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With regard to Field 40, St. Clement, would the President confirm that –
(a ) this rezoned field was earmarked for 100 per cent social rented housing as part of an agreement
involving a field in St. Ouen , in order to achieve the 45/55 per cent split with first time buyer homes as required in the Island Plan?
( b ) the lack of a legally enforceable agreement has delayed development of both sites? ( c ) it is now proposed that the field be developed to provide first time buyer homes? Answer
- Policy H1of the Island Plan,whichwasapprovedby Deputy Baudains andothermembersoftheAssembly unanimously on 11th July 2002, states that the developersofthose sites designatedunderPolicyH2 of the Island Plan, of whichField40is one, will berequired to provide first-timebuyerhomesand social rented homes in the respective proportions of55per cent and 45 per cent.PolicyH5of the Plan goes on further to state that developers will berequiredtoenter into planning obligations to ensure that homes are provided in accord with these stated objectives.
T h e site, therefore, remains to be developed for housing with a split of 45/55 between social rented and first-
time buyer tenures.
I t is, however, possible that this site may be developed in conjunction with another rezoned site where the
respective proportions of social rent and first time buyer homes are apportioned between the two sites, provided at least 45% social rented provision is secured. Whilst the Committee President of Housing was of the view that there may be some potential for Field 40 in this respect, the committee is not aware of any such developments in this respect and, indeed, would only entertain such a proposal were it to be capable of being secured through a legally binding planning obligation as required by the Island Plan policies which have been approved by the States.
- No, this is not the case.
I n respect of Field 40, the developer's agent has prepared a design scheme for the development of the site,
based on an interpretation of the Committee's draft development brief. This was the subject of public consultation during August and September of this year. The Planning and Building Services Department, in consultation with others, is investigating the issues raised by the public during the consultation process. The Committee will consider the outcome of this and make any necessary amendment to the development brief for the site before inviting a formal development application for the provision of homes here. The development brief does and will identify those areas which are likely to be the subject of planning obligation agreements.
I t is not clear which particular field in St. Ouen the Deputy had in mind; however, I am able to advise the Assembly that the development of land rezoned for housing in St. Ouen under Policy H2 of the Island Plan 2002, (Fields 786 and 787, La Rue des Cosnets), does have development permission and work has started on site. In this particular case, the attainment of a planning obligation relating to the provision of 45 per cent social rented and 55% first-time buyer accommodation is the subject of a planning condition. The developer
of the land is presently in discussion with the departments of Planning and Building Services and Housing in
order to meet the requirements of the condition.
- No, this is not the case: see the answergiven to question 1(a) above. Question 2
Would the President advise when the Committee first became aware of the change of nature of development of this site from social rented to first time buyer and further advise whether this knowledge was passed to the Parish authorities and, if so, when?
See the answer give to question 1(a) above.
Question 3
Will the President advise what measures the Committee is putting in place, or will require, to ensure minimum inconvenience to the residents of Clos de La Mare both during, and after, development of Field 40?
The impact of the development of Field 40 to provide new housing upon residents in the locality is an integral element of the planning process and will be considered during the normal development application process.
Any adverse implications of constructing new homes on the site, in terms of unreasonable noise, disturbance and the impact of construction traffic, will fall to be dealt with by the Health Protection Department and the Parish, as highway authority, respectively.