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States Minutes 8th December 1998

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THE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 8th December 1998 at 9.30 a.m. under the Presidency of the Deputy Bailiff , Francis Charles Hamon, Esquire ____________

His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, General Sir Michael Wilkes, K.C.B., C.B.E., was present


All members were present with the exception of –

 S ena t or Richard Joseph Shenton – out of the Island

 S ena t or Vernon Amy Tomes – ill

 S ena t or Frank Harris on Walker – ill

 H enr y George Coutanche, Deputy of St. Lawrence – out of the Island T er ence  John Le Main, Deputy of St. Helier– ill.


Prayers ____________

Harbours and Airport Committee: resignation of President

THE STATES accepted the resignation of Deputy James Thomas Johns of St. Helier as President of the Harbours and Airport Committee.

Harbours and Airport Committee – vacancy in Presidency

In accordance with Article 28(3) of the States of Jersey Law 1996, the Bailiff gave notice that there was a vacancy in the office of President of the Harbours and Airport Committee.

Subordinate legislation tabled

The following enactments were laid before the States, namely –

M e d i c in  es (Prescription Only) (Amendment) (Jersey) Order 1998. R &  O  9326.

M e d i c in  es (General Sale List) (Amendment) (Jersey) Order 1998. R  &  O 9327.

M e d i c in  es (Sale and Supply) (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment) (Jersey) Order 1998. R  &  O 9328 C r e m a t ion (Fees) (Jersey) Order 1998. R &  O  9329.

F o o d a n d Drugs (Ice Cream Stalls etc.) (Amendment No.  19) (Jersey) Order 1998. R  &  O  9330.

    Nu r s i n g Homes and Mental Nursing Homes (General Provisions) (Amendment No.  4) (Jersey) Order

1998. R &  O  9331.

R e s id e n tial Homes (General Provisions) (Amendment No.  4) (Jersey) Order 1998. R &  O  9332.

N u r s in g Agencies (General Provisions) (Amendment No.  14) (Jersey) Order 1998. R &  O  9333. A n c i ll a ry Dental Workers (Registration) (Fees) (Jersey) Order 1998. R  &  O  9334.

Public Services Committee – appointment of President

There were nominated for appointment as President of the Public Services Committee –

D eput y Jeremy Laurence Dorey of St. Helier – proposed by the Connétable of St. Helier; and

D eput y Imogen Stephanie Nicholls of Grouville – proposed by Deputy Michael Edward Vibert of

St. Brelade.

THE STATES having proceeded to a secret ballot, the Deputy Bailiff declared that Deputy Jeremy Laurence Dorey of St. Helier had been elected president of the Public Services Committee

The result of the ballot was as follows –

 D eput y J.L. Dorey 27 v otes D eput y I.S. Nicholls 19 vot es.

Housing Committee – appointment of President

There were nominated for appointment as President of the Housing Committee – S ena t or Corrie Stein – proposed by Senator Pierre François Horsfall.

D eput y Shirley Margaret Baudains of St. Helier – proposed by Deputy Paul Francis Routier of

St. Helier.

D eput y Robert Charles Duhamel of St. Saviour – proposed by Deputy Imogen Stephanie Nicholls of

Grouville .

D e put y Jacqueline Jeannette Huet of St. Helier – proposed by Deputy Jeremy Laurence Dorey of

St. Helier.

THE STATES having proceeded to a secret ballot, the Deputy Bailiff declared the following results –

 S ena t or C. Stein 12 vo t es D eput y S.M. Baudains 12 vot es D eput y R.C. Duhamel 13 vot es D eput y J.J. Huet 10 v ot e s .

Deputy Huet then withdrew from the election.

THE STATES having poceeded to a second secret ballot, the Deputy Bailiff declared the following results –

 S ena t or Stein 18 vot e s D eput y Baudains 14 vot e s

 D eput y Duhamel 14 vot es .

THE STATES having proceeded to a third secret ballot, the Deputy Bailiff declared the following results –

 S ena t or Stein 18 vot e s D eput y Baudains 15 vot e s

 D eput y Duhamel 13 vot es .

Deputy Duhamel then withdrew from the election.

THE STATES having proceeded to a fourth secret ballot, the Deputy Bailiff declared the following results –

 S ena t or Stein 20 vot e s D eput y Baudains 26 vot e s .

The Deputy Bailiff accordingly declared that Deputy Baudains had been elected President of the Housing Committee.

Committee of Inquiry to investigate costs of building projects in Jersey – appointment of members

THE STATES, on the proposition of Senator Wendy Kinnard, President of the Committee of Inquiry to investigate costs of building projects in Jersey, appointed the following as members of the Committee –

 H ar ry H allewell Baudains, Deputy of St. Clement

 A l an B reckon, Deputy of St. Saviour

 Mi cha el Edward Vibert , Deputy of St. Brelade

 K enne th William Syvret, M.B.E., Deputy of St. Ouen.

Public Services Committee – appointment of members

THE STATES, on the proposition of Deputy Jeremy Laurence Dorey of St. Helier, President of the Public Services Committee, appointed the following as members of the Committee –

 E dw i n Le Gresley Godel, Connétable of St. Mary R ober t Lester Le Brocq, Connétable of St. Helier P hi l ip F rancis Ozouf , Connétable of St. Saviour

 P hi l ip J ohn Rondel, Deputy of St. John

 A l an S imon Crowcroft , Deputy of St. Helier

 Ma xw ell Robert de la Haye, Deputy of St. Brelade.

Etat Civil Committee – appointment of member

THE STATES appointed Deputy Kenneth William Syvret, M.B.E. of St. Ouen as a member of the Etat Civil Committee.

Housing Committee – appointment of members

THE STATES, on the proposition of Deputy Shirley Margaret Baudains of St. Helier, President of the Housing Committee, appointed the following as members of the Committee –

 S ena t or Wendy Kinnard

 F ra nci s Herbert Amy, Connétable of Grouville

 Ma r ga ret Anne Le Geyt, Deputy of St. Saviour R ober t Charles Duhamel, Deputy of St. Saviour A l an B reckon, Deputy of St. Saviour

 G r ae m e Ernest Rabet, Deputy of St. Helier.

Education Committee – resignation of member

THE STATES noted the resignation of Deputy Shirley Margaret Baudains of St. Helier from the Education Committee.

Education Committee – appointment of members

THE STATES appointed Deputy James Thomas Johns of St. Helier as a member of the Education Committee.

Cottage Homes Committee – appointment of President and members

THE STATES appointed Deputy Shirley Margaret Baudains of St. Helier as President of the Cottage Homes Committee and appointed the following as members of the Committee –

 S ena t or Wendy Kinnard

 F ra nci s Herbert Amy, Connétable of Grouville

 Ma r ga ret Anne Le Geyt, Deputy of St. Saviour R ober t Charles Duhamel, Deputy of St. Saviour A l an B reckon, Deputy of St. Saviour.

Matters presented

The following matters were presented to the States –

    J e rs e y Council for Safety and Health at Work: report for the period 30th September 1997 to 30th June

1998 – R.C.49/98.

 P re s ent ed by the Employment and Social Security Committee.

C o m  m i ttee of Inquiry – Elizabeth Marina, St.  Helier: report – R.C.50/98.

P re s ent ed by the Committee of Inquiry.

THE STATES ordered that the said reports be printed and distributed.

Matters lodged

The following matters were lodged "au Greffe" –

D r a f t F inancial Services Commission (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 199 – P.261/98.

 P re s ent ed by the Finance and Economics Committee.

D r a f t H ousing (Amendment No. 9) (Jersey) Law 199 – P.262/98.

P re s ent ed by the Housing Committee.

    D r a f t E uropean Communities (Treaty of Amsterdam) (Jersey) Regulations 199  – P.263/98.

 P re s ent ed by the Policy and Resources Committee.

L e a s e o f land at Five Oaks to Telecommunications Board – P.264/98.

P re s ent ed by the Health and Social Services Committee.

La Fontaine Hotel, St. Peter: development in Aircraft Noise Zone 1 – P.187/98. Withdrawn

THE STATES acceded to the request of the President of the Planning and Environment Committee that the proposition regarding La Fontaine Hotel, St. Peter: development inAircraft Noise Zone 1 (P.187/98 – lodged "au Greffe" on 8th September 1998) be withdrawn.

The Beaulieu Convent School Trust – Act of Incorporation: petition – P.265/98

Deputy David Leon Crespel of Trinity presented to the States a petition on behalf of Members of the Management Committee of the Beaulieu Convent School.

THE STATES referred the petition to the Legislation Committee and Deputy Crespel lodged "au Greffe" a proposition to the effect that the prayer of the petition be granted.

Reclamation site at La Collette 11 – questions and answers (Tape No. 487)

Senator Stuart Syvret asked Deputy Jeremy Laurence Dorey of St. Helier, President of the Public Services Committee, the following questions –

 "1. Woul d the President inform the Assembly of –

( a ) t he total cost of the construction of the reclamation site at La Collette II, including site

preparation, the construction of walls, professional fees etc;

( b ) the pr edicted lifespan of the site when it was opened;

( c ) t he pr oportion of the site which will have been filled by the end of 1998, and its predicted

lifespan based on the current rate of fill;

( d ) the t o tal additional capital costs i.e. ash pits;

( e ) th e ann ual cost of maintaining and staffing the site?

  1. Woul d the President also inform the Assembly of –

( a ) t he e stimated annual tonnage of glass which is dumped at La Collette II, the proportion of

total annual landfill which this represents, and the estimated annual cost of glass tipping;

( b ) t h e e stimated value of the lost dumping charges which would otherwise be payable for the

landfill space occupied by glass;

( c ) the es timated annual cost of incinerating the proportion of glass which is mixed with general

domestic refuse, in terms of the fixed and variable costs of Bellozanne incinerator?

( d ) t he e stimated annual tonnage and cost of 3/8th aggregate or similar (e.g. blinding concrete)

used by the Public Services Department during the past four years (1994-1998)?

  1. Woul d the President explain to the Assembly –

( a ) w h et her he considers the Island's landfill site to be a resource of primary importance to the


( b ) w hy his Department continues to use virgin mineral resources of 3/8th aggregate when a

local company has expressed its willingness to produce the same from crushed glass;

( c ) w het her he considers his Committee's refusal to allow the recycling of glass to be consistent

with presenting Jersey as a model of sustainability'?''

The President of the Public Services Committee replied as follows –

" T h e three questions from Senator Syvret are extremely detailed and to answer in full would require additional detailed analysis of available data which was not possible in the time available between receiving the questions and today's meeting of the States. Given the uncertainty which existed until today as to who would be the new President, I hope the House would agree that it would be preferable

for such detailed matters to be dealt with at the first States sitting of the New Year. However, I believe it may

be helpful to update members on the current position regarding waste management on the Island.

T he P ublic Services Committee considered its current policy on waste management in April 1998 and

concluded in the light of previous re-cycling initiatives, the failure of the request for capital funds to be made available for flue gas cleaning, and the age of the Bellozanne incinerator plant that the Committee should immediately initiate an Island-wide solid waste management strategy review.

In May 1998 the Finance and Economics Committee approved the request for a planning vote in the

sum of £60,000.00 for this review. A working party, which included the Environmental Adviser, was established and consultants brief drawn up, which led to the appointment of a firm of consultants. The working party concluded that, in order for the Island to address its long-term strategic requirements for waste disposal, advice and guidance relating to the best current practice in Europe should be sought. The consultancy has been let to a firm which has Danish connexions, Denmark being a country which deals with its solid waste with a high degree of waste minimisation and recycling.

T he k ey outputs from the review will be –

a n ana l ys i s of current waste volumes and types;

a com par at ive analysis of current waste management options;

as s es s m ent of the economic, environmental and organisational consequences of alternative waste

strategies and systems, leading to an integrated waste management plan for the Island.

T he r eview will focus on the now internationally recognised Waste Hierarchy', the key objectives of

which are –

t o r educ e t he amount of waste that society produces; t o m ake bes t use of the waste that is produced; and

to cho os e waste management practices which minimise the risks of immediate and future

environmental pollution and harm to human health.

P re l im inary investigations and data gathering exercises have been carried out and the consultants will

be visiting the Island throughout the next two to three months to conduct a series of Public Consultation programmes to gain the views of Island residents. It is anticipated that the final report will be presented to the Public Services Committee at the end of March 1999 and, once approved, will be presented to the States.

T he out come of this study will establish a sound strategy for the minimisation, recycling and disposal

of the solid waste in Jersey. It is, without doubt, one of the key issues for the future well-being of the Island.

A l l of the issues raised by Senator Syvret will be included in the study and, as stated earlier, the results

of the study will be presented to the States as soon as it is completed.

 I w ou ld hope that Senator Syvret and other members are prepared to await the outcome of that study.''

Service level agreement with Condor Limited – statement

The President of the Jersey Transport Authority made a statement in the following terms –

" W hen, on 30th of June, this Assembly supported the Jersey Transport Authority's plans for the car- ferry service between Jersey and the United Kingdom, I promised that the appointed company would

be required to comply with a detailed Service Level Agreement. I am pleased to be able to tell members that

this agreement was signed earlier this morning by the President of the Harbours and Airport Committee and the Chairman of Condor Limited. A similar agreement will be signed by the President of the Guernsey Transport Board. Copies of the Agreement will be circulated to members during today's meeting.

A nu mber of elements of the Agreement, which will officially come into force on 1st of January 1999

and last for three years, are already in place. At the insistence of the Authority, Condor Limited introduced a conventional ship in October to provide cover in all but the severest weather. This will be replaced next year by a specially commissioned ship capable of carrying freight and passengers which will operate a year-round service to Portsmouth. The company has also acquired the second of two high-speed craft which will provide a minimum of two sailings per day in each direction to Poole and Weymouth.

T he S ervice Level Agreement specifies that adequate staffing must be in place in the company's ships

and on shore; dictates the standard of comfort which must be achieved and protects the public from excessive fare increases year on year. The Agreement speaks of the quality and frequency of information which must be given to passengers at all times but especially during delays. And, in a major new provision, independent passengers who suffer delays of more than four hours because of technical problems will be entitled to cancel their fare and receive a full refund or continue their journey but be given compensation equal to half the fare paid.

In l ine with assurances which I gave members, Condor Limited will sign a side-letter of agreement

agreeing to work towards a formal appropriate accreditation for an internationally recognised standard of customer care. A customer charter will be published and made available to all passengers.

Mem bers will also wish to know that the Service Level Agreement allows the Harbours and Airport

Committee to give the Company six months' written notice of its intention to terminate the Agreement if the service fails materially to comply with the standards laid down, and lays out an arbitration procedure to deal with such an eventuality.

I w oul d like to acknowledge publicly the efforts made by Condor Limited to improve its services and

to repair the damage caused to the Company's own reputation and that of the Island during 1997.

In t he opinion of the Authority, the Service Level Agreement is a major step forward in providing

protection for travellers and I am delighted to be able to reveal today that, in due course, subject to successful negotiations, it is the intention of the Authority in conjunction with the Harbours and Airport Committee that similar agreements will be drawn up to cover the ferry services operated by Channel Hoppers and Emeraude Lines."

Agriculture (Loans) (Amendment No. 10) (Jersey) Regulations 1998 – P.136/98 and P.241/98

THE STATES commenced consideration of the draft Agriculture (Loans) (Amendment No. 10) (Jersey) Regulations 199 and adopted the Preamble and Regulation 1.

Regulation 2 was adopted, the States having accepted an amendment of the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee that, for the words "first day of October 1998" there should be substituted the words "first day of January 1999".

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 2 of the Agriculture (Loans and Guarantees) (Jersey) Law 1974, made Regulations entitled the Agriculture (Loans) (Amendment No. 10) (Jersey) Regulations1998.

Haut de la Garenne, St. Martin: conversion and redevelopment – P.188/98

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Planning and Environment Committee –

(a ) approved, in principle, the conversion and redevelopment of Haut de la Garenne, St. Martin, for

the purpose of establishing a residential multi-purpose centre providing for visiting and locally organised groups, as outlined in the report of the Planning and Environment Committee, dated 12th August 1998;

(b ) approved in principle the establishment of a Trust for the purpose of managing and operating the

new centre on a self-financing basis, and charged the Planning and Environment Committee to present to the States proposals for the constitution and membership of the Trust following consultation with the States Committees involved and such other bodies as appropriate.

Members present voted as follows –

"Pour" (38)


H or sf all, Rothwell, Le Maistre, Quérée, Bailhache , Syvret, Kinnard.

Connétable s

S t. L awrence, St. Mary, St. Brelade, St. Martin, St. Ouen, St. John, Trinity , St. Saviour. Deputies

Wa vel l(S), H. Baudains(C), St. Mary, Le Geyt(S), Trinity , Pullin(S), Johns(H), Routier(H), Dorey(H

Layzell(B), Breckon(S), Grouville , Huet(H), St. Martin, St. John, Blampied(H), Rabet(H), Crowcroft (H), Vibert (B), de la Haye(B), St. Peter, Dubras(L), St. Ouen.

"Contre" (4) Senators

S te i n, Norman.


S t. C lement.


L e S ueur(H).

Haut de la Garenne, St. Martin: redevelopment.P.180/97

Senator Leonard Norman withdrew his proposition regarding the redevelopment of Haut de la Garenne, St. Martin.

Les Creux Country Park, St. Brelade: millennium project – P.214/98

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of Deputy Michael Edward Vibert of St. Brelade, referred to their Act dated 3rd December 1997, in which they allowed the estimate of capital expenditure allocated to Millennium Projects in the sum of £2 million and approved that the remainder of unallocated funds in this credit should go towards developing Les Creux Country Park as outlined in the report and proposition "Les Creux, St. Brelade: Land Use Strategy" (P.36/98), which was approved by the States on 31st March 1998.

Members present voted as follows –

"Pour" (40)


H or sf all, Rothwell, Le Maistre, Quérée, Bailhache , Syvret, Kinnard. Connétable s

S t . L awrence, St. Mary, St. Brelade, St. Peter, Grouville , St. Helier, St. Ouen, St. John, Trini

St. Saviour, St. Clement.


W ave ll(S), H. Baudains(C), Le Sueur(H), S. Baudains(H), Le Geyt(S), Pullin(S), Johns(H), Duham

(S), Routier(H), Dorey(H), Layzell(B), Breckon(S), Huet(H), St. Martin, Blampied(H), Rabet(H), Crowcroft (H), Vibert (B), de la Haye(B), St. Peter, Dubras(L), St. Ouen.

"Contre" (1) Deputy

S t. John.

Family Allowances (Jersey) Regulations 1998 – P.228/98

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 7 of the Family Allowances (Jersey) Law 1972, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Family Allowances (Jersey) Regulations 1998.

Community Provisions (Freezing of Funds of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Serbia) (Jersey) Regulations 1998 – P.229/98

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 2 of the European Communities (Implementation) (Jersey) Law 1996, made Regulations entitled the Community Provisions (Freezing of Funds of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Serbia) (Jersey) Regulations 1998.

Community Provisions (Prohibition on Investment in the Republic of Serbia) (Jersey) Regulations 1998 – P.230/98

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 2 of the European Communities (Implementation) (Jersey) Law 1996, made Regulations entitled the Community Provisions (Prohibition on Investment in the Republic of Serbia) (Jersey) Regulations 1998.

Public Markets (Administration) (Supplementary Provisions) (Jersey) Regulations 1998 – P.231/98

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 3 of the"Lois (1885 à 1940) touchant l'Administration des Marchés Publics", made Regulations entitled the Public Markets (Administration) (Supplementary Provisions) (Jersey) Regulations 1998.

Simla, Janvrin Road, St. Helier – P.234/98

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Planning and Environment Committee –

( a ) authorised the purchase, on behalf of the public, from Mrs. Ella Mavis De Ste Croix, née

Buckingham, of the property known as Simla, Janvrin Road, St. Helier (as shown hatched on Drawing No. 594/1) for a consideration of£170,000 (one hundred and seventy thousand pounds) with each party being responsible for its own legal costs in respect of the transaction;

(b ) a uthorised the granting of a licence (free of charge) by the public to Mrs. Ella Mavis De Ste Croix

for her continued occupation of the said property, from the date of passing contract before the Royal Court for the acquisition of the property, and this until such time as she shall vacate the property which, in any event, shall be no later than the 30th September 1999;

(c ) a uthorised the Attorney General and the Greffier of the States to pass and to sign, as appropriate,

on behalf of the public, any contracts and other agreement which it might be found necessary to pass and to sign in connection with the said acquisition.

States members' income support and expense allowance: indexation – P.235/98

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of Deputy Maurice François Dubras of St. Lawrence – (a ) a greed to suspend Standing Order No. 44(1);

( b ) agreed that in clause (i) of paragraph 3 of the Act dated 14th July 1998 with regard to the

provision of an expense allowance and a minimum income for elected members of the States, for the words "in accordance with the index applied annually by the Employment and Social Security Committee to the States Old Age Pension" there should be substituted the words "in accordance with the Retail Price Index figure as at the end of each year".

THE STATES then approved the Act dated 8th December 1998 revising the Act dated 14th July 1998 with regard to the provision of an expense allowance and a minimum income for elected members of the States.

Members present voted as follows –

"Pour" (32) Senators

H or sf all, Le Maistre, Quérée, Bailhache , Norman. Connétable s

S t . L awrence, St. Mary, St. Brelade, St. Peter, Grouville , St. Martin, St. John, Trinity , St. Savi

St. Clement.


H . B audains(C), Le Sueur(H), St. Mary, Trinity , Pullin(S), Johns(H), Routier(H), Dorey(H), Layzell

(B), Huet(H), St. John,Blampied(H), Rabet(H), de la Haye(B),St. Peter, Dubras(L), St. Ouen.

"Contre" (9)


S yvr et , Kinnard.


S t. O uen.


L e G eyt(S), Breckon(S), Grouville , St. Martin, Crowcroft (H), Vibert (B).

St. Lawrence School: approval of drawings – P.244/98

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Education Committee –

(a ) a pproved drawings Nos. M493/01, 2588WD51, 53-55, 57-61, 64 and 66-68 showing the proposed

extension to and remodelling of St. Lawrence School;

 (b ) a uthorised the Greffier of the States to sign the said drawings on behalf of the States.

Les Creux: transfer of administration of land – P.245/98

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Sport, Leisure and Recreation Committee –

( a ) referred to their Act, dated 31st March 1998, adopting a land use strategy for Les Creux,

St. Brelade, and approved the transfer of administration –

(i ) f r om the Sport, Leisure and Recreation Committee to the Agriculture and Fisheries

Committee of Fields 197, 196, 325, 326, 327, 513, 514, 515, 323, 324, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 536, 541 and 373, St. Brelade, as shown on drawing No. 598/1;

(i i) f rom the Sport, Leisure and Recreation Committee to the Planning and Environment

Committee of Fields 533, 533c, 572(part) and 573, St. Brelade, as shown on drawing No. 598/1;

(i ii ) fr om the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee to the Sport, Leisure and Recreation

Committee of Field 91, St. Mary, as shown on drawing No. 599/1;

(b ) a uthorised the Greffier of the States to sign the said drawings on behalf of the States. Manual Workers' Joint Council – Employers' Side membership – P.246/98 (Revised)

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Establishment Committee, and in accordance with their Act dated 9th November 1961, concerning the membership of the Manual Workers' Joint Council, approved the nomination of the six representatives of the States to serve as members of the Employers' Side of the Council as follows –

 Mr . P hilip Roy Cabot, Connétable of Trinity

 D eput y Shirley Margaret Baudains, of St. Helier

 D eput y David Leon Crespel of St. Helier

 D eput y Maurice François Dubras of St. Lawrence

 Mr . G raham Edward Jennings, Chief Executive, Health and Social Services

 D r . C live Jerry Swinnerton, Chief Executive Officer, Public Services Department.

Amendment (No. 21) to the Tariff of Harbour and Light Dues– P.247/98

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 6 of the Harbour and Light Dues (Jersey) Law 1947, as amended, approved the draft Amendment (No. 21) to the Tariff of Harbour and Light Dues.

Members present voted as follows –

"Pour" (27) Senators

H or sf all, Rothwell, Quérée, Bailhache , Norman, Kinnard.

Connétable s

S t. L awrence, St. Mary, St. Brelade, St. Helier, St. Martin, St. John, St. Clement. Deputies

Wav ell(S), Le Sueur(H), St. Mary, Le Geyt(S), Trinity , Johns(H), Routier(H), Grouville , Huet(H

St. Martin, Rabet(H), Vibert (B), Dubras(L), St. Ouen.

"Contre" (8)


S yvr et .

Connétable s

S t. P eter, Grouville , Trinity , St. Saviour. Deputies

P ul l in (S), St. John, Crowcroft (H).

Harbours (Administration) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 1998 (Appointed Day) Act 1998 – P248/98

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 3 of the Harbours (Administration) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 1998, made an Act entitled the Harbours (Administration) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 1998 (Appointed Day) Act 1998.

Harbours (Amendment No. 28) (Jersey) Regulations 1998 – P.249/98

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 4 of the Harbours (Administration) (Jersey) Law 1961, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Harbours (Amendment No. 28) (Jersey) Regulations 1998.

Harbours (Amendment No. 29) (Jersey) Regulations 1998 – P.250/98

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 4 of the Harbours (Administration) (Jersey) Law 1961, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Harbours (Amendment No. 29) (Jersey) Regulations 1998.

Boats and Surf-Riding (Control) (Amendment No. 17) (Jersey) Regulations 1998 – P.251/98

THE STATES, in exercise of the powers conferred on them by Article 4 of the Harbours (Administration) (Jersey) Law 1961, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Boats and Surf-Riding (Control) (Amendment No. 17) (Jersey) Regulations 1998.

Pilotage (General Provisions) (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Regulations 1998 – P.252/98

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 2 of the Pilotage (Jersey) Law 1988, made Regulations entitled the Pilotage (General Provisions) (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Regulations 1998.

Extraordinary meeting

THE STATES agreed to meet in extraordinary session on 15th December 1998.

THE STATES rose at 4.09 p.m.

G.H.C. COPPOCK Greffier of the States.