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States Minutes 10th October 2006

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THE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 10th October 2006 at 9.30 a.m. under the Presidency of the Bailiff ,

Sir Philip Bailhache .

His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, Lieutenant-General Andrew Peter Ridgway, C.B., C.B.E., was present

All members were present at roll call with the exception of

S e nator Frank Harris on Walker – excused

S e nator Frederick Ellyer Cohen – en défaut

C o nnétable John Le  Sueur Gallichan of Trinity – en défaut

D e puty Jacqueline Ann Hilton of St.  Helier – en défaut (défaut raised at 09.43 a.m.)


Senator Frank Harris on Walker attendance

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of Senator Terence Augustine Le  Sueur, and in accordance with Standing Order 53(3), agreed that the reason for the absence of Senator Frank Harris on Walker , namely that was on honeymoon, was such that he should be excused attendance.

Members present voted as follows


Senator S. Syvret Senator L. Norman Connétable of St. John Senator W. Kinnard Senator B.E. Shenton

Senator T.A. Le  Sueur Connétable of St. Peter

Senator P.F. Routier Connétable of St. Clement

Senator P.F.C. Ozouf Connétable of St. Martin

Senator T.J. Le  Main Deputy R.C. Duhamel (S)

Senator J.L. Perchard Deputy A. Breckon (S)

Connétable of St. Ouen Deputy of St.  Martin

Connétable of St. Saviour Deputy G.C.L. Baudains (C)

Connétable of St. Mary Deputy P.N. Troy (B)

Deputy  R.G.  Le  Hérissier

Connétable of St. Helier (S)

Connétable of St. Lawrence Deputy J.A. Martin (H)

Connétable of Grouville Deputy G.P. Southern (B)

Connétable of St. Brelade Deputy S.C. Ferguson (B)

Deputy J.J. Huet (H) Deputy of St.  Peter

Deputy  D.W.   Mezbourian

Deputy C.J. Scott   Warr en (S) (L)

Deputy J.B. Fox (H) Deputy of Trinity

Deputy of St.  Ouen Deputy S. Pitman (H)

Deputy P.J.D. Ryan (H) Deputy K.C. Lewis (S)

Deputy of Grouville

Deputy G.W.J. de  Faye (H) Deputy P.V.F. Le  Claire (H) Deputy J.A.N. Le  Fondré (L) Deputy S.S.P.A. Power (B) Deputy A.J.H. Maclean (H) Deputy of St.  John

Deputy I.J. Gorst (C)

Deputy of St.  Mary

Subordinate enactments tabled

The following enactment was tabled, namely

Customs and Excise (Import and Export Control) (Jersey) Order 2006. R&O  100/2006. Minister for Home Affairs.

Documents presented or laid

Draft Income Support (Jersey) Law 200- (P.102/2006): comments. P.102/2006. Com. Presented: 6th October 2006.

Council of Ministers.

Plémont headland, St.  Ouen: preservation for the public enjoyment P.112/2006. Com. (P.112/2006) – comments.

Presented: 9th October 2006.

Council of Ministers.

Plémont headland, St.  Ouen: preservation for the public enjoyment P.112/2006. Com. (P.112/2006) – comments. (2) Presented: 9th October 2006.

Minister for Planning and Environment.

Public Records (Jersey) Law 2002: report on the application of the Law during R.77/2006. 2005.

Presented: 5th October 2006.

Minister for Education, Sport and Culture.

Land Transactions under Standing Order 168(3) R.78/2006.

  1. Leaseofsite at Highlands College, La Rue du FroidVent,St. Saviour;
  2. Sale of Field  246, Le Port, St.  Peterand a strip of land to thenorth of

Le  Mont à la Brune, St.  Brelade, and the acquisition of L eBraye Sand

Dunes, St.  Brelade and St. Peter.

Presented: 6th October 2006.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Public Sector Manpower Report: June 2006. R.79/2006. Presented: 10th October 2006.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Zero/Ten Tax Design Proposals. R.80/2006. Presented: 10th October 2006.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

2006 Battle of Flowers. R.81/2006. Presented: 10th October 2006.

Comptroller and Auditor General.

Review of the Zero/Ten Design Proposal. S.R.4/2006. Presented: 28th September 2006.

Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel.

Social Affairs Scrutiny Panel Interim Report – Delivery of Income Support: S.R.5/2006. Structure.

Presented: 10th October 2006.

Social Affairs Scrutiny Panel.

Notification of lodged propositions

Waterfront Enterprise Board: appointment of Chairman publication of transcript P.119/2006. of in camera debate.

Lodged: 29th September 2006.

Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St.  Helier.

Draft Customs and Excise (Jersey) Law 1999 (Appointed Day) (No.  2) Act 200-. P.120/2006. Lodged: 29th September 2006.

Minister for Home Affairs.

Le Marais Low Rise Redevelopment Phase 2: redefinition of boundaries. P.121/2006. Lodged: 3rd October 2006.

Minister for Housing.

Draft Consumer Safety (Jersey) Law 2006 (Appointed Day) Act 200-. P.122/2006. Lodged: 5th October 2006.

Minister for Economic Development.

Draft Family Allowances (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.123/2006. Lodged: 5th October 2006.

Minister for Social Security.

Draft Bankruptcy (Désastre) (Pensions) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.124/2006. Lodged: 10th October 2006.

Minister for Economic Development.

Written Questions (see Official Report)

  1. T  he Minister for Social Security tabled ananswertoquestions askedby Deputy Paul Vincent Francis Le  Claire ofSt. Helier regarding social security cards.
  2. The Chief Minister tabled an answer to a questionaskedby Deputy RoyGeorgeLe Hérissier of St.  Saviou regarding the Migration Policy.
  3. The Minister for Planning andEnvironmenttabledananswer to questionsaskedby Deputy Paul Vincent Francis Le Claire of St.  Helierregarding pollution from green wasteor agricultural waste.
  4. The Minister for Transport and TechnicalServices tabled ananswer to a questionaskedby Deputy Paul Vincent Francis Le Claire ofSt. Helierregarding odour control at the La Collette compostingsite.
  5. The Minister forTransportandTechnicalServices tabled an answertoquestionsaskedby Deputy Paul

Vincent Francis Le  Claire of St.  Helier regarding contamination caused by the dumping of potatoes and green


  1. The Minister for Treasury and Resourcestabled an answerto a questionaskedby Deputy PaulVincent Francis Le Claire of St.  Helierregarding the costofremoving leachate from greenwasteandpotatowaste.
  2. The Chief Minister tabled ananswerto a question askedby Senator BenEdwardShenton regarding the cost of newsletters.
  3. The Minister for Housing tabled ananswer to a questionaskedby Senator BenEdwardShenton regarding the cost ofnewsletters.
  4. The Minister forTransportandTechnicalServices tabled an answertoquestionsaskedby Deputy Paul Vincent Francis Le Claire ofSt. Helierregarding clinical waste disposal.
  5. The Ministerfor Health and SocialServices tabled ananswer to a questionaskedby Deputy PaulVincent Francis Le Claire of St.  Helierregarding clinical waste disposal.
  6. The Minister for HealthandSocialServices tabled an answer to questions asked by Deputy GeoffreyPeter Southern of St.  Helier regarding bariatric (gastric band)surgery.
  7. The Minister for Treasury and Resources tabled ananswerto a questionaskedby Deputy Geoffrey Peter Southern of St.  Helier regarding the protection of pension rights for employeesof Jersey Telecom.
  8. The Minister forSocialSecurity tabled ananswer to a questionaskedby Deputy GeoffreyPeter Southern of St.  Helier regarding the DraftEmployment Relations (Jersey)Law 200-.
  9. The Minister for Treasury and Resources tabled ananswerto a questionaskedby Deputy Geoffrey Peter Southern of St.  Helier regarding trust legislation and tax avoidance.
  10. The Minister forSocialSecurity tabled ananswer to a questionaskedby Deputy GeoffreyPeter Southern of St.  Helier regarding new pensions legislation.
  11. The Minister forSocialSecurity tabled ananswer to a questionaskedby Deputy GeoffreyPeter Southern of St.  Helier regarding the setting ofminimumwage rates.

Oral Questions (see Official Report)

  1. Deputy RoyGeorgeLe Hérissierof St.  Saviourasked a questionof the Minister forTreasuryand Resource regarding the assessmentoftheeconomic,socialand strategic implications of selling offJerseyTelecom.
  2. S enatorBenEdward Shenton asked a questionof the Minister for Economic Development regarding the rationale for spending £18,000on a JCRA review of the saleof Jersey Telecom when a review wasbeing carried outby a Scrutiny sub-panel.
  3. D  eputyPaulVincent Francis Le Claire of St.  Helierasked a question of the Minister for Transport and Technical Servicesregardingdisposalofwasteduringtheperiodbetween the closure of the Crabbécompost site and the opening of the La Collette site.
  4. D  eputyGeoffrey Peter Southern of St.  Helier asked a question of the Minister forTreasury and Resources regarding the Trusts (Jersey) Law 1984 asrecentlyamended.
  5. D  eputyCeliaJoyce Scott   Warr enof St.  Saviourasked a questionof the Minister for TreasuryandResource regarding the provision of a crossingon Longueville Road.
  1. Deputy Judith Ann Martin of St. Helier asked a question of the Chief Minister regarding progress on establishing a new States-owned propertycompanyto incorporate the Waterfront Enterprise Board Ltd.
  2. D eputyGerard Clifford LemmensBaudainsofSt. Clementasked a questionof the Minister for Education, Sport andCultureregarding the refurbishment of Le Squez Youth Club.
  3. D eputy Gerard Clifford LemmensBaudainsof St. Clementasked a questionof the Minister for Transport and TechnicalServicesregarding the maintenanceof grassed areasunderhisDepartment's control in eachof the last five years.
  4. D eputy Judith AnnMartinof St. Helier asked a questionof the Chief Minister regarding the membershipand minutes of the CorporateManagementBoard.
  5. Deputy Deidre Wendy Mezbourian ofSt. Lawrence asked a question of the Minister forEducation,Sport and Culture regardingthenumberofschool leavers in2006andthenumberwhodidnotgo into any form of further education.
  6. Deputy RoyGeorgeLe Hérissier of St. Saviourasked a question of the Minister for Transport and Technica Services regarding thepublicationof an annual report onbususage.
  7. Deputy Deidre Wendy Mezbourian ofSt. Lawrence asked a question of the Minister forEducation,Sport and Culture regarding the system that was in place to claimmoney back from undergraduateswho withdrew from a coursewithout completing it.
  8. The Connétable of St. Helierasked a questionof the Minister for TransportandTechnicalServicesregarding the transportofsewage sludge from BellozannetoLa Collette and the total amountof sludge that was currently storedatLa Collette.
  9. The Deputy of Trinity asked a question of the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture regarding consultation on the possibility of installing condom machines in secondaryschools.
  10. Deputy Geoffrey Peter Southern of St. Helier asked a question of the Minister forTreasury and Resources regarding the estimatesofthesectoralbreakdownof the tax gap caused bythe 0/10 proposals and the basis on which the estimates for potential yield from attribution/distribution were based.
  11. The Connétable ofSt. Helierasked a questionof the Minister for Health and SocialServicesregardingthe requirement for the Health Protection Department to be consulted over the transport and storage ofsewage sludge withinSt. Helierand the applicationofmaterial containing sewagesludgeon agricultural fields and amenity land.

Oral Questions without notice (see Official Report)

T h e Minister for Housing answered questions without notice from members.

T h e Deputy Chief Minister, in the absence of the Chief Minister, and in accordance with the provisions of

Article  27(1) of the States of Jersey Law 2005, answered questions without notice from members.

Composting facilities at La Collette, St. Helier: cessation– P.76/2006 Comments

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of Senator Stuart Syvret, and in accordance with Standing Order  87(2)(b), agreed that the proposition of Deputy Gerard Clifford Lemmens Baudains of St.  Clementregarding Composting Facilities at La  Collette, St.  Helier: cessation, listed for debate at the present meeting, be deferred until anothe meeting day.

Members present voted as follows


Senator S. Syvret

Senator T.A. Le  Sueur

Senator P.F. Routier

Senator M.E. Vibert

Senator P.F.C. Ozouf

Senator T.J. Le  Main Connétable of St. Saviour Connétable of St. Mary Connétable of St. Peter Connétable of St. Clement Connétable of St. John Connétable of St. Martin Deputy R.C. Duhamel (S) Deputy J.J. Huet (H)

Deputy C.J. Scott   Warr en (S) Deputy J.B. Fox (H)

Deputy S.C. Ferguson (B) Deputy of St.  Ouen

Deputy of Grouville

Deputy of St.  Peter

Deputy J.A. Hilton (H)

Deputy G.W.J. de  Faye (H) Deputy P.V.F. Le  Claire (H) Deputy  D.W.   Mezbourian (L)

Deputy of Trinity

Deputy S.S.P.A. Power (B) Deputy A.J.H. Maclean (H) Deputy of St.  John

Senator L. Norman

Senator B.E. Shenton

Senator J.L. Perchard Connétable of St. Helier Deputy A. Breckon (S)

Deputy of St.  Martin

Deputy G.C.L. Baudains (C) Deputy R.C. Le  Hérissier (S) Deputy J.A. Martin (H) Deputy G.P. Southern (H) Deputy P.J.D. Ryan (H) Deputy S. Pitman (H)

Deputy K.C. Lewis (S)

Deputy of St.  Mary

Draft Income Support (Jersey) Law 200- P.102/2006 Comments

THE  STATES  commenced  consideration  of  the  draft  Income  Support  (Jersey)  Law  200- and  adopted  the principles.

Members present voted as follows

POUR: 43 CONTRE: 1 ABSTAIN: 0 Senator L. Norman Deputy G.C.L. Baudains (C)

Senator W. Kinnard

Senator T.A. Le  Sueur

Senator P.F. Routier

Senator M.E. Vibert

Senator T.J. Le  Main

Senator B.E. Shenton

Senator J.L. Perchard Connétable of St. Ouen Connétable of St. Mary Connétable of St. Peter Connétable of St. Clement Connétable of St. Helier Connétable of St. Lawrence Connétable of Grouville Connétable of St. John Connétable of St. Brelade Connétable of St. Martin Deputy R.C. Duhamel (S) Deputy A. Breckon (S)

Deputy of St.  Martin

Deputy P.N. Troy (B)

Deputy C.J. Scott   Warr en (S) Deputy R.G. Le  Hérissier (S) Deputy J.A. Martin (H)

Deputy G.P. Southern (H) Deputy S.C. Ferguson (B) Deputy of St.  Ouen

Deputy P.J.D. Ryan (H) Deputy of Grouville

Deputy of St.  Peter

Deputy J.A. Hilton (H)

Deputy G.W.J. de  Faye (H) Deputy P.V.F. Le  Claire (H) Deputy J.A.N. Le  Fondré (L) Deputy  D.W.   Mezbourian (L)

Deputy S.S.P.A. Power (B) Deputy S. Pitman (H)

Deputy A.J.H. Maclean (H) Deputy K.C. Lewis (S)

Deputy of St.  John

Deputy I.J. Gorst (C)

Deputy of St.  Mary

Articles 1 to 7 were adopted.

Members present voted as follows

POUR: 41 CONTRE: 1 ABSTAIN: Senator L. Norman Deputy G.C.L. Baudains (C)

Senator P.F. Routier

Senator M.E. Vibert

Senator P.F.C. Ozouf

Senator T.J. Le  Main

Senator B.E. Shenton

Senator J.L. Perchard

Connétable of St. Ouen

Connétable of St. Saviour

Connétable of St. Mary

Connétable of St. Peter

Connétable of St. Clement

Connétable of St. Lawrence Connétable of Grouville Connétable of St. John Connétable of St. Brelade Connétable of St. Martin Deputy R.C. Duhamel (S) Deputy A. Breckon (S)

Deputy of St.  Martin

Deputy P.N. Troy (B)

Deputy C.J. Scott Warr en (S) Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier (S) Deputy J.A. Martin (H)

Deputy G.P. Southern (H) Deputy S.C. Ferguson (B) Deputy of St.  Ouen

Deputy P.J.D. Ryan (H) Deputy of Grouville

Deputy of St.  Peter

Deputy J.A. Hilton (H)

Deputy G.W.J. de Faye (H) Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire (H) Deputy J.A.N. Le Fondré (L) Deputy D.W. Mezbourian (L)

Deputy S.S.P.A. Power (B) Deputy S. Pitman (H)

Deputy A.J.H. Maclean (H) Deputy K.C. Lewis (S)

Deputy I.J. Gorst (C)

Deputy of St.  Mary

Article  8 was adopted.

Articles 9 to 18 were adopted. Members present voted as follows


Senator L. Norman

Senator W. Kinnard Senator T.A. Le  Sueur Senator P.F. Routier Senator M.E. Vibert Senator P.F.C. Ozouf Senator T.J. Le  Main Senator B.E. Shenton Senator J.L. Perchard Connétable of St. Ouen Connétable of St. Saviour Connétable of St. Mary Connétable of St. Peter Connétable of St. Clement Connétable of St. Helier Connétable of St. Lawrence Connétable of Grouville Connétable of St. John

Connétable of St. Brelade Deputy G.C.L. Baudains (C) Deputy G.P. Southern (H) Deputy S.C. Ferguson (B) Deputy J.A. Hilton (H) Deputy P.V.F. Le  Claire (H) Deputy S.S.P.A. Power (B) Deputy of St.  Mary

Connétable of St. Martin Deputy R.C. Duhamel (S) Deputy A. Breckon (S)

Deputy J.J. Huet (H)

Deputy of St.  Martin

Deputy P.N. Troy (B)

Deputy C.J. Scott Warr en (S) Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier (S) Deputy J.B. Fox (H)

Deputy J.A. Martin (H)

Deputy of St.  Ouen

Deputy P.J.D. Ryan (H) Deputy of Grouville

Deputy of St.  Peter

Deputy G.W.J. de Faye (H) Deputy D.W. Mezbourian (L)

Deputy of Trinity

Deputy A.J.H. Maclean (H) Deputy K.C. Lewis (S)

Deputy of St.  John

Deputy I.J. Gorst (C)

Articles 19 to 23 and Schedules 1 and 2 were adopted.

Members present voted as follows


Senator L. Norman

Senator W. Kinnard

Senator T.A. Le  Sueur

Senator P.F. Routier

Senator M.E. Vibert

Senator T.J. Le  Main

Senator B.E. Shenton

Senator J.L. Perchard Connétable of St. Ouen Connétable of St. Saviour Connétable of St. Mary Connétable of St. Peter Connétable of St. Clement Connétable of St. Helier Connétable of St. Lawrence Connétable of Grouville Connétable of St. John Connétable of St. Brelade Connétable of St. Martin Deputy R.C. Duhamel (S) Deputy A. Breckon (S)

Deputy of St.  Martin

Deputy P.N. Troy (B)

Deputy C.J. Scott Warr en (S) Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier (S) Deputy J.A. Martin (H)

Deputy G.P. Southern (H)

Deputy J.J. Huet (H) Deputy G.C.L. Baudains (C)

Deputy S.C. Ferguson (B) Deputy of St.  Ouen

Deputy of Grouville

Deputy of St.  Peter

Deputy J.A. Hilton (H) Deputy G.W.J. de  Faye (H) Deputy P.V.F. Le  Claire (H) Deputy J.A.N. Le  Fondré (L) Deputy  D.W.   Mezbourian (L)

Deputy of Trinity

Deputy S.S.P.A. Power (B) Deputy S. Pitman (H) Deputy A.J.H. Maclean (H) Deputy K.C. Lewis (S) Deputy I.J. Gorst (C)

Deputy of St.  Mary

THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Income Support (Jersey) Law 200-.

Plémont headland, St.  Ouen: preservation for public enjoyment P.112/2006

THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of the Connétable of St.  Ouen and agreed that the Connétable be permitted to withdraw paragraph (c) of the proposition which requested the Minister for Planning and Environment to defer determination of any application relating to the redevelopment of the site pending States' consideration of the Council of Ministers' recommendation.

THE STATES, adopting paragraphs (a) and (b) of the proposition –

( a ) agreed that it would be in the public interest for the headland at Plémont, as shown in Drawing Number

1505/06/101, namely the site formerly occupied by Plémont (Pontin's') holiday village complex and surrounding associated land, to be preserved as open space for the enjoyment of the public of the Island;

( b ) requested the Council of Ministers to consider all options to preserve the land described in paragraph  (a),

and to recommend a preferred option to the States with the least possible delay.

Members present voted as follows


Senator S. Syvret Senator L. Norman Connétable of St. Saviour Senator W. Kinnard Senator B.E. Shenton Connétable of St. Peter Senator T.A. Le  Sueur Senator J.L. Perchard Connétable of St. Helier Senator P.F. Routier Deputy R.C. Duhamel (S) Connétable of St. John Senator M.E. Vibert Deputy J.J. Huet (H) Deputy of Trinity

Senator P.F.C. Ozouf Deputy J.A. Martin (H)

Senator T.J. Le  Main Deputy G.P. Southern (H)

Connétable of St. Ouen Deputy S. Pitman (H)

Connétable of St. Mary Deputy of St.  John

Connétable of St. Clement

Connétable of St. Lawrence

Connétable of Grouville

Connétable of St. Brelade

Connétable of St. Martin

Deputy A. Breckon (S)

Deputy of St.  Martin

Deputy G.C.L. Baudains (C) Deputy P.N. Troy (B)

Deputy C.J. Scott   Warr en (S) Deputy R.G. Le  Hérissier (S) Deputy J.B. Fox (H)

Deputy S.C. Ferguson (B) Deputy of St.  Ouen

Deputy P.J.D. Ryan (H) Deputy of Grouville

Deputy of St.  Peter

Deputy J.A. Hilton (H)

Deputy G.W.J. de  Faye (H) Deputy P.V.F. Le  Claire (H) Deputy J.A.N. Le  Fondré (L) Deputy  D.W.   Mezbourian (L)

Deputy S.S.P.A. Power (B) Deputy A.J.H. Maclean (H) Deputy K.C. Lewis (S)

Deputy I.J. Gorst (C)

Deputy of St.  Mary

Arrangement of public business for future meetings

THE STATES agreed the following arrangement of public business for future meetings proposed, as amended, by the Chairman of the Privileges and Procedures Committee in accordance with the provisions of Standing Order 88 (3) –

24th October 2006

Goods and Services Tax: exempt or zero-rated items. P.86/2006. Lodged: 4th July 2006.

Senator S. Syvret.

Goods and Services Tax: exempt or zero-rated items (P.86/2006) second P.86/2006. amendment. Amd.(2) Lodged: 13th September 2006.

Senator S. Syvret.

Fields 190 and 192, Rue de  la Sergente, St.  Brelade :petition. P.75/2006. Lodged: 13th June 2006, and referred to the Minister for Planning and


Deputy S. Power of St. Brelade.

Composting facilities at La  Collette, St.  Helier: cessation. P.76/2006. Lodged: 15th June 2006.

Deputy G.C.L. Baudains of St.  Clement.

Composting facilities at La  Collette, St.  Helier: cessation (P.76/2006)–  P.76/2006. comments. Com. Presented: 4th July 2006.

Minister for Transport and Technical Services.

Draft Waste Management (OECD Revised Decision) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.97/2006. Lodged: 1st August 2006.

Minister for Planning and Environment.

Draft Waste Management (Jersey) Law 2005 (Appointed Day) Act 200-. P.98/2006. Lodged: 1st August 2006.

Minister for Planning and Environment.

Draft Weights and Measures (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.103/2006. Lodged: 31st August 2006.

Minister for Economic Development.

Draft Amendment (No.  5) of the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey. P.104/2006. Lodged: 5th September 2006.

Privileges and Procedures Committee.

Draft Maintenance Orders (Enforcement) (Amendment No.  2) (Jersey) Law P.105/2006. 200-.

Lodged: 8th September 2006.

Chief Minister.

Draft Lois sur la Société de  Bienfaisance de  la Marine Marchande de  Jersey P.106/2006. (Repeals) (Jersey) Law 200-.

Lodged: 8th September 2006.

Chief Minister.

Draft Data Protection (Appeals) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.108/2006. Lodged: 12th September 2006.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Draft Customs and Excise (Jersey) Law 1999 (Appointed Day) (No.  2) Act 200- P.120/2006. .

Lodged: 29th September 2006.

Minister for Home Affairs.

Draft Consumer Safety (Jersey) Law 2006 (Appointed Day) Act 200-. P.122/2006. Lodged: 5th October 2006.

Minister for Economic Development.

7th November 2006

Provision of Pedestrian Crossings. P.60/2006. Lodged: 23rd May 2006.

Connétable of St. Helier.

Provision of Pedestrian Crossings (P.60/2006): comments. P.60/2006. Presented: 20th June 2006. Com. Minister for Transport and Technical Services.

Ministerial Government: review of first 12 months. P.77/2006. Lodged: 20th June 2006.

Senator B.E. Shenton.

Code of Practice for Scrutiny Panels and the Public Accounts Committee. P.101/2006. Lodged: 15th August 2006.

Chairmen's Committee.

Code of Practice for Scrutiny Panels and the Public Accounts Committee P.101/2006. (P.101/2006): comments. Com. Presented: 1st September 2006.

H.M. Attorney General.

Code of Practice for Scrutiny Panels and the Public Accounts Committee P.101/2006. (P.101/2006): amendment. Amd. Lodged: 6th September 2006.

Chairmen's Committee.

Code of Practice for Scrutiny Panels and the Public Accounts Committee P.101/2006. (P.101/2006): second amendment. Amd.(2) Lodged: 13th September 2006.

Council of Ministers.

Draft Housing (General Provisions) (Amendment No.  23) (Jersey) Regulations P.109/2006. 200-.

Lodged: 13th September 2006.

Minister for Housing.

Draft Rates (Apportionment) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.110/2006. Lodged: 13th September 2006.

Comité des Connétable s.

Draft Electronic Communications (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.111/2006. Lodged: 14th September 2006.

Minister for Economic Development.

St.  Aubin: proposed land reclamation and improvements impact assessment. P.113/2006. Lodged: 21st September 2006.

Deputy S.C. Ferguson of St.  Brelade.

Draft Restriction on Smoking (Workplaces) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.114/2006. Lodged: 22nd September 2006.

Minister for Health and Social Services.

Draft Amendment (No. 6) of the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey. P.116/2006 Lodged: 25th September 2006.

Privileges and Procedures Committee.

Draft Public Employees (Retirement) (Amendment No.  6) (Jersey) Law 200 –. P.118/2006. Lodged: 26th September 2006.

Chief Minister.

Waterfront Enterprise Board: appointment of Chairman publication of P.119/2006. transcript of in camera debate.

Lodged: 29th September 2006.

Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St.  Helier.

21st November 2006

Draft Howard Davis Farm (Removal of Covenant) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.65/2006. Lodged 30th May 2006.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Howard Davis Farm, Trinity : part of Fields 562, 827 and 828 – sale of land. P.68/2006. Lodged: 5th June 2006.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Howard Davis Farm, Trinity : part of Fields 562, 827 and 828 – sale of land P.68/2006. (P.68/2006) – comments. Com. Presented: 8th August 2006.

Public Accounts Committee.

Policing commercial and profit-making events: new user pays' charge. P.94/2006. Lodged: 21st July 2006.

Minister for Home Affairs.

Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006: extension to Jersey. P.117/2006. Lodged: 26th September 2006.

Chief Minister.

Le Marais Low Rise Redevelopment Phase 2: redefinition of boundaries. P.121/2006. Lodged: 3rd October 2006.

Minister for Housing.

Draft Family Allowances (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.123/2006. Lodged: 5th October 2006.

Minister for Social Security.

Draft Bankruptcy (Désastre) (Pensions) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.124/2006. Lodged: 10th October 2006.

Minister for Economic Development.

5th December 2006

Draft The Law Society of Jersey Law 2005 (Appointed Day) Act 200-. P.115/2006. Lodged: 25th September 2006.

Chief Minister.

THE STATES adopted a proposition of Deputy Robert Charles Duhamel of St.  Saviour that consideration of the following matter be deferred from 24th October 2006 to 7th November 2006 –

Code of Practice for Scrutiny Panels and the Public Accounts Committee. P.101/2006. Lodged: 15th August 2006.

Chairmen's Committee.

Members present voted as follows


Senator S. Syvret Senator L. Norman

Senator T.A. Le  Sueur Senator W. Kinnard

Senator P.F. Routier Senator P.F.C. Ozouf

Senator M.E. Vibert Senator J.L. Perchard

Senator T.J. Le  Main Connétable of St. Helier Senator B.E. Shenton Deputy J.J. Huet (H) Connétable of St. Ouen Deputy G.W.J. de  Faye (H)

Deputy  D.W.   Mezbourian

Connétable of St. Saviour Connétable of St. Mary Connétable of St. Peter Connétable of St. Clement Connétable of St. Lawrence Connétable of Grouville Connétable of St. John Connétable of St. Brelade Connétable of St. Martin Deputy R.C. Duhamel (S) Deputy A. Breckon (S)

Deputy of St.  Martin

Deputy G.C.L. Baudains (C) Deputy P.N. Troy (B)

Deputy C.J. Scott Warr en (S) Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier (S) Deputy J.B. Fox (B)

Deputy J.A. Martin (H)

Deputy G.P. Southern (H) Deputy S.C. Ferguson (B) Deputy of St.  Ouen

Deputy P.J.D. Ryan (H) Deputy of Grouville

Deputy of St.  Peter

Deputy J.A. Hilton (H)

Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire (H) Deputy J.A.N. Le Fondré (L) Deputy of Trinity

Deputy S.S.P.A. Power (B) Deputy S. Pitman (H)

Deputy A.J.H. Maclean (H) Deputy K.C. Lewis (S)

Deputy of St.  John

Deputy I.J. Gorst (C)


Deputy of St.  Mary

THE STATES rejected a proposition of Senator Philip Francis Cyril Ozouf that consideration of the following matter be deferred from 24th October 2006 to 7th November 2006

Composting facilities at La Collette, St. Helier: cessation. P.76/2006. Lodged: 15th June 2006.

Deputy G.C.L. Baudains of St.  Clement.

Members present voted as follows


Senator S. Syvret

Senator W. Kinnard Senator T.A. Le  Sueur Senator P.F. Routier Senator M.E. Vibert Senator P.F.C. Ozouf Senator T.J. Le  Main Connétable of St. Saviour Connétable of St. Mary

Senator L. Norman Senator B.E. Shenton Senator J.L. Perchard Connétable of St. Ouen Connétable of St. Peter Connétable of St. Clement Connétable of St. Helier Connétable of St. John Connétable of St. Martin

Connétable of St. Lawrence Connétable of Grouville Connétable of St. Brelade Deputy C.J. Scott Warr en (S) Deputy J.B. Fox (H)

Deputy of St.  Ouen

Deputy of Grouville Deputy G.W.J. de  Faye (H)

Deputy R.C. Duhamel (S) Deputy A. Breckon (S)

Deputy J.J. Huet (H)

Deputy of St.  Martin

Deputy G.C.L. Baudains (C) Deputy P.N. Troy (B)

Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier (S)

Deputy J.A. Martin (H) Deputy G.P. Southern (H) Deputy S.C. Ferguson (B) Deputy P.J.D. Ryan (H) Deputy of St.  Peter

Deputy J.A. Hilton (H)

Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire (H) Deputy J.A.N. Le Fondré (L) Deputy D.W. Mezbourian (L)

Deputy of Trinity

Deputy S.S.P.A. Power (B) Deputy S. Pitman (H)

Deputy A.J.H. Mclean (H) Deputy K.C. Lewis (S)

Deputy of St.  John

Deputy I.J. Gorst (C)

Deputy of St.  Mary

THE STATES rose at 5.31 p.m.

M.N. DE LA HAYE Greffier of the States