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States Minutes 3rd September 1996

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STATES MINUTES 3 rd S e p tember 1996

P ri c e : £ 2 . 2 5

T HE STATES assembled on Tuesday,  3rd September 1996 at 9.30 a.m. under t h e Presidency of the Bailiff ,

S ir P  hilip Bailhache

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______

His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor,

 General Sir Michael Wilkes, K.C.B., C.B.E, w a s p r e sent.

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______

All members were present with the exception of -

S enator Richard Joseph Shenton - out of the I sland

S enator Reginald Robert Jeune - out of the I sland

S enator Vernon Amy Tomes - ill

 L eonard Norman, Deputy of St.

Clement - out of the Island

G raham Huelin, Deputy of St. Brelade - out

o f the Island

 S hirley Margaret Baudains, Deputy of St.

H elier - ill

 J ohn Nicolle Le Fondré, Deputy of St.

L awrence - ill

 P aul Francis Routier, Deputy of St.

H elier - out of the Island.

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______

P r a y e rs

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______

Tributes to the late Sir Robert Le Masurier, Kt., D.S.C., former Bailiff and the late Mr. M.L. Thomas, former Member of the States

The Bailiff paid tribute to the late Sir Robert Le Masurier, Kt., D.S.C., a former Bailiff of Jersey, and to Mr. Maldwyn Lewis Thomas, a former Deputy of St. Peter.

THE STATES observed one minute's silence as a mark of respect.

Connétable of St. John - welcome

The Bailiff , on behalf of the States, welcomed Carlyle John Le Herissier Hinault, Connétable of St. John, on his return to the States after his recent illness.

Senator S. Syvret - allegations

The Bailiff , addressing Senator Stuart Syvret, read out the following letter -

  I refer to my letter of the 25th July

 1 996, to our subsequent meeting on the 26th  J uly, and to your refusal in the States on

 t he 30th July to withdraw your allegations

o f improper conduct against Senator Jeune .

 I hope that during the intervening period

o f the recess you might have had time to

 r econsider your decision to defy the

S tanding Orders of the States. I remind you t hat Standing Order 24(6) provides -

N o Member shall impute improper m  o tives to any other Member.'

D uring your intervention on the 23rd July y ou stated -

S e nator Jeune has, in his capacity as

P r e sident of the Policy and Resources

C o m mittee, used his influence to speed u p the Law Drafting process and get

t h is matter brought through. He has

s p o ken on this matter in the House and a t C ommittee meetings, even though he h a s a financial interest in this

m  at ter.'

T hese are serious imputations of improper c onduct by Senator Jeune . You have not p rovided me with any evidence to justify t hose imputations. It is the duty of the

P resident to ensure the observance of the S tanding Orders approved by the States.

I write therefore to put you on notice that a t the next sitting on Tuesday, 3rd

S eptember, you will again be asked to

w ithdraw those allegations against Senator J eune. I hope that you will, on mature

r eflection, feel able to do so.

H owever, if the allegations are not

w ithdrawn, I shall invite the House to r esolve -

th a t Mr. Syvret be suspended from the s e rv ice on the States until he has

w  it hdrawn, by notice in writing to the G  re ffier, his imputations of improper

m  o tives against Senator Jeune ,'.

I f you would like to discuss the matter I s hould of course make myself available e ither over the weekend, or on Monday. I s hould in any event be glad to know by M onday evening whether or not you are p repared to withdraw the allegations.''

The Bailiff asked Senator Syvret if he would withdraw the allegations to which he replied in the negative. The Bailiff thereupon put to the States the question That Mr. Syvret be suspended from the service of the States until he has withdrawn, by notice in writing to the Greffier, his imputations of improper motives against Senator Jeune .''

Members present voted as follows -

P o u r'' (36) Senators

H orsfall, Rothwell, Le Main, Le Maistre, S tein, Chinn, Bailhache .

Connétable s

S t. Clement, St. Lawrence, St. Mary, St. B relade, St. Peter, Grouville , St. Helier , S t. Saviour, St. Martin, St. Ouen, St.

J ohn.


R umboll(H), Wavell(S), St. Peter,

H . Baudains(C), Le Sueur(H), St. Ouen, C outanche(L), St. Mary, Le Geyt(S),

W alker(H), Crespel(H), Pullin(S), Trinité, C arter(H), Johns(H), Duhamel(S),

L ayzell(B), St. John. C o n tre'' (3) Senators

 Q uérée.


M atthews(B), Dorey(H).

Four members abstained from voting.

The Bailiff thereupon directed Senator Syvret to withdraw from the precincts of the States.

Subordinate legislation tabled

The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -

 1 .  Battle of Britain Air Display

( J er sey) Order 1996. R & O 8959.

 2 .  Road Traffic (Prohibition of

W  a iting) (Clearways) (Amendment No. 7) ( J er sey) Order 1996. R & O 8960.

Harbours and Airport Committee - appointment of member

THE STATES appointed Deputy Philip Roy Cabot of Trinity as a member of the Harbours and Airport Committee.

Contingencies vote of credit - Agriculture and Fisheries Committee

THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 29th July 1996, informing the States that it had made available to the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee the sum of £315,000 from the Contingencies Vote of Credit for the construction and equipping of a carcass disposal building.

Matter presented

The following matter was presented to the States on 27th August 1996 -

H ousing: States rental waiting list

a nd development programme as at 30th June

1 996 - R.C.21/96.

P resented by the Housing Committee.

T HE STATES ordered that the said report be p rinted and distributed.

Matter noted - land transaction

THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 23rd August 1996, showing that, in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved the lease from Mr. Richard Philip Priaulx, Les Corvees,St. Ouen, of an area of land measuring 216 square metres located in the north-west corner of Field

No. 198, St. Peter , on which to construct a communications mast together with the rights to lay and retain related cable ducts and cable across the same field, for a period of nine

years from 1st July 1996, to 30th June 2005, at an annual rent of £500 with an additional annual payment of £2,500 as compensation for all and any inconvenience, hardship or consequential disturbance that arises or might arise as a

result of the works carried out or constructed under the terms of the lease, the rent and compensation to be payable in advance on 1st July for each year of the term with annual rent reviews in line with the Jersey Retail Price Index on 1st July in each of the years 1997 to 2004 inclusive.

Matters lodged

The following matters were lodged au Greffe'' -

 1 .  Draft The Royal Bank of Scotland

I n te rnational Limited (Jersey) Law 1995 ( A p pointed Day) (No. 2) Act 199 -

P . 1 35/96.

P r e sented by the Finance and

E c o nomics Committee.

 2 .  Channel Islands Electricity

G ri d - P.136/96.

P r e sented by the Finance and E c o nomics Committee.

 3 .  Training and Employment

P a r tnership: strategy - P.137/96.

P r e sented by the Employment and S o c ial Security Committee.

The following matter was lodged au Greffe'' on 6th August 1996 -

S t a tes Members' Remuneration B o a rd: membership (P.105/96

( R e vised)) - second amendment - P . 1 27/96.

P r e sented by Senator C. Stein.

The following matter was lodged on 13th August 1996 -

D  ra ft Social Security

( R e ciprocal Agreement with the United S t a tes of America) (Jersey) Act 199  - P . 1 28/96.

P r e sented by Employment and

S o c ial Security Committee.

The following matters were lodged on 20th August 1996 -

1 . Strategic Policy Review and A ct ion Plan 1996 - P.129/96. P r e sented by the Policy and R e s ources Committee.

 2 .  Draft Cremation (Amendment

N  o . 14) (Jersey) Regulations 199  - P . 1 30/96.

P r e sented by the Health and

S o c ial Services Committee.

The following matters were lodged on 27th August 1996 -

1 . Jersey Airport - funding:

p a s senger load supplement - P.131/96. P r e sented by the Tourism

C o m mittee.

 2 .  Social security scheme:

c o n tinuity and change - P.132/96. P r e sented by the Employment and S o c ial Security Committee.

 3 .  Draft Advocates and Solicitors

( J er sey) Law 199 (P.108/96): second a m e ndments - P.133/96.

P r e sented by Deputy D.A. Carter

o f S t. Helier.

4 . Committees of the States: r e o rganization (P.107/96) - a m e ndments - P.134/96.

P r e sented by Deputy R.C. Duhamel

o f S t. Saviour.

Arrangement of public business for the present meeting

THE STATES acceded to the request of the President of the Finance and Economics Committee that consideration of the proposition regarding

the constitution and terms of reference of the

Joint Advisory Council (P.109/96 - lodged au Greffe'' on 9th July 1996) be deferred from the present meeting to a later date together with

the amendment of Senator T.J. Le Main (P.126/96 (Revised)) - lodged au Greffe'' on 30th July 1996).

THE STATES confirmed that the following matters lodged au Greffe'' would be considered at the present meeting -

D raft Construction (Safety Provisions)

( Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Regulations 1 99  - P.54/96.

L odged:16th April 1996, Preamble

a dopted 30th April 1996.

E mployment and Social Security

C ommittee.

D raft Limited Liability Partnerships

( Jersey) Law 199  - P.84/96.

L odged: 21st May 1996. Preamble adopted 2nd J uly 1996. Articles 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

a dopted 23rd July 1996.

F inance and Economics Committee.

D raft Limited Liability Partnerships

( Jersey) Law 199 (P.84/96): amendments - P .124/96 (Revised).

L odged: 30th July 1996 by Deputy

P .J. Rondel of St. John.

D eputy G. Matthews of

S t. Brelade.

S tates' Members Remuneration Board:

m embership - P.105/96 (Revised)

L odged: 2nd July 1996 by Deputy I.S.

N icholls of Grouville . Partially adopted on 3 0th July 1996.

H ouse Committee.

S tates' Members Remuneration Board:

m embership (P.105/96 (Revised)) -

a mendment - P.125/96.

L odged: 30th July 1996 by Senator J.A. Le M aistre.

D eputy P.J. Rondel of St. John.

S tates' Members Remuneration Board:

m embership (P.105/96 (Revised)) - second a mendment - P.127/96.

L odged: 6th August 1996.

S enator C. Stein.

D raft Insurance Business (Jersey) Law

1 996 (Appointed Day) Act 199  - P.117/96. L odged: 23rd July 1996.

F inance and Economics Committee.

D raft Sea-Fisheries (Size Limits)

( Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Regulations 1 99  - P.118/96.

L odged: 23rd July 1996.

A griculture and Fisheries Committee.

D raft Maincrop Potato Marketing

S cheme (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) Act 1 99  - P.119/96.

L odged: 23rd July 1996.

A griculture and Fisheries Committee.

D raft Social Security (Reciprocal

A greement with the United States of A merica) (Jersey) Act 199 - P.128/96. L odged: 13th August 1996.

E mployment and Social Security

C ommittee.

D raft Cremation (Amendment No. 14) ( Jersey) Regulations 199  - P.130/96. L odged: 20th August 1996.

H ealth and Social Services

C ommittee.

Arrangement of public business for the

next meeting on 10th and 11th September 1996

THE STATES confirmed that the following matters lodged au Greffe'' would be considered at the meetings on 10th and 11th September 1996 -

S trategic Policy Review and Action Plan 1 996 - P.129/96.

L odged: 20th August 1996.

P olicy and Resources Committee.

C ommittees of the States:

r eorganization - P.107/96.

L odged: 9th July 1996.

P olicy and Resources Committee.

C ommittee of the States:

r eorganization (P.107/96) - amendment - P .134/96.

L odged: 27th August 1996.

D eputy R.C. Duhamel of St. Saviour .

Sea transport services - statement

The President of the Jersey Transport Authority made a statement in the following terms -

  Senator Corrie Stein in her capacity as

 V ice-President of the Tourism Committee has  r aised with me a number of issues relating

 t o the Island's sea transport services that

 a re of concern to her Committee. These

 i ssues are of equal if not greater concern

 t o the Jersey Transport Authority for they

 a re of importance to the travelling public

 g enerally, and not only to those visiting

 t he Island. I consider therefore that a

 f ull statement should be given to the House

o n these issues, and Senator Stein agrees

 t hat in the circumstances this is the best

 c ourse of action rather than that the

m atter should be covered by my answering

 q uestions asked of me by a member of the

 A uthority.

B efore responding to the specific concerns

o f the Tourism Committee, I would like to p ut them into the context of the current

s ituation as regards the sea links between t he Islands and the United Kingdom and F rance.

 1 .  The Jersey Transport Authority does n o t have the power to regulate the

r o ll -on roll-off ferries that come to

J e rs ey.

 2 .  The only power to regulate rests with

t h e Harbours and Airport Committee who l ic e nce the use of the roll-on roll-off

r a m ps at the Elizabeth Terminal and

c o n sults the Jersey Transport Authority

b e f ore issuing these licences.

 3 .  It is universally accepted that there

i s in sufficient year round traffic to

j u st ify more than one operator on each r o u te. The experience and end result of c o m petition between Condor Ferries and B r i tish Channel Island Ferries is a

g o o d case in point.

 4 .  There is not a queue of applicants

w  ai ting to or wanting to provide a

s e rv ice. The only ramp licence

a p p lication that has not been

r e co mmended by the Jersey Transport

A  u thority, and no licence granted, is

t h at from Condor to operate the St.

M  a lo route. The arguments have been

w  el l rehearsed publicly and are in

e s s ence that Emeraude Lines has served t h e Island well for over 20 years, and

a l lo wing Condor to operate on the route w  o uld put the Emeraude service at risk a n d could be expected to leave all of

o u r sea'-eggs in one basket.

 5 .  The current trend and the future for

s e a travel - not least because it is

w h at the passengers want - will be with f a st ferries of one type or another

r a th er than conventional deep draught

s h ip s.

C ondor 12 has proved just how reliable

t hese modern Wavepiercers can be. There h ave been very few days during the last six m onths when she has not been able to sail t hrough mechanical failure or adverse

w eather conditions. In fact twice for

w eather and mechanical reasons.

I t was extremely unfortunate that over the A ugust Bank Holiday weekend the ship

s uffered from a mechanical failure

f ollowing on from the bad weather

c ancellation on the Friday afternoon. At

t he same time the Havelet was nearly fully b ooked and Condor 9 had to be used to shift t he backlog of passengers.

C oincidentally I received a telephone call

a t about 6.10 on Friday 23rd from someone

w ho was expecting to meet some friends off

t he Condor 12 that evening. I went straight

f rom my office to the Elizabeth Terminal,

w here the Duty Manager confirmed that the

s ailing was cancelled due to bad weather

a nd that they had already contacted the

T ourism Department, which was sending staff d own to try and arrange accommodation for

a s many passengers as possible. The c afeteria was kept open and free coffee and s andwiches were provided. In the end 53

p eople were found accommodation, most

r eturned home or to their hotels and only a d ozen people spent the night in the

t erminal.

S olidor III has also proved to be

v ery dependable and on the one occasion

t hat she suffered mechanical problems in

t he fuel pump, Mercedes Benz the engine

m anufacturer flew a replacement to St. Malo t hat afternoon. However, the request by the J ersey Transport Authority to Emeraude

L ines that they retain Solidor 2 for a

n umber of months, whilst Solidor 3 was

p roving itself, proved to have been a wise

d ecision as Solidor 2 immediately took over t he service. This back up will not always

b e available as it is an expensive exercise

t o maintain for a prolonged period.

T here will inevitably be some

m echanical failures as is the case with any m achinery. But the latest ferries have

p roved to be extremely reliable and the

f ailure of one engine, albeit at a most

i nconvenient time in the height of the

s eason and on the busiest weekend of the

y ear, should not be a reason to write off

t he modern vessels, which are much in

d emand by local residents and visitors

a like. There will always be those who yearn f or the days of Solidor 2 and the mail

b oats, but the vast majority of travellers

d o prefer the high speed vessels. This is

s elf evident if the bookings on the Condor 1 2 and the Havelet are compared.

T his winter and henceforth there will not

b e the Havelet on the United Kingdom

s ervice. The new maritime safety

r equirements mean that a very large sum of m oney would have to be spent on her and

t his is not an economic proposition. The

J ersey Transport Authority has sounded out s everal alternative shipping companies to

a scertain a possible fall back position.

S ome of these have vessels that could enter S t. Helier harbour with its restrictions on

l ength and draught but these ships would

a lso need considerable updating to meet the n ew safety requirements; all of the

c ompanies said that they would not come

o nto the route if there was another

o perator already on it and who would

c ontinue on it. If it was the wish of the

S tates, we could have a conventional ferry b ut at the expense of a high-speed service, w hich the Jersey Transport Authority does n ot believe would be acceptable either to

l ocal residents or to the tourism industry.

T here is going to be a degree of

v ulnerability to our sea links during the

w inter because of adverse weather

c onditions. In mid-channel there is a wave- r ider buoy that measures wave height and

t ransmits the information to the mainland.

I f the wave height is or is expected to

e xceed metres (11.375 feet) during the

v oyage, then the Wavepiercers are forbidden t o sail by the Department of Transport.

T his will inevitably happen during the

w inter period and occasionally during the

s ummer, as witnessed on 23rd August. The p ossible cancellation of sailings could

a mount to ten per cent during the winter,

b ut of course it is possible for gales to

b low for several days at a time. In this

s ort of situation Condor is in a Catch-22

s ituation. Passengers complain if a service

i s cancelled, however passengers also

c omplain if the sea is rough and they feel

u nwell.

T he Jersey Transport Authority met

w ith representatives of Condor Ferries on

W ednesday, 21st August and, among other

t hings, discussed what the company's

o ptions are in times of very rough weather

a nd what contingency plans the company has i n hand for such eventualities.

T he company has the following options -

 1 .  wait until the weather improves, which i s w hat airlines have to do when bad

w  ea ther interrupts air services;

 2 .  fly passengers to their destination and h e lp with the arrangements for hiring a c a r;

 3 .  fly passengers to their destination and b r in g their cars over as soon as

p o s sible;

 4 .  carry the cars on the freight ship

o p e rated by Commodore and either for

t h e passengers to accompany their cars, i f p ossible, or to fly and for

a r ra ngements to be made for them to c o ll ect their car at the other end.

N one of these may be ideal, but we have

t o accept that Jersey is a small

d estination in a sometimes turbulent sea. T he numbers of passengers in the winter

p eriod are such that we cannot always

s ustain the ideal service. Previous marine disasters such as at Zeebrugge and the

E stonia in the Baltic have meant that the

s afety regulations on sea ferries have been t ightened to a level that has eventually

m itigated against us. Personally I would

n ot wish to argue against these new

r egulations just in the interest of

p reserving a service by an old ship that

d id not comply with those regulations. The r isks attached to such a strategy would not b e in the best interests of anyone, either

l ocal resident or visitor.

W e do not have too many alternatives. On t he one hand we have Condor who have

i nvested heavily in new, modern, hi-tech

e quipment to provide an all year round

s ervice subject to some weather delays and

o n the other hand we could say good-bye' t o Condor and introduce another operator w ith an older ship that would take much

l onger to get across the Channel. The

J ersey Transport Authority believes that

t he service provided by Condor is our best

o ption.

T he last point that greatly concerns the

J ersey Transport Authority, the Tourism

C ommittee and the Harbour Office is the

a bsence in Jersey of a local manager of

C ondor Limited who would be in charge of t he Jersey operation and who could deal

w ith any problems as and when they arose. I h ave spoken to Mr. Jan Milner, the Port

S ervices Manager in Guernsey, who tells me t hat because of the long hours involved

C ondor have three Duty Managers in Jersey w ho can contact him 24 hours a day. This, w e believe, is not as satisfactory as

h aving one local manager, who has overall

r esponsibility, and we are seeking the co-

o peration of the company to rectify this

s ituation.

T he customer care aspect of handling

p assengers, not only over this Bank Holiday w eekend but also on occasions through the y ear, has been far from acceptable. This h as been brought to the attention of the c ompany and it will be raised again with t hem.

F inally, I would remind members that

t he viability of the sea transport services

f rom and to the United Kingdom depends upon t he number of passengers travelling to both

J ersey and Guernsey. We are aware that

s imilar concerns are being expressed in

G uernsey, so we will be discussing all the

a reas of concern with the Guernsey

T ransport Board as well as the Tourism

C ommittees of both Islands.''

Construction (Safety Provisions) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Regulations 1996 - P.54/96

THE STATES resumed consideration of the draft Construction (Safety Provisions) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Regulations 199 , having adopted the Preamble on 30th April 1996.

Regulations 1 to 4 inclusive were adopted.

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 9 of the Health and Safety at Work (Jersey) Law 1989, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Construction (Safety Provisions) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Regulations 1996.

Draft Limited Liability Partnerships (Jersey) Law 199  - P.84/96, P.124/96 (Revised) and second amendment

THE STATES resumed consideration of the draft Limited Liability Partnerships (Jersey) Law

199 , having adopted the Preamble on 2nd July 1996 and Articles 2 to 6 inclusive on 23rd July 1996.

Article 7 was adopted as amended. The States accepted a second amendment of Deputy Frederick John Hill of St. Martin of the amendment of Deputy Gary Matthews of St. Brelade (P.124/96 (Revised)) that in the proposed paragraph (9)

for the words and the number assigned to it by the registrar on registration (if any)'' there

should be substituted the words , the number assigned to it by the registrar on registration

(if any) and the words registered as a limited liability partnership in Jersey' ''. The States

then adopted the amendment of Deputy Matthews (as amended) that after paragraph (8) there should be added the following paragraph -

(9 ) A limited liability partnership

 s hall have its name, the number assigned to  i t by the registrar on registration (if

 a ny) and the words registered as a limited  l iability partnership in Jersey' clearly

 s tated on all its correspondence, invoices,

 s tatements and other public documents.''

Article 8 was adopted, the States having rejected an amendment of Deputy Matthews (P.124/96 (Revised)) that in paragraph (5), for sub-paragraph (b) there should be substituted the following sub-paragraph -

(b)  available for inspection and

co p y i n g during ordinary business h o u rs  -

( i) at the request of a partner, w i th o u t charge, and

( ii ) at the request of a member of the p u b li c , upon payment of such fee as m a y be prescribed.''

Article 9 was adopted.

Members present voted as follows -

P o u r'' (21) Senators

H orsfall, Rothwell, Le Maistre, Stein, C hinn, Bailhache .

Connétable s

S t. Clement, St. Saviour, St. J ohn.


R umboll(H), Wavell(S), St. Peter,

H . Baudains(C), Le Sueur(H), St. Ouen, C outanche(L), St. Mary, Walker (H),

C respel(H), Pullin(S), Trinité.

C o n tre'' (14) Senator

Q uérée.

Connétable s

S t. Mary, St. Helier, Trinité, St. M artin.


C arter(H), Duhamel(S), Matthews(B),

D orey(H), Layzell(B), Grouville , Huet(H), S t. Martin, St. John.

Articles 10 to 15 inclusive were adopted.

Article 16 was adopted, the States having rejected an amendment of Deputy Matthews (P.124/96 (Revised)) that after paragraph (5) there should be added the following paragraph -

(6 ) Upon issuing a certificate under

 p aragraph (5), the registrar shall cause to

 b e advertised in the Jersey Gazette a

 n otice stating that the certificate has

 b een issued and containing a summary of the  p articulars stated in the declaration.''

Articles 17 to 38 inclusive were adopted.

Article 39 was adopted, the States having accepted an amendment of Deputy Matthews (P.124/96 (Revised)) that in paragraphs (1) and (2), for the words 10 years'' there should be substituted the words 30 years''.

Articles 40 to 50 inclusive and the Schedule were adopted.

Article 1 was adopted.

The Bill was adopted, as amended, in Second Reading and lodged au Greffe'' (P.138/96).

States' Members Remuneration Board: membership - P.105/96 (Revised), P.125/96 and P.127/96

THE STATES resumed consideration of the proposition of the House Committee regarding the membership of the States' Members Remuneration Board, having adopted part of the proposition

on 30th July 1996, and discussed the appointment to the Board of three members of the public not representing any particular organisation.

The House Committee's nominations were - M rs. Michaela Anne Lewin, née Hickey M rs. Marie-Louise Backhurst, née Austin M r. Andrew Le Gallais.

An amendment by Deputy Philip John Rondel of St. John (P.125/96) nominated the following as members -

M r. Richard Henry Haycock M r. Anthony Gabriel Clarke.

A second amendment by Senator Corrie Stein (P.127/96) nominated the following as members -

M r. René Henri Liron, M.B.E. M rs. Marion Falle, née Neal M r. Francis Le Gresley.

The States having proceeded to a secret ballot,

the   Bailiff declared that Mr. Liron, M.B.E.,

Mrs. Lewin and Mrs. Backhurst had been appointed to the Board as the three members of the public

not representing any particular organisation. The results of the ballot were as follow -

M r. Liron 2 0 v otes M rs. Lewin 1 9 votes M rs. Backhurst 1 8 votes M r. Le Gallais 1 8 votes M r. Haycock 13 votes

M rs. Falle 1 2 votes M r. Clarke 8 v o tes M r. Le Gresley 8 votes.

The result of a further ballot between Mrs. Backhurst and Mr. Le Gallais was -

M rs. Backhurst 2 0 votes M r. Le Gallais 1 7 votes.

THE STATES thereupon adopted the proposition of the House Committee and confirmed the appointment of the following as Chairman and members of the States' Members Remuneration Board -

T wo former States members -

J o h n Clark Averty, Chairman T e r ence Ahier Jéhan

r epresentative of the Jersey Trades

C ouncil -

A  n drew John Walker Hamilton

r epresentative of the Jersey Chamber of C ommerce -

R o b ert Henry Henkhuzens

r epresentative of the Institute of D irectors -

G  eo rge McDonald Thain

r epresentative of the Standing Conference

o f Women's Organisations -

M  r s. Daphne Joan Minihane, M.B.E., née N  o el.

t hree members of the public not

r epresenting any particular organisation -

M  r . René Henri Liron, M.B.E.

M  r s. Michaela Anne Lewin, née Hickey M  r s. Marie-Louise Backhurst, née

A  u stin.

Insurance Business (Jersey) Law 1996 (Appointed Day) Act 1996 - P.117/96

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 43 of the Insurance Business (Jersey) Law 1996, made an Act entitled the Insurance Business (Jersey) Law 1996 (Appointed Day) Act 1996.

Sea-Fisheries (Size Limits) (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Regulations 1996 - P.118/96

THE STATES, in pursuance of Articles 2 and 6 of the Sea Fisheries (Jersey) Law 1994, made Regulations entitled the Sea-Fisheries (Size Limits) (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Regulations 1996.

Maincrop Potato Marketing Scheme (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) Act 1996 - P.119/96

THE STATES, in pursuance of paragraph (6) of Article 2 of the Agricultural Marketing (Jersey) Laws 1953 to 1983, as applied by paragraph (2) of Article 6 of the said Laws, made an Act entitled the Maincrop Potato Marketing Scheme (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) Act 1996.

Social Security (Reciprocal Agreement with the United States of America) (Jersey) Act 1996 - P.128/96

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 48 of the Social Security (Jersey) Law 1974, as amended, and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, made an Act entitled the Social Security (Reciprocal Agreement with the United States of America) (Jersey) Act 1996.

Cremation (Amendment No. 14) (Jersey) Regulations 1996 - P.130/96

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 3 of the Cremation (Jersey) Law 1953, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Cremation (Amendment No. 14) (Jersey) Regulations 1996.

Connétable of Trinity - retirement

The Bailiff referred to the impending retirement

of Mr. Brian George Dorey Richardson, Connétable of Trinity , and thanked him for his services to

the Island.

THE STATES rose at 3.15 p.m.

G . H . C . COPPOCK G  re f fi e r o f the States.