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would the president explain why the committee has changed its thinking regarding the future of Fort Regent

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  1. O n 11th April 2000, the States adopted a proposition of the former Sport, Leisure and Recreation Committee, P.181/1999 – Fort Regent: redevelopment, which stated that the proposed scheme was "intended to upgrade and re-develop the Fort in a new and exciting way, by creating a workable, attractive sporting and historic facility whichis appropriate to its importantprominent location in the heart ofSt. Helier. The scale of the building and theall-encompassingsport and recreation facilities tobe provided underoneroof, develops the idea originally mentionedin the 1997Roger Quinton Associates (RQA)report".

(i) Would the President explain to members why the Committee has changed its thinking regarding the use of Fort Regent since the Assembly debated and approved P.181/1999?

( ii ) W ould the President inform members how much was spent by the Committee on preparing the

report by Roger Quinton Associates (RQA)?

  1. W o uld the Presidentalso inform membershowmuchhas been spent at Fort Regentby the Committee for repairs and maintenance inthelast three years excluding any costs relating to the pool facility, and provide members with the details ofwhatis currently necessary tobespenton any urgent repairs and maintenance and the upgrading,wherenecessary, of any ofthecurrent facilities?
  2. W ould the President confirm that the Committee is now planning to carryouttwo feasibility studies on the futureuseof Fort Regent, and describe what the Committee has in mind?
  3. W ill the Presidentundertaketobring to the Assembly full details of the brief that will be provided tothe companyengagedto carry out the first feasibility study, together with the costs,so that theAssembly can consider the matter before any contracts are signed in order to avoid any potential unnecessary expenditure?


  1. (i ) W hilst the States adopted P.181/99, the associated fundingwasnot allocated. Subsequently,each year, the then Sport Leisure and Recreation Committee applied forresourcesthroughthe capital allocation process to undertake the redevelopmentofFortRegent.However,eachyear, the project was not considered to beof a sufficient priority when compared to other projects, and, consequently, funding was not allocated. During 2002, the Committee Presidents undertook a prioritisation exercise forapplications for fundsfor the 2004 capital programme.Thesubmissionsincludedan application for the redevelopmentof Fort Regent, seeking funding of£2 million per annum over a ten year period. Again this application was unsuccessful, falling shortofotherStates' priorities. It was clear to the then Sport, Leisure and Recreation Committee that underthecurrent fiscal climate the RogerQuintonAssociate'sproposals for the redevelopmentof Fort Regentwasnotof sufficient priority to attract funding from the Capital Budgetfor the foreseeable future.

W ith no significant investment, standards will inevitably decline at Fort Regent, particularly when

compared with nearby modern facilities. These include the pool and fitness centre on the waterfront, Haute Vallee pool and sports hall and the Langford pool and sports hall. The merger of the former Education, and Sport, Leisure and Recreation Committees to form the Education, Sport and Culture Committee presents the opportunity to make better community use of school sites, and I have previously expressed a commitment to ensuring that full advantage is taken of this opportunity.

I n 2 0 0 2 , all States Committees were asked to undertake a fundamental review of their business and

budgets. The then Sport, Leisure and Recreation Committee completed an in depth review of its services and

facilities to determine how it could best meet the needs for sport and recreation in the Island in the future.

T hese are the reasons that have prompted the Committee to review its range of provision. The review

will determine whether the facilities at Fort Regent can continue to serve the Island while maintaining current high level standards of customer service, without further significant States investment, or whether more appropriate arrangements may be provided at little or no additional cost to the States.

( ii ) The preparation of the Roger Quinton Associate's report cost the former Sports, Leisure and

Recreation Committee £49,625

  1. O v er the past 3 years, £960,500 has been spenton repairs and maintenance at Fort Regent. In addition £2.4 million hasbeenspenton amenity improvements and minor capital works.Other than provision contained in theRoger Quinton Associate'sreportfortheproposed redevelopment, there are maintenance requirements estimatedat £1.8 million that cannotbemet from the Fort'sexistingannual maintenance budget. These include replacement of glazing, access road repairs, the upgrading of mechanical and electrical equipmentand the demolition of the formeraquariumarea.Alloftheseitemshave potential implications for Health and Safety.
  2. T h e Committee is intending to carryout a single feasibility studyintwo stages. Thestudy will, in the first instance, examinethemarket potential for a mixeddevelopment within the FortRegent site, set out a numberofdevelopmentscenarios and preparean overall businesscaseassessment of theFort's potential. This will ascertain whether a mixedusedevelopment can beself funding and not reliant on any capital or revenue contributions from the States. Thestudywillalsoexamine the possibledisplacementofexisting Fort user groupsand set out options either fortheir relocation or retention on site.The study will of course, address the implicationsofnochanges being made to existing provisions andarrangements.

T h e s econd stage intended to examine the potential development of sport and leisure activities to the Le

Rocquier school site will only proceed if it is clear that the needs of the community living and working in St Helier may adequately be met.

T h e s tudy is due to commence in June 2003, and will take approximately 16 weeks.

  1. T h e Education, Sport and Culture Committeeis charged by the States to fulfil its mandate on behalf of the States and this is what it is doing by preparing the Terms of Reference of the study, prior to the recruitment and selection process of the consultants.For States Members' information I attach the Study Brief andRequestfor Expressions of Interest. However, I dono wish tomakeknown the amountbeing requested from the Finance and Economics Committee for a planning vote until such time as the tendering process has been completedsoasnottoundermine that process.