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Recommendations in the last report of HM Chief Inspector of Prisons

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Given the imminent arrival of H.M. Chief Inspector of Prisons, (HMCIP), would the President give a full and detailed account of all the recommendations from the last HMCIP visit, listing the recommendation as originally written  and  noting  alongside  when  it  was  implemented  or,  if  not  implemented,  the  reason  for  lack  of implementation or partial implementation?"


I attach a summary showing progress on all 147 recommendations from the last HMCIP visit.






To the Home Affairs Committee








Improved reception area for women and vulnerable male prisoners should be provided to give sufficient space for all parts of the process together with suitable strip searching, catering and bathroom facilities. (2.07)

Not achieved

The second phase of redevelopment due for completion in 2006 will provide an opportunity to re-assess the use of all accommodation across the establishment. There remains a commitment to improve the living conditions for women prisoners.


Discrete Health Care rooms should be provided in both the Women's and Vulnerable Prisoners' Unit. (2.10)

Not achieved

This can be considered following the next phase of redevelopment in 2006 but it is unlikely to be achieved for all discrete areas of the prison until further development work is undertaken, currently scheduled to begin in 2009.


First Night




All prison staff should wear identification that can be clearly seen and read. (2.25)


Prison Officers wear numbered insignia


Prisoners' Legal Rights




We suggest that all time served for the current offence be allowed to count towards a prisoner's sentence for that offence. (2.43)

Not achieved

This is a matter for the law officers (it refers to time spent in police custody prior to arriving at the prison).


Access to a library of current legal textbooks should be ensured in all relevant cases. (2.05)


We do not have a secure library staffed by professional staff (only prisoners) and experience has shown that such books would be stolen. Prisoners requesting legal information will be provided with it on an individual basis.


Movement of Prisoners to and from Court and Inter-Prison Transfers




Women should be transported separately from men and young male prisoners separately from adults. (2.57)

Not achieved

A matter for the States of Jersey Police who perform the transportation function.


Accommodation and Facilities




Female Residential Unit






The speed of response at night will depend on the number of prisoners across the prison who request access at the same time and the availability of staff due to other commitments. The situation will be improved significantly when a greater proportion of the

Speedy access should be given to available accommodation has in- sanitation during all periods when cell sanitation following

prisoners are locked in their cells. Partially completion of the next phase of

  1. (3.07) Achieved redevelopment in 2006.

The second phase of

redevelopment due for completion

in 2006 will provide an

opportunity to re-assess the use of The numbers held in the women's all accommodation across the dormitory should be reduced by the establishment. There remains a provision of more double and single commitment to improve the living

  1. cell accommodation. (3.08) Not achieved conditions for women prisoners. The second phase of redevelopment due for completion Separately located segregation cells in 2006 will provide an

should be used for men and women. opportunity to re-assess the use of The reportedly unused padded cell all accommodation across the should be converted into normal establishment. There remains a accommodation as soon as possible. commitment to improve the living

  1. (3.12) Not achieved conditions for women prisoners. The second phase of

redevelopment due for completion

in 2006 will provide an

opportunity to re-assess the use of

all accommodation across the

establishment. There remains a Alternative (even if temporary) commitment to improve the living accommodation should be found for conditions for women prisoners, the accommodation of disruptive, this will include provision to anti-social or mentally ill women. segregate female prisoners

10.10. (3.13) Not achieved separately from men.

The second phase of redevelopment due for completion in 2006 will provide an opportunity to re-assess the use of all accommodation across the establishment. There remains a commitment to improve the living conditions for women prisoners

A quiet place should be provided for including the provision of prisoners to have time out of the activity' space for different

  1. general activities of the wing. (3.14) Not achieved activities.

The second phase of redevelopment due for completion

in 2006 will provide an opportunity to re-assess the use of

Alternative and ligature free all accommodation across the accommodation should be provided establishment. There remains a for disruptive and mentally ill commitment to improve the living prisoners and we recommend conditions for women prisoners examination of the Safer Cell although the ability to provide Project' established by the Prison ligature-free accommodation will

  1. Service of England and Wales. (3.15) Not achieved depend on available resources.

The second phase of redevelopment due for completion in 2006 will provide an opportunity to re-assess the use of all accommodation across the

A Dining/Kitchen Area should be establishment. There remains a provided to allow all prisoners to commitment to improve the living dine out, in a smoke free conditions for women prisoners environment and other space including the provision of provided for association throughout activity' space for different

  1. the day. (3.17) Not achieved activities.

The second phase of

redevelopment due for completion

in 2006 will provide an

opportunity to re-assess the use of

all accommodation across the

establishment. There remains a

commitment to improve the living More space should be provided so conditions for women prisoners that a range of activities can take including the provision of

place at the same time, if necessary. activity' space for different

  1. (3.18) Not achieved activities.

The second phase of

redevelopment due for completion

in 2006 will provide an

opportunity to re-assess the use of

all accommodation across the Additional building should also establishment. There remains a provide adequate interview rooms, commitment to improve the living launderette, clothing storage space, conditions for women prisoners, cleaning equipment storage, general resource constraints may limit the storerooms and medical treatment amount of additional facilities we

  1. rooms. (3.19) Not achieved are able to provide.

A discrete new unit should be built The second phase of

within the grounds of the redevelopment due for completion establishment to house women in 2006 will provide an

requiring closed prison conditions, so opportunity to re-assess the use of that economies of scale can be all accommodation across the maintained in respect of shared establishment. There remains a facilities and services. Cellular commitment to improve the living accommodation should be varied to conditions for women prisoners meet the needs of different women, but the decision has been taken and the wing should contain more that it is better value for money to association space and adequate reconfigure part of the existing interview rooms, storerooms and accommodation than build a new

  1. treatment rooms. (3.23) Not achieved unit.

The second phase of redevelopment due for completion in 2006 will provide an opportunity to re-assess the use of all accommodation across the establishment including the

A discrete Reception Area for provision of a discrete area for the

  1. women should be provided. (3.24) Not achieved reception of women prisoners. Young Offender Unit Accommodation

The prison should continue to pursue

a solution to overnight lavatory

access, including the option of fitting There are currently no funds

  1. electronic unlocking system. (3.31) Not achieved available to pursue such an option. Hygiene

More baths should be installed,

particularly on the Female Unit. There are currently no funds

  1. (3.55) Not achieved available to pursue such an option. Substance Use

The Community Alcohol and Drug Work continues with a number of Service should be enlisted to conduct agencies including the Drug and

a needs analysis in the prison. (4.08) Alcohol Agency and colleagues

10.20. 2003 from the Health Department.

To describe the current drugs testing The policy will be reconsidered

at La Moye as voluntary' is patently once the new Prison Rules are in inappropriate and the testing policy place to permit Mandatory Drugs

  1. should be reviewed. (4.12) Not achieved Testing.

There should be a review of the way

in which the testing for drugs at La

Moye is carried out, both in terms of

its application and its processes. Staff are trained in taking oral

  1. (4.13) 2003 samples.

Suicide Prevention and Self-Harm


It had not proved possible to install a

dedicated, accessible Samaritan's

telephone line. This fundamental life-

saving device should be further

explored and its installation

  1. supported. (4.33) 2003

Complaints Procedures:

Applications, Requests and

Complaints, Access to the Board of


A clear independent avenue of

complaint should be set up with the

appointment of a Prisons' Considered but

  1. Ombudsman. (4.39) not pursued Decision taken not to proceed. There should be an independent

appeal process, which should be

explained to prisoners, and appeals

should always be dealt with Considered but

  1. promptly. (4.41) not pursued Decision taken not to proceed. Security

Accommodation of a lower security

category should be provided outside

the main prison perimeter where

carefully selected prisoners could There are currently no funds to serve their sentences, in most cases pursue such an option although working in the community either as proposals are being drawn up for

  1. volunteers or in paid work. (5.04) Not achieved consideration at a later date.

The second phase of

Alternative accommodation should redevelopment due for completion be sought for women prisoners in 2006 will provide an

taking into consideration all possible opportunity to re-assess the use of options, including the erection of all accommodation across the purpose built units inside the establishment. There remains a perimeter or outside the perimeter, or commitment to improve the living

  1. a combination of both. (5.06) Not achieved conditions for women prisoners. Use of Force

The authorisation form for the use of

special cells should be amended to

include reasons for the use of that

  1. accommodation. (5.14) 2003

The second phase of

redevelopment due for completion There have been occasions when in 2006 will provide an

female prisoners had been located in opportunity to re-assess the use of the Segregation Unit of the male part all accommodation across the

of the prison. Facilities for disruptive establishment. There remains a prisoners in the Female Unit were commitment to improve the living virtually non-existant. This should be conditions for women prisoners, taken into account when this will include the provision to consideridering the future needs of segregate female prisoners

  1. La Moye and its population. (5.15) separately from men.

Prisoner Disciplinary Procedures

This proposition was rejected as

part of the review of Prison Rules

but may be revisited following An independent channel of appeal fresh considerations as part of against adjudications should be ensuring new Rules are Human

10.30. introduced. (5.19) Not achieved Rights compliant.

Vulnerable Prisoner Unit

(including provision for sex


Peculiarities associated with prison in Jersey mean this is unlikely to succeed in totally eliminating the need for a Vulnerable Prisoner Unit, although following improved

We recommend that reference be staffing levels and when new made to HMP Durham which has accommodation is available (in successfully introduced the principle 2006), the policy will be reviewed of a Non-Collusive Regime' as a with the aim of reducing the means of dispensing with a number of prisoners held in the

  1. Vulnerable Prisoner Unit. (5.25) Not achieved VPU.

The difficulties of keeping remand and convicted prisoners safe in a single prison institution, in an island community, were noted and in our The small overall size of the view, some of these difficulties might prison would make this

be reduced by keeping remand and recommendation very costly to convicted prisoners separately. We Considered but bring in by reducing the flexibility

  1. recommend accordingly. (5.26) not pursued of use of the accommodation. Child Protection

The review of child protection should develop a system of vulnerability assessment to be completed by both Probation (or other qualified community based) staff to

accompany all remanded or

convicted young people when they Lack of staff resources and no arrived from the Court and the senior manager responsible for establishment's staff should add their Child Protection to

own observations and judgments to organise/coordinate Child

  1. this assessment. (5.30) Not achieved Protection Procedures.

The protection procedures should be

developed and implemented with

urgency and a system of Some new procedures are in place comprehensive vulnerability but lack of staff resources means assessment should be developed for Partially full implementation is not

  1. all new arrivals. (5.31) Achieved possible.

Health Care

The Home Affairs Committee should

consider developing a more formal

statement of aims for the Health Care This continues as part of the service for prisoners and other overall review of the health care

  1. offenders. (6.02) 2004 needs of prisoners.

The Home Affairs Committee should

consider commissioning a health care Completed by Dr. Rosemary Wool

  1. needs assessment. (6.03) 2004 in 2004

Consideration should be given to

inviting the professional standards

inspectorate of the Royal

Pharmaceutical Society of Great

Britain to conduct an inspection of Achieved by default - HMCIP will the pharmacy services at La Moye invite them as part of the

  1. and to offer advice. (6.19) 2005 inspection in 2005.

We suggest that the Home Affairs

Committee gives consideration to

commissioning a local assessment of

need with a view to developing a low Plans are advanced for the secure/intensive care facility for the provision of such a unit at

  1. island's mental health service. (6.19) 2005 St.  Saviour's.


Basic Skills assessment is now The scale and quality of initial needs undertaken on all Young assessment should be improved. Partially Offenders and any other prisoners

  1. (7.20) Achieved who request it.

The curriculum offered should be

established and developed based on

the evidence gathered and that

emerging from the initial needs

10.40. assessment. (7.20) Not achieved Lack of resources.

The teaching environment and

facilities on the wings should be Partially Minimal improvement in some

  1. improved. (7.20) Achieved areas but still woefully inadequate. City and Guilds in Horticulture started at the end of 2004 and

The number of accredited courses discussions continue with

and opportunities in education and Highlands College concerning

the workshops should be increased. Partially further developments but funding

  1. (7.20) Achieved 2004 concerns remain.

The number of staff (external) with

teaching qualifications should be Lack of resources although increased and steps taken to increase proposals will shortly be presented the number of voluntary workers and for a much improved education

  1. mentors. (7.20) Not achieved provision across the prison. Library

Lack of resources, although some

additional books have been Library provision and facilities Partially acquired from those no longer

  1. should be improved. (7.20) Achieved wanted by Jersey Library. Physical Education

Although female prisoners do now

have access to some aspects of the Physical Education facilities should gymnasium, the area previously be improved for all prisoners as a available for them has been lost

  1. matter of priority. (7.44) Not achieved due to further building work. Contact with Family and Friends

The whole visits system should be

reviewed. In particular efforts should

be made to resolve the overcrowding

situation on Saturdays. This should

include offering visits on Sundays Additional sessions have been and possibly on weekend mornings Partially arranged but Saturday remains

  1. as well. (7.59) Achieved very popular and busy.

In the longer term, the physical

conditions in which visits take place

should be radically improved to bring Lack of resources although

them up to an acceptable condition consideration is being given to and the lack of facilities, particularly enhance provision with a

for those with children, should be relatively small additional amount

  1. addressed. (7.59) Not achieved of capital funding.

Religious Practice, Pastoral Care

and Spiritual Activities

A dedicated area for religious

practice and spiritual activities

should be provided and made

  1. accessible to all prisoners. (7.69) Not achieved Lack of resources.


Management should consider establishing links with mainland prison catering operations (such as Area Catering Manager from

the Isle of Wight) to gain advice on Prison Service of England and effective cleaning and supervision Wales visits. Catering manager

  1. systems. (8.07) 2003 attends Catering Conference. Prisoner Programmes

Note should be taken of the

conditions and controls which apply

to the use of Offending Behaviour

Programmes, especially where these

are based on careful monitoring and

research, and steps should be taken to If courses are run they do comply ensure that the effectiveness of with the standards laid down by

10.50. programmes is maximised. (9.02) 2003 OBPU.

The benefits of inter-agency work with the Probation Service should be further explored in the interests of

public safety and crime reduction. Cooperation between the two

  1. (9.05) 2003 services continues.


The provision of a psychology

service should attract funding in its

own right, enabling full budgetary

provision to be restored to Education

  1. services. (9.06) 2003 This is now an established post. The range of duties of the

Psychologist should be re-assessed to

ensure appropriate deployment of

this specialist resource, with advice

from the Supervising Psychologist in

Jersey together with any assistance

available from the Psychology

Support Unit (PSU) of the UK Prison A new job description is about to

  1. Service Headquarters. (9.08) 2005 be produced.

The terms of reference and

conditions of employment of the

Psychologist should be made clear

immediately in the interests of the

postholder and in support of proper It is proposed that this will shortly

  1. development of the post. (9.09) 2005 become a permanent post.

The office accommodation and

equipment provided for the

psychologist were inadequate for the

post and should be reviewed to

include the provision of appropriate

computer and printing equipment.

  1. (9.10) 2004 Temporary Release, Working Out

Scheme and Pre-release Work

The non-availability of temporary

release to shorter-term prisoners is

overly restrictive and should be

reconsidered in the interests of

improved resettlement practice.

  1. (9.13) 2003

The scheme is open to all prisoners, including women,

The potential to expand the Working young offenders and those serving Out scheme to greater numbers of short sentences, however since the women and young men should be last inspection certain events have

  1. considered. (9.17) 2003 led to less numbers being released. Life Sentenced Prisoners

The inclusion of all Jersey Life

Sentence prisoners in the wider UK Currently all life sentence

system is recommended in the prisoners are transferred to prisons interests of prisoners and the in England and Wales to serve

  1. community. (9.20) 2003 their sentences.

Sentence Planning

Development of both Sentence

Planning and Personal Officer

schemes should assume some

urgency since Sentence Planning was Some limited expansion of the non-existant in the cases of adult scheme to the female wing and male prisoners and had enjoyed only enhanced male wing; lack of staff a limited introduction in the Female Partially resources prevents a greater

  1. Unit. (9.22) Achieved expansion.

The sentence planning system for

those in the Young Offender Unit

should be strengthened and the

Probation and Aftercare Service

should make a contribution at all

stages of the sentence. Record

keeping should be improved, with all

information relating to a young

person being held in one case file

easily accessible to all unit staff.

10.60. (9.29) 2004

The Probation and Aftercare


Consideration should be given to the

secondment of a Probation Officer

into the prison in order to promote

joint working, especially on Offender

Behaviour programmes and aftercare

  1. arrangements. (9.35) 2004

Consideration should be given to

some community disposals

incorporating an Offending Lack of resources have prevented Behaviour groupwork component to the expansion of the offending

  1. be undertaken at the prison. (9.35) Not achieved behaviour programmes.

The development of differential

levels of prison service

accommodation in parallel with non- Proposals will be put forward for custodial provisions should be alternative less secure

  1. considered. (9.36) Not achieved accommodation.

Specific consideration should be

given to the development of a lower

security, hostel-type provision to

house those approved for the

Working Out scheme who, by

definition, no longer need the full Proposals will be put forward for containment of inner prison alternative less secure

  1. accommodation. (9.37) Not achieved accommodation.

The use of Electronic Surveillance

(Tagging) should be considered as a

means of reducing the custodial

population at remand hearings or

early release stages of custodial

  1. sentences. (9.38) 2003 TRMS introduced

In respect of Electronic Surveillance,

we suggest that consideration be

given to the role which the Honorary TRMS includes views of the Police might play in the Honorary Police but they are not administration and control of such otherwise involved in its

  1. provision. (9.39) 2003 operation.

Further consideration and review of

the formal relationship between the

Prison Service and Probation and

Aftercare Service in Jersey is Partially Currently there is no SLA (or

  1. recommended. (9.40) Achieved similar) in place.

Consideration should be given to the

development of a Sex Offender

Register; and to the introduction of

an Automatic Conditional Release

scheme for adult male and female

prisoners; and that these should be

without prejudice to the issues of Both remain under consideration Parole and Electronic Surveillance to Partially but await approval from the Law

  1. which we also referred earlier. (9.43) Achieved Officers Department.

The use of prisons in the United Kingdom


The possibility that charges to the

States of Jersey Prison Service for Details of how the charges are UK prison placements exceeded the raised has been provided showing actual costs should be investigated. that Jersey pays the actual costs

  1. (9.46) 2004 (including overheads).

On current year's calculations, the

projected annual cost of lodging

prisoners in the UK amounted to Plans are in place to reduce the something in the region of number of prisoners transferred £1,000,000 and this arrangement from Jersey at the prison's request

10.70. should be closely examined. (9.48) 2004 (and hence reduce the cost). Consideration should be given to legislative change to incorporate

release on parole into Jersey law and

in this event to consider a system Considered but this would require whereby UK citizens, convicted and considerable legislative change in sentenced in Jersey, should be Jersey and any other jurisdiction automatically transferred to serve involved in receiving prisoners their sentence in UK prisons without from Jersey and is felt not to be

  1. detriment. (9.48) 2004 practical.

To the Governor


All new receptions should be issued

with the Compact information pack

and given verbal information about

what is going to happen in their first

day or night following reception. Partially Some information is given to all

  1. (2.11) Achieved new receptions.

The use of singleton Officers to

conduct strip searches, leaving them

open to allegations of misconduct or

assault by prisoners, should cease.

  1. (2.15) Not achieved Lack of staff.

Due to insufficient space in the

Women's and Vulnerable Prisoners'

units to properly conduct strip Second phase of redevelopment in searches, the use of alternative areas 2006 will provide an opportunity

  1. should be considered. (2.15) Not achieved to re-assess use of accommodation

Prisoners should be routinely asked

whether it is their first time in prison

as part of their initial reception

  1. procedures. (2.16) 2003All prisoner should be given the

opportunity to make a telephone call

  1. on the day of reception. (2.17) 2003First Night

Consideration should be given to the

establishment of an earlier cut off

time (for Receptions) to enable staff

to ensure prisoners are able to make

telephone calls and have showers.

  1. (2.21) 2003We suggest that the prison considers

issuing an induction tape giving basic

information about services, facilities

and routines of the establishment.

  1. (2.26) Not achieved Lack of resources.

The second phase of redevelopment due for completion in 2006 will provide an

The initial location of women in an opportunity to re-assess the use of eight-bed dormitory is too large a all accommodation across the group in which to place Receptions establishment. There remains a and the numbers housed in dormitory commitment to improve the living

  1. conditions should be reduced. (2.31) Not achieved conditions for women prisoners. Induction

Prisoners should receive and be Lack of resources, although as a helped to understand detailed result of a re-profiling exercise information on prison life through a carried out in 2005 it is hoped that comprehensive, multi-disciplinary, more staff will be provided to

10.80. induction programme. (2.35) Not achieved enable this to begin.

We urge that the practice of holding

new receptions in relative isolation

  1. be discontinued immediately. (2.36) 2003


The installation of a card telephone

on the Young Offender Wing should

  1. be an urgent priority. (3.33) 2003

Clothing and Possessions

Lack of resources, although as a

result of a re-profiling exercise All stored property should be placed carried out in 2005 it is hoped that in sealed bags with an identifiable more staff will be provided to

  1. seal. (3.50, 2.18) Not achieved enable this to begin.

All prisoners should be issued with a

lockable storage box or cupboard so

that they can ensure the security of

  1. their in-possession property. (3.51) Not achieved


Women were only allowed a hair removal cream and this discriminatory rule should be reviewed and razors should be issued to all prisoners unless it is felt to be unsafe following an individual risk

  1. assessment. (3.53) 2003

Prisoners from the VPU should be

allowed more access to showers.

  1. (3.55) 2004

Colour coding of cleaning equipment

should be implemented throughout

the establishment without delay to Lack of resources to develop and

  1. avoid cross-contamination. (3.58) Not achieved monitor a revised system. Anti-bullying

A timetable had been set out for

implementation of the Anti-bullying

policy across the whole

establishment. Local prison

management should review progress Active consideration is underway and set a date for the policy to to establish a policy following a become operational throughout La local survey that was conducted in

  1. Moye. (4.02) Not achieved Spring 2005.

Substance Use

The reasons for naming remand

(including unconvicted) prisoners to

the BoV were unclear and the level

of disclosure of personal information

by the prison to third parties should

  1. be reviewed. (4.03) 2004

Prison Management should take

steps to ensure the Drug Strategy is

making effective use of resources,

that initiatives are co-ordinated and

mutually supportive and that areas of

unmet need are identified and

addressed. These include: A clear job

description for the role of the

prison's Drug Strategy Co-ordinator.

The establishment of a Drug Strategy

Group (DSG) with representation

from all relevant community

agencies and departments within the

prison. This should meet regularly

and be charged with the

implementation of the Drug Strategy.

The development of a comprehensive

Drug Strategy document which

defines the various initiatives in

education, prevention and treatment

within the prison. This should

include an action plan and key targets

for the coming year. Clear review

systems that monitor both inputs and

outcomes of the various initiatives. Partially The draft Drug Strategy has just

10.90. (4.05) Achieved been completed.

In respect of drug using prisoners,

prescribing decisions should be made

according to individual need rather

  1. than to a standard formula. (4.06) 2003

Health care staff should liaise with

the Community Alcohol and Drug

Service to develop new guidelines Dialogue is continuing to consider for the detoxification and treatment changes to our policy as a result of of those with substance misuse the Scrutiny Report on Drug

  1. problems. (4.06) 2003 Abuse.

A standard assessment tool should be

adopted to assist in identifying and

meeting the needs of individual

  1. prisoners. (4.09) 2003

Race Relations and Foreign


Central Race Relations and Foreign

Nationals Liaison Officers should be

appointed and trained to act as points

of reference and to provide support to

all prisoners from minority ethnic A RRLO has been appointed but groups and for Foreign Nationals. Partially lack of staff resources prevents

  1. (4.19) Achieved much expansion of this role.

A multi-disciplinary forum,

including members from relevant

outside organisations, should be set

up to provide a setting where Race

Relations and the specific needs of

Foreign Nationals and prisoners from

minority ethnic groups can be

  1. addressed. (4.19) Not achieved Lack of management resources. There did not appear to be any

refresher training in Race Relations

taking place and this should be

  1. implemented. (4.20) Not achieved Lack of resources.

The issue of victimisation because of

race or ethnicity should be addressed

through staff and prisoners training

  1. to promote racial awareness. (4.21) Not achieved Lack of resources

The establishment should consider

ways of readily accessing

independent translation and Partially Consideration is being given to

  1. interpretation services. (4.23) Achieved links to Language Line'.

Any staff involved in investigating

complaints of racial discrimination

should be competent to do so and

  1. receive effective support. (4.26) 2003

Suicide Prevention and Self-Harm


Steps should be taken to ensure that

every member of staff appreciates

that understanding and reducing the

risk of suicide is everybody's

10.100. concern. (4.29) 2003

Refresher training in suicide and self-

harm awareness should be given to

all staff at least once in every year Lack of staff resources although it following the year of appointment. was undertaken by the recent new

10.102 (4.30) Not achieved entrant prison officers.

Alternative, more detailed,

observation and reporting should be

adopted in relation to F2052SH cases New procedures being considered and the guidelines amended as part of the ongoing review of

  1. accordingly. (4.31) 2005 procedures.

Suicide Awareness Group meetings

should be held at least bi-monthly

with dates being formally planned

ahead to ensure full and Partially Meetings are held quarterly since

  1. representative attendance. (4.32) Achieved the end of 2004.


A number of managers should be

trained in the management of serious

  1. incidents. (5.07) Not achieved Lack of staff resources. Contingency plans should be Lack of staff resources,
  2. regularly tested. (5.07) Not achieved particularly management staff. Use of Force

When locating a prisoner in a special

cell, a checklist of action to be taken

should be fixed to the outer side of

the cell door to provide an aide-

memoire for staff and ensure full

  1. compliance with procedures. (5.14) 2002

Prisoner Disciplinary Procedures

Written notice of any disciplinary

charge should be given to the

prisoner at least 24 hours before the Lack of management resources to

  1. hearing. (5.18) Not achieved devise revised procedures. Incentives and Earned Privileges


A proper Incentives and Earned

Privileges Scheme should be put in

  1. place for women. (3.25) 2003

Senior management should give

priority to the development of IEP Lack of management resources to

  1. schemes. (5.20) Not achieved devise revised procedures. Senior management should review

the IEP scheme for male prisoners to

ensure that all those eligible for the

Enhanced level are placed on it

without undue delay. This should

include those who are unconvicted

and those serving sentences of less Partially Some attention is paid to ensure 10.110. than 18 months. (5.23) Achieved the fair operation of the scheme. Vulnerable Prisoner Unit (including provision for sex


There was absolutely no systematic

and effective casework intervention

to address the needs of VPU

prisoners nor any visible attempt to

transfer them to normal location in

the prison and both issues should Lack of staff resources to devise

  1. receive urgent remedial action. (5.24) Not achieved systems to support such a policy. Child Protection

The offer of training from the Jersey

Child Protection Committee should

be taken up with urgency and the A Child Protection Officer has prison should itself be represented at been appointed who has received a senior level on the Child Protection Partially some training but there is no

  1. Committee. (5.29) Achieved senior level representation. Health Care

It has been reviewed and found to The need for clerical support to the be needed but there are

Health Care service should be Partially insufficient resources available to

  1. reviewed. (6.06) Achieved provide such support.

A stand alone computer is

The introduction of a clinical provided but we are awaiting the computing system should be Partially new computer system to enable a

  1. considered. (6.07) Achieved more up to date system.

We suggest that consideration is

given to displaying more leaflets

  1. about women's health. (6.08) 2003

The safety of cells to accommodate

disturbed or at risk' prisoners should Partially Some cells have 24 hour camera

  1. be reviewed. (6.10) achieved coverage.

A clinical waste system must be

introduced as a matter of urgency.

  1. (6.11) 2002

Consideration should be given to Proposals for health provision at developing a triage protocol and to La Moye will shortly be presented ensuring that any group direction on to the Home Affairs and Health nurse prescribing meets legal and Social Services Committees

  1. requirements. (6.13) Not achieved shortly.

Employment and Vocational

Training Provision

More work off the residential unit

should be provided for women Some work is provided in the

  1. prisoners. (3.24, 7.39) 2003 horticultural area.

Part of the horticultural area should

be made available for female

10.120. prisoners. (7.27) 2003

City and Guilds in Horticulture

started at the end of 2004 and

discussions continue with Opportunities for prisoners to gain Highlands College concerning work-based qualifications should be Partially further developments but fundng

  1. introduced. (7.28) Achieved concerns remain.

Minimal sentence planning in Purposeful activities should be linked place and few opportunities for

  1. to prisoners' sentence plans. (7.37) Not achieved purposeful activities.

Minimal sentence planning in Work allocation should be based on place and few opportunities for

  1. individual need. (7.37) Not achieved purposeful activities.

Local management should arrange

for an industrial Health and Safety Insufficient resources to undertake survey to be undertaken by a suitably review or to carry out the action qualified person and action taken on that it is known would be

any recommendations which may necessary following such a

  1. result. (7.38) Not achieved review.

Physical Education

The Physical Education Department The prison does not run an should have a formal input into induction programme yet. induction programmes for all new Following re-profiling it is

  1. prisoners. (7.45) Not achieved intended to introduce this. Consideration should be given to

allowing male Physical Education

staff to take classes in the Female Partially Whilst this could be permitted,

  1. Unit. (7.48) Achieved lack of staff resources prevent it.

Physical Education staff have much

to contribute to wider elements of the

regime and prisoner care and their

potential should be developed in this Re-profiling of staff may provide

  1. way at La Moye. (7.50) Not achieved an opportunity to develop this. Physical Education staff should be

used to train prisoners in first aid and Re-profiling of staff may provide

  1. kinetic lifting techniques. (7.51) Not achieved an opportunity to develop this. Contact with Family and Friends

Prisoners should be given a free five-

minute phone call or letter in lieu of This recommendation was

  1. every visit not taken. (4.28) 2003 considered but rejected. Consideration should be given to

subsidising telephone calls for

Foreign Nationals in circumstances

where they are otherwise isolated

10.130. from friends or family. (7.61) 2002


Senior management should take steps

to improve conditions in the Kitchen

to a level that competes favourably

with other work opportunities in the

  1. prison. (8.02) 2002

Some prisoners do have access to It should be a requirement that all the Health and Hygiene computer prisoners receive health and safety package but lack of staff resources training before starting work in the Partially has restricted prisoner access to

  1. Kitchen. (8.03) Achieved the package.

Senior management should ensure

that all prisoners are able to gain Once the new kitchen is

training and qualifications when completed in 2006 there will be

  1. working in the kitchen. (8.04) Not achieved the opportunity to pursue this. The whole of the food servery

system should be reviewed

immediately and the local

Environmental Health Officer should

be asked to advise on best practice.

  1. (8.05) 2002

The local Environmental Health

Officer should be asked to undertake

regular monitoring visits and provide

a written report on the findings.

  1. (8.05) 2002

Prison Shop (Canteen)

Consideration should be given to the relocation of the Prison Shop to a more central, ground floor position

so it can be visited by more groups of

prisoners including women and

young offenders, and improve access

to allow goods to be taken safely into

  1. the Shop. (8.11) 2003The ethnic, cultural and gender needs

of prisoners should be regularly

assessed and provided for in the

  1. Prison Shop. (8.12) 2003On the occasions when the Canteen

Officer is not available, we

recommend that reception packs for

smokers and non-smokers should be

on offer in Reception containing

tobacco and phone cards as

  1. appropriate. (8.14) 2003Personal Officers should not be

allowed to make special purchase for

prisoners, as this system could leave Due to the relationships between Officers open to intimidation or prisoners and staff there is some corruption. All special purchases limited purchasing undertaken by should be ordered through the Partially staff but this is coordinated and

  1. Canteen. (8.17) Achieved approved on a case-by-case basis. More use should be made of

catalogue ordering facilities for Some use of catalogue shopping is goods not available in the Canteen. Partially undertaken but generally not via

10.140. (8.18) Achieved the canteen

Prisoner Programmes

Lack of resources to enable such an analysis to take place and

A thorough needs analysis should be uncertainty surrounding the undertaken to establish the levels of funding requirements that would criminogenic and social need in the be needed to meet the needs

  1. various sections of the prison. (9.04) Not achieved identified.

Temporary Release, Working Out

Scheme and Pre-release Work

The Temporary Release Officer

should not be interrupted in this vital The system for temporary release area of resettlement work by has been changed since the

  1. deployment to other duties. (9.19) 2004 Inspection.

Sentence Planning

A senior manager should be given a

more visible responsibility to ensure

the proper development of Sentence

  1. Planning. (9.21) 2003

We recommend that one case file Most information for sentence should be created for each young planning for young offenders is male prisoner and located in a secure brought together and held in one place easily accessible to all staff file in the room used for the working on the Young Offender Partially meetings close to the main YO

  1. Unit. (9.28) Achieved accommodation.

Good sentence planning provides the evidence upon which demands for resources can be based and for this reason alone it should be seen to

have the full and unambiguous

backing of the Senior Management

  1. Team. (9.30) 2003

Personal Officer Scheme

The Personal Officer Scheme should

be further developed to assume an

important status within a formalised

  1. Sentence Planning structure. (9.31) Not achieved Lack of resources.

A local Personal Officer training

programme should be launched to Whilst a training programme has raise the general level of been developed, the scheme has performance based on the standards not been spread across the whole achieved by the majority of staff at Partially prison and lack of staff resources

  1. La Moye. (9.32) Achieved has prevented further training.