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Privileges and Procedures Committee - 24 January

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24th January 2022

PART A (Non-Exempt)

All members were present.

Deputy C.S. Alves of St. Helier , Chair Senator T.A. Vallois, Vice-Chair Connétable A.S. Crowcroft of St. Helier Connétable K. Shenton-Stone of St. Martin Deputy R. Labey of St. Helier

Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat of St. Helier Deputy G.C.U. Guida of St. Lawrence

In attendance -

Dr. M. Egan, Greffier of the States

L.M. Hart , Deputy Greffier of the States

W. Millow , Assistant Greffier (Chamber and Members' Support)

K. Boydens , Principal Committee and Panel Officer

Mr N. Church, Head of Architecture, Chief Operating Office (Item B1) Mr G. Bowles, Group Director Modernisation and Digital, Chief Operating Office (Item B1)

Ms J. Harris , Trainee Legislative Drafter (Item B8)

Note: The Minutes of this meeting comprise Part A and Part B.

Minutes A1. The Minutes of the meetings held on 20th December (Part A and Part B) having

previously been circulated, were taken as read and approved.

Forthcoming A2. The Committee, with reference to Minute No. A2 of its meeting of 20th December business for 2021, considered forthcoming business for debate by the Assembly at its meeting on debate by the 8th February 2022.


The Committee noted that the Proposition entitled Draft Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 202- (P.107/2021) had been lodged on 6th December 2021 by the Minister for Children and Education. The Committee agreed that the Law was a significant piece of Legislation and noted that it had been lodged to "strengthen strategic planning for children and young people and introduce specific measures to promote the wellbeing of and safeguard children and young people, particularly the most vulnerable," following the recommendations of the report of the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry in 2017.

Having previously spoken to the Chair, the Greffier had drafted a Comments paper for the Committee's consideration. The Committee noted that Part 6 of the draft Law introduced the concept of corporate parenting' in Jersey which required corporate parents to publish a plan on how they intended to discharge their responsibilities under the Law. The Greffier of the States advised that the States Greffe was a "unit or department of administration established on behalf of the States" and therefore would become a corporate parent.


40th Meeting 24.01.22

The Committee noted that the Comments paper provided assurance that the States Greffe would begin work on its corporate parenting action plan which would be considered by the next Privileges and Procedures Committee.

The Committee agreed to present the Comments paper and requested the Principal Committee and Panel Officer to make the necessary arrangements for it to be presented to the States as soon as practicable.

Update on the  A3. The Committee, with reference to Minute No. A3 of its meeting of 20th December work of the  2021, received and considered a paper by the Principal Committee and Panel Officer Sub- regarding an update on the work of the Sub-Committees. The Committee noted the Committees.  following:

Election Observers Sub-Committee – the Deputy Greffier of the States provided an update on the Jersey Electoral Authority (JEA). The Committee noted that a meeting had taken place on 20th January 2022 with the JEA, Deputy Greffier and Judicial Greffier.  A  number  of  matters  were  discussed  including  nomination  dates,  the registration period for postal voting and the period during which pre poll would be open.

Political Awareness Education Sub-Committee – the Committee noted that there were no new updates.

States Members' Pensions Sub-Committee – the Committee noted that there were no new updates.

Diversity Forum Sub-Committee – the Committee noted that there were no new updates.

Democratic Accountability and Governance Sub-Committee the Committee, with reference to Minute No. B1 of its meeting of 12th January 2022 recalled that it had considered a draft report by the Sub-Committee. The Chair of the Sub-Committee, Senator T.A. Vallois, advised that a number of meetings were due to take place with the States Employment Board (SEB) and the Unions in order to finalise the key findings and  recommendations  related  to  the  SEB.  In  that  regard,  the  Chair  of  the  Sub- Committee intended to submit a final report to the Committee in February 2022.

Work  A4. The Committee received and considered a work programme by the Principal Programme  Committee and Panel Officer regarding its workstreams for the remainder of 2022. The 2022  Committee  noted  the  work  programme  accordingly  and  agreed  that  it  should  be

included on future agendas.