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Public Lotteries Board - appointment of Members

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Lodged au Greffe on 28th July 2008

by the Minister for Economic Development



THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion

in p u rsuance of Regulation  3(2) of the Gambling (Channel Islands Lottery) (Jersey) Regulations 1975 to

appoint the following as members of the Public Lotteries Board for a period of 5  years, namely

M r . I a n T i m o thy Barnes (Chairman) M r . P e t e r S c ott Cruickshank

M r . G  eo f f re y James Roscouet

M r . D  er e k A  rthur Wallis

M r s . M  a ry E llen Horton

M r . J e re m y A rnold.



The Public Lotteries Board is appointed by the States of Jersey on the recommendation of the Minister for Economic Development to advise and assist the Minister in all matters concerning and promoting the conduct in Jersey of the Channel Islands Lottery. It exercises the functions attributed to it by or under the Gambling (Channel Islands Lottery) (Jersey) Regulations 1975.

The Regulations require the States to appoint a Chairman and not less than 6 other persons to be members of the Board, all of whom shall be persons of integrity who are ordinarily resident in Jersey, and the appointments are for a period of 5  years.

Under Regulation 3(3) of the Gambling (Channel Islands Lottery) (Jersey) Regulations 1975, a person so appointed may be re-appointed.

A vacancy presently exists on the Board and applications to appoint a new member will be advertised shortly. The States will be asked to appoint a candidate once that process is completed.

The Minister accordingly proposes that, in accordance with Regulation  3(2) of the Gambling (Channel Islands Lottery) (Jersey) Regulations 1975, Mr. Ian Timothy Barnes be re-appointed Chairman, together with the other existing Board members, namely: Mr. Peter Scott Cruickshank, Mr. Geoffrey James Roscouet, Mr. Derek Arthur Wallis, Mrs. Mary Ellen Horton and Mr. Jeremy Arnold.

There are no financial or manpower implications for the States arising from this proposition.


A biography of each Member follows:


Mr.  Barnes has served on the Public Lotteries Board since 1982 and as Chairman since 1991.

After working for the family business Barnes Garages Limited, he bought into a publishing business in 1992 and in 1999 took control of the publishing business and formed Barnes Publishing.

Mr.  Barnes was President of Chamber of Commerce in 1986, Founder member and Past President of Rotary de la Manche and member of the Jersey Hospitality Management Committee.


Mr.  Cruickshank has served on the Public Lotteries Board since 1977 and currently holds the position of Deputy Chairman.

Mr.  Cruickshank has been involved in the banking and finance industry since joining the Westminster Bank in 1968. In 1984 Mr.  Cruickshank was instrumental in forming Channel Islands Money Brokers Limited, Jersey and Guernsey, the first totally independent money-broking companies in the Channel Islands. From 1990 to 1992 he held the post of Secretary of the London Sterling Brokers Association, a position requiring liaison on Financial Regulatory issues with the Bank of England's Money Markets Division.

Mr.  Cruickshank is a Commissioner of the Shadow Jersey Gambling Commission.

MR. GEOFFREY JAMES ROSCOUET Mr.  Roscouet has served on the Public Lotteries Board since 1998.

Now semi-retired, Mr. Roscouet works part-time as a Manager of Europcar. Mr.  Roscouet is a rate assessor for the Parish of St.  John and President of the Jersey Mechanics Institute.

MR. DEREK ARTHUR WALLIS Mr.  Wallis has served on the Public Lotteries Board since 1983.

An estate agent, Mr.  Wallis is also a former Centenier for the Parish of St.  Brelade and a current roads inspector He is also a qualified Steward for RAC Motor Sports Association.

MRS. MARY ELLEN HORTON Mrs.  Horton has served on the Public Lotteries Board since 1998.

Mrs.  Horton was in the banking industry for many years. She is a past director of La  Motte Ford, working for th company from 1970 until 1995. In 1997 she took over the management of the property portfolio of the previous owner of La Motte Ford. Mrs.  Horton has held many honorary positions, including past honorary secretary of the Jersey Battle of Flowers Association.


Mr.  Arnold has served on the Public Lotteries Board since 2002.

Mr.  Arnold qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1962 and worked for Touche Ross in Sydney and San Francisco before joining Arthur Andersen in London in 1966, becoming a partner in 1974. In 1976 he moved to Anderson's Toronto Office where he ran the audit practice for 13  years.

Mr.  Arnold moved to Jersey in 1991 and retired in 1994. He has a number of directorships and is a non-executive adviser to a Channel Islands law firm. Mr.  Arnold was also a member of the Audit Committee of the States Housing Department. Mr.  Arnold is a Commissioner on the Shadow Jersey Gambling Commission.

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Vote: Carried 11 September 2008

