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States Order Paper 12th September 2011

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Monday 12th September 2011

  2. TABLING OF SUBORDINATE ENACTMENTS (Explanatory note attached)

Road Racing (Festival of Speed) (Jersey) Order 2011. R&O.101/2011. Minister for Transport and Technical Services.

Banking Business (General Provisions) (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) R&O.102/2011. Order 2011.

Minister for Economic Development.

Proceeds of Crime (Supervisory Bodies) (Designation of Supervisory Bodies) R&O.103/2011. (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Order 2011.

Minister for Economic Development.

Community Provisions (Restrictive Measures – Syria) (Amendment No. 3) R&O.104/2011. (Jersey) Order 2011.

Chief Minister.

Income Support (General Provisions) (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Order R&O.105/2011. 2011.

Minister for Social Security.

Conservation of Wildlife (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Order 2011. R&O.106/2011. Minister for Planning and Environment.

Road Racing (Motor Vehicle Rally) (No. 2) (Jersey) Order 2011. R&O.107/2011. Minister for Transport and Technical Services.

Community Provisions (Restrictive Measures– Libya) (Amendment No. 8) R&O.108/2011. (Jersey) Order 2011.

Chief Minister.

Community Provisions (Implementation of the mandate of the International R&O.109/2011. Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey)

Order 2011.

Chief Minister.

Education  (Discretionary  Grants– Amounts)  (Amendment  No. 3)  (Jersey) R&O.110/2011. Order 2011.

Minister for Education, Sport and Culture.

Community  Provisions  (Restrictive  Measures– Syria)  (Amendment  No. 4) R&O.111/2011. (Jersey) Order 2011.

Chief Minister.

Income  Support  (General  Provisions)  (Amendment  No. 7)  (Jersey)  Order R&O.112/2011. 2011.

Minister for Social Security.


Clos des Sables: further development– petition (P.121/2011) – report of the P.121/2011. Minister for Treasury and Resources. Rpt.

Presented: 31st August 2011. Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Ratification of the Agreement for the Exchange of Information relating to Tax P.137/2011. Matters between the Government of Jersey and the Government of the Add. Argentine Republic (P.137/2011): addendum.

Presented: 11th August 2011.

Chief Minister.

Jersey Overseas Aid Commission: annual report for 2010. R.98/2011. Presented: 28th July 2011.

Jersey Overseas Aid Commission.

H.M. Prison La Moye: Performance Improvement Plan. R.99/2011. Presented: 28th July 2011.

Minister for Home Affairs.

Ministerial visit to China: June 2011. R.100/2011. Presented: 29th July 2011.

Chief Minister.

Land Transactions under Standing Order 168(3) R.101/2011.

  1. The Town Park, Bath Street, St. Helier– Electricity Substation– proposed

99 year ground lease;

  1. New North Quay (Warehouse) N02 and Elizabeth Terminal (Office)

E43– lease.

Presented: 1st August 2011.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Jersey Council for Safety and Health at Work: appointment of members. R.102/2011. Presented: 2nd August 2011.

Minister for Social Security.

Land Transactions under Standing Order 168(3) – Les Quennevais Park, R.103/2011. Blocks D, E, F, G and H– proposed conversion of Long Leaseholds to Flying


Presented: 8th August 2011.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

International Services Entity Review: Green Paper. R.104/2011. Presented: 8th August 2011.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

States Members' Remuneration Review Body: recommendations for 2012. R.105/2011. Presented: 9th August 2011.

Privileges and Procedures Committee.

Land Transactions under Standing Order 168(3) – La Route de Ste. Marie– R.106/2011. proposed improvement at Bethlehem Methodist Church.

Presented: 10th August 2011.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Ministerial visit to Brussels: June 2011. R.107/2011. Presented: 11th August 2011.

Chief Minister.

Land Transactions under Standing Order 168(3) – La Collette (office and R.108/2011. outside area) LB04 and LB04A– lease; Albert Terminal (shop) A49–

assignment of concession.

Presented: 25th August 2011.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

States of Jersey Complaints Board: findings– complaint against a decision of R.109/2011. the Minister for Planning and Environment regarding Field 189, Sandhurst,

St. Ouen.

Presented: 25th August 2011.

Privileges and Procedures Committee.

Electoral Commission: proposed structure. R.110/2011. Presented: 7th September 2011.

Privileges and Procedures Committee.

School Exam Results (S.R.6/2011): response of the Minister for Education, S.R.6/2011. Sport and Culture. Res. Presented: 15th August 2011.

Minister for Education, Sport and Culture.

Migration: Control of Housing and Work (S.R.9/2011) – response of the Chief S.R.9/2011. Minister. Res. Presented: 22nd August 2011.

Chief Minister.

Social Housing Waiting Lists. S.R.11/2011. Presented: 25th August 2011.

Health, Social Security and Housing Scrutiny Panel.


Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 19th August 2011. Amd. Senator F. du H. Le Gresley.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): second amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 22nd August 2011. Amd.(2) Senator B.E. Shenton.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): third amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 26th August 2011. Amd.(3) Senator F. du H. Le Gresley.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): fourth amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 26th August 2011. Amd.(4) Senator S.C. Ferguson.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): fifth amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 26th August 2011. Amd.(5) Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): sixth amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 30th August 2011. Amd.(6) Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): seventh amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 30th August 2011. Amd.(7) Connétable of St. Helier.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): eighth amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 30th August 2011. Amd.(8) Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): ninth amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 30th August 2011. Amd.(9)

Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): tenth amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 30th August 2011. Amd.(10) Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): eleventh amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 30th August 2011. Amd.(11) Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): twelfth amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 30th August 2011. Amd.(12) Deputy of St Mary.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): thirteenth amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 30th August 2011. Amd.(13) Deputy of St Mary.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): fourteenth amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 30th August 2011. Amd.(14) Deputy of St Mary.

Draft Policing of Parks (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Regulations 201-. P.125/2011. Lodged: 26th July 2011.

Minister for Transport and Technical Services.

Chief Minister: election by an open ballot. P.126/2011. Lodged: 27th July 2011.

Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier.

States of Jersey Property Holdings and the States of Jersey Development P.127/2011. Company Limited: structures, operations, protocols and controls.

Lodged: 27th July 2011.

Senator S.C. Ferguson.

Draft Money Laundering and Weapons Development (Directions) (Jersey) P.128/2011. Law 201-.

Lodged: 29th July 2011.

Chief Minister.

Jersey Financial Services Commission: extension of Commissioners' P.129/2011. appointments.

Lodged: 1st August 2011.

Minister for Economic Development.

1(1)(k) Category Residents: referendum. P.130/2011. Lodged: 1st August 2011.

Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier.

Draft Currency Notes (Variation of Maximum Denomination No. 2) (Jersey) P.131/2011. Regulations 201-.

Lodged: 2nd August 2011.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Standing Orders: Answers to Questions. P.132/2011. Lodged: 3rd August 2011.

Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier.

Pan-Island Data Protection Commissioner. P.133/2011. Lodged: 5th August 2011.

Chief Minister.

Draft Motor Traffic (Third-Party Insurance) (Amendment No. 12) (Jersey) P.134/2011. Law 201-.

Lodged: 8th August 2011.

Minister for Transport and Technical Services.

Draft Employment Tribunal (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 201-. P.135/2011. Lodged: 8th August 2011.

Minister for Social Security.

Draft Health Insurance (Amendment No. 14) (Jersey) Law 201-. P.136/2011. Lodged: 9th August 2011.

Minister for Social Security.

Ratification of the Agreement for the Exchange of Information relating to Tax P.137/2011. Matters between the Government of Jersey and the Government of the

Argentine Republic.

Lodged: 10th August 2011.

Chief Minister.

Ratification of the Agreement for the Exchange of Information relating to Tax P.138/2011. Matters between the Government of Jersey and the Government of the Czech


Lodged: 11th August 2011.

Chief Minister.

Ratification of the Agreement for the Exchange of Information relating to Tax P.139/2011. Matters between the Government of Jersey and the Government of the

Republic of South Africa.

Lodged: 11th August 2011.

Chief Minister.

Draft Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians (Registration) (Amendment) P.140/2011. (Jersey) Law 201-.

Lodged: 11th August 2011.

Minister for Health and Social Services.

Draft Poisons (Jersey) Law 201-. P.141/2011. Lodged: 11th August 2011.

Minister for Health and Social Services.

Committee of Inquiry: Centenier Malcolm L'Amy. P.142/2011. Lodged: 18th August 2011.

Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St. Helier.

Draft Shipping (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 201-. P.143/2011. Lodged: 19th August 2011.

Minister for Economic Development.

Radon Gas Levels and Cancer Rates in Jersey. P.144/2011. Lodged: 19th August 2011.

Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St. Helier.

States of Jersey Law 2005: removal of restrictions on number of Ministers and P.145/2011. Assistant Ministers.

Lodged: 22nd August 2011.

Senator B.E. Shenton.

Road Fuel Price s: display. P.146/2011. Lodged: 23rd August 2011.

Senator A. Breckon.

Land Development Tax or equivalent mechanisms. P.147/2011. Lodged: 23rd August 2011.

Deputy of St. Mary.

States Members' Remuneration: expenses allowance. P.148/2011. Lodged: 24th August 2011.

Deputy S. Pitman of St. Helier.

Sunday trading legislation: additional considerations for the granting of a P.149/2011. permit.

Lodged: 25th August 2011.

Deputy of St. Mary.

Jersey Business Venture: future role. P.150/2011. Lodged: 5th September 2011.

Senator A. Breckon.

Public Employees Contributory Retirement Scheme: Committee of P.151/2011. Management– membership.

Lodged: 5th September 2011.

Chief Minister.

Draft Decimal Currency (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Law 201-. P.152/2011. Lodged: 7th September 2011.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Draft Amendment (No. 16) of the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey. P.153/2011. Lodged: 7th September 2011.

Privileges and Procedures Committee.


In accordance with Standing Order 34(1), the proposers of the following propositions lodged au Greffe' have informed the Greffier of the States that they are to be withdrawn–

Machinery of Government: review. P.76/2011. Lodged: 16th May 2011.

Council of Ministers.

Hand-held Devices in the States Chamber: trial. P.77/2011. Lodged: 17th May 2011.

Privileges and Procedures Committee.

  1. Written Questions (attached)
  1. The Minister for Economic Development will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour regarding the benefits of the fulfilment industry.
  2. The Minister for Economic Development will table an answer to a question asked by Senator B.E. Shenton regarding loans to businesses.
  1. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour regarding savings in the Procurement Department.
  2. The Minister for Health and Social Services will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour regarding Clinique Pinel.
  3. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answer to a question asked by Senator

F. du H. Le Gresley regarding a progress report on theWestwater' and Zephyrus' projects.

  1. The Minister for Health and Social Services will table an answer to a question asked by the Deputy of St. Mary regarding Clinique Pinel.
  2. The Minister for Economic Development will table an answer to a question asked by the Deputy of St. Mary regarding the Tourism Development Fund.
  3. The Minister for Transport and Technical Services will table an answer to a question asked by the Deputy of St. Mary regarding the composting scheme.
  4. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answer to a question asked by the Deputy of St. Mary regarding funding allocations for ICT.
  5. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answer to a question asked by the Deputy of St. Mary regarding staffing in his Department.
  6. The Minister for Social Security will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy M. Tadier of St. Brelade regarding the Housing component of Income Support.
  7. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy J.A.N. Le Fondré of St. Lawrence regarding costs incurred in respect of the Esplanade Quarter development.
  8. The Minister for Social Security will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding redundancy payments for the employees of Charles Le Quesne Limited.
  9. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding the administration of Charles Le Quesne Limited.
  10. The Minister for Health and Social Services will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding nursing staff.
  11. The Minister for Social Security will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding changes to Regulations governing Income Support.
  12. The Minister for Education, Sport and Culture will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding vacant teaching posts.
  13. The Chief Minister will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy A.E. Jeune of St. Brelade regarding the Channel Islands' Brussels office.
  14. The Minister for Home Affairs will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier regarding the Jersey Field Squadron.
  15. The Minister for Home Affairs will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier regarding convictions under the Crime (Disorderly Conduct and Harassment) (Jersey) Law 2008.
  16. The Minister for Economic Development will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier regarding the Bank Deposit Protection Board.
  1. The Minister for Economic Development will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier regarding the recommendations of the International Monetary Fund.
  2. The Minister for Economic Development will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier regarding the Jersey banking model.
  1. Oral Questions (120 minutes)
  1. Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Treasury and Resources–

"Would the Minister provide Members with details of the expenditure on advertising with the Jersey Evening Post by States Departments for in the last 12 month period, in order that a comparison can be made with the information he presented on 13th September 2010?"

  1. The Deputy of St. John will ask the following question of the Minister for Treasury and Resources–

"Was an outside negotiator used to negotiate the Lime Grove purchase instead of Property Holdings staff and, if so, under what terms was the negotiator engaged and what commissions were paid?"

  1. Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour will ask the following question of the Chief Minister– "Would the Minister explain the circumstances surrounding the move of the Chief Officer of

the Fire and Rescue Service to permanent status and outline whether 5 year contracts have any validity? 4. Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier will ask the following question of the HM. Attorney General–

"Would H.M. Attorney General advise whether allegations against the former Housing Minister

will be the subject of a criminal prosection and, if so, when?"

  1. Senator T.J. Le Main will ask the following question of H.M. Attorney General–

"Would H.M. Attorney General provide a detailed breakdown of the costs incurred in relation to the recent prosecution of a former States Senator for criminal charges and advise what costs were ordered against the accused; furthermore what costs were incurred in relation to that individual's litigation against the Chief Minister, the States Employment Board and the States of Jersey and what costs, if any, were ordered against him?"

  1. Deputy S. Pitman of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Treasury and Resources–

"Would the Minister outline for Members what the reasons were for the failed attempt to purchase the Lime Grove site for the States of Jersey Police Headquarters?"

  1. Deputy A.E. Jeune of St. Brelade will ask the following question of the Minister for Health and Social Services–

"Would the Minister advise whether any convenor of a professional body/organisation or other trade union representatives are funded' by their own associations or by Health and Social Services and whether States funding pays for their attendance at conferences, meetings and so on, particularly those related to their own organisations?"

  1. Deputy J.A.N. Le Fondré of St. Lawrence will ask the following question of the Minister for Treasury and Resources–

"Will the Minister confirm which States officer made the recommendation to him that he as Minister for Treasury and Resources should sign the Ministerial Decision to approve the Planning Obligations agreement for the Esplanade Quarter Development and will the Minister confirm the qualifications of that officer for making such a recommendation?"

  1. The Deputy of St. Martin will ask the following question of the Minister for Health and Social Services–

"Will the Minister give details of how the million pound growth fund to improve the hospital middle grade doctor service has been spent and outline any progress regarding the new contract for these doctors, stating what the position will be in relation to those who cannot agree to provide compulsory prospective cover because their hours are already long and onerous?"

  1. Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour will ask the following question of the Minister for Treasury and Resources–

"What was the total cost of the negotiations for the purchase of the Lime Grove building and who was in charge of these negotiations at civil service and political levels?

  1. Senator  T.J.  Le Main  will  ask  the  following  question  of  the  Minister  for  Treasury  and Resources–

"Given the difficulties I experienced whilst Housing Minister in dealing with the Property Holdings Department and following the Minister's comments at Scrutiny concerning their handling of the Lime Grove property transaction, what is the Minister doing to ensure this Department is working effectively?"

  1. Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Treasury and Resources–

"Does the Treasury Minister accept responsibility for the failure to purchase Lime Grove House

and would he state whether there will be a possible £8 million pounds additional cost to the taxpayer and, if so, does he consider this to have been an appropriate use of public funds?"

  1. The Deputy of St. John will ask the following question of the Minister for Economic Development –

"Would the Minister describe the events of 2nd September 2011 when the States tug Duke of Normandy' struck an under water object and advise what qualifications the Ships Master holds, how long the Master has been in post giving details of his background in local waters, if any, and give details of damage and cost of this and state how many passengers and crew were on board?"

  1. Deputy A.E. Jeune of St. Brelade will ask the following question of the Minister for Treasury and Resources–

"Does the Minister consider there is an alternate site to Lime Grove and, if so, when was this identified, what will it cost and when will it be actually ready for occupation?"

  1. Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Chairman of the Comité des Connétable s–

"Is the Chairman aware of any concerns surrounding the integrity of the electoral rolls and will he agree to conduct an investigation to include interviews with all Parishes and their officials regarding any operational difficulties experienced and the level of list anomalies with a view to recommending changes to the way the current system operates, if necessary?"

  1. Questions to Ministers without notice (30 minutes)

1st question period– Minister for Treasury and Resources

2nd question period– Chief Minister


The Chairman of the Jersey Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association will make a statement to mark the centenary of the Association.


Draft Annual Business Plan 2012. P.123/2011. Lodged: 18th July 2011.

Chief Minister.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 19th August 2011. Amd. Senator F. du H. Le Gresley.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): second amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 22nd August 2011. Amd.(2) Senator B.E. Shenton.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): third amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 26th August 2011. Amd.(3) Senator F. du H. Le Gresley.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): fourth amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 26th August 2011. Amd.(4) Senator S.C. Ferguson.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): fifth amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 26th August 2011. Amd.(5) Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): sixth amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 30th August 2011. Amd.(6) Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): seventh amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 30th August 2011. Amd.(7) Connétable of St. Helier.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): eighth amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 30th August 2011. Amd.(8) Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): ninth amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 30th August 2011. Amd.(9) Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): tenth amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 30th August 2011. Amd.(10) Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): eleventh amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 30th August 2011. Amd.(11) Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): twelfth amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 30th August 2011. Amd.(12) Deputy of St Mary.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): thirteenth amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 30th August 2011. Amd.(13) Deputy of St Mary.

Draft Annual Business Plan 2012 (P.123/2011): fourteenth amendment. P.123/2011. Lodged: 30th August 2011. Amd.(14) Deputy of St Mary.

Draft Sea Fisheries (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 201-. P.119/2011. Lodged: 27th June 2011.

Minister for Economic Development.

Medium Term Financial Plan: minimum lodging period. P.120/2011. Lodged: 28th June 2011.

Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier.

Medium Term Financial Plan: minimum lodging period (P.120/2011) – P.120/2011. amendment. Amd. Lodged: 13th July 2011.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Clos des Sables: further development– petition. P.121/2011. Lodged: 6th July 2011.

Deputy M. Tadier of St. Brelade.

Clos des Sables: further development– petition (P.121/2011) – report of the P.121/2011. Minister for Treasury and Resources. Rpt. Presented: 31st August 2011.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Draft The Law Society of Jersey (Amendment No. 3) Law 201-. P.122/2011. Lodged: 12th July 2011.

Chief Minister.

Chief Minister: election by an open ballot. P.126/2011. Lodged: 27th July 2011.

Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier.

Standing Orders: Answers to Questions. P.132/2011. Lodged: 3rd August 2011.

Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier.


Goods and Services Tax: exemption or zero-rating for health foods. P.81/2011. Lodged: 23rd May 2011.

Deputy S. Pitman of St. Helier.

Goods and Services Tax: exemption or zero-rating for health foods P.81/2011. (P.81/2011) – comments. Com. Presented: 4th July 2011.

Council of Ministers.

Goods and Services Tax: exemption or zero-rating for health foods P.81/2011. (P.81/2011) – comments. Com.(2)

Presented: 7th July 2011.

Minister for Health and Social Services.

Goods and Services Tax: exemption or zero-rating for health foods P.81/2011. (P.81/2011) – comments. Com.(3) Presented: 15th July 2011.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Goods and Services Tax: exemption or zero-rating for health foods P.81/2011. (P.81/2011) – amendment. Amd. Lodged: 13th July 2011.

Deputy S. Pitman of St. Helier.

Goods and Services Tax: exemption or zero-rating for health foods P.81/2011. (P.81/2011) – amendment (P.81/2011 Amd.)– comments. Amd.Com. Presented: 15th July 2011.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Gambling (Jersey) Law 201-: 25% of fines to go to Jersey Charities. P.124/2011. Lodged: 22nd July 2011.

Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St. Helier.

Draft Policing of Parks (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Regulations 201-. P.125/2011. Lodged: 26th July 2011.

Minister for Transport and Technical Services.

States of Jersey Property Holdings and the States of Jersey Development P.127/2011. Company Limited: structures, operations, protocols and controls.

Lodged: 27th July 2011.

Senator S.C. Ferguson.

Draft Money Laundering and Weapons Development (Directions) (Jersey) Law P.128/2011. 201-.

Lodged: 29th July 2011.

Chief Minister.

Jersey Financial Services Commission: extension of Commissioners' P.129/2011. appointments.

Lodged: 1st August 2011.

Minister for Economic Development.

1(1)(k) Category Residents: referendum. P.130/2011. Lodged: 1st August 2011.

Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier.

Draft Currency Notes (Variation of Maximum Denomination No. 2) (Jersey) P.131/2011. Regulations 201-.

Lodged: 2nd August 2011.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Pan-Island Data Protection Commissioner. P.133/2011. Lodged: 5th August 2011.

Chief Minister.

Draft Motor Traffic (Third-Party Insurance) (Amendment No. 12) (Jersey) Law P.134/2011. 201-.

Lodged: 8th August 2011.

Minister for Transport and Technical Services.

Draft Employment Tribunal (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 201-. P.135/2011. Lodged: 8th August 2011.

Minister for Social Security.

Draft Health Insurance (Amendment No. 14) (Jersey) Law 201-. P.136/2011. Lodged: 9th August 2011.

Minister for Social Security.

Ratification of the Agreement for the Exchange of Information relating to Tax P.137/2011. Matters between the Government of Jersey and the Government of the

Argentine Republic.

Lodged: 10th August 2011.

Chief Minister.

Ratification of the Agreement for the Exchange of Information relating to Tax P.137/2011. Matters between the Government of Jersey and the Government of the Add. Argentine Republic (P.137/2011): addendum.

Presented: 11th August 2011.

Chief Minister.

Ratification of the Agreement for the Exchange of Information relating to Tax P.138/2011. Matters between the Government of Jersey and the Government of the Czech


Lodged: 11th August 2011.

Chief Minister.

Ratification of the Agreement for the Exchange of Information relating to Tax P.139/2011. Matters between the Government of Jersey and the Government of the Republic

of South Africa.

Lodged: 11th August 2011.

Chief Minister.

Committee of Inquiry: Centenier Malcolm L'Amy. P.142/2011. Lodged: 18th August 2011.

Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St. Helier.

Radon Gas Levels and Cancer Rates in Jersey. P.144/2011. Lodged: 19th August 2011.

Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St. Helier.

States of Jersey Law 2005: removal of restrictions on number of Ministers and P.145/2011. Assistant Ministers.

Lodged: 22nd August 2011.

Senator B.E. Shenton.

Road Fuel Price s: display. P.146/2011. Lodged: 23rd August 2011.

Senator A. Breckon.

Land Development Tax or equivalent mechanisms. P.147/2011. Lodged: 23rd August 2011.

Deputy of St. Mary.

States Members' Remuneration: expenses allowance. P.148/2011. Lodged: 24th August 2011.

Deputy S. Pitman of St. Helier.

(Cannot be debated until 21st September 2011)

Draft Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians (Registration) (Amendment) P.140/2011. (Jersey) Law 201-.

Lodged: 11th August 2011.

Minister for Health and Social Services.

(Cannot be debated until 22nd September 2011)

Draft Poisons (Jersey) Law 201-. P.141/2011. Lodged: 11th August 2011.

Minister for Health and Social Services.

(Cannot be debated until 22nd September 2011)

Sunday trading legislation: additional considerations for the granting of a P.149/2011. permit.

Lodged: 25th August 2011.

Deputy of St. Mary.

(Cannot be debated until 22nd September 2011)

NOTE: Because of the requirement for a 6 week lodging period the Draft Amendment (No. 16) of the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey (P.153/2011) cannot be debated before 8th November 2011. As this matter impacts upon the appointment of the Chief Minister, the Privileges and Procedures Committee has indicated that it will seek the agreement of the Assembly, under Standing Order 26(7), to reduce the lodging period in order that this matter can be debated on 20th September 2011.

Draft Amendment (No. 16) of the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey. P.153/2011. Lodged: 7th September 2011.

Privileges and Procedures Committee.

8th November 2011

Disciplinary and grievance hearings: right to a friend. P.112/2011. Lodged: 7th June 2011.

Deputy of St. Martin.

Disciplinary and grievance hearings: right to a friend (P.112/2011) – P.112/2011. comments. Com. Presented: 4th July 2011.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Disciplinary and grievance hearings: right to a friend (P.112/2011) – P.112/2011. comments. Com.(2) Presented: 5th July 2011.

States Employment Board.

Disciplinary and grievance hearings: right to a friend (P.112/2011) – P.112/2011. comments. Com.(3) Presented: 5th July 2011.

Minister for Social Security.

Draft Shipping (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 201-. P.143/2011. Lodged: 19th August 2011.

Minister for Economic Development.

Jersey Business Venture: future role. P.150/2011. Lodged: 5th September 2011.

Senator A. Breckon.

Public Employees Contributory Retirement Scheme: Committee of P.151/2011. Management– membership.

Lodged: 5th September 2011.

Chief Minister.

Draft Decimal Currency (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Law 201-. P.152/2011. Lodged: 7th September 2011.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

M.N. DE LA HAYE Greffier of the States

7th September 2011 Note–

In accordance with the meeting dates fixed for 2011 by the Privileges and Procedures Committee, this meeting will continue, if necessary, on Tuesday 13th, Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th September 2011.

Explanatory Note regarding subordinate legislation tabled at this meeting. (See Item B)


This Order allows the Classic and Vintage Motor Racing Club of Jersey Limited to close roads to hold sprint races on the Five Mile Road on 26th August 2011 and hill climbs at Grève de Lecq on 27th and 28th August 2011.

The Order was made on 22nd July 2011 and came into force on being made. R&O.102/2011.

This Order would amend the Banking Business (General Provisions) (Jersey) Order 2002 to set out in more detail what an advertisement that invites deposits must say about deposit protection schemes and similar arrangements. The Order also corrects and updates some details.

Article 1provides that, in this Order, the Banking Business (General Provisions) (Jersey) Order 2002 may be referred to simply as the "principal Order".

Article 2sets out definitions relating to the provisions about deposit advertisements.

Article 3changes a cross-reference so that it is to the Collective Investment Funds (Recognized Funds) (Rules) (Jersey) Order 2003 and not its predecessor.

Articles 4, 6 and 7 change the expression "deposit taking" to "deposit-taking" for the sake of consistency with the Banking Business (Jersey) Law 1991.

Article 5dispenses with the need for applications for registration under the Banking Business (Jersey) Law 1991 to be made in duplicate.

Article 8

  1. corrects a cross-reference in paragraph 1 of Schedule 2 to the principal Order;
  2. changes the spelling of "deposit taker" to "deposit-taker" in paragraph 1 of that Schedule for the sake of consistency with the spelling elsewhere in that Schedule;
  3. replaces paragraph 4 of that Schedule to set out more detailed requirements for deposit advertisements, as noted above.

Article 9names the Order and provides for it to come into force 6 months after it is made. The Order was made on 25th July 2011 and comes into force on 25th January 2012.


This Order amends the Proceeds of Crime (Supervisory Bodies) (Designation of Supervisory Bodies) (Jersey) Order 2008. It postpones further, from midnight on 19th September 2011 to midnight on 19th March 2013, the point at which the Jersey Financial Services Commission will cease to exercise supervisory functions over lawyers and accountants under that Order.

The Order was made on 25th July 2011 and came into force on 1st August 2011. R&O.104/2011.

This Order gives effect in Jersey to Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 755/2011 of 1 August 2011 (OJ L 199, 2.8.2011, p.33), which further amends Council Regulation (EU) No. 442/2011 of 9 May 2011 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Syria (OJ L 121, 10.5.2011, p.1).

The amendment adds persons to the list of those subject to the restrictive measures. The list appears as Annex II to that Regulation and was substituted by Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 504/2011 of 23 May 2011, OJ L 136, 24.5.2011, p.45 and amended by Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 611/2011 of 23 June 2011, OJ L 164, 24.6.2011, p.1.

The Order was made on 9th August 2011 and came into force on 10th August 2011.


This Order amends the Income Support (General Provisions) (Jersey) Order 2008 ("2008 Order").

Article 2amends Article 5 of the 2008 Order so that a person is to be treated as being a member of the same household as another person with whom he or she is living as part of a family unit if he or she is–

  1. under 25 and undergoing education or training on a course approved by the Minister for Social Security; or
  2. under 19 and actively seeking full time employment,

and, in either case, is not eligible for the personal care element, or is only eligible for it at the lowest rate.

Article 3amends paragraph 5 of Schedule 2 to the 2008 Order. Firstly, the amendment has the effect that 100% of any income of a child of a household that is derived from a pension is disregarded. Secondly, a person under 25 who is undertaking education or training on a course approved by the Minister for Social Security, and is treated as living in the household of another person under Article 5 of the 2008 Order, will have 100% of his or her earnings and any income derived from a pension disregarded, up to the value of the basic component to which he or she is entitled under Article 5(2)(a) of the Income Support (Jersey) Law 2007. The adult rate of the basic component is currently set at £92.12.

Article 4gives the title of this Order and provides for its commencement on 5th September 2011. The Order was made on 16th August 2011 and came into force on 5th September 2011.


This Order amends Schedules 1, 3 and 4 to the Conservation of Wildlife (Jersey) Law 2000, to substitute for the scientific name of the green lizard the names "Lacerta viridis, or Lacerta bilineata", reflecting the current state of scientific knowledge.

The Order was made on 17th August 2011 and came into force 24th August 2011. R&O.107/2011.

This Order allows the Jersey Motor Cycle and Light Car Club to hold motor rallies on 8 courses (in 8 parishes) on Friday 14th and Saturday 15th October 2011.

The Order was made on 19th August 2011 and came into force on being made. R&O.108/2011.

This Order gives effect to Council Regulation (EU) No. 804/2011 of 10th August 2011 amending Council Regulation (EU) No. 204/2011 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya. Effectively, 2 more names are added to the list of persons in relation to whom restrictions are imposed in view of the situation in Libya.

The Order was made on 19th August 2011 and came into force on 20th August 2011. R&O.109/2011.

This Order amends the Community Provisions (Implementation of the mandate of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia) (Jersey) Order 2007 ("principal Order") in two respects.

First, this Order implements Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 715/2011 of 19th July 2011, in force on 23rd July 2011, by updating the list of persons in respect of whom funds and economic resources are frozen.

Second, this Order replaces the current Article in the principal Order relating to the provision of information to the Commission with more extensive provisions concerning disclosure of information and restrictions on such disclosure, such provisions being consistent with provisions included in more recent Community Provisions Orders imposing sanctions.

The Order was made on 19th August 2011 and came into force on 26th August 2011. R&O.110/2011.

This Order amends the Education (Discretionary Grants– Amounts) (Jersey) Order 2008 with effect from 1st September 2011–

  1. in Article 2(1) to increase the amounts for maintenance costs by just under 2%;
  2. in Article 3 to increase the student contribution by just under 1%;
  3. in Article 4(5) to lower the maximum final contribution in respect of any one student; and
  4. in Article 7 to increase the maximum vacation study allowances by just under 2%. These amounts were last changed on 1st September 2010.

The Order was made on 30th August 2011 and came into force on 1st September 2011.


This Order gives effect in Jersey to Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 843/2011 of 23 August 2011 (OJ L 218, 24.8.2011, p.1), which further amends Council Regulation (EU) No. 442/2011 of 9 May 2011 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Syria (OJ L 121, 10.5.2011, p.1).

The amendment adds persons to the list of those subject to the restrictive measures. The list appears as Annex II to Regulation No. 442/2011 and was substituted by Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 504/2011 of 23 May 2011 (OJ L 136, 24.5.2011, p.45) and amended by Council Implementing Regulation (EU No. 611/2011 of 23 June 2011 (OJ L 164, 24.6.2011, p.1) and Council Implementing Regulation (EU No. 755/2011 of 1 August 2011 (OJ L 199, 2.8.2011, p.33).

The Order was made on 2nd September 2011 and came into force on 3rd September 2011. R&O.112/2011.

This Order amends Schedule 5 to the Income Support (General Provisions) (Jersey) Order 2008. It increases the amount of income derived from a pension or annuity of persons in a household who are aged at least 65 that is to be disregarded when assessing the weekly income of a household for the purposes of calculating the income

support payable to the household. From 1st October 2011 the disregarded amount is 100% of the first£42.28 (increased from £37.80) of income derived from a pension or annuity of one person in a household who is aged at least 65, and 100% of the first £27.23 (increased from £24.22) of income derived from a pension or annuity of any other person in the household who is aged at least 65.

These amounts were last increased on 1st June 2011.

The Order was made on 2nd September 2011 and comes into force on 1st October 2011.


  1. The Minister for Economic Development will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour

"Does the Economic Development Department have an estimate, based on the last full year, of the net economic benefit of the fulfilment industry to Jersey and by how much this is offset by the cost of the social subsidy of any top-up benefits paid to employees by the States?"

  1. The Minister for Economic Development will table an answer to the following question asked by Senator B.E. Shenton–

"Will the Minister confirm whether the Economic Development Department, through Jersey Enterprise or

any other body, provided a grant or underwrote any loans to Home Ideas and, if so, detail the date and amount of this grant or underwriting facility?

Will the Minister also advise the amount of grants paid by Jersey Enterprise to businesses, or loans underwritten to businesses that are no longer trading?"

  1. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour

"Given the rationale for expanding the Corporate Procurement Department, would the Minister identify the savings predicted and the timescales for achieving such savings by allocating savings and time scales to individual positions?"

  1. The Minister for Health and Social Services will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour

"In the light of the statement of the Minister for Treasury and Resources that refurbishment of Clinique

Pinel was only identified as a priority after a visit by the Minister and his Assistant Minister, would the Minister state how conditions in the department's facilities are monitored and refurbishment priorities established?"

  1. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answer to the following question asked by Senator

F. du H. Le Gresley–

"As the Minister with political accountability for the States of Jersey Development Company Limited would he provide States Members with a progress report on the projects known as Westwater' and Zephyrus'?

Has the Minister, in conjunction with Jersey Property Holdings, considered the site of Zephyrus as suitable

for office accommodation for use by the States rather than for the construction of more apartments and, if not, why not?

Would the Minister outline whether there are requests from some States Departments to occupy space at

Maritime House on La Route du Port Elizabeth and can he advise if building work is scheduled, and budgeted for, to provide new office space above the Elizabeth Terminal for the Customs and Immigration Department?"

  1. The Minister for Health and Social Services will table an answer to the following question asked by the Deputy of St. Mary

"In order to provide members with the background to the request for additional funding for Clinique Pinel in the draft Annual Business Plan 2012 and in Amendment (10) to the Plan, would the Minister give members a brief complete year-by-year timeline of reports, assessments and evaluations of Clinique Pinel since its construction, together with a list of funding bids, to which bodies these bids were made, and how they were dealt with?

Would the Minister please give precise references to any documents or bids and state whether members

can access them and, if so, where?

Can the Minister confirm whether the head of mental health services stated, in August 2009 when economic stimulus money was allocated for improving conditions for elderly dementia patients, that the state of the facilities was not affecting the level of care?"

  1. The Minister for Economic Development will table an answer to the following question asked by the Deputy of St. Mary–

"Can the Minister provide members, in tabular format, the following information relating to the Tourism

Development Fund for the last 6 full years, namely 2005 to 2010–

  1. the total amount available to the Fund at the beginning of each of the last 6 years;
  2. the total amount distributed by the Fund in each of the last 6 years;
  3. the amount of any additional sum(s) made available to the Fund in each of the last 6 years."
  1. The Minister for Transport and Technical Services will table an answer to the following question asked by the Deputy of St. Mary–

"In view of the cost of the composting operation of around £800,000 per annum, would the Minister–

  1. provide details of the quality control and/or accreditation scheme(s) now in place for the compost made by TTS and state when this was set in place and how it is carried out;
  2. state whether the compost is currently sold through all island garden centres and, if not, why not?
  3. state whether the compost has been sold through all island garden centres for the last 3 years consistently and, if not, why not?
  4. provide sales figures for the compost over the last 3 years, both to retail end-users and to trade users?
  5. inform members what plans TTS has for selling this compost in the future?"
  1. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answer to the following question asked by the Deputy of St. Mary–

"In  order  to  provide  the  background  to  the  requests  for  additional  funding  for  Information  and Communications Technology (ICT) in the draft Annual Business Plan 2012, will the Minister provide details of allocations to ICT in the last 10 years, both allocations which were to a central ICT function, and allocations which were specifically made to departments, with the details to include the amount, what the money was for, how much of the allocation was spent, how much retained as a carry forward and how much was returned in some way as unspent."

  1. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answer to the following question asked by the Deputy of St. Mary–

"Can the Minister inform members of the number of full time equivalents working in the Treasury and

Resources Department (or in its relevant predecessor department) in the areas shown in the table below, on the dates shown in the table (or equivalent ranges of dates for which information is easily available), adding any notes of explanation which he feels useful or necessary?"






2005 June 1st





2005 December 1st





2006 June 1st





2006 December 1st





2007 June 1st





2007 December 1st





2008 June 1st





2008 December 1st





2009 June 1st





2009 December 1st





2010 June 1st





2010 December 1st





  1. The  Minister  for  Social  Security  will  table  an answer  to  the  following question  asked  by   Deputy

M. Tadier of St. Brelade–

"Will the Minister state the total amount of the Housing component of Income Support paid out by Social

Security in 2009 and 2010?"

  1. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy J.A.N. Le Fondré of St. Lawrence–

"Could the Minister identify the cost per year since 1st January 2006 that has been incurred by or on behalf of the States/WEB (now SOJDC) in respect of the Esplanade Quarter and related master planning exercises? Could the Minister also identify the advisers, consultants, architects, etc that have been utilised to either design or advise on the scheme (including in respect of values and/or contracts) and (where not bound by confidentiality) the total fees paid to each firm in each year?"

  1. The  Minister  for  Social  Security  will  table  an answer  to  the  following question  asked  by   Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier–

"Following the appointment of administrator for the building company Charles Le Quesne Ltd., will the

Minister inform members:

  1. how many employees were made redundant?
  2. what payments were made to those made redundant?
  3. how many of these employees have applied for assistance from his department?
  4. whether these employees are eligible for statutory redundancy payments and, if so, what estimated total he has for these payments?"
  1. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier–

"Following the statements made by the Minister and the Minister for Housing about the administration of

Charles Le Quesne Ltd., will the Minister–

  1. inform members under what regulations and in what circumstances a company can continue to undertake work for the States whilst it is in administration?
  2. state the value of the bonds deposited by the company as part of the Clos Gosset/Grainville School contracts and what the status of these bonds is under administration?
  3. state what information the Minister has concerning the sums owed to sub-contractors in the month preceding the appointment of administrators?
  1. inform members whether he is aware if those sub-contractors attached to the States contracts in the run up to administration were fully paid whereas other sub-contractors were not, and if so, what conclusions he draws from this?"
  1. The Minister for Health and Social Services will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier

"(a) Will the Minister inform members what vacancy rates for nurses have existed in Jersey over the

years 2008– 2010 along with numbers of applicants for vacancies and the comparable corresponding figures for the UK as outlined in her briefing paper of February 2011 for the States Employment Board (SEB)?

  1. Will she further inform members of the levels of nursing staff turnover and the impact of retirement projections on the predicted vacancy rates and supply of nurses over the next decade?
  2. Will the Minister explain to members where the "extra funds" required to "fund additional nursing posts" as outlined in the Human Resources proposals to representatives of States nurses is to be found in the draft Annual Business Plan 2012 which, on page 59 of the Annex, show a rise of only 0.4% for Staff Costs from £126.4 million to£126.9 million?
  3. What is the Minister's assessment of the impact on recruitment and retention of nurses following the refusal of the SEB to implement the recommendation of the independent IDS report of January 2011 for a 5% increase for nursing grades 5 to 8?"
  1. The Minister for Social Security will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier

"Will the Minister explain to members how the change to the Regulations governing Income Support is

justified either morally or legally, in the context of the Human Rights (Jersey) Law 2000, and in the commitments contained in the Strategic Plan 2009– 2014 and in the States' determination to act in a non- discriminatory manner in that–

For over-19s both employed and unemployed are eligible for income support; for under-19s

living independently, the employed are eligible, but if they become unemployed they become ineligible; and for under-19s living in their parents' home, both employed and unemployed are ineligible for income support as any benefit goes to the parents."

  1. The Minister for Education, Sport and Culture will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier

"Will the Minister inform members how many teaching posts in the Island's secondary schools are vacant

or filled by non-specialist teachers and in which subject areas at the start of this new academic year?"

  1. The Chief Minister will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy A.E. Jeune of St. Brelade

"Following the comment in R.107/2011 (Ministerial visit to Brussels: June 2011) that "We are discussing

with our Guernsey counterparts how Members in both Islands can be kept informed of the work being undertaken by the Channel Islands Brussels Office", would the Chief Minister update members on the progress of this and state whether this is also being considered for other overseas offices such as those in London and Hong Kong?"

  1. The Minister for Home Affairs will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier

"Will the Minister–

  1. produce 2 tables–
  1. showing how much the States have paid each year as a defence contribution since the Jersey Field Squadron (TA) was created, breaking the information down into how much has been spent locally, and how much has been spent in the United Kingdom, on staffing, equipment, accommodation and other budget headings;
  2. showing annually from the date of the establishment of the JFS/TA–
  • the official establishment agreed for the unit with HMG, setting out the number of Officers, NCOs and Other Ranks to be recruited in Jersey and the number of British Army supplied training staff broken down by into Officers, NCOs and Other Ranks;
  • the actual number of Regular Army Officers, NCO's and Ordinary Ranks (Training Staff) and Jersey JFS/TA recruited Officer, NCO's, and Ordinary Ranks;
  1. list all residential properties occupied by Regular and JFS/TA recruited personnel (anonymising them as A, B, C, etc. for security reasons) detailing how much money has been spent annually on these properties breaking the figures down to show the cost of any purchase, rental, maintenance or housing subsidy paid to or on behalf of any JFS/TA or Regular staff?"
  1. The Minister for Home Affairs will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier

"(a) Following the enactment of the Crime (Disorderly Conduct and Harassment) (Jersey) Law 2008,

would the Minister state how many convictions there have been and how many orders have been issued under the Law?

(b) Is the Minister satisfied that the correct procedures are being followed by the States of Jersey Police in implementing the legislation and would he inform members–

  1. whether the States of Jersey Police, after receiving a complaint made to them by the complaining party that another person is harassing them, always check the facts or validity of the complaint or question the person alleged to be conducting the harassment before taking action under the Law; and
  2. whether the Police are issuing orders stating that they are not judging the issue but then warning the recipient that they must cease taking the actions that are causing the problems and that if they do not that they will face prosecution, without stating what the actions are that are the cause of the complaint?
  1. The Minister for Economic Development will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier

"Following the enactment of the Banking Business (Depositors Compensation) (Jersey) Regulations 2009,

will the Minister explain to the Assembly–

  1. How many times the Jersey Bank Depositors Compensation Board has met;
  2. What administrative arrangements have been made, in detail, to meet the claims of depositors in the event of a bank failure and in particular to make an interim payments to depositors of up to £5,000 within 7 working days and the balance of compensation within 3 months;
  1. What steps have been made to improve the flow of information from Home Regulators to the Jersey Financial Services Commission (JFSC) regarding the health of bank branches and subsidiaries located in Jersey;
  2. What research or actions have been taken by the Economic Development Department, JFSC or any other person or public body in Jersey to overcome the problems associated with cross-border insolvency?"
  1. The Minister for Economic Development will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier

"In light of the current turmoil in international money and capital markets, the problems in the Eurozone, the United States economy and elsewhere, will the Minister inform the Assembly whether all the recommendations of the International Monetary Fund in their report on Jersey entitled IMF Country Report No. 09/282– Jersey: Financial Sector Assessment Program Update–Financial System Stability Assessment' dated September 2009 have been accepted, and, if not, why not, and would he also give members a detailed update on the progress to date of implementing each of the recommendations that have been accepted?"

  1. The Minister for Economic Development will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier

"Will the Minister explain to members–

  1. the impact of continued and likely low interest rates on bank deposits upstreamed from Jersey banks to their head offices and money markets on local bank profits and therefore States revenues;
  2. whether proposed changes to bank liquidity requirements being put forward by the UK Financial Services Authority will affect the Jersey banking model and, if so, how?
  3. how worries over bank and sovereign debt insolvency are affecting Jersey bank's desire to upstream funds to the money markets and the likely impact on bank profits and future States revenues?
  4. what impact, if any, the requirement for banks to have living wills will have on the Jersey banking model and economy? and
  5. what other risks to the Jersey banking model he can detect either from what is going on in the markets or being discussed by world leaders, the EU, OECD, World Bank and other economic bodies?"



2nd session

September 20th

November 8th (Budget 2012)

First 15 minute period Minister

Education, Sport and Culture Home Affairs

Second 15 minute period Minister

Health and Social Services Chief Minister