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Proposed settlement with Les Pas Holdings Limited and development of underground car park on Waterfront site

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  1. Would thePresident confirm that on 3rd July 2003, he advised the PolicyandResourcesCommittee,with reference to the waterfrontsiteproposedas settlement in the Les Pas matter, that –

" t here remained an issue pertaining to the Environment and Public Services Committee's parking policy, which allocated only one space per unit on the Waterfront site",

a n d, if so, that this was because Les Pas Holdings Limited was seeking to include development of a two

storey underground car park on the site, which is contrary to this parking policy?

  1. Would the President advise members

( i)  of the estimated tipping charges connected with the provision of underground parking permitted for the

site? and,

( ii ) w h e ther the Committee has considered the implications of the spoil removed from the site turning

out to be toxic, and, if so, what these are?


  1. I confirm that I did so advise the Policy andResourcesCommittee. I confirm that Les PasHoldings Ltd. are anticipating as part of a future development a twostorey basement car park on this siteiftheproposed agreement is approved. The Committee has given confirmation in principle to Advocate Falle for the developmentof the sites designated 16and 17 onMap 2 of the St. Helier Waterfront Phasing Plan by the creation ofnot less than one hundred threebedroomapartments with twocar parking spaces per unit tobe provided in a two storey basement onthe sites, havingbeen satisfied that this is in the public interest.
  2. (i) The Committee is yet to receive a formal planning applicationfor the overall sitedevelopment. The following are therefore preliminary estimates basedon information provided through communication between Les Pas Holdings Limited and the Chief Officer of the Planning andEnvironmentDepartment and the DirectorofPlanning. The estimated tipping charges are totally dependenton the volumeof material that might beexcavated from the site. Initial estimates basedonthesiteareasuggest that approximately 19,000 cubic metres maybeexcavatedperbasement floor. In2003 that volume would equate to approximately£320,000in tipping charges.

T h e a c tual cost will be dependent on the volume of incinerator ash encountered on the site.

(b) (ii) The Committee has been apprised that there is a likelihood that incinerator ash will be located if such a development proceeds. Excavation and disposal of this material would require the adoption of contaminated waste procedures. Until an application is received it would be impossible to be more specific other than to say that similar procedures that were used for the West of Albert Housing scheme would need to be followed. The contaminated material would need to be delivered to the La Collette reclamation site and buried in lined pits along with the current ash produced by the Bellozanne Incinerator plant.

T h e C  ommittee has made it plain to Les Pas Holdings Limited that in determining any future application

it reserves the right to attach conditions to any consent which might be issued. This would enable the Committee to ensure the required procedures were followed.