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States Minutes 21st June 1994

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STATES MINUTES 21s t J une 19 94

T HE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 21s t June 1994 at 9.30 a.m. under

t he Presidency of the Bailiff ,

S i r P eter Crill, C.B.E.

__ _______ ___

His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, Air Marshal Sir John Sutton, K.C.B.,

w as pr e sent.

__ _______ ___

All Members were present with the exception of -

P ercy John Le Masurier, Deputy of St. O uen - out of the Island.

__ _______ ___

P r aye rs

__ _______ ___

Tribute to the late Mrs. J.M. du Feu, former Member of the House

The Deputy Bailiff paid tribute to the late Mrs. Joan Marion du Feu, a former Deputy of St. Helier .

THE STATES observed one minute's silence as a mark of respect.

Subordinate legislation tabled

The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -

1 . Road Traffic (Saint Helier)

( A m endment No. 24) (Jersey) Order 1994. R & O 8689.

2 . Battle of Flowers (Jersey) Order 1994. R & O 8690.

Matter presented

The following matter was presented to the States -

S tates of Jersey Police Force:

r eport for 1993 - R.C.14/94.

P resented by the Defence Committee.

T HE STATES ordered that the said report be p rinted and distributed.

Matters noted - land transactions

THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 13th June 1994, showing that, in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved -

( a) as recommended by the Island

D e vel opment Committee, the lease to the S un B owls Club of the pavilion and

gr ounds at the OTC site, St. Helier ,

f or a pe riod of two years from 1st

J anu ary 1994, at an annual rent of

£ 2,000 payable monthly in advance,

s ubj ect to a review of the terms on a

com mercial basis in line with similar

pr op erties on the open market upon the

t rans fer of the administration of the

pr op erty to the Sport, Leisure and

R ecr eation Committee;

( b) as recommended by the Island

D e vel opment Committee, the lease from

Wi ng C ommander Richard Henry Brayn Le B r ocq of The Flat, Highfield, St.

S avi our, for a period of seven months

f rom 1st March 1994, with an option to

ext end f or a further term, at an annual

r en t of £7,260 payable monthly in

adva nce;

( c) as recommended by the Island

D e vel opment Committee, the renewal of t he l ease from Mr. Robert Charles Hamon of L ittle Arch, Pigneaux, Maufant, St.

S avi our, for a period of one year from

25t h March 1994 until 24th March 1995, at an an nual rent of £10,500 payable

quar terly in advance;

( d) as recommended by the Sport, Leisure and R ecreation Committee, the

acqu isition of Field No. 373, Les

C r eux , St. Brelade (measuring

appr oximately 2.20.0 vergées) from Mr. R onal d Charles Le Luan and Mrs. Betty de C arteret Le Luan, née Tomes, for a cons ideration of £12,500, representing a r ate of £5,000 a vergée, with the

C om mittee being responsible for all

l egal expenses incurred as a direct

r es ul t of the transaction, subject to

t he f ollowing conditions -

( i) that should the land be developed for a ny pur pose other than

recr eat ional within 21 years, the

pub li c w ould be liable to pay to

the ve ndor a sum equivalent to any di f fer e nce in the value for its

ex i s ti n g use and the value of the

land w hen such alternative

de vel opm ent took place; and

( ii ) i  n addition, should the public pay

in exc es s of open market value (as

de f i ned by the Royal Institution

of C har tered Surveyors) for land

in t h e L a Moye area for the

pur pos e of inclusion within the

pr opos ed golf course, then the

pub li c w ould also be liable to pay

the ve ndor a sum equivalent to the

am oun t a vergée over and above the ex i s ti n g use value in that

ins tance , again within a time

li m i t of 21 years;

( e) as recommended by the Public S er vices Committee -

( i) the acquisition from Mr. Paul

A nt hony G rieve and Mrs. Maiza

M ans f ield Grieve, née Vincente, of an ar e a of land (measuring

140 s qua re feet) at the property

K er -M aria, La Route Orange, St.

B r el a de, f ree of charge, with the

C om m ittee being responsible for

al l r ea s onable legal fees involved

in t h e t ransaction and the cost of

the ac com modation works involved; an d

( ii ) t  he entering into a Contrat de

B or nem ent with Mr. Paul Anthony G r ieve and Mrs. Maiza Mansfield G r ieve , née Vincente, to clarify

the s o ut hern boundary of the

pr oper ty Ker-Maria, La Route

O r a nge, S t. Brelade, and an

A gr e em ent regarding certain

dr ai nage service rights in

co nnexi on with the public sewer

lai d at t he rear of the property, w i th ea ch party being responsible for i ts ow n legal costs;

( f) as recommended by the Public

S er vices Committee, the purchase from L e M aistre Bros. (Growers) Limited of 1,156 s quare feet of land at Peacock

F ar m, La Rue de Dielament, Trinity , for a co nsideration of £1,156, with the

C om mittee being responsible for all

l egal fees involved in the

t rans action.

Matters lodged

The following subjects were lodged au Greffe'' -

1 . Draft Protection against

I oni sing Radiations (Repeal) (Jersey) R egul ations 199 - P.82/94.

P r es ented by the Social Security

C om mittee.

2 . 7 Springfield Crescent, St.

H e l ier: sale to Nemo Charitable A s s ociation - P.83/94.

P r es ented by the Housing

C om mittee.

Arrangement of public business for the next meeting on 26th July 1994

THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe'' should be considered at the

next meeting on 26th July 1994 -

1 . Draft Inquests and Post

Mor tem Examinations (Jersey) Law 199 - P .53/ 94.

L odged : 26th April 1994.

L egi slation Committee.

2 . Draft Policing of Roads (Amendment N o . 5 ) (Jersey) Regulations 199 -

P .55/ 94.

L odged : 26th April 1994.

D e f ence Committee.

3 . Draft Licensing (No. 8) (Jersey) R egul ations 199 - P.71/94.

L odged : 24th May 1994.

T our ism Committee.

Strategic Policy Review and Action Plan 1994 - P.74/94

THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of the Policy and Resources Committee on the Strategic Policy Review and Action Plan 1994.

THE STATES rejected an amendment of Deputy Alistair John Layzell of St. Brelade that, in paragraph 7.1(iii) of the report, for the

figures 82,000 there shall be substituted the figures 80,000'', and accepted amendments of Deputy Alan Breckon of St. Saviour that in paragraph 8.1 of the report there should be added sub-paragraph (v) To promote and support a more diverse industrial base'' and in paragraph 8.7 of the report there should be added sub-paragraph (v) Encourage and support manufacturing goods for local and export markets''.

Members present voted on the amendment of Deputy Layzell as follows -

P our '' (20) Senators

L e Maistre, Quérée, Syvret. Connétable s

G rouville, Trinity , St. Martin , St. Ouen . Deputies

H . Baudains(C), S. Baudains(H), Trinity , C arter(H), Johns(H), Matthews(B),

R outier(H), Dorey(H), Layzell(B),

B reckon(S), Grouville , Huet(H), St. Martin .

C ont re'' (31) Senators

S henton, Jeune , Horsfall, Rothwell, Le M ain, Stein, Chinn, Bailhache , Tomes.

Connétable s

S t. John, St. Clement , St. Lawrence , St. M ary, St. Brelade , St. Peter , St.

S aviour.


R umboll(H), Wavell(S), Norman(C), St. John , S t. Peter, Le Sueur (H), Coutanche(L),

H uelin(B), St. Mary , Le Fondré(L), Le

G eyt(S), Walker (H), Crespel(H), Pullin(S),

D uhamel(S).

Paragraph 1 was adopted.

Members present voted on paragraph 1 as follows -

P our '' (44) Senators

J eune, Horsfall, Rothwell, Le Main, Le M aistre, Stein, Quérée, Chinn, Bailhache .

Connétable s

S t. John, St. Clement , St. Lawrence , St. M ary, St. Brelade , St. Peter , St. Helier , S t. Saviour, Trinity .


R umboll(H), Wavell(S), Norman(C), St. John , S t. Peter, H. Baudains(C), Le Sueur (H),

C outanche(L), Huelin(B), St. Mary ,

S . Baudains(H), Le Fondré(L), Le Geyt(S), W alker(H), Crespel(H), Pullin(S), Trinity ,

C arter(H), Johns(H), Duhamel(S),

R outier(H), Layzell(B), Breckon(S),

G rouville, Huet(H), St. Martin .

C ont re'' (3) Senator

S yvret.


M atthews(B), Dorey(H).

Change in Presidency

During consideration of the proposition

on the Strategic Policy Review and Action Plan 1994 the Deputy Bailiff retired from the Chamber. The debate continued under the Presidency of the Bailiff , Sir Peter Crill, C.B.E.

Road Traffic (No. 44) (Jersey) Regulations 1994 - P.76/94

THE STATES, in pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Order in Council of the twenty-

sixth day of December 1851 and Article 49 of the Road Traffic (Jersey) Law 1956, as

amended, made Regulations entitled the Road Traffic (No. 44) (Jersey) Regulations 1994.


THE STATES then adjourned until the next day, Wednesday, 22nd June 1994, at 9.30 a.m.

THE STATES rose at 5.46 p.m.

G .H .C . C O P P O C K G r ef fi e r of the States.