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STATES MINUTES 11t h N ovem ber 1992
T HE STATES assembled on Wednesday, 11th November 1992 at 9.30 a.m. under
t he Presidency of the Bailiff ,
S i r P eter Crill, C.B.E.
__ _______ ___
All Members were present with the exception of -
S enator Reginald Robert Jeune - out of the I sland
S enator Pierre François Horsfall - out of
t he Island
S tanley John de la Haye, Connétable of St. M artin - out of the Island
T homas James Jordan, Deputy of St.
B relade - out of the Island
G raeme Ernest Rabet, Deputy of St. Helier -
o ut of the Island
T erence Ahier Jehan , Deputy of St. Martin -
o ut of the Island
F rank Harris on Walker , Deputy of St.
H elier - out of the Island
E velyn Mabel Pullin, Deputy of St.
S aviour - out of the Island.
__ _______ ___
P r ay ers read by the Bailiff __ _______ ___
Mr. Philip Roy Cabot, Deputy of Trinity - welcome
The Bailiff , on behalf of the Members of the States, welcomed to the Assembly the newly- elected Deputy of Trinity , Mr. Philip Roy Cabot.
Mobility allowance. P.139/92 and P.156/92
THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of the Social Security Committee regarding the introduction of a mobility allowance to help certain disabled persons.
THE STATES, accepted an amendment of Deputy Stuart Syvret of St. Helier that, in paragraph (a) of the proposition, after 3rd June 1992'' there should be added the words -
provided that -
( i) the proposed mobility allowance be a s ingl e tier benefit of £30 payable to
al l w ho qualify for the scheme;
( ii) t here be no upper age limit
ap pl i ed t o those who qualify for the s c hem e;
( iii) a clear and comprehensive
de f i ni t ion of eligibility for the
sc hem e be drawn up giving
co ns i der ation to the needs of
thos e w ho are blind or suffering fr om s evere learning difficulties as w el l as the physically
di s ab led .''
Members present voted for the amendment as follows -
P our '' (37) Senators
S henton, Binnington, Baal, Rothwell, Le M ain, Le Maistre, Carter, Stein, Quérée, C hinn.
Connétable s
S t. John, St. Clement , St. Lawrence , St. M ary, St. Ouen , St. Brelade , Trinity , St. P eter, St. Saviour .
L e Gallais(S), Rumboll(H), Beadle(B),
W avell(S), Blampied(H), Norman(C), St.
P eter, H. Baudains(C), St. Ouen , Huelin(B), S . Baudains(H), Grouville , Clarke-
H alifax(S), Le Fondré(L), Le Geyt(S),
S yvret(H), Crespel(H), Trinity .
C ont re'' (6) Deputies
S t. John, Buesnel(H), Le Sueur (H),
C outanche(L), St. Mary , Bailhache (H).
THE STATES adopted the proposition, as amended and agreed -
( a) that a new allowance be introduced to hel p ce rtain disabled persons in
m eet ing the extra costs of getting
ar o und on the basis of the report of
t he C ommittee dated 3rd June 1992:
pr ov ided that -
( i) the proposed mobility allowance be a s ing l e tier benefit of £30
pa yable to all who qualify for the
sc hem e;
( ii ) t here be no upper age limit
ap pl i ed t o those who qualify for the s c hem e;
( ii i) a cl ear and comprehensive
de f i ni t ion of eligibility for the
sc hem e be drawn up giving
co ns i der ation to the needs of
thos e w ho are blind or suffering fr om s evere learning difficulties as w el l as the physically
di s ab led ;
( b) charged the Social Security Committee t o p repare the necessary legislation.
Golf course: Wheatlands, St. Peter . P.151/92
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Island Development Committee agreed to support the Island Development Committee's intention to
grant planning permission for the construction
of a nine-hole golf course on Fields 837, 839, 840A, 841, 847 and 849, adjoining Wheatlands Guest House, Les Grupieaux, St Peter, as shown on drawing No. 353/3, the land being situated within the Green Zone.
Members present voted as follows -
P our '' (24) Senators
S henton, Binnington, Baal, Le Main, Chinn. Connétable s
S t. John, St. Clement , St. Mary , Grouville , S t. Helier, St. Saviour .
L e Gallais(S), Beadle(B), Wavell(S), N orman(C), St. John , H. Baudains(C), B uesnel(H), Le Sueur (H), Coutanche(L), H uelin(B), Bailhache (H), S. Baudains(H), C respel(H).
C ont re'' (19) Senators
R othwell, Le Maistre, Carter, Stein, Q uérée.
Connétable s
S t. Lawrence, St. Ouen , St. Brelade , T rinity, St. Peter .
R umboll(H), Blampied(H), St. Peter , St.
O uen, Clarke-Halifax(S), Le Fondré(L), Le G eyt(S), Syvret(H), Trinity .
Island Planning (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 1992. P.160/92
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Island Planning (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 1992.
Airport Dues (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1992. P.162/92
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Airport Dues (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1992.
Harbours (Amendment No. 21) (Jersey) Regulations 1992. P.163/92
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 4 of the Harbours (Administration) (Jersey) Law 1961, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Harbours (Amendment No. 21) (Jersey) Regulations 1992.
Oakwell Respite Home: long-term lease. P.164/92
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Education Committee -
( a) approved the lease from Heart of
V a r iety (C.I.) Incorporated of Oakwell, P ar k Estate, St. Brelade , for a period
of 9 9 years, with effect from 25th
D e cem ber 1992, with an option to renew f or a f urther 99 years, at an annual r en t of £1, with a single payment of £ 207,0 08;
( b) agreed to pay the lessor's legal fees i n t he sum of £2,075;
( c) authorised the Attorney General and the G r ef fier of the States to pass the
nece ssary contracts;
( d) authorised the Treasurer of the States
t o p ay the capital sums specified in
( a ) and (b) from the Island Development C om mittee's capital vote of credit
C .0904 - Acquisition of Land (Major
R es erve);
( e) authorised the Treasurer of the States t o p ay the rental specified in (a) as
i t bec omes due.
Jersey Dental Scheme: extension. P.165/92
THE STATES adopting a proposition of the Social Security Committee approved an Act amending the Act of the States, dated the 18th day of June
1991, establishing a Scheme to subsidise certain dental care.
Clydesdale, Dicq Road, St. Saviour : approval of drawings. P.166/92
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Housing Committee -
( a) approved drawings Nos. 3786/04 and 3786/ 05, showing the redevelopment of C l yde sdale, Dicq Road, St. Saviour ,
w i t h four one-bedroomed flats;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said drawings.
Nuclear industry. P.168/92
THE STATES acceded to the request of Deputy Stuart Syvret of St. Helier that consideration
of his proposition regarding nuclear reprocessing at Cap de la Hague (lodged on 27th October 1992) be deferred from the present Sitting to Tuesday, 24th November 1992.
West of Albert reclamation site: supplementary vote of credit. P.169/92
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Finance and Economics Committee, acceded to the request for the following supplementary vote of credit to be voted out of the general reserve -
P ublic Services
C O309 - West of Albert reclamation site £5, 6 00,000.
Elizabeth Harbour: lease of warehouse. P.161/92
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Harbours and Airport Committee, agreed to lease the new warehouse constructed on land west of the Albert Pier for a three-year period commencing 1st July 1992 for a total annual rental of £116,424.50, subject to annual review, as follows -
L etting No. E25 - Agriculture and Fisheries D epartment, 4,810 square feet at £5.50 a
s quare foot to yield £26,455 a year;
L etting No. E26 - Channel Island Freight L imited, 5,931 square feet at £5.50 a
s quare foot to yield £32,621 a year;
L etting No. E27 - Commodore Shipping L imited, 10,427 square feet at £5.50 a
s quare foot to yield £57,348.50 a year.
THE STATES rose at 5.25 p.m.
G .H .C . C O P P O C K G r ef fi e r of the States.