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Elizabeth Harbour Phase I Warehouse - lease to Commodore Express (Jersey) Limited

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Lodged au Greffe on 13th April 2004 by the Harbours and Airport Committee



THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion

(a ) to approve the leasing by the public to Commodore Express (Jersey) Limited of the northern half

of the Elizabeth Harbour Phase I Warehouse, lean-to annexe and outside working area, designated E27, E25B and E27A, for a period of 21 years commencing on 1st July 2004, to provide –

(i ) a n in ternal warehouse and lean-to annexe area of 10,427  square feet and 1,650  square fee

respectively along with the outside working area E27A measuring 20,372  square feet;

(i i ) t h e e ntire demise to continue in its present use in connection with the business of storage,

handling and transit of goods through the harbour;

( ii i) t h e rental for areas E27 and E25B at an annual total of £105,069.90 based on a rate of

£8.70 per square foot, subject to 5-yearly market review;

(i v ) t h e rental for E27A at an annual sum of £10,186.00 based on a rate of £0.50 per square

foot and subject to review in line with the market on 1st September 2004 and 5-yearly thereafter;

(b ) to authorise the Attorney General and the Greffier of the States to pass the necessary contracts on

behalf of the public;

(c ) to authorise the Treasurer of the States to receive the rents as they become due.


Notes: The Finance and Economics Committee supports these proposals on the basis that the Property Services

Department of the Environment and Public Services Committee has assessed the proposed rental value as a fair reflection of comparable market rental values.


Following the completion by Jersey Harbours of the Phase  I Warehouse, Elizabeth Harbour in 1992, the northern half E27 was leased to Commodore first on a 3-year lease, followed by a 9-year lease which expires on 30th June 2004. The lean-to extension E25B was constructed in 1993. The external working area E27A is immediately outside the Phase  I Warehouse E27.

Current  annual  yield  from  the  property  in  question  is £102,779.18;  the  new  annual  total  will  amount  to £115,255.90.

The heads of terms for the proposed lease before the States are

LESSOR: The Public of the Island of Jersey. LESSEE: Commodore Express (Jersey) Limited.

DEMISED E27 – northern  part  Phase  I  Warehouse,  Elizabeth  Harbour PREMISES: measuring 10,427 square feet.

E25B – northern lean-to of Phase  I measuring 1,650  square feet. E27A – external working area measuring 20,372  square feet.

LEASE TERM: 21-year lease to be granted commencing 1st July 2004.

COMMENCING E27 and E25B £105,069.90 per annum based on a rate of £8.70 per RENTAL: square foot.

External working area E27A £10,186.00 per annum based on a rate of £0.50 per square foot.

RENT REVIEWS: E27 and E25B shall be reviewed every 5  years to an amount agreed

to represent the open market value. Likewise, E27A, but the first review to occur on 1st September 2004 (to coincide with another leased area) and 5-yearly thereafter.

REPAIR AND The  Lessee  at  all  times  to  substantially  repair,  renew,  paint, MAINTENANCE: decorate, cleanse, maintain and make good.

USE: To  use  the  premises  only  in  connection  with  the business  of

storage, handling and transit of goods through the harbour. Such condition to apply to any sub-tenants.

There are no manpower implications for the States arising from this proposition.