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THE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 12th September 2000 at 9.30 a.m. under the Presidency of the Deputy Bailiff , Michael Cameron St. John Birt, Esquire.
His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, General Sir Michael Wilkes, K.C.B., C.B.E., was present
All members were present with the exception of -
S e nator Jean Amy Le Maistre - out of the Island
C a rlyle John Le Herissier Hinault, Connétable of St. John - out of the Island P a ul Francis Routier, Deputy of St. Helier - ill
J a cqueline Jeannette Huet, Deputy of St. Helier - out of the Island
Newly-elected Connétable of St. Mary
The Deputy Bailiff , on behalf of all members, welcomed to the States Mr. Kenneth Alan Le Brun, newly-elected Connétable of St. Mary.
Greffier of the States - retirement
The Deputy Bailiff , on behalf of all members, thanked Mr. Geoffrey Henry Charles Coppock, Greffier of the States, for his services to the States of Jersey and conveyed to him the best wishes of the Assembly on his retirement.
Subordinate legislation tabled
The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -
Tourism (General Provisions) (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Order 2000. R & O 69/2000.
Places of Refreshment (Registration) (Fees) (Jersey) Order 2000. R & O 70/2000.
St. Clement Fête (Jersey) Order 2000. R & O 71/2000.
Insurance Business (General Provisions) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Order 2000. R & O 72/2000. Companies (Fees) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Order 2000. R & O 73/2000.
Health Insurance (Pharmaceutical Benefit) (General Provisions) (Amendment No. 15) (Jersey) Order 2000. R & O 74/2000.
Battle of Britain Air Display (Jersey) Order 2000. R & O 75/2000.
Medicines (Applications for Manufacturer's and Wholesale Dealer's Licences) (Amendment) (Jersey) Order 2000. R & O 76/2000.
Port Control Unit (General Provisions) (Revocation) (Jersey) Order 2000. R & O 77/2000. Trade Marks (Jersey) Rules 2000. R & O 78/2000.
Education Committee - appointment of member
THE STATES appointed Deputy Shirley Margaret Baudains of St. Helier as a member of the Education Committee.
House Committee - resignation of member
THE STATES noted the resignation of Senator Christopher Gerard Pellow Lakeman from the House Committee.
Public Services Committee - resignation of Committee
THE STATES accepted the resignation of Deputy Alan Simon Crowcroft of St. Helier , President of the Public Services Committee, together with the members of the Committee.
Public Services Committee - vacancy in Presidency
In accordance with Article 28(3) of the States of Jersey Law 1996, the Bailiff gave notice that there was a vacancy in the office of the President of the Public Services Committee.
Public Services Committee - appointment of President
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of Senator Leonard Norman, agreed to suspend Standing Order 41A(2) (Procedure on resignation of a Committee) to enable the President of the Public Services Committee to be appointed at this meeting instead of the next meeting of the States.
There were nominated for appointment as President of the Public Services Committee -
Deputy Alan Simon Crowcroft of St. Helier - proposed by Senator Frank Harris on Walker
Deputy Jeremy Laurence Dorey of St. Helier - proposed by the Deputy of Trinity
Deputy Robert Charles Duhamel of St. Saviour - proposed by Deputy Terence John Le Main of St. Helier Deputy Robin Charles Hacquoil of St. Peter - proposed by Senator Leonard Norman.
THE STATES having proceeded to a secret ballot, the Deputy Bailiff declared the following results -
D e p uty AS. Crowcroft 1 8 votes D e p uty J.L. Dorey 8 v o tes D e p uty R.C. Duhamel 8 votes D e p uty R.C. Hacquoil 1 5 votes.
Deputies Dorey and Duhamel then withdrew from the election.
THE STATES having proceeded to a second secret ballot, the Deputy Bailiff declared the following results -
D e p uty A.S Crowcroft 2 8 votes D e p uty R.C. Hacquoil 2 1 votes.
The Deputy Bailiff accordingly declared that Deputy Alan Crowcroft of St. Helier had been elected President of the Public Services Committee.
Public Services Committee - appointment of members
THE STATES on the proposition of Deputy Alan Simon Crowcroft of St. Helier, President of the Public Services Committee, appointed the following as members of the Committee -
Connétable Robert Lester Le Brocq of St. Helier Connétable Kenneth Priaulx Vibert of St. Ouen Deputy Imogen Stephanie Nicholls of Grouville Deputy Robin Charles Hacquoil of St. Peter Deputy Celia Joyce Scott Warr en of St. Saviour Deputy Judith Ann Martin of St. Helier .
Industries Committee - resignation of member
THE STATES noted the resignation of Deputy Alan Simon Crowcroft of St. Helier as a member of the Industries Committee.
Employment and Social Security Committee - resignation of member
THE STATES noted the resignation of the Deputy of St. Peter as a member of the Employment and Social
Security Committee.
Sport, Leisure and Recreation Committee - appointment of member
THE STATES appointed the Connétable of St. Mary as a member of the Sport, Leisure and Recreation Committee.
Matters presented
The following matters were presented to the States -
Jersey Law Commission: annual report for 1999. R.C.30/2000. Presented by the Legislation Committee.
Medical Officer of Health: report for 1999.
Presented by the Health and Social Services Committee.
The following matters were presented on 5th September 2000 -
States of Jersey Law 1966: delegation of functions - Industries Committee - R.C.28/2000. Presented by the Industries Committee.
States of Jersey Law 1966: delegation of functions - air navigation - R.C.29/2000.
Presented by the Harbours and Airport Committee.
THE STATES ordered that the said reports be printed and distributed.
Matters noted - land transactions
THE STATES noted Acts of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 7th and 21st August 2000 recording the following decisions of the Treasurer of the States under delegated powers, in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land -
- a s r e commended by the Public Services Committee, the sale to Terence Doak Holdings Limited of approximately 865 square feet of land to the north of the property Discovery Bay (formerly known as Sands), La Grande Route des Mielles, St. Peter, for a consideration of £865, with the company being responsible for the cost of the necessary accommodation works and all reasonable legal costs involved in the transaction, and subject to a restrictive covenant being placed upon the land being sold preventing any further development of the site, with the exception of that covered under Planning Permit 1943/X/4/1, dated 25th August 1999;
- a s r ecommended by the Planning and Environment Committee, the annulment of the existing lease to Mr. Bernard Anthony Copple and the grant of a new lease to Mr. Copple of Fields Nos. 1321, 1565, 1580 and 1607, La Mielle de Morville, St. Ouen, from 1st January 2000 for a period of three years at an annual rent of £210, with all other terms remaining as for the existing lease agreement;
- a s r e commended by the Health and Social Services Committee, the renewal of the lease from Mr. John Menzies Scarborough of the property Briville, La Rue de Tas de Geon, Trinity , for a period of three years from 1st February 2000 at an annual rent of £16,650, with annual reviews in line with the Jersey Retail Price Index and with each party being responsible for its own legal costs involved in the transaction, with all other terms and conditions to remain the same as the existing lease;
- a s r ecommended by the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee, the lease from Mrs. Meriel Valentine Edwards, née Fraser, of land and buildings at LaMaisonMaret, Trinity , beingknown as the Artificial Insemination Centre, for a period of five years, deemed to have commencedon 17th January 1999,at an annual rent of£11,000 subject to an open market rental value review, effective after three yearsofthe term and to further negotiationofthescopeof repairs required under the previous lease, on the basis that legal costs would bemetby the Committee but in accordance with ongoing advicebeing provided by the Solicitor General;
- a s r e commendedbythe Industries Committee,the lease from LeMasurier (Oxford Road) Limited of a lock-up store No. 3 LeMasurier's,OxfordRoad,St. Helier, for a period of nine yearson an internal repairing basisat a commencingannual rent of£2,750, with break clauses atthree-year intervals, with rentstobereviewedonanopenmarket rental value basis on the thirdandsixth anniversaries ofthecommencement of the lease;
- a s r e commendedbytheHealth and SocialServicesCommittee,therenewalof the lease from Mrs. Christine Fiott, née Hamon,ofthe property LeHurel,LaRuedeCambrai, Trinity , for a periodof two years from 21stJanuary 2000, at a commencingannual rent of £19,999, with the lessee having the option to extend the lease for a further one year period from 21st January 2002, on the basis that eachparty would beresponsiblefor its own legal costs involved inthetransaction, with all otherterms and conditions remaining the same as the existing lease;
- as recommendedby the PublicServicesCommittee,the renewal to the Jersey ScoutAssociation of a 21 year contractleaseforthe premises knownasSt.Ouen'sMill, St. Ouen , from 25th December 1999 with a commencement rental of £200 perannum, subject to a three yearly rent reviews in line with the Jersey Retail Price Index, with the lessee being responsible for the insurance in relation to the premises and maintaining ineffect the necessary public indemnity insurance for a sumofnotless that £2,000,000;
- as recommendedby the Public ServicesCommittee, the grantingof a new nine year lease to Mr. Robert Frederick LeMarquandof the property knownastheOldBlacksmith's Shop, Corbière, St. Brelade , with effect from 24th June2000,atan initial annual rental of £650, subject tothree yearly rent reviews in accordance with the Jersey Retail Price Index, with each party being responsible for its ownlegalcosts involved inthetransaction;
- as recommendedby the PublicServicesCommittee,thegrantingof a nine year leasetoLa MoyeGolfClub, St. Brelade , in relation tothesitewhichformed part ofNoir Cotil, St. Brelade, measuring approximately 6 vergées and which lay between the 7th and 18th holesofLaMoye Golf Course,deemed to have commencedon 25th March1997,and to terminate on24thMarch 2006, with a commencementannual rental of £75, tobe increased every three yearsin line with the Jersey Retail Price Index, with each party beingresponsible for its ownlegalfeesincurredin the transaction; the lessee shall at alltimes allow the publicfree access to the land andtopreserve the land as open space in accordance with the policies of the Planning and Environment Committee;
- a s r e commendedbythe Public ServicesCommittee,theassignmentof the remainderof a nine year leaseholdinterest in the Kiosk within Coronation Gardens, St. Lawrence from Mrs.Mary Baines, née Shepherd and Mrs.VivianMurphy, née Shepherd, to Mrs.Deborah Margaret Steel, née Harper, with effect from 1st July 2000; theagreementcommencedon25th June 1998and was due toexpireon 24th June 2007, at anannual rental of £1,838 with triennial rentreviews in line with the Jersey Retail Price Index,on condition that the present lessees shouldagree to meet the public's reasonable legal costs incurredin the assignmentand that the proposed assignee, Mrs. Steel, wascompliant with the Service LevelAgreementin relation tothe day to dayrunning of the kiosk;
- a s r ecommendedby the HealthandSocialServicesCommittee a three year internal repairing
lease from Mrs Kerona Lapidus, née Glenn, of Cherry Tree House, 9 Greenview Farm, La Rue de Clos
Fallu, St. Martin, from 1st July 2000 at a commencement annual rental of £19,999 payable quarterly in advance, to be revised in line with the Jersey Retail Price Index as at 1st July 2001 and 2002, with each party being responsible for its own legal costs incurred in the transaction;
- a s r e commendedbytheGamblingControlCommittee, the renewalof the lease from Messrs. Gaudin and Companyof the premises located atNo. 7 West's Centre, St. Helier , with effect from 24th June 2000 and expiring on 23rd June2001,atanannual rental of£10,500 payable quarterly in advance with each party being responsible for its ownlegalcosts incurred in the transaction;
- as re commended by the Health and Social Services Committee, the renewal of the lease from Mr. Leslie George Baudains of the property known as No. 7 Brookhall, Rue des Pres, St. Saviour , for a period of three years from 15th April 2000 at an annual rent of £15,600 with annual reviews in line with the Jersey Retail Price Index and with the lessee having the option to renew the lease on the same terms and conditions, save as to the rent, and with each party being responsible for its own legal costs incurred during the transaction.
Matters noted - acceptance of tender
THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 21st August 2000, showing that, in pursuance of Rule 5 of the Public Finances (General) (Jersey) Rules 1967, as amended, the Committee had noted that the Harbours and Airport Committee had, by Act dated 17th May 2000, had accepted the lowest tender submitted for the realignment of the Airport Approach Road, St. Peter, in connexion with the construction of the Alpha Taxiway, namely that submitted by Ernest Farley and Son Limited in the sum of £794,713.21.
Matters lodged
The following matters were lodged "au Greffe" -
Parish Rate Appeal Board: appointment of members - P.155/2000. Presented by the Finance and Economics Committee.
States Resource Plan 2000 (P.143/2000): amendment - P.156/2000. Presented by the Deputy of St. John.
States Resource Plan 2000 (P.143/2000): second amendment - P.157/2000. Presented by the Connétable of St. Peter.
The following matters were deemed to have been lodged on 15th August 2000 -
Draft Social Security (Amendment No. 14) (Jersey) Law 200 - P.137/2000. Presented by the Employment and Social Security Committee.
Draft Health Insurance (Medical Benefit) (Amendment No. 52) (Jersey) Regulations 200 - P.138/2000. Presented by the Employment and Social Security Committee.
Draft Social Security (Reciprocal Agreement with Japan) (Jersey) Act 200 - P.139/2000. Presented by the Employment and Social Security Committee.
The following matters were deemed to have been lodged on 22nd August 2000 -
Statistics Users Group: appointment of Chairman - P.140/2000. Presented by the Policy and Resources Committee.
Draft Criminal Justice (Community Service Orders) (Jersey) Law 200 - P.141/2000.
Presented by the Legislation Committee.
Former Motor Traffic Garage Site, Pier Road, St. Helier : transfer of administration - P.142/2000. Presented by the Public Services Committee.
The following matters were deemed to have been lodged on 29th August 2000 -
States Resource Plan 2000 - P.143/2000.
Presented by the Policy and Resources Committee.
Draft Licensing (Licence Fees) (Jersey) Regulations 200 - P.144/2000. Presented by the Tourism Committee.
Policy and Resources Committee: membership - P.145/2000. Presented by Senator P.F. Horsfall.
Anti-inflation strategy (P.125/2000): second amendment - P.146/2000, Presented by the Health and Social Services Committee.
Anti-inflation strategy (P.125/2000): third amendments - P.147/2000. Presented by Deputy A.S. Crowcroft of St. Helier.
Draft Borrowing (Control) (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 2000 (Appointed Day) Act 200 - P.148/2000. Presented by the Finance and Economics Committee.
Draft Collective Investment Funds (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 2000 (Appointed Day) Act 200 - P.149/2000.
Presented by the Finance and Economics Committee.
Draft Insurance Business (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 2000 (Appointed Day) Act 200 - P.150/2000. Presented by the Finance and Economics Committee.
Draft Investment Business (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 2000 (Appointed Day) Act 200 - P.151/2000. Presented by the Finance and Economics Committee.
Draft Registration of Business Names (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 2000 (Appointed Day) Act 200 - P.152/2000.
Presented by the Finance and Economics Committee.
Anti-inflation strategy (P.125/2000): fourth amendments - P.153/2000. Presented by Senator S. Syvret.
The following matter was deemed to have been lodged on 5th September 2000 -
Field 1418, St. Saviour / Trinity : development in the Green Zone - P.154/2000. Presented by the Planning and Environment Committee.
Arrangement of public business for the present meeting
THE STATES confirmed that the following matters lodged "au Greffe" would be considered at the present meeting -
Anti-inflation strategy - P.125/2000. Lodged: 4th July 2000.
Finance and Economics Committee.
Anti-inflation strategy (P.125/2000): amendments - P.131/2000. Lodged: 11th July 2000.
Deputy J.L. Dorey of St. Helier .
Anti-inflation strategy (P.125/2000): second amendment - P.146/2000. Lodged: 29th August 2000.
Health and Social Services Committee.
Anti-inflation strategy (P.125/2000): third amendments - P.147/2000. Lodged: 29th August 2000.
Deputy A.S. Crowcroft of St. Helier .
Anti-inflation strategy (P.125/2000): fourth amendments- P.153/2000. Lodged: 29th August 2000.
Senator S. Syvret.
Anti-inflation strategy (P.125/2000): comments - P.125/2000 Com. Presented: 18th July 2000.
Industries Committee.
Draft Social Security (Amendment No.14) (Jersey) Law 200- - P.137/2000. Lodged: 15th August 2000.
Employment and Social Security Committee.
Draft Health Insurance (Medical Benefit) (Amendment No. 52) (Jersey) Regulations 200 - P.138/2000. Lodged: 15th August 2000.
Employment and Social Security Committee.
Draft Social Security (Reciprocal Agreement with Japan) (Jersey) Act 200 - P.139/2000. Lodged: 15th August 2000.
Employment and Social Security Committee.
Draft Licensing (Licence Fees) (Jersey) Regulations 200 - P.144/2000. Lodged: 29th August 2000.
Tourism Committee.
Policy and Resources Committee: membership -P.145/2000. Lodged: 29th August 2000.
Senator P.F. Horsfall.
Arrangement of public business for the next meeting on 26th and 27th September 2000
THE STATES confirmed that the following matters lodged "au Greffe" would be considered at the next meeting on 26th and 27th September 2000 -
States Resource Plan 2000 - P.143/2000. Lodged: 29th August 2000.
Policy and Resources Committee.
States Resource Plan 2000 - (P.143/2000): amendment - P.156/2000. Lodged: 12th September 2000.
Deputy of St. John.
Motor fuel duty - P.59/2000. Lodged: 25th April 2000. Senator L. Norman.
Motor fuel duty (P.59/2000): report - P.59/2000 Rpt. Presented: 23rd May 2000.
Finance and Economics Committee.
Motor fuel duty (P.59/2000): comments - P.59/2000 Com. Presented: 20th June 2000.
Policy and Resources Committee.
Statistics User Group - appointment of Chairman - P.140/2000. Lodged: 22nd August 2000.
Policy and Resources Committee.
Field 1418, St. Saviour/ Trinity : development in the Green Zone - P.154/2000. Lodged: 5th September 2000.
Planning and Environment Committee.
Parish Rate Appeal Board: appointment of members - P.155/2000. Lodged 12th September 2000.
Finance and Economics Committee.
Projets withdrawn under Standing Order 17(6)
THE STATES noted that, in accordance with Standing Order 17(6), the following matters had been withdrawn -
Les Jardins des Carreaux, Queen's Road, St. Helier: transfer of road - P.46/98. Lodged: 17th March 1998.
Housing Committee.
Committees of the States: delegation of functions to sub-committees - P.122/99. Lodged: 7th September 1999.
Deputy T.J. Le Main of St. Helier .
Supply of Bottled Water P.177/99
THE STATES acceded to the request of the Deputy of St. John that the proposition regarding the Supply of Bottled Water (P.177/99 lodged "au Greffe" on 7th November 1999) be withdrawn.
Draft Criminal Justice (Standard Scale of Fines) (Jersey) Regulations 199 P.129/99
THE STATES acceded to the request of Senator Wendy Kinnard, President of the Legislation Committee, that the draft Criminal Justice (Standard Scale of Fines) (Jersey) Regulations 199 (P.129/99 lodged"au Greffe" on 14th September 1999) be withdrawn.
Fibre optic cable link - questions and answers (Tape No. 600)
The Deputy of St. John asked Deputy Maurice François Dubras of St. Lawrence, President of the Industries Committee, the following questions -
" 1 . A s the Committee has a duty, under Article 31 of the Electricity (Jersey) Law 1937, to safeguard the public interest in relation to the operations of the Jersey Electricity Company Limited would the President confirm that the fibre optic cable link to France, installed by the Company, is not yet connected and, if it is not, is he able to inform members when it will be connected?
2 . W o uld the President confirm that the Jersey Electricity Company will be the operators for this fibre
optic cable, and if not, is he able to inform the Assembly who will be the operators?"
The President of the Industries Committee replied as follows -
" 1 . T h e cable is not yet connected. When it is ready from a technical point of view, connection depends upon regulatory approval which, for the present, remains the responsibility of the Telecom- munications Board. As agreed by the States when it approved P.90/2000 on 4th July 2000, until the new Telecoms regime is up and running, such responsibility will be exercised in conjunction with the Industries Committee. Because the present Telecommunications Law imposes an exclusive telecommunications privilege upon the States, exercised by and through the Board, the manner in
which the new cable can or might be lawfully connected when it is ready is not straightforward and is currently
the subject of discussion among all those involved.
2 . I c a nnot confirm this, nor can I say at this stage who the operator might be. Licensing of telecom-
munications operators in Jersey when the new Telecommunications Law is in place will be a matter for the Regulator."
Fisheries Vessels - questions and answers (Tape No. 600)
The Deputy of St. John asked the Deputy of St. Ouen, Vice-President of the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee, the following questions -
" 1 . B e tween May 1998 and 20th July 2000 the Norman Le Brocq fisheries vessel has done a total of 1,063 engine hours work, which equates to some 9.66 hours per week or 1.38 hours per day or night. The previous fisheries vessel, the Howard Davis, had completed a total of 2,810 hours whilst in service and, up to 19th May 1998, an average of eight hours per week. At the time of the debate one of the reasons given for purchasing this much larger vessel the Norman Le Brocq was that there would be a substantial increase in time that the vessel spent at sea. Would the President explain why there has not been a substantial increase in the time spent at sea by the vessel and does the Committee have any plans to rectify the position?
2 . W o uld the President explain why the fisheries vessel has only been out on patrol on 49 separate occasions at night or in the evening or early morning since it was commissioned over two years ago?
3 . W o uld the President inform members whether the Committee has investigated the possibility of
having the vessel manned 24 hours a day and, if so, what would the additional manpower requirements be?
4 . W o u ld the President give details of -
(a ) t h e a n nual running costs including manpower of the Norman Le Brocq?
(b ) t h e t o tal number of staff involved in fisheries duties including inspectors?" The Vice-President of the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee replied as follows -
" 1 . T h e vessel log for the Norman Le Brocq shows that during the period that the Deputy has chosen the vessel did 1,082 hours surveillance or 9.5 hours per week and an average of 105 nautical miles per week.
T h e v e s se l log for the Howard Davis during its service life shows that it actually averaged 7.0 hours
surveillance per week and an average of 56.9 nautical miles per week.
T h u s th e Norman Le Brocq, based on average figures, has spent an additional 35 per cent more time at
sea per week and in fact, because of its greater capability, covered 94 per cent more nautical miles and thus a much increased sea area per week.
T h is is a substantial increase in surveillance and the Committee considers this increase adequate.
There are no plans to modify this.
2 . P o t ting for crustacean and whelks is the mainstay of the local fishing industries and these are mainly
day time activities. Trawling and dredging occur at all times of the day and night.
U n ti l t h e purchase of the Norman Le Brocq the department could not quantify the night time effort and relied on public reports and hearsay. Since night time surveillance has begun, the French fishing
effort has been found to be less than previously thought and (at present) is reducing each year because of the
strong EU pressure to reduce trawling effort. Thus the Committee feels that the night time activity of the Norman Le Brocq is adequate in the current circumstances. The Assembly may wish to note that no routine night time boardings are made by the French Fisheries Department, the Guernsey Fisheries Department or the Royal Navy. Thus there are more routine night time boardings made in Jersey waters than elsewhere in the English Channel.
3 . T h e Committee believes that 24 hour manning is absolutely unnecessary and if it was, at some time in
the future due to the changed circumstances, the Department would be looking at an increase of 20 extra staff to provide for a full safe boarding complement.
4 . ( a ) Estimate cost is £45,000 per annum.
( b ) T h e r e are five staff directly involved in Fisheries work and a further seven staff involved in
support work but who also have other responsibilities outside Fisheries."
Appointment of new Chief Officer of the States of Jersey Police Force - (Tape No. 600)
The Deputy of St. John asked Deputy Alastair John Layzell, President of the Home Affairs Committee, the following question -
" W ould the President give members details of the enhanced package agreed for the new Chief Officer of the States of Jersey Police Force as he was unable to supply details of the terms and conditions of this appointment during the States meeting on 18th July when members considered, in camera, the appointment of the new Chief Officer?"
The President of the Home Affairs Committee replied as follows -
"Salary negotiations with the new chief officer of the States Police were conducted on behalf of the Home Affairs Committee by the Human Resources Committee. As the President of that Committee explained in a statement to the Assembly on 20th July 1999, it is his Committee's policy not to publish the salaries of individual chief officers. Instead, the Human Resources Committee publishes salary bands'. The new Chief Officer's will come within the band which covers salaries between £73,000 and £100,000."
Former Broadway Restaurant site, 24 Esplanade/42 Commercial Street, St. Helier : approval of drawings and funding arrangements
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Planning and Environment Committee -
(a ) a pproved drawings Nos. NC01.01 to NC01.08 showing the construction and fitting-out of a new five-
storey building of approximately 14,909 square feet gross internal floor area (10,568 square feet net internal office area) at 24 Esplanade/42 Commercial Street, St. Helier (as shown on drawing No. PS/001/01) for initial occupation by the Housing Department, and authorised the Greffier of the States to sign the said drawings on behalf of the States;
(b ) authorised the Finance and Economics Committee to enter into an agreement on behalf of the public
with an authorised lending institution for the direct external borrowing of a maximum of £2,500,000 (two million five hundred thousand pounds) to finance the construction of the building described in paragraph (a) on terms, and at a date, to be agreed by the Finance and Economics Committee;
( c ) authorised the Planning and Environment Committee to enter into a fixed price development
agreement on behalf of the public with Camerons Limited for the design and construction of the building described in paragraph (a);
(d ) authorised the Treasurer of the States to credit a suspense account established for this purpose in the
name of the Planning and Environment Committee under Articles 7(1)(e) and 20(2) of the Public Finances (Administration) (Jersey) Law 1967, as amended, and to authorise that Committee to pay from that account the costs of the development and all professional and legal fees associated with the development and funding arrangements; and
(e ) a uthorised the Attorney General and the Greffier of the States to pass, and the Greffier of the States to
sign, as appropriate, on behalf of the public, such contracts or agreements as may be necessary.
Anti-inflation strategy - P.125/2000; Amendments - P.131/2000, second amendment - P.146/2000; third amendments - P.147/2000; fourth amendments - P.153/2000; fifth amendment
THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of the Finance and Economics Committee concerning the Anti-Inflation Strategy and accepted an amendment of Senator Stuart Syvret that in paragraph (a) after the word "community" there should be added the words "whilst accepting the continuing strategic importance of limiting population growth;"
THE STATES rejected an amendment of Deputy Alan Simon Crowcroft of St. Helier that in paragraph (c), before the words "civil engineering works", for the word "and" there should be substituted a comma and after the words "civil engineering works" there should be inserted the words "and the Millennium Town Park;"
Members present voted as follows -
"Pour" (14) Senators
Syvret, Kinnard, Le Claire. Connétable s
Grouville , St. Mary. Deputies
Breckon(S), St. John, Crowcroft (H), G. Baudains(C), Scott Warr en(S), Le Hérissier(S), Fox(H), Bridge (H), Martin(H).
"Contre" (30)
Horsfall, Stein, Bailhache , Norman, Walker , Le Sueur, Lakeman.
Connétable s
St. Ouen , St. Saviour, St. Clement , St. Brelade, St. Lawrence. Deputies
H. Baudains(C), St. Mary, S. Baudains(H), Trinity , Duhamel(S), Layzell(B), Grouville , St. Martin, L Main(H), Vibert (B), St. Peter, Dubras(L), St. Ouen, Dorey(H), Troy (B), Voisin(L), Farnham (S), Ozou (H).
THE STATES accepted an amendment of Senator Christopher Gerard Pellow Lakeman that in sub-paragraph (ii) of paragraph (c) of the proposition after the word "should" there should be added the words "be requested to".
THE STATES rejected an amendment of Deputy Alan Simon Crowcroft of St. Helier that in paragraph (d) of the proposition after the words "in extremely compelling cases only", there should be inserted the words "or where higher charges are required to achieve environmental objectives or meet the Island's environmental commitments," and at the end of the paragraph there should be inserted the words "and the Policy and Resources Committee".
Members present voted as follows -
"Pour" (7) Senators
Syvret, Kinnard.
Grouville , Crowcroft (H), Scott Warr en(S), Bridge(H), Martin(H).
"Contre" (31)
Horsfall, Stein, Bailhache , Norman, Walker , Le Sueur. Connétable s
Grouville , St. Saviour , St. Brelade , St. Lawrence, St. Mary. Deputies
H. Baudains(C), St. Mary, S. Baudains(H), Trinity , Duhamel(S), Breckon(S), St. Martin, St. John, L Main(H), Vibert (B), St. Peter, Dubras(L), St. Ouen, Dorey(H), Troy (B), Voisin(L), Farnham (S), L Hérissier(S), Ozouf (H), Fox(H).
THE STATES rejected an amendment of Deputy Jeremy Laurence Dorey of St. Helier that in paragraph (f) the words after "2001" should be deleted and substituted with the words "to 2003 to no more than two and a half per cent a year".
THE STATES adopted an amendment of the Health and Services Committee that at the end of paragraph (f) there should be added the words "subject to being able to fund adequately essential public services from within these percentage increases."
Members present voted as follows -
"Pour" (24)
Stein, Bailhache , Syvret, Norman, Kinnard, Le Sueur, Le Claire.
Connétable s
St. Helier , St. Clement , St. Lawrence, St. Mary.
S. Baudains(H), Breckon(S), St. Martin , St. John, Le Main(H), Crowcroft (H), G. Baudains(C), Dorey(H) Troy (B), Scott Warr en(S), Fox(H), Bridge(H), Martin(H).
"Contre" (16)
Horsfall, Walker .
Connétable s
St. Peter , St. Saviour , St. Brelade. Deputies
St. Mary, Trinity , Duhamel(S), Grouville , Vibert (B), St. Peter, Dubras(L), St. Ouen, Voisin(L), Farnham (S), Ozouf (H).
THE STATES then adjourned until the following day.
THE STATES rose at 5.42 p.m.
G .H .C . C O P P O C K
Greffier of the States.