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Housing property vacated by a tenant and its refurbishment

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REVISED  1240/5(2041)


Question 1

In an e-mail to the Health and Social Services Department and copied to members on 10th February 2003, concerning one  of the  Committee's properties vacated  by  the tenant, the President  stated: the  tenant took possession of this lovely 4-bed new house in 1997'.

  1. Would the Presidentinformmemberswhen the property in question was first builtandwhen it hadlast been refurbished before the incidentinquestion?
  2. The Presidentalso stated in his e-mail we now have to pick up the cost of £20 to £30k to put it right.' Will the Presidentinformmembersof -

( i)  the actual costs incurred by the Department along with details of the work that was done? ( ii ) the costs that were charged to the tenant along with details of the work required?

( ii i) the time taken to re-let the property?

  1. Before visiting the property on 10th February 2003 did heor any oftheDepartment's officers attempt to contact the tenant?


1.  (a) The property was built in  1959  and completely refurbished in 1992.

 ( b ) (i)   B  etween 10th February 2003, and the return to the Housing Department  of the keys on 24th

February  2003,  the  tenant  carried  out  a  considerable  amount  of  work  to  the  property.  The Department subsequently spent a total of £7,106, broken down as follows,

k it c h e n, including flooring  £ 2,400

p lu m  b ing and heating  £700

e l e c tr i cal  £646

d e co r a tion, including external doors  £ 1,800 e x te r n al work, including drains  £ 1,000

g la z i n g, cleaning, other minor works   £560

(i i)  T h e tenant was recharged £273 in total, broken down as follows

r u b b i s h clearance and cleaning   (£66),  r e p la c e m e n t of smoke detectors   (£102), r e p l a c ement of double glazing  (£80) and a d m i n istration  ( £25).

(c) No, neither the Department nor I was aware of the tenant's whereabouts. The tenant gave no notice of an intention to vacate and worried neighbours contacted the Department to report that the dwelling appeared to have been abandoned.

Question 2

In his e-mail of 10th February 2003, the President referred to the fact that there was filth, excrement everywhere' in the property. Does the President still consider his comments to be valid in view of subsequent reports from his Department and other agencies following further visits to the premises?


Yes, when I visited the property on 10th February 2003, it was in an appalling state and I will now circulate to members photographs taken at the time of the visit. The tenant subsequently made a great effort to restore the property to a reasonable condition, and that is commendable, but it does not detract from the validity of my opinion on 10th February.