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STATES MINUTES 26t h M ay 199 3
T HE STATES assembled on Wednesday, 26t h May 1993 at 9.30 a.m. under
t he Presidency of the Bailiff ,
S i r P eter Crill, C.B.E.
__ _______ ___
His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, Air Marshall Sir John Sutton, K.C.B.
w as pr e sent.
__ _______ ___
All Members were present with the exception of -
S enator John Stephen Rothwell - out of the I sland.
S enator Terence John Le Main - out of the I sland
M alcolm Pollard, Connétable of St. Peter - i ll.
M argaret Sylvia Rose Beadle, Deputy of St. B relade - out of the Island.
M ichael Adam Wavell, Deputy of St.
S aviour - out of the Island.
T erence Augustine Le Sueur , Deputy of St. H elier - out of the Island.
T homas James Jordan, Deputy of St.
B relade - ill.
__ _______ ___
P r aye rs
__ _______ ___
Strategic Policy - Review and Action Plan 1993. P.60/93
THE STATES continued discussion of the proposition of the Policy and Resources Committee on the Strategic Policy - Review and Action Plan for 1993 and -
4 . accepted paragraphs 6.0-6.31 of the
r ep ort as a general statement of policy i n r espect of the public sector and, in
par ticular -
( a ) endorsed the overall budget
st r at e gy of the Finance and
E co nom ics Committee, as set out in pa r agr aphs 6.5-6.7, the overall
ca s h l i mits for non-trading
C om m ittees for 1994 and 1995, as se t ou t in paragraph 6.8, and the
ca s h l i mits for each of the non-
t rad i ng Committees for 1994, as
se t ou t in Appendix 6 of the
repor t;
( b ) approved the recommended list of ca pi tal projects for 1994, as set
out i n t ables A, B and C of
A ppen dix 7 of the report;
( c ) approved the recommended list of pr i or i t y capital projects for
199 5 -199 7, as set out in table D
of A ppendi x 7 of the report;
( d ) endorsed the manpower policy, as se t ou t in paragraphs 6.19-6.22 of the r epor t.
THE STATES rose at 4.35 p.m.
G .H .C . C O P P O C K G r ef fi e r of the States.