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Tuesday, 12th December 2000
Nomination of the Connétable of St. John as a member of Employment and Social Security Committee.
- Papersforinformation
Matters presented under Standing Order 6A(1)(a)
Human Resource Strategy. R .C . 4 1 /2 0 0 0 Human Resources Committee.
Matters presented under Standing Order 6A(1)(b)
- Notification ofStanding Order decisions
- Notification ofacceptanceoftenders
- Paperstobelodged "au Greffe" under Standing Order17A(1)(a)
Draft Police Force (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) Law 2000 (Appointed Day) Act 200-. P.224/2000
Home Affairs Committee.
Manual Workers' Joint Council: Employers' Side membership - 2001. P.225/2000 Human Resources Committee.
- Notification ofPaperslodged "au Greffe" under Standing Order17A(1)(b)
- Papersforconsiderationby the States in CommitteeunderStanding Order 38A
THE STATES are asked to agree that the following matters lodged "au Greffe" will be considered at the next meeting on 16th January 2001 -
Committee of Inquiry: Pioneer Coaches Ltd., Town Hoppa Bus' service. P. 172/2000 Lodged: 10th October 2000
Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour .
Committee of Inquiry: Pioneer Coaches Ltd., Town Hoppa Bus' service (P.172/2000): report. P. 1 72/2000
Presented: 21st November 2000 R p t. Public Services Committee.
Housing Regulations: reduction in residence period. P. 212/2000 Lodged: 21st November 2000
Housing Committee.
Draft Housing (General Provisions) (Amendment No. 14) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.213/2000
Lodged: 21st November 2000
Housing Committee.
In accordance with Standing Order 17(6) the following Paper is deemed to have been withdrawn -
Senators and Deputies: terms of office. P. 1 9 9 /9 9 Lodged: 7th December 1999.
Deputy A. Breckon of St. Saviour .
Senator Paul Vincent Francis Le Claire will ask a question of the Housing Committee on the return of deposits to tenants.
Senator Paul Vincent Francis Le Claire will ask a question of the Sport, Leisure and Recreation Committee regarding the closure of the swimming pool at Fort Regent.
Deputy Jeremy Laurence Dorey of St. Helier will ask a question of the Legislation Committee regarding the Parish Rates Review.
Deputy Jeremy Laurence Dorey of St. Helier will ask a question of the Industries Committee regarding the determination of applications under the Regulation of Undertakings and Development (Jersey) Law 1973, as amended.
Deputy Gerard Clifford Lemmens Baudains of St. Clement will ask questions of the Home Affairs Committee regarding police procedures for the monitoring of police officers' driving, the treatment of members of the public reporting crime or seeking help, and the possible issue of C.S. gas to police officers.
Deputy Gerard Clifford Lemmens Baudains of St. Clement will ask questions of the Public Services Committee regarding the proposal to introduce a speed limit on Grouville 's coast road; pavement alterations in St. Clement and resurfacing of roads.
Deputy Lyndon John Farnham of St. Saviour will ask a question on the President of the Planning and Environment Committee regarding Field 378, St. Saviour .
Deputy Lyndon John Farnham of St. Saviour will ask a question on the President of the Jersey Transport Authority regarding the re-establishment of air links with Heathrow.
The President of the Gambling Control Committee will make a statement concerning the Channel Island Lottery.
Employment legislation. P. 9 9 /2 0 0 0 Lodged: 20th June 2000.
Employment and Social Security Committee.
Employment legislation (P.99/2000): addendum to report. P. 9 9 /2000
Presented: 3rd October 2000. R p t.
Employment legislation (P.99/2000): amendments. P. 1 8 3 /2 0 0 0 Lodged: 24th October 2000.
Industries Committee.
Employment legislation (P.99/2000): amendments (P.183/2000) - amendment. P. 2 1 8/2000 Lodged: 21st November 2000.
Industries Committee.
Draft Harbours (Amendment No. 31) (Jersey) Regulations 200 . P.175/2000 Lodged: 10th October 2000
Harbours and Airport Committee.
Draft Harbours (Amendment No. 31) (Jersey) Regulations 200- (P.175/2000): comments. P.175/2000
Presented: 5th December 2000 C o m . Finance and Economics Committee.
Draft Amendment (No. 25) to the Tariff of Harbour and Light Dues. P.195/2000 Lodged: 7th November 2000.
Harbours and Airport Committee.
Draft Amendment (No. 25) to the Tariff of Harbour and Light Dues (P.195/2000):amendment. P.219/2000
Lodged: 21st November 2000.
Deputy P.F.C. Ozouf of St. Helier .
Draft Boats and Surf-Riding (Control) (Amendment No. 20) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.196/2000 Lodged: 7th November 2000
Harbours and Airport Committee.
Draft Boats and Surf-Riding (Control) (Amendment No. 20) (Jersey) Regulations 200- (P.196/2000):
comments. P. 1 9 6 /2 0 0 0 Presented: 5th December 2000 C o m .
Finance and Economics Committee.
Draft Subordinate Legislation (Amendment No. 2) Law 200- . P.205/2000 Lodged: 14th November 2000.
Legislation Committee.
Draft Criminal Justice (Compensation Orders) (Jersey) Regulations 200- . P. 206/2000 Lodged: 14th November 2000.
Legislation Committee.
Draft Criminal Justice (Compensation Orders) (Jersey) Regulations 200- (P.206/2000): addendum. P.206/2000
Presented: 21st November 2000. R p t. Legislation Committee.
50 Colomberie and 1 Little Green Street, St. Helier: conditions of sale. P.217/2000 Lodged: 21st November 2000.
Public Services Committee.
50 Colomberie and 1 Little Green Street, St. Helier : conditions of sale (P.217/2000): comments. P.217/2000
Presented: 5th December 2000 C o m . Planning and Environment Committee.
Draft Family Allowances (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P. 2 2 0 /2 0 00 Lodged: 28th November 2000.
Employment and Social Security Committee.
Draft Family Allowances (Jersey) Regulations 200- (P.220/2000): comments. P. 2 20/2000
Presented: 5th December 2000 C o m . Finance and Economics Committee
Health Services Disciplinary Tribunal: appointment of members. P.221/2000 Lodged: 28th November 2000
Employment and Social Security Committee.
C.M. NEWCOMBE Greffier of the States
7th December 2000
Senator Paul Vincent Francis Le Claire will ask the following question of the President of the Housing Committee on the return of deposits to tenants -
" M e mbers will be aware that in many other jurisdictions, security of tenure and the guaranteed return of deposits with
interest are available to tenants. Would the President advise members -
(a ) if the Committee is aware of any steps being taken to secure the return of tenants' deposits held by landlords?
(b ) w hether the Committee is considering legislation to cover the guaranteed return of such deposits together
with interest accrued?"
Senator Paul Vincent Francis Le Claire will ask the following question of the President of the Sport, Leisure and Recreation Committee regarding the closure of the swimming pool at Fort Regent -
"Wo uld the President advise members whether the swimming pool at Fort Regent has to be closed before the proposed
leisure pool on the Waterfront is to be opened and if the answer is in the affirmative, would he give the reasons for this decision?"
Deputy Jeremy Laurence Dorey of St. Helier will ask the following question of the President of the Legislation Committee regarding the Parish Rates Review -
" Fo llowing the States' approval on 24th May 1994 of the Parish Rates Review (P.124/93), the Parish Rates Law
Working Party first met in September 1998 to consider and prepare appropriate legislation. Would the President inform the Assembly -
(a ) w hat progress has been made in preparing legislation, in particular to implement a fixed rateable value, in
accordance with the provisions of P.124/93?
(b ) w hether the Working Party has confined its deliberations to the precise terms of P.124/93, or whether it has
also considered - in response to public expectation - other possible amendments to the 1946 Parish Rates Law, such as the abolition of Occupier's Rate, the removal of rates exemptions presently enjoyed by the States and the Crown, or any other matters not specified in P.124/93?
(c ) w hether there is presently any clear timescale for completion of the Working Party's task?"
Deputy Jeremy Laurence Dorey of St. Helier will ask the following question of the President of the Industries Committee regarding the determination of applications under the Regulation of Undertakings and Development (Jersey) Law 1973, as amended -
" U n der the terms of the Regulations of Undertaking and Development (Jersey) Law 1973, as amended, from January
2000 to-date, how many applications have been accepted and how many rejected from persons with less than 5 years' residence?"
Deputy Gerard Clifford Lemmens Baudains of St. Clement will ask the following questions of the President of the Home Affairs Committee regarding police procedures for the monitoring of police officers' driving, the treatment of members of the public reporting crime or seeking help, and the possible issue of C.S. gas to police officers -
"1 . Wo uld the President advise members -
(a ) w h e t h e r the Committee is considering following the United Kingdom Police Force by fitting black
boxes' to local police vehicles in order to assist accident investigation?
(b ) w h e t h er the Committee will follow the example of the Metropolitan Police whereby all police drivers
in London must undergo a new driving examination and two assessments before obtaining a driving permit?
2 . G iven that public confidence in the police is necessary for them to function efficiently, what measures does the
President intend to implement to ensure that -
( a) m e m b e rs of the public seeking help or reporting a crime are treated courteously and without undue
( b ) in fu tu re sufficient information is made available to allay public suspicion that the police receive
favourable treatment, especially with regard to motoring offences or accidents.
3 . ( a ) T he Chief Officer, States of Jersey Police Force, has intimated that he is in favour of issuing C.S. gas to
his officers. Would the President advise members if this matter is currently under consideration by the Committee?
(b ) B ef o r e a ny decision is taken to issue police officers with this equipment, would the President agree to
table a proposition in order that this matter may be debated by the Assembly, and if the answer is in the negative, would the President give his reasons?"
Deputy Gerard Clifford Lemmens Baudains of St. Clement will ask the following questions of the President of the Public Services Committee regarding the proposal to introduce a speed limit on Grouville 's coast road; pavement alterations in St. Clement and resurfacing of roads -
" 1 . With regard to the published decision to introduce a 30 mph speed limit on Grouville 's coast road, would the President -
(a ) a d v is e w hether the decision was in response to a request from the Parish?
( b ) c o n f ir m that as recently as July this year, the Committee agreed, in considering this speed limit
proposal, that it was "Not consistent with policy" .. and that .. "recorded speeds suggest a 30 miles per hour limit would not produce reductions"?
(c ) c o n f ir m that the Committee's policy accepts that, of the numerous requests it gets for changes to speed
limits, "in most cases investigation determines that speeds are not generally excessive, accidents have not occurred or are not speed related, and introducing a lower limit will offer no improvement in safety"?
(d ) c o nfirm that the proper procedure is for a Parish, after due deliberation, to request the Committee to
impose speed restrictions, and not for the President to exert pressure on a Parish to adopt a scheme and, if so, would he confirm that in future the Committee will act in line with these procedures?
2 . With regard to the pavement alterations that have been carried out recently by the Committee at the junction of
Green Road and St. Clement's coast road, would the President inform Members, given that a local firm can construct pavement, including resiting manholes, etc at a rate of 70 metres a week -
(a ) w h y , w ith the same sized gang, the c.70 metre south pavement (even allowing for realigning conduits)
took 9 weeks and the c.44 metre north pavement four weeks?
(b ) I n v i e w of the difference in efficiency, whether tenders were invited for the work and if not, why not?
(c ) w h e th e r estimates for this work were compared with known rates of local firms before deciding to do
the job in house'?
3 . With regard to the present poor state of our main roads, would the President advise -
(a ) h o w m u ch resurfacing has been done this year and how that compares with preceeding years?
(b ) w h a t p r ogress has been made by the working party tasked to investigate the problem and, whether its
conclusions will be published?"
Deputy Lyndon John Farnham of St. Saviour will ask the following question of the President of the Planning and Environment Committee regarding Field 378, St. Saviour -
" In relation to the rezoning and redevelopment of Fields 378 and 379, Five Oaks, St. Saviour, would the President
inform members -
(a ) w hether there are sufficient utilities in the area to support the development at this time?
(b ) in light of the delays in the sale of land by the current owners to the developer, and depending on the answer
to (a), when is the development likely to begin?"
Deputy Lyndon John Farnham of St. Saviour will ask the following question of the President of the Jersey Transport Authority regarding the re-establishment of air links with Heathrow -
" (a ) f o llowing the recent severance of air links with Heathrow Airport, and in the interest of users of air transport, would the President inform members what steps have been taken in an effort to re-establish an air link between Jersey and Heathrow?
( b ) d oes the JTA have any plans or a strategy in place that could lead to the re-establishment of an air link
between Jersey and Heathrow?"
Halkett Room, Morier House.
I will require lunch at today's meeting.
Signed................................................... Name..................................................
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