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STATES MINUTES 8 t h D ec e mber 1992 P ri c e : £ 2 . 0 0
T HE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 8th December 1992 at 9.30 a.m. under t h e Presidency of the Bailiff ,
S i r P eter Crill, C.B.E.
_ _ _ _ _ _ ______
His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, Air Marshal Sir John Sutton, K.C.B.,
w a s p r e sent.
_ _ _ _ _ _ ______
All Members were present with the exception of -
J ohn Nicolle Le Fondré, Deputy of St. L awrence - out of the Island.
_ _ _ _ _ _ ______
P r a y e rs
_ _ _ _ _ _ ______
Distinguished visitors - welcome
The Bailiff on behalf of the Assembly, welcomed to the House the Honourable Miss Dancia Penn, Attorney General of the British Virgin Islands and Mr. Philip Grant, a member of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Elysée Estate tragedy
The Bailiff , on behalf of the States, expressed sympathy to those left behind following the recent tragedy at Elysée Estate.
THE STATES observed one minute's silence in memory of the victims.
Subordinate legislation tabled
The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -
1 . Motor Vehicles (Driving
L i c ences) (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) O rd er 1992 R & O 8492.
2 . Motor Cars (Driving Instruction)
( A m endment No. 3) (Jersey) Order 1992 R & O 8493.
3 . Motor Vehicles (Construction and
U se ) (Amendment No. 29) (Jersey) Order 1 9 9 2 R & O 8494.
4 . Road Traffic (Public Parking
P l a ces) (Amendment No. 24) (Jersey) O rd er 1992 R & O 8495.
5 . Road Traffic ( Grouville )
( A m endment No. 8) (Jersey) Order 1992 R & O 8496.
Committee for Postal Administration: resignation of President and Members
THE STATES accepted the resignation of Senator Corrie Stein as President of the Committee for Postal Administration together with the other members of that Committee.
Committee for Postal Administration: statement
The President of the Committee for Postal Administration made a statement in the following terms -
Every member in the House knows about t he problems that my Committee have been d ealing with.
T hese problems have been going on since 1 969 and have accrued over the years. A
r eport on methods and practices was
p repared in 1972 for Senator Krichefski's C ommittee, yet not his Committee, nor any
o ther Committee tackled these problems. P revious presidents of Postal include
D eputy Smale, Senator Le Maistre and
S enator Shenton.
M y Committee set out to tackle a situation
w hich was wrong, unfair and costly. At the
s ame time my Committee had to abide by the
S tates nil growth policy, during a period
o f tremendous growth in mail.
W hen the men went on unofficial strike
d uring negotiations, the officers of the
E stablishment Committee and Postal, and the P ostal Committee, believed that this was
o ur opportunity to get the men back on
m anagement terms so as to do away with the r estrictive practices.
W e all know what followed - a court
i njunction was taken out by the Union of
C ommunication Workers and this was
c omprehensively defeated in Court on Monday m orning, 30th November 1992.
T he President of the Establishment
C ommittee then became directly involved. I w as invited to meet the U.C.W. at 1 p.m.
t hat afternoon. I had a member of the
P ostal Committee, Deputy Crespel, with me.
D uring the course of that afternoon,
a provisional agreement was drafted. I
a sked for several adjournments. I was not
h appy with this draft, and also believed
t hat my Committee would not be happy with t his draft. I made my concerns very clear.
S enator Shenton's reaction was that if we
w ould not agree to what he believed was a g ood agreement, he would leave us to it and g o home.
A t this point, Deputy Crespel said that
S enator Shenton was a realist, that we had t o be realistic, and should accept. I still
h eld out, not wanting to agree.
L et me make it quite clear that the
a greement as drafted was divisive, and
a llowed the men to return on their
c onditions. The Postal Committee were doing t heir best to stick to the Establishment
C ommittee edict that pay deals should be
5 .8 per cent with no frills, ...... this
d eal had frills. I still held out.
T he President of Establishment then told us t hat if we would not agree, he would join
t he other side of the table.
T here was nothing left for me to do. I agreed.
A t the full Postal Committee meeting
o n Wednesday the view was that we had been u ndermined by the President of
E stablishment.
T herefore it was no longer sensible for us t o remain in office as we had been put in a n untenable position.
W e decided to resign as a Committee, and w e certainly do not intend to come back.''
Committee for Postal Administration - vacancy in Presidency
In accordance with Article 28(3) of the States of Jersey Law 1966, the Bailiff gave notice that there was a vacancy in the office of President of the Committee for Postal Administration.
Sport, Leisure and Recreation Committee - appointment of member
THE STATES appointed Malcolm Pollard, Connétable of St. Peter as a member of the Sport, Leisure
and Recreation Committee.
Agriculture and Fisheries Committee - appointment of member
THE STATES appointed Evelyn Mabel Pullin, Deputy of St. Saviour as a member of the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee.
Suspension of Standing Order No. 41A(2)
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of Senator John Stephen Rothwell, agreed to suspend Standing Order No. 41A(2) in order to allow the appointment of a President of the Committee for Postal Administration.
Adjournment of the States
THE BAILIFF acceded to a request from the Connétable of St. John and adjourned the meeting until 10.15 a.m.
Committee for Postal Administration -
appointment of President
THE STATES re-assembled and proceeded to elect a President of the Committee for Postal Administration. Senator Jean Amy Le Maistre was proposed by Senator Reginald Robert Jeune ,
Senator Dereck André Carter was proposed by Iris Medora Le Feuvre, Connétable of St. Lawrence,
and Frank Harris on Walker , Deputy of St. Helier , was proposed by Senator John Stephen Rothwell.
THE STATES, having proceeded to a secret ballot, the Bailiff declared the following results -
S enator Le Maistre 1 7 votes S enator Carter 1 0 votes D eputy Walker 2 5 v otes.
With no nominee having secured an absolute majority of the votes cast, Senator Carter withdrew from the election. The States, having proceeded to a second secret ballot, the Bailiff declared the following results -
S enator Le Maistre 2 2 votes D eputy Walker 3 0 v otes.
The Bailiff accordingly declared that Deputy Walker had been elected as President of the Committee for Postal Administration.
States Committees' pay awards and inflation requests
THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 30th November 1992, informing the House of its decisions under sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph (2) of Article 18
of the Public Finances (Administration) (Jersey) Law 1967, as amended.
Long Beach and Puerto Seco, Grouville - development: supplementary vote of credit (P.191/92): comments. P.196/92
The Finance and Economics Committee, by Act dated 30th November 1992, presented to the States its comments regarding the proposition of the Island Development Committee (P.91/92) requesting the grant of a supplementary vote of credit in respect of the development at Long Beach and Puerto Seco, Grouville . Springfield, St. Helier - rezoning and acquisition (P.185/92): comments. P.197/92
The Finance and Economics Committee, by Act dated 30th November 1992, presented to the States its comments regarding the proposition of the Sport, Leisure and Recreation Committee (P.185/92) in respect of the rezoning and acquisition of Springfield, St. Helier.
Matters noted - land transactions
THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 30th November 1992 showing that in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved -
( a) as recommended by the Public Services C o m mittee the passing of a Contrat de
B o r nement with Mr. Michael Steven
B a r nes of Pont de Passerelle, Gorey
H il l, St. Martin and Mr. Carl James
D an by of Gemini, Gorey Coast Road, St. M a rtin, in respect of the boundary with
t h e public gardens situated between
G o rey Hill and Rue de la Côte, Gorey,
w it h each side being responsible for
i ts o wn legal costs and expenses
i n v olved in the transaction;
( b) as recommended by the Harbours and A ir port Committee, the lease to George T r o y and Sons Limited of 1,731 square f e et of accommodation in the East side
o f E store on the New North Quay
( L e tting No. N12B) for a period of
t h re e years commencing 1st July 1992, a t a n annual rent of £6,612.42
r e p resenting a rate of £3.82 a square
f o o t, subject to annual review;
( c) as recommended by the Harbours and
A ir port Committee, the lease to the
J e rs ey Canoe Club of the Old Lifeboat
H o use, St. Catherine (Letting
N o . STC14) for a period of nine years
c o m mencing 1st September 1992, at an
a n n ual rent representing 10 per cent of
t h e gross membership subscription for
t h e previous financial year or other
s u c h fee as represented the number and
i n co me from club membership, or £250 a y e a r, whichever was the greater, with t h e Club being responsible for keeping t h e building in a good state of repair
a n d for paying all services including
l a nd lord's rates;
( d) as recommended by the Harbours and A ir port Committee, the lease to Kufra T r a ding Limited of a storeroom at the r e ar of the Marina shop at St. Helier
H ar bour, for a period of three years
c o m mencing 1st November 1992, at an a n n ual rent of £440.59, subject to
a n n ual review on 1st June;
( e) as recommended by the Housing
C o m mittee, the lease to the Jersey
E l e ctricity Company Limited of two a r ea s of land at Ernest Watson Close, S t . Clement, to be used as sites for a s u b -station and a section pillar, for a p e r iod of 99 years, commencing 20th A p ril 1990 at an annual rent of £1.
Matters noted - financial transactions
THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 30th November 1992, showing that, in pursuance of Rule 5 of the
Public Finances (General) (Jersey) Rules 1967,
as amended, the Committee had noted that -
( a) the Housing Committee had accepted the l o w est of eight tenders, namely that
s u b mitted by Charles Le Quesne (1956)
L i m ited in a contract period of 69
w ee ks, in the sum of £2,639,991 for the
p r o posed housing development at Le
B e r nage, Longueville, St. Saviour ;
( b) the Housing Committee had accepted the l o w est of six tenders, namely that
s u b mitted by C.A. Mauger Limited in a
c o n tract period of 30 weeks, in the sum
o f £ 266,983 for the proposed housing
d e v elopment at 24 Byron Lane, St.
H el ier;
( c) the Housing Committee had accepted the l o w est of five tenders, namely that
s u b mitted by A.C. Mauger and Son
( S u nwin) Limited in a contract period
o f 1 00 weeks, in the sum of £4,637,682
f o r the proposed housing development at t h e Ritz Hotel site (Keith Baal
G ar dens), Colomberie, St. Helier . Matters lodged
The following subjects were lodged au Greffe'' -
L odged on 1st December 1992 -
1 . Long Beach and Puerto Seco,
G ro uville - development: supplementary v o t e of credit. P.191/92.
P r e sented by the Island Development
C o m mittee.
2 . Draft Hire Cars (No. 3) (Jersey) R e g ulations 1992. P.192/92.
P r e sented by the Defence
C o m mittee.
3 . Draft Public Service Vehicles
( F e es) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) R e g ulations 199. P.193/92.
P r e sented by the Defence
C o m mittee.
4 . Draft Interception of
C o m munications (Jersey) Law 199. P . 1 94/92.
P r e sented by the Legislation
C o m mittee.
5 . Projet de Loi (199 ) sur la Cour
p o u r le recouvrement de menues dettes. P . 1 95/92.
P r e sented by the Legislation
C o m mittee.
Arrangement of Public Business for the present Sitting
THE STATES confirmed that the following subject lodged au Greffe'' should be considered at the present Sitting -
D raft Finance (Jersey) Law 199 . P.190/92. L odged: 24th November 1992.
F inance and Economics Committee.
Homes for first-time buyers: private development. P.155/92
THE STATES, acceded to the request of Senator R.J. Shenton, that consideration of his proposition regarding private development of homes for first-time buyers (P.155/92 - lodged on 13th October 1992) be deferred from the present Sitting.
Protection of employment opportunities: review of Law. P.179/92
The President of the Defence Committee made a statement in the following terms -
Members will have read Projet P.179/92
e ntitled Protection of Employment
O pportunities: Revision of Law' which was
l odged au Greffe on 17th November 1992 for d ebate today. Up until late last week it
w as my intention to proceed with that
d ebate.
H owever, as a result of meetings held e arlier in the week and a subsequent r equest by the Policy and Resources C ommittee I have agreed to defer the d ebate.
T he reason for this request is that the
P olicy and Resources Committee have agreed w ith the Finance and Economics Committee
t hat the Regulation of Undertakings and
D evelopment Law should be applied in such a w ay as to encourage the creation of
a dditional jobs and to protect the position
o f local residents taking up employment. It
i s envisaged that these changes will be
r eady for States' approval early in the New
Y ear. As the amendments may well overlap or d uplicate provisions in any work permit
l egislation, it seems to me sensible that
t he amendments should be debated first.
T his House may at that point decide that
t he amendments are sufficient to achieve
t he necessary protection of the local
l abour force, In that case, there would be
n o need to proceed further with draft work
p ermit legislation. On the other hand, the
H ouse may wish to go further. Then my
C ommittee would proceed with the drafting
a nd consultation process.
I n the meantime, I am informing this House t hat the debate on Projet P.179 is
d eferred.''
THE STATES, acceded to the request of the President of the Defence Committee, that consideration of the proposition regarding a revision of the Law on the Protection of Employment Opportunities (P.179/92 - lodged on 17th November 1992) be deferred from the present Sitting.
Draft European Communities (European Economic Area) (Jersey) Regulations 1992. P.183/92
THE STATES, acceded to the request of the President of the Finance and Economics Committee that consideration of the draft European Communities (European Economic Area) (Jersey) Regulations 1992 (P.183/92 - lodged 24th November 1992) be deferred from the present Sitting.
Arrangement of Public Business for
the next Sitting on 15th December 1992
THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe'' would be considered at the
next Sitting on 15th December 1992 -
L ong Beach and Puerto Seco,
G rouville - development: supplementary vote
o f credit. P.191/92.
I sland Development Committee.
D raft Hire Cars (No. 3) (Jersey) R egulations 1992. P.192/92.
D efence Committee.
D raft Public Service Vehicles (Fees)
( Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 1 993. P.193/92.
D efence Committee.
B agatelle Nurseries, Claremont Road, St. S aviour: compulsory purchase. P.178/92 I sland Development Committee.
Parish welfare assistance. Questions and answers. (Tape No. 165)
Deputy Maurice Clement Buesnel of St. Helier asked the Chairman of the Connétable s' Supervisory Committee the following questions -
1. W ould the Connétable , as Chairman
o f th e Connétable s' Supervisory
C o m m ittee, confirm that the
P a ri s h es have a co-ordinated
p o li c y that details the type and
v al u e o f welfare assistance
d is b u r sed to the unemployed?
2 . Would the Connétable also say whether r e n t and mortgage repayments are taken i n to account when assessing an
a p p licant's request for financial help,
a n d in the latter case, whether full
p r o vision is made?
3 . As the Finance and Economics Committee i s r esponsible for the payment of
w el fare payments to non-natives, would
t h e Connétable confirm that there is no
d i sc rimination in the treatment of
a p p licants for welfare help?''
The Chairman of the Connétable s' Supervisory Committee replied as follows -
1. T here is a published Welfare Grant
b o o k le t which all Connétable s use
in a ss e ssing the type and value of
w e lf a r e assistance to parishioners
in n e ed , including that of
u n em p loyment.
2 . Rent is taken into consideration when
a s s essing an applicant's request for
f in a ncial help, but in the case of
m o rtgage repayments, only the interest
c h a rges appertaining to that repayment
a r e accepted. The Deputy will know that p a r t of the mortgage repayment covers
c a p ital repayments which is not taken
i n to consideration when considering the W e lfare Grant. It should be pointed out t h at the number of welfare applicants
o w ning their own property, even on
m o rtgage, is relatively small.
3 . Notwithstanding that the Finance and
E c o nomics Committee are responsible for w el fare payments to non-natives, I
w o uld confirm, that there is no
d i sc rimination in the treatment of
a p p licants for welfare providing that
t h e applicant has resided in Jersey for
a minimum period of five years.'' Industrial relations and employment legislation - Statement
The President of the Industrial Relations Committee made a statement in the following terms -
1. I feel it is my duty to report to th e H o use on a matter of public
in t e re s t. In a leading article in
th e Je r sey Evening Post on
W e d n e sday, 2nd December 1992, the In d u s t rial Relations Committee was
ac c u s e d of failing in its function
in re c e nt years and there was a
ca l l f o r an urgent review of
in d u s tr ial relations legislation.
In a f u rther article in the same
n ew s p aper, the Jersey official of
th e T ra nsport and General Workers'
U n i o n is alleged to have stated
th a t t h e current laws were
ab s o l u tely out of date and that
th e In d ustrial Relations Committee
w a s s e en as an irrelevance' in
th e m o dern world.
2 . I cannot allow such sweeping and
d e r ogatory statements to be published w it hout giving my response to the
m em bers of this House.
3 . When the Industrial Relations Committee w as appointed by the States in 1969, it
w as charged with ensuring that there
w as adequate provision for the airing
o f w orkers' grievances and for
c o n ciliation and arbitration. The
C o m mittee of the day reviewed the laws
r e la ting to trade unions in Jersey and
t h e Industrial Disputes Law; it
p u b lished a Code of Good Industrial
R e l ations Practice and the States
a p p ointed an Industrial Relations
A d visory Officer. The Committee has
a l w ays made clear its policy that it
m u st remain neutral insofar as
i n d ustrial disputes are concerned and
n e it her the Committee nor its officer
c a n act as arbitrators in industrial
d i sp utes.
4 . Nevertheless, the Committee does
p r o vide the machinery for conciliation
o r a rbitration in collective industrial
d i sp utes at the request of the d i sp uting parties and that service has b e e n well used over the years. I must a d d that if we had been asked by any p a r ty to the recent dispute at the Post O ff ice for assistance, we would have b e e n only too glad to help. The
I n d ustrial Relations Advisory Officer a s s isted the Deputy Industrial Disputes O ff icer to resolve a dispute at the
P o s t Office in March 1992 but on this r e ce nt occasion no request for
a s s istance was received.
5 . Since 1969, successive Committees have k e p t employment and industrial
r e la tions legislation under review and
i n tr oduced a new law on Termination of E m ployment in 1974 and one on Written S t a tements of Employment this year. One
o f my first tasks on becoming President
w as to review the Industrial Disputes
L a w of 1956 with the Industrial
D is putes Officer but it was decided
t h at no amendment was necessary at that t im e. Since then, we have had no cause
t o r eview it again.
6 . The Committee has never, at any time, r e fu sed to meet representatives of
e m p loyers' or employees' organisation
a n d , contrary to the report in the
p r e ss, I met Mr. Kavanagh of the
T r a nsport and General Workers' Union
o f fi cially at his request in October
1 9 9 1. Reports of the detailed workings
o f t he Industrial Relations Advisory
S e r vice have been presented to this
H o use by the Committee annually since 1 9 8 3. I am sure that members who read t h es e reports will agree that generally
t h e record of industrial relations in
J e rs ey has been a very good one.
7 . My Committee emphasises in its Code of P r a ctice, that good industrial
r e la tions is a joint responsibility of
e m p loyer and employee, established on a b a s is of trust and confidence. We
a c k nowledge that to achieve a
s a ti sfactory standard of relationship
i n e mployment, skill and patience is
r e q uired. Adaptation, innovation and
c h a nge will often be necessary. It is
n o t possible to legislate for personal
b e h aviour or reactions in all
s ituations and circumstances.
8 . However, in the light of our recent
i n d ustrial relations problems, my
C o m mittee will review, once more, the e x is ting legislation on industrial
d i sp utes and employment to ascertain
w h ether or not any change should be
r e co mmended in the Island's best
i n te rests. The review will be conducted i n c onsultation with interested
p a r ties, and I shall report our
f in d ings to the States as soon as
p o s sible.''
Housing land availability - Statement
The President of the Island Development Committee made a statement in the following terms -
Following a detailed analysis of housing
r equirements up to the year 2000, and on
t he basis of the sites currently
i dentified, both Committees agree that it
i s not necessary to release additional land
f or housing purposes at this time. The most s ensible strategy would be to undertake
r egular reviews of the overall housing
p osition.
T he evidence currently available would
s uggest that the existing stock of
d wellings and the additional supply of new d wellings to be provided on sites already
i dentified (assuming these sites are
d eveloped in the required time-frame)
s hould be sufficient to satisfy States loan h ousing requirements, throughout the 90's.
T he situation with regard to true housing
n eed (defined as those seeking rental
a ccommodation, but who require the benefit
o f a public or private sector rent rebate
t o afford accommodation of a sufficient
s ize or standard') is less clear cut.
C learly, it is not sufficient in the
p resent circumstances to base projections
o f future rental needs primarily on
h istorical trends. One has to recognise
t hat there are a number of unknown factors i n the equation, brought about by a
c hanging economic climate and, by recent m easures approved by the States to liberalise the housing market. There is
s ome evidence that the Housing Committee's n ew policies are beginning to bear fruit,
b ut it is still early days and it is not
p ossible, at this time, to determine with
a ny certainty the extent to which the
e xisting dwelling stock, together with the
H ousing Committee's own development
p rogramme, will be able to meet needs with t he assistance of the private sector rent
r ebate scheme.
H aving regard to the extent of the current
r ental programme and based on the proviso t hat sites already identified for housing
r ental purposes will come forward in good t ime, both Committee's are in agreement
t hat additional land need not be re-zoned
a t this time.
I t is considered that six monthly reviews w ill offer the best means of analysing the
i mpact which demographic and economic t rends, together with new housing policies, a re having on the rental waiting list. It
w ill also offer a sounder basis upon which t o forecast housing need up to the year
2 000, and will assist in determining the
e xtent to which that need is likely to be
m et from the existing housing stock and
o ther sites in the pipeline.
T he Island Development Committee will
c ontinue to identify and review potential
h ousing sites, which can be recommended for r e-zoning purposes, should a future
r equirement emerge to bring forward
a dditional housing land quickly. A more
d etailed report on housing land
a vailability will be produced in the New
Y ear.''
Panel for the Control of Public Entertainment: appointment of Chairman
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Education Committee referred to their Act of 28th April 1992, appointing a Panel for the Control of Public Entertainment and appointed Mrs. M. Devenport as Chairman of the Panel in place of Mrs. E.M. Pullin.
Trinity School extension: approval of drawings THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the
Education Committee -
( a) approved Drawings Nos. 2709/25,
2 7 0 9/26, 2709/27, 2709/28, 2709/30,
2 7 0 9/31, 2709/33 and 2709/34 showing t h e construction of a one and two-
s to r ey extension at Trinity School,
T r in ity, to provide new toilets and
c h a nging facilities and an additional
c l as sroom together with minor
a l te rations to existing buildings;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said Drawings on behalf of t h e States.
Field 1517, St. Helier: approval of drawings
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Housing Committee -
( a) approved Drawings Nos. 1660/9-38
i n cl usive, showing the development of F i e ld 1517, St. Helier, to provide 39
d w ellings;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said Drawings on behalf of t h e States;
( c) agreed that the units of accommodation s h o uld be sold to applicants qualifying
u n d er the States Loan Scheme;
( d) authorised the Finance and Economics C o m mittee to make available bridging f in a nce under Article 7(1)(e) of the
P u b lic Finances (Administration)
( J er sey) Law 1967, as amended;
( e) authorised the Attorney General and the G re ffier of the States to pass the
n e c essary contracts.
90, 92 and 94 Stopford Road and 118 and 119 St. Saviour's Road, St. Saviour: approval of drawings
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Housing Committee -
( a) approved Drawings Nos. 416/01B, 02A, 0 3 B , 04B, 05B, 06B and 10, showing the r e d evelopment of Nos. 90, 92 and 94
S t o pford Road and Nos. 118 and 119, St.
S a v iour's Road with six dwellings;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said Drawings on behalf of t h e States.
H.M. Prison, La Moye, St. Brelade - staff facility building: approval of drawings
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Prison Board -
( a) approved Drawings Nos. 2415/224,
2 4 1 5/225 and 2415/226 showing the
c o n struction of a Staff Training
F a c ility Building, within H.M. Prison, L a Moye, St. Brelade ;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said drawings.
Health and Safety Appeal Tribunal: appointment of members
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Social Security Committee, appointed as members of the Health and Safety Appeal Tribunal, in pursuance of Article 17 of the Health and Safety at Work (Jersey) Law 1989, and the Health and Safety at Work (Appeal Tribunal) (Jersey) Regulations 1989, for a period of three years from 1st
January, 1993, the following -
A d vocate Geoffrey Le Vesconte Fiott, C h a irman
A d vocate Charles Malcolm Belford
T h a cker, Deputy Chairman
M r . David Le Marquand
M r . John William Gollop.
Family Allowances Tribunal: appointment of members
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Social Security Committee, appointed as Chairman and members of the Family Allowance Tribunal in pursuance of Article 1 of the Family Allowances (Jersey) Law 1972, as amended, for a period of three years from 1st January 1993, the
following -
A d vocate Robert George Day - Chairman A d vocate Alan Richard Binnington
M r s. Audrey Vivienne Jackson M r s. Ruth Hambly
M r . Bernard Louis Dubras
M r s. Jill Meredith Clapham.
Education Law. P.172/92
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Education Committee -
( a) approved, in principle, the preparation
o f a new Education Law to replace the
L o i (1912) sur l'Instruction Primaire,
a s a mended, the Loi (1920) sur
l 'I n struction Publique, as amended and r e la ted Laws, as outlined in the report
o f t he Education Committee dated 14th
O ct ober 1992;
( b) authorized the preparation of the
n e c essary legislation in accordance
w it h the priority ranking in the States L a w Drafting Programme 1992/93.
Committee for Postal Administration - appointment of members
THE STATES, on the proposition of Deputy Frank Harris on Walker of St. Helier, President of the Committee for Postal Administration, appointed the following as members -
L eonard Norman, Deputy of St. Clement
C arlyle John Le Herissier Hinault, Deputy
o f St. John
D erek Ryder Maltwood, Deputy of St. Mary S hirley Margaret Baudains, Deputy of St.
H elier
R ichard Peter Clarke-Halifax, Deputy of St. S aviour
S tuart Syvret, Deputy of St. Helier .
Court of Appeal (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Law 1992. P.170/92
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Court of Appeal (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Law 1992.
Amendment (No. 15) to the Tariff of Harbour and Light Dues. P.171/92
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 15 to the Tariff of Harbour and Light Dues (Jersey) Law
1947 as amended, approved the Amendment (No. 15) to the Tariff of Harbour and Light Dues.
Medical Practitioners (Registration) (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1992. P.173/92
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Medical Practitioners
(Registration) (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1992.
The Balloon Store, South Pier, St. Helier Harbour. P.176/92
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Harbours and Airport Committee -
( a) approved Drawings Nos. 1203/01,
1 2 0 3/03A, 1203/04A, 1203/05, 1203/06A, 1 2 0 3/07A and 1203/08, showing the
r e d evelopment of the Balloon Store at
t h e South Pier, St. Helier Harbour;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said drawings on behalf of t h e States.
Family Allowances (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 1992. P.181/92
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Family Allowances (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 1992.
Income Tax (Amendment No. 16) (Jersey) Law 1992. P.182/92
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Income Tax (Amendment No. 16) (Jersey) Law 1992.
Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme: further
amendment. P.184/92
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Defence Committee, made an Act amending further the Act of the States dated 4th December 1990, establishing a scheme to provide compensation
for victims of crimes of violence.
Maternity entitlement in employment: code of good practice. P.167/92
THE STATES, rejected a proposition of Senator Corrie Stein to approve a voluntary Code of Good Practice for Maternity Entitlement in Employment as set out in the Special Committee on Sex Discrimination's report dated 22nd October 1992.
Members voted as follows -
P o u r'' (21) Senators
J eune, Binnington, Horsfall, Stein, Quérée. Connétable
S t. Lawrence.
L e Gallais(S), Rumboll(H), Wavell(H), St. P eter, Buesnel(H), Le Sueur(H),
C outanche(L), St. Mary, Bailhache (H), S. B audains(H), Grouville , Clarke-Halifax(S), S yvret(H), Crespel(H), Pullin(S).
C o n tre'' (28) Senators
B aal, Rothwell, Le Main, Le Maistre, C arter, Chinn.
Connétable s
S t. John, St. Clement, St. Mary , St. Ouen, S t. Brelade, Trinity , St. Martin, St.
P eter, Grouville , St. Helier , St. Saviour.
B lampied(H), Norman(C), St. John, H. B audains(C), St. Ouen, Huelin(B),
J ordan(B), Rabet(H), St, Martin, Le
G eyt(S), Trinity .
Springfield, St. Helier : rezoning and acquisition. P.185/92
THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of the Sport, Leisure and Recreation Committee regarding the rezoning and acquisition of land at Springfield, St. Helier . After discussion, the Committee withdrew paragraphs (a), (c) and (d), having been given an
undertaking by the President of the Island Development Committee that the House has my assurance that I recognise what has been said,
I'm as keen on sport as any other member, and if that facility can be offered at Springfield why shouldn't it be? But we have got to look at the main interests of the community and it is the States who will decide in the end''.
THE STATES, adopting paragraph (b) agreed, in principle, that land at Springfield, St. Helier ,
as shown on Town Map 2/87 should be acquired on behalf of the public of the Island.
Finance (Jersey) Law 1992. P.190/92
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Finance (Jersey) Law 1992.
THE STATES then adjourned, having agreed that the outstanding items of public business should stand over until Tuesday, 15th December 1992.
THE STATES rose at 5.40 p.m.
G .H .C . C O P P O C K G re f fi e r o f the States.