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STATES MINUTES 7t h J ul y 19 92
£ 2.0 0
T HE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 7t h July 1992 at 9.30 a.m. under
t he Presidency of the Bailiff ,
S i r P eter Crill, C.B.E.
__ _______ ___
All Members were present with the exception of -
S enator Pierre François Horsfall - out of
t he Island.
S enator John Stephen Rothwell - out of the I sland.
A rthur Philip Quérée, Connétable of St.
O uen - out of the Island.
S nowdon George Robins, Connétable of St. S aviour - absent.
L eonard Picot, Connétable of Trinity - out
o f the Island.
E dgar John Becquet, Deputy of Trinity -
i ll.
M argaret Sylvia Rose Beadle, Deputy of St. B relade - ill.
T erence Ahier Jehan , Deputy of St. Martin -
o ut of the Island.
D avid Leon Crespel, Deputy of St. Helier -
o ut of the Island.
__ _______ ___
P r aye rs
__ _______ ___
Change in Presidency
The Bailiff retired from the Chamber and the Sitting continued under the Presidency of Geoffrey Henry Charles Coppock, Esquire, Greffier of the States.
Subordinate legislation tabled
The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -
1 . Company Securities (Insider
D e al ing) (Recognised Stock Exchange)
( Je r sey) Order 1992. R & O 8401.
2 . Health Insurance (Pharmaceutical
B enef it) (General Provisions) (Jersey) O r der 1992. R & O 8402.
3 . Food and Drugs (Artificial
S w eeteners) (Revocation) (Jersey) Order 1992. R & O 8403.
4 . Inquests (Fees) (Jersey) Rules 1992. R & O 8404.
5 . Road Traffic ( St. Saviour )
( A m endment) (Jersey) Order 1992. R & O 8405.
6 . Motor Vehicles (Driving
L i c ences) (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) O r der 1992. R & O 8406.
7 . Banking Business (List of
R egi stered Persons) (Amendment) ( Je r sey) Order 1992. R & O 8407.
Gambling Control Committee - appointment of member
THE STATES appointed Malcolm Pollard, Connétable of St. Peter as a member of the Gambling Control Committee.
Water Resources in Jersey. P.95/92
The Finance and Economics Committee by Act dated 29th June 1992 and the Establishment Committee
by Act dated 22nd June 1992 presented to the
States their comments on a proposition of the
Public Services Committee regarding water resources in Jersey (P.78/92).
Motor Traffic Department report for 1991
The Defence Committee by Act dated 7th May 1992 presented to the States a report of the Motor
Traffic Department for 1991.
THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.
Matters noted - land transactions
THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 29th June 1992, showing that in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the
Committee had approved -
( a) as recommended by the Housing
C om mittee, the purchase from Mr.
Mi chae l Roy Grove of the freehold of
D e voni a Yard, Devonshire Place, St.
H e l ier for the sum of £25,000 with each par ty being responsible for its own
l egal and valuer's fees;
( b) as recommended by the Education
C om mittee, the passing of a Contrat de
B or nement and a Contrat de Transaction
bet w een the public of the Island and
S t . J ames Mews Limited in order to
agr ee the boundary between 1-4 St.
J am es Cottages and New Ways Day Care C ent re, Old School House, New St. James S t reet , St. Helier , and to allow the
par tial demolition and rebuilding of
t he par ty gable between the properties
and t he right to allow gutters to
over lay the boundary, with St. James
Mew s Limited being responsible for all
t he l egal costs involved in the
t rans action.
Matters lodged
The following subjects were lodged au Greffe'' -
1 . Parish of St. Lawrence : loan. P .94/ 92.
P r es ented by the Finance and E conom ics Committee.
2 . Draft Lodging Houses
( R egi stration) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 199. P .96/92.
P r es ented by the Housing
C om mittee.
3 . Youth Training Initiative. P .97/ 92.
P r es ented by the Education C om mittee.
4 . Teaching appointments: Committee of I nquiry. P.98/92.
P r es ented by Deputy S.M.
B audai ns of St. Helier .
Teaching appointments: Special Committee P.93/92. Withdrawn
THE STATES noted that Deputy S.M. Baudains of St. Helier had withdrawn her proposition regarding the establishment of a Special Committee to examine the procedures for making senior teaching appointments in the Education Service (lodged on 23rd June 1992), having lodged a revised proposition (P.98/92) at the present Sitting.
Arrangement of Public Business for the next Sitting on 28th July 1992
THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe'' should be considered at the
next Sitting on 28th July 1992 -
S pringfield, St. Helier : rezoning of l and. P.67/92
L odged: 12th May 1992
S port, Leisure and Recreation
C om mittee
P rotection of employment
o pportunities. P.72/92
L odged: 19th May 1992
P olicy and Resources Committee
L a Grande Maison, St. Catherine: a pproval of drawings. P.91/92
L odged: 23rd June 1992
H ousing Committee
F ield 1367, St. Helier : approval of dr a wings. P.92/92
L odged: 23rd June 1992
H ousing Committee
D raft Lodging Houses (Registration)
( Amendment) (Jersey) Law 199 . P.96/92 H ousing Committee
Y outh Training Initiative. P.97/92 E ducation Committee
T eaching appointments: Committee of I nquiry. P.98/92
D eputy S.M. Baudains of St.
H elier.
Jersey Royal potatoes. Questions and answers (Tape No. 144)
Senator Richard Joseph Shenton asked Senator Nigel Lewis Quérée, a member of the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee the following
questions -
1. Wi ll the President inform the
H ous e of the breakdown in costs as s oci at ed with shipping one tonne of J er s ey Royal potatoes to the
U ni ted Kingdom using Lo-Lo
faci l i ti es at Jersey and
P or t s m outh; the breakdown to
incl ude t he costs of sea freight,
st eve dor ing charges at both ends, ha r bour dues, the cost of pallets,
pa ckagi ng in Jersey, road
tr an spor t in Jersey, road
tr an spor t in the United Kingdom, co m m issions and any other relevant ch ar ge s?
2 . Will the President inform the House as t o t he total value of the 1992 Jersey
R oyal exports to date and express the
cos ts as a percentage per tonne of the
t ot al value?
3 . Will the President inform the House as t o t he total number of vergées of
ar abl e land in Jersey that is used for
pot ato production only?''
Senator Quérée replied as follows -
Senator Shenton's questions enable
t he Agriculture and Fisheries Committee to i nform the House that it has already
d ecided to undertake a survey into
d istribution and marketing charges as well
a s margins at outlets. There are a number
o f elements that make up the charges and
t hese replies detail the result of the
C ommittee's first investigations but have,
a s yet not been compared to marketing costs i n other areas.
1 . Representative costs are as follows - ( a ) Handling
S tor e pack ing (excluding bags) 24. 80
25 k g bags per tonne i.e. per 40 1 0.20
P al l e tt s each 4.40
Je r s e y r oad haulage )
Je r s e y s tevedores 3.55 )
Je r s e y har bour dues 5.10 ) 61.80
S ea f rei ght Lo-Lo ) pe r tonne
P or t s m outh harbour dues ) P or t s m outh stevedores )
U ni ted Kingdom road haulage )
P rom o tions activity funding 3.00 W hol e salers handling charge
and qua lity control levy 1. 4
T ot al 10 5.60
( b ) Commission rate 6 per cent to whol es al er s plus a further 1.5 per
ce nt a s marketing charges
( c ) Other charges -
i ns ur anc e 0.6 per cent gr oup l evy 0.1 per cent.
S everal points must be borne in mind in l ooking at these costs.
( a) Jersey harbour dues on produce exported ar e r efunded in part by the States. In
1991 t he figure was £3.65 a tonne
r ef und o n all produce exported.
( b) The promotion activity fund levy is f inanc ed from within the Committee's pr om otion and advertising votes and r ef unde d to growers.
( c) The marketing groups have to decide on a f r eight rate before the season
com mences, i.e. total weight, likely
peak s - length of the season and the
det ai led distribution pattern are not
know n. Thus in some years there is an
el em ent of rebate on these costs by
s om e groups.
( d) The road freight cannot be assessed in s im ple terms as it represents the cost
of a chieving a delivery aligned to
m ar ket requirements necessitating for exam ple part load deliveries and
l oa di ngs designed to meet supermarket del i very slots.
T he f reight rate also includes
r ef r igerating potatoes and storing pot atoes in refrigerated conditions, w h en ne cessary, and also includes all over time rates incurred in Jersey and P or tsmouth docks.
I t w ill be noted that the total costs
of a n individual consignment sent by L o - Lo mid week and delivered to an adj ace nt market would undoubtedly be l es s than the £61.80 quoted. The
r ea s ons for the higher standard cost
ar e out lined above.
( e) Packing charges include all overtime and p acking on public holidays and
w e eke nds.
2 . The full value of the season is not yet
know n. However it is known that 49,657 t on nes had been exported up to 30th
J une . The United Kingdom gross value on t he f irst 27,204 tonnes was
£ 12,11 9,201. Bearing in mind the
ans wers to question 1 the costs would
be a pproximately 30.5 per cent of the
val ue. S ince that time prices have
f al l en and thus handling, etc. becomes
a l ar ge percentage of the value.
3 . No records are available of the
s pec ific uses of areas of land. What is
avai lable are the areas devoted to
var ious crops and the income attributed t o t hose crops. The table clearly
i nd icates the industry's increasing
r el i ance on the Jersey Royal over the
l as t few years - land usage is similar
to t hat of the early sixties but
f inanc ially the dependance on the
J er s ey Royal has increased to almost 60 per cent of total exports.
1960 1970 1980 1990 1991 1992
Jersey Royals *17,679 14,663 14,700 15,335 16,51 0 **16,58 9
Total area of all 53,606 52,726 51,888 54,135 57 ,060
crops (vergées)
Jersey Royals as a
percentage of all
crops 33.0 27.8 28.3 28.3 28.9
Area of land farmed
(vergées) 39,186 39,713 37,720 36,073 36,045
Area of Jersey Royals
as a percentage of
total land farmed 45.1 36.9 39.0 42.5 45.8
Total value of Jersey
Royals (£) N/R 2,870,903 5,806,109 21,587,115
Total value of all
crops (£) N/R 7,370,996 15,825,337 39,594,608 36,272,243
Value of Royals as
a percentage of total
crops exported 3 8.9 36.7 54.5 57.8
Source: Agricultural Census
* These included an area of other varieties
** Obtained from Colorado Beetle Order 1960 d eclarations submitted by 30th April 1992
a nd may yet be increased marginally.''
Comparative Study of Salaries and Wages
in the Private Sector. Questions and Answers (Tape No. 144)
Deputy Alan Payn Bree of Grouville asked Senator Richard Joseph Shenton, President of the Establishment Committee the following
questions -
With reference to the Comparative Study
o f Salaries and Wages in the Private
S ector' carried out last year by the United K ingdom Consultants, P.E. International,
w ill the President of the Establishment
C ommittee kindly inform this House -
( a) When was the contract to carry out the s tudy l et to P.E. International?
( b) When was the report of the Consultants r ec ei ved by the Committee?
( c) When will it be made available to S t a tes' Members?''
The President of the Establishment Committee replied as follows -
(a) P.E. International Plc were
inf or m ed on 21st January 1991.
( b) The first draft was received on 23rd J ul y 1991 . A final draft is still
aw ai ted.
( c) When the Establishment Committee is s at i sfied that the terms agreed with
P .E . have been met it will be made
avai lable, as originally agreed, to the
C i vi l Service Staff Side and private
s ec tor organisations which participated i n t he survey.''
Change of Presidency
The Sitting continued under the Presidency of the Bailiff .
Postal services. Statement
The President of the Committee for Postal Administration made a statement in the following terms -
My Committee would wish the House to be a ware of the difficulties Postal continues
t o face in attempting to follow States
p olicy, with particular regard to zero
j ob growth, against a background of
i ncreasing volumes of mail.
I n order to operate a high level of service
f or the businesses and public of the
I sland, against a background of manpower
a nd financial constraint, there is a need
to review methods and work practices and
t his includes the introduction of
m echanisation. Change is commonly met with r esistance, in this respect Postal is no
d ifferent and considerable difficulties are
b eing experienced.
T he Establishment Committee has been both i nformed and involved in the discussions
b etween the Postal Committee and the Union
o f Communication Workers. Satisfactory
p rogress with the discussions has been
h elped by the intervention of the Deputy
G eneral Secretary of the Union who spent
s everal days in the Island on two occasions
i n the past few months.
I n any large work force there is always a
s mall element who will act in a way to
c ompound difficulties and again the Postal
D epartment is no exception. This has caused e mbarrassment to the Department and
i nconvenience to the public of the Island.
S uch problems can only be resolved in-house a nd are not helped by misinformed media attention. Although it will not come as a
s urprise to Members to learn of the
i ncreasing amount of mail incoming to the
I sland, so far this year another 10 per
c ent, many Members may not appreciate that w e now handle over one million items per
w eek. Coupled with the growth in the number
o f addresses it says much for management t hat we have been able to provide the level
o f service without taking on extra staff.
T he saddest part of this unfortunate
e pisode is that at a time when there is a
n eed to modify attitudes and moderate
e xpectations throughout the public sector
w e were being attacked by the Jersey
E vening Post who invited criticism in order t o fill their pages and who expected my
C ommittee to openly debate the issue which h ad become extremely delicate.
T hanks to the co-operation of the many
l oyal staff and the Union of Communication W orkers, who recognise their
r esponsibilities, we now have a climate
w ithin which the recently introduced
m echanisation can be used in a productive m anner and so help contain costs and high
l evels of overtime in an operation that is
e ssentially labour intensive.
I t is hoped that the House will appreciate t he difficulties that the Postal Department f aces and will continue to support us in
c arrying out States policies, which in the l ong term will be of benefit to the postal u ser.''
Access to premises and related facilities. Statement
The President of the Island Development Committee made a statement in the following terms -
Members of this House will be aware that
i n addition to planning services my
C ommittee provides a comprehensive building c ontrol service to the Island. One of its
o bjectives is to ensure that all new
b uilding construction work complies with
l egislation and good building practice. The
p ublic is fortunate in being able to rely
o n my department's professional expertise
w hich, in my Committee's view, has over the
y ears generally resulted in a great
i mprovement in the quality of building
s tandards in the Island.
I n 1961 we were given the legal authority
o f the Public Health (Control of Building) ( Jersey) Law 1956 to carry out this work. T he purposes of this Law are very clearly s et out in detail in Article 2 which
d efines the powers available to the
C ommittee to make Bye-laws. There are
c urrently in place 128 Bye-laws whose
r evision is now well advanced. It was
i dentified that a serious gap existed in
t he Law's provision for access and
f acilities for disabled persons. In the
m odern world it is imperative that we find w ays of enabling all members of our
c ommunity to lead as full a life as is
p ossible.
M y officers, aided by Mr L. Davis an
a dviser to the U.K. government, have now
c ompleted a draft of the requirements of
n ew Bye-laws for access for the disabled
w hich my Committee intends to introduce. We h ave requested the Attorney General to
a dvise whether the purposes in the existing
L aw are sufficiently wide to empower these
d raft Bye-laws, of which there is some
d oubt.
W e have, therefore, decided to issue these B ye-laws as a code of practice in advance
o f my Committee obtaining the necessary a mendments to the Law.
M embers of the House have today received a c opy of the draft code of practice which is
b eing issued for consultation by
a rchitectural practices. It will then
b ecome a voluntary code of practice to
w hich we would ask all development
a pplications for public buildings to
c onform to, including particularly all new
c onstruction work to States buildings.
M y Property Services Department will be e ndeavouring with the Public Services
D epartment to try to advance plans for
i mproved access to existing States
b uildings wherever possible. This requires r esources which we have every confidence t he States will provide in due course.
I would like to record my
C ommittee's gratitude for the help we have r eceived from the staff at Overdale and the D isabled Access Group in the preparing of t his code which I am sure will be of help
t o all those involved.''
Territorial Army Centre, La Collette: purchase and sale of land
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Defence Committee -
( a) referred to their Act dated 9th April
1991 r egarding the purchase and sale of l and at La Collette and agreed to the ces sion from the Parish of St. Helier of 1 1 perch of land, as shown on plan num ber 2191/2 free of charge;
( b) authorised the Attorney General and the G r ef fier of the States to pass the
nece ssary contracts in the matter.
Health Services Disciplinary Tribunal: appointment of member
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Social Security Committee and in pursuance of Articles
1 and 36 of the Health Insurance (Jersey) Law 1967, as amended, and following the retirement
of Mrs. Sheila Minnie Daphne Billot, appointed Mrs. Patricia Anne Henwood as a member of the Health Services Disciplinary Tribunal for the period expiring 31st December 1992.
Strategic policy report for 1992. P.70/92
THE STATES continued discussion of the proposition of the Policy and Resources Committee on the Strategic Policy Report for 1992.
Paragraph 6 was adopted.
Paragraph 7 was adopted, the President of the Island Development Committee having withdrawn his Committee's amendment (P.89/92) that at the end of paragraph 7 there should be inserted the following words -
and to accept the comments of the Island
D evelopment Committee set out in paragraphs 1 5 to 17 of its report dated 5th June
1 992.''
THE STATES, adopted an amendment (P.87/92) of the Housing Committee that in paragraph 7, after sub-paragraph (c) there should be inserted the following sub-paragraph -
(d) to request that the Finance and
E co nom ics committee makes every en deavo ur to grant in 1993
ap pr opr iate financial assistance
to hous ing associations which the
H ous ing C ommittee permits to
de vel op ce rtain of the sites under
it s adm inistration.''
[ A s an aide-memoire the decisions of t he S tates on the Strategic Policy
R epor t for 1992 are consolidated as an A p pendi x immediately after this set of Mi nut es].
Public entertainment: responsibility for content. P.68/92
THE STATES rejected a proposition of Deputy S. Syvret of St. Helier to approve in principle the transfer of the responsibility for the content
of public entertainment from the Bailiff to a Committee of the States.
Members present voted as follows -
P our '' (3) Senator
Q uérée
B uesnel(H), Syvret(H)
C ont r e'' (38)
S henton, Jeune , Binnington, Baal, Le Main, L e Maistre, Carter, Stein, Chinn
Connétable s
S t. Clement, St. Lawrence , St. Mary , St. B relade, St. Martin , St. Peter ,
G rouville
L e Gallais(S), Roche(S), Rumboll(H),
W avell(S), Blampied(H), St. John , St.
P eter, Baudains(C), Le Sueur (H), St. Ouen ,
C outanche(L), Huelin(B), Jordan(B), St.
M ary, Bailhache (H), Rabet(H), Baudains(H), G rouville, Clarke-Halifax(H), Le Fondré(L), L e Geyt(S), Walker (H).
Unlawful Public Entertainment (Jersey) Regulations 1992. P.84/92
THE STATES, by virtue and in exercise of the powers conferred upon them by the Order in Council of the twenty-eighth day of March 1771 made Regulations entitled the Unlawful Public Entertainments (Jersey) Regulations 1992.
Bailiff 's Consultative Panel. P.90/92
THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of Senator Richard Joseph Shenton regarding the establishment of a Bailiff 's Consultative Panel, and rejected an amendment of
Senator Dereck André Carter that the original wording of the proposition (P.90/92) should be reinstated. Members present voted as follows -
P our '' (16)
B aal, Le Maistre, Carter, Quérée
Connétable s
S t. Mary, St. Brelade , St. Martin , St. P eter
B lampied(H), St. Peter , Buesnel(H),
H uelin(B), Rabet(H), Grouville , Le Geyt(S), S yvret(H).
C ont r e'' (19)
J eune, Le Main, Stein, Chinn
Connétable s
S t. Clement, St. Lawrence , Grouville
L e Gallais(S), Roche(S), Rumboll(H),
W avell(S), Baudains(C), Le Sueur (H), St.
O uen, Coutanche(L), St. Mary , Bailhache (H), B audains(H), Walker (H).
Senator Richard Joseph Shenton abstained from voting.
THE STATES, adopting the proposition, as amended -
1. agreed to establish a Consultative
P ane l o f elected members of the
S t at e s with whom the Bailiff would be abl e to meet in order to consult
on a confidential basis in
app r opr iate cases.
2 . (a) agreed that the Panel should com pr ise -
t he s e nior Senator
t he s e nior Connétable
t he s e nior Deputy
t he P r esident of the Policy and
R es our ces Committee
t he P r esident of the Finance and
E con om ics Committee
t he P r esident of the Establishment
C om m ittee
and t hr ee Members nominated by the S tat e s.
( b ) t hat a quorum for meetings of the P ane l s hould be five elected
Me m b ers.''
Bailiff 's Consultative Panel: appointment of three Members nominated by the States
There were nominated for appointment as Members of the Bailiff 's Consultative Panel -
S enator Bernard Thomas Binnington - p roposed by Iris Medora Le Feuvre, C onnétable of St. Lawrence
S enator Jean Amy Le Maistre - proposed by S enator Nigel Lewis Quérée
S enator Dereck André Carter - proposed by M argaret Anne Le Geyt, Deputy of St.
S aviour
S enator Corrie Stein - proposed by Senator T erence John Le Main
M ichael Adam Wavell, Deputy of St.
S aviour - proposed by Jack Roche, Deputy of S t. Saviour.
THE STATES having proceeded to a secret ballot, the Bailiff declared that Deputy Wavell, Senator Binnington and Senator Le Maistre had been appointed to serve on the Panel.
The result of the ballot was as follows -
D eputy Wavell - 2 9 votes S enator Binnington - 24 vo tes S enator Le Maistre - 20 vo tes S enator Carter - 17 vot es
S enator Stein - 8 vot es
THE STATES rose at 3.35 p.m.
G .H .C . C O P P O C K G r ef fi e r of the States.
Strategic Policy Report for 1992 (P.70/92) - as amended, including renumbered paragraphs following reference back of orginal paragraph 3.
THE STATES, adopting the proposition as amended, therefore -
1 . accepted the 1992 Strategic Policy R epor t as a general statement of the pol icy objectives to which all
C om mittees will have regard;
( 23r d June 1992)
2 . agreed that the overall strategy for
popul ation growth adopted by the States on 5t h December 1989 should be retained but , having regard to current
em pl oyment trends, both established and new businesses should be encouraged to s uppo rt the full employment of Island
r es i dents;
( 23r d June 1992)
3 . accepted paragraphs 3.1-9.14 of the
R epor t as a general statement of policy i n r espect of the economy and in
par ticular of the policies of support
f or t he further development of -
( 24t h June 1992)
( a ) t he finance industry, as set out in par agr aphs 4.1-4.25;
( b ) t he tourism industry, as set out in par agr aphs 5.1-5.18;
( c ) t he agriculture and fishing i ndus t ries, as set out in
par agr aphs 6.1-6.13;
4 . requested the Housing Committee to adopt -
( 24t h June 1992)
( a ) a m ore flexible policy when
con s id ering applications for
con s ent s under Regulation 1(1)(k) w i t h t he number of additional
con s ent s each year no longer being l im it ed t o five;
( b ) a m ore critical approach to the
gr ant i ng of replacement consents unde r Regulation 1(1)(j), to give eve ry e ncouragement to the
em pl oym ent and training of local r e si dent s, while also being more f lexi bl e in responding to
app li cat ions for the extension of exi s t in g five year consents under
R egul ation 1(1)(j) where this can be j us tified by reference to the
l ong t erm interests of the
com munity;
5 . accepted paragraphs 10.1-11.18 of the R epor t as a general statement of
hous ing and social policies;
( 7t h J uly 1992)
6 . accepted paragraphs 14.1-14.46 of the R epor t as a general statement of policy i n r espect of the public sector and in
par ticular -
( a ) agr eed that the States capital pr ogr a mme for 1993 should
com pr ise -
bui ld i ng and civil engineering
w or k s £ 40 .5 m illion
equ ipm ent and services £11.0 millio n
l and pu rchase £ 4. 0 m illion
T o tal £ 55.5 million
( b ) agr eed the recommended list of ca pi t al projects for 1993 as set
out i n Tables A, B and E of
A ppen dix 9 of the Report;
( c ) agr eed the recommended list of pr ior it y capital projects for 1993- 1996 , as set out in Table C of
A ppen dix 9 of the Report.
( d ) r equested that the Finance and
E con om ics Committee makes every end eavo ur to grant in 1993
app r opr iate financial assistance to
hous ing associations which the
H ous i ng Committee permits to
dev el o p certain of the sites under
i ts a dm inistration.
( 7 th J uly 1992)