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Lodged au Greffe on 27th January 2009 by the Council of Ministers
THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion
t o re fer to their Act dated 12th December 1995 in which they approved the establishment of the
Waterfront Enterprise Board Limited (WEB) as a separate legal entity and approved the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company, and -
(a ) to agree that the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company should be revised in
accordance with the recommendations of the Comptroller and Auditor General in his Report, "Waterfront Enterprise Board Limited: Review of Corporate Governance" dated 24th November 2008 and to approve the revised Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company as set out in Annex 2 to the Report of the Council of Ministers dated 27th January 2009;
(b ) to approve the proposed role of the Minister for Treasury and Resources as laid out under the
heading "Role of the Minister for Treasury and Resources" in Section 3 of the said Report.
- I n t roduction
T h is Report and Proposition is presented to States Members solely to ensure that the Board of Directors of the Waterfront Enterprise Board (WEB) is able to continue to be operationally viable when the current
States Directors of the Board come to the end of their terms of office in the near future. The changes to the membership of the WEB Board of Directors proposed herewith address and implement the recommendations of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) in the Review of Corporate Governance
of the Waterfront Enterprise Board (WEB).[1]
F u r th er work and research is currently being undertaken in developing proposals for directing the planning, development and implementation of major property and associated infrastructure regeneration projects in Jersey. These proposals will take on board the comments of the Corporate Services Scrutiny
Panel published in its report on 12th June 2008[2] and will be further shared with the Scrutiny process before being presented to the Assembly in the early part of 2009. These revised proposals will also reflect
issues outlined in the Island Plan and will be cognisant of, and complement, the recommendations outlined in the attached Report and Proposition.
- T h e needto maintain theWEB'sBoard of Directors
M em bers are asked to note that the term of office of the current States Directors on the WEB Board of
Directors is due to expire on 31st March 2009. In order to maintain the operational viability of WEB's Board of Directors post-March 2009 there is a need to address the issue of membership of the Board in early course. The Council of Ministers is of the view that this should be done in the context of the CAG's recent review of the corporate governance of WEB referred to above.
T h e purpose of this Proposition is therefore a tidying-up' exercise enabling the Board of Directors of
WEB to continue to operate and function.
- M in isterialcommitment
T h e C ouncil of Ministers recognise that the amendment to the Articles of Association is important in order
that the day-to-day business of WEB can continue and that States' assets under its control be properly administered while further thought is given to the long-term, and the structures for a new property development company are finalised.
M e m bers have accepted the need to have an agency outside the States to be responsible for the land, shore
and areas within the control of WEB so that –
(a ) th e property can be developed efficiently and effectively, and;
(b ) co m mercial private sector operators who are needed for the purpose of such development have the
confidence that they are dealing with an apolitical body.
A t th e same time, Members have had concerns about the need to ensure there is appropriate political
accountability for the activities of WEB and that WEB has an awareness of the political will which ought to, and does, govern the development and use of these areas which are so significant for the Island.
T h e s tructures which are put in place must provide a practical basis on which persons outside the States
will be prepared to work as non-Executive Directors of WEB.
R e c o nciling these objectives is not easy, but the Council of Ministers recommends that the new draft
Articles of Association attached be approved as part of the solution. They provide the mechanism for the internal workings of the company.
In p a rallel with the new Articles, the Council of Ministers recognises that it is appropriate to have some
political commitments for the Minister for Treasury and Resources, who would be politically accountable for WEB under the proposed arrangements. In order to promote accountability, transparency and awareness these commitments are as follows:
R o le of the Minister for Treasury and Resources
(1 ) T o bring relevant States' decisions to the attention of the WEB Directors.
(2 ) T o agree the key elements of the WEB Business Plan (including consolidated accounts, whilst
observing commercial confidentiality) and ensure that they are reflected within the Treasury and Resources Business Plan.
( 3 ) T o keep under review the actions of WEB and, where necessary, ensure that they are in
accordance with States' policies and decisions.
(4 ) T o keep abreast of the latest developments at WEB, ensuring that the Minister is able to respond in
an informed manner to questions by States Members.
(5 ) T o publish Ministerial Decisions relating to property transactions, or in the event of the issuing of
a Direction pursuant to Article 22, or in relation to any other matters on which it is necessary to for the Minister to take decisions.
- R ev iew of CorporateGovernance – ComptrollerandAuditorGeneral
M e m bers will recall that, following debate by the States on the Esplanade Quarter in July 2008, the
Comptroller and Auditor General was requested to review the Corporate Governance of the Waterfront Enterprise Board (WEB).
T h e aim of the review was to examine how the Board reached its decisions concerning the proposed
development of the Esplanade Quarter. The CAG wanted to establish whether the proper rules of corporate governance had been established and applied by WEB in this instance. He also wanted to ascertain whether the Board had the required arrangements in place to recognize any potential conflicts of interest. The final aspect of the review was to ensure that the Board had gathered all commercial evidence and advice that was available to them and that their decisions had been based upon this.
T h e C AG examined WEB's records, met with all members (past and present) of the Board, and also with
the senior officers of WEB. He also consulted with any other individuals whom he considered to have the required knowledge and access to relevant information.
T h e C omptroller and Auditor General completed his review which was published on 24th November 2008
and this is attached as Annex 1 to this Report for Members' consideration.
- S u m maryof Findings:
In s u mmary, the Comptroller has made the following findings and recommendations –
WEB is in compliance with normal corporate governance practice;
that WEB should recruit a professional company secretary;
that WEB should be accountable to a single Minister;
that –
(1 ) t h e p osition of States Director currently enshrined in WEB's Memorandum of Association
should be discontinued,
(2 ) S t a te s members should not ordinarily be members of WEB's Board unless they serve as
representatives of the Sponsoring Minister;
that accountability arrangements should at least include the following –
( 1 ) t h e Sponsoring Minister should be accountable to the States for oversight of WEB's
(2 ) w h e re appropriate, the Sponsoring Minister's decisions in respect of WEB (for example,
approving proposed transactions) should be recorded in the form of Ministerial Decisions. Decisions would therefore be in the public domain so that States Members would be able to subject them to such scrutiny as they think appropriate,
( 3 ) t h e Sponsoring Minister should be responsible for laying WEB's annual report and
accounts before the States formally when received. Members of the States would therefore be notified of the results of WEB's activities and thus have another opportunity to subject them to scrutiny;
that WEB's Memorandum and Articles of Association should be reviewed and then revised thoroughly.
- C o uncil ofMinisters' View
A t it s meeting on 27th November 2008 the Council of Ministers fully endorsed the recommendations
outlined above. It also agreed that WEB's Memorandum and Articles of Association should be revised accordingly and these are included as Annex 2 to this Report for Members' consideration.
C h a n ges to WEB's current Memorandum and Articles of Association are shown in Annex 3 to this Report with tracked changes to aid the identification of the differences between the two sets of documents.
- R ec ommendation:
M e m bers are recommended to agree that the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the
Waterfront Enterprise Board Limited should be revised, as laid out in Annex 2 to this Report, in accordance with the recommendations outlined in the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General: "Waterfront Enterprise Board Limited: Review of Corporate Governance" dated 24th November 2009.
M em bers are also recommended to approve the role of the Minister for Treasury and Resources as
laid out in Section 3 above.
- F i n ancialandmanpower implications
T h e Waterfront Enterprise Board Limited is financially self-supporting. There will not therefore be any
financial and manpower implications for the States arising directly from these proposals.
27th January 2009
24 NOVEMBER 2008
- O n Monday16June2008, I announcedmy intention of conducting a review of various matters whichhad come to public attention concerning Waterfront Enterprise Board Limited (WEB). In general, these matters relate to the decisionsofWEBregardingdevelopmentofwhat has cometobeknownas the EsplanadeQuarter.Thetermsofreferencefor this review are as follows:
" T o investigate the circumstances surrounding the decisions made by the board of WEB concerning the proposed development to establish:
(1 ) W h ether proper rules of corporate governance have been established and applied by WEB;
(2 ) In particular, whether proper arrangements were made by the board of WEB to identify potential
conflicts of interest and ensure that Board decisions were not affected by them;
(3 ) W h ether in all the circumstances, the decisions which were made by the Board of WEB in respect
of the development were appropriately based on all of the commercial evidence and advice which the Board might reasonably have been expected to obtain and to take into account; and
(4 ) A n y other issues that appear relevant to the matters set out in (1), (2) and (3) above".
- O n 30June 2008, I publishedan interim report onthe work that I hadbeen able to do by that date: principally certain aspects of items (1) and(2) in the abovetermsof reference. I have nowcompletedmy review ofcorporategovernance within WEBand the results of that work are set out in this report.
- T h e reviewhas consisted ofan examination of records held byWEB itself, augmentedbydiscussions with eachof the membersofWEB'sboard (both pastand current members)and with seniorofficersofWEB. I have alsospoken to a numberofotherswhoappeared to have relevant information about the matters with which I have been concerned. A list ofthosepeople to whom I have spokenin the course of this review was set out in AppendixOnetothe interim report publishedon30 June 2008.
- I n accordance with mynormal practice, copiesof a draft of this report were provided to the people who assisted me in this review of corporate governanceso that they were able to alert me to anyrespectsin which the report inadvertently distorted their recollection of events. I have sought to reflect their observations on matters offact. I am grateful to all ofthosewhohaveassistedintheconductof the review and the preparationof this report.
- A summaryofmy findings and recommendations is set out in Section Twoof this report. My more detailed observations are set out in succeeding sections.
- T h e effect is that WEBisnowin compliance with normalcorporate governance practice. Recommendation
- I r e commend that WEB should recruit a professional companysecretary[3]. Accountability
- I r e commend that WEB should beaccountableto a single Minister.
- A s it is evident that the existing position of States Directorhas placed thosewho have held this position in an irresolvable conflict of interest and has not served wellthe interests of the States because it has not provided a reliable means of protecting the States' interest inWEB, I recommend that:
(1 ) th e position of States Director currently enshrined in WEB's Memorandum of Association should
be discontinued;
( 2 ) S t ates members should not ordinarily be members of WEB's board unless they serve as
representatives of the Sponsoring Minister (for example, it may be thought appropriate for an appropriate Assistant Minister to serve as a director. In this capacity, the Assistant Minister would be accountable to the relevant Minister.
- It w ould beinappropriatefor this changein existing practicetobemade unless appropriatearrangements are made to ensure that there is proper accountability tothe States. I recommend that thesearrangements should at least include the following:
(1 ) th e Sponsoring Minister should be accountable to the States for oversight of WEB's activities.
( 2 ) th e role of the Sponsoring Minister should be to maximise the long term value of the States'
interest in WEB and to ensure that WEB operates in accordance with the agreed policies of the States.
(3 ) w h ere appropriate, the Sponsoring Minister's decisions in respect of WEB (for example approving
proposed transactions) should be recorded in the form of Ministerial Decisions. The effect of this would be that the decisions would be in the public domain so that members of the States would be able to subject them to such scrutiny as they think appropriate.
( 3 ) th e Sponsoring Minister should be responsible for laying WEB's annual report and accounts
before the States formally when received.. The effect of this would be that members of the States would be formally notified of the results of WEB's activities and would thus be afforded another opportunity to subject them to such scrutiny as they think appropriate.
- A n analysisof the implications oftheseproposalsfor the protection oftheStates' interest in WEB is set out in AppendixThree.
- A c cordingly, I recommend that WEB'sMemorandum and ArticlesofAssociation should bereviewed and then revised thoroughly.
- In this Section of the report, I will setout the outcomeofmy review of corporate governance within WEB.
- A s mentioned in my interim report, a similar review of corporate governance wascarried out by the States' Internal Audit Department in 2005. The principal outcomesof that review aresetoutinAppendix Two.
Work undertaken
- In the courseof the review, the following subjects were examined in addition to thosecoveredby the interim report:
(1 ) co n duct of general meetings including Annual General Meetings;
(2 ) m a intenance of registers (i.e. register of shareholders, directors, interests, gifts and hospitality; (3 ) re c ords of contracts and agreements;
(4 ) c o nduct of board meetings and of committee meetings (including the maintenance of minutes of
(5 ) p re paration and audit of accounts; and (6 ) b u siness plans and accounts. Outcome
- M y conclusions maybesummarised in the followingway:
( 1 ) o n completion of the Internal Audit report in 2005, WEB sought to implement all of the
recommendations that were made.
( 2 ) a t times since then, compliance with the new arrangements has lapsed from time to time
(specifically the disclosure of interests as reported in the interim report).
(3 ) ce r tain of the lapses in compliance were caused by the fact that requirements of WEB's Articles of
Association do not reflect current practice within the States (e.g. the Articles' requirements with regard to business plans and interim accounting information).
(4 ) th r oughout 2008 these lapses have been corrected.
- T h e effect is that WEBisnowin compliance with normalcorporate governance practice.
- N o netheless it remains the case that lapses in governancehaveoccurred from time to time as explained above. It is possible that compliance with normal corporate practice (and in particular the maintenanceof registers andminutes)hasbeen the responsibility of WEB'smanagersin addition totheirnormal duties. It would bemore satisfactory if WEB were to recruit a professionalcompany secretary whose sole duty it should beto ensure that all necessary records and practices are maintained. In view ofthe significance of the business handled byWEB,theexpenseof such an appointmentwouldbe well justified.
- I t hereforerecommend that WEBshould recruit a professional company secretary. I understand that a recruitment process has commenced.
- In my interim reportdated30 June 2008, I indicated that I wasminded to make various proposals to deal with what I perceived tobe conflicts in accountability:
" 5 9 . I n my view, the States should re-consider its customary practice of appointing members of the States to be members of WEB's board. I will consider this matter further before making recommendations in my final report, however I am minded to suggest that:
(1 ) W E B's principal line of accountability should be to the relevant Ministers as
representatives of WEB's shareholder.
( 2 ) S t a tes members should not be members of WEB's board unless they may serve as
representatives of the shareholder (for example, it might be thought appropriate that an Assistant Minister from a relevant department should serve as a director of WEB).
(3 ) t h e States' proper oversight of the activities should be achieved by requiring an existing
committee or creating a new committee whose task would be to oversee the actions of States companies such as WEB.
(4 ) s c r u tinising where appropriate Ministerial Decisions approving the principal transactions
and decisions of WEB (as at present).
6 0 . I t is implicit in this suggestion that a change of practice with regard to States Members of the
board should not be made unless appropriate arrangements are made to ensure that there is proper accountability to the States.
6 1 . A n y change of this sort will require a change to WEB's Memorandum and Articles of Association
which in turn will require appropriate legal consideration and drafting. It cannot be accomplished by the simple expedient of the States refusing to appoint States Directors because WEB's Articles require that two States Directors must be present if the directors are to transact business[4]. If there are no such directors, then WEB's board will not be able to transact
- I have considered these matters further and will set out the recommendations that I believe are appropriate.
- I t is important that WEB's line ofaccountability should be clear and unconflicted. Thiscan best be achieved by confirming that WEB's principal line of accountability is to an appropriate Minister as representative of WEB'sshareholder (the Sponsoring Minister).
- It i s notnecessary for the purposeof this reportto specify to which Minister WEBshouldbe accountable. In recent times, the Chief Minister has been fulfilling this role and, this may continue tobeappropriatein [5]
view of the significance of the issues being managed by WEB .
- A s a result of conditions whichwereimposedby the States when land was transferred to the company, WEB is obliged to seektheapprovalof the Treasury & Resources Minister for major land transactions. In effect, for most transactions, WEBis currently obliged toseek approval from two Ministers. I believe that this is unsatisfactory and that WEB should only be required toseektheapprovalofone minister forany particular transaction.This is not to suggest that the Treasury & Resources Minister doesnot have a legitimate interest in WEB'smanagementof assets that are sosignificant to the States' finances. Rather it
is to suggest that the Minister to whom WEB is accountable should be responsible for ensuring that all relevant
Ministers are in agreement with the approval of any particular transaction. WEB should not be obliged to seek parallel approvals from a number of Ministers.
- O n this basis, I recommend that WEBshouldbeaccountable to a singleMinister.
- I t would seem sensible that the Minister to whom WEB is accountable should also act in General Meetings ofWEB as the representativeof the States asshareholder.Atpresent, this role is performedby the Greffier of the States who, before attendance at such meetings, seeks the advice of the Chief Minister's Departmentonthewayinwhich the States' votes should beused.Where such advice or instructions are issued, they should beconfirmedasMinisterialdecisions(as,incomparablesituations,is [6]
currently the practice of the Treasury & Resources Department).
States' long term interest in WEB
- In making decisions, a sponsoring minister is bound to beconcerned with the mannerinwhichWEB is achieving the policy objectives agreedbytheStatesbutisalsoboundto be concerned with the way in which the long term value of the States' assets is being maximised and realised. This aspect of a sponsoring minister'sconcerns is similar to concernswhichmustbe taken into accountwhentherelevant minister is considering the States' interest in otherStates-ownedcompanies (such as jersey Electricity and Jersey Post). The role oftheSponsoring Minister is therefore to maximise the long termvalueof the States' interest inWEB and to ensure that WEB operates in accordance with theagreedpoliciesofthe States.
- T h e questionofhowthese interests are managedwas raised in the report ("EmergingIssues")which was published in May2008 at the end of the States' Spending Review, and, sincethen, has been the subject of further work. As a result of that work, I am minded to propose that the States should establish an Investment AdvisoryBoardtoadvise sponsoring ministers on the way in which the long term value of the States' interests shouldbe fostered.
- T h e reports anrecommendationsof this Board would bepublishedin the same way that the reports of the Fiscal PolicyPanel are published.
[7] States directors
- In discussions since publicationofmy interim report, I have notencounteredanyonewhodisagreed with my tentative proposal that the position of States Directorshouldbediscontinued. It appears to beaccepted that the position is subject conflicts of interest whichcause difficulty for the States Directorsthemselves.
- A c cordingly, I recommend that:
(1 ) th e position of States Director currently enshrined in WEB's Memorandum of Association should
be discontinued;
( 2 ) S t ates members should not ordinarily be members of WEB's board unless they serve as
representatives of the Sponsoring Minister (for example, it may be thought appropriate for an appropriate Assistant Minister to serve as a director. In this capacity, the Assistant Minister would be accountable to the relevant Minister and not the States.
(3 ) D i rectors should be appointed by the States (as at present) but on the recommendation of the Chief
Accountability to the States
- It w ould beinappropriatefor this changein existing practicetobemade unless appropriatearrangements
are made to ensure that there is proper accountability to the States. I recommend that these arrangements should at
least include the following:
(1 ) th e Sponsoring Minister should be accountable to the States for oversight of WEB's activities.
(2 ) w h ere appropriate, the Sponsoring Minister's decisions in respect of WEB (for example approving
proposed transactions) should be recorded in the form of Ministerial Decisions. The effect of this would be that the decisions would be in the public domain so that members of the States would be able to subject them to such scrutiny as they think appropriate.
( 3 ) th e Sponsoring Minister should be responsible for laying WEB's annual report and accounts
before the States formally when received.. The effect of this would be that members of the States would be formally notified of the results of WEB's activities and would thus be afforded another opportunity to subject them to such scrutiny as they think appropriate.
- In my interim report, I proposed that the States couldappoint a committeeto over see the activities of States companiessuch as WEB. I have notreceived favourable responses to this proposal and thus donot recommend the appointmentof such a committee.
- H o wever,concernshave been expressed tome concerning the effectiveness of the States' oversight of WEB.In view of the seriousnessof this subject, I have reviewed all of the principal occasionsonwhich the States may wish andneed to oversee the activities ofWEB to demonstrate that there are effective arrangementsin place andtopermit gaps tobe the more easily identified. The results of this analysis are set outin Appendix Three.
WEB's Memorandum and Articles of Association
- A decision to discontinue theappointmentof States Directors ofWEB will require a revision ofthe Articles of Association.
- R e vision of the Articles of Association to remove references to States Directors would afford an opportunity to up-date the Articles generallyin the light of experience. A list of the individual Articles that shouldbe considered for revision is set out in AppendixFour including the following principal issues:
(1 ) th e possible removal of a limit on the number of directors; and
(2 ) th e possible removal of over-detailed references to business planning and accounting information
to be provided periodically by WEB. These requirements could be specified more effectively by means of Ministerial Decisions.
- A c cordingly, I recommend that WEB'sMemorandum and ArticlesofAssociation should bereviewed and then revised thoroughly.
App1-1 T h is summary of conclusions was is taken from the interim report of the review which was dated 30
June 2008.
Register of Directors' Interests
App1-2 I t is the policy of WEB to maintain a register of directors' interests. I regard this practice as
representing good practice.
App1-3 It is evident that between 2005 and 2008, whilst WEB continued to hold the Register that had been
prepared in 2005, directors were not asked by WEB to up-date their declarations and in practice did not do so. As a result, WEB's Register was not accurate. I have not enquired into what happened before 2005.
App1-4 It i s also evident that WEB has up-dated its records recently. Disclosure of conflicts of interest
App1-5 T h e evidence suggests that WEB's board generally observed normal practice with regard to the
disclosure of conflicts of interest .
Conflicts of interest ~ cases of difficulty States Members of WEB's board
App1-6 In my view, the States should re-consider its customary practice of appointing members of the States
to be members of WEB's board.
Mr Voisin
App1-7 In my view:
(1 ) M r V oisin should have disclosed to WEB his appointment to the board of AIB CI Limited
(AIB CI) for inclusion in the Register of Directors' Interests. He did not do this.
( 2 ) O n a strict interpretation, Mr Voisin's appointment to the board of AIB CI did not
represent a conflict of interest as defined by Companies Law and thus he was not required to disclose a conflict of interest at board meetings at which WEB's transactions with Harcourt were discussed.
(3 ) N o tw ithstanding this strict interpretation, it would have been wise for Mr Voisin to make
such disclosures.
(4 ) I h a v e found no evidence that Mr Voisin's failure to disclose distorted WEB's decisions.
App2-1 T h is is a summary of the recommendations made in the 2005 report of the States' Internal Audit
Department together with notes on the actions that have been taken since the preparation of that report to deal with the issues that were identified.
Annual General Meetings
App2-2 P a ragraph 4.6 of the 2005 report recommended that:
" W e w e re informed that no AGM's had been held since WEB was first incorporated but also that no request has been made to WEB to instigate one . . . It is recommended that WEB holds AGM's annually and considers the appointment of auditors at these meetings. Since our audit an AGM for 2005 has been organised for 3 June 2005".
App2-3 A n nual General Meetings have take place regularly since completion of the 2005 report. Register of interests and gifts and hospitality
App2-4 P a ragraph 4.7 of the 2005 report recommended that:
" W e w e r e concerned to note that at the time of our audit there was no register of interest available for scrutiny at the offices of WEB . . . Whilst a register of gifts and hospitality was located in the safe at WEB's offices we were surprised to note that this only contained three entries, the last one being on 16 May 1996 . . . It is recommended that from now any gifts received and provided are entered into the register".
App2-5 A s I indicated in my interim report, the register of interests was not in fact maintained. Since
publication of my interim report, the register has been brought up to date. Directors have confirmed their understanding of the duty to declare their interests and possible conflicts and the board has made a commitment to refresh the register annually.
App2-6 A register of gifts and hospitality is now maintained electronically.
App2-7 I h ave also inspected the company's other registers (i.e. register of directors, shareholders, sealing of
documents). At the time of my interim report, the registers of directors and of sealing of documents was not up to date. I have been informed that although the written register of the sealing of documents has not been maintained, a complete register of all documents signed for or on behalf of the company is maintained electronically.
Audit Committee
App2-8 P a ragraph 4.9 of the 2005 report recommended that:
" W E B h a s an audit committee that meets four times a year. As part of the audit we reviewed the minutes of audit committees held since September 2004. However, it was not possible to review any of the minutes prior to this date as they could not be located in the offices of WEB during our audit visit".
App2-9 M i nutes have been prepared and filed. I was able to inspect them. Remuneration Committee
App2-10 P aragraph 4.10 to 4.15 of the 2005 report recommended that:
" F o rm a l minutes of the Remuneration Committee have not been kept, Many of the decisions being taken have been recorded by memo letter and email exchanges . . . It is also recommended that the membership of the Remuneration Committee be considered.
I t i s r e c o mmended that in 2005 and future years the Remuneration Committee should undertake the
salary review for the Managing Director in advance of any pay awards being agreed for the rest of the WEB staff. This is to ensure that the staff pay award does not set a precedent for the increase to the Managing Director's salary".
" It is r e commended that future decisions of the Board regarding remuneration of the Managing Director should be formally recorded in the minutes".
" I t i s re c ommended that all future recommendations regarding the remuneration of the Managing Director should be made to the Board by the Remuneration Committee and should be formally documented".
App2-11 T hese recommendations have been implemented save that some difficulty arises over the recording
of decisions as the company's full time staff do not attend meetings at which their remuneration is to be discussed. In these circumstances it is for the chairman of whichever meeting is considering these matters to ensure that a proper record is included in the minute book and confirmed at the next board meeting.
Business Plans and Accounts
App2-12 P aragraph 4.17 of the 2005 report recommended that:
" A r t ic l e 2 5 (a)(ii) of the Articles of Association reads as follows:
T h e D i re c tors shall cause to be prepared annually and in consultation with all relevant Committees of
the States a Business Plan and Report which shall be sent to the Committee at such time as may be reasonably required by the Committee setting out the objectives, policies and programmes of the Company and reporting on progress".
Article 3 states
" T h e D i r ectors shall cause to be kept proper accounts of the Company for each accounting period to be prepared in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principals in the Island of Jersey consistently applied and that such accounts shall be forwarded to the Committee not more than four months after the end of the period to which they relate".
W E B a c c epts that this may not have happened in as formal a manner has been desired. WEB does
send a copy of its accounts to every States Member and the Chief Officers of every States Committee, including Policy and Resources. Copies are also sent to the States Treasury. It is intended that in the future six monthly financial reports will be submitted to the Accounts Committee which will include actual spending budgetary information and that a more summarised report will be submitted to cover the intervening quarters."
App2-13 I n practice, the company complies with whatever requests for information are received from the
Chief Minister's and Treasury and Resources Departments.
App4-1 In this Appendix I will identify the individual Articles of Association which would require revision if
the recommendations set out in this report were to be accepted.
Article 1 – Interpretation
App4-2 T h is Article would require amendments if the distinction between States and non States directors
were to be abolished.
Article 20 – Representative of the States
App4-3 A ssuming that it is agreed that the sponsoring minister (or his delegate) should act as the
representative of the States at General Meetings, this Article will require amendment.
Article 22 – Direction
App4-4 T h is Article refers to the "Committee", which is a reference to the Policy and Resources Committee
of the States of Jersey and thus to the arrangements that preceded ministerial government. This Article requires amendment to reflect changes to the machinery of government.
Article 23 – Numbers of Directors
App4-5 T h is Article will require revision if the distinction between States and non States directors is
abolished. In addition, the Article limits the size of the Board to eight (i.e. seven directors together with an additional director who shall be the managing director). Consideration should be given to whether this maximum number remains appropriate.
Article 25(b) – Powers of Directors
App4-6 In its current form Article 25 states that the objectives of the company include the promotion, co-
ordination and implementation of a comprehensive strategy for the development of the St Helier Waterfront. It may be appropriate to consider whether this description is a correct reflection of the current policy of the States. Further, on occasion, it has been expedient for WEB to undertake development directly. It may be prudent to give consideration to whether the words "implement a comprehensive strategy" include such direct activities and, if not, then the Article should be amended to permit appropriate activity.
Article 25 – Powers of Directors
App4-7 T h is Article requires the directors to prepare and submit an annual business plan and report to be sent
to the Policy and Resources Committee. Consideration should be given to changing this Article so that it obliges the Board to co-operate with whatever reasonable requests for information and reports are made to it. In other words, the Article should take account of the fact that the States' systems for accounting and reporting change from time to time and would be better stated in practice notes than in formal constitutional documents.
Article 28 – Directors
App4-8 T h is Article requires revision if the distinction between States and non States Directors is abolished
(also Articles 29 and 30).
Article 33 – Remuneration of Directors
App4-9 T h is Article will require revision if the distinction between non States directors and States directors is
Articles 38/45 – Proceedings of Directors
App4-10 T hese Articles require revision in the event that the distinction between States directors and non
States directors is abolished.
Article 56 – Accounts and Audit
App2-14 T his Article provides that an audited interim accounts should be preferred in respect of each quarter
in each accounting period of a company. In my view, it would be better for this detailed information to be covered by practice notes and decisions of the Board (also Article 58).
- The nameof the Company is: "Waterfront Enterprise Board Limited".
- The capacity of the Company is unlimited and the Companyshallhaveall the powersof a natural person.
- The liability ofeachmemberislimited.
- The capital oftheCompany is £1,000,000 divided into 1,000,000 sharesof£1.00each.
- We, the personswhose names and addresses are hereuntosubscribed,aredesirousofbeing formed into a Companyinpursuanceof this MemorandumofAssociation, and we respectively agree to take the numbersofshares in the capital of the Company noted opposite our respective names.
- The Companyshallexistuntildissolvedby special resolution or otherwise accordingto law.
- The Companyis a public company.
- I n t hese Articles:
"Articles" m e a n s th e A r t ic l es of Association of the Company and "Article" shall be construed
"Auditors" m e a n s t h e a u d i to rs for the time being of the Company who shall be the auditors for
the time being of the States of Jersey;
"Board" m e a n s t h e b o a r d o f Directors of the Company from time to time; "Chairman" m e a n s t h e c h a i rman of the Board from time to time;
"Company" m e a n s th e c o m p any incorporated under the Law in respect of which these Articles
have been registered;
"Director" m ea n s t h e M i n isterial Appointee or a Non-Executive Director or the Managing
"executed" i n c lu d e s a n y m o de of execution;
"holder" in r e la t io n t o s h a r es means the member whose name is entered in the register of
members as the holder of the shares;
"Managing Director" m e a n s the person appointed in accordance with these Articles as the Managing
"Ministerial Appointee" m e ans a designated Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources (or such other
suitably qualified person (whether a member of the States or not) as the Minister shall determine);
"Non-Executive m e a n s a person appointed in accordance with Director" A r ti c le 3 0 a s a n o n-executive director of the Company;
"office" m e a n s th e re g i s te r e d office of the Company;
"ordinary resolution" m e a n s a resolution of the Company in general meeting adopted by a simple
majority of the votes cast at that meeting;
"seal" m e a n s t h e c o m m o n s eal of the Company;
"secretary" m e a n s th e s e c retary of the Company or other person appointed to perform the
duties of the secretary of the Company including a joint, assistant or deputy secretary;
"Minister" m e a n s t h e M i n is ter for Treasury and Resources "States" m e a n s t h e S t a te s o f Jersey;
"the Law" m e a n s th e C o m panies (Jersey) Law 1991 including any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force.
Unless the context otherwise requires, words or expressions contained in these Articles bear the same meaning as in the Law, but excluding any statutory modification thereof not in force when these Articles became binding on the Company.
The Standard Table prescribed pursuant to the Law shall not apply to the Company and is hereby expressly excluded in its entirety.
- ( a ) S u bject to the provisions of the Law, and withoutprejudice to any rightsattached to any existing shares, any sharemaybe issued with such rights or restrictions as the Companymaybyordinary resolution determine.
(b ) F o llowing incorporation of the Company 999,999 shares shall be issued to and registered in the
name of the States and 1 share shall be issued to and registered in the name of the Treasurer of the States, as nominee for and on behalf of the States.
- E v ery member, upon becoming the holder of any shares, shall be entitled, without payment, to one certificate for all the shares ofeachclass held byhim.Every certificate shallbe sealed with the sealand shall specify the number, class and distinguishing numbers (if any) of the shares towhichit relates and the amountor respective amounts paid upthereon.
- A n instrument of transfer of a sharemaybein any usual form or in anyother form which the Directors may approve and shall beexecutedbyoronbehalfof the transferor and, unless the shares are fully paid, by oronbehalfofthetransferee.
- ( a ) T h e Companyshall in each year hold a general meeting of the membersof the Companyas its annual general meeting in additiontoanyothermeetingin that year.Annual general meetings shall be held once in each year at such time and place asmaybedeterminedbythe Directors.
( b ) A l l general meetings other than annual general meetings shall be called extraordinary general
( c ) T h e Directors may call general meetings and on the requisition of members, pursuant to the
provisions of the Law, shall forthwith proceed to call a general meeting for a date not later than two months after the receipt of the requisition. If there are not sufficient Directors to call a general meeting, any Director or any member of the Company may call such a meeting.
- A n annualgeneralmeetingor a generalmeeting called for the passing of a special resolution shall be called byatleast 21 clear days' notice. Allother meetings shallbe called byat least 14 clear days' notice but a general meeting maybe called by shorter notice if it isso agreed by all themembers entitled to attend and vote thereat.The notice shall specify theday,timeandplace of the meeting and the general nature ofthebusinesstobe transacted and in the caseofanannual general meeting, shall specify the meeting as such and shallbegivento all the members, the Directors and the auditors.
- T h e accidental omission to give notice of a meeting toor the non-receiptofnoticeof a meeting by, any person entitled to receive noticeshallnot invalidate the proceedings at the meeting.
- N o businessshall be transacted at anymeeting unless a quorumispresent.One person entitled tovote upon thebusiness to be transacted, being a member holding notless than fifty per cent (50%) innominal value ofthe shares then inissue carrying the right to vote (or a proxyfor such a member)shallbe a quorum, failing whichtwo persons entitledto vote upon the businesstobe transacted, eachbeing a member (or a proxyfor a member)shallbe a quorum.
- T h e Chairman or in hisabsencesomeotherDirectornominatedby the Directors shall preside aschairman of the meeting, butif neither the Chairman nor such otherDirector (if any)is present within 15 minutes after the time appointed for holding the meetingand willing toact, the members present shall elect oneof their number to bechairman and, if there is only onemember present and willing toact,heshallbe chairman.
- A Director or a representative of the auditors shall, notwithstanding that he is not a member,be entitled to attend andspeakatany general meeting.
- T h e Chairmanmay, with the consent of a meeting at which a quorumispresent (and shallifso directed by themeeting), adjourn themeeting from time to time and from placeto place, butnobusiness shall be transacted at anadjournedmeetingother than businesswhichmight properly have been transacted at the meeting had the adjournmentnottaken place. When a meeting is adjourned for 14 days or more, at least seven days' notice shallbegiven specifying the day, time and place of the adjourned meeting and the general nature of the businessto be transacted. Otherwiseitshallnotbenecessaryto give any such notice.
- A resolution put to the vote of a meetingshallbe decided on a show of handsunless before or on the declaration of the result of the show ofhands a poll is dulydemanded.Anymember shall be entitled to demand a poll.
- U n less a poll is duly demanded, a declaration by the Chairman that a resolution hasbeen carried or carried unanimously,orby a particular majority,orlost,ornotcarriedby a particular majority and an entry to that effect in the minutes of the meeting shallbeconclusiveevidence of thefactwithoutproofof the numberor proportion of the votesrecorded in favourofor against the resolution.
- A poll shallbe taken as the Chairman directs and hemay appoint scrutineers (who neednotbemembers) and fix a day, time andplacefor taking the poll and for declaring the result of the poll.Theresult of the poll shallbedeemed to be the resolution of the meeting atwhich the poll was demanded.
- S u bject to any rights or restrictions attached to any shares, on a show ofhandseverymemberwho is present in person shall have one vote and on a poll every member present in personorbyproxyshallhave one vote for everyshareofwhich he is the holder.
- O n a poll votes may be given either personally orbyproxy. A membermay appoint more than oneproxy to attend on thesameoccasion.
- A n instrument appointing a proxyshallbe in writing inanyusualcommonform,oras approved by the Directors, and shall beexecutedby or onbehalfof the appointer.
- T h e instrument appointing a proxyandthepowerofattorneyorother authority (if any)underwhichit is signed, or a notarially certified copy of such power or authority, shall be deposited at the office or at such other place as is specified for that purpose in the noticeof meeting or in the instrument ofproxy issued by
the Company before the time appointed for holding the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the person named
in the instrument proposes to vote or, in the case of a poll, before the time appointed for taking the poll and in default the instrument of proxy shall not be treated as valid.
- A vote given or poll demandedbyproxy or by the duly authorised representative of a body corporateshall be valid notwithstanding the previous determination of the authority of the person votingordemanding a poll unless notice of the determinationwas received bytheCompany at the office orat such other place at whichtheinstrumentofproxywas duly deposited before the commencementof the meeting oradjourned meeting atwhich the vote isgivenorthe poll demandedor (in thecaseof a poll takenotherwise than on the same day asthemeetingor adjourned meeting) the time appointed for taking the poll.
- T h e States whilst a memberof the Companymaybe represented at anymeetingof the membersof the Companyorany meeting of any class ofmembers of theCompanybythe Greffier of the States, the Deputy Greffierof the States or any other officer appointedtodischarge the functions ofthe office of Greffier of the Statesunder Article 5 of the Departmentsof the Judiciary and Legislature(Jersey)Law, 1965 or by anyperson duly authorised in writing in that regardby the Greffier of the States orthe Deputy Greffier of the States. The States shall be deemed to be present in personatany meeting attendedby any such person.
- (a ) A n ything that may be done by a resolution passed at a meeting ofthemembersof the Company (other than a resolution for the removalofanauditor)maybe done by a resolution in writing signed byoronbehalfofeachmemberof the Company.
(b ) T h e States whilst a member of the Company shall be entitled to execute a resolution in writing or
any other notice in writing by means of an instrument in writing signed by the Greffier of the States, the Deputy Greffier of the States or any other officer appointed to discharge the functions of the office of the Greffier of the States under Article 5 of the Departments of the Judiciary and Legislature (Jersey) Law, 1965. Any such resolution, notice or instrument shall take effect upon delivery thereof to the office.
- (a ) If the Minister shall, in his discretion, be of the opinion that a matterofmaterialpublic interest has arisen and that it is appropriatetodo so, the Minister shallbe entitled by notice in writing to give the Directors directions torefrain from doing a particular thing ortodo a particular thing whichtheDirectorshavepowertodo and the Directors shallbeboundtocomplywithanysuch direction.
(b ) A n y such direction or other written instrument shall be validly executed on behalf of the Minister
if recorded in accordance with ministerial procedures as a Ministerial Decision. Any such direction or other written instrument shall take effect upon delivery thereof to the office.
- U n less and until otherwisedeterminedby the Company by ordinaryresolution,thenumber of Directors shall not be subject to a maximum but shall be at least six, one of whom shall be the Ministerial Appointee, at leastfour of whomshallbeNon-ExecutiveDirectors and an additionalDirectorwhoshall be the Managing Director appointedpursuant to Article 31.
- A Director need notbe a memberof the Company.
- (a ) S u bject to the provisionsof the Law, the memorandum and these Articlesand to any directions given to the Directors by the members by special resolution or by the Minister by direction in writing made in accordance with the provisionsof Article 22,thebusiness of theCompanyshall be managed by the Directors whomay exercise allthepowersoftheCompany in any part of the world. No alteration of the memorandumofArticlesandnosuch direction shall invalidate any prior act oftheDirectorswhich would have been valid if that alteration had not been made or that direction had not been given. The powers given by this Article shallnotbe limited byany special power given to the Directors bythese Articles and a meeting ofDirectorsatwhich a quorumis present may exercise all powersexercisable by the Directors.
(b ) In the exercise of their powers of management of the Company the Directors shall have regard to: (i ) t h e o bjectives for which the Company is established, namely:
( a ) T o p r o m o te, co-ordinate and implement a comprehensive strategy for the development of the St. Helier Waterfront area as shown on Map No: 3-92
approved by the States on 10th November, 1992 (the "Waterfront") and where expedient, to undertake development directly.
(b ) T o e x e r c is e administrative control over the use of the land and the adjacent shore
and water areas in the Waterfront and to liaise and consult with all relevant Ministers of Jersey and other governmental and regulatory authorities in relation to investment in infrastructure projects in and development of the Waterfront.
(i i ) a n y decisions of the States which directly concern the land, shore and water areas within
the control of the Company.
(c ) T h e Directors shall cause to be prepared annually (in consultation with relevant parties) a business
plan and report which shall be sent to the Minister at such time as may be reasonably required setting out the objectives, policies and programmes of the Company and reporting on progress. The Directors shall respond timeously to such reasonable requests for information and reports as are made to them by the Minister.
- T h e Directors may,by power ofattorneyorotherwise appoint anyperson to be the agentof the Company for suchpurposesandon such conditions as they determine, including authority for the agent to delegate all orany of his powers.
- S u bjecttotheprior written consent of the Minister (whichmaybegiven generally or specifically and recorded inaccordance with ministerial procedures as a Ministerial Decision), the Directors mayexercise all the powers of the Companytoborrowmoneyand to mortgage orcharge its undertaking, property and uncalled capital orany part thereof, and to issue debentures andothersecurities, whether outright or as security for any debt, liability or obligation of the Company or of any third party. All cheques, promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange and other negotiable or transferable instruments, and all receipts for moneys paid to the Company shall be signed, drawn, accepted, endorsed or otherwise executed, as the casemaybe, in such manner as the Directors shall from timeto time by resolution determine.
- T h e MinisterialAppointeeshallbe appointed andmayberemovedbythe Minister. The Managing Director shallbeappointedbytheDirectorspursuant to Article 31.
- S u bject to Article 30and Article 32,theNon-ExecutiveDirectors shall initially beappointed for a fixed period expiringon the date whichis four and a half years after the date of the Company's incorporation, and thereafter shall beappointedforfixed periods ofthreeyears duration. Upon the expiration of the period of office for which they areappointed the Non-Executive Directors shall, ipso facto, retire from
office but shall be eligible for re-appointment. Any Non-Executive Director appointed to fill a casual vacancy
shall hold office only during such period as the Director whom he replaces would have held office if he had continued to act as a Director.
- ( a) A l l Non-Executive Directors shall beappointedby the States on the recommendationof the Minister and suchappointment shall take effect upon delivery to the office of notice in writing to that effect executedinaccordancewith Article 21(b).
(b ) T h e States may remove any person from office as a Director and such removal shall take effect
upon delivery to the office of notice in writing to that effect executed in accordance with Article 21(b).
- T h e Directorsshall have the powersatanytime, from timeto time withoutthesanctionof the Company in general meeting or otherwise to appoint a persontoact as the ManagingDirectoroftheCompanyand may enter into anagreementorarrangement with anyManagingDirector for his employmentby the Companyor for the provision by him ofany services outside the scopeoftheordinary duties of a director of a company.Any such appointment,agreement or arrangementmaybemade upon such termsas the Directors determineand they mayremunerate any such ManagingDirector for his services as they think fit. Any appointment of a ManagingDirector to executive office shall terminate ifhe ceases tobe a Director, butwithout prejudice to anyclaim to damages for breach ofthecontractof service betweensuch Managing Director and the Company.
- T h e office of a Director shallbe vacated inanyof the followingevents namely:
(a ) If he resigns his office by notice in writing under his hand to that effect sent to or left at the office
which notice shall be effective upon such date as may be specified in the notice, failing which upon delivery, to the office.
(b ) If he becomes bankrupt or insolvent or makes any arrangement or composition with his creditors
(c ) If h e becomes of unsound mind.
(d ) If he ceases to be a Director by virtue of any provision of the Law, or becomes prohibited by law
from or is disqualified from, being a Director.
(e ) If h e be removed by ordinary resolution of the Company or by notice in writing pursuant to Article
( f) I f he shall for more than 6 consecutive months have been absent without permission of the
Directors from meetings of the Directors held during that period and the Directors resolve that his office be vacated.
- T h e Non-ExecutiveDirectors and the Managing Director shall be entitled to such remunerationas the Company may by ordinary resolution determine and, unless the resolution provides otherwise, the remuneration shall bedeemedto accrue from daytoday.TheMinisterialAppointeeshallnot be entitled to remunerationwhereheorsheis a memberofthe States.
- T h e Directors may be paid all travelling, hotel and other expenses properly incurred by them in connection with their attendance at meetings of Directors or general meetingsorseparate meetings of the holders of any class ofsharesorof debentures oftheCompanyorotherwisein connection with the discharge of their duties.
- S u bjecttotheprovisionsoftheLaw, and provided that he has disclosed to the Directors thenatureand extent of any material interests of his, a Director notwithstanding his office:
(a ) m a y be a party to, or otherwise interested in, any transaction or arrangement with the Company or
in which the Company is otherwise interested;
(b ) m a y be a director or other officer of, or employed by, or a party to any transaction or arrangement
with, or otherwise interested in, any body corporate promoted by the Company or in which the Company is otherwise interested;
(c ) sh a ll not, by reason of his office, be accountable to the Company for any benefit which he derives
from any such office or employment or from any such transaction or arrangement or from any interest in any such body corporate and no such transaction or arrangement shall be liable to be avoided on the ground of any such interest or benefit; and
(d ) m a y act by himself or his firm in a professional capacity for the Company and he or his firm shall
be entitled to remuneration for professional services as though he were not a Director.
- F o r the purposes of the preceding Article:
(a ) a g eneral notice given to the Directors that a Director is to be regarded as having an interest of the
nature and extent specified in the notice in any transaction or arrangement with a specified person or class of persons shall be deemed to be sufficient disclosure of his interest in any such transaction or arrangement; and
(b ) an interest of which a Director has no knowledge and of which it is unreasonable to expect him to
have knowledge shall not be treated as an interest of his.
- T h e Company may provide such benefits, whether by the payment of gratuities or pensions or by insurance or otherwise, for any Director who has held but no longer holds any executive office or employment with the Companyor with any bodycorporatewhich is orhasbeen a subsidiary of the Companyor a predecessorinbusinessof the Companyor of any such subsidiary, and for any memberof his family (including a spouse and a formerspouse)or any personwhoisorwhowasdependentonhim, and may (as well beforeasafterheceasesto hold such office oremployment) contribute toanyfundand pay premiumsforthepurchaseorprovision of any such benefit as the Directors think fit.
- S u bjecttothe provisions of the Law and these Articles, the Directorsmay regulate their proceedings as they think fit. A Directormay,andthe secretary atthe request of a Director shall, call a meeting of the Directors. Questions arising at a meetingof Directors shallbe decided by a majority ofvotes. In thecase of anequalityofvotestheChairman shall have a secondor casting vote.
- O n the recommendationof the Minister,the States may by notice in writing executedinaccordance with the provisionsof Article 21:
(a ) el e ct a Director as Chairman of the Board from among the number of Non-Executive Directors;
(b ) d et ermine the period for which he is to hold office;
(c ) re m ove such person from the office of Chairman.
U n l e ss he is unwilling to do so, the Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Directors at which he is
present. If the Chairman is unwilling to preside or is not present within five minutes after the time appointed for the meeting, the Directors present may appoint one of their number to be chairman of the meeting.
- T h e quorumforthe transaction ofthebusinessofthe Directors shallbe four Directors. AnyDirector enabled to participate in the proceedings of a meetingbymeansof a communication device (including a telephone) whichallows all of the otherDirectorspresent at such meetingto hear at all timessuch Director and such Directorto hear at all times all other Directors present at such meeting (in eachcase whether inperson or bymeansof such type ofcommunicationdevice)shallbedeemed to be present at such meeting and shallbecounted when reckoning a quorum.
- T h e continuing Directors or the only continuingDirectormayact notwithstanding any vacancies in their number, but, if the numberof Directors isless than thenumberfixedas the quorum, the continuing Directors or Directormay act only for thepurpose of calling a general meeting.
- A l l acts done by a meeting of Directors orby a person acting as a Director shall, notwithstanding that it be afterwards discovered that there was a defect in theappointmentof any Director or that anyof them were disqualified from holding office, orhadvacated office, orwerenot entitled to vote, be asvalidas if every such personhad been duly appointed and was qualified and had continued to be a Directorandhad been entitledto vote.
- A resolution in writing signed by all the Directors entitled to receive noticeof a meetingof Directors shall be valid and effectual asif it had been passed at a meetingof Directors duly convened and held and may consist of several documents in the like form eachsignedbyoneormore Directors.
- A Director may not vote in respect of any transaction, arrangement or proposed transaction or arrangement, in which he has an interest but provided that he has disclosed any such interest in accordance with these Articles hemaybe counted towards a quorumat any meetingofthe Directors at whichany such transaction orarrangementor proposed transaction orarrangementshallcome before the Directors for consideration.
- T h e Directors shallcause minutes to bemade:
(a ) o f all appointments of officers made by the Directors;
(b ) o f the names of the Directors present at each meeting of Directors;
(c ) o f all resolutions and proceedings at all meetings of the Company and of the Directors.
A n y such minute, if purporting to be signed by the chairman of the meeting at which the proceedings were
held, shall be evidence of the proceedings.
- S u bjectto the provisions of the Law, the secretary shall beappointedby the Directors for suchterm,at such remunerationandupon such conditions as they maythink fit and any secretary so appointed maybe removed by them.
- T h e secretary shall causeminutes to bemaintained in books kept for the purpose in accordancewiththe Law.
- ( a ) T h e common seal shall only be used by the authority of the Directors. The Directors may determine who shall sign any instrument to which the common seal is affixed and unless
otherwise so determined it shall be signed by a Director and the secretary or by two Directors. (b ) S u bject to the provisions of the Law, the Directors may determine to have:
(i ) a n o fficial seal for use in any country, territory or place outside the Island of Jersey, which
shall be a facsimile of the common seal of the Company. Any such official seal shall in addition bear either the name of the country in which it is to be used or the words "branch seal";
( ii ) a n o fficial seal for use only in connection with the sealing of securities issued by the
Company and such official seal shall be a facsimile of the common seal of the Company but shall in addition bear the word "securities".
- S u bject to the provisions oftheLaw, the Companymaybe ordinary resolution declare dividends in accordance with the respective rights of the members save that no dividend shall exceed the amount recommendedbythe Directors.
- S u bjecttotheprovisionsoftheLaw, the Directors maypay interim dividends if it appears to them that they are justified by the profits of the Company available for distribution.
- A n y dividend orothermoneys payable in respect of a sharemaybe paid bychequesent by post to the registered address of the person entitled thereto and paymentofthecheque shall be a good discharge to the Company.
- N o dividend orothermoneys payable in respect of a share shall bear interestagainsttheCompany unless otherwise provided bythe rights attached totheshare.
- T h e Directors shallcause to bekeptproperaccountsoftheCompany for eachaccountingperiod to be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the Island of Jersey consistently applied and that such accountsshallbeforwardedto the Minister not more than four months after the end of the period towhich they relate.Theaccountsshallinclude an income and expenditure statementof the Company in respect of the applicable accountingperiod and shall include the balance sheetasat the end of that accountingperiod.
- T h e Company shall at eachannualgeneral meeting appointtheauditors to hold office from the conclusion of that meeting, untiltheconclusionof the next annual general meeting.
- T h e accountsshallbe audited by the auditorsandshallbeaccompaniedby a report by the auditors stating that the accounts and financial statements attached thereto have been examinedin conjunction with the books and records oftheCompany and whether the Auditors have obtained all the explanations and information which they have required. Theauditorsshall further report whether theaccounts are in their opinion properlydrawnupin accordance with suchbooksandrecordsandgive a true and fair view of the affairs of the Company.
- T h e Directors shallsubmit to the Minister ineachyearby such date asmaybe appointed by the Minister a budget of the Company's estimated capital expenditureandreceiptsandof revenue expenditure and incomefor the next financial yearoftheCompany.
- S u chpersonorpersons as maybe designated bythe Minister from time to timeshall at any time during the office hoursoftheCompanybe entitled to inspect all accounting records orotherbooksordocuments of the CompanyandtheDirectorsshallupon request procureproductionof the same.
- A n y notice tobegiventoorbyanyperson pursuant to the Articles shallbe in writing except that a notice calling a meetingof the Directors need notbein writing.
- T h e Companymay give any notice to theStates by sending it by post in a pre-paidenvelope (care ofThe Greffier ofthe States) to the States Greffe St. Helier Jersey JE1 1DD.TheCompanymay give any notice to the Minister, the MinisterialAppointeeor the Treasurer of the Statesbysendingitbypost in a pre-paid envelope toPOBox353 Cyril LeMarquand House St. Helier Jersey JE48UL.
- A memberpresent, either inpersonorbyproxy,atanymeetingof the Companyshallbedeemed to have received notice of the meeting and,where requisite, of the purposes for which it was called.
- P roof that anenvelope containing a notice was properlyaddressed, prepaid and posted shall be conclusive evidence that the noticewasgiven. A notice shall bedeemed to begivenat the expiration of 48 hours after the envelope containing it wasposted.
- If theCompany is woundup, the Companymay, with the sanctionof a special resolution and any other sanction requiredby the Law,divide the wholeor any part of the assets of the Company among the members in specie and the liquidator or,where there isno liquidator, the Directorsmay, for that purpose, value any assets and determinehow the division shall be carried outasbetweenthemembersor different classes ofmembers, and with the like sanction,vest the whole or any part of the assets intrusteesupon such trusts for the benefit of the membersashewith the like sanction determines, but nomember shall be compelled toacceptany assets uponwhich there is a liability.
- In so far as the Law allows, everypresent or former officer of the Companyshallbe indemnified out of the assets of the Companyagainst any loss or liability incurred by him by reason of being orhavingbeen such an officer. The Directors maywithout sanction of theCompanyin general meeting, authorise the purchaseormaintenanceby the Companyfor any officer orformer officer of the Companyof any such insurance as is permittedby the Law in respect of any liability whichwouldotherwise attach to such officer orformerofficer.
We, being the subscribers to the memorandum, are desirous of being formed into a Company subject to the above Articles of Association.
Dated this d a y o f 2 0 0 9 Witness to the above signatures
. R.122/2008 "Waterfront Enterprise Board Limited: Review of Corporate Governance" Comptroller and Auditor General,
24th November 2008
. S.R.9/2008 "Review into the Proposed Establishment of the Jersey Enterprise Board", Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel,
12th June 2008
I understand that WEB has started a recruitment process. [4]
Article 40.
Currently, Article 22(a) empowers the Chief Minister to issue directions to WEB.
If the sponsoring minister were to act as representative of the States at General Meetings, it would be necessary to amend Article 20 of WEB's Articles of Association.
Article 23 provides that there shall be seven directors of whom three are to be States Directors, there shall be Non-States Directors and one shall be Managing Director. Article 40 provides that the quorum for board meetings shall be two States Directors and two Non-States Directors. All directors are appointed by the States.
The normal practice is described in Section Four of this report.