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STATES MINUTES 23r d M ay 199 5
P ri c e : £ 2.25
T HE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 23r d May 1995 at 9.30 a.m. under
the Presidency of the Deputy Bailiff ,
F r ancis Charles Hamon, Esquire
__ _______ ___
All Members were present with the exception of -
E nid Clare Quénault, Connétable of St. B relade - out of the Island
I mogen Stephanie Nicholls, Deputy of G rouville - ill.
__ _______ ___
P r aye rs
__ _______ ___
50th Anniversary of the Liberation - message from Her Majesty The Queen
The Deputy Bailiff informed the Assembly of the message which Her Majesty The Queen had sent on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Liberation and which had been read by His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales in Liberation
Square on 9th May 1995 -
To my most loyal people in the Channel I slands I send greetings on this fiftieth
a nniversary of your liberation.
T hat day in 1945 marked one of the most
s ignificant events in your history. These
o ldest possessions of the Crown had endured f ive long dark years before the Liberation
r estored the freedom we continue to cherish a nd enjoy. During my visits to the Island
i n 1957, 1978 and 1989 I have been proud to s ee how you have put those sad times behind y ou. With your traditional courage, loyalty
a nd devotion you have worked hard to build a better and happier future whilst
m aintaining your ancient privileges and
v ery unique institutions. In marking this
a nniversary we should not forget the
c ontribution of many men and women from t hese Islands who volunteered for military s ervice and fought for the Allied victory.
I t is right that we should remember the p ast events but it is my earnest desire
t hat we continue to work towards a time w hen all nations may live in peace and h armony.
I send my best wishes on this special day. E L I Z A B ETH R.''
50th Anniversary of the Liberation - thanks
The Deputy Bailiff , on behalf of the States, congratulated the President and members of the Occupation and Liberation Committee, including Senator Jean Amy Le Maistre, the Committee President, Brigadier Bruce Willing, the Co- ordinator, Mrs. Jean Baird, the Committee Clerk, and the Connétable s of the Parishes, on the celebrations to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Liberation. He also thanked all the
hundreds of Islanders known and unknown who worked so selflessly and tirelessly to make the anniversary celebrations the success that they undoubtedly were.
Liberation 50th Anniversary celebrations: acknowledgements - statement. R.C.14/95
The President of the Occupation and Liberation Committee made a statement in the following terms -
It was a real pleasure and an honour for m y Committee to have been given, by the S tates, the task of co-ordinating and
o rganising the celebrations for the 50th
A nniversary of the Liberation.
H undreds of Islanders were involved in
p lanning and organising events at parish
a nd Island level and the success of the
f our days was due to their energies and
e nthusiasm. The Connétable s, the parish co-
o rdinators and their teams, and those who
t ook responsibilities for the very large
c entral events, all deserve the highest
p raise.
T he support from His Excellency the
L ieutenant-Governor and his staff,
p articularly his Secretary and Aide-de-
C amp, Lieutenant Colonel Charles Woodrow, t he Bailiff , the Deputy Bailiff and their
s taff and the staff of the States' Greffe
e nsured the success of the Royal Visit and a ll the major events. Their assistance was g reatly appreciated.
I cannot begin to name all those who worked s o hard to ensure the success of the
c elebrations - the list would be endless -
b ut I believe that members would wish me to t hank the central team who worked long
h ours dealing with the public, the
o rganisers of events and the hundreds of
v isitors from overseas who were returning
e specially for 9th May celebrations. The
t eam was Jean Baird, Jan Axford and Ann
R obinson, very ably led by Bruce Willing,
a nd we thank them for a herculean task
e xtremely well done.
O nly those intimately involved with the
o rganisation can fully appreciate the
e normity of the undertaking. I would be the f irst to admit that given a second chance
w e might have done certain things in a
s lightly different way. In particular, I
r egret very much the clash of events that
c aused the early departure of the official
p arty from the Liberation Pageant and I
a pologise unreservedly to the audience and, i n particular, to the excellent cast for
a ny unhappiness that we caused them. For a ny other imperfections that may have
o ccurred I thank States members and the
p ublic at large for their tolerance and
u nderstanding.
M any of the events would not have taken
p lace without the very generous sponsorship f rom individuals and businesses and I wish
t o record our appreciation publicly to
t hem. Some sponsors prefer to remain
a nonymous but I would wish to acknowledge t he contribution of those who are known to
u s by publishing the list of sponsors as an
a ddition to this statement.
M y Committee had the task of putting
e verything in place and we wish to thank
t he whole Island for responding in such a m anner that created an atmosphere which
b rought out the very best in our community.
W e have been overwhelmed by the large n umber of letters and telephone calls
r eceived since the events expressing
a ppreciation, not only for the celebrations b ut also for Liberation Square and the
s culpture. This House should rightly take a c onsiderable amount of credit for
s upporting these ambitious projects. M y Committee is proud to have been involved i n such memorable celebrations.''
THE STATES ordered that the said list of sponsors be printed and distributed.
Liberation 50th Anniversary Celebrations: message from the Falkland Islands Legislative Council. R.C. 15/95
The Deputy Bailiff informed the Assembly that the Bailiff had received from members of the Falkland Islands Legislative Council the following letter -
Dear Bailiff , L IBERATION
O n the Fiftieth Anniversary of your
l iberation from Nazi occupation on 9th May, w e the Legislative Councillors of the
F alkland Islands send you our sincere
c ongratulations and best wishes.
A lthough our own occupation was relatively b rief, it gave us some insight into the
s uffering of the people of the Channel
I slands during the Second World War, and of t he relief which you, like us, felt when
t he darkness ended and liberation finally
c ame.
M ay we take this opportunity to repeat our s incere thanks to the States and people of
J ersey for the generous assistance which we r eceived in the task of reconstruction
a fter our occupation? We also recall with
g ratitude the backing which we have
r eceived from you in the Commonwealth
P arliamentary Association and other
i nternational assemblies. Although we are
f ar from each other, we have a great deal
i n common and we deeply appreciate your f riendship and support.
W ith our very best wishes for the next f ifty years!
O f ficial members Elected members
D a vid Tatham C ounc illor Norma
E dw ar ds
P r esident of the Legislative Councillor W endy T eggart
C ounci l C oun cillor Sharon H al f or d
A nd rew Gurr C ounci llor William
L uxt on
C h ief Executive Councillor John Cheek C ounc il lor E ri c Goss
D e rek Howatt C oun cillor Richard
S tevens
F i nancial Secretary Councillor John Birmi ngham ''
The Bailiff replied as follows - Dear Governor,
L i ber at ion
I write to thank you and the members of the L egislative Council very much for your
l etter of congratulations and good wishes
o n the 50th anniversary of the Island's
l iberation from occupation. Your letter was g reatly appreciated. As you say, our
r espective communities have a great deal in c ommon. Your own, happily brief, period
u nder enemy occupation brought back many m emories here of the sufferings endured
d uring the Second World War.
W e have all enjoyed a splendid, and
o ccasionally moving, series of celebrations c ulminating in the visit of his Royal
H ighness The Prince of Wales on Liberation D ay itself. I send you, on behalf of the
S tates, the best wishes of the Island for
y our continuing prosperity and stability.
Y our s s inc er e ly,
P .M. B ai lhach e H is Excellency,
D avid E. Tatham, Esq., CMG.,
G overnor,
G overnment House,
S tanley,
THE STATES ordered that the letters be printed and distributed.
Retirement of H.E. The Lieutenant Governor - special meeting
The Deputy Bailiff informed the States that a special meeting would be held on Tuesday, 27th June 1995 at 9.30 a.m. formally to say farewell to His Excellency The Lieutenant Governor, Air Marshal Sir John Sutton, K.C.B., who was retiring that day.
Channel Television - States Meeting 27th June 1995
THE STATES acceded to the request of Channel Television to film the States Meeting to be held on Tuesday, 27th June 1995.
Mr. Philip Falle, political columnist - welcome
The Deputy Bailiff welcomed back to the Press Gallery Mr. Philip Falle, political columnist of the Jersey Evening Post, after his long illness.
Subordinate legislation tabled
The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -
1 . Health and Safety at Work
( F rei ght Containers Safety Convention) ( A ppr ovals) (Jersey) 1995. R & O
2 . Royal Court (Amendment No. 7) R ul es 1995. R & O 8824.
3 . Inquests and Post-mortem
E xam inations (Jersey) Rules 1995. R & O 8825.
4 . Motor Vehicles (Driving
L i c ences) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) O r der 1995. R & O 8826.
Defence Committee - resignation of member
THE STATES noted the resignation of Senator Richard Joseph Shenton from the Defence Committee.
Matters presented
The following matters were presented to the States -
1 . Probation and After Care
S er vice: report for 1994.
P r es ented by the Prison Board. 2 . Misuse of Drugs: report of the P r es idents' Strategy Group.
P r es ented by the Defence
C om mittee.
3 . Immigration and Nationality: A n nual Report 1994.
P r es ented by the Defence
C om mittee.
4 . States of Jersey Audit
C om mission - Report No. 1: purchasing by S tates Departments - R.C.12/95.
P r es ented by the Finance and
E conom ics Committee.
Matters noted - land transactions
THE STATES noted Acts of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 1st and 15th May 1995, showing that in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved -
( a) as recommended by the Education
C om mittee, the lease from the Trustees of S t. Saviour's Church of the
G l ebe land at St. Saviour 's Primary
S chool (Field No. 614, St. Saviour ),
f or a pe riod of 99 years from 1st
S ept ember 1992, at an annual rent of
£ 800 s ubject to market reviews every
ni n th year and cost of living reviews
ever y third intervening year, with the
publ ic being responsible for all the
l egal costs involved;
( b) as recommended by the Public Health C om mittee, the renewal of the lease
f rom Bellman Properties Limited of
F l a ts 1-4, 53-55, Bath Street, St.
H e l ier, for a period of six months from 1s t J une 1995 to 30th November 1995, w i t h the option for a further six
m o nths, at an annual rent of £5,191.49 f or eac h flat, subject to the same
t er m s and conditions as applied in the exi s ting lease agreement;
( c) as recommended by the Public Health C om mittee, the renewal of the internal r ep airing lease from Mr. William
B er tram Payn of the property Le
H a vr e', La Rocque, Grouville , for a
per iod of one year from 1st April 1995 to 3 1st March 1996, at an annual rent
of £ 14,000, subject to the same terms and c onditions as applied in the
exi s ting lease agreement and with opt ions to extend for an additional
t w el ve months on two occasions;
( d) as recommended by the Harbours and
A i r port Committee, the renewal of the
l eas e from Mr. Roger George de Carteret and M rs. Mary de Carteret, née
F r an klin, of approximately 196 square
f ee t of land at Field No. 742, St.
P et er, required for the location of a
cl oud -base recorder, for a further
per iod of nine years from 24th June
1998, a t an annual rent of £20 payable
i n a dvance, together with a payment of
£ 1,820 in respect of compensation for
i nc onven ience also payable in advance;
( e) as recommended by the Harbours and A i r port Committee, the renewal of the
l eas e to D.K. Collins Marine Limited of t he Shop'' (Letting No. S22) under
t he S t. Helier Yacht Club, South Pier,
S t . H elier Harbour, for a further
per iod of three years from 1st April
1995, a t an annual rent of £3,685.04
( repr esenting a rate of £5.84 a square
f oot based on an area of 631 square
f ee t ), payable six months in advance;
( f) as recommended by the Public Services C om mittee, the renewal of the lease to
t he S t. Brelade Smallbore Rifle Club of t he S t. Aubin's Tunnel, St. Brelade ,
f or a pe riod of nine years from 30th
S ept ember 1994, at an annual rent of
£ 150, s ubject to triennial rent review
on an open market basis, on the same
t er m s and conditions as the previous
l eas e;
( g) as recommended by the Public Services C om mittee, the renewal of the lease to
Maf oi Jersey Limited of the Quadcycle
S t or age Concession, West Park, St.
H e l ier, for a period of three years
f rom 1st April 1995, at an annual rent
of £ 250, subject to annual review, on
t he s ame terms and conditions as the
pr e vious lease;
( h) as recommended by the Committee for P os tal Administration, the renewal of
t he l ease to the Citizens Advice Bureau of t he second floor accommodation at
N o . 15 B road Street, St. Helier , for a
per iod of one year from 1st January
1995, a t an annual rent of £12,130
( repr esenting a rate of approximately
£ 12.87 a square foot, for an area of 942 s quare feet), on the same terms and condi tions as the previous lease;
( i) as recommended by the Agriculture and
F i sher ies Committee, an addendum to the l eas e to Acorn Enterprises Limited of
l and at Field No. 567, Trinity , which
had c ommenced from 1st September 1991 at an an nual rent of £100 subject to
t ri e nnial review, increasing the area
of l and leased from 4.20.0 vergées to
6.20.0 vergées, with all other terms
and c onditions remaining unchanged;
( j) as recommended by the Sport, Leisure
and R ecreation Committee, the annulment of t he unexpired portion of the licence
agr eement with Quasar Leisure Limited
i n r espect of the concession operated
by t he Company at the Fort Regent
L ei sure Centre;
( k) as recommended by the Housing C om mittee -
( i) the sale to the Jersey Electricity
C om pany Limited of 25.4 square m et res of land at Le Clos de la
V i ll e ( Field No. 1243A), Queen's R oad , S t. Helier, (an area of
24.4 s qua re metres being required
to s i te an el ectricity sub-
st at i on , and an area of one square m et re b eing required for a section pi l lar ) f or the sums of £244 for
the s u bs tation site and £10 for
the s e ct ion pillar site;
( ii ) t he grant of wayleave to the
C om pany , free of charge, to enable it t o ca rry out the necessary
ca bl ing a t Le Clos de la Ville;
on t he basis that each party would be r es pons ible for its own legal costs;
( l) as recommended by the Sport, Leisure and R ecreation Committee, the renewal of t he lease to Sanchez Holdings
L i m ited of the cafeteria and bar areas
at t he Fort Regent Leisure Centre in
r es pec t of the catering concession, for
a pe riod of two years from 1st January 1995 a t an annual rent of £14,448 or
15 pe r cent of gross annual takings if
t hi s were to be greater, on the basis
t ha t the Sport, Leisure and Recreation
C om mittee would retain the right to s er ve a six month period of notice to t he t enant to vacate the premises
s houl d the situation arise;
( m) as recommended by the Housing
C om mittee, the grant of servitude to La S oci été Jersiaise in respect of the
pl aci ng of a flue outlet on the south
s ide of Caledonia Place, St. Helier ,
f ree of charge, subject to the
condi tions that the works would be
r ei ns tated or amended should the States deci de that it was necessary in the
publ ic interest, and that the Société
w o ul d meet the legal costs of both
par ties in the preparation of the
nece ssary contract and also the cost of al l ac commodation works;
( n) as recommended by the Housing
C om mittee, the grant of a right of way
t o M r. Kenneth James Botham and Mrs. I rene J ennings Botham, née Ramsay, in r es pec t of access to maintain a window t o b e opened in the party wall between 28 W indsor Road, St. Helier , and St.
T hom as' Villas, for a consideration of
£ 100, s ubject to Mr. and Mrs. Botham
bei ng r esponsible for all legal and
acc ommodation costs arising from the
t rans action.
Matters lodged
The following subjects were lodged au Greffe'' -
1 . Nos. 5-11½ Cannon Street, St.
H e l ier: transfer of administration - P .62/ 95.
P r es ented by the Planning and
E nvi ronment Committee.
2 . Road cleaning services at St. A u bi n - P.63/95.
P r es ented by Senator R.J.
S hent on.
3 . Uplands Hotel and part of Field 1218, S t. John's Road, St. Helier : deve lopment - P.64/95.
P r es ented by the Planning and
E nvi ronment Committee.
4 . Draft Unlawful Public
E nt ertainments (Jersey) Regulations 199 - P.65/95.
P r es ented by the Defence C om mittee.
5 . Draft Motor Vehicle Registration
( A m endment) (Jersey) Law 1995
( A ppoi nted Day) Act 199 - P.66/95. P r es ented by the Defence
C om mittee.
6 . Draft Hire Cars (Amendment
N o . 2 ) (Jersey) Law 199 - P.67/95. P r es ented by the Defence
C om mittee.
7 . States of Jersey Audit
C om mission - Report No. 1: purchasing by S tates Departments - P.68/95.
P r es ented by the Finance and
E conom ics Committee.
L odged on 2nd May 1995 -
1 . Draft Social Security (Amendment N o . 10 ) (Jersey) Law 199 - P.57/95. P r es ented by the Employment and
S oci al Security Committee.
2 . Projet de Loi (199 )
( A br ogation) sur les Etrangers - P .58/ 95.
P r es enté par le Comité de la
D é f ense de l'Ile.
L odged on 16th May 1995 -
1 . Cherry Orchard Court, Grands V a ux, S t. Helier: approval of
dr a wings - P.59/95.
P r es ented by the Housing
C om mittee.
2 . St. Saviour 's Hospital: charges f or el derly long-stay patients - P .60/ 95.
P r es ented by the Public Health C om mittee.
3 . Draft Sea Fisheries
( M i scellaneous Provisions) (Amendment) ( Je r sey) Regulations, 199 - P.61/95.
P r es ented by the Agriculture and
F i sher ies Committee.
Arrangement of public business for the present meeting
Deputy Imogen Stephanie Nicholls of Grouville withdrew her proposition regarding seat belts in school buses (lodged au Greffe'' on 12th April 1994 and referred to the Defence Committee - P.43/94).
The President of the Finance and Economics Committee withdrew the draft Judicial Fees (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Regulations 199 (P.103/94 - lodged au Greffe'' on 9th August 1994).
THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe'' should be considered at the present meeting -
J ersey College for Girls Preparatory School t emporary car park: supplementary vote of c redit - P.54/95 (Revised).
L odged: 25th April 1995.
E ducation Committee.
D raft Social Security (Amendment No. 10) ( Jersey) Law 199 - P.57/95.
L odged: 2nd May 1995.
E mployment and Social Security
C ommittee.
P rojet de Loi (199 ) (Abrogation) sur l es Etrangers - P.58/95.
L odged: 2nd May 1995.
C omité de la Défense de l'Ile.
Arrangement of public business for the next meeting
THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe'' should be considered at the meeting on 6th June 1995 -
C herry Orchard Court, Grands Vaux, St. H elier: approval of drawings - P.59/95. L odged: 16th May 1995.
H ousing Committee.
D raft Sea Fisheries (Miscellaneous
P rovisions) (Amendment) (Jersey)
R egulations 199 - P.61/95.
L odged: 16th May 1995.
A griculture and Fisheries Committee.
N os. 5-11½ Cannon Street, St. Helier : t ransfer of administration - P.62/95. L odged: 23rd May 1995.
P lanning and Environment
C ommittee.
R oad cleaning services at St. Aubin -
P .63/95.
L odged: 23rd May 1995. S enator R.J. Shenton.
U plands Hotel and part of Field
N o. 1218, St. John 's Road, St. Helier : d evelopment - P.64/95.
L odged: 23rd May 1995.
P lanning and Environment
C ommittee.
D raft Unlawful Entertainments (Jersey) R egulations 199 - P.65/95.
L odged: 23rd May 1995.
D efence Committee.
D raft Motor Vehicle Registration
( Amendment) (Jersey) Law 199 (Appointed D ay) Act 199 - P.66/95.
L odged: 23rd May 1995.
D efence Committee.
D raft Hire Cars (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) L aw 199 - P.67/95.
L odged: 23rd May 1995.
D efence Committee.
S tates of Jersey Audit Commission - Report N o. 1: purchasing by States Departments - P .68/95.
L odged: 23rd May 1995.
F inance and Economics
C ommittee.
Health Insurance Exceptions - questions and answers (Tape No. 282)
Deputy Shirley Margaret Baudains of St. Helier asked Deputy Terence Augustine Le Sueur of St. Helier , President of the Employment and Social Security Committee, the following questions -
1. I n view of the fact that the
cr i ter ia for the award of Health
Ins ur ance Exceptions (H.I.E.s) for thos e i n low income groups are
be i ng r eviewed, will the President inf or m the States -
( a ) who is eligible to receive an H .I .E . at present?
( b ) what benefits are available to pe r s on s in receipt of an H.I.E. an d w hat would be the value of su ch be nefits?
( c ) in what circumstances would a pe r s on -
(i ) not qualify for an H.I.E.?
(i i) s u f fer a reduction of the ben ef i ts t o w hich they were entitled?
(i ii ) cea se to qualify for an H.I. E ., or hav e any benefits
di s co nt inued?
2 . As free dental treatment is no longer
avai lable at the General Hospital will
t he P resident state whether there are
any p lans to include payment for dental t reat ment for persons qualifying for an H . I .E.''?
The President of the Employment and Social Security Committee replied as follows -
1. ( a) As members are aware the whole
o f t he S oc ial Security and
H ea lt h I ns urance System is
cur r ent l y under review, and
thi s w i ll t herefore include a
revi ew of the Health Insurance
E x cept i o n Scheme. My Committee is i n t he pr ocess of
f in al is ing a substantial
cons ul tat ion document for
S tat es ' m embers and the
g ener al publ ic to consider and
com m ent on. As a result of our
d is c us si ons , we may well make
reco m m end ations for some
al t er at ions to this and other
b enef i ts .
H .I .E . i s essentially a long-term be nef i t for people of limited
m ean s who fall into any of the fol low ing categories -
(i ) t hos e above pensionable age;
(i i) l one p arent families with you ng c hi l dren;
(i ii ) t he chronically ill who have be en i ncap acitated for at least 26 w eek s and are unlikely to work ag ai n .
T he m ain criteria are as follows. A l l app licants must -
(i ) be ove r 16 years of age;
(i i) ha ve co mpleted five years of co ns ec utive residence at any time
in t h ei r life;
(i ii ) be w ithin the income limits w hi ch ar e set at 20 per cent above thos e f or qualification for parish w el f ar e;
(i v ) w or k less than 25 hours a wee k, i f e m ployed.
A l l r e ci pients are subject to pe r i odi c review at least every fi ve year s, but some may be as of t e n as every six months;
( b ) persons qualifying for H.I.E. are
en t i tl ed t o the normal services of
an appr oved general medical
pr act it ioner of their choice free
of cha r ge. Each year, my
C om m ittee, with representatives of the m edi cal profession, negotiates the f ee pe r consultation which is
rei m bur sed in full. We also
ne got i ate the reimbursement for
ag r ee d addi tional services such as i nj e ct ions and blood tests. The
co ns ul tation fee which the doctors recei ve is substantially less than
w oul d be t heir standard fee, but
they r eco gnise this as their part
in as s i sting the less well off in
the co m munity. The scheme at
pr es e nt is a partnership between
E m pl o yment and Social Security
C om m ittee and the medical
pr of e s sion, and any extension
w oul d clearly need the co-
ope r at ion and goodwill of the
lat ter .
P er s ons qualifying for H.I.E. are al s o e nt itled to obtain medicines av ai labl e on the Jersey Prescribed L is t at no cost.
T he f ul l cost of these
pr es c ri ptions is met, as are the doc t or s' fees, partly from General R eve nues and partly from the
H eal t h F und element of the Social S ec ur i ty contributions.
T he re w ere 3,709 families on
H .I .E . at 30th September 1994 and the t ot al cost of the present
sc hem e as shown in the Accounts to that dat e amounts to £1.9 million;
( c ) (i) a person would not qualify for
H .I .E . i f t hey failed to make the c r i te r ia I detailed in my res p ons e t o the first part of thi s que s tion;
(i i) a per son in receipt of H.I.E. doe s not suffer any reduction in an y ot h er benefits provided by the E m pl o yment and Social Security D epa rt ment;
(i ii ) beca use of the qualifying cr it er i a , m any people granted H.I.E. w i ll r em ain eligible for the rest
of t he i r lives. If however,
ci r c um stances change, those in recei pt of H.I.E. are required to not i fy t he Department, so that thei r ca se can be re-assessed.
F ur t he r, in the case of lone
pa r ent s granted H.I.E., applicants ar e i nf ormed that the position
w i ll be r eviewed when the youngest ch i l d r eaches the age of 11 years.
N or m al ly H.I.E. is then cancelled, as i t i s considered that at this
ag e, a d ependent child does not
pr ecl ude the parent seeking
em pl oym ent. However, if the child ha s a m edical condition which
w oul d r equire the parent to be in
co ns t ant attendance, H.I.E. is
co nt i nued . Where H.I.E. has been gr ant ed a s a result of the
pa r ent 's medical condition, then
ch i l dr e n are also covered whilst they r em ain in full-time education on t he Island.
S hou ld a recipient marry (or enter a c o -h abi tation relationship), then t he H .I.E. is re-assessed
tr ea ti ng t he original applicant
an d par tner as a couple under the cr i ter ia I described earlier.
H .I .E . i s also cancelled if the
reci pi e nt is admitted to a public ins ti t ut ion or nursing home where the co s ts of medical and
pha r m aceutical provision are
m ai nt a ined wholly at public
ex pens e.
2 . It is by no means true to say that
dent al treatment is no longer available at t he General Hospital. I am advised t ha t dental treatment in the General
H o s pital Out-Patients Department is avai lable free of charge under the f ol l owing circumstances -
( i) children are eligible to receive
fr ee dent al treatment in the
G ene ral Hospital up to the age of 11 y ear s;
( ii ) f rom the age of 11 years until 25
ye ar s , chi ldren and young adults
ar e e l igi ble to receive dental
ca r e under the terms of the Jersey D ent al Scheme, whereby treatment pr ovi ded by the private dental
pr act it ioners is subsidised by the
E m pl o yment and Social Security
C om m ittee. However, the Public
H eal t h C ommittee has maintained the pos ition that, if the cost of
tr ea tm ent under the Jersey Dental S ch em e would lead to financial
ha r ds h ip, free dental treatment
w oul d be a vailable in the General H os pi t al for secondary school
pup il s;
sp eci al ised treatment which is not av ai labl e under the Dental Scheme ca n be p rovided by the Hospital
D ent al Department without charge incl udi ng, for example,
sp eci al ised oral surgery,
or t ho dont ics and procedures
invol vi ng general anaesthesia;
( ii i) adul ts may be referred by
thei r g ener al dental
p rac t it ioner for specialised
d ent al t r e atment and oral
sur ge r y w hich cannot be
p rovi ded by their own dentist.
T h is t r e at ment is provided
w i tho ut c harge. In addition,
p eopl e w ith special health
car e nee ds would also receive
rout ine dent al care in the
H os pi tal Dental Department,
for e xam ple, those with
m ed i ca l c onditions which make d ent al s ur gery hazardous such
as ha em ophi liacs or adults
w i th l ea r ning difficulties.
A s i ndicated in my answer to the
pr e vious question, we are carrying out a co mprehensive review of all aspects of S ocial Security and Health
I ns ur ance, including the provision of as si stance for dental and optical
bene fits with particular regard to t ho se in need. Members will appreciate t ha t the administration and funding of addi tional benefits will pose economic pr ob lems which are being addressed in t he cont ext of our review, but would
i m pl y a further increase in funding
ei t he r by raising the present rate of
S oci al Security contributions or some ot h er means. I would not wish to single out any one particular benefit until
t he out come of our review has been conc luded. I intend to bring our
conc lusions to the States for debate
af ter we have consulted with the
publ ic, and members of the States, hopef ully before the end of the year.''
Cheques (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1995 (Appointed Day) Act 1995
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 3 of the Cheques (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1995, made an Act entitled the Cheques (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1995 (Appointed Day) Act 1995.
Le Squez School, St. Clement - redevelopment: temporary classroom accommodation
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Education Committee -
( a) approved drawings Nos. 2474-104, 105C and 1 06C showing the erection of
t em porary classroom accommodation on t he exi sting playground/grass area
adj ace nt to the existing Le Squez
S chool buildings, St. Clement ;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said drawings on behalf of t he S tates.
Conservation Centre, La Mielle de Morville, St. Ouen
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Planning and Environment Committee -
( a) approved drawing Nos. 10/27/94, 12/ 27/94, 14/27/94 and 15/27/94,
s how ing the proposed Conservation C ent re, La Mielle de Morville, St.
O u en;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said drawings on behalf of
t he S tates.
Le Clos de la Ville, St. Helier : new road and associated footways
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Housing Committee, approved the transfer of administration from the Housing Committee to the Public Services Committee, of the new road and its associated footways through Le Clos de la Ville housing development from La Grande Route de St. Jean to La Grande Route de Mont-à-l'Abbé, St. Helier , as shown on drawing No. 2906/9M.
Fields Nos. 948, 949 and 950, Les Landes, St. Ouen : purchase
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Planning and Environment Committee -
( a) approved the purchase from Mr. Arthur
G r aha m du Feu and Mr. Graham Arthur du F eu, of Fields Nos. 948, 949 and 950,
( m eas uring approximately eight vergées)
s it ua ted to the west of La Route du
O u es t, St. Ouen , adjacent to publicly
ow ned l and at Les Landes, shown hatched on dr awing No. 470/1, for a
cons ideration of £15,000, with each
par ty being responsible for the payment
of i ts own legal fees;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said drawing on behalf of t he S tates;
( c) authorised the Attorney General and the G r ef fier of the States to pass on
beha lf of the public any contracts
w h i ch it might be found to be necessary t o p ass in connexion with the purchase;
( d) authorised the payment or discharge of t he expe nses incurred in connexion with t he pur chase of the said land and of
al l i nterests therein, from the
P l a nning and Environment Committee's C api tal Vote of Credit - Acquisition
of L and - Major Reserve'' (C.0904).
No. 12 Castle Street, St. Helier : sale of land - P.69/95
THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of the Public Services Committee to approve the sale of land formerly part of No. 12 Castle Street, St. Helier . On the proposition of Senator Stuart Syvret the proposition was lodged au Greffe''.
THE STATES decided to take this matter into consideration on 6th June 1995.
Brantwood, 6 Les Six Rues Villas, St. Lawrence : transfer of administration
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Housing Committee, approved the transfer of administration from the Housing Committee to the Defence Committee of the property known as Brantwood, 6 Les Six Rues Villas, St. Lawrence .
Jersey Consumer Council: appointment of Chairman
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Policy and Resources Committee, approved the appointment of Deputy Alan Breckon of St. Saviour as Chairman of the Jersey Consumer Council for a period of three years from 23rd
May 1995.
Draft Firearms (Jersey) Law 199 - P.172/94 and P.26/95
THE STATES commenced consideration of the draft Firearms (Jersey) Law 199 , and after discussion rejected the preamble.
Members present voted as follows -
P our '' (13) Senators
S henton, Jeune , Horsfall, Stein, Syvret. Connétable s
S t. Clement, St. Lawrence .
R umboll(H), Wavell(S), S. Baudains(H), Le F ondré(L), Layzell(B), St. Martin .
C ont re'' (37) Senators
R othwell, Le Main, Le Maistre, Quérée, C hinn, Bailhache , Tomes.
Connétable s
S t. Mary, St. Peter , Grouville , St. Helier , S t. Saviour, Trinity , St. Martin , St. Ouen ,
S t. John. Deputies
N orman(C), St. Peter , H. Baudains(C), Le
S ueur(H), St. Ouen , Coutanche(L),
H uelin(B), Le Geyt(S), Walker (H),
C respel(H), Pullin(S), Trinity , Carter(H),
J ohns(H), Duhamel(S), Matthews(B),
R outier(H), Dorey(H), Breckon(S), Huet(H), S t. John.
Limited Liability Companies (Registration Fees) (No. 3) (Jersey) Regulations 1995 - P.50/95
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 1 of the Limited Liability Companies (Registration Fees) (Jersey) Law 1967, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Limited Liability Companies (Registration Fees) (No. 3) (Jersey) Regulations 1995.
Jersey College for Girls Preparatory School temporary car park: supplementary vote of credit - P.54/95 (Revised)
THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of the Finance and Economics Committee, regarding the request of the Education Committee for a supplementary vote of credit for the construction of a car park for
the Jersey College for Girls Preparatory School. After discussion, and on the proposition of Deputy Dereck André Carter of St. Helier , the proposition was referred back to the Committee.
Social Security (Amendment No. 10) (Jersey) Law 199 - P.57/95
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Social Security (Amendment No. 10) (Jersey) Law 199 .
Loi (199 ) (Abrogation) sur les Etrangers - P.58/95
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Loi (199 ) (Abrogation) sur les Etrangers.
THE STATES rose at 4.20 p.m.
G .H .C . C O P P O C K G r ef fi e r of the States.