on be half of the States.

Potato Cyst Nematode: research re. Jersey Royals. P.16/91

THE STATES, adopting a proposition

of the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee authorised the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee to commission, on contract, the Rothamsted Experimental Station to undertake scientific research into production of Potato Cyst Nematode resistance for Jersey Royal Potatoes, in accordance with its report dated 6th December 1990.

Glasshouse industry: financial assistance. P.17/91

THE STATES, adopting a proposition

of the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee approved a scheme to assist growers financially to make capital investment in

the provision of glasshouse units as set out in the report of the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee dated 6th December 1990.

Housing of essential employees. P.21/91

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Policy and Resources Committee referred to paragraph (g) of their Act dated 28th January 1987, agreeing that -

( i) the Housing Committee's policy of r es t ricting the number of consents

gr a nted under Regulation (1(1)(j)

of t he Housing (General

P r ovi sions) (Jersey) Regulations

1970, a s amended, be endorsed; and

( ii) the granting of such consents f o r a l imited period only

s ho ul d be encouraged,

a nd agreed to a relaxation of the

p olicy with regard to the length of

t he period for which such consents w ould be granted, where this can be j ustified as being in the best

i nterests of the community.

Mr. B.R. Cooper: appointment of Special Committee. P.22/91

THE STATES rejected a proposition of Senator John Stephen Rothwell requesting the States to agree that a Special

Committee should be appointed to examine the question whether an ex gratia payment of #250 a week, back-dated to 1st September 1978 should be made to Mr. B.R. Cooper, together with a pension (index-linked) in

the same sum, and to report to the States

in due course.

Members present voted as follows - Pour''(19)


J eune, Horsfall, Rothwell, Le Main, C arter, Stein, Querée, Chinn.


L e Gallais(S), Beadle(B), St. Peter , B audains(C), Buesnel(H), Bailhache (H), R abet(H), Baudains(H), Grouville , Le

G eyt(S), Syvret(H).

C ont re''(31)


B innington, Baal, Le Maistre.

Connétable s

S t. Peter, St. Helier , St. Clement ,

S t. Lawrence, St. Mary , St. Ouen , St. S aviour, St. Brelade , Trinity , St.

M artin, Grouville .


Roche(S), Trinity , Wavell(S),

B lampied(H), Norman(C), St. John , Le S ueur(H), St. Ouen , Coutanche(L),

H uelin(B), Jordan(B), St. Mary ,

C larke-Halifax(S), Le Fondré(L), St.

M artin, Walker (H), Crespel(H).

Draft Weights and Measures (Prescribed Quantities No. 5) (Jersey) Order 1991. P.23/91

THE STATES, in pursuance of Articles

20 and 38 of the Weights and Measures (Jersey) Law 1967, as amended, approved the draft Weights and Measures (Prescribed Quantities No. 5) (Jersey) Order 1991.

Draft Weights and Measures (Prescribed Quantities No. 6) (Jersey) Order 1991. P.24/91

THE STATES, in pursuance of Articles

20 and 38 of the Weights and Measures (Jersey) Law 1967, as amended, approved the draft Weights and measures (Prescribed Quantities No. 6) (Jersey) Order 1991.

Draft Weights and Measures

(Additional Metric Measures) (Jersey) Order 1991. P.25/91

THE STATES, in pursuance of Articles 11(11) and 38 of the Weights and Measures (Jersey) Law 1967, as amended, approved the draft Weights and Measures (Additional Metric Measures) (Jersey) Order 1991.

1 and 2 Old St. James Place, St. Helier : approval of drawings. P.26/91 THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Housing Committee -

( a) approved Drawings Nos. L.1766/12- 18 s howing the re-development of

N o s . 1 and 2 Old St. James Place

t o p rovide six one-bedroomed units

of a ccommodation;

( b) authorised the Greffier of the

S t a tes to sign the said Drawings on be half of the States.

Public Finances (Administration) (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Law 1991. P.27/91

THE STATES, subject to the sanction

of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Public Finances (Administration) (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Law 1991.

Motor vehicle registration, licensing and duty. P.28/91

THE STATES, adopting a proposition

of the Finance and Economics Committee agreed -

( a) to abolish motor vehicle duty with a co mpensating increase on the

i m pôt duty on motor fuel;

( b) to transfer the responsibility for t he r egistration of motor vehicles and t he maintenance of the

nece ssary records from the

T r ea sury to the Motor Traffic

D e par tment.

THE STATES rose at 3.30 p.m.

R .S . G R A Y G r e f fi er of the States.