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STATES MINUTES 2 3 rd J u n e 1992
T HE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 2 3rd June 1992 at 9.30 a.m. under
t h e Presidency of the Bailiff ,
S i r P eter Crill, C.B.E.
_ _ _ _ _ _ ______
All Members were present with the exception of -
S enator Bernard Thomas Binnington - out of t he Island.
S nowdon George Robins, Connétable of St. S aviour - ill.
E dgar John Becquet, Deputy of Trinity -
i ll.
P ercy John Le Masurier, Deputy of St.
O uen - out of the Island.
R ichard Peter Clarke-Halifax, Deputy of St. S aviour - absent, excused.
T erence Ahier Jehan , Deputy of St. Martin -
o ut of the Island.
_ _ _ _ _ _ ______
P r a y e rs
_ _ _ _ _ _ ______
Tribute to the late Mrs. G. Huelin, former Member of the House
The Bailiff paid tribute to the late Mrs. Gwyneth Huelin, former Senator.
THE STATES observed one minute's silence as a mark of respect.
St. Thomas' Roman Catholic Church: loan
The Bailiff informed the Assembly that the following letter had been received by him from Father Vincent Igoa, O.M.I., Parish Priest of St. Thomas' -
On behalf of myself and the congregation
o f St. Thomas' Roman Catholic Church I
w ould like to express our most heartfelt
t hanks to the Members of the States of
J ersey for their kindness in agreeing to
l end us £155,000 so that we may be able to c ommence the restoration work in the near f uture.
T he unanimous support we have received
m eans a lot more to us than the actual
m oney. It reveals a deep sense of community g oing beyond all religious denominations.
O ur joy is great of being recognised as
p art of this community, the Jersey
c ommunity.
M ay the Lord bless you all and everything y ou do that helps in making this community g row even stronger.
I would be most grateful if you could find t he time during one of the States' sittings t o read this short but heartfelt letter of
a ppreciation.''
Subordinate legislation tabled
The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -
1 . Road Traffic (Saint Lawrence)
( A m endment No. 4 (Jersey) Order 1990. R & O 8397.
2 . Royal Court (Amendment No. 7) R u l es 1992. R & O 8398.
Census 1991: report
The Etat Civil Committee by Act dated 23rd June 1992, presented to the States a report on the Census for 1991.
Matters noted - land transactions
THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 15th June 1992, showing that in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved -
( a) as recommended by the Public Services C o m mittee, the lease to the Royal
C h a nnel Islands Yacht Club of 273
s q u are yards of land on the Bulwarks, S t . Aubin, for a period of nine years
f ro m 25th December 1991 until 24th D ec ember 2000 at an annual rent of
£2 , 800, subject to increases in line
w it h car parking charges, from time to t im e;
( b) as recommended by the Housing
C o m mittee, the granting of a Contrat de T r a nsaction to Mr. James Wall and Mrs. N ic ole Margaret Wall, née Le Signe in
r e sp ect of drainage rights across the
p u b lic land known as Le Jardin de
B e r tram, Grouville to the property
k n o wn as The Linn, Rue Horman, Gorey V il lage, Grouville , with Mr. and Mrs.
W a ll being responsible for all legal
c o s ts;
( c) as recommended by the Housing
C o m mittee, the granting of a Contrat de T r a nsaction to Mrs. Joan Lilian Morley W addington, née Touzel to allow her
c e rt ain rights including a vehicular
r ig h t of way over a private road
l e ad ing from Jane Sandeman Court to
B r i ghton Road, St. Helier , free of
c h a rge, subject to the conditions
t h at -
1 . Mrs. Waddington paid her own legal co s t s ;
2 . vehicles should not be allowed to
st o p o n the private road for
d el i v er y or collection on Sundays,
B a n k H olidays, or on weekdays and S a tu r d ays before 8.00 a.m. or
af t e r 6 p.m., unless by prior
ar r a n g ement with the Housing
D e p a rt ment. Vehicles would not be al l o w e d to park on the roadway,
ex c e p t for loading and unloading;
3 . the existing overhanging parts of
M r s . W addington's property should b e a ll o wed to remain and any
fu t u re alterations to the property
w o u l d be permitted to overhang the la n e , if this would not be to the
d et r im ent of the other users of
th e la n e. All new entrance doors
in s ta l le d would be made to open
in w ar d s on to the property;
4 . Mrs. Waddington be granted
u n il a te ral rights for services for 5 5 C l e arview Street to be laid in th e la n e but that the road be
re i n st a ted to the satisfaction of
th e H o using Committee after all w o r k s had been completed either af t e r in stallation of new services
o r a ft e r repairs had been carried
o u t to existing ones;
( d) as recommended by the Housing Committee t h e sale of the following areas of land
t o t he owners of Nos. 1-8 Clos de
M a upertuis, St. Clement, at the rate of
£1 a square foot with each party being
r e sp onsible for its own legal fees -
M r . G a ry Philip Avrill and Mrs. Ja n e A vrill, née Robbins - 1 Clos d e M a upertuis - 67 square feet
M r . A n drew James White and Mrs. L in d a Jane White, née Le Cornec - 2 C l o s de Maupertuis - 130 square fe e t
M r . B r ian John Le Poidevin - 3 C lo s d e Maupertuis - 129 square fe e t
M r . A d rian Collins and Mrs. Mary C o ll i n s, née Murphy - 4 Clos de M a u p e rtuis - 135 square feet
M r . F r ederick James Stapley and M r s . J ean Mary Stapley, née
M o c k e tt - 5 Clos de Maupertuis - 1 6 7 s q uare feet
M r . M artin McLaughlin and Mrs. M a d e l ine McLaughlin, née Le
F lo c k - 6 Clos de Maupertuis - 199 sq u a r e feet
M r . R o bert McIntyre and Mrs. Debra M c I n ty re, née Gates - 7 Clos de
M a u p e rtuis - 208 square feet
M r . V i ctor Robb Forster and Mrs. M o n i q ue Marie Françoise Forster, n ée D e nis - 8 Clos de Maupertuis - 5 6 8 s q uare feet;
( e) as recommended by the Public Health C o m mittee the renewal of the lease from A rr odon Holdings of the property 14
B y r on Road, St. Helier for a period of
o n e year with effect from 1st March
1 9 9 2 at an annual rent of £10,500;
( f) as recommended by the Agriculture and F i s heries Committee, the cancellation
o f the existing lease arrangements with
M r . Charles Anthony Fossey and the
l e as e to Mr. Fossey of agricultural
l a nd measuring 23.12.00 vergées at La
G ra nde Maison, St. Catherine, St.
M a rtin for a period of three years
c o m mencing 25th December 1991 until 2 4 t h December 1994, at an annual rent
o f £ 2,837.
Matters lodged
The following subjects were lodged au Greffe'' -
1 . La Grande Maison, St. Catherine: a p p roval of drawings. P.91/92
P r e sented by the Housing
C o m mittee
2 . Field 1367, St. Helier: approval
o f d rawings. P.92/92
P r e sented by the Housing
C o m mittee
3 . Teaching appointments:
S p e cial Committee. P.93/92 P r e sented by Deputy S.M.
B a u dains of St. Helier
Arrangement of Public Business for the next Sitting on 28th July 1992
THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe'' should be considered at the
next Sitting on 28th July 1992 -
S pringfield, St. Helier : rezoning of land. P .67/92
L odged: 12th May 1992
S port, Leisure and
R ecreation Committee
P rotection of employment
o pportunities. P.72/92
L odged: 19th May 1992
P olicy and Resources Committee
L a Grande Maison, St. Catherine: a pproval of Drawings. P.91/92
H ousing Committee
F ield 1367, St. Helier: approval of D rawings. P.92/92
H ousing Committee
T eaching appointments: Special
C ommittee. P.93/92
D eputy S.M. Baudains of St. Helier .
Headteacher, Les Quennevais School. Questions and answers (Tape No. 139)
Deputy Shirley Margaret Baudains of St. Helier asked the Connétable of St. Lawrence, President of the Education Committee, the following questions -
- W as a uniform applicationand
in t e rv i ew procedure used by the C o m m ittee for all candidates for th e p o st of headteacher, Les
Q u e n n evais School?
- Why is there noacceptedprocedureon
t h e recruitment for Headteachers in the I s la nd as there is for all other
e m p loyees in the Education Service?
3 . As the successful candidate is not a
m em ber of the local Education Service, h o w did she learn of the vacancy which w as only advertised within the local
s e rv ice?
4 . If it is accepted States' policy to
a p p oint local persons to fill job
v a c ancies, why were the local
c a n didates already within our education s y s tem considered to be unsuitable for t h is appointment?
5 . Does the Education Committee have a
p o l icy to train people up to senior
m an agement level? If so how much money h a s been invested in such a training
p r o gramme?''
The President of the Education Committee replied as follows -
1. Y es. All candidates were required
to c o m plete forms with
b io g r a phical details and to write
a l et t er of application.
C a n d id ates were also asked to
p re p a r e a presentation on a set
to p i c o f relevance to the post and
w e r e a sked the same questions by th e p an el.
2 . There is no procedure agreed with the
T e a chers' Associations since these
p o s ts are filled, normally, from
c a n didates who are deputy headteachers a n d who are represented by the Jersey
A ss ociation of Headteachers. However,
t h e Director of Education did write to
t h e Secretary of the Teachers' Panel
e x p laining the procedure adopted by the E d u cation Committee and did receive the s u p port of the Jersey Association of
H ea dteachers for the procedure. The
p r o cedure was followed in the case of
t h e appointment of the headteacher of
L e s Quennevais School.
T h e procedure provides for the equal c o n sideration of all staff in schools a n d people who are residentially
q u a lified. Eligible candidates are
i n te rviewed by a panel of Education C o m mittee members.
T h e interview panel consists of the
P r e sident of the Committee, the Vice- P r e sident and the member of the
C o m mittee who has responsibility for t h e school in question. The panel is
a d v ised in making its decision by the D ir ector of Education. The Vice-
P r e sident was substituted, on this
o c c asion, by another member of the
C o m mittee since he was required to be a t a n important all day meeting of the P u b lic Health Committee.
T h e re is an agreement between the
C o m mittee and the Teachers'
A ss ociations on the appointment of
t e ac hers and deputy headteachers.
H o wever, the agreement dates back to a t im e when school rolls were falling and t e ac hers threatened by unemployment w er e given protection before locally
e l ig ible teachers were appointed. The
p o s ition is now very different. The
E d u cation Service currently has an
a n n ual shortfall of teachers
p a r ticularly at middle management
l e ve l. The service relies on qualified
t e ac hers who come to the Island with t h ei r spouses, or as part of a family,
t o r educe the call on bringing teachers i n w ho have no connection with the
I s la nd. This is in line with the
c o r porate objectives of the States to
r e d uce immigration.
I w ill be consulting with the Teachers' A ss ociations in the near future on the
i n tr oduction of new procedures for
t e ac hers and deputy headteachers, more i n k eeping with the current situation.
3 . As is the case with other teachers,
a c c ompanying their wives or husbands to J e rs ey, information is supplied about
v a c ancies for which they are eligible
t o c ompete. The post of headteacher for
L e s Quennevais was such a vacancy.
T h e Education Committee is keen to use
t h e talents of all teachers of quality
w h o are eligible to be employed in the
I s la nd to the exclusion of teachers
f ro m the United Kingdom who would need t o b e given a j' consent to reside
h e r e or be brought in on a short-term
c o n tract.
I t s hould be appreciated that, whilst I
h av e been President, all headship and
d e p uty headship appointments, with one e x c eption, have been made from
c a n didates with local eligibility. This
i s in contrast to a time when all of
t h e secondary school headteacher posts w er e filled, at one time or another,
f ro m outside the Island. This would
a p p ear to me to be a matter for
c o n gratulation not censure.
4 . I believe that the States policy is to g i v e preference to people with local q u a lifications. That the Education
C o m mittee has done.
W e cannot afford to neglect the talents
o f p eople who are qualified to be
e m p loyed in the Island when there is a s h o rtage of applicants for senior
m an agement posts, especially at primary l e ve l. The States should be aware that
t h e advertisement of some key posts has n o t attracted any applicants in recent
t im es and we are often faced with very
f e w applicants for senior posts.
T h e Committee's policy for the
a p p ointment of headteachers allows for t h e consideration for all locally
q u a lified candidates and I believe this t o b e justified in view of the
i m p ortance of the post. Mrs Hydes was j u d ged to be the best candidate on this
o c c asion by all members of the panel.
T h i s should not be interpreted as
m ea ning that the candidates who were i n te rviewed would not be suitable for h e a dship in due course. My committee b e li eves in developing its staff and
h o p es to build on recent training
p r o grammes.
5 . The Education Service has extensive
p r o grammes of training for senior
m an agers including headteachers, deputy h e a dteachers and heads of department in s e c ondary schools. The prime purpose of s u c h training is to enable senior
m an agers to undertake their jobs more
e f fe ctively.
T h e amount of money spent on specific t ra i ning for management of
h e a dteachers, deputy headteachers and h e a ds of department in secondary
s c h ools is £36,600. This represents
t ra i ning for 48 primary managers and 27 s e c ondary managers.
M y Committee has demonstrated its
s u p port for local teachers in mounting t h is programme. We value the work of a l l our teachers and want to support
t h em in developing to their fullest
p o t ential. Other initiatives underway,
s u c h as the introduction of a Scheme of P r o fessional Development for all staff, w il l make an important contribution to t h is process.''
21 Hill Street, St. Helier: purchase
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Island
Development Committee -
( a) approved the purchase of the property,
2 1 Hill Street, St. Helier from
A d vocate Kenneth Hooper Valpy and Mrs P e g gy Valpy, née Kemp, for the sum of
£2 0 0,000;
( b) authorised the Attorney General and G re ffier of the States to pass the
n e c essary contracts;
( c) authorised the Treasurer of the States
t o p ay the amounts specified above from t h e Island Development Committee
c a p ital vote of credit C0904 -
A cq uisition of Land (Major Reserve).
Strategic Policy Report for 1992. P.70/92
THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of the Policy and Resources Committee on the Strategic Policy Report for 1992 and adopted paragraphs 1 and 2.
After discussion, Senator Nigel Lewis Quérée withdrew his amendment (P.86/92) that for paragraph (3) there should be substituted the following paragraph -
(3 ) to request the Committee to
b ring forward proposals, without delay, for t he setting up of an Environment Committee a s set out in the report dated 5th June
1 992;''
having received an assurance by the President of the Policy and Resources Committee that the Committee would come back by the end of the year'' with proposals on the setting up of an Environment Committee.
The President of the Island Development Committee withdrew his Committee's amendment (P.89/92) that in paragraph (3) after the word
Report'' there should be inserted the words
and the comments of the Island Development Committee set out in paragraphs 1 to 9 of its report dated 5th June 1992'' having received an assurance by the President of the Policy and Resources Committee that the Committee would take into consideration all the points that
are set down in writing'' by the Island Development Committee before bringing forward proposals on the setting up of an Environment
THE STATES then adopted a proposition of Deputy Leonard Norman of St. Clement that paragraph (3) be referred back to the Committee.
THE STATES rose at 5 p.m.
G .H .C . C O P P O C K G re f fi e r o f the States.