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States Minutes 17th December 1991

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STATES MINUTES 1 7 t h December 1991

 THE STATES assembled on Tuesday,   17th December 1991 at 9.30 a.m. under  t he Presidency of the Bailiff ,

S i r Peter Crill, C.B.E.

_ _ _ _ _ _______

All Members were present with the exception of -

R ichard Winter Le Sauteur, Connétable

o f Grouville - absent.

G raeme Ernest Rabet, Deputy of St.

H elier - ill.

S hirley Margaret Baudains, Deputy of S t. Helier - out of the Island.

R ichard Peter Clarke-Halifax, Deputy

o f St. Saviour - out of the Island.

J ohn Nicolle Le Fondré, Deputy of St. L awrence - out of the Island.

_ _ _ _ _ _______

P r a y e rs  

_ _ _ _ _ _______

Senator Anne Baal - welcome

The Bailiff , on behalf of the

States, welcomed Senator Anne Baal on her return to the States after her recent


Subordinate legislation tabled

The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -

 1 .  Mental Health (Review Tribunal)

( M  embers Fees) (Amendment No. 2) ( J er sey) Order 1991. R & O 8306.

2 .  Inquests (Fees) (No. 2) (Jersey)

R u l es 1991. R & O 8307.

States Committees' vote transfers, inflation and pay awards

THE STATES noted an Act of the

Finance and Economics Committee dated 9th December 1991, informing the House of its decisions under paragraph (2), sub- paragraph (a)(i), and (ii) and sub-

paragraph (b) of Article 18 of the Public Finances (Administration) (Jersey) Law 1967, as amended.

Jersey Council for Safety and Health at Work R.C.31

The Social Security Committee by Act dated 4th December 1991 presented to the States the report and accounts of the Jersey Council for Safety and Health at Work for the year 1st October 1990 to 30th September 1991.

THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.

Constitution of the States R.C.32

The House Committee by Act dated

11th December 1991 presented to the States a report on the Constitution of the States.

THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.

Matters noted - land transactions

THE STATES noted an Act of the

Finance and Economics Committee dated 9th December 1991, showing that in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved -

 ( a) as recommended by the Harbours a n d Airport Committee the lease to H  u elin- Renouf Air Freight Limited

o f 2 ,880 square feet of

c a rg o/warehouse space in bays 9

a n d 10 in the Airport Freight

T e r minal for a period of three

y e a rs commencing 1st January 1992 a t a n annual rent of £10,979,

i n cr easing to £11,866 in 1993 and

1 9 9 4 with annual increases based

o n the Jersey Retail Price Index;

 ( b) as recommended by the Harbours

a n d Airport Committee the lease to S e r visair Limited of 2,880 square

f e et of accommodation in cargo

b a y s 4 and 5 in the Airport

F r e ight Terminal (Letting Nos.

B 1 1 5 and B116) for a period of

t h re e years commencing 1st January 1 9 9 2 with an option to break the

a g r eement on 31st December 1992 a n d 1993, at an annual rent of

£10,454 for 1992 and increasing to

£1 1 ,866 plus Retail Price Index

a d ju stments in 1993, and a further

r e n t review on 1st January 1994 in

l in e with the Jersey Retail Price

I n d ex;

 ( c) as recommended by the Sport,

L e i sure and Recreation Committee,

t h e lease from Mr. Marcus Binney

o f t he two-bedroomed property, The

D o wer House, Domaine des Vaux, St. L a w rence, for a period of one year

f ro m 1st January 1992, with an

o p t ion to renew annually for up to

f iv e years, at an annual rent of

£1 0 ,400, subject to annual

i n cr eases in line with the Jersey

C o s t of Living Index;

 ( d) as recommended by the Public

H  ea lth Committee, the lease from

M r . Geoffrey William Shepherd and M r s. Winifred Anne Shepherd, née T o w nend, of the three-bedroomed

p r o perty 40 Clubley Estate, St.

H  el ier, for a period of three

y e a rs from 1st January 1992 at a

r e n t of £150 a week, subject to

a n n ual increases in line with the

J e rs ey Cost of Living Index;

 ( e) as recommended by the Public

H  ea lth Committee, the renewal of

t h e lease from Macpor Development C o m pany Limited of the one-

b e d roomed flat, Flat 4, 29 Midvale

R o a d, St. Helier , for a period of t h re e years from 1st January 1992 a t a n annual rent of £5,590.16,

s u b ject to increases on 1st

J a n uary each year in line with the J e rs ey Cost of Living Index:

 ( f) as recommended by the Public

H  ea lth Committee, the renewal of t h e lease from Mrs. Jane Perrée

n é e Swift of the one-bedroomed

F l a t 4, 73 Rouge Bouillon, St.

H  el ier, for a period of one year

f ro m 1st November 1991 at an

a n n ual rental of £4,492;

 ( g) as recommended by the

E d u cation Committee, the granting, f re e of charge, to the Jersey

E l e ctricity Company Limited of a

c o n tract wayleave over an area of

l a nd at Swan Farm Lane, St.

S a v iour, required for the

i n st allation of a section pillar,

w  it h the Company being responsible f o r any legal costs involved;

 ( h) as recommended by the

D  ef ence Committee, the lease to

N  o bel's Explosives Company Limited

o f t he explosives magazine at

C r a bbé, St. Mary, for a period of

n i n e years commencing 25th

D  ec ember 1991, at an annual rent

o f £ 6,250, subject to annual rent

r e v iews in line with the Jersey

C o s t of Living Index;

( i) as recommended by the Agriculture a n d Fisheries Committee, the lease t o A corn Enterprises of the

w  es tern half of Field No. 567,

T r in ity, measuring approximately

4 . 2 0.00 vergées and also the old

m  ac hinery stores situated on that

l a nd , for a period of nine years

c o m mencing 1st September 1991, at a n n ual rent of £100, with rent

r e v iews every three years in line

w  it h the Jersey Cost of Living

I n d ex and subject to conditions

s ti p ulated by that Committee as to

t h e use of the land and buildings;

 ( j) as recommended by the Agriculture a n d Fisheries Committee, the

g r a nting, free of charge, to the

J e rs ey Electricity Company Limited

o f a wayleave at Field 442, St.

C a t herine, St. Martin in order to

p r o vide electricity to the

p r o posed Jersey Waterworks Company L i m ited catchment reservoir, on

t h e basis that the Electricity

C o m pany would meet the

i n st allation and reinstatement

c o s ts and all legal costs

i n v olved.

Matters lodged

The following subjects were lodged au Greffe'' -

1 . Draft Wills & Successions (Jersey) L a w 199 . P.196/91.

P r e sented by the

L e g islation Committee.

 2 .  Elizabeth and Mont Orgueil

C a s tles: Deed of Arrangement.

P . 1 97/91.

P r e sented by the Public Services C o m mittee.

 3 .  Draft Motor Traffic (No. 3)

( J er sey) Regulations 199

( P .1 78/91): amendment. P.199/91.

P r e sented by Deputy P.A. Bailhache

o f S t. Helier.

The following subject was lodged on 10th December 1991 -

T h e Broadcasting  Act 1990

( J er sey) (No. 2) Order 1991:

a m e ndment. P.195/91.

P resented by Senator R.J. Shenton.

Haut de la Garenne, St. Martin :  r edevelopment. P.177/91

THE STATES acceded to the request of

the President of the Housing Committee that consideration of the proposition regarding the redevelopment of Haut de la Garenne, St. Martin , be deferred from the present Sitting.

Parish Rate (Administration)

 ( Jersey) Law 1946. Statement.

The Connétable of St. John, on

behalf of the Supervisory Committee, made a statement in the following terms -

  The House will remember that Deputy  R .E.R. Rumboll of St. Helier lodged a

 p roposition on 6th August 1991 asking  t hat another Committee of Inquiry be

 s et up to look into the method of

 a ssessment in the Parish Rate

 ( Administration) (Jersey) Law 1946.

W hen the Deputy proposed a date to

 d ebate his proposition P.124/91 I, on

 b ehalf of the Connétable s of this

 I sland, opposed this, as at that time

 t he Connétable s had set up a sub-

 c ommittee to look into any possible

 s hortcomings in the Law. I am pleased  t o report to this House that the sub-

 c ommittee of the Connétable s of St.

 J ohn, St. Mary and Grouville invited

 D eputy Henry Coutanche, Mr. Bill

M ahoney and Mr. Robert Pallot to join t hem and look at the possible problems a ffecting rate assessment.

I said at that time that I would be in a position to make a statement by the e nd of the year. I now so do.

T he 1946 Rate Law in itself was a

g ood piece of legislation which suited t he public and the Parish

A dministration of the Island - rentals w ere static with a good supply of

r ental property available and it was

s o until our population began to

i ncrease in the 60's and 70's to such

a n extent that rentals started rising

f ast because of the demand and the

c onsequent shortage. The imbalance b etween rental and owner/occupied

p roperty came to a head when a

C ommittee of Inquiry was set up in

1 984 which report was placed before t he House by Senator R.R. Jeune , the C hairman, under P.47 of that year.

T he Committee of Inquiry made

2 1 recommendations to the Connétable s a nd these in the main have been

i mplemented except for five and 12.

R ecommendation 5 suggested

t hat consideration should be given to

a mending the Law to provide for

a ppeals against assessment to be heard b y a panel of independent persons on

t he lines of the arrangements which

a pply to income tax appeals. The

C onnétables feel that the present

s ystem of appeal is fair and

s ufficiently independent of the

A ssessors to ensure a reasoned and

c orrect judgement. First and foremost,

t he responsibility for assessing

c orrect and equitable rate rests with

t he Parish Assessment Committees

a lthough Connétable s can and indeed do c hallenge inequitable rating in their

o wn parish.

R ecommendation 12 asked that the

p roblem of making uniform assessments w ithin each parish and more

i mportantly from parish to parish

s hould be examined in depth.

W ith the continued escalation of rent d ue to the accepted shortage of

a ccommodation, assessed rental values h ave increased percentage wise way

a bove the required parochial need

c ausing concern and some discontent b ecause of the misunderstanding of the L aw. Notwithstanding this comment it s hould be noted that in the 1991

a ssessments; two parishes, St. Helier

a nd St. Brelade each had only one-

q uarter of one per cent of their

a ssessments challenged and even then m any of those challenges were

v exatious.

T he question of uniformity has been

u nder serious consideration for some

t ime and I am pleased to say

i mprovement has taken place. The

d ifficulty of producing uniformity

t hroughout the Island should be

a cknowledged by the fact that there

a re 12 parish boundaries, 15

A ssessment Committees with 67 elected A ssessors.

T he Connétable s and the Association

o f Parish Rate Assessors recommend t hat some changes be made because if r ental values continue to escalate the p osition of rate assessment can only w orsen, with continued aggravation to t he public, who although they can

e asily relate cost of living'

i ncreases in parish requirements, are u nable to accept assessments which h ave increased very considerably in t he last two to three years merely to k eep pace with States and private

s ector rentals.

A fter much study and discussion it is n ow felt that a standard assessment

s ystem or a fixed rateable value

s hould be introduced to replace the

p resent assessed rental value. Whilst

t his is accepted by the Connétable s

a nd until all existing areas of

i mbalance throughout the Island are

b rought into line this cannot be done

o vernight. The Connétable s and the

a ssessors are confident that a fair

a nd proper assessment can be achieved a lthough this will take a certain

t ime, but in any event not longer than t he introduction of corrective

l egislation.

I t is envisaged that the scheme would w ork as follows -

1 . First and foremost, all Assessment C o m mittees would have need to

c o n form.

 2 .  The assessed rental values when

s e e n to be fairly assessed

t h ro ughout the Island would be

f ro z en following the necessary

c h a nges in the Law and that figure w  o uld then represent the fixed

r a te system or permanent base unit

o f quarters'. This figure would

r e m ain as such unless there were

m  aj or alterations or additions to

t h e property. This would remain

t h e responsibility of each Parish

A  ss essment Committee whose

w  o rkload would be drastically

r e d uced enabling that Committee to l o o k at new property built or that

w  h ich has been altered in their

r e sp ective parishes.

T h e same principle would be

a p p lied to commercial property t h u s eliminating any problems r e la ting to fluctuations in

r e n tals, in good times or r e ce ssion.

 3 .  With each house permanently

a s s essed the variation in

a s s essment would be to the pence p e r quarter' which would reflect

t h e amount of finance required to r u n each parish on an annual

b a s is.

 4 .  The Committee of Connétable s does n o t believe that a further

C o m mittee of Inquiry is necessary,

t h e Island has already had two

s im  ilar Committees in the recent

p a s t.

 5 .  Changes to the Law will be

d i sc ussed with the Legislation

C o m mittee and the changes brought t o t his House for approval as soon

a s p ossible.''

Jersey Field Squadron Royal Engineers. Statement

The President of the Defence

Committee made a statement in the following terms -

  In 1987 the States agreed to

 e stablish and fund an independent TA  u nit as its contribution to the

 d efence of the British Isles.

 T he unit's formation was marked in

 O ctober 1988, by a parade, which was  a ttended by the Minister for the Armed  F orces. At the same time the title

  The Jersey Field Squadron Royal

 E ngineers (The Royal Militia of the

 I sland of Jersey)'' was approved by

the Queen. This title aptly describes

 t he unit and draws attention to

 J ersey's unique and ancient

 c ontribution to the defence of the

 r ealm.

D uring the past three years the

S quadron has been recruiting, and has

t rained in Jersey, Germany and the

U nited Kingdom for a general combat

e ngineer role in NATO. Throughout this t ime it has been temporarily based at

t he old Northern Telephone Exchange. T he almost complete lack of training

a nd storage facilities there has

s everely restricted the Squadron's

p reparations to become operational or r ecruited to full strength.

J anuary 1992, however, will see

t he completion of the new purpose

b uilt Centre at Mount Bingham. This w ill allow the Squadron to complete t heir recruiting and, together with

t he arrival of their vehicles and

e quipment, will enable them to train f or their new operational role.

Y ou will have heard of the changes to

t he Reserve Forces announced at

W estminster last week, by the

S ecretary of State for Defence, the

R t. Hon. Tom King. The Options Review w as necessary to balance the

c ontribution of the TA to the Army

O rder of Battle in the light of the

R egular restructuring and alterations

i n National Defence Policy. This

r estructuring has led to a planned 32

p er cent reduction in Regular Army

m anning levels. Whilst you might also

b e aware of reductions in manning

l evels in the TA, particularly the

i nfantry, certain specialised

e lements, such as the Royal Engineers, w ill in fact increase in size. This is

t o compensate for reductions in

c apability caused by the changes to

t he Regular Army. As a result some new s pecialised Royal Engineer units will

b e established, and existing units

w ill be required to take on new

s pecialist roles.

F or the Jersey Field Squadron this

m eans a new and exciting continental r ole with the Rapid Reaction Corps in s upport of the Royal Air Force, in

p articular, support to the RAF Harrier F orce, both on and off base.

T o carry out the new role it will

b e necessary for the squadron to be

a ugmented by an additional troop of 40 m en, which is to be recruited and

b ased on the mainland. The troop will

b e United Kingdom funded and will come u nder command of the Jersey Squadron

f or operations and training.

I am delighted to inform the House

t hat the Jersey Field Squadron has

b een allocated this specific and

c hallenging role. The training that

t he members of the squadron receive w ill be of benefit both to the

i ndividual, and to the Island, and the m ove to the new Centre will open the n ext chapter in the Squadron's

f ormation.

I would wish to remind the House

t hat whilst the Island tax payer as a

w hole, is fulfilling his contribution

t o the United Kingdom, the

c ontribution from the TA soldiers goes f ar beyond that. Our soldiers will now h ave a real commitment to rapidly

r espond to any conflict, the potential

n ature of which we have only to look b ack one year to be vividly reminded.

I ask the House to fully recognise

t his commitment, and to offer its

u nanimous support to the men and women w ho volunteer their services in the

n ame of the Island and in the name of

T he Crown.

T here will be a full presentation

o n Thursday 19th December at Fort

R egent by the new Commander and staff

o f the Royal Engineers Voluntary

S pecialist Unit which I invite any

m ember here to attend.''

Haut de la Garenne, St. Martin : statement

The President of the Island

Development Committee made a statement in the following terms -

  Members will be aware from reports

 i n the various media that the Island

 D evelopment Committee has withdrawn  i ts support for the principle of

 d evelopment on the open field to the

 e ast of the existing buildings at

 H aut de la Garenne. This is a change

o f mind, and my Committee owes the

 H ouse, and in particular the President

 a nd Members of the Housing Committee

a n explanation.

T he future of Haut de la Garenne has b een uncertain since 1983 when the

E ducation Committee first signalled

i ts intention of vacating the

b uildings as a children's home. The

I sland Development Committee of the d ay produced a planning brief for the r edevelopment of the site in 1983 and r evised it in 1986, but a common

f eature of both briefs was that any

r edevelopment should be confined to t he footprint'' of the existing

b uilding.

H owever, in 1988 and 1989 there was

c onsiderable pressure from the

T ourism, Public Works and Policy and

R esources Committees to sell the site

t o allow a prestige hotel development

t o be undertaken. We were advised that

t he critical floorspace threshold for

a viable hotel was 100,000 square

f eet, and if the site were to be

m arketted to hotel developers it would

h elp if the Island Development

C ommittee could pre-determine the

p lanning parameters. To this end, my

C ommittee in April 1989 approved a

p lanning development brief showing how t his amount of floorspace could be

a chieved on the site while limiting

t he impact of the development on the

l andscape. It indicated that a hotel,

e lderly persons or States loan and

r ental housing, educational or health

i nstitutional uses would be acceptable

t o the Island Development Committee,

a lthough in approving the Brief, my

C ommittee indicated its preference for

e lderly persons or special needs

h ousing.

T he Housing Committee commissioned an a rchitect at the beginning of this

y ear to produce a feasibility study

s howing how a respite care home, a

n ursing home, staff and Category A

h ousing accommodation could be

a chieved on the site. As recently as

M ay and June of this year, the Policy

a nd Resources and Tourism Committees w ere promoting hotel development on

t he site and quite recently there was

a move to keep it as open space.

I n October this year the Housing

C ommittee's President and architects m ade a presentation of their proposals t o my Committee, and despite certain r eservations about the scale of the

C ategory A housing, indicated its

g eneral support for the principles.

L ast Thursday, in the course of its

r egular three-weekly site visits, my

C ommittee visited the site to satisfy

i tself that the proposed development

w as acceptable. The Committee walked

t he site, and viewed it from various

v antage points. It became quite clear

t o the Committee that its decision to

i nclude the open field in the

d evelopment area of the brief in 1989

w as wrong, and its subsequent decision

t o support the Housing Committee's

p roposal in the context of that brief

w as equally a mistake. My Committee

a sked itself if the proposal had been

m ade by someone other than the Housing C ommittee, would it have supported it,

a nd the answer to the question, quite

c learly, was an emphatic NO.

T he Island Development Committee s upports the proposal for the respite c are home and the nursing home, but, w ith the benefit of hindsight, it is

u nable to support the construction of b uildings on the open field to the

e ast.

M y Committee apologises unreservedly t o the Housing Committee for having

l ed it to believe that it would

s upport its proposal. It was wrong to

d o so. We have clearly inconvenienced t he Housing Committee, and it will be

i ncumbent on my Committee to find

a lternative sites to replace the

p otential housing yield from Haut de

l a Garenne. We are sure we can do this

o n a site or sites that are less

i ntrusive than this one.''

St. John's Village foul relief sewer scheme - Phase I: acceptance of tender

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Public Services Committee -

 ( a) accepted the tender from Flaherty

a n d Company Limited in the sum of

# 3 9 4,765.63 for Phase I of the St.

J o h n's Village foul relief sewer

s c h eme subject to the necessary

b o n d being obtained;

 ( b) authorised the Greffier of the S t a tes to sign the necessary

c o n tract.

St. Saviour 's Hospital swimming pool: refurbishment

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Public Health Committee -

 ( a) approved Drawings Nos. 1541/04B, 0 5 B , 06A and 07 showing the

p r o posed extension and

r e fu rbishment of the existing

c h a nging facilities and the

r e p lacement swimming pool housing a t S t. Saviour's Hospital;

 ( b) authorised the Greffier of the

S t a tes to sign the said Drawings

o n behalf of the States.

Public Employees Contributory Retirement Scheme Board of Management: appointment of Members

THE STATES, adopting a proposition

of the Establishment Committee approved, in accordance with Regulation 3(2) of the Public Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (General) (Jersey) Regulations 1989, the appointment of the Committee of Management, for a period of three years commencing 1st January 1992, as follows -

E mployer Representatives

S enator R.J. Shenton

S enator R.R. Jeune , O.B.E.

S enator Corrie Stein

D eputy D.R. Maltwood

T reasurer of the States

C hief Officer, States' Personnel D epartment

E mployee Representatives M r. B. Tucker and Mr. J.H. Lees ( representing the Jersey Civil

S ervice)

M r. M.B. Kavanagh and Mr. M. Nicolle ( representing the Manual Workers)

M r. F.A. Greens (representing the Uniformed'' Services)

M r. M.D. Orbell (representing all p ublic service pensioners).

Companies (Jersey) Law 1991 (Appointed Day) Act 1991

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article

224 of the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991 made an Act entitled the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991 (Appointed Day) Act 1991.

Finance (Jersey) Law 1991. P.194/91

THE STATES, subject to the sanction

of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council adopted a law entitled the Finance (Jersey) Law 1991.

Immigration Policy. P.179/91

THE STATES commenced consideration

of a proposition of the Policy and

Resources Committee regarding an Immigration Policy for the Island, and on

an undertaking by the President that the Policy and Resources Committee will immediately give consideration to bringing

to this House, regulations and machinery as soon as possible in the New Year'' agreed

that with effect from 1st January 1992 all natural and legal persons of the European Community shall be free of a requirement to obtain a work permit to take up employment in the Island, but to request the Policy

and Resources Committee to take the necessary steps to provide for the implementation of the Protection of Employment Opportunities (Jersey) Law 1988 as and when circumstances support this action.

Parish Rate (Jersey) Law 1991. P.176/91

THE STATES commenced consideration of the draft Parish Rate (Jersey) Law 1991.

Article 1 was adopted, the States having accepted an amendment of Deputy David Leon Crespel of St. Helier that after the words

ninety-two'' there should be added the

word and'', and that the words and

nineteen hundred and ninety-four'' should

be deleted.

Article 2 was adopted.

THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council adopted a law entitled the Parish Rate (Jersey) Law 1991.

Family Allowances (No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 1991. P.181/91

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article

7 of the Family Allowances (Jersey) Law 1972, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Family Allowances (No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 1991.

Loi (1991) (Amendement) sur les Etrangers (Appointed Day) Act 1991. P.182/91

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article

5 of the Loi (1991) (Amendement) sur les Etrangers made an Act entitled the Loi (1991) (Amendement) sur les Etrangers (Appointed Day) Act 1991.

Amendment (No. 13) to the Tariff of Harbour and Light Dues. P.183/91

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article

6 of the Harbour and Light Dues (Jersey)

Law 1947, as amended, approved Amendment (No. 13) to the Tariff of Harbour and Light Dues.

Harbours (Amendment No. 20) (Jersey) Regulations 1991. P.184/91

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article

4 of the Harbours Administration (Jersey) Law 1961 as amended, made Regulations entitled the Harbours (Amendment No. 20) (Jersey) Regulations 1991.

Boats and Surf-Riding (Control) (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) Regulations 1991. P.185/91

THE STATES, in exercise of the

powers conferred upon them by the Order in Council of the twenty-six day of December 1851, Article 49 of the Road Traffic (Jersey) Law 1956, as amended, and Article 4 of the Harbours (Administration) (Jersey) Law 1961, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Boats and Surf-Riding

(Control) (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) Regulations 1991.

Public Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (General) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 1991. P.186/91

THE STATES, in pursuance of Articles

2 and 4 of the Public Employees

(Retirement) (Jersey) Law 1967, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Public Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (General) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 1991.

Health Insurance (Medical Benefit) (Amendment No. 39) (Jersey) Regulations 1991. P.188/91

THE STATES, in pursuance of Articles 18 and 46 of the Health Insurance (Jersey) Law 1967, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Health Insurance (Medical Benefit) (Amendment No. 39) (Jersey) Regulations 1991.

Milk (Sale of Special Classes) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Regulations 1991. P.192/91

THE STATES, by virtue and in

exercise of the powers conferred upon them by the Order in Council of the fourteenth day of April 1884, made Regulations

entitled the Milk (Sale to Special Classes) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Regulations 1991.

Teachers' Centre: relocation. P.190/91

Teachers' Centre: relocation: supplementary vote of credit. P.163/91

THE STATES, having commenced consideration of a proposition of the Education Committee regarding the relocation of the Teachers' Centre adopted a proposition of Senator Corrie Stein that the matter be referred back to the Committee.

Les Landes Racecourse, St. Ouen. P.173/91

THE STATES commenced consideration

of a proposition of the Island Development Committee regarding Les Landes Racecourse, St. Ouen and accepted an amendment of the Connétable of St. John, President of the Island Development Committee that the existing proposition should become paragraph (a) and that there should be

added the following paragraph -

 ( b) that in the event that the States

s u p port the granting of

d e v elopment permission, subject to c o n ditions to be imposed by the

C o m mittee, those conditions will

n o t be varied in the future

w  it hout the specific agreement of

t h e States.

THE STATES, adopting the proposition -

 ( a) agreed to support the Island

D  ev elopment Committee's intention t o g rant permission for the

c o n struction of a new building to

p r o vide improved facilities for

s p e ctators, officials and jockeys

a t L es Landes Racecourse, St. Ouen a s s hown on drawing No. 311/1.

 ( b) that in the event that the States

s u p port the granting of

d e v elopment permission, subject to c o n ditions to be imposed by the C o m mittee, those conditions will n o t be varied in the future

w  it hout the specific agreement of t h e States.

Members present voted for paragraph (a) as follows -

P o u r' ' (36)


 S henton, Jeune , Binnington, Baal,  R othwell, Le Main, Chinn

Connétable s

 S t. Helier, St. Clement , St. Mary, St.  O uen, St. Saviour , St. Brelade,

 T rinity, St. Martin


 L e Gallais(S), Roche(S), Trinity ,

 B eadle(B), Wavell(S), Blampied(H),

 N orman(C), St. John, St. Peter,

 B audains(C), Buesnel(H), Le Sueur(H),  S t. Ouen, Coutanche(L), Huelin(B),

J ordan(B), St. Mary, Bailhache (H), St. M artin, Le Geyt(S), Crespel(H).

C o n t re'' (10)


 H orsfall, Le Maistre, Carter, Stein,  Q uérée

Connétable s

 S t. Peter, St. Lawrence


 R umboll(H), Grouville , Syvret(H)

Public Business: items deferred

THE STATES, adopting a proposition

of Senator Reginald Robert Jeune , agreed to defer the remaining items of Public Business until 21st January 1992.

Compliments of the Season

The Bailiff wished the Members of

the States and their families the compliments of the season on behalf of the Deputy Bailiff and himself.

Senator Reginald Robert Jeune on behalf of the Senators, Connétable Fred Webber Clarke of St. Helier on behalf of the Connétable s and Deputy John Le Gallais on behalf of the Deputies, responded and wished in return, the Bailiff and Lady Crill, the Deputy

Bailiff and Mrs. Tomes, the Crown Officers and the Officers of the States, the compliments of the season.

THE STATES rose at 5.35 p.m.

R . S . G  R A Y   G  re f fi er of the States.