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States Minutes 22nd June 1993

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STATES MINUTES 2 2 n d J u n e 1993   P ri c e : £ 2 . 0 0

T HE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 2 2nd June 1993 at 9.30 a.m. under

t h e Presidency of the Bailiff ,

S i r P eter Crill, C.B.E.

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______

His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor,  Air Marshal Sir John Sutton, K.C.B.,

w a s p r e sent.

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______

All Members were present with the exception of -

S enator Anne Baal - ill

L eonard Norman, Deputy of St. Clement - out

o f the Island

G raham Huelin, Deputy of St. Brelade - out

o f the Island.

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______

P r a y e rs

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______

Subordinate legislation tabled

The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -

 1 .  Insurance Business (Exemption N  o . 2) (Jersey) Order 1993

R & O 8549.

 2 .  Sand Racing (West Park Beach) ( J er sey) Order 1993 R & O 8550.

Manpower report 1st July to 31st December 1992. R.C.22

The Establishment Committee, by Act dated 7th June 1993, presented to the States a report on manpower for the period 1st July to 31st December 1992.

THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.

Abortion in Jersey: report. R.C.23

The Public Health Committee, by Act dated 2nd June 1993, presented to the States a report on abortion in Jersey.

THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.

Treaties: application to Crown Dependencies. R.C.24

The Policy and Resources Committee, by Act dated 15th June 1993, presented to the States a Memorandum prepared by the Legal Advisers in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on the application of treaties to Crown Dependencies.

THE STATES ordered that the said Memorandum be printed and distributed.

Matters noted - land transactions

THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 14th June 1993, showing that, in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved -

 ( a) as recommended by the Committee for P o s tal Administration, the sub-lease to M  r . Alan Walters of 283 square feet of a c c ommodation at Red Houses, St.

B r e lade for Les Quennevais Sub Post

O  ff ice, for a period of eight years and

1 1 months (or earlier if Mr. Walters

c e a sed to hold the appointment of Sub

P o s tmaster) commencing 29th October 1 9 9 1, at an annual rent of £5,660 with

a r e nt review in line with the movement i n t he Jersey Cost of Living Index as

a t 2 9th September 1994, and 29th

S e p tember 1997, this being the same

t e rm s as those of the lease with Le

R i c hes Stores Limited in respect of the

p r e mises;

 ( b) as recommended by the Public

S e r vices Committee, the purchase from

M  r . Hugh Andrew Pim, Mrs. Rachael

E l a ine Le Marquand, née Pim, Mrs.

J o a nna Collette Stinson, née Pim, Mrs.

M  a ria Francesca Heyes, née Pim and Mrs. M  ic helle Nicolette Mucklow, née Pim of 2 9 0 square feet of land at Rue es

P i c ots, Trinity , for the sum of £290,

w  it h the Committee being responsible

f o r all legal costs involved;

 ( c) as recommended by the Public

S e r vices Committee, the purchase from J a rd in du Curé Limited of 249 square

f e et of land forming part of Nos. 31/33 N ew Street, St. Helier, for the sum of

£1 , 556.25 plus £350 legal fees;

 ( d) as recommended by the Public

S e r vices Committee, the renewal of the l e as e to Mr. Christopher Hugh Taylor of 2 5 vergées of land at Mont Mado, St.

J o h n, for a period of one year with

e f fe ct from 23rd June 1992, at an

a n n ual rent of £625;

 ( e) as recommended by the Public

S e r vices Committee, the renewal of the l e as e to Miss Carolyn Mary Tanner of 9 . 5 vergées of land south of Field 691, S t . Brelade, for a period of three

y e a rs at an annual rent of £235 with a

m  u tual three-year option to renew;

 ( f) as recommended by the Public

S e r vices Committee, the renewal of the l e as e to Mr. Maxwell Robert de la Haye

o f F ield 15, Mont à la Brune, St.

B r e lade, for a period of three years

f ro m 1st February 1993, at an annual

r e n t of £35 subject to annual market

r e v iews and an option to renew for a

f u rt her period of three years.

( g) as recommended by the Housing C o m mittee -

E x c hange of land

( i) the sale to Springfield Road

(G  a ra g e Properties) Limited of a sm  a ll i rregular-shaped piece of

la n d , a s shown on the attached

p la n A , in the south west corner

o f th e Faux Bie Terrace

d ev e l o pment, which had been in c o r p orated into the garage

p ro p e r ty, for a consideration of

£1 0 .0 0 ;

( ii ) the purchase from Springfield Road (G  a ra g e Properties) Limited of of

a s m a l l triangular shaped piece of

la n d in the north east corner of

th e S p ringfield Garage property,

b o rd e r ing Faux Bie Terrace and

sh o w  n on the attached plan A, for

a c o n s ideration of £10.00;

D  ee d of Arrangement

( i) the entry into an agreement with

S p ri n g field Road (Garage

P ro p e r ties) Limited in order to

co n f i rm and agree all boundary

m a t te r s between Springfield Garage an d F a ux Bie Terrace;

( ii ) the entry into an agreement with S p ri n g field Road (Garage

P ro p e r ties) Limited in order to

ra t if y t he boundary between the G . P .O  . Repeater Station, situated to th e north of the garage, and

th e g ar age premises;

( ii i)  that the owners of the garage

p re m  is es were to be afforded

ri g h ts of access on normal terms

an d c o nditions, as stated in a

le t te r d ated 24th May 1993, by Mr. T im  o th y John Bechelet, Head of

C o n v e yancing, Autorisé's

D e p a rt ment, on to the property

o w n e d by the public for

m a i n te nance and repair purposes

o n ly ;  

( iv ) the confirmation of all existing ri g h ts of way relating to the two ab o v e - mentioned properties;

( v ) that the garage owners be

p er m  it ted to park one car on the

ro a d w  ay owned by the public, for th e b en efit of the tenant of the

fl a t fo r ming part of the office

b lo c k adjacent to the garage

p re m  is es. This space would be

sp e c i fi cally designated, and the

H o u s in g Committee would reserve th e ri g ht to alter its location;

( v i) that the public should retain a

ri g h t o f access on to the garage

p re m  is es, particularly with regard to th e maintenance of a large tree g ro w  in g near the south east corner

o f th e G.P.O. repeater station.

Matters noted - financial transaction

THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 14th June 1993, showing that in pursuance of Rule 5 of the Public Finances (General) (Jersey) Rules 1967, as amended, the Committee had noted that the Education Committee had accepted -

( a) the lowest of five tenders, namely that s u b mitted by Thatcher Limited, in the s u m of of £1,948,000, for the proposed d e v elopment of additional teaching

f a ci lities at Highlands College, St.

S a v iour;

 ( b) the lowest of four tenders, namely that

s u b mitted by Charles Le Quesne (1956)

L i m ited, in the sum of £2,569,268 in a

c o n tract period of 78 weeks for the

c o m pletion of the Rouge Bouillon School d e v elopment, following the withdrawal

f ro m the contract of Mark Amy Limited.

Matters lodged

The following subjects were lodged au Greffe'' -

 1 .  Draft Post Office (Amendment) ( J er sey) Law 199 . P.81/93.

P r e sented by the Committee for P o s tal Administration.

 2 .  Commerce, Industry and Trade

C o m mittee: creation of new Committee. P . 8 2/93.

P r e sented by Deputy T.J. Jordan

o f S t. Brelade.

3 . Le Riches Stores Limited, Red H o uses, St. Brelade - car park d e v elopment: petition. P.83/93

P r e sented by Senator N.L.

Q  u érée and referred to the Policy and R esources Committee for report.

Springfield, St. Helier : Papers withdrawn.

THE STATES noted that, following approval of the proposition regarding the development plan and purchase of land at Springfield, St. Helier

(P.63/93) on 8th June 1993, the following Papers had been withdrawn -

 1 .  Springfield, St. Helier :

r e zo ning. P.41/93.

L o d ged: 30th March 1993

( p a ragraphs (b) and (c)).

S p o rt, Leisure and Recreation C o m mittee.

 2 .  Springfield, St. Helier :

r e zo ning (P.41/93) - report. P.52/93. P r e sented: 13th April 1993.

I s la nd Development Committee.

 3 .  Springfield, St. Helier :

p e ti tion. P.110/91.

L o d ged: 30th July 1991.

D  ep uty P.A. Bailhache of St. Helier .

 4 .  Springfield, St. Helier :

p e ti tion (P.110/91) - report. P.51/93. P r e sented: 13th April 1993.

I s la nd Development

C o m mittee.

Arrangement of Public Business for the next Sitting on 27th July 1993

THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe'' should be considered at the

next Sitting on 27th July 1993 -

D raft Licensing (No. 7) (Jersey) R egulations 199. P.68/93.

L odged: 25th May 1993.

T ourism Committee.

D raft Public Health (Control of Building) ( Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 199 . P .73/93.

L odged: 8th June 1993.

I sland Development Committee.

D raft Post Office (Amendment) (Jersey) Law

1 99 . P.81/93.

C ommittee for Postal A dministration.

Le Riches Stores Limited, Red Houses, St. Brelade - car park development: petition. P.83/93

Senator Nigel Lewis Quérée presented to the States a petition of residents in the

neighbourhood of Red Houses asking the States to grant the prayer of the petition and request the Island Development Committee to reconsider its decision to give planning permission to Le

Riches Stores Limited to build a two-storey car park development at Red Houses, St. Brelade.

THE STATES referred the said petition to the Island Development Committee and lodged au Greffe'' a proposition of Senator Quérée to the effect that the prayer of the petition be


English as a second language. Questions and answers. (Tape No. 193)

Deputy Maurice Clement Buesnel of St. Helier asked the Connétable of St. Lawrence, President of the Education Committee the following questions -

1.  W ould the President say how many

ch i l d re n with English as a first

la n g u a ge entered the States'

p ri m a r y and secondary educational sy s t e m during the years 1988 to

1 9 9 2 ?

 2 .  Would the President confirm that the

n u m ber of children speaking English as a s e cond language, entering the

I s la nd's primary and secondary States'

s c h ools between the years 1988 to 1992 a v e raged 50 pupils a year?

 3 .  Is it correct that in the autumn term

o f 1 992, after the lifting of work

p e r mit controls on continental persons s e e king work in the Island, a further

8 2 pupils with English as a second

l a ng uage were enrolled on States'

s c h ool's registers?

4 .  Would the President state the total c o s ts per pupil of educating primary a n d secondary school-children within t h e Island's educational system?''

The President of the Education Committee replied as follows -

1.  T he Department does not keep

st a ti s ti cs relating to children,

w h o s e first language is English, en t e r in g States' schools having m o v e d to the Island. It is not

p o ss i b le therefore, to answer

D e p u ty Buesnel's question.

 2 .  Two surveys of children whose first

l a ng uage was not English were carried

o u t in 1988 and 1992 and, on the basis

o f t hose results, the average number of

s u c h pupils entering primary and

s e c ondary education for the first time is e stimated to be 60 a year.

 3 .  Yes. Between 7th September and 2nd

N  o vember 1992, 82 children whose first l a ng uage was not English entered

S t a tes' schools.

 4 .  The cost of education of pupils at non f e e paying primary schools in 1992 was

£2 , 106 per child a year and for

s e c ondary schools £3,092 per child a

y e a r.''

Appointment of Industrial Relations Advisory Officer - statement

The President of the Industrial Relations Committee made a statement in the following terms -

  The Industrial Relations Committee wishes  t o inform the States that it has appointed

M r. Peter John Davis to replace Mr. Vernon

 C avey as Industrial Relations Advisory

O fficer with effect from 1st December 1993. M r. Davis will commence his employment on 4 th October and will work with the present

 p ostholder until his retirement on 30th

 N ovember.

M r. Davis is a Jersey resident, aged 53

y ears, and is presently employed as an

E states Officer with the Housing

D epartment. He was born in England during t he war, but in 1948 his family returned to t he Island and he continued his education a t de la Salle College.

H e has a wide experience in industrial

r elations on both sides of employment,

h aving served for 14 years in the Royal Air F orce as an electronics fitter, followed by

s even years with a computer engineering

c ompany in Scotland. On returning to the Island in 1977 he worked in management for t wo local companies and joined the Civil

S ervice three years ago.

M r. Davis is married, with three children, a nd he lives in the parish of Trinity where h e is currently a Centenier.''

Sport, Leisure and Recreation Committee - Chief Executive Officer: release from contract

Prior to the consideration of a proposition of

the Establishment Committee that the States support the action taken with regard to the release from contract of the Chief Executive Officer of the Sport, Leisure and Recreation Department, the President of the Committee, Senator Richard Joseph Shenton, under Standing Order 46(1), moved That strangers do withdraw''.

Deputy Stuart Syvret of St. Helier proposed that, under Standing Order 47, Standing Order 46(1) be suspended to allow the States to discuss whether to debate the proposition

in camera.

Members present voted on the proposition of Deputy Syvret as follows -

P o u r'' (24) Senators

J eune, Rothwell, Le Maistre, Carter, Q uérée, Chinn.

Connétable s

S t. John, St. Clement, St. Mary , Trinity , S t. Martin, St. Helier.


B lampied(H), St. John, H. Baudains(C), B uesnel(H), Le Sueur(H), St. Ouen ,

C outanche(L), Grouville , Le Fondré(L), W alker(H), Syvret(H), Pullin(S).

C o n tre'' (24) Senators

 B innington, Horsfall, Le Main, Stein. Connétable s

S t. Lawrence, St. Ouen, St. Brelade , S t. Peter, Grouville , St. Saviour.


L e Gallais(S), Rumboll(H), Wavell(S),

S t. Peter, Jordan(B), St. Mary,

B ailhache(H), Rabet(H), S. Baudains(H), C larke-Halifax(S), St. Martin, Le Geyt(S), C respel(H), Trinity .

Senator Shenton abstained from voting.

The President of the Assembly exercised his casting vote for the suspension of Standing Order 46(1).

THE STATES then debated the proposition of the President of the Establishment Committee that the proposition regarding the release from her contract of the Chief Executive Officer of the Sport, Leisure and Recreation Department be debated  in camera.

Members present voted for the debate in camera as follows -

P o u r'' (33) Senators

S henton, Jeune , Binnington, Le Main, Le M aistre, Carter, Stein, Chinn.

Connétable s

S t. Lawrence, St. Ouen, St. Brelade , S t. Peter, Grouville , St. Saviour.


L e Gallais(S), Rumboll(H), Wavell(S),

S t. Peter, H. Baudains(C), Le Sueur(H),

C outanche(L), Jordan(B), St. Mary,

B ailhache(H), Rabet(H), S. Baudains(H), C larke-Halifax(S), St. Martin, Le Geyt(S), W alker(H), Crespel(H), Pullin(S), Trinity .

C o n tre'' (17) Senators

 H orsfall, Rothwell, Quérée. Connétable s

S t. John, St. Clement, St. Mary , Trinity , S t. Martin, St. Helier.


B eadle(B), Blampied(H), St. John, B uesnel(H), St. Ouen, Grouville , Le F ondré(L), Syvret(H).

The Bailiff , in accordance with Standing Order 46(1), ordered the withdrawal of strangers and the closing of the doors of the Chamber.

Sport, Leisure and Recreation - Chief Executive Officer: release from contract

THE STATES, having deliberated thereon in camera, proceeded to vote in public

assembly and, adopting a proposition of the Establishment Committee, supported the action taken with regard to the release of Miss Mary Frances Alexander from her contract as Chief Executive Officer of the Sport, Leisure and Recreation Department.

Members present voted as follows -

P o u r'' (44) Senators

J eune, Binnington, Horsfall, Le Main, Le M aistre, Carter, Stein, Chinn.

Connétable s

S t. John, St. Clement, St. Lawrence, St. M ary, St. Ouen, St. Brelade , Trinity , St. M artin, St. Peter , Grouville , St. Helier , S t. Saviour.


L e Gallais(S), Rumboll(H), Wavell(S), B lampied(H), St. John, St. Peter, H. B audains(C), Buesnel(H), Le Sueur(H), St. O uen, Coutanche(L), Jordan(B), St. Mary, B ailhache(H), Rabet(H), S. Baudains(H),

C larke-Halifax(S), Le Fondré(L), St.

M artin, Le Geyt(S), Walker (H), Crespel(H), P ullin(S), Trinity .

C o n tre'' (4) Senators

 R othwell, Quérée.


 G rouville, Syvret(H).

Senator Shenton abstained from voting.

Les Quennevais School, St. Brelade : approval of drawings

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Education Committee -

 ( a) approved drawings Nos. A/01, A/004,

A  /0 06, A/008, A/010, A/25-28, A/30-35, A  /4 0-49, A/53, A/56-58, A/60, A/69-93, A  /9 5-105, A/153-154, A/158-159, A/170- 1 7 2 and D110 showing the construction

o f s ix new classrooms at Les Quennevais

S c h ool and the repair and structural

u p g rading of existing buildings;

 ( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said drawings on behalf of t h e States.

Midland Bank Trust Corporation (Jersey) Limited (Jersey) Law 1993. P.77/93

THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Midland Bank Trust Corporation (Jersey) Limited (Jersey) Law 1993.

Postal Headquarters: purchase of land at Rue des Prés, St. Saviour. P.74/93

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Committee for Postal Administration -

 ( a) agreed to the purchase on behalf of the p u b lic, from Rue des Prés Properties

L i m ited, for the purpose of

c o n structing a new postal headquarters,

o f l and and buildings known as Units 1 a n d 2, La Rue Grellier, Rue des Prés

T r ading Estate, Longueville, St.

S a v iour, shown on drawing No. 385/1, f o r the sum of £2,200,000, with each

p a r ty being responsible for the payment

o f i ts own legal fees, and to authorise

t h e Greffier of the States to sign the

s a id drawings on behalf of the States;

 ( b) authorised the payment or discharge of

t h e expenses to be incurred in

c o n nexion with the acquisition of the

s a id land and all interests therein

f ro m the Island Development Committee's v o t e of credit Acquisition of Land -

M  a jor Reserve' (vote C.0904);

 ( c) authorised the Attorney General and the G  re ffier of the States to pass on

b e h alf of the public any contract which

i t w as found necessary to pass in

c o n nexion with the acquisition of the

s a id land and buildings and any

i n te rest therein;

 ( d) authorised the transfer of

a d m inistration of the land and

b u i ldings at the property known as

P o s tal Headquarters, Mont Millais, St. H  el ier, shown on drawing No. 385/2, to t h e Island Development Committee.

Jersey Transport Authority: composition. P.39/93

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of Deputy Patricia Ann Bailhache of St. Helier , agreed to amend their Acts, dated 10th June 1980 and 5th May 1987, regarding the constitution of the Jersey Transport Authority, and agreed that, when the new States appointed Presidents and Committees in December 1993, the Authority should comprise -

a Chairman, being a Member of the States a nd appointed by the States;

t ogether with one representative of t he following Committees -

H  ar bours and Airport

A  g riculture and Fisheries T o u rism;

a s well as three Members of the

S tates appointed by the States on the r ecommendation of the Chairman.

Criminal Justice (Standard Scale of Fines) (Jersey) Law 1993. P.58/93

THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Criminal Justice (Standard Scale of Fines) (Jersey) Law 1993.

Departments of the Judiciary and the Legislature (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1993. P.59/93

THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Departments of the Judiciary and

the Legislature (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1993.

Jersey Amateur Dramatic Club: loan. P.61/93

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Finance and Economics Committee -

 ( i) approved a loan to the Jersey Amateur D  ra matic Club to assist with its

p u r chase of a disused, outdated

a g r icultural out-building at Fairview

F a r m, La Hougue Bie, St. Saviour ;

 ( ii)  a greed that the loan should not

ex c e e d £100,000 and was to be

re p a i d over a period not exceeding

2 0 y e a rs, at a rate of interest of

5 p e r c ent a year, in instalments

ag r e e d by the Finance and

E c o n o mics Committee. The loan was to b e r egistered against the

p ro p e r ty which had to be kept in

g o o d m aterial order.

Loi (No. 5) (1993) concernant la charge de Juge d'Instruction. P.72/93

THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Loi (No. 5) (1993) concernant la charge de Juge d'Instruction.

Policing of Parks (Amendment No. 9) (Jersey) Regulations 1993. P.75/93

THE STATES, in exercise of the powers conferred upon them by the Order in Council of the twenty- sixth day of December 1851, Article 49 of the Road Traffic (Jersey) Law 1956, as

amended, and the Policing of Roads, Parks and Sea Beaches (Application of Fines) (Jersey) Law 1957, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Policing of Parks (Amendment No. 9) (Jersey) Regulations 1993.

Waterfront Enterprise Board: appointment of members. P.76/93

THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of the Policy and Resources Committee regarding the appointment of members of the Waterfront Enterprise Board and appointed Mr. Richard Blakeney Wade, O.B.E., as Chairman.

The Committee nominated Deputy Robin Ernest Richard Rumboll of St. Helier , Deputy Leonard Norman of St. Clement and Deputy Frank Harris on Walker of St. Helier to be appointed to the

Board as Members of the States, and Deputy

Stuart Syvret of St. Helier nominated Senator

Corrie Stein and Senator Nigel Lewis Quérée to

so be appointed. The States having proceeded to

a secret ballot, the Bailiff declared that

Deputy Rumboll, Deputy Walker and Deputy Norman had been appointed to serve on the Board.

The Committee then nominated Mr. Albert Burgess and Mr. Jock Campbell Russell to be appointed to the Board as non-States Members and Deputy Stuart Syvret nominated Mr. Derek Mason to be

so appointed. The States having proceeded to a secret ballot, the Bailiff declared that Mr.

Burgess and Mr. Russell had been appointed to serve on the Board.

The results of the ballots were as follows -

M embers of the States

D eputy Rumboll 4 1 v o t e s  D eputy Walker 4 0 v o te s D eputy Norman 2 6 v o te s S enator Quérée 2 0 v o t e s  S enator Stein 1 7 v o te s

N on-States members

M r. Russell 3 9 v o te s M r. Burgess 3 7 v o te s M r. Mason 2 0 v o te s .

THE STATES thereupon adopted the proposition of the Policy and Resources Committee and appointed the following persons to act as chairman and members of the Waterfront Enterprise Board, on terms agreed by the Policy and Resources Committee -

Mr. Richard Blakeney Wade, O.B.E., Chairman

Members of the States

Deputy Robin Ernest Richard Rumboll of St. Helier

Deputy Leonard Norman of St. Clement

Deputy Frank Harris on Walker of St. Helier

Non-States members

Mr. Albert Burgess

Mr. Jock Campbell Russell.

Liquid waste disposal: storage tank. P.80/93

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Public Services Committee, agreed, in principle, that Committee's proposals for the construction of a foul water storage tank under Fort Regent, as

set out in its report dated 7th June 1993.

La Collette factory units: leasing

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Island Development Committee, suspended Standing Order No. 18 to allow the proposition of that

Committee regarding the leasing of La Collette Factory Units to be considered at the present Sitting; and

 ( a) authorised the leasing on behalf of

t h e public to Chinq Holdings Limited

o f -

( i) 29,133 square feet of land at La C o ll e tt e, shown on drawing

N o . O 1 216A, at a ground rental ca l c u la ted at 80 pence a square

fo o t f o r the footprint of the

b u il d in g (totalling 16,469 square

fe e t ) fo r a period of 42 years,

fo r t h e purpose of constructing

f a c tory units on the strict

co n d i t ion that they be sub-let to

in d i v id ual businesses identified

an d a p proved by the Island

D e v e lo pment Committee as suitable to o c cu py the units, the ground

re n t a l to be subject to review

ev e r y three years in accordance

w i th o pen market value;

( ii ) 3,720 square feet of land at La C o ll e tt e at a rental of 20 pence a sq u a r e foot for a period of 42

y ea r s f or the purpose of vehicle p ar k i n g directly associated with th e u se of the factory units,

su b j e c t to review every three

y ea r s i n accordance with open

m a r k e t value;

 ( b) authorised the Attorney General and

G  re ffier of the States to pass on

b e h alf of the public any contract which i t is found necessary to pass in

c o n nexion with the leasing of the said l a nd ;

 ( c) authorised the Treasurer of the States t o r eceive the payments as they become d u e .

Connétable of Trinity - retirement.

The Bailiff referred to the impending retirement of Mr. Leonard Picot, Connétable of Trinity , and thanked him on behalf of the States for his services to the Island.


THE STATES then adjourned, having agreed that the oustanding items of Public Business should stand over until the next meeting.

THE STATES rose at 5.12 p.m.

G . H .C . C O PPOCK G re f fi e r o f the States.