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Commissioners of Appeal for Income Tax - appointment

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Lodged au Greffe on 22nd June 2004 by the Finance and Economics Committee



THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion

i n a ccordance with Article 10 of the Income Tax (Jersey) Law 1961, as amended, to approve the

appointment as Commissioners of Appeal for Income Tax for a period of three years of

M r . P h i li p J . Barber

M r . C h a r l es R. Blampied M i s s . Ja c q u e line B. Collins M r . P e t e r G . Farley

M r . J o h n M  . King

M r . N  ig e l G . Pritchard

M r s . C . E l i za beth Rees

M r . J a m e s S  haw



The Commissioners of Appeal hear appeals from decisions of the Comptroller of Income Tax.

Article  10 of the Income Tax (Jersey) Law 1961, as amended, requires that they"be chosen from residents in the Island experienced in financial matters, who are not actively interested in any trade, business or profession carried out in the Island.".

Mr.  A.S.  Le  Ruez has retired and the Finance and Economics Committee wish to thank him for his years o honorary service.

Philip Barber

Mr.  Barber retired as a Corporate Banking Manager of HSBC Bank in May 2003 after a career spanning more than 40  years with Midland Bank, then HSBC, in a number of areas of expertise and senior positions both in Jersey and the U.K. Mr.  Barber is the Honorary Treasurer of the local branch of the RNLI and has been Treasurer of the Royal Jersey Golf Club and the United Club amongst others.

Charles Blampied

Mr. Blampied is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and formerly a partner of Coopers & Lybrand, Jersey and Director of Abacus Financial Services Limited until retirement in June 2002. Mr. Blampied is currently the Honorary Treasurer of the Jersey Blind Society, St. John Ambulance, The Jersey Opera House Limited (and Director), King George's Fund for Sailors and Gorey Regatta Association.

Jacqueline Collins

Miss Collins is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountant and formerly a partner in Russell Limebeer and Director of Sierra Trust Company Limited until retiring in 2002. Miss Collins is currently a Trustee of the Jersey Educational Trust and a member of the Social Security Advisory Council.

Peter Farley

Mr. Farley is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Bankers and retired as Managing Director of Royal and Sun Alliance Trust (Jersey) Limited in December 1999 after nearly 40 years' experience in the offshore finance industry. Mr. Farley has served on working parties for the Jersey Financial Services Commission, is currently a member of the States of Jersey Administrative Appeals Panel and has been a Commissioner of AppealIncome Tax since 2001.

John King

Following an extensive worldwide business career spanning 40 years, including as Chairman of Mercury Distribution Limited and the Sigma Group, Managing Director of Overseas Trading Corporation (1939) Limited and Faberge U.K., Mr. King retired in 2003, remaining as a non-Executive Director of Mercury Distribution Limited. Mr. King was a member of the Tourism Development Fund Sub-Committee, the Trade and Industry Sub-Committee and Industry Organising Committee.

Nigel Pritchard

Mr. Pritchard is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, formerly a partner in KPMG and Head of a Forensic Accounting Unit and Corporate Finance Director of Leeds Group plc. As a substantial family' shareholder in William Morrison Supermarkets plc., he relocated to Jersey in 1999 and has been a Commissioner of AppealIncome Tax since 2001.

Elizabeth Rees

Mrs.  Rees held a senior human relations post in the U.K. retail industry and was Deputy Chief Executive of the Distributive Industry Training Board, before establishing the business that became the largest private sector sub- contractor to the U.K. government for vocation training. She has served on the Court of the University of Liverpool and as a regional judge for National Training Awards. In Jersey she has served as Chairman of the Jersey Training  Agency,  a  member of  the States  of Jersey  Education  Audit Committee, is  currently  Vice- Chairman of the Jersey Appointments Commission and has been a Commissioner of Appeal Income Tax since 1995.

James Shaw

Mr.  Shaw retired in 1990 after a career in business and Human Resources management. Following a term as Chief Officer of the States Personnel and Management Department, Mr.  Shaw worked in the U.K. for 15  years in senio positions with both Thamesdown Borough Council and Hampshire County Council.

Upon retirement Mr.  Shaw returned to Jersey and served as the Chairman of the Jersey Dental Scheme for 6  year and has been a Commissioner of AppealIncome Tax since 1992.

There are no additional financial or manpower implications for the States arising from this proposition.