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Waterfront Enterprise Board - appointment of Chairman and director

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Lodged au Greffe on 17th February 2004 by the Policy and Resources Committee



THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion

(a ) to appoint for a period expiring on 20th August 2006, Mr. Pierre François Horsfall, C.B.E., as the

Chairman of the Waterfront Enterprise Board Limited, and as a non-States Director of the Board for the same period;

(b ) to instruct the Greffier of the States to notify the company of the States' decision.



The States are asked to approve the appointment of Mr. Pierre François Horsfall, C.B.E., as the Chairman of the Waterfront Enterprise Board Limited for a period expiring on 20th August 2006, and as a non-States Director of the Board for the same period.

As notified on a previous occasion to States members, the Appointments Commission has been fully involved in the process for the recruitment and selection of a new Chairman of the Waterfront Enterprise Board. The Commission's representative in this matter is Mrs. Sheila Henwood, and a copy of her report on the selection process is attached as the Appendix for the information of members.

Mr. Horsfall will of course need no introduction to States members. Over a period of 27 years Mr. Horsfall served as a States member in a variety of capacities, including the presidencies of the Finance and Economics and Island Development Committees, and from 1996 to 2002 as President of the Policy and Resources Committee. Mr. Horsfall's current roles include the chairmanship of Jersey Finance Limited.

In accordance with Article  29(b) of the Memorandum and Articles of Association, it is proposed that Mr.  Horsfal should serve a term of office of approximately 2 years and 5  months expiring on 20th August 2006. His term o office would thus expire on the same day as the 2  non-States Directors who are currently serving in this capacity, namely Mr. Peter Joseph Crespel and Jurat John Claude Tibbo.

The Committee would like to place on record its thanks to Jurat Tibbo for having agreed to act as Chairman of the Board on a temporary basis since August 2003, and is grateful to him for the work that he has carried out so willingly in this capacity.


JERSEY APPOINTMENTS COMMISSION Chairman, Waterfront Enterprise Board

The Appointments Commission was asked by the Policy and Resources Committee to oversee the selection of a new Chair for the Waterfront Enterprise Board.

The selection process has now been completed and the Appointments Board recommends that the States be asked to appoint Mr. Pierre Horsfall, CBE.

For information, the process followed was

  1. A j ob description, personalspecification, job information pack andadvertisement were allpreparedand approved by the Appointments Commission representative, Mrs. Sheila Henwood, and the WEB Chief Executive, Mr.DavidMargason.
  2. F iv e persons responded to the advertisement and requested job information. The closing date was extendedto help one potential lateapplicantbut,in the event, only 2 applications werereceived.
  3. T h e selection panelincluded

Ju r a t J . T i b b o, non-executive Director of WEB and currently acting Chair; M r . P e t e r C r espel, also a non-executive Director;

S e n a t o r P a u l Routier, the Finance and Economic's Committee's nominated representative on


S e n a to r P h il ip Ozouf , the Policy and Resources Committee's nominated representative on WEB;


M r s . Sheila Henwood, the Appointments Commission's nominee, who acted as Chair.

  1. T h e selection panel all reviewedand approved previouslyprepared criteria against which applicants would be assessedand a rangeofsuitablequestions.
  2. T h e 2 applicants had beengiven advance noticeof 3 key issues for WEBand were askedtocommenton these at interview.
  3. T  h e 5  members of the selection panel were askedtoscore applicants individually against the agreed assessment criteria. These scores, which were all very similar, were then discussed and a final agreed rating arrived at for each applicant.

T h e r esult was a unanimous vote in favour of Mr. Pierre Horsfall C.B.E.

  1. M r . Horsfall has accepted the appointment subject to Policy and Resources Committee and States approval.
  2. T h e appointmentisfor a period expiringon 20th August 2006.

N.B. M r. Horsfall will resign from other potentially conflicting consultancies.

Sheila Henwood Appointments Commission 9.2.2004