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States Minutes 23rd April 1991

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STATES MINUTES 23r d A pril 1991

THE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 23rd April 1991 at 9.30 a.m. under

t he Presidency of the Bailiff ,

S i r P eter Crill, C.B.E.

___ _______ __

 His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, Air Marshal Sir John Sutton, K.C.B.,

w as pr esent.

___ _______ __

All Members were present with the exception of -

I ris Medora Le Feuvre, Connétable of

S t. Lawrence - out of the Island.

S nowdon George Robins, Connétable of S t. Saviour - absent, excused.

M argaret Sylvia Rose Beadle, Deputy of S t. Brelade - out of the Island.

L eonard Norman, Deputy of St.

C lement - out of the Island.

  ___ _________

P r aye rs

___ _______ __

Subordinate legislation tabled

The following enactment was laid before the States, namely -

J ersey Open Air Market (Jersey) Order 1 991. R & O 8195.

Annual Accounts of the States of Jersey for 1990

The Finance and Economics Committee by Act dated 3rd April 1991, and in pursuance of Article 21(3) of the Public Finances (Administration) (Jersey) Law 1967, as amended, presented to the States the annual accounts of the States of Jersey for the financial year ended 31st December


THE STATES ordered that the said accounts be printed and distributed.

Matters noted - land transactions

THE STATES noted an Act of the

Finance and Economics Committee dated 15th April 1991, showing that in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved -

( a) as recommended by the Housing C om mittee, the registration of a

cont rat de bornement between the publ ic of the Island, the owner of B al leine Close, St. Clement and

Mr . R oy Huelin Vibert , the owner of F ield No. 108, with the

C om mittee being responsible for acc ommodation works and the

paym ent of all legal fees;

( b) as recommended by the Housing C om mittee, the renewal of the full r ep airing lease from the Parish

of S t. Helier of 6 Hilary Street,

S t . H elier for nine years

com mencing 1st August 1989 at an annua l rent of #3,500, with cost

of l iving increases every three

year s;

( c) as recommended by the Public

S er vices Committee, the sale by

t he publ ic to Miss Teressa Rose

R ol land, Mr. Reginald Henry

Wad sworth Le Sueur and Mrs.

Mar garet Joyce Le Sueur , née

B ayes , Mr. Kenneth Charles Benest and M rs. Annette Barbara Benest,

née Moore of approximately 280

s qua re feet of land at Melrose

V i l la Cottage and Beau Vallon

G a r dens, Old Trinity Hill, St.

H e l ier for a consideration of

#10, w ith the purchasers being

r es pons ible for the payment of all

f ee s , subject to the condition

t ha t the purchasers would, at the

t im e of purchase,

cont emporaneously enter into a

deed with the owners of Beau

V a l lon Gardens allowing those

ow ner s rights of access over the

l and s old by the public;

( d) as recommended by the Harbours and A i r port Committee the lease from

Mr . J ohn Le Sueur Gallichan of 900

s qua re feet of land at La

C r oi serie, Trinity (Letting

N o . L 79) for a period of nine

year s with effect from 25th March

1991 a t an annual rent of #500;

( e) as recommended by the Harbours and A i r port Committee, the lease to

Mr . J ohn Dorey of 2 vergées and 12

per ch of land in Field 794, St.

L aw rence (Letting No. L23) for a

per iod of three years from 25th

D e cem ber 1990 at annual rent of


( f) as recommended by the Harbours and A i r port Committee, the lease to

t he J ersey Aero Club of

acc ommodation at the Airport for a

per iod of nine years with effect

f rom 24th June 1991 at an annual

r en t of #6,000 with annual cost of

l ivi ng reviews;

( g) as recommended by the Harbours and A i r port Committee, the lease to

S t . C atherine's Sailing Club of

pr e mises at St. Catherine for a

per iod of nine years from 5th

D e cem ber 1990 at an annual rent

of # 1,000, subject to annual cost

of l iving reviews;

( h) as recommended by the Harbours and A i r port Committee, the lease to

F al les Motor Works (Airport)

L i m ited of 485 square yards of

l and i n the Airport fuel compound

( L et ting No. L54) for a period of

t hr ee years from 1st April 1991

at an an nual rent of #3,880 with

annua l cost of living reviews;

( i) a s recommended by the Harbours and A irport Committee, the

l eas e t o Mr. Philip Francis Le

Ma is t re of land measuring

t hr ee ver gées and eight perch

s it u at e d on the southern

boun dar y of the Airport

( L e tt in g Nos. L24 and L26) for

a p er iod of three years from

1s t A pr il 1991 at an annual

r e nt of #500;

( j) as recommended by the Finance and

E conom ics Committee, the lease

f rom Victoria Holdings Limited of F l a t 1, Victoria House, Victoria

C our t, St. Helier for a period of

t hr ee years from 1st April 1991 at an a nnual rent of #7,280 for

occu pation by an essential

em pl oyee;

( k) as recommended by the Finance and E conom ics Committee, the lease

f rom John Baxter Marett

I nve stments Limited of Flat 11, Le

H u r el, Queen's Road, St. Helier

f or a pe riod of three years from

1s t A pril 1991 at an annual rent

of # 6,780, plus a payment of #100

f or f  ittings, for occupation by an

es sent ial employee;

( l) as recommended by the Public

H e al th Committee, the renewal of t he l ease from Mr. Robert Charles H a m on of the three-bedroomed

pr op erty Little Arch, Maufant, St. S avi our, for a period of three

year s from 25th March 1991 at a f ixed a nnual rent of #10,000;

( m) as recommended by the Public

H e al th Committee, the renewal of t he l ease from Mr. Robert

D o ds worth Alton of the four-

bedr oomed property 25 West Park A v enue , St. Helier , for a period

of o ne year from 30th March 1991 at an an nual rent of #8,533.20;

( n) as recommended by the Public

H e al th Committee, the renewal of t he l ease from Advocate Robert

G eorge Day of the four-bedroomed pr op erty Les Hirondelles, 4 Rue

de l 'Est, Regent Road, Mount

B i ngh am, St. Helier for a period

of o ne year from 23rd March 1991 at an an nual rent of #10,000;

( o) as recommended by the Public

H e al th Committee, the renewal of t he l ease from Captain William

A n der ton of the studio flat, 44

Mar ina Court, The Esplanade, St.

H e l ier for a period of of one year

f rom 30th March 1990 at an annual r en t of #3,770, (including service

char ge);

( p) as recommended by the Public H eal th Committee, the renewal

of t he lease from Mrs. Joan A nni e P errée, née Swift, of

t he t w o-bedroomed flat at

F l at 3 , 73 Rouge Bouillon,

S t . H e lier, for a period of one year from 1st April 1991 at an a nnual rent of #5,400;

( q) as recommended by the Tourism C om m ittee, the lease to Mrs.

P at ri ci a Friel née Thomas of

F i rs t T ower Kiosk, St. Helier

f o r one year from 26th

D ece m ber 1990 at an annual

r e nt of #4,300.

( r) as recommended by the Island D eve l opment Committee and in or der t o enable a footpath to

be cr e ated from the Railway

Wa lk to join with La Rue de

G r ou et , St. Brelade -

t he pur chase from Corbière

D e vel opments Limited of 0.21 ver gées of land at a rate of #1,000 a vergée; and

t he s ale to Corbière Developments L i m ited of 0.633 vergées of land at F ield 424, St. Brelade at a

r at e o f #1,000 a vergée with each s ide be ing responsible for its own l egal fees;

( s) as recommended by the Housing C om m ittee, the granting of a

s e rvi tud e to Mr. Robin Charles

H acq uoi l and Mrs. Marlene

J oy ce H acquoil, née Hayes,

j oi nt ly , in respect of their

w hol e pr operty Military

V i l la ', S t. Peter and in

f a vour of Jaskar Limited in

r e spe ct of the whole of its

pr oper ty Military House' in

or der t o lay a foul drainage

pi pe r unning from Field 894 to

con nect with the pumping

s tat ion at St. Peter 's

A r s enal , for a nominal

con s id eration of #10 and the

pay ment of all legal fees by

Mr . an d Mrs. Hacquoil.

Matter noted - financial


THE STATES noted an Act of the

Finance and Economics Committee dated 15th April 1991, showing that in pursuance of

Rule 5 of the Public Finances (General) (Jersey) Rules 1967, as amended, the Committee had noted that -

( a) the Housing Committee had accepted t he l  owest of six tenders, namely

t ha t submitted by Thatcher

L i m ited, in the sum of #377,000 in

a co ntract period of 39 weeks for

t he r edevelopment of Nos. 1 and 2

O l d S t. James Place, St. Helier ;

( b) the Housing Committee had accepted t he l  owest of four tenders, namely

t ha t submitted by Hacquoil and

C ook L imited, in the sum of

#479,7 03 in a contract period of

37 w eeks for the refurbishment of

N o s . 33-66 De Quetteville Court,

S t . H elier.

Matters lodged

The following subjects were lodged au Greffe'' -

1 . Draft Motor Traffic (No. 2) ( Je r sey) Regulations 199 .

P .60/ 91.

P r es ented by the Defence

C om mittee.

2 . Draft Sea-Fisheries (Size Limits) ( A m endment No.3) (Jersey)

R egul ations 199 . P.61/91.

P r es ented by the Agriculture and F i sher ies Committee.

3 . Draft Drug Trafficking Offences ( D es ignated Countries and

T er ritories) (Jersey) Regulations 199 . P .62/91.

P r es ented by the Finance and

E conom ics Committee.

4 . Field 355A, Grouville : approval of D r aw ings. P.63/91.

P r es ented by the Housing

C om mittee.

5 . Nicholson Park redevelopment: P has e II. P.64/91.

P r es ented by the Housing

C om mittee.

6 . Establishment Committee: support f or pol icies. P.65/91.

P r es ented by Senator R.J. Shenton.

7 . Public appointments: petition.

P .66/ 91.

P r es ented by Deputy M.C. Buesnel of S t. Helier.

8 . Draft Pilotage (General

P r ovi sions) (Amendment No. 2) ( Je r sey) Regulations 199 .

P .67/ 91.

P r es ented by the Harbours and A i r port Committee.

9 . Green zone sites: development. P .68/ 91.

P r es ented by the Island

D e vel opment Committee.

Arrangement of Public Business for the next Sitting on 7th May 1991

THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe should be considered at the next Sitting on 7th May 1991 -

S port, Leisure and Recreation

C ommittee. P.58/91.

L odged: 9th April 1991.

P olicy and Resources Committee.

T raining in the Island.

P .59/91.

L odged: 9th April 1991.

P olicy and Resources Committee.

D raft Motor Traffic

( No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 199 . P .60/91.

L odged: 23rd April 1991.

D efence Committee.

D raft Sea-Fisheries

( Size Limits) (Amendment No. 3) ( Jersey) Regulations 199 . P.61/91. L odged: 23rd April 1991.

A griculture and Fisheries

C ommittee.

D raft Drug Trafficking Offences

( Designated Countries and Territories) ( Jersey) Regulations 199 . P.62/91.

L odged: 23rd April 1991.

F inance and Economics

C ommittee.

N icholson Park redevelopment: P hase II. P.64/91.

L odged: 23rd April 1991.

H ousing Committee.

E stablishment Committee:

s upport for policies. P.65/91. L odged: 23rd April 1991.

S enator R.J. Shenton.

D raft Pilotage

( General Provisions) (Amendment No. 2) ( Jersey) Regulations 199 . P.67/91.

L odged: 23rd April 1991.

H arbours and Airport Committee.

G reen zone sites:

d evelopment. P.68/91.

L odged: 23rd April 1991.

I sland Development Committee.

Public appointments: petition. P.66/91

Deputy M.C. Buesnel of St. Helier presented to the States a petition of Mr. Barrie Raymond Cooper, asking the States to grant the prayer of the petition and

request the Legislation Committee to investigate the practicability of replacing

the Department of the Judiciary and the Legislature (Jersey) Law 1965 by new legislation incorporating provisions to ensure that the principle of accountability for decisions applies to all public appointments in Jersey, and to report thereon to the States in due course.

THE STATES referred the said petition to the Legislation Committee and lodged the proposition au Greffe''.

Overseas Trading Corporation, First Tower, St. Helier . Statement

The President of the Finance and

Economics Committee made a statement in the following terms -

On 6th November 1990 Senator Jeune i n responding as President of the

F inance and Economics Committee to

q uestions asked of him by Deputy Mrs. B audains, informed the House that when t he Overseas Trading Corporation has

a greed a programme for the phased c losure of the First Tower factory d iscussions would be entered into c oncerning alternative employment

o pportunities for those to be made r edundant.

A schedule for the close down of

t he factory has now been received, and t he Economic Adviser has had

d iscussions with the managing director

o f the company and whether there is

f urther action the States can take to

a ssist the employees affected. The

c ompany itself has already taken steps t o provide a counselling service

e mbracing among other things the

f inding of alternative employment, the n eed for retraining with which Highlands College is also involved,

a nd pension arrangements.

I n support of the company's own

e fforts I would wish to take this

o pportunity of saying that, if an

e mployer in the Island wishes to give

e mployment to the staff to be made

r edundant by the Overseas Trading

C orporation, they can expect to

r eceive a favourable response from my

C ommittee if the engagement of that

s taff should call for a licence

a pplication under the Regulation of

U ndertakings and Development Law. This

o f course applies equally to any other

r edundancies that may arise, and has

b een the practice of my Committee for

s ome time now.

I would also wish to make clear that t here is nothing in the zero job

g rowth policy that should frustrate

t his process. That policy is concerned w ith the total number of jobs in the

I sland and with limiting the need of

i mmigrant labour to fill those jobs.

I t should not, and as far as my

C ommittee is concerned does not,

a ffect the re-employment of local

r esidents who have the misfortune to b e made redundant.''

Public sector manpower. Statement

The President of the Establishment Committee made a statement in the following terms -

At its meeting on Friday, 19th April

1 991 the Establishment Committee

f urther considered the request for

m anpower from the uniformed services.

T he Committee was unanimous in its

s upport for controls on immigration

a nd was confident that any

a ppointments approved could be met by s avings in public sector

e stablishment. The frenetic press

r eporting on the recent fire at Rouge

B ouillon school must have caused

c onsiderable alarm to residents of the

I sland with particular regard to fire

c over. It will be of interest to the

p ublic to know that at the present

t ime there are 64 permanent fire

f ighters based at the town and western s tations, and a further 36 fire

f ighters at the airport. Added to this

t here are 38 retained firemen on call

t hroughout the day and night to

s upplement the permanent force.

W hilst approving another four

p ermanent fire fighters the Committee m ust have regard for the size and cost

o f the service, and examinations of

t he present system are proceeding with a view to providing a greater

e fficiency in the use of manpower for t he future.

W ith regard to the request for two

e xtra personnel for the Drug Squad and t wo for the Child Abuse Section, the

C ommittee was unanimous in its view t hat young people should be protected a t all times. Again, in making this

d ecision, the Committee is confident

t hat public sector savings can be used

t o offset any increase.

T he request for six ambulancemen and t hree extra fire fighters at the

a irport remains deferred pending

f urther investigation, and information p roduced at the meeting gives the

C ommittee every confidence that the c ommunity will be better served as a

r esult of this examination.

T he Committee wishes to place on r ecord its appreciation of all those f ire fighters who turned out for the

R ouge Bouillon fire and has asked the P resident of the Defence Committee to p ublish details of the number of

p ersonnel both permanent and retained w ho responded to this major emergency c all, and their response times.''

Supplementary and Additional Votes of Credit

THE STATES considered an Act of

the Finance and Economics Committee dated 3rd April 1991, presenting Acts of the undermentioned Committees and granted to the said Committees supplementary (S) and additional (A) votes of credit out of the general reserve as follows -


# #

Finance and Economics Committee

Bailiff 's Chambers

0305 Establishment 500

Crown Officers' Department

0311 Staff 31,50 0

0315 Establishment 1,900

Viscount's Department

0331 Staff 24,70 0


0356 Maintenance of persons

i n hos tels, hospitals and

s pe ci al schools 72 ,000

Commerical Relations

0432 Premises 22,000

0433 Supplies and services 1,400 0435 Establishment 2,000

Non-departmental expenditure

0602 Commonwealth Parlia-

m ent ar y Association 25,000

0648 Grant to Nemo Charitable

T r u s t 33,00 0

0652 Gulf Crisis Compensation

F und 250,0 00

0653 Purchase of JNWW

pr ef e r ence shares

4, 500,000

0654 Grant to Jersey Haig

H om es appeal 170,000

 Total request #5,134,400 181,400 4,953 ,000


# #

Defence Committee


1020 Criminal Injuries

C om pens ation Scheme 100,000

Motor Traffic Office

1122 Premises 6,000

1129 Concessionary bus fares 23,300

Fire Service

1301 Staff 18,00 0

1303 Supplies and services 7 ,60 0

T ot al r equest 154,900 Public Services Committee


2019 Plus rate buy-out 75,000

Highways and public land -

maintenance and minor improvements 2053 Supplies and services 50,000

Public parks and gardens

2096 Tree Advisory Council 9,500

Trading Standards

2102 Premises 519,5 00

Total request #654,000 579,000 75,00 0


# #

Education Committee

Primary education - non-fee paying 2501 Teaching staff 52, 000

Secondary education - non-fee paying

2603 Premises 11,200

3040 Grants to private schools 166, 200

Structural maintenance

3096 General maintenance

and em ergencies 21 ,700

Advisory Services and Teachers' Centre 3171 Teaching staff 10, 000

3178 Establishment 8,0


T ot al r equest 269,100 Public Health Committee


3219A Les Amis 50 ,000

General and Acute Services

3222 Premises 160,00 0

Total request #210,000 160,000 50,00 0

Social Security Committee

Non-contributory benefits

4818 Gluten-free foods 3 9,000


# #

Island Development Committee

Property Management Office

5231 Staff 38,000

5233 Supplies and services 40,000

T ot al r equest 78,000 Legislation Committee

5901 Consultancy fees 1 0,000

CAPITAL VOTES OF CREDIT Finance and Economics Committee

C 0025 Central planning vote 2,000,0 00

Defence Committee

C 0150 600 yard firing point at C r a bbé 22,600

Public Services Committee

C 0377 Forestry workshop,

Wa rw ick Farm 6,000

C 0385 West of Albert Pier

dev el o pment 1,500,000

C 0474 Liquid waste treatment 700, 000

T ot al r equest 2,206,000


# #

Education Committee

C 0596 Highlands College

dev el o pment 28,000

C 2510 St. Mary 's School

I m pr ovem ents 58 ,500

C 2518 Victoria College pavillion 13,


C 2523 Victoria College library/

de C a rteret extension 83,200

C 2524 Teachers'/caretakers'

ac com modation 13 ,500

C 2527 St. Martin 's School nursery

and cl assrooms 20,8 00

C 2528 Plat Douet improvements 5,000 C 2535 St. Saviour 's School nursery

and cl assrooms 110,0 00

C 2536 St. Lawrence School

nur ser y 59,700

C 2537 Mont-à-l'Abbé extension 204,70 0

C 2539 Les Quennevais synthetic

pi tc h 4 8,000

C 2541 St. Saviour 's School

t em por ary classrooms


Total request #683,600 645,300 38,30 0

Public Health Committee General and acute

C 2725 Phase III - ward

upgr adi ng 299,000

C 2726 Phase III - completion

pha s es 30 ,000

C 2740 CSSD extension 7 ,000 C 2746 Chevalier/Aubin Ward -

equ ipm ent 11,000

C 2765 Maternity hospital

dev el o pment 90,00 0

ca r r ied forward 437,000


# #

Public Health Committee (cont'd) br ought forward 437,000

St. Saviour 's Hospital

C 2777 St. Saviour 's Hospital -

s w i m m ing pool 10,000

Support Services

C 2764 New central laundry 404,600

Care of the elderly

C 2760 Overdale improvements 25,000 C 2767 Gorey day care centre 70,00


T ot al r equest 946,600

Island Development Committee

C 0903 Acquisition and servicing of l a nd 2 00,000

Fort Regent Development Committee

C 1234 Swimming pool roof

i m pr ovem ents 28 ,600

Harbours and Airport Committee

C 0249 Fishermen's facilities - L a C ol lette 50,000

The total requests granted for the April Supply Day amounted to #12,686,800. The deferred Supply items amounted to #466,000.

Crown Officers' Department: supplementary vote of credit. P.69/91

THE STATES deferred consideration of the request of the Finance and Economics Committee for a supplementary vote of credit in the sum of #36,000 for improvements to the Crown Officers' Department. (0312).

The proposition relative thereto was lodged au Greffe'' by the Finance and Economics Committee.

27 Hill Street/16 Queen Street, St. Helier : supplementary vote of credit. P.70/91

THE STATES deferred consideration of the request of the Public Services Committee for a supplementary vote of credit in the sum of #111,000 for repairs and improvements to No. 27 Hill Street and No. 16 Queen Street, St. Helier . (2082).

The proposition relative thereto was lodged au Greffe'' by Senator Richard Joseph Shenton.

Former public library -

refurbishment and conversion: supplementary vote of credit. P.71/91

THE STATES deferred consideration of the request of the Public Services Committee for a supplementary vote of credit in the sum of #81,000 for refurbishment to the former public library, States' Building, Royal Square. (2082).

The proposition relative thereto was lodged au Greffe'' by Senator John Stephen Rothwell.

10/16 Hill Street, St. Helier : supplementary vote of credit. P.72/91

THE STATES deferred consideration of the request of the Public Services Committee for a supplementary vote of credit in the sum of #55,000 for remedial work to No. 10 Hill Street, St. Helier . (2082).

The proposition relative thereto was lodged au Greffe'' by Senator Richard Joseph Shenton.

Personnel and Organisation Division: supplementary vote of credit. P.73/91

THE STATES deferred consideration of the request of the Establishment Committee for a supplementary vote of credit in the sum of #83,000 to carry out a salary and benefit survey. (5103).

The proposition relative thereto was lodged au Greffe'' by Deputy Robin Ernest Richard Rumboll of St. Helier .

Voluntary severance payme supplementary vote of credit. P.74/91

THE STATES deferred consideration of

the request of the Establishment Committee for a supplementary vote of credit in the sum of #100,000 for the increased cost of the Voluntary Early Retirement Regulations.

The proposition relative thereto was lodged au Greffe'' by Deputy Robin Ernest Rumboll of St. Helier .

Jersey Heritage Trust: supplementary vote of credit

THE STATES rejected a proposition of the Public Services Committee for a supplementary vote of credit in the sum of #59,000 for the Jersey Heritage Trust. (1900).

Members presented voted as follows - P our ' ' (14)

Senator B aal.

Connétable s

S t. John, St. Helier , St. Martin .


L e Gallais(S), Rumboll(H), St. John ,

B audains(C), Buesnel(H), Coutanche(L), H uelin(B), Grouville , Clarke-

H alifax(S), St. Martin .

C ont re'' (32)


S henton, Jeune , Binnington, Horsfall, L e Main, Le Maistre, Carter, Stein, Q uerée, Chinn.

Connétable s

S t. Peter, St. Clement , St. Mary , St.

O uen, St. Brelade , Trinity , Grouville .


R oche(S), Trinity , Wavell(S),

B lampied(H), St. Peter , Le Sueur (H),

J ordan(B), St. Mary , Bailhache (H),

B audains(H), Le Fondré(L), Le Geyt(S), W alker(H), Syvret(H), Crespel(H).

Highways and public land - maintenance and minor improveme supplementary vote of credit

THE STATES noted that the President

of the Public Services Committee had withdrawn the proposition requesting a supplementary vote of credit in the sum of #210,000 for the financing of a computer traffic model. (2053).

Roadside Walls Council: additional vote of credit

THE STATES noted that the President

of the Island Development Committee had withdrawn the proposition requesting an additional vote of credit in the sum of #142,000 for the repair and refurbishment of roadside walls and banques. (5225).

Ecology Trust: appointment of members

THE STATES, adopting a proposition

of the Island Development Committee approved the appointment of the undermentioned persons to act as members of the Ecology Trust, set up by the States by Act dated 26th March 1991 -

D eputy Robin Ernest Richard Rumboll A dvocate Anthony J. Olsen

M rs. Frances Le Sueur

M r. Mike Stentiford

M r. Cyd Le Bail.

Sludge dryer plant: acceptance of tender. P.45/91

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Public Services Committee -

( a) accepted the tender submitted by

Wi m pey Essex Water in the sum of #4,100 ,000 in respect of the

pr ov ision of a sludge dryer plant,

s ubj ect to the necessary bond

bei ng obt ained;

( b) authorised the Greffier of the S t a tes to sign the necessary

cont ract.

Ultra violet light disinfection

equipment: acceptance of tender. P.46/91

THE STATES adopting a proposition of the Public Services Committee -

( a) accepted the tender negotiated

w i t h Trojan Technologies Inc., in

t he s um of #505,100 for the supply

and i nstallation of the specialist

ul tr a violet equipment at the

B el lozanne Sewage Treatment Works, s ubj ect to the necessary bond

bei ng obt ained;

( b) authorised the Greffier of the S t a tes to sign the necessary

cont ract.

Road Traffic (No. 40) (Jersey) Regulations 1991. P.53/91

THE STATES, in pursuance of the

powers conferred on them by the Order in Council of the twenty-sixth day of December 1851 and Article 49 of the Road Traffic (Jersey) Law 1956, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Road Traffic

(No. 40) (Jersey) Regulations 1991.

Highways (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1991. P.34/91

THE STATES, subject to the sanction

of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Highways (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1991.

Jersey Haig Homes Appeal: grant. P.55/91

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Finance and Economics Committee approved the payment of a grant up to a maximum of #170,000 to the Haig Homes in Jersey Appeal for the repairs and refurbishment of the 12 Haig Homes known as Princess Elizabeth Court at Grève d'Azette, St. Clement on the basis that #1 will be granted for each #1 collected by the local Appeal Committee on the understanding that the grant will be entirely expended on that work.

Roadside walls and banques: repairs. P.56/91

THE STATES acceded to the request of the President of the Island Development Committee that consideration of the proposition regarding the financing of repairs of roadside walls and banques'' be deferred from the present Sitting.

16 Hill Street, St. Helier :

accommodation for Judicial Greffe. P.57/91

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Public Services Committee -

( a) approved the sub-leasing of the

of fi ces to the rear of 16 Hill

S t reet , St. Helier , from Royal

T r us t Bank (Jersey) Limited,

ef fec tive from 25th March 1991 for a pe riod of six months, with an

opt ion to extend the sub-lease for

a f ur ther three month period, for

t he pur pose of providing temporary of fi ce accommodation for the

J udi cial Greffe at an annual rent

of # 27,756 payable quarterly in

adva nce;

( b) authorised the Greffier of the S t a tes to sign the necessary

agr eement;

( c) authorised the Treasurer of the S t a tes to pay the rent as it

beco mes due.

Senator Reginald Robert Jeune declared an interest in the matter and withdrew from the Chamber prior to the debate.

THE STATES rose at 12.45 p.m.

R .S . G R A Y G r e f fi er of the States.