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STATES MINUTES 26t h S ept ember 1995
P ri c e : £ 2.25
T HE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 26th September 1995 at 9.30 a.m. under the Presidency of the Deputy Bailiff ,
F r ancis Charles Hamon, Esquire
__ _______ ___
All Members were present with the exception of -
S enator John Stephen Rothwell - ill
I ris Medora Le Feuvre, Connétable of St. L awrence - out of the Island
J ohn Baudains Germain, Connétable of St. M artin - out of the Island
C arlyle John Le Herissier Hinault,
C onnétable of St. John - out of the Island A lastair John Layzell, Deputy of St.
B relade - out of the Island.
__ _______ ___
P r aye rs
__ _______ ___
Committee of Inquiry into recent suicides at La Moye Prison.
The Deputy Bailiff made a statement in the following terms -
Following the request of the Prison Board t o establish a Committee of Inquiry to
e xamine the circumstances surrounding the t wo recent suicides at La Moye Prison, the B ailiff has appointed Jurat P.G. Blampied, O .B.E., Chairman, Jurat E.J.M. Potter,
I .S.O., and Dr. Margaret Bruce to carry out t hat task. An official from the States
G reffe will act as secretary to the
c ommittee.
T he terms of reference of the committee w ill be -
T o i nquire into the circumstances
s ur r ounding the suicides of Andrew
P hi lip Stopher and Stuart Mark Peter H a nnaf ord at La Moye Prison and the
adeq uacy of measures taken to prevent a r ec ur rence of such fatalities, and, if appr opriate, to make such
r ec om mendations as they think fit.'
T he Committee will in general determine its
o wn procedure but will receive oral
e vidence in public. It will in due course
r eport to the Bailiff who will lay the
r eport before the States.''
Re-election of Connétable s
The Deputy Bailiff congratulated the Connétable of St. Clement , Leonard René Hamel,
the Connétable of St. Helier , Robert Lester Le Brocq, and the Connétable of St. Saviour , Jack Roche, on their re-election as Connétable s of their parishes.
Subordinate legislation tabled
The following enactment was laid before the States, namely -
R oad Racing (Motor Vehicle Rally) ( No. 2) (Jersey) Order 1995. R & O 8 855.
Matters presented
The following matters were presented to the States -
1 . Medical Officer of Health:
r ep ort for 1994.
P r es ented by the Public Health C om mittee.
2 . Field 1007, St. John - petition
( P .8/ 95): report - P.134/95.
P r es ented by the Planning and
E nvi ronment Committee.
T H E STATES ordered that the said report be pr inted and distributed.
Matters noted - land transactions
THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 18th September 1995, showing that in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved -
( a) as recommended by the Public
S er vices Committee, the purchase from
Mr s . Joan Catherine Cassandra
H o l derness, née Waring, of an area of
l and at Field No. 98, St. Lawrence
( m eas uring 1,027 square feet), for the
s um of £1,027, with the Committee being r es pons ible for all reasonable fees
i nv olved in the transaction and the
cos t of any accommodation works
i nv olved;
( b) as recommended by the Public
S er vices Committee, the renewal of the
l eas e from Mr. Martin Ralph Chinnery of t he pr operty No. 1 Clos de Douet, St.
J ohn, for a period of one year from 1st
S ept ember 1995, at an annual rent of
£ 11,44 8.47;
( c) as recommended by the Housing
C om mittee, the grant of wayleaves to
May fair Hotel Limited and Hotel des
V o yage urs Limited to permit the
conne ction to the mains water supply at D e Q uetteville Court, connection of
f oul sewage into the main drain, and
conne ction of the surface water drain
f rom the car park of the hotels into
t he s torm water drain, for the total
s um of £3,000, with all legal expenses
as soci ated with the transaction being
m et by Mayfair Hotel Limited and Hotel des Voyageurs Limited;
( d) as recommended by the Education
C om mittee, the entering into of a
C ont rat de Bornement between the public and t he trustees of the Clos du Paradis
H o us ing Trust to clarify the boundary
bet w een Clos du Paradis, La Pouquelaye, S t . H elier, to the south and Mont
C ant el School to the north, with each
par ty being responsible for the payment
of i ts own legal costs.
Matters lodged
The following matters were lodged au Greffe'' -
1 . Draft Prevention of Terrorism ( Je r sey) Law 199 - P.128/95. P r es ented by the Defence
C om mittee.
2 . Airport: lease of accommodation i n H erald House - P.129/95.
P r es ented by the Harbours and
A i r port Committee.
3 . Airport: lease of accommodation i n f reight terminal - P.130/95.
P r es ented by the Harbours and
A i r port Committee.
4 . 97 Don Road, St. Helier :
appr oval of drawings - P.131/95. P r es ented by the Housing
C om mittee.
5 . Jersey Financial Services
C om mission: establishment - P.132/95. P r es ented by the Finance and
E conom ics Committee.
6 . Springfield, St. Helier -
gr a ndstand: approval of drawings - P .133/ 95.
P r es ented by the Sport, Leisure
and R ecreation Committee.
7 . Draft Housing (General
P r ovi sions) (Amendment No. 11) (Jersey) R egul ations 199 (P.100/95(b)): second
am endm ent - P.135/95.
P r es ented by Deputy J.L. Dorey
of S t. Helier.
8 . Draft Housing (General
P r ovi sions) (Amendment No. 11) (Jersey) R egul ations 199 (P.100/95(b)): third
am endm ent - P.136/95.
P r es ented by Deputy D.A. Carter
of S t. Helier.
Arrangement of public business for the meeting on 10th October 1995
THE STATES noted that it had been agreed at the meeting of 12th September 1995 that the proposition regarding housing legislation (P.100/95 - lodged au Greffe'' on 25th July 1995) would be considered at the meeting on 10th October 1995.
THE STATES confirmed that the following matters lodged au Greffe'' should be considered at the meeting on 10th October 1995 -
D raft Housing (General Provisions)
( Amendment No. 11) (Jersey) Regulations 199 (P.100/95(b)): second amendment - P .135/95.
P resented by Deputy J.L. Dorey of
S t. Helier.
D raft Housing (General Provisions)
( Amendment No. 11) (Jersey) Regulations 1 99 (P.100/95(b)): third amendment -
P .136/95.
P resented by Deputy D.A. Carter of
S t. Helier.
S imultaneous voting/enhanced sound systems i n States Chamber - P.115/95.
L odged: 29th August 1995.
H ouse Committee.
S t. John's Primary School:
a lterations and extensions - P.120/95. L odged: 29th August 1995.
E ducation Committee.
D raft Licensing (Licence
F ees) (Jersey) Regulations 199 - P.122/95. L odged: 12th September 1995.
T ourism Committee.
O TC site, La Route es Nouaux,
S t. Helier: construction of car park - P .124/95.
L odged: 12th September 1995.
H ousing Committee.
F ield 46, St. Brelade : transfer of a dministration - P.125/95.
L odged: 12th September 1995.
H arbours and Airport Committee.
Airport: lease of accommodation in H erald House - P.129/95.
L odged: 26th September 1995.
H arbours and Airport Committee.
A irport: lease of accommodation in f reight terminal - P.130/95.
L odged: 26th September 1995.
H arbours and Airport Committee.
9 7 Don Road, St. Helier : approval of d rawings - P.131/95.
L odged: 26th September 1995.
H ousing Committee.
S pringfield, St. Helier - grandstand: a pproval of drawings - P.133/95.
L odged: 26th September 1995.
S port, Leisure and
R ecreation Committee.
Waterfront Enterprise Board - questions and answers (Tape No. 303)
The Connétable of St. Helier asked Senator Reginald Robert Jeune , President of the Policy and Resources Committee, the following questions -
1. Wo uld the President advise members
w hen t he Committee proposes to
pr es e nt to the States a report on
the pr ogr ess regarding the
de vel opm ent of the waterfront area
an d t he plans of the Waterfront
E nt er pr ise Board ( WEB'')?
2 . Is it the Committee's intention to
i ns t itute a full debate on the
deve lopment proposals prior to
i nv esting WEB with the authority to pr oc eed?
3 . The Strategic Policy Review 1995 Part I I i de ntifies among the Lower Priority
P r oj ects to 2000 (paragraph 7.18 on
page 60), the retention of the
Wei ghbridge bus terminus at its present s ite and the construction of buildings
and t he creation of an enclosed area'.
T he s tatement is also made that the
Wei ghbridge area needs to form a back- s top' to Liberation Square rather than
r em ain as it is, if the benefit of
L i be ration Square is to be maximised in ar chi tectural terms''. Having regard
f or t he fact that the States has twice
deci ded, in the Island Plan debate and
i n t he debate on the St. Helier
Wat erfront Plan based on the work of
A n dr ews Downie, that the bus terminus s houl d be relocated to the Island site,
w o ul d the President -
( a) explain why a proposal contrary to t ho se decisions is included in the
S t rat egic Policy Review, and
( b) undertake to provide the States with an oppor tunity to debate this specific
s ubj ect at an early date?''
The President of the Policy and Resources Committee replied as follows -
1. My Committee will be considering a
dr af t r epor t and proposition later
thi s w e ek on which it will also be
se eki ng t he views of the Planning
an d E nvi ronment Committee. Once
thes e vi ews are known, the Policy
an d R es ources Committee will
fi na li s e its report and
pr opos ition and I hope to be in a
pos i ti on to present this to the
H ous e before the end of October.
2 . My Committee is fully aware of the wish of m any States members to have an
oppor tunity to express their views on
t he w ay forward for the development of
t he Wa terfront area and as stated in
t he ans wer to the previous question it
i s t he intention to provide members
w i t h that opportunity at an early date.
3 . The Strategic Policy Review 1995 Part I I i n r eferring to the lower priority
pr oj ects to 2000 (paragraph 7.18 on
page 60) merely provides a précis
des cription of all the individual
pr oj ects for which capital funds were
r eq uested by Committees, including the Wat erfront Enterprise Board. This
des criptive summary of what the request i nv olves does not in any way imply that w h at is being put forward has the
s uppo rt of my Committee or of the
S t a tes.
T he C onnétable will be aware from
r ec ent media comment, following a
m e eting between representatives of the Wat erfront Enterprise Board and the
T our ism Committee, that the Board has under taken to review the options for
t he f uture location of the buses. I
w o ul d also point out in this respect
t ha t there can be no departure from the
T ow n Map No. 3-92 approved by the
S t a tes on 10th November 1992 (which map i s bas ed on the work of Andrews Downie and p rovides for the buses to be
l ocated on the Weighbridge Island'
s it e ) without the prior approval of the
S t a tes.''
Dumping at Ronez - questions and answers (Tape No. 303)
Deputy Philip John Rondel of St. John asked Deputy Harry Hall ewell Baudains of St. Clement , Vice-President of the Planning and Environment Committee, the following questions -
1. I s the Vice-President aware that,
the P res ident advised me, in a
let ter , dat ed 25th July 1995, that the S ea Fisheries Adviser had
pr epar ed a report on the effects
of dum ping at Ronez?
Woul d the Vice-President advise members
i f i t is the intention of the Planning
and E nvironment Committee to publish t ha t report?
2 . Is the Vice-President aware that the l et t er of 25th July stated that a
vi si ting coastal expert had also given advi ce on the long-term effect of the dum ping on the marine environment?
Woul d the Vice-President inform the S t a tes of the name of that expert and t he ext ent of his expertise in these
m at ters?
3 . Did the Sea Fisheries Adviser and the
vi si ting expert carry out a full
exam ination of the area? If so, would
t he V ice-President inform members how f ar bel ow chart datum has the rubble,
s il t, et c. gone out to sea, both in an
eas terly and northerly direction?
4 . Would the Vice-President state the es timated gross tonnage of material t ha t has been tipped into the sea?
5 . Is the Vice-President aware that in a
l et t er, dated 12th July 1995, the
P r es ident of the Agriculture and
F i sher ies Committee claimed that the
P l a nning and Environment Committee had al r ea dy carried out an independent
s ur vey of the area. Would the Vice-
P r es ident confirm whether such a survey
w a s carried out and, if so, is it the
i nt ent ion of the Planning and
E nvi ronment Committee to publish the
r es ul ts of the survey?''
The Vice-President of the Planning and Environment Committee replied as follows -
1. I am aware of the letter sent to
D eput y R ondel on 25th July 1995. Indeed I have circulated a copy of that l et ter, together with a copy
of t he r eport of the Sea Fisheries
A dvi ser for all members to see.
I n a ddition, I have circulated for
t he i nformation of Deputy Rondel and ot h er members, a copy of a letter from t he S tates' Environmental Adviser expr essing similar views on the matter.
2 . The visiting expert was Dr. Eric C. F. B i r d.
D r . B ird is a coastal geomorphologist, a gr aduate of King's College, London, and t he Australian National University, C anber ra. He has held lecturing posts
at U niversity College, London, and the A u s tralian National University, and is now a Reader in Geomorphology at the U n i versity of Melbourne as well as
P r oj ect Co-Ordinator for Coastal
R es earch at the United Nations
U n i versity, Tokyo. He was Chairman of t he I nternational Geographical Union
C om mission on the Coastal Environment f rom 1972 to 1984.
A s s uch, Dr. Bird is an
i nt er nationally recognised expert on coas tal geomorphology.
3 . No. Both were asked for an opinion
bas ed on the information available and r ea s onably observable.
T he S ea Fisheries Adviser's note and dr a wing indicates the eastward extent of t he drift of dumped material -
appr oximately 500 metres. The sea bed f al l s away steeply in this area and the nor thern extent of deposits is not
r ea di ly discernible from the water
s ur f ace or from the land.
4 . In the light of the answer to question 3 i t has not been possible to quantify t he t onnage of the dumped material.
5 . I am not aware of the letter to which t he D eputy refers in this question.
T he P lanning and Environment Committee has not carried out an independent
s ur vey of the Ronez area other than
t ho se referred to already.
R onez Limited itself commissioned a s tudy ea rlier this year into the
envi ronmental impact of its operations. I t w as advised by the States
E nvi ronmental Adviser (then the
P l a nning Department's Conservation O f f icer) in the selection of a
cons ultant.
T he s tudy, by Oakwood Environmental, w a s conducted in consultation with the P l a nning Department, and made certain r ec om mendations for changes in the
pr a ctices of the company. These
i nc l uded, among other things, a review of t he practice of depositing
aggr egates on the western foreshore for
w a s hing and rounding prior to
s ubs equent use in concrete making and t ippi ng on the eastern foreshore to
s tr eng then sea defences against the cons iderable erosion that takes place.
A s a r esult of the study, and in a
w r i tten agreement with the Committee in May 1995, both of these operations
cea sed immediately and have not resumed s ince.
T he C ompany has applied to the
C om mittee to construct a rock wall on t he eas tern foreshore to stabilise the er o sion.
A s t he report was commissioned by the com pany, it is not within the gift of
t he C ommittee to make copies available t o m embers.''
On-street closed circuit television - questions and answers (Tape No. 303)
Deputy Gary Matthews of St. Brelade asked Deputy Michael Adam Wavell of St. Saviour , President of the Defence Committee, the following questions -
1. I n Appendix 3.6 to the Strategic
P ol i c y R eview 1995 - Part II,
R es our ces Plan, (page 29), which de s cr ibe s individual projects
w i thi n t he recommended capital pr ogr a mme 1996 - 1999, there
ap pear s in section 2.2. States
P ol i c e' an item for On Street
C C T V ' of £300,000 to continue w i th t he i nitiative commenced in 199 5' .
Woul d the President agree that -
( a ) States' members have received
no i nf or mation of the appraisal of the s i x -month trial' of the
cl os e d ci rcuit television unit,
si tu at e d on top of the Central
M ar ke t;
( b ) States members should not be asked to appr ove the capital expenditure
it em f or On Street CCTV' until
the S tat es have had the
opp or t unity to consider an
ap pr ai sal of the trial'?
2 . Will the President undertake to report back to members before the end of 1995 w i t h either a full statement on his
C om mittee's policy on CCTV and the
s ucc ess, or otherwise, of the trial'
cam era or a proposition requesting the S t a tes to approve in principle' the
cont inuation of the experiment?
3 . What decisions have the Defence
C om mittee made with respect to the
r eq uired number and location of CCTV cam eras in 1996?
4 . Has the Committee taken advice as to w h et her it is possible for film from
t he s urveillance cameras to be used as
evi denc e in the Police or Royal Courts? Woul d the President undertake to
com municate any such advice to States m em bers?''
The President of the Defence Committee replied as follows -
1.(a) The purpose of the current trial'
of t he C CTV camera on Beresford
S tr ee t i s to examine the technical
opt i o ns available for a town
ce nt r e s cheme. It is not the
pur pos e of this trial' to decide
on t he need for a more
co m pr ehensive installation.
M em ber s of my Committee fully
su ppor t the installation of CCTV
as one p ositive step towards our
ai m s t o r educe crime and apprehend of f en der s. Following the six month t ri al ' t he States of Jersey
P ol i c e w ill use the technical
inf or m ation gathered, together
w i th t hat obtained from other
ar eas w ith CCTV in operation in
or der t o produce an operational
requi rem ent. It is with reference
to t h i s s pecification that
pot ent ial suppliers will bid for a
co nt r act . These tendering
doc um ents will be subject to the
ap pr ova l of my Committee. If
S tat e s' members wish to have
ac ces s to these documents after
they ha ve been submitted to my
C om m ittee I will be pleased to
di s cu s s this with you at the
ap pr opr iate stage of the tendering
pr oces s.
( b ) As already stated, the objectives of t he trial' relate to the
inves ti gation of technical opt i o ns . The information gleaned fr om t h e trial' will be used to
pr oduce tendering documents and not t o produce some form of
appr ai sal' of CCTV as a concept. M y C om mittee is unanimous in its su ppor t of the use of CCTV. The
obj ec ti ves of the trial' are to
de t er m ine the suitability of the
cu r r e nt ly available technology for ca pt u r e, transmission and storage of vi d eo i mages.
2 . The installation of CCTV as a measure
t o c ombat the problems of public
di sor der is a matter for my Committee.
T he us e of CCTV in public car parks
adm inistered by the Public Services
C om mittee (of which Deputy Matthews is a m ember) has been a success which we
on t he Defence Committee wish to
m ir ror. At no time was the question of
cam eras in public car parks debated in
t he H ouse. The reason for this was that
P ubl ic Services saw the security of
vehi cles and the public in their car
par k as being the responsibility of
t he i r Committee as policing of our
s tr ee ts is one of the responsibilities
of m y Committee. I have been given a
m andat e by this House to explore new
i ni t iatives in the fight against crime
and p ublic order. I am delighted, as
ar e m embers of my Committee, that the
P ol icy and Resources Committee has
r ec ogni sed the importance of law and
or de r within its Strategic Policy
docum ent. Already, the States of Jersey
P ol ice and Honorary Police are co-
oper ating in the use of this
t echnol ogy, with both organisations
r ec ogni sing the potential of such
equi pment.
3 . No decision can yet be made as to the
exac t number and deployment of on-
s tr ee t cameras during 1996. It would be
cava lier in the extreme to make
s w eep ing assumptions without having
condu cted appropriate research into all
t he ava ilable options. The Research
D e par tment of the States of Jersey
P ol ice is working to a pre-defined and
pr of essional project plan in order to
pr od uce a system appropriate to the
need s of the Island. Operational
r eq uirements will be submitted to my
C om mittee during November with the aim of i nstalling an on-street CCTV scheme
i n S t. Helier during the summer of 1996. T his will probably represent the f ir s t phase of the project as I have no doubt that the public will request
f ur t her enhancements as the system pr ov es its success.
4 . There is a responsibility on the Police t o e nsure that wherever possible the
be s t evidence' must be made available and u sed in Courts. The use of
vi d eotape is one such piece of evidence avai lable to the Police in their fight
agai nst crime and public disorder. In
f ac t , I am able to illustrate the use
of s uch evidence by certain examples
w h er e, as a direct result of videotape
bei ng m ade available to the Police and t he C ourts, offenders have been
capt ured and subsequently convicted.
O ne such case involved the identification
o f a suspect and a vehicle from security
v ideo equipment in Pier Road car park, as a r esult of which five youths were questioned a nd an admission gained that nine strip
l ights in this car park had been damaged.
A nother case involved the apprehension of
o ffenders in connexion with stealing
p roperty from a vehicle, again in Pier Road c ar park, again where CCTV was available. T hirdly, another example involved videotape e vidence which was made available to the
P olice from a bank in St. Helier , which
i dentified the offender using a stolen
c redit card and making cash withdrawals
f rom a cash-point machine in Bath Street.
I ncidentally, the time and date on which
t hese withdrawals were made were also
a vailable on the tape. This was crucial
e vidence and enabled the Police to take
s till photographs from the video and submit t hose photographs as evidence to the
C ourts.
I am sure that few of you will disagree
t hat results such as this are most
e ncouraging in our drive to reduce crime
a nd public disorder in Jersey. I need not
r emind you that this was very much the
t hrust of the Strategy Policy document in
c onnexion with reducing crime and I think
t hat by exemplifying these cases, two of
w hich arose from public service car parks
a nd the other a financial institution, in
m any ways answers Deputy Gary Matthews' q uestion, that, yes, videotape evidence is
b eing used for the Courts as best evidence
a nd will continue to be so.''
Field No. 277A, St. Peter : purchase THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Harbours and Airport Committee -
( a) authorised the purchase on behalf of
t he publ ic from Mrs. Muriel Aileen
P r iaul x Vibert , née Le Gros, of
appr oximately one perch of land forming t he nor thern tip of Field No. 277A, Le
Mont Fondon, St. Peter , for the sum of
£ 10, w ith the Committee being
r es pons ible for the payment of the
l egal fees;
( b) authorised the Attorney General and the G r ef fier of the States to pass, on
beha lf of the public, any contract
w h i ch it might be found necessary to
pas s in connexion with the purchase of
t he s aid property and any interests
t he r ein;
( c) authorised the payment or discharge of any e xpenses to be incurred in
conne xion with the purchase of the said pr op erty and of all interests therein
f rom the Harbours and Airport
C om mittee's vote of credit Airport
O p er ating Expenses'' (Vote No. 1706).
St. Saviour 's Hospital: charges for elderly long-stay patients - P.60/95 (Revised)
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Public Health Committee -
( a) approved, in principle, the Public
H e al th Committee's proposed policy to r e -i ntroduce a charge for long-stay
pat i ents over the age of 65 years, at
S t . S aviour's Hospital or any of its
anne xes;
( b) charged the Public Health Committee to pr e pare the necessary legislation in
acc ordance with the priority ranking to
be de termined by the Policy and
R es ources Committee.
Mortgage interest relief on Jersey residential property - P.80/95 and P.91/95
THE STATES, after discussion, rejected paragraph (1) of a proposition of Deputy Alan Breckon of
St. Saviour to agree, in principle, to limit mortgage interest relief on Jersey residential property.
Members present voted as follows -
P our '' (6) Senator
Q uérée. Deputies
J ohns(H), Matthews(B), Breckon(S), G rouville, St. Martin .
C ont re'' (40) Senators
S henton, Jeune , Horsfall, Le Main, Le M aistre, Stein, Chinn, Bailhache , Syvret, T omes.
Connétable s
S t. Clement, St. Mary , St. Brelade , St. P eter, Grouville , St. Helier , St. Saviour , T rinity, St. Ouen .
R umboll(H), Wavell(S), Norman(C), St.
P eter, H. Baudains(C), Le Sueur (H), St.
O uen, Coutanche(L), Huelin(B), St. Mary , L e Fondré(L), Le Geyt(S), Walker (H),
C respel(H), Pullin(S), Trinity , Duhamel(S), R outier(H), Dorey(H), Huet(H), St. John .
Thereupon Deputy Breckon withdrew the remaining paragraphs of the proposition.
Health Insurance (Amendment No. 9) (Jersey) Law 199 - P.90/95
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a
Law entitled the Health Insurance (Amendment No. 9) (Jersey) Law 199 .
Field No. 1002, Le Mont des Vignes, St. Peter : construction of dwelling - P.95/95
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Planning and Environment Committee -
( a) supported the Planning and Environment C om mittee's intention to grant planning
per mission for the construction of a
dw el ling in Field No. 1002, Le Mont des V i gne s, St. Peter (formerly the site of a pr operty called Madeira Cottage),
s how n on drawing No. 477/1, which is l oc at ed in the Green Zone;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said drawing on behalf of t he S tates.
Members present voted as follows -
P our '' (36) Senators
Shenton, Horsfall, Le Maistre, Stein, Q uérée, Bailhache , Tomes.
Connétable s
S t. Clement, St. Mary , St. Brelade , St. P eter, Grouville , St. Helier , St. Saviour , T rinity, St. Ouen .
R umboll(H), Norman(C), St. Peter ,
H . Baudains(C), Le Sueur (H), St. Ouen ,
C outanche(L), Huelin(B), St. Mary ,
S . Baudains(H), Le Fondré(L), Crespel(H), P ullin(S), Johns(H), Duhamel(S),
R outier(H), Dorey(H), Huet(H), St. Martin , S t. John.
C ont re'' (3) Senator
S yvret. Deputies
M atthews(B), Grouville .
Parish Rate Appeal Board: appointment of members - P.101/95
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Finance and Economics Committee, and in pursuance of Article 14 of the Parish Rate (Administration) (Jersey) Law 1946, as amended, appointed the undermentioned persons as members of the Parish Rate Appeal Board for a period of five years with effect from 1st October 1995 -
C har les Alan Le Maistre
Mi chae l John Touzel
L eslie Rufus Crapp
Mi chae l John Vibert
R i ch ard Francis Valpy Jeune .
Children (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 199 - P.103/95
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Children (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 199 .
Gambling (Betting) (Amendment No. 9) (Jersey) Regulations 1995 - P.104/95
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 3 of the Gambling (Jersey) Law 1964, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Gambling (Betting) (Amendment No. 9) (Jersey) Regulations 1995.
Members present voted as follows -
P our '' (31) Senators
S henton, Jeune , Le Maistre, Stein, Quérée, C hinn, Bailhache .
Connétable s
S t. Clement, St. Mary , St. Brelade , St. P eter, Grouville , St. Helier , St. Saviour , S t. Ouen.
R umboll(H), Wavell(S), St. Peter ,
H . Baudains(C), St. Ouen , Coutanche(L),
W alker(H), Crespel(H), Pullin(S), Trinity ,
C arter(H), Routier(H), Breckon(S), Huet(H), S t. Martin, St. John .
C ont re'' (13) Senators
H orsfall, Syvret, Tomes. Connétable
T rinity.
N orman(C), Le Sueur (H), St. Mary , Le
G eyt(S), Johns(H), Duhamel(S), Matthews(B), D orey(H), Grouville .
Health Insurance (Medical Benefit) (Amendment
No. 44) (Jersey) Regulations 1995 - P.106/95
THE STATES, in pursuance of Articles 18 and 46 of the Health Insurance (Jersey) Law
1967, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Health Insurance (Medical Benefit) (Amendment No. 44) (Jersey) Regulations 1995.
Interest on Debts and Damages (Jersey) Law 199 - P.108/95
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a
Law entitled the Interest on Debts and Damages (Jersey) Law 199 .
Public Health Committee (Change of Name) (Jersey) Act 1995 - P.111/95
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 29 of the States of Jersey Law 1966, as amended, made an Act entitled the Public Health Committee (Change of Name) (Jersey) Act 1995.
Transfer of Functions (Health and Social
Services Committee) (Jersey) Act 1995 - P.112/95
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 29 of the States of Jersey Law 1966, as amended, and all other powers enabling them in that behalf, made an Act entitled the Transfer of Functions (Health and Social Services Committee) (Jersey) Act 1995.
Social Security (Amendment No. 12) (Jersey) Law 199 - P.113/95
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Social Security (Amendment No. 12) (Jersey) Law 199 .
Health Insurance (Amendment No. 10) (Jersey) Law 199 - P.114/95
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Health Insurance (Amendment No. 10) (Jersey) Law 199 .
Powers of Attorney (Jersey) Law 1995 (Appointed Day) Act 1995 - P.116/95
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 12 of the Powers of Attorney (Jersey) Law 1995, made an Act entitled the Powers of Attorney (Jersey) Law 1995 (Appointed Day) Act 1995.
THE STATES rose at 3.20 p.m.
G .H .C . C O P P O C K G r ef fi e r of the States.