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STATES MINUTES 25t h A ugus t 1992 P ri c e : £ 2.00
T HE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 2 5th August 1992 at 9.30 a.m. under
t he Presidency of the Bailiff ,
S i r P eter Crill, C.B.E.
__ _______ ___
All Members were present with the exception of -
S enator Richard Joseph Shenton - absent.
S enator Reginald Robert Jeune - out of the
I sland.
S enator Corrie Stein - out of the Island.
S enator Antony Beresford Chinn - out of the I sland.
S tanley John de la Haye, Connétable of St. M artin - out of the Island.
T erence Ahier Jehan , Deputy of St. Martin -
o ut of the Island.
M argaret Anne Le Geyt, Deputy of St.
S aviour - absent excused.
F rank Harris on Walker , Deputy of St. Helier - out of the Island. D avid Leon Crespel, Deputy of St. Helier -
o ut of the Island.
__ _______ ___
P r aye rs
__ _______ ___
Tribute to the late Mr. P.P. Luce , former Member of the House
The Bailiff paid tribute to the late Mr. Percy Philip Luce , a former Deputy of St. Brelade .
Connétable of St. Helier - welcome
The Bailiff , on behalf of the States, welcomed the newly elected Connétable of St. Helier , Mr. Robert Lester Le Brocq.
Connétable of St. Saviour - welcome
The Bailiff , on behalf of the States, welcomed the newly elected Connétable of St. Saviour , Mr. Jack Roche, former Deputy of St. Saviour .
Falkland Islands - letter of appreciation from the Governor
The Bailiff informed the Assembly that Senator Reginald Robert Jeune had received a letter from the Governor of the Falkland Islands, as
follows -
How very kind of you to bring that
c harming jug for us to commemorate our H eritage Year and as a souvenir of your v isit. It is an excellent example of the
s ilversmith's craft and I am sure that it
w ill be much admired.
T he Falklands have received so much
k indness from the people of Jersey,
p articularly in the difficult days
i mmediately after the conflict, that I am
a lmost embarrassed by a further gift. I do
h ope you will pass on our warm appreciation t o the Bailiff and people of Jersey, and
o ur pleasure that you and your wife were
a ble to come down south to visit us for the
4 00th anniversary of our sighting.
W ith very best wishes for a safe return. W ith very best wishes, Yours ever,
D .E. Tatham''.
Subordinate legislation tabled
The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -
1 . Road Traffic (Saint Brelade)
( A m endment No. 2) (Jersey) Order 1992. R & O 8420.
2 . Road Traffic (Saint Clement)
( A m endment No. 8) (Jersey) Order 1992. R & O 8421.
3 . Health Insurance (Pharmaceutical B enef it List) (Amendment No. 12) ( Je r sey) Order 1992. R & O 8422.
4 . Battle of Britain Air Display
( Je r sey) Order 1992. R & O 8423.
5 . Sand Racing ( St. Ouen 's Bay)
( Je r sey) Order 1992 R & O 8424.
6 . Import and Export (Control)
( Je r sey) Order 1992. R & O 8425.
Defence Committee - appointment of member
THE STATES appointed Mr. Robert Lester Le Brocq, Connétable of St. Helier , as a member of the
Defence Committee in place of the former Connétable of St. Helier , Mr. Fred Philip Webber Clarke.
Public Services Committee - appointment of member
THE STATES appointed Mr. Robert Lester Le Brocq, Connétable of St. Helier , as a member of the
Public Services Committee in place of the former Connétable of St. Helier , Mr. Fred Philip Webber Clarke.
Matters noted - land transactions
THE STATES noted Acts of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 3rd August and 17th August 1992, showing that in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions
in land, the Committee had approved -
( a) as recommended by the Housing
C om mittee, with the support of the
I sl and Development Committee, the
pur chase of Nos. 1 to 4 Prospect
C ot tages, Columbus Street, St. Helier ,
f rom their respective owners, Miss
N a ncy M urphy, owner of Nos. 1 and 2
P r os pect Cottages, Mrs. Angela Margaret F l a ck, née Power, owner of No. 3
P r os pect Cottages, and Mrs. Margarita
A n i ta Mullen, née Fitzgarald, owner of
N o . 4 P rospect Cottages, for a total
s um of £72,000, with each party being
r es pons ible for her own transaction
f ee s ;
( b) as recommended by the Harbours and
A i r port Committee, the lease to D.K.
C ol lins Marine Limited of accommodation on t he South Pier, St. Helier measuring 631 s quare feet (Letting No. S22), for
a pe riod of three years commencing 1st A p r il 1992, at an annual rent of
£ 3,300 .13, subject to annual review and w i t h an option of renegotiation should us ag e of the property revert to storage
r at her than a retail outlet;
( c) as recommended by the Harbours and
A i r port Committee, the renewal of the
l eas e to Aviation Beauport Limited of
L et tings Nos. B57, 68, 77, 77A, 78 and 79 i n the Airport Terminal Building for a pe riod of three years with effect
f rom 31st August 1992 at a rent of
£ 11,21 0 for the first year, increasing
t o £ 13,205.38 in 1993 and to £15,200.76 i n 1 994;
( d) as recommended by the Education
C om mittee, the renewal of the leases
f rom Mrs. Jennifer McMullen, née Gaudin of N os. 1 and 2 Belle Rive Villas, Le
H o cq L ane, St. Clement , for a period of
one y ear from 1st August 1992 at a rent
of £ 150 a week in respect of each
pr op erty;
( e) as recommended by the Public
S er vices Committee, the lease from Mr. Mar tin Ralph Chinnery of No. 1 Clos du D o uet , St. John , for a period of two
year s from 1st September 1992 at an
annua l rent of £9,827.62, with an
i nc r ease on 1st September 1993 in line
w i t h the Jersey Cost of Living Index
over the previous 12 months;
( f) as recommended by the Public
S er vices Committee, the renewal of the l eas e from Mr. Anley John Dorey
R i ch ardson of the storage shed at Les
T i he lles, St. Ouen , for a period of one year from 1st April 1992 at an annual
r en t of £3,000;
( g) as recommended by the Education
C om mittee, the granting to the Parish
of S t. John of a wayleave over St.
J ohn' s Primary School playground, free of c harge, in order to enable foul and
s ur f ace water drains to be established
t o s erve a development of 16 States'
L oan h ouses on Field 528, St. John ,
w i t h the Parish of St. John being
r es pons ible for the legal fees incurred
by t he public;
( h) as recommended by the Housing
C om mittee, the sale to the Jersey New
Wat erworks Company Limited of the water pum p house site at Clos du Roncier, St.
C l em ent, for the sum of £100 with each par ty being responsible for its own
l egal costs;
( i) as recommended by the Housing
C om mittee, the passing of a Contrat de B or nement with Leven Developments L i m ited, establishing the boundary line at t he new gable wall between Durban H o us e, Brighton Lane, St. Helier , and P r et oria Flats, Brighton Lane, St.
H e l ier, the wall to remain a party
gabl e jointly owned by the public and t he com pany, and the latter to be
r es pons ible for all legal fees
i nv olved;
( j) as recommended by the Housing
C om mittee, the lease to the Jersey
E l e ctricity Company Limited of a
s ubs tation site and cable wayleaves at
Mal Assis, Grands Vaux, St. Helier , for a pe riod of 99 years at an annual rent
of £ 1;
( k) as recommended by the Housing
C om mittee, the granting of a wayleave t o S t. Michel Investments Limited in
or de r to connect the foul and surface
w a t er drains to ten properties being
cons tructed on the site of Ballybeg,
Mau fant, La Rue de Trot, Maufant, St. S avi our, for a total consideration of
£ 5,000 with the company being
r es pons ible for all legal costs
i nv olved;
( l) as recommended by the Housing
C om mittee, the acquisition from Raleigh P r ivat e Hotel Limited of 1,410 square
f ee t of land for the sum of £1,410, and
t he s ale to Raleigh Private Hotel
L i m ited of approximately 1,838 square
f ee t of land for the sum of £1 a square
f oot , with Mr. Stuart Edward Mourant
and M rs. Rosemary Ann Mourant, née
Q u ér ée, being party to the transactions
t o l ift certain restrictive covenants
w h i ch affected the land to be sold, and
w i t h the public being responsible for
al l l egal fees involved.
Matter noted - financial transaction
THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 3rd August 1992 showing that, in pursuance of Rule 5 of the Public Finances (General) (Jersey) Rules 1967, as amended, the Committee had noted that the Housing Committee had accepted the lowest of [Bfour tenders, namely that submitted by A.C. Mauger & Son (Sunwin) Limited in a contract period of 117 weeks, in the sum of £6,090,064, for the development of Clos du Fort Phase II at Pier Road, St. Helier .
Matters lodged
The following subjects were lodged au Greffe'' -
1 . Draft Health Insurance
( C ondi tions for Approval of Medical P r ac titioners) (Jersey) Regulations
199 . P .124/92.
P r es ented by the Social Security
C om mittee.
2 . Field 1311, Mont au Prêtre, St.
H e l ier: approval of drawings. P.125/92. P r es ented by the Housing
C om mittee.
3 . Public Employees Contributory
R et irement Scheme: transfer of members of f ormer Hospital Pension Scheme.
P .126/ 92.
P r es ented by the Establishment
C om mittee.
4 . Chief Executive Officer to the S ta tes of Jersey: appointment. P .127/ 92.
P r es ented by the Establishment C om mittee.
THE STATES noted that the following subject had been lodged au Greffe'' on 4th August 1992 -
D raft Administration of Justice
( Interim Payments) (Jersey) Law 199 . P .113/92.
P resented by the Legislation
C ommittee.
THE STATES noted that the following subjects had been lodged au Greffe'' on 11th August 1992 -
1 . Servisair Limited: lease of
acc ommodation. P.114/92.
P r es ented by the Harbours and A i r port Committee.
2 . 73 Colomberie, St. Helier :
appr oval of Drawings. P.115/92. P r es ented by the Housing
C om mittee.
3 . Beau Vallon Hotel site, Trinity R oad, S t. Helier: approval of
D r aw ings. P.116/92.
P r es ented by the Housing
C om mittee.
4 . Ritz Hotel site, Colomberie, St.
H e l ier: approval of Drawings. P.117/92. P r es ented by the Housing
C om mittee.
5 . Draft Employers' Liability
( C om pulsory Insurance) (Amendment N o . 2 ) (Jersey) Law 199 . P.118/92.
P r es ented by the Social Security
C om mittee.
6 . Price restraint. P.119/92.
P r es ented by Senator Richard J os eph Shenton.
7 . Manpower returns: residential qual ifications. P.120/92.
P r es ented by Senator Richard J os eph Shenton.
8 . Springfield, St. Helier :
com pulsory purchase of land. P.121/92. P r es ented by the Public Services
C om mittee.
9 . Casa Melita, Green Street, St.
H e l ier: compulsory purchase of land. P .122/ 92.
P r es ented by the Public Services
C om mittee.
THE STATES noted that the following subject had been lodged au Greffe'' on 18th August 1992 -
S t. Helier Waterfront Plan.
P .123/92.
P resented by the Island Development C om mittee.
St. Helier Waterfront Plan. P.86/91. Withdrawn
THE STATES noted that the President of the Island Development Committee had withdrawn the proposition relating to the St. Helier
Waterfront Plan (lodged au Greffe'' on 28th
May 1991 and partially debated on 19th November 1991 - P.86/91) the Committee having lodged a revised proposition (P.123/92) on 18th August
Parish rates: committee of inquiry. P. 124/91. Withdrawn
THE STATES noted that in pursuance of Standing Order 17(6) the following subject, which was lodged au Greffe'', had been withdrawn -
P arish rates: committee of inquiry P .124/91.
L odged: 6th August 1991
D eputy R.E.R. Rumboll of St.
H elier
Arrangement of Public Business for the present Sitting
THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe'' would be considered at the present Sitting -
S ervisair Limited: lease of accommodation. P .114/92.
L odged: 11th August 1992.
H arbours and Airport Committee.
7 3 Colomberie, St. Helier : approval of D rawings. P.115/92.
L odged: 11th August 1992.
H ousing Committee.
B eau Vallon Hotel site, Trinity Road, St. H elier: approval of Drawings. P.116/92. L odged: 11th August 1992.
H ousing Committee.
R itz Hotel site, Colomberie, St.
H elier: approval of Drawings. P.117/92. L odged: 11th August 1992.
H ousing Committee.
D raft Employers' Liability
( Compulsory Insurance) (Amendment No. 2) ( Jersey) Law 199 . P.118/92.
L odged: 11th August 1992.
S ocial Security Committee.
S pringfield, St. Helier : compulsory p urchase of land. P.121/92.
L odged: 11th August 1992.
P ublic Services Committee.
C asa Melita, Green Street, St.
H elier: compulsory purchase of land. P .122/92.
L odged: 11th August 1992.
P ublic Services Committee.
Arrangement of Public Business for the next Sitting on 29th September 1992
THE STATES noted that requests would be made at the next Sitting on 29th September 1992 for the following matters lodged au Greffe'' to be considered at that Sitting -
W ater Resources in Jersey. P.78/92. L odged: 2nd June 1992.
P ublic Services Committee.
P rice restraint. P.119/92.
L odged: 11th August 1992. S enator R.J. Shenton.
D raft Health Insurance (Conditions
f or Approval of Medical Practitioners) ( Jersey) Regulations 1992. P.124/92. L odged: 25th August 1992.
S ocial Security Committee.
F ield 1311, Mont au Prêtre, St.
H elier: approval of drawings. P.125/92. L odged: 25th August 1992.
H ousing Committee.
P ublic Employees Contributory
R etirement Scheme: transfer of members of f ormer Hospital Pension Scheme. P.126/92. L odged: 25th August 1992.
E stablishment Committee.
C hief Executive Officer to the States
o f Jersey: appointment. P.127/92.
L odged: 25th August 1992.
E stablishment Committee.
The Limes, Green Street, St. Helier : transfer of administration of land
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Public Health Committee, approved the transfer of administration to the Public Services Committee
of approximately 2,770 square feet of land at
the corner of Green Street and La Route du Fort, St. Helier , as outlined on Drawing No. 368/4B.
Transfer of administration of land and property
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Island Development Committee -
( a) approved the transfer of administration t o t he Public Health Committee of
F i e lds 382 and 383, St. Saviour ; ( b) approved the transfer of administration t o t he Housing Committee of the
under mentioned land -
C ar o ldene, La Rue de la Hauteur, St.
H el i er
111, 1 18 & 119 St. Saviour 's Road, St. H el i er
74, 76 , 78, 80 & 82 Colomberie, St.
H el i er
V er non Lodge, Val Plaisant, St. Helier L ands cape Cottage, Le Bernage,
L ongue ville, St. Saviour
L a M otte Garage, La Rue à Don,
G r ouvi lle
B agot Villa, Plat Douet Road, St.
S avi our
C lev eland Garage, David Place, St.
H el i er
C lyde sdale Cottage, Dicq Road, St.
S avi our
9 & 11 Don Road, St. Helier
90 -94 S topford Road, St. Helier
97 D on Road, St. Helier
88 G reat Union Road, St. Helier
16 V al Plaisant, St. Helier
R it z H otel site, Colomberie, St.
H el i er
F ie l d 1243A, Mont à L'Abbé, St.
H el i er;
bot h with effect from 2nd July 1992.
Agricultural Loans and Guarantees Advisory Board: Appointment of members
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee, and in accordance with Regulation 3(2)(a) and 3(2)(b) of the Agriculture (Loans) (Jersey) Regulations 1974, as amended, approved the appointment of Messrs. David Vautier, being a person with experience and capacity in the agricultural industry, and Brian West, being a person with experience and capacity in commerce or finance, as members of the Agricultural Loans and Guarantees Advisory Board until 6th May 1994.
Loi (1992) (Amendement No. 2) sur les teneures en fidéicommis et l'incorporation
d'associations. P.73/92
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Loi (1992) (Amendement No. 2) sur les teneures en fidéicommis et l'incorporation d'associations.
Separation and Maintenance Orders (Maintenance Payments) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 1992. P.74/92
THE STATES, in pursuance of the Separation and Maintenance Orders (Jersey) Law 1953, as amended, made Regulations entitled the
Separation and Maintenance Orders (Maintenance Payments) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 1992.
Health Service development policies 1993-97. P.76/92
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Public Health Committee, approved, in principle, the
key policies for the development of Health Services for the period 1993-97 summarised in Appendix I of the report A Plan for the Health Service in Jersey 1993-97' as follows -
1 . Community Health Services 2 . General and Acute Services 3 . Mental Health Services
4 . Health services for people with l ear ning difficulty
5 . Caring for elderly people and r ehabilitation services
6 . Resources - (i) Financial services ( ii ) I nf or m ation services
( ii i) H u m an resources
( iv ) E st at e r esources.
Jersey Arts Trust. P.79/92
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Education Committee, approved, in principle, the setting up of a Jersey Arts Trust on the basis described in the report of the Education Committee dated 8th April 1992.
Suspension of Standing Order No. 18.
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Education Committee, suspended Standing Order No. 18 to allow the proposition of that Committee to appoint the Chairman of the Jersey Arts Trust to be considered at the present Sitting.
Jersey Arts Trust: appointment of Chairman
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Education Committee, appointed Advocate Francis Charles Hamon as Chairman of the Jersey Arts Trust.
Parish of St. Lawrence : loan. P.94/92
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Finance and Economics Committee -
( a) authorised the granting of a loan to t he P arish of St. Lawrence for the
pur pose of assisting with the
cons truction of 12 units of sheltered acc ommodation for the elderly;
( b) agreed that the loan should be 50 per
cent of the cost of the project
( incl uding professional fees), up to a
m axi mum of £400,000, bearing interest at f our per cent a year and repayable
i n e qual annual instalments over a
per iod of 15 years; and
( c) agreed that the loan should be subject t o t he condition that only
r es i dentially qualified persons would be a llowed to take up residence with
t he pr ior knowledge and agreement of t he H ousing Committee.
Agriculture (Loans) (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) Regulations 1992. P.100/92
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 2 of the Agriculture (Loans and Guarantees) (Jersey) Law 1974, made Regulations entitled the Agriculture (Loans) (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) Regulations 1992.
La Motte Garages, La Rue à Don, Grouville : lease. P.101/92
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Housing Committee -
( a) agreed to enter into a one year lease
com mencing 25th March 1992, with La
Mot te Ford Limited, in respect of the
s it e o f La Motte Ford Garage at La Rue à D on, Grouville , at an annual rent of
£ 28,00 0;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the necessary lease with the
com pany;
( c) authorised the Treasurer of the States t o r eceive the rent as it became due.
24 Byron Lane and 25 Stopford Road, St. Helier : approval of drawings. P.102/92
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Housing Committee -
( a) approved Drawings Nos. 1612/1B, 7-10, s how ing the development of 24 Byron
L ane and 25 Stopford Road, St. Helier ,
t o p rovide one one-bedroomed and three t w o -bedroomed flats;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said Drawings on behalf of t he S tates.
Le Bernage, Longueville, St. Saviour : approval of drawings. P.103/92
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Housing Committee -
( a) approved Drawings Nos. 002/22A,
002/ 07F, 002/26-35, showing the
deve lopment of Le Bernage, Longueville, S t . S aviour, to provide four two-
bedr oomed and 29 three-bedroomed
hous es;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said Drawings on behalf of t he S tates;
( c) agreed that the units of accommodation s houl d be sold to applicants qualifying
under the States Loan Scheme;
( d) authorised the Finance and Economics C om mittee to make available bridging f inanc e under Article 7(1)(e) of the
P ubl ic Finances (Administration)
( Je r sey) Law 1967, as amended;
( e) authorised the Attorney General and the G r ef fier of the States to pass the
nece ssary contracts.
Sea-Fisheries (Fishing Nets) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Regulations 1992. P.107/92
THE STATES, in pursuance of Articles 2 and 5 of the Sea-Fisheries (Jersey) Law 1962, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Sea-Fisheries (Fishing Nets) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Regulations 1992.
Draft Police Force (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 1992. P.108/92
THE STATES commenced consideration of a Bill to amend further the Police Force (Jersey) Law
The Preamble and Articles 1 and 2 were adopted. Article 3 was withdrawn.
Article 4, renumbered Article 3, was adopted.
The Bill was lodged, as amended, in Second Reading (P.128/92).
Health Insurance (Medical Benefit) (Amendment No. 40) (Jersey) Regulations 1992. P.110/92
THE STATES, in pursuance of Articles 18 and 46 of the Health Insurance (Jersey) Law 1967, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Health Insurance (Medical Benefit) (Amendment No. 40) (Jersey) Regulations 1992.
Official Analyst: appointment. P.111/92
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Finance and Economics Committee, and in accordance with Article 2(2) of the Food and Drugs (Jersey) Law 1966, approved the appointment of Mr. Nicholas Hubbard, B.Sc., M.Chem.A., C.Chem., M.R.S.C., as Official Analyst with effect from 14th August 1992.
Servisair Limited: lease of accommodation. P.114/92
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Harbours and Airport Committee -
( a) approved the lease to Servisair Limited of 5 ,904 square feet of accommodation i n t he Airport Terminal Building for a
per iod of five years commencing 24th
May 1991, at an annual rent of £39,171, s ubj ect to annual increases in line
w i t h the Jersey Cost Of Living Index;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the necessary lease.
73, Colomberie, St. Helier : approval of Drawings. P.115/92
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Housing Committee -
( a) approved Drawings Nos: 1579/03C, 1579/ 05C and 9014/06A, showing the deve lopment of 73 Colomberie, St.
H e l ier, with one two-bedroomed and t hr ee one-bedroomed flats;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said Drawings on behalf of t he S tates.
Beau Vallon Hotel Site, Trinity Road, St. Helier : approval of Drawings. P.116/92
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Housing Committee -
( a) approved Drawings Nos. 3773/10B,
3773/ 11B and 3773/12, showing the
deve lopment of the former Beau Vallon H o t el site, Trinity Road, St. Helier ,
w i t h two one-bedroomed and nine two- bedr oomed flats;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said Drawings on behalf of t he S tates.
Ritz Hotel Site, Colomberie, St. Helier (Keith Baal Gardens): approval of Drawings. P.117/92
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Housing Committee -
( a) approved Drawings Nos. 2911-100 and
101 -01, 2911-100-02A to 06A, 2911-101- 02A to 04A, 2911-102 and 103-01, 2911-
102 -02A to 06A, 2911-103-02A to 04A,
2911 -104 and 105-01A to 06A and 2911-
107 -01A to 05A, showing the development of t he former Ritz Hotel site, St.
H e l ier, with 37 two-bedroomed and nine
one -bedroomed flats;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said Drawings on behalf of t he S tates.
Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1992. P.118/92
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1992.
Springfield, St. Helier : compulsory purchase of land. P.121/92
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Public Services Committee -
( a) authorised the purchase on behalf of
t he publ ic from the Royal Jersey
A g r icultural and Horticultural Society
of 2 3,240 square feet of land of the
pr op erty known as Springfield Stadium, S t . H elier, as indicated on Drawing
N o . 366/ 5, required to facilitate the
cons truction of a road improvement
s che me and authorised the Greffier of
t he S tates to sign the said Drawing on
beha lf of the States;
( b) agreed that, as it had not been
pos sible to reach agreement for the
pur chase of the land at a fair and
pr op er price, the Public Services
C om mittee be empowered to acquire the l and by c ompulsory purchase on behalf of t he public, in accordance with the
pr ov isions of the Compulsory Purchase of L and (Procedure) (Jersey) Law 1961;
( c) authorised the payment or discharge of t he expe nses to be incurred in
conne xion with the acquisition of the
s ai d l and and of all interests therein
and t he payment of legal expenses from t he I sland Development Committee's
vot e of credit Acquisition of land -
Maj or Reserve' (Vote No. CO904);
( d) authorised the Attorney General and the G r ef fier of the States to pass on
beha lf of the public any contracts it
m ight be found necessary to pass in
conne xion with the acquisition of the
s ai d l and and any interests therein.
Casa Melita, Green Street, St. Helier : compulsory purchase of land. P.122/92 THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Public Services Committee -
( a) authorised the purchase on behalf of
t he publ ic from the Jersey Blind
S oci ety, The Imperial Cancer Research
F und, w ho were the reversionary owners,
and f rom Mr. Malcolm McDermott who had l if e enjoyment of the property, of
4,875 s quare feet of the property known
as Casa Melita', Green Street, St.
H e l ier, as indicated on Drawing
N o . 368/ 11A, required to facilitate the
cons truction of a road improvement
s che me and authorised the Greffier of
t he S tates to sign the said Drawing on
beha lf of the States;
( b) agreed that, as it had not been
pos sible to reach agreement for the
pur chase of the land at a fair and
pr op er price, the Public Services
C om mittee be empowered to acquire the l and by c ompulsory purchase on behalf of t he public, in accordance with the
pr ov isions of the Compulsory Purchase of L and (Procedure) (Jersey) Law 1961;
( c) authorised the payment or discharge of
t he expe nses to be incurred in
conne xion with the acquisition of the
s ai d l and and of all interests therein
and t he payment of legal expenses from
t he I sland Development Committee's vote of c redit Acquisition of land - Major
R es erve' (Vote No. CO904);
( d) authorised the Attorney General and the G r ef fier of the States to pass on
beha lf of the public any contracts it
m ight be found necessary to pass in
conne xion with the acquisition of the
s ai d l and and any interests therein.
THE STATES rose at 1.30 p.m.
G .H .C . C O P P O C K G r ef fi e r of the States.