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Propositions Learn more about Propositions (5,145 results)
A proposition is an idea or proposed action that is debated and voted upon by the States Assembly. Every proposition must have a proposer and must be accompanied by a background report and an estimate of the financial and staffing implications.
Draft Terrorism (Jersey) Law 200-
Published on: 7 May 2002
Lodged by: Home Affairs Committee
Debate date: 25 June 2002
Reference: P.75/2002
Draft Gambling (Pool Betting) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 200-
Lodged by: Gambling Control Committee
Debate date: 28 May 2002
Reference: P.74/2002
Draft Gambling (Licensing Provisions) (Amendment No. 13) (Jersey) Regulations 200-
Reference: P.73/2002
Draft Gambling (Betting) (Amendment No. 13) (Jersey) Regulations 200-
Reference: P.72/2002
Draft Harbours (Administration) (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Law 200-
Lodged by: Harbours and Airport Committee
Reference: P.71/2002
Confiscation of alcohol - introduction of legislation (P.46-2002) - report
Debate date: 21 May 2002
Reference: P.46/2002(Rpt)
Machinery of Government - proposed departmental structure and transitional arrangements
Published on: 30 April 2002
Lodged by: Policy and Resources Committee
Debate date: 24 July 2002
Reference: P.70/2002
Island Plan
Lodged by: Planning and Environment Committee
Debate date: 10 July 2002
Reference: P.69/2002
Jersey Potato Export Marketing Scheme 2001
Lodged by: Simon Crowcroft
Reference: P.68/2002
La Collette Fuel Farm, St. Helier - lease to Shell UK Ltd and Esso Petroleum Company Limited
Debate date: Withdrawn
Reference: P.67/2002
Draft Road Traffic (No. 53) (Jersey) Regulations 200-
Debate date: 11 June 2002
Reference: P.66/2002
Manual Workers' Joint Council - Employers' Side Membership
Lodged by: Human Resources Committee
Reference: P.65/2002
Draft Rehabilitation of Offenders (Exceptions) (Jersey) Regulations 200-
Lodged by: Legislation Committee
Reference: P.64/2002
Draft Rehabilitation of Offenders (Jersey) Law 2001 (Appointed Day) Act 2002
Reference: P.63/2002
Field 141, La Rue Horman, Grouville - sale of land
Lodged by: Housing Committee
Debate date: 14 May 2002
Reference: P.62/2002