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Lodged au Greffe on 2nd December 2003 by the Home Affairs Committee
THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion
in a cc ordance with paragraph 1(2) of the Schedule to the Police (Complaints and Discipline) (Jersey) Law
1999 –
(a ) to reappoint Mr. Leslie May FCCA. as Chairman of the Jersey Police Complaints Authority for a
further period of 3 years with effect from 1st January 2004;
(b ) to reappoint the following as members of the Jersey Police Complaints Authority for a further
period of 3 years, with effect from 1st January 2004 –
M r . A n th o n y Beaumont M r . P eter Holliday
M r s . Toni Roberts;
(c ) to reappoint the following members of the Jersey Police Complaints Authority for a period of one
further year only, with effect from 1st January 2004 –
M a j o r G e n e r al Charles Gordon Cornock CB, MBE. M r . D erek Le Maistre;
(d ) to appoint the following member of the Jersey Police Complaints Authority for a period of 3 years,
with effect from 1st January 2004 –
M r . A n d re w Cornish.
In September 2000, the Home Affairs Committee, as previously constituted, took a proposition to the States to appoint a chairman and 6 members of the Jersey Police Complaints Authority, for a period of 3 years with effec from 1st January 2001 (P.160/2000).
The tenure of office of the chairman and members will therefore come to an end on 31st December 2003.
The Chairman and 3 members have expressed their wish to remain in office for a further 3 years with effect from 1st January 2004. Two members of the Authority, whilst not wishing to do a further 3-year term, have decided to stay on for one further year in order to provide an element of continuity whilst new members are being recruited.
One member decided not to renew his membership, due to other work commitments. The position was therefore advertised in the Gazette section of the Jersey Evening Post on the 19th September 2003, with a closing date for applications of 6th October. A total of 4 applications were received, and the 4 applicants were interviewed on 11th November 2003 by a panel comprising the Chairman of the Jersey Police Complaints Authority, the Director, Home Affairs, and a representative of the Jersey Appointments Commission. The successful applicant was Mr. Andrew Cornish.
The Committee recommends that the following be reappointed to serve on the Jersey Police Complaints Authority for a further period of 3 years –
M r . Leslie May FCCA, Chairma wnas a senior civil servant since coming to Jersey on 1st January 1973
until his retirement in June 1991. During this period Mr. May held the following posts –
F in a n cial Controller S ta t e s T e l ecommunications Board F u e l Controller D ef e n c e C o m mittee
D i re c tor S ta t e s T e l e co m m u n ications Board T re a s urer of the States F in a n c e and Economics Committee
P r io r to coming to Jersey, Mr. May's career was in the private sector in the United Kingdom where he
held senior management positions in The Imperial Group, Fisons Ltd. and J. Lyons & Co. Ltd.
In S e ptember 2000 Mr. May was also appointed as a member of the Parish Rate Appeal Board for a period
of 5 years.
M r. May is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered and Certified Accountants and a Fellow of The
Institute of Directors. He is also a member of the Jersey Rotary Club and has been Chairman over the years of numerous Rotary Committees.
M r . Anthony Beaumon twas a civil servant employed as a Senior Engineer with the Public Services
Committee from 1974 until 1998. After serving a 5-year mechanical engineering apprenticeship, he served with Her Majesty's Forces in the REME. Following his military service, he worked for various major civil engineering contractors in the United Kingdom prior to coming to Jersey, subsequently taking an appointment with the Public Services Department.
M r . Peter Holliday BSc (Hon sc)ame to Jersey in 1980 having been appointed Official Analyst to the
States. At Edinburgh University he obtained an Honours degree in Pure Chemistry. In his earlier career, Mr. Holliday held posts in the Public Analyst Service of Local Government in the United Kingdom serving in various authorities in England and Scotland. Before coming to Jersey he held the position of Scientific Advisor to Lothian, Borders and Northern Isles Regions of Scotland. Mr. Holliday retired from the States in August 1992 and for some years continued his professional interest as Chairman of a Board of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
M r s. Toni Roberts MBA, AC IiSs the International Client Solutions Manager with the Chase Bank and
Trust Company (C.I.) Limited and is responsible for the management and implementation of global marketing strategies, including the development of fiduciary structures in offshore locations. Mrs. Roberts gained an MBA at Leicester University and is an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries and Administration. Mrs. Roberts is a former secretary of the Jersey Association of Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus and is a member of many local charities. Her outside interests include golf and skiing.
The Committee recommends that the following be reappointed to serve on the Jersey Police Complaints Authority for a further period of one year –
M a jo r General C.G. Cornock CB, MB wEas educated at King Alfred School, Germany and the Royal
Military Academy, Sandhurst, where he won the Sword of Honour. He was commissioned in the Royal Artillery in 1956 and served in many parts of the world mostly with Airborne Services. His final appointment was as a Chief of Staff to the Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, with special responsibility for Berlin.
M a j o r General Cornock was made a Member of the Order of the British Empire in 1974 and a Companion
of the Order of the Bath in 1988. He retired as Chairman of the Confederation of British Service and Ex- Service Organisations in 2000. He is a Colonel Commandant of the Royal Artillery and Commander St. John Ambulance Jersey.
M r. Derek Le Maistr ewas educated at Victoria College and at Westminster College, London. He began
his teaching career at St. Helier Boys' School and after 6 years was appointed Deputy Head teacher at St. Luke's Primary School, St. Helier. In 1969 he was appointed Headmaster of First Tower School, an appointment he retained until his retirement in August 1998. Mr. Le Maistre has obtained degrees in psychology and sociology. He is a lay preacher in the Methodist Church and enjoys debating, music, photography and classic motoring.
The Committee recommends that the following person be appointed to serve on the Jersey Police Complaints Authority for a period of 3 years –
M r . Andrew Cornish MBCO, BSc (Honsw)as educated in Bedfordshire and the City University,
London where he obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in 1987. He is a practising optometrist and the Director of Opticians in St. Helier. He is a member of the Jersey Round Table and has been involved in community projects and fund-raising for 15 years. He serves as a Parent Governor on the Victoria College Board of Governors.