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Second Supplementary Order Paper 29th June 2004

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Tuesday 29th June 2004 SECOND SUPPLEMENTARY

  1. Papers for information

Matters presented under Standing Order 6A(1)(a)

Overseas Aid Committee Annual Report 2003. Overseas Aid Committee.

Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority: Internal Audit report. R.C.31/2004. Economic Development Committee.

Bus Service Tendering Process: Committee of Inquiry – terms of P.99/2004. reference and membership (P.99/2004) amendment Amd.Com (P.99/2004  Amd.) comments.

Policy and Resources Committee.

  1. Notification of Standing Order decisions

24th June 2004

Decisions under delegated functions. Finance and Economics Committee.

(d) Papers to be lodged "au Greffe" under Standing Order 17A(1)(a)

Draft States of Jersey Law 200-. P.124/2004. Privileges and Procedures Committee.


In accordance with Standing Order 22(3), the President of the Economic Development Committee has instructed the Greffier of the States to withdraw the draft Sea Fisheries (Minimum  Size  Limits)  (Amendment  No.  2)  (Jersey)  Regulations  200-,  (P.113/2004 lodged "au Greffe" on 8th June 2004), and set down for consideration at the next meeting on 6th July 2004.


The President of the Economic Development Committee will make a statement regarding the Internal Audit report presented to the States by the Committee at the present meeting. The Shadow Chairman of the Shadow Public Accounts Committee will make a statement regarding the Internal Audit report presented to the States by the Economic Development Committee at the present meeting.

M.N. DE LA HAYE Greffier of the States

28th June 2004.


(delegated functions)

24th June 2004

  1. a s recommendedby the Health and SocialServicesCommittee, the renewalofthelease from Mrs. Patricia Francis Bree, neé Baudains, and Mr.GraemeBreeofthethree-bedroom (j) categorypropertyknownasLe Becquet Carré,Pontac, St. Clement , for occupation by a Clinical Psychologist,for a period oftwoyears from 1st February 2004,at an annual rent of £21,434.07 payable quarterly in advance, with annual rent increases on 8thSeptember in line with the Jersey Retail Price Index, on the basis that all othertermsand conditions would remain ascontained in the previous lease;
  2. a s recommendedby the Harbours and Airport Committee, the lease to Hi-Speed Freight Services Limited of –

(i ) o ffice accommodation (Airport Letting B171A, B171D and B167);

(i i) ca rgo handling accommodation (Airport Letting B171B); and

(i ii)  l ow level storage accommodation (Airport Letting B171C and B166);

in th e Freight Terminal Building at Jersey Airport, St. Peter from 1st April 2004 to 31st December 2005 at

an initial annual rent of £27,116.27, to be reviewed on 31st March 2005 in line with the Jersey Retail Price Index;

  1. as recommended by the Harbours and Airport Committee, the lease to Despatch Delivery of storage accommodation (Airport Letting B172A) in the Freight Terminal Building at Jersey Airport, St.Peter from 1st April2004to 31st December2005 at an initial annual rent of £2,952, to bereviewedon31stDecember 2004 in line withthe Jersey Retail Price Index;
  2. a s recommendedby the Harboursand Airport Committee,the lease to Huelin Renouf Airfreight Limited of office accommodation (Airport Letting B136) in the Freight Terminal Building at Jersey Airport, St. Peter for a period of three years from 1st January 2004at an initial annual rent of £4,173, to be reviewed on 31st December2004and 31st December2005in line with the Jersey Retail Price Index;
  3. a s recommendedby the Harbours andAirportCommittee, the lease toRetroSports and Leisure of office accommodation (Airport Letting B146) in theFreight Terminal Building atJersey Airport, St, Peter from 1st December2003 to 31stDecember2005 at an initial annual rent of £1,854, to bereviewedon 31st December2004in line with the Jersey Retail Price Index;
  4. as recommended by the Harbours and AirportCommittee, the renewalof the leasetoGeorge Troy and Sons Limited of office accommodation(LettingN20) at the NewNorth Quay, St.Helier for a period ofthree years from 1st January 2004atanannual rent of £15,992.46, tobereviewedannually in line with the Jersey Retail Price Index;
  5. a s recommended by the Harbours and AirportCommittee, the renewal ofthe lease to St. Helier Port Services (tradingasGeorge Troy andSons Limited) of office accommodation (Letting N17)on the New NorthQuay,St.Helier for a period of three years from 1st April2004atanannual rent of £4,449.77, to be reviewedannually in line with theJerseyRetail Price Index;
  6. a s recommendedbythe Harbours and Airport Committee, the renewal of the lease to Huelin Renouf Shipping Limited ofaccommodation (Letting V25 - measuring 2,305  square feet) on the Victoria Pier, St. Helier, for use for the service and repairofcommercial vehicles, for a periodofnine years from 1st April 2004 at an annual rent of £18,440 (representing a rate of £8 a square foot), to bereviewedannuallyin line

with the Jersey Retail Price Index;

  1. a s recommended by the Harbours and Airport Committee,therenewalof the leasetoBontour Agencies Limited of office accommodation (Lettings A20 and A21) at the Albert Pier Walks, St. Helierfor a period of threeyears from 1stApril2004atanannualrentof£3,308, to bereviewedannuallyin line with the Jersey Retail Price Index;
  2. a s recommended by the Education, Sport and Culture Committee, the lease to the Jersey Electricity Company Limited of electricity Substation No. 40 situated atSnowHill,St. Helier, for a periodof50years deemed to have commenced on 1st January 1970 at an annual rent of£1 payable in total at the commencement of the lease, with each party to be responsible for its own legal costs arising from the transaction;
  3. a s recommendedby the EconomicDevelopmentCommittee, the sale

( i) to Mr. Peter John Lamy of Fields Nos. 285A, 285C and 359, St. Catherine, St. Martin (together

measuring 11,801 square metres - as shown on Professional Hi-Tech Services Limited Drawing No. P 539 01) for a consideration o£f10,000, with the public to retain the right to access the land for the purposes of maintaining the rockface to the south-east; and

(i i ) to Mrs. Pauline Emilie Renouf , née Lamy , of Field No 358, St. Catherine, St. Martin (measuring

6,166 square metres - as shown on Professional Hi-Tech Services Limited Drawing No. P 539 01 for a consideration of £2,000;

o n the basis that both Mr. Lamy and Mrs. Renouf would pay their respective share of the public's legal costs arising from the transactions, and also £400 each towards the fees of Professional Hi-Tech Services Limited in connexion with the production of the co-ordinated boundary drawing;

  1. a s recommended by the Health andSocialServicesCommittee,the renewal of the lease to Miss Lois Hesford oftheUpper Flat, LaPoucléeLodge,LaPouquelaye, St. Helierfor a period of nine years from 24th March 2004 at a commencingannualrentof£9,500,tobereviewedevery three years in line with the Jersey Retail Price Index, with all otherterms and conditions to remain asinthe previous lease, and onthe basis that each party wouldberesponsiblefor its own legal costs arising from the transaction;
  2. as recommended by the Education, Sport and Culture Committee, the entering into of a Deed of Arrangement with MissValentineAitken in order to permit a foul drainageconnection from herproperty known asSunnybank,GrandsVaux,St.Saviour into thesewer network serving GrandsVaux School, subject to MissAitkenbeingresponsible for the paymentof the public's reasonable legal costs up to a maximumof £1,000 together with a contribution of20 per cent towards the costofmaintenancein respect of those parts of the drainage system used by Miss Aitken in common with the public and sole' responsibility forany parts of the system serving MissAitken'sproperty exclusively;
  3. a s recommendedby the Health and SocialServices Committee –

(i ) th e entering into of a Deed of Arrangement with Mr. Edward Graham Mellish Chaplin, Mrs. Susan

Lilian Main, née Chaplin, and Miss Catherine Alexandra Chaplin (joint owners of La Preference Cottage, La Grande Route de St. Martin, St. Martin) and Mr. James David Fleming Main in order to clarify the boundary with La Preference and to formalise rights of way and service rights over the section of shared driveway; and

( ii ) th e cession to Mr. James David Fleming Main and Mrs. Susan Lilian Main, née Chaplin, of the

existing granite lean-to store (as identified on Drawing No.  16/125/01) in exchange for payment to the Committee of a maximum sum of £7,500 to enable it to construct a new store of equivalent size at La Preference, including blocking-up of the existing opening in the granite lean-to store, removal of electrical wiring, and cutting of a new opening in the north wall so as to allow access into an existing adjoining store already belonging to La Preference Cottage. Possession of the existing granite lean-to store would be deferred until the new store had been completed and paid for by the

owners of La Preference Cottage by means of a single lump sum payment upon completion of the new store. Each

party was to be responsible for its own legal fees in connexion with the drafting and passing of the contract through the Royal Court arising from this transaction, and each party would also pay 50 per cent of the land surveyor's fee of £523.75 for the production of the said Drawing No. 16/125/01.

(T h e Committee accordingly rescinded its Act No.  A2(d) of 19th February 2004);

  1. a s recommendedbytheEnvironmentand Public ServicesCommittee, the leaseto the Jersey Electricity Company Limited of electricity sub-stationNo. 399 situated atLaRuedelaMer, St. Peter , for a periodof 99 years,deemedtohavecommenced from 25th December2002, for anannual consideration of £10 payable intotalat the commencementof the lease, with all necessary cable and way-leave rights will be granted free of charge, on the basis that each party will beresponsiblefor its ownlegalcosts arising from the transaction.