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STATES RESOURCE PLAN 2000 _______________
Lodged au Greffe on 29th August 2000 by the Policy and Resources Committee
180 2 0 0 0 P . 1 4 3
Price code: A
THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion - to re c e iv e the States Resource Plan 2000 and in particular -
( a ) to approve the cash limits for each of the non-trading Committees as set out in Table 2.2 totalling
£323,550,000 in 2001 and £342,426,000 in 2002; in place of those approved on 6th July 1999 and to approve an overall cash limit for non-trading Committees of £360,000,000 in 2003;
(b ) to approve the extension of the Poplars Day Centre to enable the renal dialysis unit to be re-located within the
General Hospital at a cost of £1.1 million, the work to commence in 2000;
(c ) to approve the recommended programme of capital projects for 2001 as set out in Table 4.4 and to approve in
principle the proposed programmes for 2002 and 2003 as set out in Tables 4.5 and 4.6;
(d ) to approve the legislation programme for 2001 as set out in Table 6.8 and the revised procedure set out in
paragraph 6.6 for dealing with urgent law drafting items.
NOTE: The text of the report accompanying this proposition was published separately.