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PPC Minutes 17th August 2009

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IC/SC/250  113

PRIVILEGES AND PROCEDURES COMMITTEE (business conducted by telephone and electronic mail) (31st Meeting)

17th August 2009


All members were present, with the exception of Deputy J.B. Fox, Deputy C.H. Egré and Deputy M.R. Higgins.

Connétable J Gallichan of St Mary, Chairman Senator B.I. Le Marquand

Deputy J.A. Martin

Deputy M. Tadier

In attendance -

M.N. de la Haye, Greffier of the States

Mrs. A.H. Harris , Deputy Greffier of the States

I. Clarkson, Acting Clerk to the Privileges and Procedures Committee

Note: The Minutes of this meeting comprise Part A only.

Draft A1.   The  Committee,  with  reference  to  its  Minute  No.  A2  of  3rd  July  2009, Amendment considered the draft Amendment No.12 of the Standing Orders of the States of No.12 of the Jersey, together with an accompanying report prepared by the Greffier of the States. Standing Orders

of the States of The  Committee  noted  that  the  draft  Amendment  would  give  effect  to  the in Jersey. principle' decision taken by the States on 16th July 2009 to amend the procedure 450/2(13) relating to the ballot held for oral questions with notice.  It further noted that the draft

Amendment would make a minor and related amendment to Standing Orders to reflect current practice regarding the inclusion of the full text of oral questions in the principal Order Paper.

Consideration was given to a proposal for a further proposed amendment  to reduce the lodging period for draft amendments to the Standing Orders.  The Committee recalled that a six week lodging period applied to such amendments, notwithstanding the fact that, in practice, changes to Standing Orders tended to follow an in principle decision of the States Assembly. In view of the foregoing, there was broad agreement that the minimum lodging period for Standing Orders should be changed to two weeks to replicate the position for such items of business as draft Appointed Day Acts.  The Committee acknowledged that the amended lodging period would remain a  minimum  period  that  could  be  amended  by  the  States  for  any  significant amendments to Standing Orders that had not previously been agreed in principle.  In respect of the draft Amendment No.12 of the Standing Orders, the Committee noted that the latter amendment would be proposed separately to those concerning the changes to procedures for oral questions; accordingly the States Assembly would be able to form a view on that proposed change independently of the matters which had already been agreed in principle on 16th July 2009.

The Committee approved both the draft Amendment No.12 of the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey and the accompanying report and requested that it be lodged au Greffe' in early course and with a view to securing a debate in October 2009.

The Greffier of the States was requested to take the necessary action.