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Order Paper 21st November 2006

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Tuesday 21st November 2006

  2. TABLING OF SUBORDINATE ENACTMENTS (Explanatory note attached)

Tourism (General Provisions) (Amendment No.  13) (Jersey) R&O 121/2006. Order 2006.

Minister for Economic Development.

Places of Refreshment (Registration) (Fees) (Jersey) Order R&O 122/2006. 2006.

Minister for Economic Development.

Dentists (Ancillary Dental Workers – Fees) (Jersey) Order R&O 123/2006. 2006.

Minister for Health and Social Services.

Cremation (Fees) (Jersey) Order 2006. R&O 124/2006. Minister for Health and Social Services.

Royal Court (Amendment No.  4) Rules 2006. R&O 125/2006. Superior Number of the Royal Court.


Land Transactions under Standing Order 168(3) – Field 424, R.89/2006. Corbière, St. Brelade – sale of a road, granting of service

rights and exchange and counter-exchange of land.

Presented: 14th November 2006.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Rates (Jersey) Law 2005: the rating of agricultural land. R.90/2006. Presented: 15th November 2006.

Comité des Connétable s.


Ministerial Government- review of first 12 months P.77/2006 (P.77/2006) – amendment (P.77/2006 Amd.) : amendments. Amd.Amd. Lodged: 17th November 2006.

Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour

Draft Sea Fisheries (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment P.147/2006. No. 4) (Jersey) Regulations 200-.

Lodged: 10th November 2006.

Minister for Planning and Environment.

Draft Sea Fisheries (Minimum Size Limits) (Amendment P.148/2006. No. 3) (Jersey) Regulations 200-.

Lodged: 10th November 2006.

Minister for Planning and Environment.

Draft Sea Fisheries (Log Books and Landing Declarations) P.149/2006. (Jersey) Regulations 200-.

Lodged: 10th November 2006.

Minister for Planning and Environment.

Draft Restriction on Smoking (Vending Machines) P.150/2006. (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 200-.

Lodged: 14th November 2006.

Minister for Health and Social Services.

Draft Crime (Disorderly Conduct and Harassment) (Jersey) P.151/2006. Law 200-.

Lodged: 14th November 2006.

Minister for Home Affairs.

Fulfilment Industry Policy. P.152/2006. Lodged: 17th November 2006.

Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel.

  1. – Written Questions (attached)
  1. T  he Minister for Planning and Environment will table an answer to the following  questions  asked  by   Deputy  G.C.L.  Baudains  of  St.  Clement regarding test boreholes for groundwater.
  2. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.C.L. Baudains of St. Clement regarding the origin and use of the £20 million savings.
  3. T  he Minister for Planning and Environment will table an answer to a question  asked  by   Deputy  R.G.  Le Hérissier  of  St.  Saviour  regarding telephone masts.
  4. The Attorney General will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour regarding the term Titular Head' of the Honorary Police.
  5. The Minister for Transport and Technical Services will table an answer to a question asked by Connétable A.S. Crowcroft of St. Helier regarding the covenant on the Bellozanne site.
  6. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding restructuring of Jersey Post.
  7. The Minister for Economic Development will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding the post of Retail Strategy Manager.
  1. The Minister for Economic Development will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern regarding the JCRA.
  2. The Minister for Social Security will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding income support.
  1. – Oral Questions (90 minutes)

Deputy J.A. Martin of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Chief Minister–

  "I n h is reply to my question on 12th September regarding whether Jersey

had any powers to vet who, from Romania and Bulgaria, may come to live and work in Jersey, the Chief Minister agreed the Island could contact the U.K Government to raise its concerns. Would the Minister inform members of the progress and outcome of his discussions as these two countries will join the EU on 1st January 2007?"

Deputy D. Mezbourian of St. Lawrence will ask the following question of the Minister for Housing –

" W i l l the Minister advise what consultation, if any, he has had with the Planning and Environment Department to ascertain the proximity of any telephone masts and base units, to all States rental accommodation in the Island?"

Senator B.E. Shenton will ask the following question of the Chief Minister –

" G i v en that the Jersey House Price Index stated that 8% of properties were purchased by j' category licence holders during the third quarter of 2006, would the Minister advise the Assembly what effect the change in j' category housing controls has had on the increase in house price inflation? How has this change in policy affected the housing market for local residents, and has it been inflationary?"

Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Chief Minister–

  "W  i ll the Chief Minister inform members what percentage of households

in the 2004/5 Household Expenditure Survey (HES) had incomes below 50% of the median income of £34,000, an indicator of relative poverty levels, along with the reasons for its non-inclusion given that this figure was included in both the 1993/4 and 1998/9 surveys?"

Deputy S.S.P.A. Power will ask the following question of the Minister for Planning and Environment –

" O n 13th September 2006, during the debate on the Annual Business Plan 2007, an amendment relating to third party planning appeals was withdrawn following assurances given by Ministers that funding to introduce third party appeals would be available from 1st January 2007. Would the Minister inform members whether it is still his intention to introduce third party appeals from that date and, if not, why not?"

Deputy J.A.N. Le Fondré will ask the following question of the Minister for Planning and Environment –

" F u rt her to his report dated August 2006 in respect of his review of the development of Fields 848, 851 etc in St Lawrence, in which the Minister produced 5 reasons for refusing the application, will the Minister have regard to whether these 5 grounds for refusal have been

satisfied in the event that any future application is forthcoming on this site?"

Deputy J.A. Martin of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Transport and Technical Services –

  "R  e c ently, the Minister assured members that the bus contracts had been

awarded on an even playing field basis. In one of his answers he stated "the estimate submitted by Connex for the proposed summer service was indeed optimistic" and "we based our internal calculations on the known figures that are provided by the current Easylink -Tantivy service". Would the Minister explain the use of those figures in this way?"

Deputy D.W. Mezbourian of St. Lawrence will ask the following question of the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture –

" In J une, the Minister advised members that First Tower, Bel Royal and Les Quennevais schools would not be able to cope with the expected demand for places if development permission was approved for the then current application on Fields 848, 851, 853 and 854. Will the Minister state whether the capacity at those schools has increased and advise the current availability?"

The Deputy of St. Martin will ask the following question of the Minister for Home Affairs –

  "T  h e States approved paragraph 3.2.1 of the Strategic Plan, which was to

establish a police consultative group, either through separate primary legislation or a new Police Force Law by 2008.' What steps has the Minister taken to address the matter, how is it being progressed, and has a time table been agreed to ensure that the matter is addressed by 2008?"

Deputy G.C.L. Baudains of St. Clement will ask the following question of the Minister for Planning and Environment –

" W il l the Minister inform members what effect adopting the Kyoto convention on climate change will have on Jersey, and explain how such adoption will integrate with the Strategic Plan?"

Deputy G.C.L. Baudains of St. Clement will ask the following question of the Chief Minister–

" W il l the Minister explain whether he has  decided to  proceed with biometric identity cards, what consultation has taken or will take place, and what opt-out facilities will be available?"

Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour will ask the following question of the Minister for Home Affairs –

  "W  o u ld the Minister identify the cost and time commitment of the

consultants employed to assist in the production of the Prison Improvement Plan (PIP)?"

Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour will ask the following question of the Minister for Treasury and Resources

" W o u ld the Minister inform the Assembly whether local postal rates are in any way affected by the postal imbalance created by the postage of items for the fulfilment industry?"

The Deputy of St. Martin will ask the following question of the Minister for Economic Development –

" £ 1 0,000  has  been  granted  to "Tennerfest" from  the  Tourism

Development  Fund  for  each  of  the  past  two  years.   What  is  the justification  for the grant, what use was the grant put to and what system is in place to monitor the number of visitors attracted to the Island to participate in the Tennerfest promotion?"

Connétable G.W. Fisher of St. Lawrence will ask the following question of the Minister for Planning and Environment –

  "O  n 4 th July 2006, the States approved the Island Plan 2002: Policy H2:

Fields 848, 851, 853 and 854 (P.48/2006) and requested the Minister to seek to amend paragraph 8.71 of the Island Plan 2002 which related to these fields so that a maximum of 97 homes could be created on the site. Would the Minister inform members when he proposes to lodge the amendment as requested by the States?"

  1. – Questions to Ministers without notice (30 minutes)-   (ro ta attached)

1st question period –  Minister for Transport and Technical Services 2nd question period  Minister for Health and Social Services.


Ministerial Government: review of first 12 months. P.77/2006. Lodged: 20th June 2006.

Senator B.E. Shenton.

Ministerial Government: review of first 12 months P.77/2006. (P.77/2006) – comments. Com. Presented: 6th November 2006.

Council of Ministers.

Ministerial Government: review of first 12 months P.77/2006. (P.77/2006) – amendment. Amd. Lodged: 7th November 2006.

Privileges and Procedures Committee.

Ministerial Government- review of first 12 months P.77/2006 (P.77/2006) – amendment (P.77/2006 Amd.) : amendments. Amd.Amd. Lodged: 17th November 2006.

Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour

Draft Restriction on Smoking (Workplaces) (Jersey) P.114/2006. Regulations 200-.

Lodged: 22nd September 2006.

Minister for Health and Social Services.

Draft Restriction on Smoking (Workplaces) (Jersey) P.114/2006 Regulations 200-  (P.114/2006): amendments. Amd. Lodged: 7th November 2006.

Minister for Economic Development.

Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006: extension to Jersey. P.117/2006. Lodged: 26th September 2006.

Chief Minister.

Le  Marais Low Rise Redevelopment Phase 2: redefinition of P.121/2006. boundaries.

Lodged: 3rd October 2006.

Minister for Housing.

Draft Family Allowances (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.123/2006. Lodged: 5th October 2006.

Minister for Social Security.

Draft Bankruptcy (Désastre) (Pensions) (Jersey) Regulations P.124/2006. 200-.

Lodged: 10th October 2006.

Minister for Economic Development.

Draft Administrative Decisions (Review) (Amendment No. 2) P.127/2006. (Jersey) Law 2006 (Appointed Day) Act 200-.

Lodged: 20th October 2006.

Privileges and Procedures Committee.

Draft Human Rights (Jersey) Law 2000 (Appointed Day) Act P.140/2006. 200-.

Lodged: 30th October 2006.

Chief Minister.

Committee of Inquiry: mobile telecommunications. P.144/2006. Lodged: 2nd November 2006.

Deputy P.J.D. Ryan of St. Helier .

Jersey Overseas Aid Commission: appointment of Non-States P.146/2006. Commissioner.

Lodged: 7th November 2006.

Deputy J.J. Huet of St. Helier.


5th December 2006

Budget 2007. P.130/2006 Lodged: 24th October 2006.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Draft Finance (Jersey) Law 200-. P.131/2006 Lodged: 24th October 2006.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Draft Income Tax (Amendment No.  26) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.132/2006 Lodged: 24th October 2006.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Establishment of a Stabilisation Fund and Policy for Strategic P.133/2006 Reserve.

Lodged: 24th October 2006.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Draft The Law Society of Jersey Law 2005 (Appointed Day) Act P.115/2006. 200-.

Lodged: 25th September 2006.

Chief Minister.

Draft States of Jersey (Transfer of Functions No. 2) (Planning and P.125/2006. Environment to Economic Development) (Jersey) Regulations 200-.

Lodged: 18th October 2006.

Chief Minister.

Draft Health Insurance (Medical Benefit) (Amendment) (Jersey) P.129/2006 Regulations 200-.

Lodged: 24th October 2006.

Minister for Social Security.

Draft Public Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (New P.136/2006. Members) (Amendment No. 11) (Jersey) Regulations 200-.

Lodged: 24th October 2006.

Chief Minister.

Draft Public Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (Existing P.137/2006. Members) (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) Regulations 200-.

Lodged: 24th October 2006.

Chief Minister.

Draft Amendment (No. 31) to the Tariff of Harbour and Light Dues. P.138/2006. Lodged: 24th October 2006.

Minister for Economic Development.

Draft Amendment (No. 31) to the Tariff of Harbour and Light Dues P.138/2006. (P.138/2006): comments. Com. Presented: 7th November 2006.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Draft Harbours (Amendment No. 40) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.139/2006. Lodged: 24th October 2006.

Minister for Economic Development.

Draft Harbours (Amendment No. 40) (Jersey) Regulations 200- P.139/2006. (P.139/2006): comments. Com.

Presented: 7th November 2006. Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Data Protection Commissioner: appointment. P.142/2006. Lodged: 1st November 2006.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Data Protection Tribunal: appointment. P.143/2006. Lodged: 1st November 2006.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

16th January 2007

Draft States of Jersey (Amendment No.  3) Law 200-. P.126/2006. Lodged: 20th October 2006.

Privileges and Procedures Committee.

Draft Employment (Amendment No.  2) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.128/2006. Lodged: 20th October 2006.

Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier.

Draft Employment (Amendment No.  3) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.134/2006 Lodged: 24th October 2006.

Minister for Social Security.

Draft Employment Tribunal (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.135/2006 Lodged: 24th October 2006.

Minister for Social Security.

Draft Highway Encroachments (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) P.141/2006. Regulations 200-.

Lodged: 31st October 2006.

Minister for Transport and Technical Services.

Draft Sea Fisheries (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment No. 4) P.147/2006. (Jersey) Regulations 200-.

Lodged: 10th November 2006.

Minister for Planning and Environment.

Draft Sea Fisheries (Minimum Size Limits) (Amendment No. 3) P.148/2006. (Jersey) Regulations 200-.

Lodged: 10th November 2006.

Minister for Planning and Environment.

Draft Sea Fisheries (Log Books and Landing Declarations) (Jersey) P.149/2006. Regulations 200-.

Lodged: 10th November 2006.

Minister for Planning and Environment.

Draft Restriction on Smoking (Vending Machines) (Amendment) P.150/2006. (Jersey) Regulations 200-.

Lodged: 14th November 2006.

Minister for Health and Social Services.

Draft Crime (Disorderly Conduct and Harassment) (Jersey) Law 200- P.151/2006. .

Lodged: 14th November 2006.

Minister for Home Affairs.

Fulfilment Industry Policy. P.152/2006. Lodged: 17th November 2006.

Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel.

30th January 2007

Composition and Election of the States Assembly: proposed reform. P.145/2006. Lodged: 3rd November 2006.

Senator B.E. Shenton.

A.H. HARRIS Deputy Greffier of the States

16th November 2006 Note

In accordance with a decision of the States on 25th October 2005, this meeting will continue, if necessary, on Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd November 2006.

Explanatory Note regarding subordinate legislation tabled at this meeting. (See Item B)


The effect of this Order is to reduce the fees payable under the Tourism (Jersey) Law 1948 for the registration, or the renewal of the registration, of premises listed in the Schedule to this Order. The decrease will take effect on the 1st January 2007. The decrease in the amount of the fees is approximately 11%. The fees were last increased on 1st October 2005.

The Order was made on 7th November 2006 and comes into force on 1st January 2007.


The effect of this Order is to increase the fee for registration, or renewal of a registration, of a place of refreshment as required under the Places of Refreshment (Jersey) Law 1967. The increase will take effect on the 1st January 2007. The fee was last increased on 1st January 2006. The fee represents an increase of approximately 2.5%.

The Order was made on 7th November 2006 and comes into force on 1st January 2007.


This Order increases the fees payable by ancillary dental workers for the entry, or the restoration, of the workers' names in one of the rolls kept in relation to ancillary dental workers of various types, from £38 to £39. The Order also reduces the fee chargeable for retention of a person's name on the roll from £25.50 to £23.00.

The Order was made on 8th November 2006 and will come into force on 1st January 2007. R&O.124/2006

This Order increases the fee for the cremation of an adult from £238 to £262 and increases from £44 to £45 the fee payable for completion of certain medical certificates required under the Cremation (Jersey) Law 1953.

The Order was made on 8th November 2006 and will come into force on 1st January 2007. R&O.125/2006

These Rules are concerned with matters of pleading and procedure in the Royal Court when issues arising under the Human Rights (Jersey) Law 2000 fall to be determined by it. The Rules insert a new Part 9A in the Royal Court Rules 2004 applying to proceedings in any division of the Court (see Rule 9A/1(2)).

Rule 9A/2 govern what must be specified in pleadings if a party seeks to rely on the Human Rights Law (see the wide definition of pleading' in Rule 9A/1(1)).

Under the draft Rule 9A/3(1) & (2), the Court will not be able to make a declaration of incompatibility unless notice has been given to the Attorney General and he has been joined as a party to the proceedings. The remainder of Rule 9A/3 is self-explanatory in terms of the procedure to be followed where a party includes a claim for a declaration of incompatibility or where a claim is made under the Human Rights Law in respect of a judicial act (see Article 10 of the Human Rights Law). The Court will give directions in certain cases (note that Court', where necessary, includes the Bailiff and the Judicial Greffier by virtue of the general definition of Court' in Rule 1/1(1) of the principal Rules).

The draft Rule 9A/4 will make provision as to certain rules of evidence when a claim is heard by the Court for a remedy under Article 8 of the Human Rights Law in respect of a judicial act which is alleged to have infringed the claimant's Article 5 Convention Rights, and which is based on a finding by another court or tribunal that the claimant's Convention Rights have been infringed.

The Rules were made by the Superior Number of the Royal Court on 13th November 2006 and come into force on the same date as the Human Rights Law itself, namely, 10th December 2006 (Rule 2).


  1. The Minister for Planning and Environment will table an answer to the following questions asked by Deputy G.C.L. Baudains of St. Clement -

" 1 . With reference to the document entitled Test boreholes completed successfully' would the Minister inform members –

( a ) w h e th e r the choice of sites for the boreholes was limited to the east coast and where

landowners wanted new boreholes?

      (b )  w h a t t y p e of liner was used in the La Rocque borehole and whether the liner was damaged

during drilling through the plug'? If so, did this compromise the test?

      (c ) w h e th e r t he plug' was made of plain cement and drilled before it had a chance to harden?    2 . W ould the Minister advise –

      (a ) w h a t e x p erience the drillers and the BGS personnel selected to undertake this work had of this

type of operation?

(b ) w h e th e r there were problems with the La Rocque borehole and, if so, why he has stated The

experimental drilling went according to plan .' Effective seals against shallower groundwater was achieved at both sites' and I am delighted that both boreholes have now been completed successfully'?

      (c )  w h y b o re holes already in existence (where water was first struck below 90 metres) were not

used instead of drilling new ones?

      (d ) w h y i s o to pic testing was chosen and whether this method is capable of distinguishing between

Jersey underground water and underground water on the adjacent French coast?

      (e )  o f t h e i s otopic signature of the St. Catherine bore and state whether he has received data to compare this with the signature from water of the Granville area of France?

(f ) w h e t h e r h e will be investigating the provenance of the water under the Ecréhous?

      ( g ) w h e th e r  he will be  pursuing  and evaluating whether any  groundwater  connection  exists

between the Royal Bay of Grouville and the Pointe D'Agon on the French coast following recent water-divining on this route?"

  1. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.C.L. Baudains of St. Clement

" W i t h regard to the £20 million savings that were due to be made in order to help fill the black hole', would the Minister give precise details of where the £20 million was taken from and exact details of what it has been decided to use it for?

W o u ld the Minister also advise what consultation took place with States' members with regard to the

change of use of the £20 million and why the change was not subject to a States' debate?"

  1. The Minister for Planning and Environment will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour -

   "W o u l d the Minister confirm that all mobile telephone masts for which he has given permission conform

to the requirements laid down by the Health and Social Services Department?

   In s u m mary, would the Minister state those requirements and any other pertinent advice received from

that Department?

   G i v e n the granting of four licences to mobile phone operators, would the Minister identify what steps

were taken to minimise a proliferation of masts?"

  1. The Attorney General will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour

" A r ti c le 4 of the Police (Jersey) Law 1974 states that the Honorary Police shall be under the general supervision of the Attorney General'. The term Titular Head' of the Honorary Police is frequently used. Would the Attorney General advise members what is meant by the term Titular Head' in regard to the Honorary Police?"

  1. The Minister for Transport and Technical Services will table an answer to a question asked by Connétable A.S. Crowcroft of St. Helier

" (a ) Would the Minister advise what progress has been made towards fulfilling the decision of the States on 13th July 2005, that the Committee be charged to work with the Parish of St. Helier to undertake further research and bring forward for consideration proposals for the resolution of the present covenant on the Bellozanne site'?

(b ) W ould the Minister explain his understanding of what benefits and protection for the Parish of St.

Helier are currently in place as a result of the covenant?

   (c ) D oes the Minister regard the existence of the covenant as an obstacle in his implementation of the

Solid Waste Strategy (P.95/2005) as adopted by the States, and if so why?"

  1. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier -

   "W i ll the Minister inform members what steps are under consideration in the restructuring of Jersey Post

following its incorporation and, in his position as shareholder on behalf of the States, what steps he will take to ensure the fair treatment of employees over redundancy terms?"

  1. The Minister for Economic Development will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier

   "I n a n swer to my question 3074 of 7th November 2006, the Minister informed members that the post of

Retail Strategy Manager resulted from transfer from another part of the department. Will he state which part? Will he also state when he expects to be in a position to report on the concept capitalisation of high margins' and the impact of high rents on the retail sector?"

  1. The Minister for Economic Development will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier

   "( a ) Will the Minister use his powers under Article 9(2) of the Postal Services (Jersey) Law 2004, if he

considers that it is desirable in the public interest to do so, to give to the JCRA written guidance in respect of the principles, procedures or policies to be followed by the Authority in relation to any other matter, in order to direct the JCRA to investigate and to report on whether there are potentially anti-competitive cross-subsidies in the trading conditions of –

(i ) Offshore Solutions Ltd, and

(i i) Promail

an d in d i c a te in what timescale a response is to be expected, and if not, why not?

(b ) W ill the Minister inform members when the JCRA will respond to the request for price rises on

letter mail rates both locally and to the UK?"

  1. The Minister for Social Security will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier

" W o u l d the Minister confirm the figures involving the spread of income support over income quintiles as suggested by him in debate on 24th October 2006, showing what the total cost would be if spread across the bottom, second and third quintiles rather than all in the bottom quintile?

   W h en will the Minister bring accurate costed figures of what compensation is required for the impact

GST on Income support to the Assembly?"


(See Item I(c)) irst 15 minute period Second 15 minute period ducation Sport and Culture Chief Minister