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States Assembly 20th June 1995

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STATES MINUTES 2 0 th Ju n e 1995   P ri c e : £ 2 . 2 5

T HE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 2 0th June 1995 at 9.30 a.m. under

t h e Presidency of the Bailiff ,

P hilip Martin Bailhache , Esquire

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______

All Members were present with the exception of -

J ack Roche, Connétable of St. Saviour - ill

R obin Ernest Richard Rumboll, Deputy of St. H elier - out of the Island

 S hirley Margaret Baudains, Deputy of St.

H elier - out of the Island

J ames Thomas Johns, Deputy of St. Helier - i ll

 J acqueline Jeannette Huet, Deputy of St.

H elier - absent.

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______

P r a y e rs

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______

50th Anniversary of the Liberation: loyal address - reply

The Bailiff informed the Assembly that His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor had received a letter from The Rt. Hon. Michael Howard, Q.C.,M.P., Secretary of State for Home Affairs, in the following terms -

Dear Sir John,

I have had the honour to lay before The

Q ueen the Loyal and Dutiful Address of the S tates of Jersey on the occasion of the

f iftieth anniversary of the liberation of

t he Island.

I have it in Command to convey Her

M ajesty's appreciation of the Loyal

G reetings contained in the Act of the

S tates and to say that Her Majesty looks

f orward to the continuation of the close

a nd ancient ties between the Crown and the I sland which Her Majesty values so

d eeply.

 Y ours sincerely,


Subordinate legislation tabled

The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -

 1 .  Insurance Business (Prescribed

N  u mber of Companies) (Jersey) Order 1 9 9 5. R & O 8833.

 2 .  St. Clement Fête (Jersey) Order 1 9 9 5. R & O 8834.

 3 .  Gorey Fête (Jersey) Order 1995. R & O 8835.

Matter presented

The following matter was presented to the States -

M anpower report for the period 1st

J uly to 31st December 1994. R.C.16/95.

P resented by the Establishment

C ommittee.

T HE STATES ordered that the said report be p rinted and distributed.

Matter noted - land transaction

THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 9th June 1995 showing that, in pursuance of Standing Orders relating

to certain transactions in land, the Committee

had approved, as recommended by the Planning and Environment Committee, the lease from R.R. Whittingham and Company Limited of No. 25 Providence Street, St. Helier, for occupation

by the Women's Royal Voluntary Service (WRVS), for a period of nine years from 1st July 1995

on the basis of an internal repairing lease, at

an annual rent of £12,000, with rent reviews

every three years.

Matter noted - acceptance of tender

THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 10th April 1995, showing that, in pursuance of Rule 5 of the Public Finances (General) (Jersey) Rules 1967, as amended, the Committee had noted that the Harbours and Airport Committee had accepted, allowing for the inclusion of the prime estimated costs in the main tender, the lowest tenders for the conversion of the former Huelin- Renouf warehouse, Victoria Pier (V12), Port of St. Helier , as a fish processing warehouse, amounting to £109,462, inclusive of fees, as follows -

m ain contract J.F. Marett and Son Limited s taircases Bardec Limited

 p lumbing  H . and V. Building Services

L im  it e d  

 e lectrical T. Venton.

Matters lodged

The following matters were lodged au Greffe'' -

 1 .  Field 1517, Bellozanne, St.

H el ier: extinguishment of certain r ig h ts - P.81/95.

P r e sented by the Housing

C o m mittee.

2 . Draft Anatomy and Human Tissue ( A m endment) (Jersey) Law 199 - P . 8 2/95.

P r e sented by the Public Health

C o m mittee.

 3 .  Draft Gambling (Betting)

( A m endment No. 8) (Jersey) Regulations 1 9 9 - P.83/95.

P r e sented by the Gambling

C o n trol Committee.

4 . Secondary education in Jersey: r e -o rganisation - P.84/95.

P r e sented by the Education

C o m mittee.

THE STATES noted that the following matter had been lodged au Greffe'' on 13th June 1995 -

M  o rtgage interest relief on

J e rs ey residential property - P.80/95. P r e sented by Deputy A. Breckon

o f S t. Saviour.

Arrangement of public business for the present meeting

Deputy Alan Breckon of St. Saviour withdrew his proposition regarding mortgage interest relief

on Jersey residential property (P.158/94 -

lodged au Greffe'' on 29th November 1994), having lodged au Greffe'' a revised version at the present meeting (P.80/95).

THE STATES acceded to the request of the President of the Etat Civil Committee that consideration of the draft Census (Jersey) Regulations 199 . (P.76/95 - lodged au Greffe'' on 6th June 1995) be deferred from the present meeting to 11th July 1995.

THE STATES confirmed that the following matter lodged au Greffe'' should be considered at the present meeting -

L a Colomberie/Green Street and 7 Francis S treet, St. Helier: sale and cession of

l and - P.79/95.

L odged: 6th June 1995 by Senator C. Stein. P ublic Services Committee.

Arrangement of public business for the next meeting on 11th July 1995

THE STATES confirmed that the following matters lodged au Greffe'' should be considered at the next meeting on 11th July 1995 -

A irport terminal development: approval of d rawings - P.75/95.

L odged: 6th June 1995.

H arbours and Airport Committee.

D raft Administrative

D ecisions (Review) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 199  - P.78/95.

L odged: 6th June 1995.

S pecial Committee to

c onsider Relationship between Committees

a nd the States.

F ield 1517, Bellozanne, St. Helier:

e xtinguishment of certain rights - P.81/95. L odged: 20th June 1995.

H ousing Committee.

D raft Anatomy and Human

T issue (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1 99  - P.82/95.

L odged: 20th June 1995.

P ublic Health Committee.

D raft Gambling (Betting) (Amendment

N o. 8) (Jersey) Regulations 199  - P.83/95. L odged: 20th June 1995.

G ambling

C ontrol Committee.

Arrangement of public business for meeting on 25th July 1995

The President of the Education Committee gave notice that the Committee would ask at the appropriate time that the proposition regarding the re-organisation of secondary education in Jersey (P.84/95 - lodged au Greffe'' on 20th June 1995) be considered on 25th July


THE STATES agreed that the proposition should be considered on 25th July 1995.

Emergency planning matters - questions and answers (Tape No. 286)

Deputy Philip John Rondel of St. John asked Leonard René Hamel, Connétable of St. Clement, rapporteur for the Emergencies Council, the following questions -

1.  W hich Committee or body employs

th e E m ergency Planning Officer?

 2 .  What is the Emergencies

C o u ncil's present policy regarding

e m e rgency food supplies? How many weeks s u p ply of food are held in the Island

i n c ase of prolonged bad weather or

o t h er emergencies?

3 . What part was played by the parish l ia i son officers and civil emergency t e am s in the recent marine accident i n v olving the M.V. St. Malo'?

 4 .  As a result of that shipping accident,

d o e s the Emergencies Council propose to c a rr y out a re-appraisal of the

E m  ergency Measures Plan?''

The Connétable of St. Clement replied as follows -

1.  A rticle 3 of the Emergency Powers

an d P l anning (Jersey) Law 1990

p ro v i d es for the appointment of an

of fi c e r' known as the Emergency

P la n n i ng Officer who shall

p er f o rm such duties as may be

im  p o se d on him by the Council'

(t h a t is , the Emergencies

C o u n c il).

T h e word officer' indicates that the

E m  ergency Planning Officer is a civil

s e rv ant and thus his contract of

e m p loyment is with the Establishment

C o m mittee. However, as the Law clearly s h o ws, the duties of his office are

d e te rmined by the Emergencies Council a n d he reports directly to the Council

f o r the discharge of those duties.

 2 .  Most recent estimates indicate that

t h re e to five weeks of food stocks are

h e ld by commercial organisations in the I s la nd (depending on the time of year).

I n s o far as adverse weather conditions a r e concerned, these rarely affect both ai r and sea travel for any length of

t im  e; therefore alternative

a r ra ngements can be made - this has

b e e n done successfully in recent years.

U  n til 1994/5, buffer stocks of

m  ar garine, sugar, biscuits, flour and y e a st were held. Following

c o n sultations with MAFF and other

a p p ropriate organisations these stocks a r e no longer held due to changes in a t ti tudes concerning peace time

r e q uirements.

I n t he event of a peace time disaster a f fe cting the Island, support and

p r o visions can be obtained speedily t h ro ugh the United Kingdom. If the p r o blem is caused by a worldwide c o n flict certain factories and

m  an ufacturers are on standby to

i n cr ease and stockpile necessary items w  h ich can be ordered during the

e s ti mated six months lead-up to any

o u t right war situation.

 3 .  The St. Helier parish liaison officer,

P aul Atkinson, and his civil emergency t e am of volunteers played a full and

v i ta l rôle in the recent marine

a c c ident involving the St. Malo'. The

S t . Helier parish liaison officer and

t e am have trained and practised with

t h e States Ambulance Service to help

w  it h the immediate care of casualties

a n d assessing the order in which they

s h o uld be treated (the triage system)

t h at would be initiated by the

A  m bulance Service in any major

e m e rgency. This primarily involves the s e tt ing up of inflatable tents and

t h ei r equipment and providing stretcher b e a rers.

D  u ring the St. Malo' incident the

c i vi l emergency volunteers from St.

H  el ier provided an invaluable service

i n h elping to transport casualties from

t h e various rescue vessels to the

w  ai ting ambulances. This activity meant t h at the States Ambulance personnel

w ere able to concentrate on providing

f ir s t aid and treatment.

I n c arrying out their rôle during the

S t. Malo' incident the parish liaison

o f fi cer and his volunteers fully

j u st ified the training and time given

t o t hem by the Ambulance Service and p r o ved the worth of their services in a m  aj or emergency.

I t w as not deemed necessary to call in

a n y of the other parish liaison

o f fi cers for help during this

em  ergency. If assistance from the

l ia i son officers of any other parish

h a d been required the request would

h a v e been made through the appropriate p a r ish connétable. However, the Deputy a n d members may be interested to know t h at 120 officers of the honorary

p o l ice gave assistance to the States of

J e rs ey Police Force and the St. Helier

H  o norary Police, wherever required in s u p port of the emergency services,

p articularly at and around the

E l iz abeth Terminal and the General H  o spital.

 4 .  Following the accident to which the

D  ep uty refers, the Emergencies Council i n it iated a thorough review of those

p a r ts of the Emergency Measures Plan t h at applied to the emergency services

t h at had responded to the accident.

R e c ently the Council met the

r e sp onsible officers of the services

c o n cerned for a review of their outline

    r e sp onsibilities under the plan.

T h e value of a plan such as this can

o n l y properly be tested by a real

i n ci dent. The Council is satisfied

t h at , generally speaking, the Emergency M  e asures Plan proved its worth on this

o c c asion, and that the services

c o n cerned made good use of the plan's p r o visions in their response to the

a c c ident. The St. Malo' incident has

n o t caused the Council to re-appraise

t h e Emergency Measures Plan in any

f u n damental way. However, valuable

l e ss ons have been learned and some

r e fi nements of the plan are already

b e in g prepared. These matters will be

r e so lved by discussion between the

E m  ergency Planning Officer and the

h e a ds of the services concerned under

t h e overall supervision of the

E m  ergencies Council.''

Cash surpluses - questions and answers (Tape No. 286)

Deputy Gary Matthews of St. Brelade asked Senator Pierre François Horsfall, President of the Finance and Economics Committee, the following questions -

1.  ( a) What was the balance of the

S tr a te g i c Reserve Fund as at

1 st J u n e 1995?

( b ) How are the two investment

m a n a g ement companies, Newton

In t e rn a tional and Kleinwort

B e n s o n, performing against targets se t o n the returns from investment

o f th e Strategic Reserve Fund; and

w h a t i s the estimated return on th e S tr ategic Reserve Fund as a re s u lt of these investment

st r at e g ies?

( c ) By how much did the value of th e S tr ategic Reserve Fund

in c r e as e during 1994 and in the y ea r 1 995 to date?

2 . What was the amount of -

( a ) underspending on the Welfare S e rv i c es vote for 1994 and was th a t a m ount credited to General R e v e n ues?

( b ) underspending on the non-

d ep a r t mental items in the Finance

an d E c onomics Committee's budget?

 3 .  What was the carried forward balance in t h e vote of credit granted to the

S t a tes' Greffe - States' Printers for

1 9 9 4?

4 . What is the current balance on -

( a ) the Central Environment Fund? ( b ) the General Reserve?

 5 .  What was the saving on the visit of

H  is Royal Highness The Prince of Wales c o m pared with the cost originally

b u d geted?

 6 .  How much money was transferred

f ro m General Revenues to the Reserve

F u n ds in 1994? How much is proposed to b e t ransferred from General Revenues to t h e Reserve Funds in 1995?

 7 .  According to the last actuarial review

i n 1 994, there was a surplus of £89

m  il lion in the Public Employees

C o n tributory Retirement Scheme.

C o n sequentially, the States

c o n tribution rate was reduced from 15.6 p e r cent to 15.16 per cent with effect

f ro m 1st January 1993. What is the

l ik e ly saving to the States, by reason

o f t hat reduction, in 1993, 1994 and

1 9 9 5, or the estimated saving in each

o f t hose years?''

The President of the Finance and Economics

Committee replied as follows -

1.  ( a) The market value of the

S tr a te g i c Reserve Fund as at

1 st J u n e 1995 was £236 million (t o t h e n e arest £ million).

( b ) The two management companies

ap p o i n ted to handle the

in v e s tm ents of the Strategic

R e s er v e Fund, from the date of

th e i r a ppointment to the latest

m e a s u rement point (1st February

1 9 9 4 t o 30th April 1995)

m a r g in ally under-performed (0.3

p er c en t) the target set by the

F in a n c e and Economics Committee (o n e p er cent above the Financial

T im  e s Actuaries Index for 5-15

y ea r g ilt-edged stock). The

C o m m  ittee expects the investment st r at e g ies of the investment

m a n a g ers to achieve the target set

fo r t h e return on the Fund in

fu t u re .

( c ) Long will the memory of fixed

in t e re s t fund managers be haunted

b y r e c ollections of the year 1994

w h i ch was the most difficult for

s o m e quarter of a century. Such

w a s t h e fall in the value of

m a r k e ts for fixed interest stocks

w o r ld - wide, that few, if any, fund

m a n a g ers achieved a positive

re t u rn for their work in 1994. The

S tr a te g ic Reserve Fund fell by £22

m i ll io n during 1994 (from £239

m i ll io n {£193 million investme

£4 6 m illion cash} to £217 million

{ £ 2 1 2 million investments: £5

m i ll io n cash} - nine per cent). It

sh o u l d be remembered, however,

th a t t h e Finance and Economics

C o m m ittee withdrew £5 million from th e F u nd during the course of 1994

in d e al ing with a difficult

si tu a t io n on the Budget for the

y ea r .  

D u r in g the current year, the value

o f th e Fund has risen to £236

m i ll io n , as mentioned in my reply to p a rt (a), an increase of almost n in e p er cent, virtually

re c o v e ring the fall in value in

1 9 9 4 . Members will, however,

re c a ll that, in my Budget speech

la s t D e cember, I drew attention to th e fa c t that £7 million would be

re q u i re d from the Strategic

R e s er v e during 1995 and notice has b ee n g iven to the managers to

tr a n sf e r the amount at the end of

n ex t m onth.

 2 .  (a)  The underspending on the Welfare S e rv i c es vote for 1994 was almost

£9 3 2 ,0 00 all of which was returned

to G e n eral Revenues and therefore h el p s t o reduce the projected

d ef i c it on the Budget for 1995.

( b ) The underspending on the

n o n -d e partmental items in the

F in a n c e and Economics Committee's b u d g et for 1994 was just under

£4 7 7 ,0 00, principally due to

sa v i n g s in the cost of audit,

D i st in g uished Visitors and

C o n f er ence Expenses and Grants and S u b si d ies. Of this sum, £240,000

h as b e en set aside by the Finance

an d E c onomics Committee to meet

in c r e as ed costs of States'

in s u r an ces (which have been

id e n t if ied since the Budget for

1 9 9 5 w as drawn together) and

£1 5 0 ,0 00 which was set aside from

d ep a r t mental savings when it was

le a r n ed there would be a royal

v is it o r or visitors coming to

Je r s e y in connexion with the

L ib e r a tion Anniversary

ce l e b ra tions. The remaining

b al a n c e, of some £87,000, was

re t u rn e d to General Revenues.

 3 .  No part of the underspending on the

S t a tes' Greffe print section was

c a rr ied forward from 1994 since the sum l a rg ely related to lower activity which

w  as in turn reflected by lower-than-

e s ti mated income of approximately the

s a m e amount as shown in the published A  cc ounts of the States for 1994.

 4 .  (a)  The central Environmental Fund is m a n a g ed by the Planning and

E n v ir o nment Committee following th e d ec ision by the States on 26th

Ju l y 1 9 94 to transfer

re s p o n sibility for the central

E n v ir o nment Management vote to the re - n a m ed Committee. I am informed th a t t h e current balance on the

ce n t r al Environment Fund is

£4 3 7 ,7 96 but commitments amounting to  £ 3 5 ,000 have already been made

an d r e quests amounting to a

fu r th e r £362,000 are being

co n s i d ered by the Planning and

E n v ir o nment Committee.

( b ) The current balance on the

G e n e ra l Reserve, which is now the

o n ly re serve available to meet

v ar i a ti ons in the day-to-day

ru n n i n g expenses of the States, is

£3 6 ,4 0 3,000 but this does not

re f le c t the impact which lodged

S u p p ly Day requests, amounting to

£6 ,6 8 8 ,000, will have on the

b al a n c e if the requests are

su b s e q uently granted by the

S ta t e s; in which case the balance

w o u l d become £29,715,000.

5 . Provisionally, an amount of £150,000 w as set aside from departmental

s a v ings, as I mentioned in the reply to

q u e stion 2(b), when it was learned that t h er e would be a royal visitor to the

I s la nd's 50th Anniversary of Liberation c e le brations. At the present moment,

i n fo rmation from all departments

i n v olved regarding final costs of the

c e le brations and their allocation

b e tw een the two events (the Royal Visit a n d the 50th Anniversary celebrations) i s n ot yet available.

 6 .  No transfer was made from General

R e v enues to the Strategic Reserve in

1 9 9 4 but an amount of £5 million was

w  it hdrawn from the Reserve and

t ra n sferred to the Capital Fund, as was

a g r eed by the States in the 1994

B u d get. An amount of £10 million was t ra n sferred from General Revenues to

t h e General Reserve in 1994 and an

a m o unt of just over £5.3 million was

w  it hdrawn from the General Reserve to f u n d supplementary and additional votes

o f c redit of a capital and revenue

n a tu re.

F o r 1995 there will be no transfer of

f u n ds from General Revenues to the

S t ra tegic Reserve but an amount of £7 m il lion will be withdrawn next month,

a s w as agreed when the 1995 Budget

d o c ument was approved by the States. W  it h regard to the General Reserve, an

a m o unt of £11 million has been

t ra n sferred into the Reserve; Supply

D  ay requests of a capital and revenue

n a tu re, granted by the States or

c u r rently lodged, amount to £7.7

m  il lion at the present time. It is not

y e t known how much will be required by S t a tes' Committees when the October

S u p ply Day requests are received.

 7 .  The latest actuarial review of the

P u b lic Employees' Contributory

R e t irement Scheme was published in 1994 b a s ed on the appraisal as at 31st

D  ec ember 1992. Of the disclosed

a c tu arial surplus, the element which

w  as applied to a reduction of the

S t a tes' employer's contribution

r e fl ects a saving of approximately

£3 8 3,000 for 1993, £388,000 for 1994

a n d £400,000 for the current financial

y e a r. The information was only received

l a te in 1994 and the savings have

c o n tributed towards reducing the Budget

d e f icit in future years.''

Voluntary redundancy and voluntary early retirement - questions and answers (Tape No. 286)

Deputy Gary Matthews of St. Brelade asked Deputy Frank Harris on Walker of St. Helier , President

of the Establishment Committee, the following questions -

1.  H ow many States employees have

ta k e n v oluntary redundancy and

v o lu n t ary early retirement since

th e st a rt of the schemes and what

is t h e t otal saving for the States

to d a te ?

 2 .  Will the President publish the details

o f t he Chief Officers' Group's pay

s e tt lements for 1993-1994 and 1994- 1 9 9 5?''

The President of the Establishment Committee

replied as follows -

1.  S ince the inception of my

C o m m  ittee's Voluntary Redundancy an d V o luntary Early Retirement

sc h e m  es in the autumn of 1994, 48 ap p l i ca tions have been approved.

T h e c o nsequential saving to the

S ta t e s' wage bill will be

ap p r o x imately £750,000 a year.

 2 .  The Chief Officers' Association pay

s e tt lement for 1993-1994 was 5.1 per c e n t, which was strictly in accordance w  it h the award to the public service as a w  hole.

I n O ctober 1994, the Chief Officers w er e the first group to accept a two- y e a r award for 1994-1995 strictly in l in e with my Committee's pay policy.

J u n e 1 994-May 1995 0 per cent J u n e 1 995 3 p e r c e nt

J a n u a ry 1996 £ 5 . 5 0 a week

T h e award included a clause which

a l lo wed them to seek a review in line w  it h the generality of other pay

g r o ups in the public sector' should

t h o se awards be at a higher level.

T h e Chief Officers, who have acted in a h i g hly responsible and helpful manner t h ro ughout, have made it clear they

h a v e no intention of seeking to change t h ei r award as a result of the award to

c i vi l servants.

I t is worth recording that, since the

C h i ef Officers' Association was formed i n J une 1991, their pay awards have all b e e n the same as, or at a lower level

t h an , civil servants.''

Jersey Consumer Council: appointment of members - statement

The President of the Policy and Resources Committee made a statement in the following terms -

  The House will recall that on 25th April

 1 995 the establishment of a Jersey Consumer  C ouncil was approved. The membership of the  C ouncil consists of a Chairman appointed by

 t he States, namely Deputy Alan Breckon, and  e ight other members appointed by the Policy

 a nd Resources Committee as provided for in

 t he report of the Committee dated 23rd

 F ebruary 1995 (P.37).

I am pleased to be able to inform the House t hat the following have accepted the

i nvitation of the Committee to be members

o f the Council -

A  d vocate Anita Regal as a member of the J e rs ey legal profession

M  r . Neville Brookes as a retail member

o f t he Chamber of Commerce

M  r . Robert Parker as a member of the J e rs ey Hotel and Guest House

A  ss ociation

M  r . Mick Kavanagh as a member of the T r a nsport and General Workers Union

M  r s. Susan Hart as a member of the S t a nding Conference of Women's O  rg anisations

M  r . James Hamilton as a member of the C i t izens Advice Bureau, and

M  r s. Gillian Duhamel and Ms. Karen Wall a s t wo members of the public not

r e p resenting any particular

o r g anisation.

T he Policy and Resources Committee is most g rateful to all concerned for agreeing to

g ive their time to serve on the Council

w hich body we are confident will do much, u nder the chairmanship of Deputy Alan

B reckon, to further the interests of all

c onsumers in the Island.''

Australian Parliamentarian's visit - welcome

The Bailiff welcomed to the States the Hon. David White, M.L.C., Member of the Legislative Council, Victoria, Melbourne, Australia. Inquests and Post-Mortem Examinations (Jersey) Law 1995 (Appointed Day) Act 1995

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 28 of the Inquests and Post-mortem Examinations (Jersey) Law 1995, made an Act entitled the Inquests and Post-Mortem Examinations (Jersey) Law 1995 (Appointed Day) Act 1995.

Elizabeth Harbour, Port of St. Helier - Phase I Warehouse: lease of accommodation

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Harbours and Airport Committee -

 ( a) approved the lease of the

u n d ermentioned areas within the Phase I W  a rehouse, Elizabeth Harbour, Port of

S t . Helier, from 1st July 1995 at a

r a te of £6.134 a square foot, subject

t o a nnual review -

( i) the northern part of the

w a r eh o use, measuring 10,427 square fe e t , to Commodore Express

(J e r se y ) Limited, for a period of

n in e y ears, at an annual rent of

£6 3 ,9 5 9.22; and

( ii ) the south-west part of the

w a r eh o use, measuring 5,931 square fe e t , to Exel Logistics (Jersey)

L im  it e d, for a period of three

y ea r s , at an annual rent of

£3 6 ,3 8 0.75;

 ( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the necessary agreements;

 ( c) authorised the Treasurer of the States t o r eceive the rents as they became

d u e .

Amendment (No. 16) of the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey - P.70/95

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 27 of the States of Jersey Law 1966, made Amendment No.

(16) of the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey.

Loi (199 ) (Amendement No. 5) sur l'Instruction Primaire - P.71/95

THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Loi (199 ) (Amendement No. 5) sur l'Instruction Primaire.

Airport: lease of land for hangar - P.72/95 (Revised)

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Harbours and Airport Committee -

 1 .  approved the lease to Aviation Beauport ( H a ngar Services) Limited of an area of

l a nd (measuring approximately

1 1 0 ,000 square feet) at Jersey Airport,

t h e exact area of land to be agreed

b e tw een the Committee and the company, f o r a period of 42 years from 1st

N  o vember 1995 at an annual rent

c o m mencing at approximately £4,133 for t h e first year and thereafter at an

i n cr easing rate in accordance with the

f o rm ula set out in the report, dated

2 5 t h May 1995, of the Harbours and

A  ir port Committee, to enable the said

c o m pany to construct and  maintain, at

i ts o wn expense, a hangar, apron, car

p a r king area and a roadway;

 2 .  authorised the Attorney General and the G  re ffier of the States to pass the

n e c essary contract on behalf of the

p u b lic;

 3 .  authorised the Treasurer of the States t o r eceive the rent as it became due.

H.M. Prison, La Moye, St. Brelade : construction of stores and work area - P.73/95

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Prison Board -

 ( a) approved drawings Nos. 2415/237/261/263 a n d 95-11-01, 95-11-02 and 95-11-03,

s h o wing the construction of stores and

w  et weather work area within H.M.

P r is on, La Moye, St. Brelade ;

 ( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said drawings on behalf of

t h e States.

States of Jersey - Standing Order No. 4: meetings of the States - P.74/95

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the House Committee, agreed to waive sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 4 (Meetings of the States) so that there would not be a

meeting during the month of August.

Jersey College for Girls and Jersey College for Girls Preparatory School - traffic management system and car park: approval of drawings and project funding - P.77/95

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Education Committee -

 ( a) approved drawings Nos. 9416/A/L/1/40.B a n d 9416/A/L/4/25.04, 26.04, 41.01,

4 2 . 01, 71.03 and 72.03 showing the

c o n struction of a school bus service

d r o p-off area, a collection area and a

c a r park on two levels on part of Field

7 9 8 , Le Mont Millais, St. Saviour ,

r e q uired for the Jersey College for

G  ir ls and the Jersey College for Girls

P r e paratory School;

 ( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said drawings on behalf of t h e States;

 ( c) approved the grant to the Education

C o m mittee of a supplementary capital

v o t e of credit in the sum of

£1 , 674,000, under the heading C2467 -

JC  G /JCG Prep, Car Park'';

( d) agreed that the sum of £1,674,000,

s h o uld be deleted from the Education C o m mittee's approved 1997 capital

p r o gramme.

Members present voted as follows -

P o u r'' (31) Senators

S henton, Jeune , Horsfall, Rothwell, Stein, Q uérée, Bailhache , Tomes.

Connétable s

S t. Clement, St. Lawrence, St. Mary, St. B relade, Grouville , St. Helier , St. Ouen, S t. John.


N orman(C), H. Baudains(C), Le Sueur(H), St. O uen, Coutanche(L), Huelin(B), St. Mary, Le F ondré(L), Walker (H), Crespel(H), Trinity ,

C arter(H), Routier(H), Dorey(H), St. John.

C o n tre'' (13) Senators

 L e Main, Syvret. Connétable s

 S t. Peter, St. Martin. Deputies

S t. Peter, Le Geyt(S), Pullin(S),

D uhamel(S), Matthews(B), Layzell(B), B reckon(S), Grouville , St. Martin.


THE STATES then adjourned, having agreed that the proposition relating to the sale and cession

of land at La Colomberie/Green Street and 7 Francis Street, St. Helier (P.79/95 - lodged

au Greffe'' on 6th June 1995) should stand

over until Tuesday, 11th July 1995.

THE STATES rose at 1.17 p.m.

G .H .C . C O P POCK G re f fi e r o f the States.