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THE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 22nd September 1998 at 9.30 a.m. under the Presidency of the Bailiff ,
Sir Philip Bailhache ____________
All members were present with the exception of –
S e n at or Pierre François Horsfall – out of the Island
S e n at or Leonard Norman – out of the Island
E n id Clare Quenault, Connétable of St. Brelade – out of the Island
R o b e rt Lester Le Brocq, Connétable of St. Helier– out of the Island
C a rl y le John Le Hérissier Hinault, Connétable of St. John– out of the Island T e re n ce Augustine Le Sueur, Deputy of St. Helier– out of the Island
S h ir le y Margaret Baudains, Deputy of St. Helier – out of the Island
M a r g aret Anne Le Geyt, Deputy of St. Saviour– out of the Island
E v e ly n Mabel Pullin, Deputy of St. Saviour – out of the Island.
Prayers ____________
Tribute to the late Sir Frank Ereaut, former Bailiff of Jersey
The Bailiff paid tribute to the late Sir Frank Ereaut, a former Bailiff of Jersey.
THE STATES observed one minute's silence as a mark of respect.
Subordinate legislation tabled
The following enactments were laid before the States, namely –
R o a d T raffic (Saint John) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Order 1998. R & O 9286.
W eig ht s and Measures (Egg Grading Machines) (Amendment) (Jersey) Order 1998. R & O 9287. Is l a n d P lanning (Designation of Site of Special Interest) (No. 5) (Jersey) Order 1998. R & O 9289. L o dg ing Houses (General Provisions) (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Order 1998. R & O 9290.
R o a d T raffic (Saint Brelade) (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) Order 1998. R & O 9291.
Matters presented
The following matters were presented to the States –
F is c a l R eview Working Group – interim report – R.C.41/98. P re s e nted by the Finance and Economics Committee.
Ma np o wer report for the period 1st January 1998 to 30th June 1998 – R.C.42/98. P re s e nted by the Establishment Committee.
J er s e y Consumer Council: report on legal charges and practices – R.C.43/98.
P re s e nted by the Policy and Resources Committee.
THE STATES ordered that the said reports be printed and distributed.
Matters noted – land transactions
THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee, dated 14th September 1998, recording the following decisions of the Treasurer of the States under delegated powers, in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land –
( a) as recommended by the Health and Social Services Committee, the lease to the Jersey Electricity
Company Limited of electricity sub-station No. 374 at the Sandybrook development, St. Helier, for period of 99 years at an annual rent of£1 payable in one lump sum on completion of the contract, with the granting to the company of wayleave rights free of charge in accordance with Plan No. 15H (reference P.1235) dated 22nd April 1998, on the basis that each party would be responsible for its own legal costs in relation to this transaction;
(b ) as recommended by the Public Services Committee, the assignment to G De Z Investments Limited
of the remaining portion of the lease of the property known as 27 Hill Street/16 Queen Stree St. Helier, thereby removing the Committee from all legal liabilities of the contract lease, including the payment of rent and undertaking repair and maintenance work necessary in order to comply with the terms of the lease, which sum was likely to be in excess of a three-figure amount, in association with which matter the Planning and Environment Committee had been recommended to sell to the company the party wall between 25/27 Hill Street and Morier House in order to clarify the boundaries between those properties.
Matter noted – acceptance of tender
THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee, dated 14th September 1998, showing that, in pursuance of Rule 5 of the Public Finances (General) (Jersey) Rules 1967, as amended, the Committee had noted that the Public Services Committee had accepted the sole revised tender, namely that submitted by Jakob Stiefel Gmbh (specialist contractors), in the sum of £509,100, for the replacement of the grate for the third stream of the Bellozanne Incinerator Plant.
Matters lodged
The following matters were lodged "au Greffe" –
D r a f t P robate (Jersey) Law 1998 (Appointed Day) Act 199 – P.191/98. P re s e nted by the Legislation Committee.
D r a f t P robate (General Provisions) (Jersey) Regulations 199 – P.192/98. P re s e nted by the Legislation Committee.
D r a f t H onorary Police (Parochial Domicile) (Jersey) Law 199 – P.193/98. P re s e nted by the Legislation Committee.
D r a f t C ommunity Provisions (Provisions relating to the introduction of the Euro) (Jersey) Regulations 199 –
P re s e nted by the Finance and Economics Committee.
D r a f t C ompanies (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 199 – P.195/98. P re s e nted by the Finance and Economics Committee.
L e G e y t Centre: approval of drawings – P.196/98.
P re s e nted by the Health and Social Services Committee.
J er s e y Airport: future status and financing – P.197/98. P re s e nted by the Harbours and Airport Committee.
St r a t e g ic planning – population ceiling – P.198/98.
P re s e nted by Deputy J.T. Johns of St. Helier and referred to the Policy and Resources Committee.
S e n a tor F.H. Walker , Vice-President, Policy and Resources Committee, undertook that the Committee
would present its report to the States not later than 2nd February 1999.
A s se m blée Internationale de Parlementaires de Langue Française: Executive Committee (P.199/98):
amendment – P.200/98.
P re s e nted by Deputy P.J. Rondel of St. John.
L o d g ed on 15th September 1998 –
B e a uv o ir, Rue de la Croiserie, Trinity : Committee of Inquiry – P.190/98.
P re s e nted by Senator R.J. Shenton and referred to the Planning and Environment Committee. Senator N.L.
Quérée, President, Planning and Environment Committee, undertook that the Committee would present its report to the States on 29th September 1998.
Arrangement of public business for the next meeting on 6th October 1998
THE STATES confirmed that the following matters lodged "au Greffe" would be considered at the next meeting on 6th October 1998 –
S h o p s: Sunday trading – P.60/98. L o d g ed: 31st March 1998.
D e p u ty A. Breckon of St. Saviour.
S h o p s – Sunday trading (P.60/98): amendment – P.85/98. L o d g ed: 5th May 1998.
C o n n étable of St. Clement.
P ro v i sion of school milk: funding – P.128/98 Revised. L o d g ed: 2nd June 1998.
S en a t or J.S. Rothwell.
P ro v i sion of school milk: funding (P.128/98): report – P.186/98. P re s e nted: 1st September 1998.
F in a n ce and Economics Committee.
T e a ch ing of Jèrriais in primary schools – P.131/98. L o d g ed: 9th June 1998.
E d u c ation Committee.
C o m m ittees of the States: reorganisation – P.151/98 Revised, sub-paragraph (c). L o d g ed: 30th June 1998, sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) already considered.
P o li c y and Resources Committee.
D r a ft Veterinary Surgeons (Jersey) Law 199 – P.153/98. L o d g ed: 30th June 1998.
A g r ic ulture and Fisheries Committee.
D r a ft Veterinary Surgeons (Jersey) Law 199 (P.153/98): amendments – P.182/98. L o d g ed: 18th August 1998.
A g r ic ulture and Fisheries Committee.
S t. H elier Waterfront area: acquisition of possible interest – P.172/98. L o d g ed: 28th July 1998.
P o li c y and Resources Committee.
B e a u voir, Rue de la Croiserie, Trinity : Committee of Inquiry – P.190/98.
P r es e nted by Senator R.J. Shenton and referred to the Planning and Environment Committee.
D r a ft Probate (Jersey) Law 1998 (Appointed Day) Act 199 – P.191/98. L o d g ed: 22nd September 1998.
L e g is lation Committee.
D r a ft Probate (General Provisions) (Jersey) Regulations 199 – P.192/98. L o d g ed; 22nd September 1998.
L e g is lation Committee.
D r a ft Honorary Police (Parochial Domicile) (Jersey) Law 199 – P.193/98. L o d g ed: 22nd September 1998.
L e g is lation Committee.
Extraordinary meeting
THE STATES agreed that they would meet in extraordinary session on 7th October 1998 if the business set down for 6th October 1998 was not completed on that day.
MRI Scanner – questions and answers (Tape No. 467)
Deputy Philip John Rondel of St. John asked Senator Richard Joseph Shenton, President of the Health and Social Services Committee, the following questions –
"O v e r recent months great effort was made by the public to raise funds for an MRI Scanner –
( a) would the President inform members, and the many people who made donations, when the MRI
Scanner is to be installed and made operational?
(b ) w ould the President also give details of manning arrangements for the MRI Scanner –
( c) are the staff to be employed from within the existing work force and if so, what training will be
(d ) a re the staff to be brought in from outside the Island?"
The President of the Health and Social Services Committee replied as follows –
"( a ) I am pleased to confirm that substantial progress is being made in making ready the facilities that will
be required to accommodate the MRI Scanner. Considerable building work is involved so that we may ensure an appropriate area within the existing X-Ray Department is prepared and this must be achieved without disrupting the smooth and proper functioning of the existing X-Ray services, which are currently also being refurbished.
M y C o m mittee is due to receive detailed responses to the tender exercise currently being undertaken
at its next meeting.
T h e s c h ed uled programme of the building works and installation should be complete by early autumn
(b ) As identified above, the facility is to be accommodated and operated from within the existing X-Ray
Department. Therefore, economies in manpower will be achieved. However, the equivalent of four full-time staff will be required when the facility is fully operational.
T h e s e p o s ts will include three additional radiographers and some clerical and administrative support.
(c ) The clinical staff who will operate the MRI facility will probably be staff currently employed in the
service who have undergone additional training.
(d ) The current members of staff who will operate the MRI Scanner will need replacing. Therefore, it is
likely the three additional radiographers required will need to be recruited on five-year contracts from the United Kingdom."
Airport redevelopment and proposed relocation of the airport taxiway – questions and answers – (Tape No.467)
Senator Stuart Syvret asked Deputy James Thomas Johns of St. Helier, President of the Harbours and Airport Committee, the following questions –
" 1 . Would the President provide a chronology outlining each stage of the decision-making process in respect of the airport redevelopment project, and will he include in this chronology –
( a ) a n a c count of the bodies involved in making the decisions?
( b ) a d e s cription of the financially relevant information presented to these bodies? ( c ) th e d ates upon which they received this information?
2 . Would the President inform members when his Committee first became aware of the possible
requirement to relocate the airport taxiway?
3 . W ould the President inform members of –
( a ) th e fi nal total projected cost of the entire airport redevelopment? ( b ) t h e a mount so far budgeted for the airport redevelopment?"
The President of the Harbours and Airport Committee replied as follows –
" 1 . A considerable amount of research will be necessary in order to provide the correct information in order to answer Question 1. I shall respond at the earliest opportunity.
2 . A survey of various aspects of Jersey airport was carried out after the appointment of the Airport
Director in 1984. The Committee was advised during winter 1985/spring 1986 that the runway would require resurfacing in 1990, that the Bravo taxiway would require resurfacing in 1995 and that the Alpha taxiway would require resurfacing in the year 2000. Work was put in hand so that the airport runway project could be completed at the required time.
D u ri n g th e detailed planning for the runway resurfacing, further investigative work was carried out with regard to the two taxiways. The Committee was informed in 1989 that both the Bravo taxiway
in the west and the Alpha taxiway in the east would have to be relocated in order to satisfy national and
international safety requirements. Airlines using Jersey Airport and the Jersey Aero Club were consulted and informed of this at that time.
3 . I propose to deal with Question 3 at the same time as the response to question 1.
H o w e v e r , in case there is any doubt in members' minds, the runway and taxiway projects are not part
of the Airport Development Project. The title Airport Development Project was given to the construction of the John Le Fondré departures area, construction of a new arrivals hall, the refurbishment of the ground floor of the 1937 building in order to join it to the two new buildings, the demolition of certain old structures and, lastly, the construction of a new public car park, roadways and forecourt. Members will be provided with a full list of capital projects required for a number of years ahead as part of the information on Projet P.197/98 concerning the Future Structure and Financing of Jersey Airport."
Standard of service rendered by lawyers – questions and answers – (Tape No. 467)
Senator Stuart Syvret asked Deputy Imogen Stephanie Nicholls of Grouville , President of the Legislation Committee, the following questions –
" 1 . Would the President provide members with a detailed explanation of what, if any, consumer protection mechanisms are available to members of the public in respect of the standard of service rendered by lawyers?
2 . W ould the President explain how this compares and contrasts with the service provided by lawyers in
the United Kingdom?"
The President of the Legislation Committee replied as follows –
"1 . I believe that there are three separate areas which fall within the question – 1 . S t a n dard of legal skills.
2 . F e e s .
3 . D is c iplinary procedures.
1 . S ta n dard of legal skills
I t i s an i m p l ie d term of any contract between lawyer and client that the lawyer will exercise
reasonable skill and care in the performance of his duties. Should the lawyer fail to do so, he will be liable in damages to the client for any loss which has been caused to the client as a result of the lawyer's negligence. The claim, if not admitted, would have to be brought before the Courts in the ordinary way.
2 . F e e s
W h e r e a c l i en t is dissatisfied at the level of fees, he may refer the matter to the Committee of the
Jersey Law Society which will, with the agreement of the parties, look into whether the fees are reasonable. However the Law Society has no power to enforce its decisions and if either party is not willing to accept the decision, the matter would have to be resolved by the Court.
3 . D i sc i plinary Procedures
In t h e e v en t of misconduct of a more serious nature which would amount to professional
misconduct, initial complaint can be made to the Law Society. However the Law Society is not an incorporated
body and it has no disciplinary powers over its members. In the case of advocates, it is only the Royal Court which has power to impose disciplinary measures such as reprimand, censure, suspension or striking off. In the case of solicitors there is a Disciplinary Committee constituted under the Advocates and Solicitors (Jersey) Law 1997 consisting of five solicitors who may reprimand or censure a solicitor. Any more serious sanction can only be imposed by the Royal Court.
T h e s y st e m f o r dealing with complaints was reviewed in considerable detail in Chapters 6 and 7
of the Report of the Legal Practice Committee (R.C.35/93) chaired by Sir Godfray Le Quesne, QC. It found the present system to be unsatisfactory in many respects. The Committee made a number of recommendations for reform which are to be included in a new Law Society of Jersey Law and a Legal Practitioners Law. I understand that first drafts of these two pieces of legislation have now been prepared by the Law Draftsman and it is the intention of my Committee to bring the necessary legislation before the States as soon as possible.
T h e R ep o r t o f the Jersey Consumer Council presented today (R.C.43/98) also contains certain
recommendations which will be considered by my Committee.
2 . I t is not possible to answer this question in detail because, in the short time available since notice of
the question was given, the Law Officers Department has not been able to undertake the required research as to the position in the United Kingdom. However I am advised that, in general terms, the position is thought to be broadly similar to that in Jersey, in that complaints of negligence have to be brought before the Courts whereas complaints of professional misconduct are dealt with by the profession's disciplinary bodies. The difference is that, in England, the professional bodies are duly constituted with adequate disciplinary powers both in respect of solicitors and barristers. In addition there is a Legal Services Ombudsman, appointed by the Lord Chancellor, who may investigate how the respective professional disciplinary bodies have dealt with complaints which have been made to them."
Town drainage scheme – questions and answers – (Tape No. 467)
Senator Stuart Syvret asked Senator Vernon Amy Tomes, President of the Public Services Committee, the following questions –
" 1 . Would the President inform the Assembly whether the town drainage scheme is sufficiently connected to the Bellozanne treatment works to enable the town drainage scheme to operate at 100 per cent capacity and efficiency?
2 . I f the town drainage scheme is not sufficiently connected, would the President provide members with
an estimate of the costs of any further works that may be necessary?"
The President of the Public Services Committee replied as follows –
"1 . The Senator has referred to the town drainage scheme, and by this I am sure that he is referring to the
Weighbridge to Town Centre Surface Water Link and Storage Tank Scheme. I can confirm that this scheme is connected to the Bellozanne treatment works by a pumping main from Snow Hill to the foul sewer in Hill Street, and thence through the sewers to First Tower and Bellozanne. There is a problem with the operational capacity of the scheme, but it is not in the connection to Bellozanne.
T h e p r o b lem is with the pipes carrying the foul sewage which overflows in times of heavy rainfall at
the Weighbridge. These pipes are fixed inside the surface water tunnel from Snow Hill to the Weighbridge, and carry the foul sewage to the Cavern at Snow Hill.
D u ri n g th e recent maintenance inspection of the surface water tunnel, it was identified that some of
the holding down brackets on the ductile iron pipes in the tunnel from the Weighbridge to Snow Hill had come
loose, allowing the pipes to float to the top of the tunnel. The pipes are one metre in diameter, and, as they are empty for most of the time, they are subject to flotation (caused by the surface water in the tunnel), and have to be held down by steel straps which are bolted to the floor of the tunnel. Detailed inspections have revealed that the holding down bolts on 31 of the 72 straps have pulled loose, over a length of 170 metres of the 437 metre long tunnel. The contractor, Balfour Beatty, has been instructed to investigate the reason for the failures and to submit proposals to rectify the situation.
U n ti l s u c h time as the problem has been resolved, surface water has been diverted back into the old
brook and sewer system, and the overflow of foul sewage from the Weighbridge, which cannot be conveyed to the Cavern, has been diverted back to its original outlet, which discharges to sea to the east of the new Marina entrance. Hence, the town sewerage system is currently operating as it did for many years prior to the commissioning of the new surface water tunnel and the Cavern, and the overflows of foul sewage, in times of heavy rainfall, are discharging to sea.
2 . A s I have just reported to members, the contractor has been instructed to submit proposals to rectify
the problems with the pipe fixing system.
T h e c o n tr actor is required, under the terms of the contract, to carry out the remedial works, with the
question of who is responsible for the cost of the repairs to be resolved later. However, it is the opinion of the engineer's team that the contractor has been responsible for faulty installation of the holding down bolts, and will be responsible for the cost of the repairs."
Dual rôle of President of the Finance and Economics Committee and Chairman of the Jersey Financial Services Commission – statement
The President of the Finance and Economics Committee made a statement in the following terms –
" T h e re have been a number of recent comments made regarding my dual rôle as President of the Finance and Economics Committee and Chairman of the Jersey Financial Services Commission. I would like this morning to clarify the position for members.
T h e F inancial Services Commission (Jersey) Law 1998 states that the Chairman of the Commission shall
be, for the time being, a member of the Finance and Economics Committee. The appointment of the Chairman is made by the Committee and notified to the States. The inclusion of the wording for the time being in the Law allows the flexibility to implement a change in the Chairman's status, should the Committee and Commission feel it appropriate. An amendment to the Law would, however, be required.
I n d i scussion with Mr. Andrew Edwards – who is conducting a review of the financial legislation and
regulatory systems of the Crown Dependencies of Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man – he commented that a non-political Chairman may prove beneficial to the Commission in reinforcing its independence. We are currently awaiting his report.
T h e Committee and Commission will be jointly considering the matter of the Chairmanship, when the
Commission has had the opportunity to reflect upon its role in the light of current international best practice and the Edwards report."
Assemblée Internationale de Parlementaires de Langue Française: Executive Committee – P.199/98
THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of Senator Jean Amy Le Maistre regarding the appointment of members of the Executive Committee of the Jersey Branch of the Assemblée Internationale de Parlementaires de Langue Française. After discussion, and on the proposition of Deputy Philip John Rondel of St. John, the proposition was lodged"au Greffe".
Maintenance Orders (Enforcement) (Jersey) Law 199 – P.176/98
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Maintenance Orders (Enforcement) (Jersey) Law 199 .
Hire Cars (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) Regulations 1998 – P.139/98
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 22A of the Hire Cars (Jersey) Law 1964, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Hire Cars (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) Regulations 1998.
Public Service Vehicles (Fees) (Amendment No. 9) (Jersey) Regulations 1998 – P.140/98
THE STATES, in pursuance of Articles 49A and 54 of the Motor Traffic (Jersey) Law 1935, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Public Service Vehicles (Fees) (Amendment No. 9) (Jersey) Regulations 1998.
Dangerous Wild Animals (Jersey) Law 199 – P.154/98 and amendments – P.183/98
THE STATES commenced consideration of the draft Dangerous Wild Animals (Jersey) Law 199 and adopted the Preamble.
Article 1 was adopted, the States having accepted an amendment of the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee that in sub-paragraph (1) for the words"Article 22" in the definition of "enactment" there should be substituted the words "Article 23".
Articles 2 to 10 were adopted.
Article 11 was adopted, the States having accepted an amendment of the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee that in sub-paragraph (1)(a) after the words"any matter" there should be inserted the words "or circumstances".
Article 12 was adopted, the States having accepted an amendment of the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee that in sub-paragraph (1), for sub-paragraph (c) there should be substituted the following –
" (c ) that it is contrary to the public interest, on the grounds of the safety of human beings or animals (whether or not they are dangerous wild animals) or of nuisance or on any other grounds, that his licence should remain in force,".
Articles 13 to 19 were adopted.
Article 20 was adopted, the States having accepted an amendment of the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee that after the words "any dangerous wild animal" there should be inserted the words "by or on behalf of the Committee, the States Veterinary Officer or any person who is authorized in writing for the purposes of Article 14 by the Committee".
Articles 21 to 24 and the First Schedule were adopted.
The Second Schedule was adopted, the States having accepted an amendment of the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee that in paragraph 1 of Part B of Form 1 for the word"statement" there should be substituted the word "application".
The Third Schedule was adopted.
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Dangerous Wild Animals (Jersey) Law 199 .
Police (Complaints and Discipline) (Jersey) Law 199 – P.162/98 and amendments – P.184/98
THE STATES commenced consideration of the draft Police (Complaints and Discipline) (Jersey) Law 199 and adopted the Preamble and Articles 1 to 13.
Article 14 was adopted, Deputy F.J. Hill of St. Martin having withdrawn sub-paragraph (b) of his amendment that in paragraph (2) after the word"Jurats" there should be inserted the words ", none of whom has previously been a member of the Force, port control officer, member of the Honorary Police or member of any other police force,".
Articles 15 to 26 were adopted.
Article 27 was adopted, Deputy F.J. Hill of St. Martin having withdrawn sub-paragraph (b) of his amendment that in paragraph (2) after the word"Jurats" there should be inserted the words ", none of whom has previously been a member of the Force, port control officer, member of the Honorary Police or member of any other police force,".
Articles 28 to 33 were adopted.
The Schedule was adopted, the States having rejected sub-paragraph (a) of the amendment of Deputy F.J. Hill of St. Martin that in paragraph 1 of the Schedule "(Constitution of the Authority") in sub-paragraph (4)(a) there should be deleted the words "or has previously been";
Members present voted as follows –
"Pour" (4)
S h e n ton, Tomes. Connétable
S t. M artin. Deputy
S t. M artin.
"Contre" (37)
L e M aistre, Stein, Quérée, Bailhache , Syvret, Walker , Kinnard.
Connétable s
S t. C lement, St. Lawrence, St. Mary, St. Peter, Grouville , St. Ouen, Trinity , St. Saviour. Deputies
W av e ll(S), H. Baudains(C), Coutanche(L), Trinity , Johns(H), Duhamel(S), Routier(H), Dorey(H), Layzell
(B), Breckon(S), Grouville , Huet(H), St. John, Blampied(H), Rabet(H), Crowcroft (H), Vibert (B), de la Haye(B), Le Cornu(C), St. Peter, Dubras(L), S. Ouen.
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the
Police (Complaints and Discipline) (Jersey) Law 199 .
Road Traffic (Amendment No. 49) (Jersey) Regulations 1998 – P.169/98
THE STATES, in pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Order in Council of the twenty-sixth day of December 1851 and Article 49 of the Road Traffic (Jersey) Law 1956, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Road Traffic (Amendment No. 49) (Jersey) Regulations 1998.
Residential registration scheme – P.179/98
THE STATES rejected a proposition of Deputy Alan Breckon – (1 ) t o establish a residential Registration Scheme;
(2 ) t o appoint a Special Committee –
( a ) t o c o nduct a full housing survey to establish the actual number of residents, together with their
age and length of residency; and
( b ) t o i n vestigate and make recommendations to the States for measures to control population growth
to ensure a long-term sustainable population policy;
(3 ) to request the Policy and Resources Committee, in consultation with the Finance and Economics and
Establishment Committees, to provide the Special Committee with sufficient resources, both finance and manpower, to enable it to undertake its task within a reasonable period of time.
Members present voted as follows –
"Pour" (14)
L e M aistre, Bailhache , Syvret, Kinnard.
Connétable s
S t. M ary, St. Peter, Grouville , St. Martin.
Jo h n s (H), Duhamel(S), Breckon(S), St. Martin, St. John, Rabet(H).
"Contre" (24)
R o th w ell, Stein, Quérée, Tomes, Walker . Connétable s
S t. C lement, St. Lawrence, St. Saviour. Deputies
H . B audains(C), Coutanche(L), St. Mary, Trinity , Routier(H), Dorey(H), Layzell(B), Grouville , Huet(H)
Blampied(H), Vibert (B), de la Haye(B), Le Cornu(C), St. Peter, Dubras(L), S. Ouen.
Licensing (Licence Fees) (Jersey) Regulations 1998 – P.180/98
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 11 of the Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Licensing (Licence Fees) (Jersey) Regulations 1998.
Elizabeth Harbour, St. Helier: lease of accommodation to Channel Express (C.I.) Limited – P.181/98
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Harbours and Airport Committee, referred to their Act dated 24th October 1995 in which they approved the lease to Channel Express (C.I.) Limited of the south-eastern corner of Phase 1 Warehouse (Letting No. E25), Elizabeth Harbour, St. Helier, measuring 4,810 square feet, for a period o three years commencing 1st July 1995, at an annual rental of £29,504.54, (representing a rate of approximately £6.13 a square foot), subject to annual review on 1st July 1996 and 1st July 1997; and
(a ) a pproved the lease to Channel Express (C.I.) Limited by way of an addendum to the above lease of an
additional 2,781 square feet of accommodation in the south-eastern corner of the Phase 1 Warehouse, (Letting No. E25A), Elizabeth Harbour, St. Helier, comprising office accommodation and a cool room, for a period of two years commencing 1st July 1996, at an annual rental of £17,047.53 (representing a rate of £6.13 a square foot) subject to annual review on 1st July throughout the term of the lease;
(b ) approved an extension of the existing lease and addendum to Channel Express (C.I.) Limited of the
combined area (Letting Nos. E25 and E25A, Elizabeth Harbour, St. Helier) measuring 7,591 square feet for a period of six years commencing 1st July 1998 at an annual rental of £51,770.62 (representing a rate of £6.82 a square foot) subject to annual review on 1st July throughout the term of the lease;
(c ) a uthorised the Greffier of the States to sign the necessary addendum and extension of lease; and (d ) a uthorised the Treasurer of the States to receive the additional rent as it became due.
Human Rights legislation – P.189/98
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Policy and Resources Committee –
(a ) approved the enactment of a local Law to give effect in Jersey to the European Convention for the
Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms;
(b ) charged the Legislation Committee to prepare the draft Law and agreed that the drafting of the Law
should have priority over all other matters currently receiving the attention of the Law Draftsman's Office.
Members present voted as follows –
"Pour" (35)
R o th w ell, Le Maistre, Stein, Quérée, Bailhache , Syvret, Walker , Kinnard. Connétable s
S t. C lement, St. Lawrence, St. Mary, St. Peter, Grouville , St. Martin, St. Saviour.
H . B audains(C), Coutanche(L), St. Mary, Trinity , Johns(H), Duhamel(S), Routier(H), Layzell(B), Breckon
(S), Grouville , Huet(H), St. Martin, St. John, Rabet(H), Vibert (B), de la Haye(B), Le Cornu(C), St. Pe Dubras(L), St. Ouen.
"Contre" (0)
THE STATES then adjourned, having agreed that the following outstanding items of public business should be considered on Tuesday, 6th October 1998 –
B r it is h-Irish Council – P.185/98 L o d g ed: 1st September 1998
P o li c y and Resources Committee.
L a F o ntaine Hotel, La Route de Beaumont, St. Peter: Development in Aircraft Noise Zone 1 – P.187/98 L o d g ed: 8th September 1998
P la n n ing and Environment Committee.
THE STATES rose at 4.04 p.m.
G.H.C. COPPOCK Greffier of the States.