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STATES MINUTES 7 t h N o v ember 1995
P ri c e : £ 2 . 2 5
T HE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 7th November 1995 at 9.30 a.m. under t h e Presidency of the Bailiff ,
P hilip Martin Bailhache , Esquire
_ _ _ _ _ _ ______
His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor,
General Sir Michael Wilkes, K.C.B., C.B.E, w a s p r e sent.
_ _ _ _ _ _ ______
All Members were present with the exception of -
S enator Richard Joseph Shenton - out of the
I sland
S enator John Stephen Rothwell - ill
S enator Antony Beresford Chinn - out of the I sland
C arlyle John Le Herissier Hinault,
C onnétable of St. John - ill
L eonard Norman, Deputy of St. Clement - out
o f the Island
J ohn Nicolle Le Fondré, Deputy of St.
L awrence - out of the Island.
_ _ _ _ _ _ ______
P r a y e rs
_ _ _ _ _ _ ______
Review of the States Greffe - statement The Bailiff made a statement as follows -
Members will wish to know that I have
e stablished, after consultation with the
P residents of the Establishment and House
C ommittees and with my Consultative Panel, a Working Group to review the
a dministrative services provided by the
S tates Greffe. The Working Group will be
c haired by Sir Clifford Boulton, G.C.B., a f ormer Clerk of the House of Commons, and w ill be composed of Senator R.R. Jeune ,
O .B.E. and two former members of the
S tates, Mr. John Averty and Mr. John Le
G allais. The secretary to the Working Group w ill be Mrs. Diana Booth.
T he terms of reference of the Working Group a re -
H aving regard for -
t h e overall efficiency of the machinery
o f g overnment in Jersey;
t h e effectiveness with which the
b u s iness of the States is planned and e x e cuted;
t h e proper functioning of the d e m ocratic process in Jersey;
t o examine -
t h e support services presently provided t o t he President of the States,
C o m mittees of the States and States
m em bers generally in carrying out their r e sp ective functions;
t h e present responsibilities of the
S t a tes Greffe with regard to the
p r o vision of those services and the
o t h er functions that the States Greffe i s c harged to perform;
t h e present organisation, staffing and w o rking practices of the States Greffe;
a n y other matters arising out of and in c o n nection with such examination;
a nd to recommend what (if any) changes are r equired in -
t h e support services provided to the
P r e sident of the States, Committees of
t h e States and States members generally i n c arrying out their respective
f u n ctions;
t h e responsibilities of the Greffe and t h e other functions that the States
G re ffe is charged to perform;
t h e organisation, staffing and working
p r a ctices of the States Greffe.
A ny member who wishes to make a submission, w hether orally or in writing, to the
W orking Group is asked to contact Mrs.
B ooth, c/o the Education Department. The
r eport of the Working Group will be laid
b efore the States in due course''.
Subordinate legislation tabled
The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -
1 . Motor Vehicles (Driving
L i c ences) (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) O rd er 1995. R & O 8872.
2 . Public Rank Taxis (Fares and
C h a rges) (Amendment) (Jersey) Order 1 9 9 5. R & O 8873.
3 . Road Traffic (Saint Clement)
( A m endment No. 11) (Jersey) Order 1995. R & O 8874.
4 . Royal Court (Amendment No. 8) R u l es 1995. R & O 8875.
Industrial Relations Committee - resignation of member
THE STATES noted the resignation of Deputy Michael Adam Wavell of St. Saviour from the Industrial Relations Committee.
Matter presented
The following matter was presented to the States -
R eview of the application process. P resented by the Planning and
E nvironment Committee.
Matters noted - acceptance of tenders
THE STATES noted Acts of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 30th October 1995, showing that in pursuance of Rule 5 of the Public Finances (General) (Jersey) Rules 1967, as amended, the Committee had noted that -
( a) the Housing Committee had accepted the l o w est of eight tenders, namely that
s u b mitted by A.C. Mauger and Son
( S u nwin) Limited, in the sum of
£2 , 308,000 in a contract period of 104
w ee ks for the refurbishment of Cherry
O rc hard Court, St. Helier;
( b) the Education Committee had accepted t h e lowest of six tenders, namely that
s u b mitted by Camerons Limited, in the s u m of £1,591,000 for alterations and
e x te nsions to St. John's Primary
S c h ool.
Matters lodged
The following matters were lodged au Greffe'' -
1 . Draft Royal Court (Amendment
N o . 8) (Jersey) Law 199 - P.149/95. P r e sented by the Legislation
C o m mittee.
2 . Projet de Loi (199 ) (Amendement N o . 6) réglant la procédure
c r im inelle - P.150/95.
P r e sented by the Comité de
L é g islation.
3 . Draft Police Court
( M iscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment N o . 5) (Jersey) Law 199 - P.151/95.
P r e sented by the Legislation
C o m mittee.
4 . Fish farmers: loan scheme -
P . 1 52/95.
P r e sented by the Agriculture and F i s heries Committee.
5 . Draft Trusts (Amendment No. 3) ( J er sey) Law 199 - P.153/95.
P r e sented by the Finance and
E c o nomics Committee.
6 . Taxis and cabs in Jersey: re-
o r g anisation - P.154/95.
P r e sented by the Public Services C o m mittee.
7 . Airport redevelopment:
f in a ncing - P.155/95.
P r e sented by the Harbours and A ir port Committee.
8 . St. Helier Waterfront
D ev elopment - P.156/95.
P r e sented by the Policy and R e s ources Committee.
9 . Public Employees Contributory R e tirement Scheme: subordinate l e gi slation - P.157/95.
P r e sented by the Establishment C o m mittee.
1 0. Fields 93 and 94, St. Brelade :
p r o posed cemetery for the Parish of St. B r e lade - P.158/95.
P r e sented by the Planning and
E n v ironment Committee.
1 1. Draft Disability Transport
A ll owance (Jersey) Law 199 - P.159/95. P r e sented by the Employment and
S o c ial Security Committee.
Industrial Relations Committee: supplementary vote of credit. P.56/95 - withdrawn
THE STATES noted that the President of the Industrial Relations Committee had withdrawn the proposition relating to a supplementary vote of credit (lodged au Greffe'' on 25th April
Disabled transport allowance. P.168/94 - withdrawn
THE STATES noted that the President of the Employment and Social Security Committee had withdrawn the proposition relating to a disabled transport allowance (lodged au Greffe'' on
13th December 1994), having lodged the draft Disability Transport Allowance (Jersey) Law 199 (P.159/95) at the present meeting.
Arrangement of public business for the meeting on 21st November 1995
THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe'' would be considered at the
meeting on 21st November 1995 -
S pringfield Lane, St. Helier : purchase of r oadway - P.123/95.
L odged: 12th September 1995.
P lanning and Environment Committee.
V ictoria College: Board of
G overnors - P.126/95.
L odged: 12th September 1995. D eputy F.J. Hill of St. Martin .
P lanning charges: (a) Draft Public
H ealth (Control of Building) (Amendment N o. 3) (Jersey) Law 199 ; (b) Draft Island P lanning (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Law 1 99 - P.141/95.
L odged: 10th October 1995.
P lanning and Environment Committee.
P rotection of Jersey's architectural
h eritage and incentive scheme of grants - P .27/95.
L odged: 28th February 1995.
P lanning and Environment Committee.
D raft Insurance Business (Jersey) Law 1 99 - P.147/95.
L odged: 24th October 1995.
F inance and Economics Committee.
D raft Royal Court (Amendment No. 8) ( Jersey) Law 199 - P.149/95.
L odged: 7th November 1995
L egislation Committee.
P rojet de Loi (199 ) (Amendement
N o. 6) réglant la procédure criminelle - P .150/95.
L odged: 7th November 1995.
C omité de Législation.
D raft Police Court
( Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment N o. 5) (Jersey) Law 199 - P.151/95. . Lodged: 7th November 1995. L egislation Committee.
F ish farmers: loan scheme - P.153/95. L odged: 7th November 1995.
A griculture and
F isheries Committee.
D raft Trusts (Amendment No. 3) ( Jersey) Law 199 - P.153/95. L odged: 7th November 1995.
F inance and Economics Committee.
A irport redevelopment: financing - P .155/95.
L odged: 7th November 1995.
H arbours and Airport Committee.
P ublic Employees Contributory R etirement Scheme: subordinate l egislation - P.157/95.
L odged: 7th November 1995.
E stablishment Committee.
F ields 93 and 94, St. Brelade :
p roposed cemetery for the Parish of St. B relade - P.158/95.
L odged: 7th November 1995.
P lanning and Environment Committee.
Victoria College: Board of Governors - P.126/95
The Bailiff informed members that as he was the Chairman and the Deputy Bailiff was a member of the Victoria College Board of Governors he did not consider it proper that either of them
should preside over the debate on the
proposition of Deputy F.J. Hill of St. Martin at the next meeting. Therefore, the Greffier of the States, Mr. Geoffrey Henry Charles Coppock, would preside.
Concession at Jersey Airport - questions and answers (Tape No. 311)
Senator Terence John Le Main asked the President of the Harbours and Airport Committee, the following questions -
1. W ould the President confirm that
th e ex i sting Bellingham's Bureau d e C h a nge/Hotel Reservations
co n c e s sion at the Arrivals Hall at Je r s e y Airport ceased on 31st
O c to b e r 1995 after 26 years?
2 . Would the President confirm that at its m ee ting on 22nd June 1995, the
C o m mittee proposed to secure a full
T r a vel Shop facility for incoming
t ra v ellers and importantly, an exchange f a ci lity for visitors to change their
J e rs ey money back into the currency of t h ei r country on their departure. What w as the outcome of this proposal?
3 . Would the President inform the States
i f h e and his Committee believe that an
u n m anned Thomas Cook bureau de change a n d hotel reservation service for
J e rs ey hotels and guest houses via a
f re e phone link to London, is in the
b e s t interests of incoming visitors? If
t h e answer is in the negative, would
h i s Committee re-advertise this Travel
S h o p facility and reconsider its
a g r eement with Thomas Cook?
4 . Would the President inform the States
w h at amount Thomas Cook will be paying t h e Committee for this concession?
5 . Would the President inform the States
i f a ny negotiations or otherwise have
t a ke n place with the Tourism Committee t o o ffer a full Information/Travel Shop
f a ci lity? If the answer is in the
a f fi rmative, would the President please
e x plain the Committee's reasons for
e i th er accepting or declining?''
Deputy James Thomas Johns of St. Helier , on behalf of the President of the Harbours and Airport Committee, replied as follows -
1. Y es. By letter of 31st July 1995,
B e ll in g ham Travel wished to be
re l e as e d from its contract with
ef f e c t from 31st October 1995, or
to c lo s e for the winter, or to
o p er a t e rent-free because there
h as b e en a dramatic reduction in
th e n u mber of visitors arriving at
th e A i rport without pre-booked
ac c o m modation or local currency
an d t h e business had gone into a
lo s s -m aking situation. At its
m e e ti n g on 24th August 1995, the
C o m m ittee agreed to terminate the
ex i s ti n g concession some 14 months ea r l y .
2 . The term of the concession held by
B e l lingham Travel was due to terminate
o n 31st December 1996. In anticipation
o f a relocation within the airport
d e v elopment, tenders for this
c o n cession were invited by advertising
i n t he Jersey Gazette during April
1 9 9 5. Three tenders were received and
t h es e were considered by the Harbours a n d Airport Committee on 22nd June
1 9 9 5. The tenders received were in
d i ff erent formats, therefore,
r e n egotiation was necessary to clarify
a n u mber of points. The Committee took t h e view that the tenderers might be
p e r suaded to operate a full Travel
S h o p. This proved not to be the case as
t h ey did not consider it viable at this
t im e.
I n t he interim Bellingham's request
t o t erminate was received. The other
t w o tenderers were advised of
B e l lingham's position and withdrew
t h ei r interest except that Thomas Cook p r o posed the establishment of a
f re e phone telephone reservation service l in k ed to its Gatwick Central
R e s ervations Centre which serves
n u m erous reservations units around the U n ited Kingdom and is open during
J e rs ey Airport operational hours. They w il l introduce a manned operation when b u s iness levels permit.
T h e third tenderer was given the
o p p ortunity to make a proposal on this b a s is but declined.
T h e re are two automated cash machines a t the Airport which issue sterling
n o t es and which accept most United
K in gdom and European cards.
3 . A manned hotel reservation service is
p r e ferable but a freephone facility is
b e tt er than none and is used at a
n u m ber of United Kingdom airports. The c o n cession was advertised in the usual
a n d appropriate way and in the absence
o f a ny other tenderers, the Committee
d o e s not propose to reconsider its
a g r eement. Interest from other parties
h a s been only with the benefit of
h i n dsight.
4 . The Committee will receive a percentage
o f t he commission received by Thomas
C o o k. The precise percentage figure is
c o m mercial and in confidence.
5 . The question of the Tourism Committee
p r o viding a full service at the Airport
h a s previously been considered but it
h a s not been possible because of
m an power constraints. In the present
c ase, the Tourism Committee was
c o n sulted regarding the provision of a
h o t el reservations service at the time
B e l lingham Travel indicated its wish to
t e rm inate trading at the airport.
W h ilst the Department would dearly love t o o perate satellite units at the
p o s ts, it is not able to because there
a r e only three contract staff in the
c e n tral reservations service office.
T h e y are on two-year contracts and have a l ready completed half of that term.
T h e hours of business of the CRS office a r e restricted and fall some way short
o f a irport operational hours.
E s t ablishing a CRS freephone service on b e h alf of the Tourism Committee would b e o n a commercial basis,such as that
w e have reached with Thomas Cook.''
Island's sewerage and drainage systems - questions and answers (Tape No. 311)
Senator Terence John Le Main asked Deputy Dereck André Carter, President of the Public Services Committee, the following questions -
1. W ould the President inform the
S ta t e s of the estimated cost of
th e c a vern' and the associated
w o r k s under Fort Regent as at June 1 9 9 3 w hen the States debated the
p ro j e c t (P.80/93) and what was the es t im a ted date for completing the
w o r k s?
2 . Would the President inform the States
a t w hat stage the present works of the
ca v ern' and main line from the Gas
W o rks to the Weighbridge are, and the
w o rks on the shaft at the Gas Works end
o f t he drainage system?
3 . In view of the fact that the Committee h a s always stated that the project is
b e in g financed from its rolling
p r o gramme of capital works, rather than b e in g paid out of a specific vote,
w o uld the President inform the States
w h at parts of its mains drainage p r o gramme would have been carried out h a d the cavern' project not been
a p p roved?
4 . Would the President confirm that
L i b eration Square will have to be re- d u g to complete the contract at the
W e ighbridge end?
5 . Would the President inform the States i f th e contract has been broken and
w h ether the main contractors or any
c o n tractors are now working on a day w o rk basis because the Committee
c h a nged its mind about blasting in mid s tr e am of the contract. If so, would
t h e President also state what the cost
i s to the Island?
6 . Would the President inform the States i f th e excavated stone from the
ca v ern' has been disposed of to Ronez, a l so whether the stone has been crushed a n d re-sold to the Committee or to the
S t a tes. If so, would the President give
f u ll costings of the re-purchase of
t h es e materials, and any other details?
7 . Would the President inform the States i f th e Committee has suspended all
o t h er drainage works in the Island
u n t il the year 2000 to enable enough
m o ney to be used for the cavern' and
w h at is the Committee's programme for e x te nding main sewers throughout the
I s la nd until the year 2000?''
The President of the Public Services Committee replied as follows -
1. W hen the States debated the
p ro j e c t in May and June 1993, the es t im a ted cost of the Weighbridge to to w n centre, St. Helier ,
su r f a ce water link and storage
ta n k (t he cavern' and the surface w a te r tunnels) was 9.1 million
p o u n d s.
T h e estimated date for the completion
o f t he works was not included in the r e p ort. However, at that time it was
e s ti mated that the Civil Engineering c o n struction would start in November 1 9 9 3 and be completed in June 1995, w it h the mechanical and electrical
c o n struction continuing to October 1 9 9 5.
2 . The present stage of construction is as f o ll ows -
( a ) the storage tank, or cavern', has b ee n e xcavated to 90 per cent of it s s iz e ;
( b ) the surface water tunnel from
th e W e ighbridge to Snow Hill is ap p r o x imately 50 per cent
co m p l ete;
( c ) following breakdown and repairs, th e tu n nel boring machine (TBM) co n s t ru cting the surface water
tu n n e l from Snow Hill to the Gas W o r k s car park has just re-started cu t t in g the rock, and is still
g o in g through commissioning
st a g e s;
( d ) the shaft at the Gas Works car p ar k is almost fully excavated,
b u t th e TBM will have to be
re m o v ed before this shaft can be fi n is h e d.
3 . This project is not being financed from t h e Committee's rolling programme
c a p ital works. As explained in the
r e p ort to the States on 11th May 1993, f u n ds for this scheme were voted in
t h re e parts, as follows -
( 1 ) In 1992, 2.5 million pounds was v o te d for Phase I of the surface
w a te r sewer from the Weighbridge to to w n centre, this being the
se c t io n from the Weighbridge to
B a th S treet (Vote No. C0453 -
S u rf a c e Water).
T h e S e nator may recall that the
fo r m e r Resources Recovery Board, w h e n h e was a member of the Board, st a te d its plan, in its Capital
E s ti m a tes Reports for 1989
(P . 6 4 /8 8) and for 1990 (P.69/89),
to c o n struct a surface water
re l ie f s ewer from the town centre
to th e Weighbridge, as part of its
o n g o in g programme of surface water se p a r a tion and flood alleviation
in S t. H elier.
( 2 ) In 1992, funds were voted for
th e co n struction of improvements
to th e Bellozanne Sewage Treatment W o r k s . In addition to a new inlet
w o r k s, these funds included for
th e p ro vision of storm overflow
st o r ag e , to the amount of five
m i ll io n pounds (Vote No. C0480 -
L iq u i d Waste Treatment).
( 3 ) In 1993. 1.6 million pounds was v o te d for Phase II of the surface
w a te r sewer from the Weighbridge to th e town centre, this being the
se c t io n from Bath Street to Oxford R o a d ( Vote No. C0418 -
R e c o n struction of Sewers).
B y amalgamating these sums from these t h re e existing votes, funds of 9.1
m il lion pounds were available to
f in a nce the scheme.
O n receipt of tenders for the civil
e n g ineering contract in November 1993, i t w as identified that there was a
s h o rtfall in funds of 1.2 million
p o u nds. The main areas of increased
c o s ts were the tunnels and shafts.
T h e re were also increased costs on the i n le t works project of £200,000, and it w as necessary to reduce the amount
a v a ilable from Vote No. C0480 by
£2 0 0,000 to £4,800,000.
I t w as therefore agreed with the
F i n ance and Economics Committee to p r o vide the required funds of
£1 , 400,000 from existing votes, as
f o ll ows -
( a ) £750,000 from Vote No. C0418 - R e c o n struction of Sewers, by
d ef e r ri ng temporarily the
re c o n s truction of sewers at St.
S a v io u r's Hill. This project was
o ri g in a lly planned to follow
co m p l etion of the surface water
tu n n e l and storage tank in any
ca s e , a s it would result in
in c r e as ed flows to the central
ar e a o f town. Without the tunnel
an d t h e storage tank, this would in c r e as e the risk of flooding. The S t. S a v iour's Hill scheme is now p la n n e d for 1996.
( b ) £650,000 from Vote No. 0453 -
S u rf a c e Water, by deferring
te m p o rarily various minor planned su r f a ce water schemes.
D e v e lo pments in a number of areas h ad b e en delayed, due to financial cu t b ac ks, and this had lessened
th e u rg ency of some of these
sc h e m es.
A s eparate specific vote has been set u p for the cavern' project.
T h e Senator's question asks what parts
o f t he mains drainage programme would h a v e been carried out had the cavern'
p r o ject not been approved.
B y this, I take it that he is referring t o t he extension of the main foul
s e wers, in which case, I can say that t h e answer is none.
T h e Committee has a separate rolling c a p ital vote, Vote No. C0452 - Foul
S e w er Extensions, which has not been u s e d in any way to finance the cavern' s c h eme or any schemes other than foul s e w er extensions.
T h i s vote has been kept sacrosanct, as i t is considered by the Committee to be
o f t he utmost priority to extend the
f o u l sewers.
4 . No. On the contrary I can state that
L i b eration Square will not be re-dug to c o m plete the contract.
T h e re is remaining work to be carried
o u t inside the new manhole shaft, which w as constructed under the corner of
L i b eration Square, and in the existing
u n d erground Weighbridge pumping
s ta t ion, in the layby adjacent to the
L i b eration Square. This work does not
r e q uire any surface excavation and will b e c arried out through the existing
m an hole covers, early in 1996.
5 . The contract has not been broken, and n e it her the main contractor nor his
s u b -contractor is working on a daywork b a s is.
T h e Committee agreed to an alternative m et hod of construction, proposed by the c o n tractor, for the surface water
t u n nel from the Weighbridge to Snow H il l. This was to construct the tunnel
b y horizontal raise-boring, instead of
b l as ting.
T h e horizontal raise-boring is being
c a rr ied out from the shaft adjacent to
t h e marina, whereas the construction by b l as ting would have been carried out
f ro m Snow Hill.
D es pite the estimated additional cost
o f £ 67,000, the removal of a section of c o n struction involving blasting was
s e e n by the Committee as being better
o n environmental grounds. This change w as negotiated within the contract,
w it h the full agreement of the
c o n tractor, as a variation to the
c o n tract, a procedure which is allowed f o r within the condition of civil
e n g ineering contracts.
6 . Having attempted to identify a use for t h e excavated stone from the cavern'
i n v arious States projects, it was
d e c ided that there were too many
d i ff iculties involved with the
h a n dling, storage, and crushing of this q u a ntity of stone.
M o st of the stone from the cavern' has t h er efore been sold by the Public
S e r vices Committee to the contractor, t o b e sold to the various local
c o n tractors who deal in the crushing
a n d recycling of stone.
T h e contractor has sold the stone
m ai nly to Ronez, but also to
D .C . Cummins, R.G. Romeril and W.P. Le M a rquand.
T h e further use of this stone has not b e e n recorded.
A s mall quantity of the stone is being re t ained by the Committee for use in t h e marina project.
7 . The answer to the first part of the S e n ator's question is no.
T h e answer to the second part is that
t h e Committee's programme for extending t h e main foul sewers has been
u n a ffected by the cavern' works.
T h e Committee's programme of proposed s e w erage projects 1996 to 1999 was
r e p orted to the States on 29th August
1 9 9 5 (R.C.20).
T h i s report included the proposed
p r o gramme of foul sewer extensions, and t h e list of remaining areas being
c o n sidered for sewers.
W h at the programme has been affected by i s th e Policy and Resources Committee's
r e ce nt recommendation to grant us no
f u rt her money either for sewerage
e x te nsions or for surface water
d r a inage schemes in 1996, 1997 or
1 9 9 8 - but with four years worth of
e x te nsions budgeted for in 1999.
I a m sure the Senator and other members w il l recall that I made my feelings
a b o ut the wisdom of this decision very w el l known indeed during the Strategic P o l icy Part II debate last month.
A t that time we were given an
u n d ertaking by the President of the
F i n ance and Economics Committee that he w o uld re-examine whether a way could be f o u nd to reinstate all or at least some
o f t he 1996 sewer extension capital
v o te. I have to report that a meeting
b e tw een myself and the President of the
F i n ance and Economics Committee has
t a ke n place but that the outcome was
t h at he was unable to recommend to his
C o m mittee that any funds be granted for
s e w er extensions in the 1996 budget.
H e has given us some hope that if funds a r e earmarked in 1997 we might be able t o a pply to bring one scheme forward to c o m mence in the latter part of 1996.
M y Committee will now have to consider w h ether, in the light of this outcome,
i t w ill wish to propose amendments to
t h e budget.
I w ould welcome members' views on this i ss u e, but not of course during
q u e stion time.
S c h emes for the year 2000 have not yet b e e n prioritised, but will be chosen
f ro m the remaining list of areas, which a t p resent number a further 41.''
Marina west of Albert - questions and answers (Tape No. 311)
Senator Nigel Lewis Quérée asked Senator Pierre François Horsfall, President of the Finance and Economics Committee, the following questions -
1. I t is estimated that resulting
fr o m t he construction of the
m a r in a west of Albert the
ad d i t io nal external income from v is it i n g yachtsmen will be £1.7 m i ll io n a year, the additional
ta x a ti o n will be £0.25 million a y ea r an d the annual deficit of the m a r in a £0.4 million.
C a n the President confirm to the States t h at the Finance and Economics
C o m mittee has scrutinised the projected f in a ncial benefits and costs and that
t h es e figures represent the best
e s ti mates that can be made at this
t im e?
2 . On what basis would the Finance and
E c o nomics Committee agree to recommend t h at part or all of the capital cost of
t h e marina west of Albert should be
w ri tten off?''.
The President of the Finance and Economics Committee replied as follows -
1. T he project was recommended to the
S ta t e s by the Policy and Resources
C o m m ittee in the capital programme fo r 1 9 9 5 as part of the drive to
su p p o r t tourism and to invest in
to u r is m infrastructure. In the
S tr a te g ic Policy Review & Action
P la n fo r 1994 it is stated that
th e T ourism Committee supports
th e p la ns for a new marina west of
A l b er t which will involve at least
5 0 p e r cent of the 600 berths
b ei n g made available for visiting y ac h t s . This will both bring new b u si n e ss to Jersey and create a
g o o d a mbience.'
T h e figures of projected financial
b e n efit and costs were carefully
s c ru tinised by officers of the Finance
a n d Economics Committee and of the
P o l icy and Resources Committee who were s a ti sfied that the assumptions on which
t h e estimated figures were based and
t h e figures themselves were reasonable.
I t h as always been accepted that the
v a lu e of the marina, in common with
m ar ina developments elsewhere that
i n v olve expensive sea wall
c o n struction, cannot be assessed solely
o n the direct financial contribution
f ro m users of the marina facilities.
J u s tification for the marina has always
d e p ended on the indirect benefits
a r is ing from the expenditure in the
I s la nd of visiting yachts. The need to
t a ke account of the indirect benefit is
n o t peculiar to the marina. It can be
e x p ected to apply to any major
i n v estment in tourism infrastructure.
T h e benefit to be obtained from the
c o n struction of the marina includes the e n h anced value of adjacent land areas, a n d the attraction of ancillary
b u s inesses from cafés and restaurants
t o y acht maintenance and repair
s e rv ices including chandlery. New
b u s iness opportunities will be
p r e sented to the Island's marine
t ra d ers, and this will lead to an
i n cr ease in the number and range of job
o p p ortunities available to Island
r e si dents. In addition a marina
p r o vides a background amenity that is a t tr active to tourists as well as to
t h e local population. Although they are d i ff icult to quantify, these are known
b e n efits from investment in marina
p r o jects and are largely the driving
f o rc e behind the many publicly funded m ar inas that have been or are being
b u i lt on the adjacent coast of France.
2 . When the project has been completed
t h er e will be a re-assessment of the
c o s ts and income of the marina together
w it h the overall financial position of
t h e Harbour's trading account. While it
i s a nticipated that some write-off of
c a p ital costs will occur the precise
a m o unt will be dependent on this
r e v iew. This will be a similar exercise
t o t hat undertaken for the Elizabeth
H ar bour which would not have been built h a d it depended solely on its direct
f in a ncial benefit to the States. A
s im ilar view has been taken of the
c u r rent plans for the development of
t h e airport.''
Yacht marina, west of Albert Pier: business plan - P.160/95
The following matter was lodged au Greffe'' -
Y acht marina, west of Albert Pier:
b usiness plan. P . 1 60/95
S enator N.L. Quérée.
Working Party on controlling the number of permanent residents in the Island - statement
The President of the Policy and Resources Committee made a statement in the following terms -
The States at their meeting on 12th
S eptember 1995 agreed that the Policy and
R esources Committee should set up a Working P arty comprised of States and non-States
m embers to consider the case for and
a gainst -
t h e various options for further
c o n trolling the number of permanent r e si dents in the Island, including the i n tr oduction of residence permits;
t h e introduction of identity cards,
w h ich are likely to be required if they a r e introduced in the United Kingdom;
a nd to report back to the States by June 1 996.
I am pleased to be able to inform the House t hat Mr. Mark Boleat, presently Director
G eneral of the Association of British
I nsurers, and a well known and respected
J erseyman, has agreed to chair the Working
P arty.
H e will be joined by -
S tates members: Senator Stuart Syvret C o n n é ta b l e I ris Le
F e u v re
D e p u t y J e rr y Dorey
N on-States members: Mrs. Marie-Louise Backh u rst who is currently President of the
S ociété Jersiaise
M r s . M ic k i L ewin who is
C h a ir w o m a n of the
W es t a w a y T rust and on
th e M a n a g e m ent Committee
o f C e n t re p o i nt
M r . R i c h a rd Pirouet, an ac c o u n t a n t a nd Partner in E r n st a n d Young
M r . D av i d W atkins, Is l a n d D i r e ct or for L lo y d s B a n k plc
I and my Committee are most grateful to t hem all for agreeing to serve on this most i mportant Working Party.''
Social Security (Amendment No. 11) (Jersey) Law 1995 (Appointed Day) Act 1995
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 6 of the Social Security (Amendment No. 11) (Jersey) Law 1995, made an Act entitled the Social Security (Amendment No. 11) (Jersey) Law 1995 (Appointed Day) Act 1995.
States of Jersey (Amendment No. 5) Law 199 - P.88/95
THE STATES commenced consideration of the draft States of Jersey (Amendment No. 5) Law 199 and adopted the Preamble.
Members present voted as follows - P o u r'' (40)
J eune, Horsfall, Le Main, Le Maistre, S tein, Quérée, Bailhache , Tomes.
Connétable s
S t. Clement, St. Lawrence, St. Mary, St. B relade, St. Peter, Grouville , St. Helier , S t. Saviour, St. Martin, St. Ouen.
R umboll(H), Wavell(S), St. Peter,
H . Baudains(C), Le Sueur(H), St. Ouen,
C outanche(L), Huelin(B), St. Mary,
S . Baudains(H), Le Geyt(S), Walker (H),
C respel(H), Pullin(S), Trinity , Carter(H),
J ohns(H), Routier(H), Dorey(H), Layzell(B), B reckon(S), St. Martin.
C o n tre'' (7) Senators
S yvret. Connétable T rinity. Deputies
D uhamel(S), Matthews(B), Grouville , H uet(H), St. John.
Articles 1 and 2 were adopted.
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the States of Jersey (Amendment No. 5) Law 199 .
Prevention of Terrorism (Jersey) Law 199 - P.128/95
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Prevention of Terrorism (Jersey)
Law 199 .
La Collette fuel storage: fire protection facilities - P.139/95
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Public
Services Committee -
( a) approved, in principle, the provision
o f f inance to the Jersey Gas Company
L i m ited for the purpose of installing
n e w liquid petroleum gas storage tanks w it h improved protection at the site
l e as ed to the Jersey Gas Company
L i m ited, at La Collette, St. Helier;
( b) agreed to the utilisation of the sum of
£9 0 0,000 allocated for the replacement
o f t he Weir Pumping Station from
C a p ital Vote C.0393 - South of La
C o l lette Reclamation'' for the purpose
o f c arrying out the proposed works.
Deputy Alan Breckon of St. Saviour declared an interest in the matter and withdrew from the Chamber prior to the debate.
Reservoirs (Jersey) Law 199 - P.142/95
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Reservoirs (Jersey) Law 199 .
F.B. Playing Fields (Construction and Use of Sports Hall ) (Jersey) Law 199 - P.144/95
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the F.B. Playing Fields (Construction
and Use of Sports Hall ) (Jersey) Law 199 .
Adoption (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1995 (Appointed Day) Act 1995 - P.146/95
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 8 of the Adoption (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1995, made an Act entitled the Adoption (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1995 (Appointed Day) Act 1995.
Policing of Parks (Amendment No. 11) (Jersey) Regulations 1995 - 148/95
THE STATES, in exercise of the powers conferred upon them by the Order in Council of the twenty- sixth day of December 1851, Article 49 of the Road Traffic (Jersey) Law 1956, as amended, and the Policing of Roads, Parks and Sea Beaches (Application of Fines) (Jersey) Law 1957, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Policing of Parks (Amendment No. 11) (Jersey) Regulations 1995.
THE STATES rose at 3.15 p.m.
C . M . N E W C O M BE D e p u ty Greffier of the States.