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States Minutes 9th April 2020

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THE STATES assembled on Tuesday 9th April 2020, at 10.00 a.m. under the Presidency of the Bailiff , Timothy John Le Cocq , Esquire.


His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor,

Air Chief Marshall Sir Stephen Dalton, G.C.B., LL.D. (Hon.), D.Sc. (Hon.), B.Sc., F.R.Ae.S., C.C.M.I. was present.


All members were present at roll call with the exception of –

Senator Sarah Craig Ferguson – excused attendance (joined at 11.53 a.m.)

Deputy Robert David Johnson of St. Mary – excused attendance

Deputy Charles Hugh Raymond of Trinity – excused attendance (joined at 10.50 a.m.)


Prayers read by the Deputy Greffier of the States __________________

Standing Order 55A – meeting held remotely

THE STATES assembled remotely, in accordance with Standing Order 55A, as the Bailiff considered that it was not possible to convene or maintain a quorate meeting in view of a substantial risk to the health of both States Members and the public.

Subordinate enactments tabled

The following enactments were tabled, namely –

Social Security (Contributions) (Covid-19) (Jersey) Order 2020.  R&O.38/2020. Minister for Social Security [signed for and on behalf of the Minister by Assistant

Minister Deputy S.M. Wickenden of St. Helier ].

Documents presented

Draft Regulation of Care (Amendment of Law) (Covid-19 – Temporary Amendment  P.39/2020. No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 202- (P.39/2020): comments. Com. Presented: 9th April 2020.

Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel.

Draft  Covid-19  (Residential  Tenancy)  (Temporary  Amendment  of  Law)  (Jersey)  P.42/2020. Regulations 202- (P.42/2020): comments. Com. Presented: 8th April 2020.

Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel.

Jersey Appointments Commission: Annual Report 2019. R.36/2020. Presented: 6th April 2020.

Chief Minister.

States of Jersey Law 2005: delegation of functions – Minister for the Environment –  R.37/2020. appointment of an additional Assistant Minister.

Presented: 6th April 2020.

Minister for the Environment.

Jersey Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (JMAPPA) Annual Report 2019. R.38/2020. Presented: 6th April 2020.

Minister for Home Affairs.

Notification of lodged propositions

Draft Regulation of Care (Amendment of Law) (Covid-19 – Temporary Amendment  P.39/2020. No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 202-.

Lodged: 7th April 2020.

Chief Minister.

Draft Children (Placement) (Covid-19 – Temporary Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations  P.40/2020. 202-.

Lodged: 7th April 2020.

Minister for Children and Housing.

Draft Covid-19 (Emergency Provisions – Courts) (Jersey) Regulations 202-.  P.41/2020. Lodged: 7th April 2020.

Chief Minister.

Draft  Covid-19  (Emergency  Provisions –  Courts)  (Jersey)  Regulations  202-  P.41/2020. (P.41/2020): amendment. Amd. Lodged: 8th April 2020.

Deputy M. Tadier of St. Brelade .

Draft  Covid-19  (Residential  Tenancy)  (Temporary  Amendment  of  Law)  (Jersey)  P.42/2020. Regulations 202-.

Lodged: 8th April 2020.

Minister for Children and Housing.

Draft  Covid-19  (Residential  Tenancy)  (Temporary  Amendment  of  Law)  (Jersey)  P.42/2020. Regulations 202- (P.42/2020): amendment. Amd. Lodged: 8th April 2020.

Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel.

Withdrawal of lodged propositions

THE STATES noted that, in accordance with Standing Order 34(1), the proposer of the following proposition lodged "au Greffe" had informed the Greffier of the States that it had been withdrawn –

Draft Children (Placement) (Covid-19 – Temporary Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations  P.40/2020. 202-.

Lodged: 7th April 2020.

Minister for Children and Housing.

Arrangement of public business for the present meeting

THE STATES agreed that the items of public business listed for the present meeting would be considered before the scheduled period for questions and statements.

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of Senator John Alexander Nicholas Le Fondré, agreed, in accordance with Standing Order 80, to suspend Standing Order 32 in order that the following propositions might be listed for consideration at the present meeting; and further agreed, in accordance with Standing Order 26(7), to reduce the minimum lodging period in respect of these propositions in order that they might be debated at the present meeting –

Draft Regulation of Care (Amendment of Law) (Covid-19 – Temporary Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 202- (P.39/2020)

Draft Covid-19 (Residential Tenancy) (Temporary Amendment of Law) (Jersey) Regulations 202- (P.42/2020)

Draft Regulation of Care (Amendment of Law) (Covid-19 – Temporary Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 202- P.39/2020

THE STATES commenced consideration of the Draft Regulation of Care (Amendment of Law) (Covid- 19 – Temporary Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 202- and adopted the principles.

Members present voted as follows –


Senator I.J. Gorst

Senator L.J. Farnham Senator J.A.N. Le Fondré Senator T.A. Vallois Senator K.L. Moore Senator S.W. Pallett Senator S.Y. Mézec Connétable of St. Helier Connétable of St. Clement Connétable of St. Lawrence Connétable of St. Saviour Connétable of St. Brelade Connétable of Grouville Connétable of St. John Connétable of Trinity Connétable of St. Peter Connétable of St. Mary Connétable of St. Ouen Connétable of St. Martin Deputy J.A. Martin (H) Deputy G.P. Southern (H) Deputy of Grouville Deputy K.C. Lewis (S) Deputy M. Tadier (B) Deputy M.R. Higgins (H) Deputy J.M. Maçon (S) Deputy S.J. Pinel (C) Deputy of St. Martin

Deputy of St. Ouen

Deputy L.M.C. Doublet (S) Deputy R. Labey (H) Deputy S.M. Wickenden (H) Deputy G.J. Truscott (B) Deputy J.H. Young (B) Deputy L.B.E. Ash (C) Deputy K.F. Morel (L) Deputy G.C.U. Guida (L) Deputy of St. Peter

Deputy of Trinity

Deputy of St. John

Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat (H) Deputy S.M. Ahier (H) Deputy J.H. Perchard (S) Deputy R.J. Ward (H) Deputy C.S. Alves (H) Deputy K.G. Pamplin (S) Deputy I. Gardiner (H)

THE STATES, having been informed that the relevant scrutiny panel had indicated that it did not wish to scrutinise the draft legislation, adopted Regulations 1 and 2.

Members present voted as follows –


Senator I.J. Gorst

Senator L.J. Farnham Senator J.A.N. Le Fondré Senator T.A. Vallois Senator K.L. Moore Senator S.W. Pallett Senator S.Y. Mézec Connétable of St. Helier Connétable of St. Clement Connétable of St. Lawrence Connétable of St. Saviour Connétable of St. Brelade Connétable of Grouville Connétable of St. John Connétable of Trinity Connétable of St. Peter Connétable of St. Mary Connétable of St. Ouen Connétable of St. Martin Deputy J.A. Martin (H) Deputy G.P. Southern (H) Deputy of Grouville Deputy K.C. Lewis (S) Deputy M. Tadier (B) Deputy M.R. Higgins (H) Deputy J.M. Maçon (S) Deputy S.J. Pinel (C) Deputy of St. Martin Deputy of St. Ouen Deputy L.M.C. Doublet (S) Deputy R. Labey (H) Deputy S.M. Wickenden (H) Deputy G.J. Truscott (B) Deputy J.H. Young (B) Deputy L.B.E. Ash (C) Deputy K.F. Morel (L) Deputy G.C.U. Guida (L) Deputy of St. Peter

Deputy of Trinity

Deputy of St. John

Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat (H) Deputy S.M. Ahier (H) Deputy J.H. Perchard (S) Deputy R.J. Ward (H) Deputy C.S. Alves (H) Deputy K.G. Pamplin (S) Deputy I. Gardiner (H)

THE STATES made Regulations entitled the Regulation of Care (Amendment of Law) (Covid-19 – Temporary Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 2020, under Article 2 of the Regulation of Care (Jersey) Law 2014.

Draft Covid-19 (Residential Tenancy) (Temporary Amendment of Law) (Jersey) Regulations 202- P.42/2020

THE  STATES  commenced  consideration  of  the  Draft  Covid-19  (Residential  Tenancy)  (Temporary Amendment of Law) (Jersey) Regulations 202- and adopted the principles.

Members present voted as follows –

POUR: 43  CONTRE: 1  ABSTAIN: 0 Senator I.J. Gorst   Deputy of St. Peter

Senator L.J. Farnham

Senator S.C. Ferguson

Senator J.A.N. Le Fondré

Senator T.A. Vallois

Senator K.L. Moore

Senator S.W. Pallett

Senator S.Y. Mézec

Connétable of St. Helier

Connétable of St. Clement

Connétable of St. Lawrence

Connétable of St. Saviour

Connétable of St. Brelade

Connétable of Grouville

Connétable of St. Peter

Connétable of St. Mary

Connétable of St. Ouen

Connétable of St. Martin

Deputy J.A. Martin (H)

Deputy G.P. Southern (H)

Deputy of Grouville

Deputy K.C. Lewis (S) Deputy M. Tadier (B) Deputy M.R. Higgins (H) Deputy J.M. Maçon (S) Deputy S.J. Pinel (C) Deputy of St. Martin Deputy of St. Ouen

Deputy L.M.C. Doublet (S) Deputy R. Labey (H) Deputy S.M. Wickenden (H) Deputy G.J. Truscott (B) Deputy L.B.E. Ash (C) Deputy K.F. Morel (L) Deputy G.C.U. Guida (L) Deputy of St. John

Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat (H) Deputy S.M. Ahier (H) Deputy J.H. Perchard (S) Deputy R.J. Ward (H) Deputy C.S. Alves (H) Deputy K.G. Pamplin (S) Deputy I. Gardiner (H)

THE STATES, having been informed that the relevant scrutiny panel had indicated that it did not wish to scrutinise the draft legislation, commenced consideration of Regulation 1 and rejected an amendment of the Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel that, in Regulation 1, the inserted Article 7F should be deleted and that the inserted Article 7G should be renumbered as 7F.

Members present voted as follows –


Senator L.J. Farnham Senator S.C. Ferguson Senator K.L. Moore Connétable of St. Lawrence Connétable of St. Saviour Connétable of St. Brelade Connétable of Grouville

Connétable of St. John Connétable of St. Martin Deputy of St. Martin Deputy L.B.E. Ash (C) Deputy K.F. Morel (L) Deputy of St. Peter Deputy S.M. Ahier (H) Deputy I. Gardiner (H)

Senator J.A.N. Le Fondré Senator T.A. Vallois Senator S.W. Pallett

Senator S.Y. Mézec Connétable of St. Helier Connétable of St. Clement Connétable of Trinity Connétable of St. Peter Connétable of St. Ouen Deputy J.A. Martin (H) Deputy G.P. Southern (H) Deputy K.C. Lewis (S) Deputy M. Tadier (B) Deputy M.R. Higgins (H) Deputy J.M. Maçon (S) Deputy S.J. Pinel (C) Deputy of St. Ouen

Deputy L.M.C. Doublet (S) Deputy R. Labey (H) Deputy S.M. Wickenden (H) Deputy G.J. Truscott (B) Deputy of St. John

Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat (H) Deputy J.H. Perchard (S) Deputy R.J. Ward (H)

Deputy C.S. Alves (H) Deputy K.G. Pamplin (S)

THE STATES adopted Regulation 1.

Members present voted as follows –


Senator L.J. Farnham Senator S.C. Ferguson Senator J.A.N. Le Fondré Senator T.A. Vallois Senator K.L. Moore

Senator S.W. Pallett

Senator S.Y. Mézec Connétable of St. Helier Connétable of St. Clement Connétable of St. Lawrence Connétable of St. Saviour Connétable of Trinity Connétable of St. Peter Connétable of St. Ouen Connétable of St. Martin Deputy J.A. Martin (H) Deputy G.P. Southern (H) Deputy of Grouville

Deputy K.C. Lewis (S) Deputy M. Tadier (B) Deputy M.R. Higgins (H) Deputy J.M. Maçon (S) Deputy S.J. Pinel (C) Deputy of St. Martin Deputy of St. Ouen

Deputy L.M.C. Doublet (S) Deputy R. Labey (H) Deputy S.M. Wickenden (H) Deputy G.J. Truscott (B) Deputy L.B.E. Ash (C) Deputy K.F. Morel (L) Deputy of Trinity

Deputy of St. John

Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat (H) Deputy S.M. Ahier (H) Deputy J.H. Perchard (S) Deputy R.J. Ward (H) Deputy C.S. Alves (H) Deputy K.G. Pamplin (S) Deputy I. Gardiner (H)

Connétable of St. Brelade Connétable of Grouville

Connétable of St. John Deputy of St. Peter

THE STATES adopted Regulation 2.

THE STATES made Regulations entitled the Covid-19 (Residential Tenancy) (Temporary Amendment of Law) (Jersey) Regulations 2020 under Article 2 of the Covid-19 (Enabling Provisions) (Jersey) Law 2020.

Members present voted as follows –


Senator L.J. Farnham Senator S.C. Ferguson Senator J.A.N. Le Fondré Senator T.A. Vallois Senator K.L. Moore

Senator S.W. Pallett

Senator S.Y. Mézec Connétable of St. Helier Connétable of St. Clement Connétable of St. Lawrence Connétable of St. Brelade Connétable of Grouville Connétable of St. John Connétable of Trinity Connétable of St. Peter Connétable of St. Ouen Connétable of St. Martin Deputy J.A. Martin (H) Deputy G.P. Southern (H) Deputy of Grouville

Deputy K.C. Lewis (S) Deputy M. Tadier (B) Deputy M.R. Higgins (H) Deputy J.M. Maçon (S) Deputy S.J. Pinel (C) Deputy of St. Martin Deputy of St. Ouen

Deputy L.M.C. Doublet (S) Deputy S.M. Wickenden (H) Deputy G.J. Truscott (B) Deputy L.B.E. Ash (C) Deputy K.F. Morel (L) Deputy of Trinity

Deputy of St. John

Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat (H) Deputy S.M. Ahier (H) Deputy J.H. Perchard (S) Deputy R.J. Ward (H) Deputy C.S. Alves (H) Deputy K.G. Pamplin (S) Deputy I. Gardiner (H)

Connétable of St. Saviour Deputy of St. Peter

THE STATES noted that, in accordance with the provisions of Standing Order 106(1)(a), Deputy John Hilary Young of St. Brelade declared an interest and withdrew from the Meeting for the duration of the debate.

THE STATES noted that, in accordance with the provisions of Standing Order 106(1)(b), the following members declared an interest, but remained in the Meeting for the duration of the debate –

Senator Ian Joseph Gorst

Senator John Alexander Nicholas Le Fondré The Connétable of St. Helier

The Connétable of Grouville

The Connétable of St. John

The Connétable of St. Mary

The Connétable of St. Ouen

The Deputy of Grouville

Deputy Montfort Tadier of St. Brelade

Deputy Susan Jane Pinel of St. Clement

The Deputy of St. Martin

The Deputy of St. Ouen

Deputy Graham John Truscott of St. Brelade

Deputy Kirsten Francis Morel of St. Lawrence

Deputy Gregory Charles Umberto Guida of St. Lawrence The Deputy of St. Peter

The Deputy of Trinity

Deputy Inna Gardiner of St. Helier

THE STATES noted that, in accordance with the provisions of Standing Order 106(1)(c), Deputy Kevin Glyn Pamplin of St. Saviour declared an interest which was not financial, and remained in the Meeting for the duration of the debate.

Oral Questions without notice (see Official Report/Hansard)

A period of questions without notice was held, during which questions were permitted to any Minister on the subject of the Government of Jersey's response to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Arrangement of public business for future meetings

THE STATES agreed the following arrangement of public business for future meetings proposed, as amended, by the Chair of the Privileges and Procedures Committee in accordance with the provisions of Standing Order 88(3) –

21st April 2020

The Communications (Jersey) Order 2020: extension to Jersey by Order in Council.  P.14/2020. Lodged: 19th February 2020.

Chief Minister.

The Communications (Jersey) Order 2020: extension to Jersey by Order in Council  P.14/2020. (P.14/2020) – addendum to report.  Add. Presented: 25th February 2020.

Chief Minister.

Bus service: introduction of through-fares.  P.19/2020. Lodged: 12th March 2020.

Deputy M. Tadier of St. Brelade .

12th May 2020

Ban on the sale of plastic bags.  P.11/2020. Lodged: 12th February 2020.  (re-issue) Deputy I. Gardiner of St. Helier .

2nd June 2020

Draft Amendment (No. 44) of the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey.  P.12/2020. Lodged: 14th February 2020.

Scrutiny Liaison Committee.

Draft Amendment (No. 45) of the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey.  P.13/2020. Lodged: 14th February 2020.

Scrutiny Liaison Committee.

16th June 2020

Draft  Taxation  (Implementation)  (International  Tax  Compliance)  (Mandatory  P.129/2019. Disclosure Rules for CRS Avoidance Arrangements and Opaque Offshore Structures)

(Jersey) Regulations 202-.

Lodged: 31st December2019.

Minister for External Relations.

Draft Road Traffic (No. 64) (Jersey) Regulations 202-.  P.10/2020. Lodged: 3rd February 2020, Minister for Infrastructure.

Priorities for the next Island Plan (Consideration In-Committee Debate)

8th September 2020

Draft Public Health and Safety (Rented Dwellings) (Licensing) (Jersey) Regulations  P.106/2019. 201-.

Lodged: 1st October 2019, Minister for the Environment.

Minimum standards for rented dwellings: licensing regulations.  S.R.1/2020. Presented: 21st February 2020.

Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel.

Draft Public Health and Safety (Rented Dwellings) (Licensing) (Jersey) Regulations  P.106/2019. 201- (P.106/2019): second amendment.  Amd.(2) Lodged: 20th February 2020, Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel.

Draft Public Health and Safety (Rented Dwellings) (Licensing) (Jersey) Regulations  P.106/2019. 201- (P.106/2019): third amendment.  Amd.(3) Lodged: 12th March 2020.

Minister for the Environment.

THE STATES rose at 4.03 p.m.

L.-M. HART Deputy Greffier of the States