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States Minutes 22nd October 1991

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STATES MINUTES 2 2 n d October 1991 P r ic e : # 2 .0 0

 THE STATES assembled on Tuesday,   22nd October 1991 at 9.30 a.m. under

 t he Presidency of the Bailiff ,

S i r Peter Crill, C.B.E.

_ _ _ _ _ _______

All Members were present with the exception of -

S enator Bernard Thomas Binnington -

o ut of the Island.

S enator Anne Baal - ill.

 F red Philip Webber Clarke, Connétable

o f St. Helier - out of the Island.

L eonard Picot, Connétable of Trinity -

o ut of the Island.

 G raeme Ernest Rabet, Deputy of St.

H elier - out of the Island.

 T erence Ahier Jehan , Deputy of St.

M artin - out of the Island.

_ _ _ _ _ _______

P r a y e rs  

  _ _ _ _ ________

Subordinate legislation tabled

The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -

 1 .  Road  Racing  (Motor  Vehicle R a l ly)  (Jersey)  Order  1991

R & O 8289.

 2 .  Road Traffic (Speed Limits)

( A m endment No. 3) (Jersey) Order 1 9 9 1 R & O 8290.

 3 .  Public Finances (General)

( A m endment No. 17) (Jersey) Rules 1 9 9 1 R & O 8291.

Fort Regent Development Committee: resignation of member

THE STATES noted the resignation of Deputy Carlyle John Le Herissier Hinault of St. John from the Fort Regent Development Committee.

The Future of Secondary Education (P.149/91 (revised)) - supplement. P.156/91

The Finance and Economics Committee

by Act dated

16th September 1991, the Establishment Committee by Act dated 23rd September 1991, and the Policy and Resources Committee by Act dated 15th October 1991 presented to

the States their comments on the future of secondary education.

THE STATES ordered that the said comments be printed and distributed.

Regulation of Undertakings and Development Law: quarterly manpower returns. R.C.28

The Finance and Economics Committee

by Act dated 14th October 1991, presented to the States a report covering the

quarterly manpower returns provided under Article 2A of the Regulation of Undertakings and Development (Jersey) Law 1973, as amended, for the quarter ended

30th June 1991.

THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.

Matters noted - land transactions

THE STATES noted an Act of the

Finance and Economics Committee dated 14th October 1991, showing that in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved -

 ( a) as recommended by the Harbours and A  ir port Committee, the sale to Mr.

A  rn old Arthur Cole and Mrs. Mary

C o l e née Bannister of 306 square

f e et of land in Field 275, St.

P e t er for a consideration of #306, w  it h the purchaser being

r e sp onsible for all legal costs

i n v olved;

 ( b) as recommended by the

E d u cation Committee, the lease

f ro m Mr. Arthur George Claydon and M r s. Pauline Mary Claydon, née

J e u ne, of the five-bedroomed

p r o perty Plaisance Cottage', Rue

d u Pont, Trinity , for a period of

t w o years, commencing 24th June

1 9 9 1, at an annual rent of #8,956,

w  it h annual increases based on the

c o s t of living index, for

o c c upation by a contract employee;

 ( c) as recommended by the Public

S e r vices Committee, the letting

u n d er a Tenancy Agreement to Mr.

J o h n François Le Bihan of two

v e r gées, 26 perch of land forming

p a r t of Fields 685 and 695, St.

M  a rtin, commencing 25th December 1 9 9 1, at an annual rent of #265,

t h e Agreement to be subject to six

m  o nths' notice on either side;

 ( d) as recommended by the Public

S e r vices Committee, the

   ac quisition, free of charge, from

M  r . Morris Hywel Evans and Mrs. C h r istine Margaret Hywel Evans, n é e Falls of 60 square feet of

l a nd at La Rocque House, Rue des S a b lons, Grouville , required for

r o a d improvement, with the

C o m mittee being responsible for

t h e payment of all legal fees and

t h e cost of the accommodation

w  o rks required.

Matters lodged

The following subjects were lodged au Greffe'' -

 1 .  Draft Policing of Roads (Amendment N  o . 3) (Jersey) Regulations 199

P . 1 57/91.

P r e sented by the Defence

C o m mittee.

 2 .  Quatre Bras Hotel site:

r e d evelopment P.158/91. P r e sented by the Housing C o m mittee.

 3 .  Draft Building Loans

( M  iscellaneous Provisions)

( A m endment No. 21) (Jersey) R e g ulations 199 P.159/91.

P r e sented by the Housing

C o m mittee.

 4 .  Harbours  and  Airport  Committee:     c a p ital repayments  in  1992

P . 1 60/91.

P r e sented by the Finance and

E c o nomics Committee.

 5 .  Housing:  strategy  for  the  90's

(P . 1 42/91):  amendment P.161/91. P r e sented by Senator Richard

J o s eph Shenton.

 6 .  Draft Tourism (Amendment No. 6) ( J er sey) Law 199  P.162/91.

P r e sented by the Tourism

C o m mittee.

Arrangement of Public Business for the next Sitting on 5th November 1991

THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe should be considered at the next Sitting on 5th November 1991 -

I mprisonment for debt P.146/91 L odged: 24th September 1991. D eputy M.C. Buesnel of St.

H elier.

D raft Policing of Roads

( Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Regulations 1 99  P.157/91.

D efence Committee.

Q uatre Bras Hotel site:

r edevelopment P.158/91. H ousing Committee.

H arbours and Airport Committee:

c apital repayments in 1992 P.160/91. F inance and Economics

C ommittee.

D raft Tourism (Amendment No. 6) ( Jersey) Law 199  P.162/91

T ourism Committee.

H ousing: strategy for the 90's P .142/91.

L odged: 17th September 1991. H ousing Committee.

H ousing: strategy for the 90's

( P.142/91): amendment P.161/9.1 S enator Richard Joseph Shenton.

D raft Building Loans

( Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment N o. 21) (Jersey) Regulations

1 99 P.159/91.

H ousing Committee.

Town Mills, Elysée and Cherry

Orchard Court housing estates. Question and answer (Tape No. 110)

Deputy Maurice Clement Buesnel of

St. Helier asked Deputy Leonard Norman of St. Clement , President of the Housing Committee, the following question -

  Will the President say what the

 t otal costs of the following housing

 e states were when they were built, the

 y ear when building was completed and,  i f they have since been modernised or

 r efurbished, the total cost of such

 w ork for each estate -

T o w n Mills Estate

E l y sée Estate

C h e rry Orchard Court?''

The President of the Housing Committee replied as follows -

  In answering this question I shall

 t ake each estate in turn. I should,

 h owever, point out now that only

 l imited records exist of work carried

o ut on the estates prior to 1981, and

 t hat the information provided does not  i nclude the many thousands of pounds  s pent on day-to-day general

m aintenance and upkeep of the estates. F igures given also exclude site

 a cquisition costs.

T own Mills

T he Town Mills estate comprises 18

t hree-bedroomed houses, built in 1935 a t a cost of #10,000. At current

p rices the estimated building cost

w ould be about #1,350,000.

A lthough only limited records exist of w ork carried out on this estate before t he last ten years, it is known that

a ll houses were modernised between 1 973 and 1975 at a total cost of about

# 54,000. At today's prices this

r epresents a cost of about #250,000.

M ajor works carried out in the last t en years consist of the following -

1 9 85  kitchen

m  o d e rn isation for

f o u r h o uses # 6 , 0 00 1 9 87/8  repairs to retaining

w  al l s a nd laying of

n e w p a tios for six

h o u s e s # 2 5 , 0 0 0

E very five years external decoration h as been carried out, and on the last

o ccasion, 1990, this cost #9,830.

T he important consideration concerning t his estate is the Committee's plans

f or the immediate future.

T he Committee has included in its

1 992 revenue expenditure estimates for T own Mills the following -

re p lacement windows # 5 4 ,000 ce n tral heating  

# 9 0 ,000

im  proved wall insulation #106,000

I n addition, #120,000 has been

i ncluded in the Committee's 1992

c apital proposals to cover external

l andscaping and road improvements.

T hese requests have already been

s ubmitted to the Policy and Resources

a nd Finance and Economics Committees i n the Committee's estimated capital

a nd revenue expenditure for 1992. E lysée Estate

E lysée Estate comprises six one-

b edroomed flats, 94 two-bedroomed

f lats and maisonettes, and 85 three-

b edroomed flats and houses, and was b uilt in 1965 at a total cost of

# 577,000. At current prices, the

e stimated building cost would be about

# 14,000,000.

M ajor works carried out over the last t en years consist of the following -

1 9 83  retaining wall along

S t a ff o rd Lane #16,500

1 9 86  new garden walls # 7 ,000 1 9 87  renewal of water

s to r a g e tanks (part of

e s ta t e )   # 1 3 ,5 0 0

1 9 89  replacement balconies

t o m  a isonettes # 1 1 5,00


1 9 85-91 kitchen modernisatio

n s # 1 75,000

1 9 88  footpaths # 8 , 0 0 0

1 9 89   Trinity Hill retaining

w  al l # 7 5 , 0 0 0  

1 9 91  tarmac repairs # 1 5 ,000 1 9 91  decoration of

s ta i r w ells (Nos. 1-48)

# 3 , 2 4 0

1 9 91  safety fencing # 1 5 ,000 1 9 91  concrete repairs # 3 8,000 1 9 91  street lighting # 2 0,000

E very five years external decoration h as been carried out, and on the last

o ccasion, over the two years 1990/91, t he cost was #116,000.

T he Committee is proposing a

m ajor redevelopment of the estate on

s imilar lines to that currently being

c arried out at Nicholson Park, with

t he first phase estimated to commence i n 1996, assuming funds can be made a vailable. This proposal was included

i n the Committee's five year capital

p rogramme submitted to the Policy and R esources Committee in 1990.

C herry Orchard Court

C herry Orchard Court comprises 14

o ne bedroomed, and 43 two-bedroomed f lats, built in 1962 at a cost of

# 138,000. At current prices, the

e stimated building cost would be about

# 3,750,000.

M ajor works carried out in the last t en years consist of the following -

1 9 87-91 kitchen modernisatio

n s  # 5 5 , 0 0 0  

1 9 89  external paving # 7 , 500 1 9 90  Economy 7 installation

( fi v e u nits only) # 3 ,500

E very five years external decoration h as been carried out, and on the last

o ccasion, 1989, this cost #34,750.

T he Committee has plans for

f urther improvements for this estate

d uring the period 1993 to 1995. These i nclude the following -

w  in dow replacement

n e w heating system for those units n o t covered in 1990

i m p roved insulation

i m p rovements to internal communal a r ea s.''

European Community - members right of entry to Jersey in 1992. Questions and answers (Tape No. 110)

Deputy Maurice Clement Buesnel of

St. Helier asked Deputy Michael Adam Wavell of St. Saviour , President of the Defence Committee the following questions -

1.  I n 1992 nationals of

C o n ti n ental countries which

ar e m e mbers of the European

C o m m  unity will acquire right

o f e n tr y into Jersey for the

p u rp o s es of seeking

em  p l o yment and other reasons.

W  il l the President confirm

t h at nationals of such countries p r e viously employed in both the a g r icultural and tourism

i n d ustries on a permit basis for

e i gh t months of the year will then b e a ble to be employed in Jersey

o n a year round basis?

 2 .  When accommodation is offered to s u c h persons in a live-in

s it u ation on farms and at hotels

w  il l it also mean that staff from

t h o se countries will be able to

b r in g dependants to the Island to

   li ve with them?''

The President of the Defence Committee replied as follows -

1.  I believe the Deputy will

h av e r eceived a copy of the P o li c y and Resources

C o m m  ittee's consultative

d o cu m  ent on immigration p o li c y which in the large

p ar t a d dresses the issues to w h i ch this question refers.

T h e Island may restrict the entry

o f a ll nationals of Continental

c o u ntries which are members of the E u r opean Community. However, the I s la nd does not at present

e x e rcise frontier control on those

a r ri ving in the Island via the

U  n ited Kingdom. Once in the Island t h e rights of those concerned to

t a ke employment or occupy

r e si dential accommodation can only b e r estricted in accordance with

t h e terms of Article 4 of Protocol

3 o f the Treaty of Accession of

t h e United Kingdom to the European C o m munity. This provides that the

I n s ular Authorities shall apply

t h e same treatment to all natural

a n d legal persons of the

C o m munity'.

T h e Island currently does not

a p p ly restrictions to British

n a ti onals seeking employment.

A  cc ordingly, at the present time,

n o such restrictions apply also to

t h e nationals of Continental

c o u ntries which are members of the E u r opean Community with the

e x c eption of Portuguese and

S p a nish workers. The latter have

r e m ained subject to work permits

t o d ate because under the

t ra n sitional arrangements relating

t o t he Accession of Portugal and

S p a in to the European Community

t h ei r nationals also have been

p r e cluded from seeking employment i n o ther Member States. It is only

i n r espect of the latter that the

p o s ition changes in 1992 because

o f a decision taken this year by

t h e European Community to bring

f o rw ard the ending of the

t ra n sitional arrangements from the

1 s t January 1993 to 1st January

1 9 9 2, with the exception of

L u x embourg where the former date c o n tinues to apply.

I u n derstand that later this year

t h e States will be asked by the

P o l icy and Resources Committee to c o n sider a report and proposition

o n the future treatment of the

n ationals of all Member States of

t h e European Community including B r i tish nationals. If the decision

i s ta ken that the treatment of

P o r tuguese and Spanish workers

f ro m 1st January 1992 should

e q u ate to that currently applied

t o B ritish nationals and the

n a ti onals of other Member States

o f t he European Community, I can c o n firm that Portuguese nationals

p r e viously employed in both the

a g r icultural and tourism

i n d ustries on a permit basis for

e i gh t months of the year will then b e a ble to be employed in Jersey

o n a year round basis.

 2 .  The position in respect of

d e p endants is broadly the same as

f o r those coming to the Island to

s e e k employment. The Island can

e x e rcise control at the point of

e n tr y. However, if such control is

n o t exercised over those arriving

v i a the United Kingdom the Island

   is required to apply the same

t re a tment to all natural and legal

p e r sons of the Community including B r i tish nationals.

R e p resentatives of the Hotel and

G  u est House Association and the

J e rs ey Farmers' Union at a recent m  ee ting of the 1992 Group

i n d icated that much of the

a c c ommodation provided would be u n s uitable for dependants and, in

a d d ition, that the terms and

c o n ditions of employment for the m  o st part would preclude workers b r in ging dependants to the Island

t o l ive with them in accommodation

o n farms and hotels.''

The Waterfront development. Questions and answers (Tape No. 110)

Deputy Stuart Syvret of St. Helier

asked the Connétable of St. John, President of the Island Development Committee, the following questions -

1.  H as any interest been shown

in th e west of Albert site by

p ri v a te developers and/or

h av e a ny approaches been made to th e Island Development

C o m m  ittee concerning this

si te ?

 2 .  If the answer to the above is yes, w  h o are the parties concerned and h a v e any negotiations taken place c o n cerning any part of the site?

 3 .  In answer to previous questions

t h e President of the Island

D  ev elopment Committee stated that s u c h issues as the sale or lease

o f t he site, the advertising of

t h e site and whether or not the

l a nd in question would be disposed

o f b y tender would be decided

a f te r the States gave their

a p p roval to the Waterfront Plan.

D  o es he not feel that given the

i m p ortance of these questions

t h es e issues should be settled

b e f ore the States debate the

W  a terfront report?''

The President of the Island Development Committee replied as follows -

1.  T here has been a good deal of

i n terest shown by private

d e v elopers in the future

d e v elopment prospects of the

A  lb ert Pier land reclamation site.

 2 .  No negotiations have taken place w  it h any private developer in

r e la tion to developing all or part

o f t he reclamation site. By and

l a rg e, the developers that have

c o n tacted the Planning Department h a v e done so informally to

d e m onstrate and record their

i n te rest in being considered for

    d e v elopment opportunities that

m  ig ht arise. Because of this, I do

n o t consider it appropriate to

n a m e the many companies and

i n d ividuals concerned, until these

i n te rests become formalised.

 3 .  I said in response to the Deputy 's

l a st set of questions four weeks

a g o that my Committee believes it m  o re important in the first place

f o r the States to consider what

s h o uld happen on the reclamation

s it e and the Waterfront in general

r a th er than how and by whom. The C o m mittee does consider the

i m p lementation of the plan to be

i m p ortant, but believes there is a

s e n sible and orderly way in which t o a pproach this project. The

M  a sterplan document itself

c o n tains a section on

i m p lementation and shows how the v a r ious proposals might be brought t o f ruition using both the public

a n d private funds.

I should like to assure the Deputy ,

a nd other Members of the States, that

n o decisions about implementing the

P lan will be made without the

k nowledge and agreement of the States. I ndeed, following the approval of the

P lan by the States, it is the

i ntention of the Island Development

C ommittee to produce a report for the

S tates, in conjunction with those

C ommittees which will be involved in

i mplementing the Plan, to show how the P lan can be implemented successfully

c ombining the resources of the public

a nd private sectors.

H owever, my Committee remains of the v iew that in the first instance it is

m ore important for the States to agree w hat should happen in the Waterfront

a rea in the next 25 years.''

Working Party to review the Police Force (Jersey) Law 1974, as amended. Statement

The President of the Defence

Committee made a statement in the following terms -

  In furtherance of the

 r ecommendations contained in paragraph  7 of the Second Interim Report of the

 J ersey Judicial and Legal Services

 R eview Committee, the Defence

 C ommittee has decided to carry out a

 b road review of current policies and

 t rends in the policing of the Island

 a nd the administration of justice. I

 a m pleased to announce that, following

 c onsultations with the Bailiff , the

 A ttorney General and the Comité des

 C onnétables, it has been agreed to set

 u p a Working Party in order to study

 the recommendations in paragraph 7 of

 t he Report of Sir Godfray Le Quesne's

 C ommittee, the working of the Police

 F orce (Jersey) Law 1974, as amended,

 a nd any consequential questions which

m ay arise concerning the policing of

 t he Island. The Working Party will

 a lso examine the relationship of the

 t wo Police Forces (Honorary and

 S tates) and allied matters and, if

 n ecessary, recommend amendments to the  a bove-mentioned Law.

I am delighted to inform the House

t hat Sir Martin Le Quesne KCMG has

a greed to act as Chairman of the

W orking Party, together with the

u ndermentioned, all of whom have been a pproached on an individual basis -

J u r at Mrs. B. Myles

M  r . T.A. Dorey

M  r . R.J. Short

A  d vocate A.J. Messervy

M  a jor J.R. Riley

C o n nétable F.P.W. Clarke C o n nétable J.P. Le Sueur D  ep uty T.A. Jehan

M  r . David Parkinson, Chief

O  ff icer, States of Jersey Police;

a nd two representatives of the

C enteniers' Association, Centeniers

M ac Pollard of St. Peter and Bert Amy

o f St. Ouen.

I t is expected that the Working Party

w ill meet as soon as possible in order

t o commence the study, with the

i ntention of presenting a report of

i ts conclusions and recommendations to t he States in due course.''

Supplementary and Additional Votes of Credit

THE STATES considered Acts of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 30th September and 14th October 1991, presenting Acts of the undermentioned Committees and, acceding to the requests contained therein, granted to the said Committees supplementary (S) and additional (A) votes of credit out of the general reserve as follows -

S A  

# #  

 Policy and Resources Committee

6 501 General expenses 1 3,000  Finance and Economics Committee

 Crown Officers' Department

0 311 Staff 2 8 ,6 00

0 312 Premises 6 ,4 00

0 315 Establishment 3 ,5 0 0

 Police Court

0 341 Staff 1 2 ,9 00

0 343 Supplies and services  3,600 0 345 Establishment 3 ,5 0 0

 Income Tax Department

0 371 Staff 1 7 ,8 00

 Official Analyst's Department

0 381 Staff 5 , 6 0 0

0 382 Premises 5 ,0 00

0 385 Establishment 1 ,7 0 0

 States' Treasury

0 411 Staff 7 , 0 0 0

0 416 Computer Services - O p er a tions 1 8,000

 Economic Adviser's Department

0 422 Premises 6 5 ,600

0 423 Supplies and services 1 0 , 5 0 0

0 425 Establishment 3 , 3 0   0

ca r r ie d forward 193,000

S A  

# #  

Finance and Economics Committee (cont'd)

b ro u g h t forward 193,000

 Commerical Relations

  0431 Staff 1 2 ,3 00

0 432 Premises 8 ,0 00

 Non-departmental expenditure

0 609 Members' expenses 318,000 0 614 States' Members income

s u p p le ment  5 4,000

 Establishment of H.E. the Lieutenant  Governor

0 701 Staff 2 8 ,3 00

0 702 Premises 1 ,9 00

0 705 Establishment 2 ,1 0 0

T o ta l r equest 617,600  Defence Committee


1 203 Supplies and services 50,000

Fire Service

1 301 Staff 4 5 ,0 00

1 303 Supplies and services  2,500

T o ta l r equest 97,500  Education Committee

 Special education

2 806 Handicapped children  26,600

ca r r ie d forward 26,600

S A  

# #  

 Education Committee (cont'd) b ro u g h t forward 26,600

 Scholarship, grants and costs of

 advanced education

2 856 Grants to students  7 86,100 2 857 Annual payment to

D  .E . S .   2 4 6,100

 Structural maintenance

3 096 General maintenance

a n d e m ergencies 1 , 668,90 0

 General educational services 3 107 Housing recruitment

o f s t af f 1 6 ,100

3 111 Transport of school- c h i ld r en 2 62,300

 Youth Service

3 184 Grants to voluntary c l u b s   3 0 0 ,0 00

T o ta l r equest 3,306,100  Public Health Committee


3 219A  Les Amis 9 8,000

Agriculture and Fisheries Committee


4 102 Premises 2 6 ,000

4 109 Sea fisheries 5 ,2 0 0

ca r r ie d forward 31,500

S A  

# #  

 Agriculture and Fisheries Committee  (cont'd)

b ro u g h t forward 31,500

 Direct aid

4 135 Subsidy on control of

p o t a to cyst eelworm 40,000 4 138 Compensation - animal

a n d p l ant health 1 0 ,000

 Indirect aid

4 140 Advertising, market r e se a r ch and

f in a n c ial

a s s is ta nce for approved s c h e m es to encourage

c o - o p eration among

p r o d u cers 1 0,900

T o ta l r equest 92,100

 Island Development Committee  Administration

5 207 Expenses in respect of l a w s o perated by the

C o m m ittee 4 0,000 Establishment Committee

 Personnel and Organisation Divisions 5 101 Staff 4 4 ,8 00

5 106 States training schemes 40,600 5 115 Performance review and

a p p r a isal 6 6,600

 Computer Services Division

5 122 Premises 2 ,0 00

5 123 Supplies and services 61,600 5 128 Capital servicing 7 4 ,100

T o ta l r equest 289,700

S A  

# #  

Fort Regent Development Committee

 External amenities

5 752 Premises 1 5,200

 Legislation Committee

5 901 Consultancy fees 3 5,000

CAPITAL VOTES OF CREDIT Finance and Economics Committee

C 0025  Central planning vote 1,000,0 0 0

Defence Committee


C 0158  Control Room relocation 1 0 5 , 2 0 0

Public Services Committee

C 0390  Replacement of telephone s w i tc h boards Royal Square

b uilding 1 0 7 ,0 0 0

Education Committee

C 2545  La Pouquelaye School

t e m p o rary classroom 39,800

Fort Regent Development Committee

C 1236  Modifications to fire e x i ti n g 1 5 , 0 0 0

The total requests granted for the October Supply Day amounted to #5,871,200. The deferred Supply item amounted to #350,000.

Teachers' Centre - relocation: supplementary vote of credit. P.163/91

THE STATES deferred consideration of the request of the Education Committee for a supplementary vote of credit in the sum of #350,000 for the relocation of the Teachers' Centre to the Langford site, Mont Millais, St. Helier . (3096).

The proposition relative thereto was lodged au Greffe'' by Senator Richard Joseph Shenton.

Fields 255, 255A and 256. St. Clement: purchase. P.152/91

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Housing Committee -

 ( a) approved the acquisition from Mr. P e t er Emile Therin of land in St.

C l e ment comprising Fields 255,

2 5 5 A, and the greater part of

F i e ld 256, as well as a small

p o r tion of land to the south of

F i e ld 255, for a consideration of

# 7 3 1,850;

 ( b) approved Drawings Nos. 3719/41-60, 6 2 - 63, 65-67, 70-77, 79, 81-84,

9 4 - 113, 116-120, 145 and 156,

s h o wing the proposed development

o f F ields 255, 255A and 256, St.

C l e ment, with 51 three-bedroomed

h o u ses;

 ( c) authorized the Greffier of the

    S t a tes to sign the said Drawings

o n behalf of the States;

 ( d) authorized the Finance and

E c o nomics Committee to make

a v a ilable bridging finance under

A  rt icle 7(1)(e) of the Public

F i n ances (Administration) (Jersey) L a w 1967, as amended;

 ( e) approved a fluctuating contract w  it h Thatcher Limited for the

c o n struction of the said houses, i n t he sum of #4,070,713.00;

( f) approved the payment of #53,432 f o r water and electricity service

c h a rges;

 ( g) approved the payment of #474,277 i n p rofessional fees for the

d e v elopment;

 ( h) authorized the Attorney General a n d the Greffier of the States to

p a s s the necessary contracts.

Jersey Association for Youth and Friendship: loan. P.153/91

THE STATES, adopting a proposition

of the Finance and Economics Committee -

 ( a) approved the granting of a loan to t h e Jersey Association for Youth

a n d Friendship for the purpose of a s s isting with the provision of

s e v en self-contained bed-sitting u n i ts for young people at 99,

H  al kett Place, St. Helier ;

 ( b) agreed that the loan should be

£ 2 0 0,000, on a £ for £ basis, and

s h o uld bear interest at four per

c e n t a year and should be

r e p ayable in equal annual

i n st alments over a period of

f if te en years commencing one year a f te r the granting of the loan.

Family Allowances (Application of Article 2 of the Law) (Jersey) Regulations 1991. P.154/91

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article

2 of the Family Allowances (Jersey) Law 1972, as amended made Regulations entitled the Family Allowances (Application of Article 2 of the Law) (Jersey) Regulations 1991.

Agriculture (Loans) (Amendment

No. 7) (Jersey) Regulations 1991. P.155/91

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article

2 of the Agriculture (Loans and Guarantees) (Jersey) Law 1974 made Regulations entitled the Agriculture (Loans) (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Regulations 1991.

The Future of Secondary Education. P.149/91

THE STATES commenced consideration

of a proposition of the Education Committee regarding the Future of secondary education in the Island.

Paragraph (1) was adopted.

Paragraph (2)(i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) was adopted, the States having accepted an amendment of the Connétable of St. Lawrence, President of the Education Committee that in paragraph (2)(i) after the number 781'', there should be added

or Field 1587''. Members presented voted

as follows -

P o u r' ' (42)


S henton, Jeune , Horsfall, Le Main, Le M aistre, Carter, Stein, Quérée, Chinn.

Connétable s

 S t. John, St. Peter , St. Clement, St.  L awrence, St. Mary, St. Ouen, St.  S aviour, St. Brelade , St. Martin .


 L e Gallais(S), Roche(S), Rumboll(H),  B eadle(B), Wavell(S), Norman(C), St.  J ohn, St. Peter , Baudains(C),

 B uesnel(H), Le Sueur(H), St. Ouen ,

 C outanche(L), Huelin(B), Jordan(B),  S t. Mary, Bailhache (H), Baudains(H),  G rouville, Clarke-Halifax(S), Le

 F ondré(L), Walker (H), Syvret(H),

 C respel(H).

C o n t re'' (3)


 T rinity, Blampied(H), Le Geyt(S).

Paragraph (2)(v) was adopted. Members presented voted as follows -

P o u r' ' (44)


S henton, Jeune , Horsfall, Le Main, Le M aistre, Carter, Stein, Quérée, Chinn.

Connétable s

 S t. John, St. Peter , St. Clement, St.  L awrence, St. Mary, St. Saviour, St.  B relade, St. Martin.


 L e Gallais(S), Roche(S), Trinity ,

 R umboll(H), Beadle(B), Wavell(S),

 B lampied(H), Norman(C), St. John, St.  P eter, Baudains(C), Buesnel(H), Le

 S ueur(H), St. Ouen , Coutanche(L),

 H uelin(B), Jordan(B), St. Mary ,

 B ailhache(H), Baudains(H), Grouville ,  C larke-Halifax(S), Le Fondré(L),

 L e Geyt(S), Walker (H), Syvret(H),

 C respel(H).

C o n t re'' (2)


 R othwell.

Connétable  S t. Ouen.

Paragraph (2)(vi), (vii), (viii) and (ix) was adopted.

THE STATES, adopting paragraphs (1) and (2), as amended -

 ( 1) endorsed the Education Committee's p o l icy of maintaining the current

o r g anisation of secondary schools;

( 2) approved in principle -

( i) the relocation of Jersey

C o ll e g e for Girls to field

7 9 8 a n d the site known as

L a n g fo rd with playing fields

o n f ie l ds 781A and 781 or

F ie l d 1 587, St. Saviour;

( ii ) the relocation of Jersey

C o ll e g e for Girls Preparatory S c h o o l to Field 799, St.

S a v io u r so that Mont Cantel ca n b e released for a new

to w  n p rimary school;

( ii i)  sports facilities for

V i ct o r ia College and

Je r s e y C o llege for Girls;

( iv ) the provision of craft,

d es i g n and technology

fa c i li ti es for Victoria

C o ll e g e and Jersey College fo r G  ir ls;

( v ) the relocation of d'Hautrée S c h o o l to part of Fields 1243 an d 1 2 44, St. Helier ;

( v i) urgent repairs to Les Q u e n n evais School;

( v ii )  an extension to Les

Q u e n n e v ais School to in c r e a se capacity from 6 1 0 t o 7 4 0 pupils;

( v ii i) the provision of ad d i t io n a l accommodation fo r t h e s c ience, craft,

d es i gn and technology

re q u i re m  ents at

G r a in v i ll e School;

( ix ) the remodelling and

re f u rb i shment of Hautlieu S c h o o l.

Belle Vue Pleasure Park and Fields 91 and 91A, St. Brelade, rezoning - rescission. P.140/91

THE STATES acceded to the request of the President of the Island Development Committee that consideration of the proposition of Senator Richard Joseph Shenton to rescind paragraph (d) of the Act of the States dated 21st July 1990

regarding the rezoning and purchase of land at Belle Vue Pleasure Park and Fields 91 and 91A, St. Brelade be deferred from the present Sitting to a later date.

THE STATES rose at 5.45 p.m.

R . S . G  R A Y   G  re f fi er of the States.