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STATES MINUTES 8 th O c t o ber 1996
T HE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 8 th October 1996 at 9.30 a.m. under
t h e Presidency of the Bailiff ,
S ir P hilip Bailhache
_ _ _ _ _ _ ______
All members were present with the exception of -
S enator Antony Beresford Chinn - out of the I sland
S enator Stuart Syvret - suspended
S enator Vernon Amy Tomes - ill
E nid Clare Quénault, Connétable of St.
B relade - out of the Island
R obert Lester Le Brocq, Connétable of St. H elier - out of the Island
P hilip Roy Cabot, Connétable of Trinity -
i ll
I mogen Stephanie Nicholls, Deputy of
G rouville - ill.
_ _ _ _ _ _ ______
P r a y e rs
_ _ _ _ _ _ ______
Subordinate legislation tabled
The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -
1 . Island Planning (Fees) (Jersey) O rd er 1996. R & O 8981.
2 . Building Bye-Laws 1996. R & O 8982.
3 . Civil Service Administration
( S a laries) (Amendment No. 15) (Jersey) O rd er 1996. R & O 8983.
Matters presented
The following matters were presented to the States -
1 . Strategic Policy Review and
A ct ion Plan 1996 (P.129/96): amendment ( P .1 43/96) - comments - P.169/96.
P r e sented by the Policy and
R e s ources Committee.
2 . Minimum wage (P.154/96): c o m ments - P.170/96.
P r e sented by the Finance and E c o nomics Committee.
Matter noted - acceptance of tender
THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 30th September 1996, showing that, in pursuance of Rule 5 of the
Public Finances (General) (Jersey) Rules 1967,
as amended, the Committee had noted that the Housing Committee had accepted the lowest of six tenders, namely that submitted by Hacquoil and Cooke Limited in the sum of £216,076.00 in a contract period of 22 weeks for the
refurbishment of Westley Lodge, St. Helier.
Matters lodged
The following matters were lodged au Greffe'' -
1 . Draft Motor Traffic (No. 5)
( J er sey) Regulations 199 - P.155/96. P r e sented by the Defence
C o m mittee.
2 . Draft Hire Cars (No. 6) (Jersey) R e g ulations 199 - P.156/96.
P r e sented by the Defence
C o m mittee.
3 . Draft Public Service Vehicles
( F e es) (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) R e g ulations 199 - P.157/96.
P r e sented by the Defence
C o m mittee.
4 . Draft Motor Vehicles
( In t ernational Circulation) (Amendment N o . 12) (Jersey) Regulations 199 -
P . 1 58/96.
P r e sented by the Defence
C o m mittee.
5 . Draft Prison (Amendment No. 4) ( J er sey) Law 199 - P.159/96.
P r e sented by the Prison Board.
6 . Draft Criminal Justice
( A m endment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 199 - P . 1 60/96.
P r e sented by the Prison Board.
7 . Draft Termination of Tenancies ( P r ocedure) (Jersey) Law 199 - P . 1 61/96.
P r e sented by the Legislation
C ommittee.
8 . Draft Harbours (Vehicle Ramps)
( J er sey) Regulations 199 - P.162/96. P r e sented by the Harbours and
A ir port Committee.
9 . Electricity Link with France
( P r otection of Submarine Cable)
( J er sey) Regulations 199 - P.163/96. P r e sented by the Harbours and
A ir port Committee.
1 0. Draft Public Finances
( A d ministration) (Amendment No. 8)
( J er sey) Law 1996 (Appointed Day) Act 1 9 9 - P.164/96.
P r e sented by the Finance and
E c o nomics Committee.
1 1. Future of secondary education:
J e rsey College for Girls' relocation - P . 1 65/96.
P r e sented by Deputy E.M. Pullin
o f S t. Saviour.
1 2. La Rocco Apartments, La Pulente, S t . Brelade - P.166/96.
P r e sented by the Planning and
E n v ironment Committee.
1 3. Fields 948, 949 and 950, Les L a n des, St. Ouen: transfer of a d m inistration - P.167/96.
P r e sented by the Planning and E n v ironment Committee.
1 4. Les Landes heathland area, St.
O uen: transfer of administration - P . 1 68/96.
P r e sented by the Planning and
E n v ironment Committee.
1 5. Police services in Jersey:
i n d ependent review - P.171/96. P r e sented by the Defence
C o m mittee.
L odged on 1st October 1996
1 6. Minimum wage - P.154/96. P r e sented by the Industrial
R e l ations Committee.
Minimum wage and redundancy payments. P.35/93, P.66/93 and P.199/93 - withdrawn
Senator Richard Joseph Shenton withdrew his proposition regarding a minimum wage and redundancy payments (lodged au Greffe'' on 23rd March 1993), the Industrial Relations Committee having lodged au Greffe'' on 1st October 1996 a proposition regarding a minimum wage (P.154/96).
Arrangement of public business for the present meeting
THE STATES acceded to the request of the President of the Finance and Economics Committee that consideration of the proposition regarding
the Channel Islands Electricity Grid (P.136/96 - lodged au Greffe'' on 3rd September 1996) be deferred from the present meeting.
Arrangement of public business for the next meeting on 22nd October 1996
THE STATES confirmed that the following matters lodged au Greffe'' would be considered at the meeting on 22nd October 1996 -
D raft Criminal Justice (Evidence and
P rocedure) (Jersey) Law 199 - P.122/96. L odged: 30th July 1996.
L egislation Committee.
J urats' costs in disallowed remises
d e biens - (a) Loi (199 ) (Amendement) sur l es remises de biens (Revised) (b)
B ankruptcy (Désastre) (Amendment No. 3) ( Jersey) Law 199 - P.123/96.
L odged: 30th July 1996.
L egislation Committee.
J ersey Post Office
L imited: incorporation - P.146/96.
L odged: 24th September 1996.
C ommittee for Postal Administration.
J ersey Telecoms
L imited: incorporation - P.147/96. L odged: 24th September 1996
T elecommunications Board.
M inimum wage - P.154/96.
L odged: 8th October 1996
I ndustrial Relations Committee
D raft Motor Traffic (No. 5)
( Jersey) Regulations 199 - P.155/96. D efence Committee.
D raft Hire Cars (No. 6)
( Jersey) Regulations 199 - P.156/96. D efence Committee.
D raft Public Service Vehicle (Fees)
( Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Regulations 1 99 - P.157/96.
D efence Committee.
D raft Motor Vehicles (International
C irculation) (Amendment No. 12) (Jersey) R egulations 199 - P.158/96.
D efence Committee.
D raft Termination of
T enancies (Procedure) (Jersey) Law 199 - P .161/96.
L egislation Committee.
D raft Public Finances
( Administration) (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) L aw 1996 (Appointed Day) Act 199 -
P .164/96.
F inance and Economics Committee.
L a Rocco Apartments, La Pulente -
P .166/96.
P lanning and Environment Committee. F ields 948, 949 and 950, Les Landes, S t. Ouen: transfer of administration - P .167/96.
P lanning and Environment Committee.
L es Landes heathland area, St. Ouen:
t ransfer of administration - P.168/96. P lanning and Environment Committee.
New marina: outfall at entrance - questions and answers (Tape No. 362)
Deputy Philip John Rondel of St. John asked Deputy James Thomas Johns of St. Helier , Vice- President of the Harbours and Airport Committee, the following questions -
1. A ccording to a recent media report
th e P re sident of the Public
S e rv i c es Committee gave details of an o u t fall to be constructed at
th e en t rance of the new marina.
H as the Harbours and Airport
C o m mittee prepared contingency plans in t h e event of a contaminated spillage
f ro m this outfall, given that the
m ar ina should be operational before the c a v ern under Fort Regent is completed?
I f s o, would the President advise
m em bers of these plans? If not, would
t h e President advise members when those p lans will be ready?
2 . As the discharge which comes out of
t h e outfall in St. Aubin's Bay,
a l th ough treated, is discoloured, would t h e President inform the House if he is c o n cerned that the new marina could be a f fe cted by contaminated water
d i sc harging from the outfall at the
m ar ina entrance?''
The Vice-President of the Harbours and Airport Committee replied as follows -
1. A surface water culvert currently
d is c h a rges into the area within
w h i ch the new marina is being
co n s t ru cted. It is therefore
n ec e s s ary to extend this culvert,
so th a t it will discharge into the
se a o u tside the marina entrance.
T h i s culvert usually contains surface
w at er only, but at times of flash
f lo o ds, etc. the sewers in St. Helier
c a n become overloaded and a certain
a m o unt of sewerage can contaminate this d i sc harge.
I n o rder to eliminate this
c o n tamination, the Public Services
D ep artment are constructing the cavern u n d er Fort Regent which should,
a c c ording to current programmes, be
f u ll y operational before the marina
o p e ns.
T h e gate at the entrance to the new
m ar ina is full height, hydraulically
o p e rated and therefore can be shut at a n y time when there might be a risk of p o l lution of any kind.
2 . We are not concerned because, unlike t h e outfall in St. Aubin's Bay, the
d i sc harge from the culvert will be
s u r face water only and not treated
s e w erage and therefore will neither be d i sc oloured nor contaminated.''
Leachate at Crabbé - questions and answers (Tape No. 362)
Deputy Philip John Rondel of St. John asked Senator John Stephen Rothwell, President of the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee, the following questions -
1. B earing in mind the problems
ca u s e d by leachate from the potato d u m p at Beauport, and which are
li k e ly to continue for a number of y ea r s , would the President explain w h y a further leachate problem for th e Is l and has been allowed to
o cc u r , through the disposal of
fa r m w aste, including potatoes, at C r ab b é and why an impervious
m e m b rane base and holding tanks w e r e n ot put into place before
th i s s it e became operational?
2 . Would the President inform the States w h at action has been taken to collect
t h e leachate since the Crabbé site
b e c ame operational?
3 . Would the President explain why f e n cing around the Crabbé site has been e r ec ted above the banks and, in turn,
a b o ve the skyline, which is both
u n s ightly and not in keeping with the
a r ea ?''
The President of the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee replied as follows -
1. F irst of all one needs to put the
p ro b l e ms at Crabbé into the right
co n t e x t. At Beauport if you
re m e m ber, 4,000 tonnes of good
Je r s e y Royal potatoes were buried
b ec a u s e of a price collapse on the
U n i te d Kingdom market. That was a
o n e o f f, hopefully never to be
re p e a te d.
A t Crabbé the dumping of farm waste
a b o ve ground has continued
u n interrupted since late 1987. Crabbé
i s a problem not a crisis. Possible
l e ac hate has been recently discovered
i n o ne borehole, that belongs to the
J u b ilee Trust and use of this borehole
w as discontinued 12 months ago due to h i g h iron content. Incidentally in 1994
a n e w septic tank and soakaway was
c o n structed approximately 100 feet from t h e borehole. Six of the private
h o u ses closest to Crabbé have been
t e sted and there is no indication of
a n y chemical change in their water
s u p ply.
T h e idea of laying a membrane base and h o l ding tanks is a very recent
r e co mmendation and it must be
r e m embered that any leachate so
c o n tained has to be treated and the
r e su lting dry matter removed without
r u p turing the membrane.
I s h ould explain that there are two
d u m ps at Crabbé immediately adjacent to
o n e another, one operated by the Public
S e r vices Department and the other by
t h e Department of Agriculture and
F i s heries. Although I was not President
w h en dumping commenced in 1987 I do not b e li eve a membrane and tanks were ever
c o n sidered as it had always been hoped
t h e site was a short-term expediency. I
c a n not answer for the Public Services
D ep artment who have had a dump there
l o n g before the Department of
A g riculture and Fisheries. I should
s tr e ss that it was an independent
r e p ort that emphasised in the strongest p o s sible terms that the present
p r a ctice and management of both sites m u st be reviewed. In short, current
m et hods of managing the waste are now a t v ariance with sound environmental
p r a ctice.
I m ust also stress, the search of
a l te rnative sites has been going on for y e a rs but all applications thus far
h a v e been rejected by the planning
a u th ority.
I t is almost inconceivable to me that
a n I sland that has spent millions of
p o u nds on incineration and ultra-violet t re a tment of sewage, etc. cannot cope a d e quately with the waste from the
I s la nd's oldest industry, agriculture.
I f m embers visit Crabbé they will see
t w o sites divided only by a hedge, on
o n e side the Public Services Department d e a ling with waste, on the other side
t h e Department of Agriculture and
F i s heries dealing with waste. In terms
o f e fficient administration and use of
m an power resources it make little
s e n se. Two departments cheek by jowl e n g aged in the same activity.
T h e re is no one at Agriculture who has s u it able qualifications for managing
w as te, or its disposal and it would be
f in a ncially illogical for us to engage
s u c h persons when Public Services
a lr e ady have suitably qualified
o f fi cers who deal regularly with all
w as te disposal and treatment, save that
o f a gricultural waste.
Y es terday morning I held a meeting with m y Committee, Deputy D.A. Carter,
C o n nétable C.J. Le H. Hinault and
D ep uty H.H. Baudains and it was agreed t h at the officers of the three
D ep artments should produce within the n e x t ten days details of the organic
w as te problems that need to be
a d d ressed to ensure that a long-term
p l an can be produced. These reports
w il l cover agricultural waste, garden
w as te, seaweed, etc. It is the
i n te ntion that these reports will be
d i sc ussed at political level and where
a p p ropriate, specialist advice obtained
f ro m ADAS, the Water Research Council a n d any other appropriate body.
C l o se co-operation between the
v a r ious Committees and their officers i s essential if the problems of organic w as te are to be effectively resolved.
I c a n inform members that a remedial
a c ti on plan for Crabbé has already been a g r eed.
T h i s includes removal of the leachate f o r treatment at Bellozanne and
c o v ering all the dumps so as to prevent r a in fall adding to the production of
l e ac hate. In addition a security fence
h a s been erected.
I m ust stress these are short-term m e asures.
2 . As I explained in my answer to question 1 th e waste at Crabbé comes from a
n u m ber of sources and by mixing the
i n co ming loads leachate is reduced as
f a r as possible. The waste ranges from
c u t, bruised and green potatoes mixed
w it h soil from packing stations. (I
m u st emphasise that these potatoes were n e v er destined for the United Kingdom
m ar ket - these are the rejects) to
t o m ato haulm, to flower debris and
v a r ious other agricultural wastes.
H o wever, the considerable increase in
s e a weed collection during 1996 has
r e su lted in the production of larger
q u a ntities of leachate which have been
s o g reat that from time to time it has
s e e ped into the agricultural site and
o c c asionally on to the lane adjacent to
t h e site.
U n fortunately a large proportion of t h is seaweed is sea lettuce and is not s u it able for use as an agricultural
f e rt ilizer in contrast to the mature
s e a weed collected in the winter.
O ri ginally no provision was made to c o ll ect the leachate from either area a t C rabbé but in the late summer of 1 9 9 4 the Public Services Department
c o n structed a large soakaway on their
s it e and, at the same time engineered a
s lu i ce so that any drainage from the
a g r icultural site was led off into
t h ei r soakaway. This soakaway was
c o n structed and is managed by the
P u b lic Services Department. In the
l ig h t of current thinking it would
a p p ear that this action in this area is
n o t compatible with good environmental p r a ctice.
3 . The fencing around the whole of the
C r a bbé site has been erected by the
P u b lic Services Department - as I have a l re ady stated this was one of the
s h o rt-term recommendations to secure t h e sites. Once the long-term future of t h is site is decided no doubt a more
a e s thetically pleasing fence can be
e s ta blished.''
Committee of Inquiry: Limited Liability Partnerships (Jersey) Law 199 - P.153/96
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of Senator Pierre François Horsfall -
( 1) in accordance with Article 30 of the
S t a tes of Jersey Law 1966, approved the a p p ointment of a Committee of Inquiry t o i nvestigate the procedure followed
i n r elation to the timetabling,
p r e paration and presentation to the
S t a tes of the draft Limited Liability
P a r tnerships (Jersey) Law 199
( P .8 4/96);
( 2) requested the senior Senator to present f o r the approval of the States
n o m inations for the President and
m em bers of the Committee of Inquiry.
Members present voted as follows -
P o u r'' (44) Senators
S henton, Jeune , Horsfall, Rothwell, Le
M ain, Le Maistre, Stein, Quérée, Bailhache .
Connétable s
S t. Clement, St. Lawrence, St.
M ary, St. Peter, Grouville , St. Saviour , S t. Martin, St. Ouen, St. John.
R umboll(H), Wavell(S), Norman(C), St.
P eter, H. Baudains(C), Le Sueur(H), St.
O uen, Coutanche(L), Huelin(B), St. Mary, S . Baudains(H), Le Geyt(S), Walker (H),
C respel(H), Pullin(S), Carter(H), Johns(H), D uhamel(S), Matthews(B), Routier(H),
D orey(H), Layzell(B), Breckon(S), Huet(H), S t. Martin, St. John.
C o ntre'' (0)
Health and Social Services towards 2000: Strategy 1997-2000 - P.106/96
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Health and Social Services Committee, approved in principle the policy objectives for the
development, implementation and co-ordination of health and social services for the period 1997- 2000, outlined in the report Health and
Social Services - Towards 2000' as
follows -
1 . Community and Social Services 2 . Public Health Services
3 . General and Acute Services
4 . Resources -
( a ) Financial strategy
( b ) Capital programme
( c ) Information strategy
( d ) Human resources strategy
( e ) Legislation programme.
Advocates and Solicitors (Jersey) Law 199 - P.108/96, P.115/96, P.133/96
THE STATES commenced consideration of the draft Advocates and Solicitors (Jersey) Law 199 and adopted the Preamble and Article 2.
Article 3 was adopted as amended, the States having adopted an amendment of Senator Corrie Stein that, in clause (ii) of sub-paragraph (b)
of paragraph (3), for the words five years'' there should be substituted the words three years''.
Members present voted on the amendment as follows -
P o u r'' (20) Senators
S henton, Horsfall, Rothwell, Le Main, S tein, Bailhache .
Connétable s
S t. Clement, St. Peter, St. Martin , St. J ohn.
W avell(S), S. Baudains(H), Crespel(H), C arter(H), Johns(H), Matthews(B),
R outier(H), Dorey(H), Breckon(S), St. Martin.
C o n tre'' (18) Senator
J eune. Connétable s
S t. Lawrence, St. Mary, St. Saviour , St. O uen.
R umboll(H), Norman(C), St. Peter,
H . Baudains(C), St. Ouen, Coutanche(L), H uelin(B), St. Mary, Le Geyt(S), Pullin(S), D uhamel(S), Layzell(B), St. John.
Articles 4, 5 and 6 were considered together.
Article 4 was adopted as amended, the States
having adopted amendments of Deputy Dereck André Carter of St. Helier that in sub-paragraph (b)
of paragraph (1) after the words paragraph
(2)'' there should be added the words or (3)''
and that after paragraph (2) there should be
added the following paragraph -
(3) The requirements are that he has -
( a) passed the qualifying examination; and
( b) completed a total of five years'
e m p loyment in a relevant office or in
m o re than one such office, of which the w h ole of the two years immediately
p r e ceding his application for admission a s a solicitor in accordance with
A rt icle 8 has been spent in such
e m p loyment.''
Article 5 was adopted.
Article 6 was adopted as amended, the States having adopted an amendment of Deputy Carter that in sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph (5) after the words in a different form'' there should
be inserted the words , including the form of
a preliminary examination and a final examination which shall together constitute the qualifying examination,''.
Members present voted on Articles 4 and 6 together as follows -
P o u r'' (24) Senators
S henton, Le Main. Connétable s
S t. Clement, St. Mary, St. Peter,
G rouville, St. Saviour , St. Martin, St. O uen, St. John.
S t. Peter, Le Sueur(H), Huelin(B),
S . Baudains(H), Le Geyt(S), Pullin(S),
C arter(H), Duhamel(S), Routier(H),
D orey(H), Breckon(S), Huet(H), St. Martin , S t. John.
C o n tre'' (17) Senators
J eune, Horsfall, Rothwell, Quérée, B ailhache.
R umboll(H), Wavell(S), Norman(C),
H . Baudains(C), St. Ouen, Coutanche(L),
S t. Mary, Walker (H), Crespel(H), Johns(H), M atthews(B), Layzell(B).
Articles 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 were adopted.
Article 1 was adopted as amended, the States having adopted an amendment of Deputy Carter that in paragraph (1), in the definition of
qualifying examination'', for the words sub - paragraph (2) of paragraph 5 and sub- paragraph (2) of paragraph 6'' there should be substituted the words sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 4 and sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 5''.
The First and Second Schedules were adopted.
The Third Schedule was adopted as amended, the States having adopted amendments of Deputy Carter that -
i n sub-clause (ii) of clause (a) of sub- p aragraph (1) of paragraph (2) -
( a) for the words clause (a) of sub-
p a r agraph (2) of paragraph 5''
t h er e should be substituted the words c l ause (a) of sub-paragraph (2) of
p a r agraph 4'';
( b) for the words sub-paragraph (2) of p a r agraph 6'' there should be
s u b stituted the words sub-
p a r agraph (2) of paragraph 5'';
i n paragraph 3, for the words sub- p aragraph (2) of paragraph 6''
t here should be substituted the words sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 5'';
t he entire paragraph 4 should be deleted;
p aragraph 5, should be renumbered as p aragraph 4;
i n paragraph 6 -
( a) should be renumbered as paragraph 5; a n d
( b) in sub-paragraph (1), for the words p a ragraph 7'' there should be
s u b stituted the words paragraph 6'';
p aragraphs 7 and 8 should be renumbered a s paragraphs 6 and 7 respectively.
The Fourth Schedule was adopted.
The Bill, as amended, was adopted in Second Reading (P.172/96).
Committee of Inquiry: Limited Liability Partnerships (Jersey) Law 199 - P.153/96: appointment of President and Members
THE STATES appointed Senator Richard Joseph Shenton as President of the Committee of Inquiry regarding the Limited Liability Partnerships (Jersey) Law 199 .
The President of the Committee of Inquiry, having agreed to the appointment of four members of the Committee, nominated for appointment -
S enator Patricia Ann Bailhache
M alcolm Pollard, Connétable of St. Peter
J eremy Laurence Dorey, Deputy of St. Helier
Frederick John Hill, Deputy of St. Martin, nominated for appointment as members -
S hirley Margaret Baudains, Deputy of St. H elier
R obert Charles Duhamel, Deputy of St. S aviour
I mogen Stephanie Nicholls, Deputy of
G rouville
THE STATES having proceeded to a secret ballot, the Bailiff declared the following results -
S enator Bailhache 3 0 v o te s
C onnétable of St. Peter 3 3 v otes
D eputy Dorey 3 3 v o t e s
D eputy S. Baudains 2 0 v o t e s
D eputy Duhamel 2 1 votes
D eputy Nicholls
1 7 votes.
The Bailiff accordingly declared that the following had been elected members of the Committee of Inquiry -
S enator Bailhache
C onnétable of St. Peter
D eputy Dorey
D eputy Duhamel.
Strategic Policy Review and Action Plan 1996 - P.129/96, P.143/96, P.169/96
THE STATES resumed consideration of sub- paragraph (a) of paragraph 2 of the Strategic Policy Review and Action Plan 1996 proposed by the Policy and Resources Committee discussion of which had been discontinued at the meeting on 11th September 1996.
After discussion, Deputy Gary Matthews of St. Brelade withdrew his proposed amendment that at the end of sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph 2,
there should be inserted the words , except
for the proposals in paragraphs 1.20 to 1.23 for the formation of a Corporate Strategy Unit.''
Sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph 2 was adopted.
THE STATES, adopting the proposition of the Policy and Resources Committee, as amended -
1 . received the Strategic Policy Review a n d Action Plan 1996 - Part I; and -
a p p roved the recommendations of the W o rking Party on Population Policy as s e t out in clauses (i)-(v) in sub-
p a r agraph 2.2 of that Part;
2 . received the Strategic Policy Review 1 9 9 6 Part II and -
( a ) endorsed the resource allocation st r at e g y of the Policy and
R e s o u rces Committee as set out in su b - p a ragraph 1.1 to 1.23 of that
P a rt ;
( b ) approved the cash limits for each
o f th e non-trading Committees for
1 9 9 7 a s set out in Appendix 1.2;
( c ) approved the recommended capital p ro g r a mme for 1997 as set out in
A p p e n dices 2.1 to 2.3; and
ap p r o v ed, in principle, the
ca p i ta l programme for 1998 to 2000 as s et o ut in Appendices 2.1, 2.2
an d 2 .4 with the exception that in
v ie w o f the decision of the States
o n 2 7 t h October 1992 to support
th e es t ablishment of an Archive
S e rv i c e for Jersey and the
p ro v i s ion of suitable premises for
h o u si n g the archives (P.99/92),
an d i n view of the continuing
v u ln e r ability and deterioration of
th e ar c hives, agreed that the
co n s t ru ction of new accommodation to p ro v ide for a States Archive
sh o u l d be treated as a special
ca s e w hen considering the States
C a p it a l Programme for 1998;
( d ) approved the States Legislation P ro g r a mme for 1997 as set out in A p p e n dix 3.3;
( e ) endorsed the manpower policy of
th e E s tablishment Committee 1997- 2 0 0 1 a s set out in sub-paragraphs
6 .1 to 6.22 of that Part and in
p ar t ic u lar approved -
(i ) t h a t the policy be based on c o n t ro l o f the number of
s ta f f e m ployed;
(i i) th a t States Departments be s u b je c t t o an external
s e rv i c e r e view over the next t h re e y e ar s.
Training and Employment Partnership: strategy - P.137/96 and P.144/96
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Policy and Resources Committee, approved the strategy that the Training and Employment Partnership had developed on behalf of the Employment and Social Security Committee for producing a more flexible and highly skilled workforce which could react
to international competition in ever-changing markets.
Police Force (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Law 199 - P.145/96
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Police Force (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Law 199 .
Parish Rate Law (Jersey) Law 199 - P.148/96
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a
Law entitled the Parish Rate Law (Jersey) Law 199 .
Smoking and health - P.150/96
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Health and Social Services Committee -
( a) requested the Finance and Economics
C o m mittee to amend Article 1 of the
L o i (1937) sur la perception d'un
i m p ôt sur le tabac'', as amended, to
i n cr ease in 1997 the duty on cigarettes
a n d other tobacco products by an amount e q u ivalent to 16 pence on the price of
a p a cket of 20 cigarettes;
( b) agreed in principle to increase
a n n ually to the year 2000, by an amount
o v e r and above the level of inflation,
t h e relative price of tobacco products.
Licensing (No. 11) (Jersey) Regulations 1996 - P.151/96
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 92 of the Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Licensing (No. 11) (Jersey) Regulations 1996.
States of Jersey (Amendment No. 5) Law 1996 (Appointed Day) Act 1996 - P.152/96
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 2 of the States of Jersey (Amendment No. 5) Law
1996, made an Act entitled the States of Jersey (Amendment No. 5) Law 1996 (Appointed Day) Act 1996.
THE STATES rose at 5.45 p.m.
G .H .C . C O P P O C K
G re f fi e r o f the States.