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States Minutes 25th October 1994

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STATES MINUTES 2 5 t h O ct ober 1994

T HE STATES assembled on Tuesday,  25th October 1994 at 9.30 a.m. under

t h e Presidency of the Bailiff ,

S i r P eter Crill, C.B.E.

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______

All Members were present with the exception of -

S enator Terence John Le Main - out of the

I sland

E nid Clare Quenault, Connétable of St.

B relade - out of the Island

R obin Ernest Richard Rumboll, Deputy of St. H elier - out of the Island

T erence Augustine Le Sueur, Deputy of St. H elier - out of the Island

F rank Harris on Walker , Deputy of St.

H elier - out of the Island

A lan Breckon, Deputy of St. Saviour - out

o f the Island.

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______

P r a y e rs

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______

Lord Wakeham

The Bailiff welcomed to the House The Rt. Hon. the Lord Wakeham, Leader of the House of Lords.

Subordinate legislation tabled

The following enactment was laid before the States, namely -

R oad Traffic (Saint

L awrence) (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Order 1 994. R & O 8152.

Matter noted - land transaction

THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 17th October 1994, showing that, in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved, as recommended by the Public Health Committee, the lease from Mrs. Joan Annie Perrée, née Swift, of the property

Flat 1, 73 Rouge Bouillon, St. Helier, for a

period of one year from 19th October 1994, at an annual rent of £6,240, with an option to renew for a further period of one year.

Matters lodged

The following subjects were lodged au Greffe'' -

 1 .   St. Martin 's Arsenal infill:

a p p roval of drawings - P.128/94. P r e sented by the Housing

C o m mittee.

 2 .  Construction industry: grant of l ic e nces. P.129/94.

P r e sented by the Finance and

E c o nomics Committee.

 3 .  Draft Sea-Fisheries

( M  iscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment N  o . 9) (Jersey) Regulations

1 9 9  - P.130/94.

P r e sented by the Agriculture and

F i s heries Committee.

 4 .  Springfield, St. Helier :

p u r chase and relocation of Royal Jersey A  g ricultural and Horticultural

S o c iety - P.131/94.

P r e sented by the Island

D  ev elopment Committee.

Arrangement of public business for the present meeting

THE STATES acceded to the request of the President of the Public Health Committee that consideration of the draft Medicines (Jersey) Law 199 (P.106/94 - lodged au Greffe'' on 23rd August 1994) be deferred from the present meeting to a later date.

THE STATES acceded to the request of the President of the Harbours and Airport Committee that consideration of the proposition regarding the operation of jet aircraft at the States of Jersey Airport (P.127/94 - lodged au Greffe'' on 11th October 1994) be deferred from the present meeting to a later date.

The following amendment to the abovementioned proposition was lodged au Greffe'' -

S tates of Jersey Airport: operation

o f jet aircraft P.127/94 - amendment - P .132/94.

P resented by Deputy A.J. Layzell of S t. Brelade.

Arrangement of public business for the next meeting on 8th November 1994

THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe'' should be considered at the

next meeting on 8th November 1994 -

S t. Martin's Arsenal infill: approval of d rawings - P.128/94.

L odged: 25th October 1994.

H ousing Committee.

D raft Sea-Fisheries

( Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment N o. 9) (Jersey) Regulations 199  -

P .130/94.

L odged: 25th October 1994.

Agriculture and Fisheries

C ommittee.

S pringfield, St. Helier : purchase and

r elocation of Royal Jersey Agricultural and H orticultural Society - P.131/94.

L odged: 25th October 1994.

I sland Development Committee.

Projet withdrawn

THE STATES noted that, in accordance with Standing Order 17(6), the following subject had been withdrawn -

D raft Firearms (Jersey) Law 199  - P .161/93.

L odged: 19th October 1993.

D efence Committee.

International Labour Organisation conventions -

question and answer. (Tape No. 255)

Deputy Gary Matthews of St. Brelade asked Senator Reginald Robert Jeune , President of the Policy and Resources Committee, the following question -

  Will the President inform the States

 w hich International Labour Organisation  c onventions apply to Jersey?''

The President of the Policy and Resources Committee replied as follows -

  International Labour Organisation

 c onventions that apply to Jersey are shown

o n the list which has been placed on

M embers desks. (See list at

 A ppendix)

Public sector pay issues - questions and answers. (Tape No. 255)

Deputy Gary Matthews of St. Brelade asked Deputy Leonard Norman of St. Clement , Vice-President of the Establishment the following questions -

1.  W ill the Vice-President advise the

S ta t e s which International Labour O r g a n isation conventions, if any,

th e E s tablishment Committee

co n s i d ers when formulating

p o li c ie s with regard to public

se c t o r pay issues?

 2 .  Will the Vice-President explain the p u r pose of the PE International

C o m parability Study and Survey of S a l aries and Benefits (1990)?

 3 .  Will the Vice-President agree to

r e le ase the PE report to the media and t h e general public, if this has not

a l re ady been done?

 4 .  Will the Vice-President agree that in t h e PE report, in comparison to like

j o bs in the public and private sectors, t h er e was a greater remuneration

p a c kage found in the private sector?

 5 .  Is the Vice-President happy with the c u r rent policies on financial

a r ra ngements relating to the voluntary r e d undancy policy, and, in particular, i s th e President aware that several

S t a tes' Committees are not accepting a p p lications for voluntary redundancy u n d er the present financial

a r ra ngements, believing that if they

w  er e accepted they might compromise b o t h finances and resources?''

The Vice-President of the Establishment Committee replied as follows -

1.  T here are 40 International Labour

O r g a n isation conventions in force in Je r s ey, of which only a small

n u m b e r relate to public sector

p ay .

I a m sure that the Deputy will

a p p reciate that whenever the

E s t ablishment Committee formulates pay p o l icies its prime concerns are the

a m o unt the States can afford and how

t h e pay levels of public sector

e m p loyees compare with those of other g r o ups in Jersey.

T h e Establishment Committee believes

t h at its current pay policy is fully

j u st ified on both counts, particularly

w  h en compared with the situation in the

U  n ited Kingdom and elsewhere where tens

o f t housands of public sector jobs have

b e e n and are continuing to be axed.

 2 .  A Working Party was set up as part of t h e 1989/90 pay agreement with the

a s s ociations representing Civil Service s ta f f. This had, as its brief, to

i d en tify the remuneration for

c o m parable employment in the private s e c tor. It agreed that this would be

a c h ieved by inviting a consultant to

u n d ertake a comparability survey of

s a la ries and benefits. The consultant

c h o sen was PE International.

 3 .  No. It will be appreciated by

S t a tes Members that salary and benefit s u r veys are sensitive documents and are n o t , therefore, normally released for

g e n eral consumption. As a result, the

E s t ablishment Committee of the day

r e st ricted circulation to States'

M  e mbers, chief officers, the staff

a s s ociations and participating

o r g anisations.

T h e PE report was based on 1990 data a n d since that year the financial and

e m p loyment situations within the Island h a v e become radically different.

T h e Committee feels it wholly

i n ap propriate to make the report a v a ilable to the media and general p u b lic when it is known to be out

o f d ate and, therefore, seriously m  is leading.

 4 .  No. Although it might be possible to

i d en tify examples where this is true,

P E stated that the most significant

b a s is for comparison is the median

t o ta l cash levels' and the report

c l ea rly shows the Civil Service leading t h e private sector in this respect.

T h e 1993 Hay Compensation Report: J e rs ey - Financial' shows clearly that

t h e public sector is paying more in

b a s ic salaries than the finance Sector. F o r the lower graded Civil Service jobs t h e Hay Survey showed that the public s e c tor was leading the market in the

I s la nd, and indeed was dragging

s a la ries upwards. It is important, of

c o u rse, to recognise that this is

c o m paring the public sector with the

f in a nce sector, i.e. the market leader

i n t he Island and not comparing it with t h e general run of private sector

o r g anisations which tend to pay lower s a la ries.

F u r ther evidence of this is in the very l a rg e numbers of applicants for

r e ce ntly advertised Civil Service posts a n d the minimal number of civil

s e rv ants resigning their positions to

t a ke up posts in the private sector.

 5 .  I confirm that I am currently happy

w  it h the policies on financial

a r ra ngements relating to the voluntary r e d undancy policy. Having said that

t h ey are constantly under review and t h e Establishment Committee will not h e s itate to recommend changes if they b e c ome necessary.

I a m only aware of one department

( P u blic Services, of which Committee

t h e Deputy is a member) which is

c o n sidering not accepting requests for

v o l untary early retirement and

v o l untary redundancy. However, I am

h o p eful that this matter will soon be

r e so lved, both for the benefit of the

b e tt er management of resources in that

d e p artment, and for those employees who w  is h to avail themselves of these

o p p ortunities.

T h e States Personnel Department is

c u r rently actively working with all the

o t h er major employing and administering d e p artments on requests received from m em bers of their staff.''

Inert waste: Public Services Committee - question and answer. (Tape No. 255)

Senator Stuart Syvret asked Deputy Dereck André Carter of St. Helier , President of the Public Services Committee, the following question -

  The Public Services Committee has

 r ecently applied for permission to dump

  inert waste' in the new reclamation sites.

W ill the President inform the States if the C ommittee defines incinerator ash as inert w aste'?''

The President of the Public Services Committee replied as follows -


Inert waste: Island Development Committee - questions and answers. (Tape No. 255)

Senator Stuart Syvret asked the Connétable of St. John, President of the Island Development Committee, the following questions -

1.  W ill the President inform the

S ta t e s if the Island Development

C o m m  ittee is aware of the

co m  p o sition of the inert waste'

th a t t h e Public Services Committee in t e n d to dump in the new

re c l am  ation sites?

 2 .  Is the Committee aware of the c o m position and nature of the

i n ci nerator ash that the Public

S e r vices Committee may be intending to d u m p in the new reclamation sites?

 3 .  Is the Committee aware of local laws, a n d international conventions, both

c u r rent and pending, that relate to the e x p osure of such substances as the ash c o n tains to the marine environment?''

The President of the Island Development Committee replied as follows -

1.  T here are two sites at which the

P u b li c Services Committee intend to d u m p waste - west of Albert,

P h a se Two, and the area which will b e r e cl aimed behind the new

b re a k w ater at La Collette.

A t the moment only inert waste such as

r o c k, builders rubble and subsoil is

b e in g dumped at west of Albert, Phase

T w  o. The Public Services Committee was g r a nted, on 28th April 1994, a licence

b y the Harbours and Airport Committee, u n d er the Food and Environment

P r o tection Act, Jersey Order 1987, to

d u m p at west of Albert, Phase Two,

a b o ve the mean water springs level when t h at position is reached on the

u nderstanding that no incinerator ash

w  il l be placed below that level and

t h at appropriate means will be

u n d ertaken to ensure that material does

n o t leach out of the site.

N o thing is being dumped at La Collette a t t he moment, nor will it be until my C o m mittee has had the opportunity to e v a luate the proposals from Public

S e r vices.

I n b oth instances, Public Services

s e n ior officers have assured my

d e p artment that no incinerator ash will b e d umped until the report of their

f in d ings on the most appropriate and

e n v ironmentally sound method of

d i sp osal is published early next month. A  t that time, my Committee will be able t o c onsider the current application

f ro m that Committee.

 2 .  The report to which I have just

r e fe rred will provide my Committee with

a l l the details, including that of the

a s h composition, that it needs to

a s s ess the potential environmental

e f fe cts of the chosen method of

d i sp osal. As I have stated, no dumping

o f a sh will be permitted until the

C o m mittee is fully aware of all the

r e le vant information.

 3 .  My Committee is aware of local laws and c o n ventions relating to the exposure of

s u c h substances as the ash contains,

a n d I presume that Senator Syvret is

r e fe rring to heavy metals such as

m  er cury, cadmium and lead. The

r e le vance of any specific legislation

w  il l depend on the exact method of

d i sp osal. Thus my Committee is unable

t o p roceed further at this moment since

t h e Public Services Committee has yet

t o d ecide, and advise my Committee, on

t h e preferred method of disposal.

I t is now the accepted States policy

t o f ollow the spirit of international

c o n ventions even if not legally binding

t o J ersey. I can assure the House that

m  y Committee will consider the issue of a s h dumping on the precautionary

p r in ciple' basis which is now a part of

v i rt ually all environmental law, and is

a s p ecific requirement (Article 2,

( 2 a )) of the Paris Convention for the

P r e vention of Marine Pollution from

L a n d-based Sources. This is the most

r e le vant convention with respect to our

l o ca l reclamation and dumping schemes. I n l ayman's terms this implies that

if i n doubt, don't', or in other words

o n e should err on the side of

c a u tion.''

Foreshore adjoining the Fief de la Fosse - question and answer. (Tape No. 255)

Senator Stuart Syvret asked Senator Reginald Robert Jeune , President of the Policy and Resources Committee, the following question -

  Will the President inform the States of  t he current position of the claim by Les

 P as Holdings Limited to that part of the

 f oreshore that forms part of the Fief de la  F osse?''

The President of the Policy and Resources Committee replied as follows -

  The House should know that on Tuesday of  l ast week the Policy and Resources

 C ommittee agreed a statement that I

 i ntended to make today covering the current  p osition regarding the claim of Les Pas

 H oldings Limited to that part of the

 f oreshore adjoining the Fief de la Fosse.

 S ubsequently, on being informed of the

 S enator's question, I decided that it would

 b e more appropriate to use the agreed

 s tatement as an answer to this question.

O n 15th December 1989, Les Pas

H oldings Limited served a summons on the R eceiver General (for the Crown) and the G reffier of the States (for the public)

a ctioning them pour exhiber titre' in

r espect of the areas of foreshore named in

t he summons. These are all areas of

f oreshore adjoining the Fief de la Fosse.

A n action pour exhiber titre' is

e ffectively a challenge to the defendant's

t itle to the relevent land. In this case it

i s, effectively, a claim by the company to

t he specified areas of foreshore.

T he action was never tabled because the

R eceiver General and the Attorney General a greed with the advocate for the claimant

c ompany that it should not be tabled, but

t hat any party (the claimant company, or

t he Crown, or the public - effectively the

S tates) could table it on giving three

m onths' notice to the other parties.

B ecause the case is pending there is a

l imit to what can properly be said without

i nfringing the provisions of Standing Order 2 4. To remind the House, paragraph 2 of

S tanding Order 24 of the Standing Orders of t he States of Jersey provides that -

R e ference shall not be made to a

c a s e pending in a Court of Law in such a w  ay as, in the opinion of the

B a i liff, might prejudice the case'.

W hat can be said is that -

 1 .  The company Les Pas Holdings Limited h a s served a summons challenging the

r ig h t of the Crown and the public to

t h e various areas of foreshore, or of l a nd which has been reclaimed over the f o re shore, in the area adjoining the

F i e f de la Fosse. This includes areas

a t H avre des Pas, La Collette and west

o f A lbert.

 2 .  The States have been advised that the c l ai m is without merit and have

n o t ified the company accordingly.

 3 .  The company has informed the States' l e ga l adviser of the intention to table

t h e summons. It will be tabled on 5th

J a n uary 1995.''

Supplementary votes of credit

THE STATES considered an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 3rd October 1994 presenting Acts of the undermentioned Committees and, acceding to the requests contained therein, granted to the said Committees supplementary votes of credit out of the general reserve as

follows -

£  Finance and Economics Committee

 Non-departmental expenditure

0 603  Court and case costs, fees and ex p e n ses 3 5 0 , 0 0 0  

Defence Committee


1 201  Staff 3 1 , 1 0 0

1 203  Supplies and services 1 2 , 800

1 204  Transport 8 0 0   1 205  Establishment 2 4 , 0 0 0  

T o ta l request 6 8 , 7 0 0  Public Services Committee


2 122  Premises 1 3 5 , 0 0 0  

Public Health Committee

 Community Health Services

3 203  Supplies and services 7 0 , 000

Grants - Community Care Services 3 214  Alcohol Advice Centre and Shelter 4 9 , 2 0 0

T o ta l request 1 1 9 ,2 0 0  Tourism Committee

 Advertising, publicity and promotional


4 614  Paris office 3 5 ,2 0 0

4 616  Advertising and publicity  6 7,900 4 617  Promotional expenses 2 6 ,9 00

T o ta l request 1 3 0 ,0 0 0

£  Establishment Committee

 Pensions and pension fund contributions

5 116  Voluntary severance pay  1,500,000

 Special Committee on Freedom of Information 7 200  Miscellaneous expenses 5 , 200


 Public Services Committee

C 0389 West of Albert Pier Reclamation P h a se II 1 5 0 , 0 0 0  

Education Committee

C 2547 First Tower School - extension 130, 0 0 0

 Public Health Committee

C 2712 The Limes development 5 11,200

 Occupation and Liberation Committee

C 2502 Liberation Square 1 7 5 ,000

 Harbours and Airport Committee

C 0260 Touchdown/taxiway loop 09  490,000

The total requests granted for the

October Supply Day amounted to £3,764,300. The deferred Supply item amounted to £200,000. States Committees' vote transfers, inflation and pay awards

THE STATES noted decisions taken by the Finance and Economics Committee in accordance with sub- paragraphs (a) and (b) of paragraph (2) of

Article 18 of the Public Finances

(Administration) (Jersey) Law 1967, as amended -


 1993 (after October 1993 Supply Day)

p a y award and inflation requests £668 , 5 0 0

 1993 vote transfers (after October 1993

S u p ply Day) £ 6 ,9 3 7 , 2 52

 1994 vote transfers £ 1 , 6 1 3 ,800


 1993 inflation requests (after October 1993 S u p ply Day) £ 7 7 , 5 0 0

 1993 vote transfers  (after October 1993

S u p ply Day) £ 3 0 4 ,9 7 6  

 1994 vote transfers £ 1 1 ,9 7 7,400

 1994 inflation requests £ 9 4 3 , 100

Longbeach, Gorey - compensation: supplementary vote of credit. P.133/94

THE STATES deferred consideration of the request of the Island Development Committee for a supplementary vote of credit in the sum of £200,000 for settlement of a claim in respect of

the Longbeach development, Gorey (Vote

No. 5207 - Legal Claims Contingency).

The proposition relative thereto was lodged au Greffe'' by Senator Richard Joseph Shenton.

Jersey Transport Authority: responsibilities - P.123/94

THE States, adopting a proposition of Deputy Derek Ryder Maltwood of St. Mary -

 ( 1) agreed to constitute the Jersey

T r a nsport Authority as a Committee of t h e States under Article 28 of the

S t ates of Jersey Law 1966, with a

m em bership comprising - a P r e si dent appointed by the S ta t e s;

o n e r e presentative of each of the fo l lo w ing Committees -

A g r ic u l tu re and Fisheries, H a r b o u rs and Airport, and T o u ri s m ,

n o m i n ated by the Committee co n c e r ned; and

th r e e M embers of the States ap p o i n ted by the States;

( 2) approved the Authority's terms of r e fe rence as follows -

(a ) t o b e responsible for the

li c en s i n g of air transport

se r v ic e s between Jersey and

th e U n i te d Kingdom, the Isle

o f M  an a nd the other Channel

Is l an d s;  

(b ) t o c onsider and safeguard the Is l an d 's i nterests in all

m a t te r s c onnected with air

se r v ic e s to and from the

Is l an d;

(c ) t o c onsider and safeguard the Is l an d 's i nterests in all

m a t te r s c onnected with

sh i p p i n g services to and from th e Is l an d ;

(d ) t o h ave access to, and be

co n s u l te d by, any airline or

sh i p p i n g service operator in

al l m  a tt e rs affecting the

o p er a t io n , or proposed

o p er a t io n , of the air or

sh i p p i n g services to and from th e Is l an d ;

(e ) t o g ive attention to the way in w h i c h the air and shipping tr a n sp o rt interests of the

Is l an d c a n best be fostered

an d c o - o rdinated;

( 3) rescinded -

( a ) their Act dated 28th November

1 9 4 7 , approving the functions and co n s t it ution of the Channel

Is l an d s Air Advisory Council, and th e i r A cts dated 9th March 1948

an d 1 5 th June 1961, respectively m o d i fy ing the constitution of, and th e fu n ctions and the

re p r e se ntation of the States on,

th e C o uncil;

( b ) their Act dated 17th December

1 9 7 4 , approving the constitution,

fu n c t io ns and membership of the

C h a n n el Islands Transport Advisory C o u n c il;

( c ) their Act dated 10th June 1980,

co n s t it uting the Transport

A d v i so ry Council and modifying the re p r e se ntation of the States on

th e C h annel Islands Air Advisory

C o u n c il;

( d ) their Act dated 5th May 1967,

ch a n g i ng the name of the Transport A d v i so ry Council to the Jersey

T ra n s p ort Authority; and

( e ) their Act dated 22nd June 1993, m o d i fy ing the constitution of the Je r s e y Transport Authority;

 ( 4) noted the draft policy statement on air t ra n sport licensing set out in Appendix 1 o f the report dated 8th September

1 9 9 4 of the Jersey Transport Authority;

 ( 5) approved, in principle, the procedure f o r processing permit applications set

o u t in Appendix 2 of the said report;

 ( 6) charged the Authority to present to the S t a tes legislation to provide for the

l ic e nsing of air transport between

J e rs ey and the United Kingdom, the Isle

o f Man and the other Channel Islands,

a n d to request the Policy and Resources C o m mittee to include the drafting of

t h e legislation in the appropriate

o r d er of priority in the States

L e g islation Programme for 1994/95.

Change in Presidency

During consideration of the proposition regarding the Jersey Transport Authority the Bailiff retired from the Chamber. The debate continued under the Presidency of the Deputy Bailiff .

Jersey Transport Authority: vacancy in Presidency

The Deputy Bailiff , in accordance with Article 28(3) of the States of Jersey Law 1966, gave notice of a vacancy in the Presidency of the Jersey Transport Authority, newly constituted as a Committee of the States.

Florence Boot Cottages, Grève d'Azette, St. Clement - P.124/94

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Island Development Committee -

 ( a) authorised the termination, with

i m m ediate effect, of the existing 75

y e a r lease dated 14th May 1923, between t he public and the trustees of the

F l o rence Boot Cottages, of an area of

l a nd measuring six vergées 26 perch (as s h o wn on drawing No. 1/C/21) at Grève d 'A  zette, St. Clement;

 ( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said drawing on their

b e h alf;

 ( c) authorised the lease by the public to t h e trustees of the Florence Boot

C o t tages of the said land for a period

o f 9 9 years with effect from the

t e rm ination of the lease referred to in ( a ), for a single payment of £99; and

 ( d) authorised the Attorney General and the G  re ffier of the States pass the

n e c essary contract on behalf of the

p u b lic.

La Ville Machon, La Route des Côtes du Nord, Trinity : agricultural building in green zone - P.125/94

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Island Development Committee -

 ( a) supported the intention of the Island

D  ev elopment Committee to grant planning p e r mission for the construction of an

a g r icultural building at La Ville

M  a chon, La Route des Côtes du Nord,

T r in ity, as shown on drawing No. 441/1,

w  h ich was situated within an area

d e s ignated as green zone on the Island

M  a p, as amended, 1/87;

 ( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said drawing on their

b e h alf.

Liberation Square: approval of drawings - P.126/94

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Occupation and Liberation Committee, referred to their Acts dated 24th August and 28th September 1993, and -

 ( a) approved drawings Nos. 2894/10B, 11B, 1 2 B , 13 and 14, showing the proposed

r e d evelopment of the existing temporary L i b eration Square, Weighbridge, St.

H  el ier, as a permanent public square;

 ( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said drawings on behalf of t h e States.

Members present voted as follows -

P o ur'' (45) Senators

S henton, Jeune , Horsfall, Rothwell, Le M aistre, Stein, Quérée, Chinn, Bailhache , S yvret, Tomes.

Connétable s

S t. Clement, St. Lawrence, St. Mary, St. P eter, Grouville , St. Helier , St. Saviour, T rinity, St. Martin, St. Ouen , St. John.


W avell(S), Norman(C), St. Peter ,

H . Baudains(C), Coutanche(L), Huelin(B), S t. Mary, S. Baudains(H), Le Fondré(L), Le G eyt(S), Crespel(H), Pullin(S), Trinity ,

C arter(H), Johns(H), Duhamel(S),

M atthews(B), Routier(H), Dorey(H),

L ayzell(B), Grouville , Huet(H), St. Martin. C ontre'' (0)

THE STATES rose at 4 p.m.

  G  .H  .C . C  O P P O  C K G  re f fi e r o f the States.

A P P E  N D I X  

IN TERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANISATION C onventions in force - October 1994

Up to 16th October 1950 Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man were considered an integral part of the national metropolitan territory

of the United Kingdom. Since this date, at

the request of the United Kingdom Government, the Islands are regarded as non- metropolitan territories. Conventions

ratified after this date are applicable only under the procedure set out in Article 35 of the ILO Constitution.

1 Applicable without modification 2 Applicable with modification(s)

 C onvention T y p e o f

  D  ec l a r at i

o n

( No. 2) Unemployment 1919 1

( No. 5) Minimum Age (Industry)

1 919   1   ( No. 7) Minimum Age (Sea) 1920 1

( No. 8) Unemployment Indemnity

( Shipwreck) 1920 1  

( No. 10) Minimum Age

( Agriculture) 1921 1  

( No. 11) Right of Association

( Agriculture) 1921 1

( No. 12) Workmen's Compensation

( Agriculture) 1921 1  

( No. 15) Minimum Age (Trimmers

a nd Stokers) 1921 1  

( No. 16) Medical Examination of

Y oung Persons (Sea) 1921 1

( No. 17) Workmen's Compensation

( Accidents) 1925 1  

( No. 19) Equality of Treatment

( Accident Compensation) 1925 1  

( No. 22) Seamen's Articles of

A greement 1926 1   ( No. 24) Sickness Insurance

( Industry) 1927 1  

( No. 25) Sickness Insurance

( Agriculture) 1927 1  

( No. 29) Forced Labour 1930 (See

N o.105)  1  ( No. 32) Protection against

A ccidents (Dockers) (Revised)

1 932   1   ( No. 35) Old-Age Insurance

( Industry, etc.) 1933 1

( No. 36) Old-Age (Insurance)

( Agriculture) 1933 1

( No. 37) Invalidity Insurance

( Industry, etc.) 1933 1

( No. 38) Invalidity Insurance

( Agriculture) 1933 1

( No. 39) Survivors' Insurance

( Industry, etc.) 1933 1

( No. 40) Survivors' Insurance

( Agriculture) 1933 1

( No. 42) Workmen's Compensation

( Occupational Diseases) (Revised)

1 934   1   ( No. 44) Unemployment Provision

1 934   1   ( No. 50) Recruiting of Indigenous

W orkers 1936 1

( No. 56) Sickness Insurance (Sea)

1 936   1   ( No. 64) Contracts of (Indigenous

W orkers) 1939 1 ( No. 65) Penal Sanctions

( Indigenous Workers) 1939 1

( No. 69) Certification of Ships'

C ooks 1946 1 ( No. 74) Certification of Able

S eamen 1946 1 ( No. 81) Labour Inspection 1947  1

( No. 86) Contracts of Employment

( Indigenous Workers) 1947 1

( No. 87) Freedom of Association

a nd Protection of the Right to

O rganise 1948 1   (No. 97) Migration for Employment

( Revised) 1949 1  

( No. 98) Right to Organise and

C ollective Bargaining 1949 1

( No. 105) Abolition of Forced

L abour 1957 1 ( No. 108) Seafarers' Identity

D ocuments 1958 1   ( No. 115) Radiation Protection

1 960   1   ( No. 140) Paid Educational Leave

1 974   2   ( No. 160) Labour Statistics 1985 2