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Order Paper 8th December 2005

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Thursday 8th December 2005


(b) Notification of Standing Order decisions

2nd December 2005

Decisions under delegated functions. Finance and Economics Committee.


  1. S election of Ministers.
  2. Appointment of chairman of the Privileges and Procedures Committee.
  3. Appointmentof chairman of the Public AccountsCommittee.
  4. Appointmentof chairmen of the Scrutiny Panels in the following order -

a )  Corporate Services b )  Economic Affairs c )  Social Affairs

d )  Environment

M.N. DE LA HAYE Greffier of the States

5th December 2005


(delegated functions)

2nd December 2005

  1. a s recommendedby the Environment and Public ServicesCommittee, the renewalof the lease toMr. Scott Meadows of a 3-bedroomhouse with gardenknown as No. 1 HowardDavisFarm, Trinity , for a periodof 12 months from 21st October2005, at anannual rent of£12,000 subject to rent review at the discretion of the Lessor,inaccordance with the Jersey Retail Price Index, onthebasis that the agreement would be terminable by either party upon onemonth's notice, that theleasewas to be granted upontenant'sinternal repairing terms with the public to be responsiblefor structural items,external repairs anddecoration,and with theLessee to beresponsible for the paymentofoccupier rates and utility invoices;
  2. a s recommended by the Environment and PublicServicesCommittee, the renewal of the lease to Mr.John Jackson of a 3-bedroomhouse with gardenknown as No. 3 HowardDavis Farm, Trinity , for a period of12 months from 1stNovember2005,atanannual rent of £13,260 subject to rent review at the discretion ofthe Lessor, in accordance with the Jersey Retail Price Index, on the basis that the agreement would be terminable by either party upon onemonth's notice, that theleasewas to be granted upontenant'sinternal repairing terms with the public to be responsiblefor structural items,external repairs anddecoration,and with theLessee to beresponsible for the paymentofoccupier rates and utility invoices;
  3. a s recommendedbytheHarbours and AirportCommittee, the saleto the Parish of St. Peterof a small parcel of land adjacentto the houseknown as Fairfield', Rue des Landes, St. Peter (the siteofthefootpathat the eastern endof the airfield), for a consideration of £10;
  4. a s recommendedby the Harboursand Airport Committee,the lease to Arthursyard Limited of the Café and Flat at St. Catherine's,St. Martin, for a period of 9 years from 7th July 2005, at anannual rent of£24,000 for the Café and£11,500 for the Flat (less a 10 per cent managementfee)tobereviewedannually in line with theJerseyRetail Price Index;
  5. a s recommendedby the Environment and PublicServicesCommittee,theassignmentto H.W. Maillard and Sons Limited from Mr. John HenryCurwood (trading asCurwood Garage) of the lease ofNo. 46Rouge Bouillon, St. Helier, whichhadcommencedon 9th July 2002and was due to expireon 8th July 2011, the present annual rent forwhichwas £5,658.63, payable quarterly, with the date ofassignment to beagreed between the Departmentof Property Services and H.W. Maillard andCompany Limited;
  6. a s recommendedbytheEnvironmentand Public ServicesCommittee, the assignment to Messrs.Manuel Rocha deAgostinhoandNelsonGoncalvesFaria (who would continue to trade from the premises) from Mr. Peter Kubeck,of the lease of Old Station Café, St. Lawrence (dated 14th January 2004),on the same terms, with the assignmentto take placeupon the signing of the relevant documentation;
  7. a s recommendedby the Economic DevelopmentCommittee, the saletoMr.DonaldErnestRault,owner of the propertyknownasLePetit Chalet, LaGrande Route delaTrinité, Trinity of the adjacent steep bank to Field No. 864, Trinity , togetherwith access rights onto Filed No. 864 for the purpose of maintaining any retaining structures, for a consideration of £10, on the basis that Mr. Rault wouldberesponsible for both parties' legal fees arising from the transaction;
  8. a s recommendedby the Housing Committee,thesale to Mr. John Marshall Maxeyof the propertyknownas L'Hôpital', La Route de St. Catherine, St. Martin , for a consideration of £450,000,onthebasis that each party would beresponsible for its ownprofessionalandlegalcosts arising from the transaction;
  9. a s recommended by the Environment and Public ServicesCommittee, the entering into of a Deed of Arrangement with The Spectrum Association in orderto ratify the present north-west facing façade of the Spectrum Building, Gloucester Street, St. Helier, specifically the projections (balconies) over the highway,

for a consideration of £24,000 payable by the Association, with each party to be responsible for its own legal fees

arising from the transaction, on the understanding that the Association's lawyers ( Bailhache Labesse) would undertake to produce the initial draft of the deed;

  1. a s recommended by the Environment and PublicServicesCommittee, the leasetoMr.RonnieQuémard, owner of Vue duSoleil', Le Pontdu Val, St. Brelade , of an adjoiningareaof land on Le Pont du Val(as shown onDrawingNo. 551 D1)for use for domestic purposesconnected with hisoccupancy ofVue du Soleil', for a period of10years from 1st January 2006, at an annualrentof£520,payable 6-monthly in advance on 1st January and 1st July each year, and subject to rent reviews on the third and sixth anniversaries ofthe lease;
  2. a s recommendedby the Health and SocialServicesCommittee, the purchase from Mr.EdwardGraham Mellish Chaplin, Mrs. Susan Lilian Mainnée Chaplin andMiss Catherine Alexandra Chaplin (ownersof La Preference Cottage', La Grande Route de St. Martin, St. Martin), of an area of land (measuring approximately 124 square metres, asshownonDrawingNo. 101/01) bordering tothewestof the presen entrance drivewaytoLa Preference Children'sHome,for a consideration of £10, with eachparty to be responsible for its ownlegalfees arising from the transaction;
  3. a s recommendedbythe Health andSocialServicesCommittee, the cancellation of a 99-year lease to the Jersey Electricity Company Limited ofthesiteofan electricity sub-station (No. 421)at the rear ofLes Amis and to the side of LeGeyt Adult Training Centre,LaGrandeRoutede St. Martin,St. Saviour, which had passed through the Royal Court on 9th October 1998, on the basis that the Company would retain cable wayleave rights (in accordance withamended Plan No. 26J, dated 28th April 2005) in respect ofwhich a Deed ofArrangement would be entered into,withtheCompany to remove all of its equipment and make good the site at its cost, and on the basis that each party wouldberesponsiblefor its ownlegalcosts arising from the transaction;
  4. as recommended by the Harbours and Airport Committee, the assignment to LGDF Limited (to be guaranteed byMr.FrancoVedovatti of 6 Ocean View Terrace, La Pouquelaye, St. Helier ) from Miss Charlotte Victoria Pinchard of the premisesknownasDriftwoodCafé,Archirondel,LaRoutedelaCôte, St. Catherine, St. Martin, on the sametermsand conditions, with the assignmentto take place uponthe signing of the relevantdocumentation, and on the basis that eachparty would be responsible for its own legal fees arising from the transaction, which was subject to satisfactory references in relation to the proposed Lessee; and,
  5. as recommended by the Harbours and Airport Committee, the lease to Bontour Agencies Limited of accommodation(designatedA51)ontheAlbertPier, St. Helier , for a periodof 3 years from 1st August 2005, at an annual rent of£19,845 to bereviewedannually in line with the Jersey Retail Price Index.