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PPC Minutes 20th September 2011

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PM/JAC/264  441


20th September 2011

[Business conducted by electronic mail] PART A

All members were present.

Connétable J. Gallichan of St. Mary , Chairman Senator B.I. Le Marquand

Senator S.C. Ferguson

Connétable P.F.M. Hanning of St. Saviour Deputy J.B. Fox

Deputy J.A. Martin

Deputy T.M. Pitman

In attendance -

M.N. de la Haye, Greffier of the States

P. Monamy, Acting Clerk to the Privileges and Procedures Committee

Note: The Minutes of this meeting comprise Part A only.

"States of  A1. The Committee, having noted a report and proposition entitled: "States of Jersey Law  Jersey Law 2005: removal of restrictions on number of Ministers and Assistant 2005: removal  Ministers" (P.145/2011 – lodged on Greffe' on 22nd August 2011 by Senator B.E. of restrictions  Shenton), considered its views on the proposition.

on number of

Ministers and  The Committee agreed that a review of the present structure of the machinery of Assistant  government in Jersey would be desirable and considered that such a view was Ministers"  shared  by  many  members  of  the  present  States  Assembly.  However,  the (P.145/2011):  Committee  did  not  consider  that  it  would  be  appropriate  to  support  Senator comment. Shenton's proposal in isolation prior to in-depth work being carried out to consider 450/1(17) the potential impact that any such change would have on scrutiny or whether there

was, in fact, a need for an increased number of Assistant Ministers.

The Committee  accordingly  approved  its  comment  on  P.145/2011  and requested the Greffier of the States to arrange for it to be presented to the States for their information.

Draft  A2. The  Committee  recalled  that  the  States  had,  on  15th  September  2011, Amendment  adopted a proposition of Deputy T. Pitman that the election for Chief Minister (No. 17) of the  should be held by open ballot and not by secret ballot (P.126/2011 referred). Standing

Orders of the  The Committee, having agreed that it would be desirable for this matter to be States of  brought forward as swiftly as possible so that the change could be debated by the Jersey: present States Assembly in November 2011 and, if adopted, be in place for the S.O.s 92, 94  selection of the new Chief Minister on 14th November 2011, accordingly approved and 116. the draft Amendment (No. 17) of the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey which


117th Meeting 20.09.11

450/2(18) it was noted would amend Standing Orders 92, 94 and 116 such as to provide for

the new arrangements.

The Committee, having also approved an explanatory report to accompany the draft legislation, decided to lodge the projet au Greffe' at the earliest opportunity and requested the Greffier of the States to take the necessary action.