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A-CH/SC/85 27
12th March 2009
All members were present.
Connétable J. Gallichan of St. Mary , Chairman Deputy C.H. Egré
Senator B.I. Le Marquand
(not pr esent for Item Nos. A1 and A2) Deputy J.B. Fox
Deputy J.A. Martin
Deputy M. Tadier
Deputy M.R. Higgins
In attendance -
C. Borrowman, Assistant Law Draftsman (Item Nos. A1, A2 and B1 only) Mrs. A.H. Harris , Deputy Greffier of the States Miss A-C. Heuston, Clerk to the Privileges and Procedures Committee
Note: The Minutes of this meeting comprise Part A and Part B.
Minutes. A1. The Minutes of the meeting held on 20th February 2009 (Part A and Part B);
27th February 20009 (Part A and Part B); and 4th March 2009 (Part A only), having been previously circulated, were taken as read and were confirmed.
Matters arising. A2. The Committee considered the following matters arising -
- T he Committee, with reference to its Minute No. A5 of 20th February 2009, considered a question from Deputy J.B. Fox, who had not been present at the aforementioned meeting. The Committee recalled that it had agreed to draft a proposition in relation to the composition and election of the States. Deputy Fox requested clarification as to why the Committee had not been minded to propose an alteration to the number of States members at present. The Committee considered that there might not need to be the same number of members in each electoral district, and noted that the final decision would be a matter for the States.
- T he Committee, with reference to its Minute No A1. of 4th March 2009, noted that the Connétable of St. Peter no longer intended to propose part
(b) of his proposition entitled: States members' remuneration for 2009,' lodged au Greffe' on 19th February 2009, which requested the Privileges and Procedures Committee to: "notify the States' Members' Remuneration Review Body that it should cease work on formulating recommendations on the level of remuneration for elected members for future years until the last quarter of 2009". The Committee recalled that it had presented a comment on the proposition to the States on 5th March 2009 and considered that this alteration had no significant impact on the position of the Committee.